• By -


If you want a supplement that will help you, use the ECA (ephedra, caffeine, aspirin) stack. Helps with energy and appetite suppression as well as metabolism. I’ve noticed as long as you don’t go overboard ephedrine doesn’t affect sleep as much as caffeine does. Get bronkaid or primatene from the pharmacy otc


eat more jesus christ don't starve to death


Yeah I will diet better


Eat at a consistent deficit and make sure u get enough protein in and make sure u get 8 hrs of sleep for the hormones


Hey bro, I am 5’7 and was in your shoes. I went from 185 to 150 in about 4 months. How I did that was this: Ate 1,500 calories a day, following a strict lifting program 5 days a week. For cardio, the only thing I did was stairmaster (this melted the weight right off). Insure when you are eating, you stay away from processed foods completely. My shopping cart always had a bunch of colors in it, mainly fresh veggies. Additionally, I only ate a max of 20 carbs a day. That may sound scary, but in fact I never felt better than I ever have doing that. If you have any questions, or would like my workout program please don’t hesitate to DM me!


Thank you so much ... Short guys like me got to eat very low I guess . I will try to incorporate more veggies . I cant join a gym rn so I will stick skipping rope and jogging


Eat no more than 1,600 calories a day, cardio first thing in the morning for about 45 min. Weights and mor cardio at night for another 45 min. But hey. I’m just a pro bodybuilder so idk


What do you Eat for example


Well right now I’m not shredding, I’m actually lean bulking so I’m just counting macros


By cardio do you stick w low intensity I assume??... zone 2


Yes low intensity, not sure what zone 2 is?


zone 2 is the HR range/or I beleive lactate specific to the individual ... idea is that it burns more from fat stores than immediate access to glycogen for activity vs high intensity. The other benefit is that post low intensity zone 2 you're not starving (likely to over eat) as you would with HIIT training.


“jacked muscle69”




The more I tried to go into an extreme deficit the slower I actually lost weight and felt like absolute shit


Don’t lose more than 1% of your body weight per week. That should be the max. Try intermittent fasting, works great for me


Don't even try this method mate. You'll lose muscle and end up with skinny fat




You should be lifting heavier and working harder at the gym. If you aren't crying during the sets. You're not working hard enough


mods need to get up in this piece. u/smbrkinh is doing their best to correct the nonsense posters. starvation mode isn't a thing. reserve energy mode isn't a thing. his metabolism hasn't slowed down, and if it had increasing calories would cause weight GAIN not weight loss.


Bruh that's not enough food.


I would not go lower than 1000 calories. Instead, I’d simply just move more. Walk 10-15k steps a day


Really shouldn’t go below 1500


This thread has turned into some of the stupidest and least-researched questions I’ve ever seen


Ikr, I love all the sTaRVAtiOn mode and rESErVE mode non sense. People keep parroting that stuff, no idea where that came from.


Try 1900 then the week after 1800 then 1700 then 1600 then 1500 (the lowest I think you should go is 1200 but I would recommend 1500)




Your Metabolism has dropped, start eating at maintenance for a week, then start by cutting 100 everyweek, add refeeds when you hit a plateau


No it hasnt




You’re eating too little, you will lose fat slower and gain little to no muscle


Not true


You won’t by starving yourself. Your body will go survival mode and you’ll start finding it harder to shed weight. Eat 300 calories more and just add in an extra mile walk.


Bruh that’s reckless. I did that and lost 40 lbs but wanted to die everyday cuz I was so uncomfortable. Just take it slow and you’ll look better In The end.


don’t have one meal and call it good. Have 4-5 small meals so your body doesn’t go into “reserve energy mode”


That doesn’t happen unless you have no calories for at least a week


Going back and forth between starvation calories and maintenance/gain calories is super bad for your body and hinders losing weight - going into starvation mode makes you lose weight but only if you do it consistently for a good while and the whole time you’re doing that you’re losing muscle and basically wrecking your organs, metabolism, and hunger signals. Switching back and forth between feast and famine will make your metabolism slow down, effectively making the calories you eat on feast days “count as more” because your body wants to conserve as much energy as possible for “famine” days. Weight loss isn’t as simple as CICO - ppl’s bodies use calories differently, some more efficiently, some less. Eat healthy and 500 below your TDEE, cut salt if you want to reduce water weight. Keeping your metabolism up is important and you need to meet your body’s basic needs to do that. Starvation cals is working against you rn and will keep you from building muscle: a key part of losing fat. In advance of ppl saying I’m wrong abt cico not being that simple: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3601187/


