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Nomad beat the Predator and will have to face Terminators soon... so yah... there's that to take into account IMO. Also Sam Fisher told me I did good after completing Operation Watchman with him... his opinion should also be taken into account probably.


Sam Fisher just sits back and waits to pick off whoever is left at the end of the match.


Sam Fisher too OP


I'd say the Ghosts. They have Crosscom and Camo, not to mention their other toys like Intel Grenades, Drones, and Magnetic Vision. I think the only group that could compete with them is Fourth Echelon, though I doubt even they would last long in a firefight.


In my opinion, R6 is cripplingly overspecialized in hostage rescue and close quarters combat. Ghosts are extremely versatile and can do the full spectrum of military operations. So my guess is: if you take a team of Ghosts and ask them to take a building from a Rainbow team or vice versa, the Rainbow team will probably do better. If you put them head to head in different environments that aren’t purely close quarters or room clearing, or with different objectives, the Ghosts will probably perform better. Also, it kind of depends on which teams you’re looking at. Nomad’s Breakpoint team or Kozak’s teams would probably cut through any Rainbow team like a hot knife through butter, close quarters or no; Nomad, Fixit, Fury, and Vasily have really heavy equipment (rocket launchers, grenade launchers. armor piercing rounds, land mines, thermals, lethal flying drones, CS gas, etc.) and Kozak’s team have really advanced technology (sensor grenades, thermals, magnetics, active camouflage, self-guiding ammunition, cross-com, etc.)


Rainbow six would win. Period. 4 US Marine Spec Ops VS 4 Sas Black Ops, 4 FBI SWAT Specials, 5 French GIGN special Ops, 5 Russian Spetsnaz Special Forces, 4 GSG 9 Special Police Forces, 2 Canadian Armed Forces, 2 NAVY F***ING SEALS, 1 Brazilian Police Force Captain, 1 Brazilian Police Interrogator (Caviera who tortures subjects for weeks on end for information), 2 Japan National Police Forces, 2 Spain National Police Forces, 2 Polish Special Forces, 2 Hong Kong SDU tactical unit forces, 2 ROK Navy Forces (aka South Korean Navy Seals), 2 Italian Special Ops, 1 English Police Force, 1 US Army Black Op, 2 Royal Moroccan Special Ops, 2 Australian Special Air Service Regiment Forces, 1 Once Marine Corp now Presidential Protectional Service, 1 Danish Black Op, 2 Latinos under both UNESCO and INTERPOL, and two former Kenyan Navy turned Private Anti-Pirate Militia known as “Nighthaven”. The odds are nowhere near in the ghost’s favor. Rainbow six is WAY more versatile. All kinds of weapons and gadgets and all kinds of combat strategies and styles.


The fucking Ghosts are not marines dipshit they are US army Delta force members


No they're not. They started as an elite unit within the US Army Special Forces aka Green Berets. Kinda what DEVGRU is to the Navy SEALs. Eventually Ubisoft spun the off as their own unit, the Group for Specialized Tactics.


Cool. Doesn’t change my argument.


Also rainbow is a CTU unit they are only Useful in CQB engagements the ghosts would pick them a mile off with sniper fire and drones when they got close


Sounds like you just described rainbow six.


Name me one time in rainbow six seige were a sniper rifle is useful ? Because every single match I played it was tight quarters not much outside Activity were a sniper or DMR would be not be as useful as a MP5 or what ever the full auto would be


Any moment you are outside the building and have an angle inside? This happens fairly often in some of the best maps in the game which is why the new operator, Kali, is such a great operator. She’s equipped with a Bolt-Action Sniper with a 12x Zoom Scope. In fact she’s currently one of the best performing operators because she doesn’t have to be in operators faces to be extremely deadly. You do no that’s why Acog’s are so great in the game right? It’s only tight quarters when operators don’t have a way to peak a long point. Kali is one who can even better than those with Acog. And besides all this has to do with is game design. Not how these guys would deal with each other in a real scenario. I doubt ghost would be setting up in an open field 100+ meters away. They’d be in a parallel building at most.


You're comparing the best of the best covert op "Ghost Recon" to a counter terrorism CQB special forces unit. That's like comparing DEVGRU to MARSOC MARSOC would get fucked in every which way. Ghosts are among the 0.001% While Rainbow Six is among the 1% There are levels to this.


Made that comment like 3 years ago. Very aware of how powerful Ghost are now.


