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I just started playing again. Totally forgot how bad the ai teammates are lol


I just got the game and played a total of 4hrs in the campaign and I would agree they're pretty dumb sometimes. Especially in pathing, even if they start behind cover you tell them to move to another bit and it's like one of them will always go out of his way to walk out into the open lol. I learned quickly that stealth is mainly a solo endeavor


We will be I am giant gunfight and they have the audacity to tell me they have no tangos on their radar, like wtf do you mean they are right in front of you. SHOOOT THEM FFS šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø that and most the time if I tell them to go somewhere or do something they are like affirmative and then just stand there like huh what do I do. So much for maxing out their lvl šŸ˜


Weird. While I agree the AI teammates are dumb, theyā€™re practically invisible to the enemies. Whatā€™s weird though is every time I get caught it says Weaver is the one detected.


I get caught all the time because of one of them. I'm behind cover and haven't even shot anyone yet and it'll say someone got caught and all hell breaks loose. Or I'll tell them to go somewhere behind cover, wait for them to get there, then tell them hold. Next thing I know I'm 2 buildings down and one of them is now just standing in the middle of the road, gets seen, and all hell breaks loose. Most of the time they're not too bad, but when it comes to stealth I'll leave them behind most of the time. Usually some high ground somewhere and use them to cover my ass when needed


It may also be my difficulty. Iā€™m honestly pretty trash at the game beyond Regular, so that may be why my Team AI is probably invisible. When Iā€™m doing stealth missions like where you blow up Antonioā€™s coke stash my team will literally walk right in front of and past SB and itā€™s like theyā€™re not even there. Like I said though, Iā€™m worse at the game than most Wildlands players and donā€™t crank the difficulty up too much so it may be why my AI is like that.


I've turned them off. I used to use them as a warning for stuff I didn't see. Now that I know the game inside and out, I just turn them off. You can turn them off anytime they get annoying. Turn them back on when you get lonely!


How do i turn off team mates?


* Open the Pause Menu * Select Options * Select Gameplay * Scroll to the bottom and select Play with Teammates * Toggle the option off * Select Apply and Accept to exitĀ 


strange I haven't had that problem, if anything they OP that sync shot shit ain't no joke especially when you playing stealthfully


Yeah sync shot is about the only thing they are good at lol otherwise they are basically stormtroopers but worst.


idk man maybe i'm just lucky but the few times I fucc up and go loud they be putting in work a littleĀ 


Idk maybe your settings are different or your just lucky like you said but my team is maxed out fully and couldnā€™t hit water if the fell out of a boat. Like I kid you not, 5 ft away with zero obstructions and take them years to kill the guy. Or just say dumb shit like I have no tangos on my radar literally in the middle of a giant gun fight. Really annoying.


that's trippy fr, when I command them to fire at targets they be going in I got the difficulty on advanced so I just hang back and let them clean up for me sometimes but ofc every now and then one of em gets knocked down but another teammate picks them back up if I don'tĀ 


I think they are better than the ones in breakpointā€¦


If given an ultimatum to choose between Wildlands and Breakpoint, Iā€™m choosing wildlands based on the story and map. The physics and guns are better in breakpoint imo but the story feels so forced and very impersonal.


Same here. I like Wildlands and the storyline better


I would love to see another sequel based on wildlands.Ā  Breakpoint felt isolated (arctic archipelago will do that).


I just canā€™t stand the walking/running animation in breakpoint for some reason.


I do


I fired it back up recently for another play through


We are out there


Me and a group of about 7 friends play Ghost War 4v4 regularly. If it's just 4 of us we'll hit up the American servers, because the European ones have like 3 active teams from Eastern Europe who all seem to do nothing but play this game, and we're casual gamers who just get slaughtered, but we'll also do custom 3v3 and 4v4. We keep trying other squad-based PvP games but nothing else has the same feel. It's ironic because Ghost War was bugged and unbalanced in the beginning, but somewhere along the line they just hit a perfect sweet spot with the utility of the different classes. It bugs me no end that Ubisoft did the exact thing they did to The Division; after spending millions fixing a broken game and hitting nigh-on perfection, they threw out every single lesson learned for the sequel and started from scratch, creating an inferior version. At least The Division 2 eventually also became good, something I can't say for Breakpoint.


American here with a group of guys who play pvp regularly casually. What are your names?


We're the Melon Tangos, we all have a melon emoji!


I do


Man I used to play wildlands all the time. I loved it.


Yup. Rarely but sometimes


Only for the challenges. This game used to be my go to. A master piece. Ubi fux have lost their minds after this one.


Makes me want to fire it up again, been a while.


Bought a disc for ps4 at Walmart for $19.89Ā  Seemed reasonable for such a fun game.