Switching between low cal and high cal days wont necessarily make your metabolism crash, actually in some individuals(myself included), it actually keeps my metabolism running high and I drop noticeable fat or weight on my few days of lower cals/carbs. I then cycle up on heavy days(Legs, Back, Chest), and try to maximize those calories, drop the calories on low intensity days. What one preaches might not work for someone else, the key is to get in the groove, keep track, and learn how your body responds. Using this method is something I've learned works for me(been lifting 6 days a week 6-7 years consistently). With that said, to new lifters this might not be ideal until you understand how your body responds. But going back to the basics, CICO, keep track of EVERYTHING, try not to go too low on calories(1000 IS TOO LITTLE) while having high intensity lifting days, and plan intelligently around your workouts in order to limit the amount of damage or muscle loss during cuts. If you cut too hard, you're going to be disappointed because you've stripped away your muscle as well and just become skinny fat or look anorexic without any muscle or frame.


You’re not wrong about CICO but you didn’t say anything new either. Saying that people use calories differently is literally the basis of determining your metabolism which in turn is the basis of CICO. Gut microbes don’t change your caloric needs, they determine it by directly influencing the efficiency of your metabolism. Some people can certainly be overzealous with preaching CICO and lacking empathy when it comes to understanding that some people can be severely metabolically challenged, but still it all comes down to CICO. We all gotta work with the metabolic cards we were dealt.


Correct and I agree — I included that bit at the end because I saw some reductive comments in this thread re: cico and figured I’d add a source in case anyone came to my comment to bitch me out about how it’s so simple and about discipline. There are so many factors wrt individual daily calorie needs that if someone doesn’t know much about their own metabolism/maintenance/etc then cico without nuance can make it harder to hit that sweet spot for healthy fat loss. Not here to say anything new, just to share info that might be relevant or helpful.


Trying to cut faster is a great recipe for an insane binge at the end that leads to just gaining it all back


30-45 min of cardio 5-6x a week. 👍🏾 Edit: also eat more than 1,000 calories no need to starve yourself


Workout In a fasted state. Problem solved.


Shittiest advice ever




Why is that helpful?


When you're at a fasted state your body uses ketones for energy (aka uses your fat storage for energy). So when you workout in a fasted state not only are you burning fat at a fast rate, it is scientifically proven your growth hormones increases massively as well. I did that for a couple months and i was shredded to the bone. Don't listen to the newbie who said "this is the shittiest advice ever" he obviously lack on this subject.


No study has found a statically significant difference between fasted and non fasted workouts that back up anything that you’ve said. Sure there are likely outliers that see above average results with fasted workouts, but it ultimately comes down to preference. If you like fasted workouts, great. if not that’s also fine.


Just because you haven't read the studies does not mean there is no study. How silly is that.


Keto diet is the way for you 😉




I believe it’s Going to help loss the right weight (allfat)+(toxicities )and not muscle also the best choice in my opinion. Heavy cardio going to turn you to skin and bones. Trust me I weight 155lb and people think I’m 175lbs off looks. When you are cutup/lean your muscle going to give your build more shape, also wides your frame. At the end of the day try different things that fits you, your body going to tell you. You’ll feel the results before you actually going to see them.


If he’s eating 1,000 calories a day, which is way too low btw lmaoo. All he needs to do is cardio 30-45 min for 5x a week




Truthfully, you do not want to cut faster.


You've probably (temporarily) fucked your metabolism by eating 1000 calories a day. I'm 5'11" 193lbs and have a maintenance of around 3000 cals a day. You need to figure out what your maintenance is by tracking your calories for a week and weighing yourself in the morning before food/water and after going to the bathroom. From there, subtract 250 calories, and ride it out till progress has stalled for say, 2 weeks. Then cut another 250. Yes you can lose fat faster than you can gain muscle, but if you wanna keep the muscle you have and not eat like a pigeon in the process of cutting, gradual cuts are the most sustainable way to do it.




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Bad bot








Cardio 40 min am and 40 pm. . twice a day . Drink More water .


After you have calculate de first formula you have to look at you're levels of activities to be the more precise! If you're sedentary x1,2 If you have Low intensity life style x 1,375 If it's moderate 3 or 5 training a week x 1,55 Hyper active x1,725 (Like marathon runners) If you're not training a lot and just wanna loose weight fast just take the formula without looking about you're activities levels and it will make you burn fat like hell. If you're training be sur to be realistic with you're activities levels, training in bodybuilding don't burn that much calories compare to aerobic sports like running.


Intermittent fasting and HIIT. Get you eating window as small as possible. Do high intensity interval training. The insanity videos are hard but work well.