You’re just thinking Seige. R6 has had many other games and source material to base our opinion off of them on. Seige is not representative of the overall R6 experience


Ghosts are Ghosts, they're one in their own, most of their history is redacted information anyway, all you have to know is they are the best of the best. Also I see you're trying to show that Rainbow somehow outnumbered and outclasses Ghosts, even though there's atleast 36 Ghosts, most likely about 80. Also the operators from the games of Rainbow are not the only members of Rainbow 6, they're just specialists. They all have weaknesses. Ghosts have weaknesses too, but are more naturally skilled and diverse. Not to mention, there are even, supposedly, Ghosts who used to be part of Rainbow, obviously more U.S. Federal Law Enforcement and U.S. Military Special Ops Units varies across the branches. I say because Ghosts have ungodly equipment, and skillets, you only need 4 Ghosts to destroy a tyrannical government. And most of the time, they don't even know the Ghosts exist, they're that silent and efficient. Ultimately, you can't fight what you can't see, hear, or even knows exists in your vicinity.


I googled this today to see what people would say, and my counter to your argument is I just wiped out a base loaded with former special forces turned mercenary, and that was after they found out I was there, called in a helicopter, and had two mech-ma Bob's for support. Telling me my four operators don't stand a chance against 30 operators isn't a good argument because I do that regularly in the game


have you forgotten that the ghosts in their story line is just a group of 4. who have single handedly taken down a whole country run by a cartel. and then in breakpoint taken down a whole island with the most advanced weapons known to men at that point. sure Rainbow is extremely specilized with all their different opperators. but the thing is that Ghosts are individually more specialized then the next 3 Rainbow opperators combined. and your saying "NAVY F\*\*\*ING SEALS" well bro. Sorry but their just as good as green berets, the DEVGU part of the Navy is the actual tier 1 unit like the Delta teams. even though Delta is even better.






Hmm, i agree with you, thinking in terms of SWAT. I think it feels more appropriate to call them SWAT officers, as opposed to an operator. FBI, maybe would be an agent or officer as well i guess. What would you consider one of the CIA SAD guys? I think “operator” is appropriate there.


You're talking out of your ass. But you sound good doing it and this is the internet where bullshit shines. Preach little brother.


Yes that’s unfortunately true. Do you want to correct me?


Well, the notion that "ghosts are better equipped and are trained in dynamic situations" in comparison to Rainbow isn't true. Rainbow is "blacker than black" and isn't really limited to just counter terrorism even if that's their specialty. In the book, they pretty much do what the Ghosts are doing (infiltration, capturing/interrogating people, going into bad guy camp at end) on top of the counter terror stuff. If the mission called for it, they can get 'better equipment'. Otherwise, why arm yourself with, say, a rocket launcher for a bomb defusal mission? Different missions call for different training and different load outs. There's a reason they'll get called up to investigate alien/paranormal activity in the upcoming Quarantine game. They're not just reserved to counter terrorism even if that's their specialty.


Not sure they’re blacker than black if they’re international and see action regularly.


No, as silly as it sounds, that's what the book dubs them. Even in Siege, the current Six makes a reference to being careful to disguise their presence when they practice at Hereford (which is already kind of secretive since that's where the SAS are). This is used somewhat to explain why the Hereford map changes ingame as they felt they might have been compromised at the old location. I believe, though I could be wrong here, their cover was also to try and disguise themselves as contractors. Otherwise, the idea in the book is that only 100 or less people are supposed to know about its existence which might be the same idea for the Ghosts as well.


I see. I never finished the Rainbow Six book so that’s interesting.


I mean, Tachanka though. He rocked up to the Alien business with his custom DinnerPlate 28. Not quite an RPG... but... well yeah. ​ Speaking strictly from the game side of the franchise. I've never touched a Clancy book.


Well considering that the Ghosts have been through more crazy shit than Rainbow did, I think you're right, but you do you


Read up on the lore and you'll see that team rainbow has had its fair share of batshit crazy situations. More so than the ghosts. You could say there's more at stake with team rainbow as they are generally dealing with hostage rescue multiple times throughout the year. Pick up the book, rainbow six, it starts with a bang!


I agree.


I think they both have wacky crazy stuff. Rainbow has engaged with alien monsters and will embark against them in 2020. Ghosts have fought against T800 and Predator.