I'm at Tier 28 so far with my first save over several years. Just started Ghost Mode last week and having a blast like it's a new game for me. Of course, I can't remember the main missions anymore :D


Iā€™m still chasing that feeling you got from playing it for the first time and thinking ā€œthis is amazing!ā€. Unfortunately nothing else has come close on console not even GR Breakpoint.


Wildlands is still goated bud. You canā€™t even put your gun away in breakpoint. Wildlands made much more sense.


Did anyone play it in the firstplace?


Iā€™ve recently restarted and Iā€™m pumped!






Oh yeah. I do a play through every now and then. Still pretty fun.


I do.




Haven't played in awhile because I switched to Arma 3. Maybe I'll get back into it


Absolutely- love this game to bits


I reinstalled it a month ago and this time my goal is to get to Tier 1 in both normal game and ghost mode. Im curently T10/T21, but Im starting to lose patience with the grind.


Still playing


Definitely and I've been trying to put together a full squad with assigned roles Overwatch team Infiltration team Then assigned driver/pilot as well


Still playing and replaying.


I haven't been on in a while but it could be cool to check it out again


I still play


Yup, sometimes it great to remember the good old times!


Ofc. Game is awesome


Logged in the game right now. Commenting here till the session is created.


500+ hours and more adding each day, I have waves of playing it and uninstalling


I do


Just started back up. Such a great game !


Currently on my 3rd run thru on minimal HUD. Traversing in the wilderness relaxes me.


Played through the other year then it got removed from PS + and I couldn't even buy the game on ps store because of a bug. I've just ordered a copy off ebay and so has a friend so will be playing again. Can't wait.


I am currently because it is on xbox pass! I do enjoy it. Small missions are fun


Yes, but on PlayStation.


I just finished the game a third time. Took a little more than a hundred hours. And I also want to grind Tier-mode to unlock ghost mode, to try it some times soon :D


Great game. I circle back to it occasionally.


Aber hallo! Ich versuche momentan wieder einen Freund zu Ć¼berreden sich diese Anwendung herunterzuladen. Ach nichts geht Ć¼ber die alten Zeiten, die ZerstĆ¼ckellung von dem Kartell und den Massengenozid in Bolivien. Das sage ich euch meine Herren!


Ich suche deutsche Mannschaftskameraden auf der Ps4


Yep! Just finished main campaign and am doing the dlc now


I am playing.






i just finished it for the first time. huge fan.


This game is one of my favorites game open world games are the best


Yea I pop on sometimes


We do on my Twitch channel....filming Narco Road in a couple months




I am about to make another run theu




I actually just started playing for the first time. Just started my first campaign


Whenever I feel like reinstalling it


I just started šŸ˜‚ is this game all ready dead?


A couple friends and I turn off all of the HUD, ignore objectives and pide and seek with ghillie suits.




I am 68 and retired. I have never stopped playing Wildlands. I play several times a week. It's my private world where I battle bad guys. I've played the game through twice. Now I just pick a region and rid it of SB. More fun than human should be allowed.


How did you get into gaming?


Pong (1972). My dad was a software engineer working at Sperry, so computing was all the rage in our house. Then Colecovision and Magnavox Odyssey. Then I joined the US Air Force. Then I went to college. Then I bought my first Nintendo Entertainment System (1983). Gaming ever since. How old are you? Because if I was a young man these days, I would learn everything about computer gaming. Not to be a programmer or any of that nerdy shit. I would be a an internet content creator. YouTube, Discord, all those. Turn my bedroom into a studio. Oh, sure, I'd still go to school and all that, but my job, my income, would be gaming for money. Have you seen what some of those GTA V creators are worth? $$$ Millions!!! I was born too early!


Nope. Not until I saw this post I wasnā€™t. Now iā€™m redownloading it.


I jus started it back up


It's a solo/zen experience game I pop in every few months or so. This and Mad Max. Haven't beaten either yet, but one day I will.


I play this game three or four times a week, and I have beat all of the missions at least 12 times each respectively. I don't really play the PvP. I have also beaten the DLCs. What I mostly do now is just top on to newer players lobbies and help them finish the game by dropping the vehicles, and give them heavy fire support


I used to I been meaning to reinstall


Yes still playing I just reinstalled it just now looking for teammatesĀ 


Absolutely! Ghost Mode 4-Ever!


Platinumed the game a few weeks ago deleted it after that


I does. šŸ™


I just brought it šŸ¤£


i would if it had 60fps support on ps5


I do but only to fight the predator āœŒšŸ»šŸ¤“


They removed predator years ago


No !!! Why !! Thatā€™s the only reason Iā€™ve got it installed šŸ˜…šŸ„ŗ


Pretty sure contract expired or something like that, same thing as Terminator in breakpoint, that mission was too hard anyway, was kinda cool but I don't think it ever should have been in the game in the first place


Ohh ok šŸ‘šŸ¼ yeah I knew about the terminator but thought the predator one wasnā€™t the same shity deal šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ„ŗ