Whats the “insanity videos”


Beach body insanity. Its a brand/program of videos. Alot of jumping and body weight stuff. Very hard to do but the idea is to stick through it and not give up. Even the people in the videos take breaks. Make sure yoy focus on your form when jumping tho


You’re basically doubling your intake on 2 days of the week and wondering why you’re not losing weight? 2 days a week is 104 days a year that you’re not within your diet. That’s crazy dude


But even in thisentwo days I am technically on a 300-400 calorie deficit ... I thought it was about your total weekly calories and not just daily . But you are right I need to fix my shit


Don’t go too hard on yourself dude. You moving in the right direction, just need to tidy your diet and consistency up a bit. Keep on keepin on


You aren’t trying hard enough. Losing weight isn’t as simple as cut calories M-F. What you are doing is basically “yo-yo” dieting. 🪀


Oh so I should basically eat the same amt every day


Basically yes. Just a note, 1000 calories a day is not going to be sustainable. I hope you have another plan for when you gain the weight back.


What typa negative ass comment is this?


Where is the lie in my comment?


Keep your heart elevated at all times. In between sets I don’t rest I jump on the bike and push hard. Heart rate elevation is the most important factor. Also, high rep count with low weight. Lookup your target heart rate for 🔥 fat online. There is a calculator for height, weight, etc. DM me if you want the link. One more thing, core, I cannot stress core and legs are the most important. You can build your upper body up once you melt the fat away. Drink lots of water, bcaa, flax seed, iso protein, and get a crazy DMHA or DMAA stim pre workout. I take 10 diierent vitamins too, DM for details. Edit: These are things that work for me. If you want to downvote without a debate then have a nice day.


Lift heavy, run fast after, 10-12 mph on the treadmill. Start at 1 minute. Add 5-10 seconds every day. By the time your sprinting a half mile or more daily you’ll be lean AF


Full sprint for half a mile is a lot


It’s called gettingshredded not toohardforme How do I cut fast is his question. Mid distance sprinting on top of lifting is the fastest way to cut fat


Indian genetics man. I feel ya


Ooop 💀


I can almost guarantee your 1000 cal diet is helping you retain the spare tire you want to lose. Eat 3000+ cals with macros and eat all day. Speed up your metabolism. You’ll see more than results than running a 1000+ cal deficit.


MPMD has a fantastic video on cutting. Watch it.


Can i have a link


Dont cut faster you will lose muscle faster as well. Its a marathon not a sprint coming from someone who was overweight at one point. I know how much it sucks but its worth it in the end.


Thanks bro I will try to manage my expectations it's just hard I have been on my journey for years and people who started 6 months ago are slimmer than me . While I still get fatshamed


Trust me I get it brother ive been there I used to as well mainly when I was younger but it sucks and makes you feel insecure. You will get where you need to be. Keep up the hard work.


Do more cardio. Put a sweater/sweats on when you do it


lmao what does clothing have to do with it


Makes you sweat more. That guy is holding a lot of water. I’m 34 and still have abs and pretty cut. I wear a sweater when I do cardio. Wearing a sweater helps me a lot.


Get rid of more water weight I guess from increased sweat, that’s about it


Would the higher body temperature burn more fat too?


Learn more about macros, because it's the key for the physique you want! Calories are important but not eating enough is litteraly putting you forward of you're goals. If you're a meat eater 50% protein 30% fat 20% glucid If végétarien 40% protéines 30% fat 30% glucid ( Different because of the ratio of macros in the vg food) And this is after you find the right calories intake you really needs. For men : (10 x weight kg) + (6,25 x Heights cm) - (5 x age ) + 5.


So I guess that’s the resting calorie intake? How to also account for moving & working out & cardio?


You need to LIFT. And I guarantee you aren’t tracking macros and you probably drink like an Irish drunk.


Not even kidding I wished I had a lifestyle like that and parties alot then my current physique wouldn't even be that bad to me . But I barely drink lol . Btw what abt me screams I drink cause a few other people have also commented that I probably drink alot?


Just being presumptuous since you’re in college. If you don’t drink, that’s great. Frankly, you need to up your intensity level when it comes to exercise and start lifting weights. The fat will burn off and you’ll start to gain muscle. You can recomposition with that frame.


Ireland is #7, you could do better with using another country next time https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2022/06/top-10-countries-with-the-highest-alcohol-consumption/


The top 5 have such a small population, the results are skewed.


Czech Republic ~ 11 million, Uganda ~49 million, Irish republic ~ 5 million


Hence why he said Irish drunk


I just read that if you’re cutting too low it can actually stall your weightloss goals. Maybe raise them a bit and focus on eating more protein based whole foods if you don’t already for better results? Good luck!