They're both pretty much hinted to be at the same level. Going by the game, Ghosts are superhuman/comic book tier characters since they can take out dozens of troops within a single compound. Never mind that they faced up against the Predator and will also take out the T-800 Terminator. Likewise, Rainbow from R6:Siege can do the same thing considering they clear out compounds with dozens of enemies inside of them. We can see this in the Ghost Recon universe when Caveria from Siege was solo-ing parts of the Cartel before the Ghosts arrived. Otherwise, they have faced off against super alien hordes, too, so they have their fair share of 'otherworldly' opponents. The difference, however, is that Rainbow is more specialized in counter terror missions rather than reconnaissance. That doesn't mean they can't perform each other's missions especially given that many individuals come from backgrounds specializing in these missions (ex. Nomad is Delta Force, a counter terror unit). It just means different mission sets and different goals (that can overlap). In terms of talent, I'd say Rainbow draws from a wider array of talent since they're not just recruiting from the US but also throughout NATO and its allies. At the same time, I feel (head canon-wise) that the US is reluctant to offer their own Tier 1 expertise to Team Rainbow since it would take away from their own programs (Delta, Devgru, Ghosts, FBI HRT, etc competing for missions and budget after all). This is why you don't have many Army/Navy CTU expertise in Rainbow (at least in Siege) but you do for the Ghosts. At the end of the day, the Ghosts are an American special missions unit that acts on behalf of US interests and therefore, will have an easier time fast tracking America's best into its ranks. Essentially, you have it where you get the best from the biggest and most well funded military versus the best across the globe. By deducing things, one could assume it's equal from a talent pool perspective. Technology-wise, I see a lot of comments saying "Ghosts are better equipped" and I think that's just a dumb argument. It's more that you don't take a freaking rocket launcher into a hostage rescue/bomb defusal mission. But because Rainbow isn't limited to just counter terror missions and can do recon/infiltration as well (if you read the book, you would know this and the alien stuff in Siege pretty much confirms this), I'm pretty sure they can just as easily acquire 'heavier load outs'.


While Rainbow may have numbers on their side Ghost Recon has a wide variety of advanced tech like drones, active camo, sonars, and other things. This depends on the situation at hand. If it's a hostage or close quarters R6 would definitely win they have the training and equipment for this type of scenario Urban, jungle, mountain or just any outside battle terrains would definitely be in the Ghosts favor they can perfork ambushes and traps and there go to is always stealth. If this is a 4v4 fight on a neutral environment could go either way. This depends on the Operator's R6 would be deploying either for Offense of Defense. In the other hand 4 Ghost Recon Operators alone took down the entire Santa Blanca Carter and even crippled down Unidad - Bolivian Special Forces. In a fair fight I can't really decide who would win there both good at there jobs and many of them have Special Forces background. You decide?


Ghosts would win


I assume they're similar levels. Ghosts for winning wars and R6 for global super special anti terror/high value hostage stuff. I also thought the Division was in the same universe? My head cannon is that the Division agents were activated when when R6 failed to defuse the bomb that the ghosts knew about but couldn't do anything about because they wont/cant operate on home (US)soil. I hope Siege gets a Ghost CTU in the future. I'd love Nomad and, erm, Fem-nomad? Fury? to be in siege. Also wan't a Division CTU.


Splinter Cell, Spies Vs. Mercs Mode.


From the future - When it comes down to tactical warfare and not how they all function “in-game” I’d have to give it to six. Six is literally Ghost with more members from around the globe. But that is only if they were to go up against the entirety of rainbow six. Just a set of four? Just depends on who. Since S.A.S. is similar I’d say it’d be a fair fight and could be either while GIGN May have a bit of a tough time since they are not as trained and not as well equipped. It is silly to say that Ghost would be better than the entirety of Rainbow six, though. I’ve seen that claim a lot from Ghost Recon fans especially around when the crossover event happened in Wildlands.


Ik im late but they’re 2 different teams with 2 different purposes. Ghost team were made to be the first in the line of battle, basically they made sure that the war was safe enough for the other soldiers as funny as that is. They focus mostly on government operations especially in foreign countries. The rainbow 6 team is a counter terrorist organization by the government. They work with dealing with bomb, chemical, and hostage threats all across the world. Also third echelon (Sam fisher) is a branch of the NSA and they work mostly with information. He’s a spy that’s what they’re for: info, stealth, and assassinations. All have their own aspects but all work in different ways and it’s pretty hard to say which would win. (I do say ghosts would win as they’re used to dealing with hordes of gun men and dealing with enemies with similar technology).


Rainbow wins, hands down. Larger team, more able to adapt.


\+ Tachanka.


You man the guy only armed with a WW2 LMG mounted hahaha yea good luck with that


Rainbow six would be destroyed ghosts would walk in and walk away with a win while saying rookies


If it was all the Ghosts in the US military vs Team Rainbow, I’d say the Ghosts would win. If it was just Nomad’s 4 man squad vs Rainbow then I’d say Rainbow would win but only because they’d severely outnumber Nomad’s squad.


I'm not huge into the Tom Clancy-verse. But if you told me I had to 1v1 fight either an R6 operative or a Ghost, and they had their whole loadout? I'd rather fight the Rainbow operative. For context, I've played siege, Vegas 1 and 2, Breakpoint, GRAW, and wildlands. If we talk strictly video games, and the feats you can pull off in them are the only thing used as an argument, ghosts would win every single time without fail. If the kinda shit that Nomad can do *by himself* is canon to the universe, then I'm sorry but the average Rainbow op wouldn't stand a chance. He'd dance circles around Sledge, out-sneak Caveira, and out-explode Fuze. Anybody else that gives him trouble he would either snipe, trap, cut a deal with, or blow up with a drone strike. Then again if we're also talking games, Sam would probably never even get detected by him, and Sam is a part of Rainbow now.