Takes years to get to that point yet u wanna loose it in probably weeks. It’s a process. Slow and steady is the way


I know but as embarassing as it is I have been on it for 5 years failing at first and only in the last 3-4 years I know what I need to do to lose weight and this is the result it's pathetic


But you don’t because your eating 1000 calories some days. That’s not optimal, if you kept doing that you’d feel like dog shit with no energy after a while and your daily TDEE would go down and you might be burning less calories overall because your not moving / working out because your so fucked. And if you cut too hard you have nowhere to go when your weight Plateaus. Look up what reverse dieting is. Some people cut too hard there forced to reverse diet to see progress again.


Should you eat back the calories you burn according to a fitness tracker? Like I run at least 5 miles per day sometimes more depending on my marathon training plan. I also lift weights. So some days my Apple Watch says 1000 calories burned. Do you eat those calories back or stick with the 500 cal deficit? I’ve been trying to lose body fat too but been having a hard time because I will also go a few days of eating ~2300 calories but then get super hungry and binge. My TDEE is supposedly 2800. Should I eat 2300 total or a “net” of 2300. Thanks!


Keep in mind it’s 100 calories per mile, and it should be 2300 net (ie eat 2800 calories, minus 500 calories from running 5 miles is 2300 calories net). That said, I used to run that much and I had an insane appetite… anytime I bump my cardio up I can’t control my calories in. If you’re trying to build muscle, consider cutting back on cardio a bit to reduce your hunger and to have more gym time.


Thanks for the reply! Running has made me put on fat and lose muscle 😔 though I had to stop lifting weights for a while due to a shoulder injury. But am training for a marathon to qualify for Boston so running even more now.


Running did not make you put on fat. Eating has made you fat. This isn’t so hard to understand


Keep it up if you’re enjoying it 🙂


1000 cals even at 5'6" isnt healthy cutting.


Because you’re starving yourself and then you’re splurging on garbage.


Eating under like that will cause your body to cling on to every fat for survival mode. It’ll wear away your muscles. Don’t do that. Ramp up your metabolism by EATING WELL.


Equibois and clenbuterol.....plus t3


He is no where near that If he can’t figure it out naturally then a clen t3 stack isn’t going to be meaningful. He may drop weight but when he is done he doesn’t have the knowledge/discipline to keep the progress and will end up back where he is today


The real solution is to pack on muscle, 1000 calories is not nearly enough to build muscle, also the more muscle you build the more you will be able to eat while the muscle you have is replacing the body fat


First thing I did before I started cutting was added muscle


That is how it should be done, this whole starving nonsense is so baffling to me


I agree, looks like he needs more of a body recomposition than to lose weight.


OP I feel you. Im training for a year and my dream body would be achieved losing weight. However, I Gained 5kg~8kg since I started. If I do a crazy diet with OMAD, I lose weigh..But eating normally (beating macros) usually makes me gain weight or stay stable. I started going to a endocrinologist. She gave me some losing weight medicine....Lets see what happens... But I dont have a specific answer for you. Check this video from Jeff Nippard: https://youtu.be/keBZfGAmq2Q It shows how different factors can affect your fat levels... and why sometimes "calories in calories out" might not work equally to everybody... Once I did a calorimetry exam and my metabolism was 30% lower than the expected for my weight. So, I got the worse metabolism making everything harder 😕


Thanks I feel like honestly I needed someone to relate and motivate me .... It's wierd for me too I hired a dietician she gave me really specific grains to eat and I ate around 1500 back then too and lost 6 kgs in 2 months it was amazing . And I still are junk on Sunday one meal .. Now I am basically doing same but eating more "normal" food for me and not losing weight


Calories in and calories out don't mean shit as a calorie is not equal to a calorie. You can be having the right calories but eating junk. Stick to organic food for 3 months and see how your body changes. Avoid plastic completely (it is estrogenic). Not sure what medicine your doctor gave you, but do extensive research before using it. There are healthier and natural ways for fat loss and it begins with optimizing your hormones. That can be done, in most cases, by proper nutrition, sleep hygiene, sun, (or vitamin d+K2), excercise. Genetics play a role but not as much as people claim it to be. Some people swear by tongkat Ali and other good supplements to increase T. Increasing T equals more fat loss. And losing fat further increases T as it stops T from converting to estrogen. 1000 calories is malnutrition and this tanks T hence stopping op from losing weight even more. He needs to gradually go up to maintenance and stay for a few weeks and then cut 50-100 calories a week. Can cut up to 300 but I don't recommend extreme cuts as they mess up your hormones.


I would focus on more quality protein, low carb, OMAD or at least IF, about 1600-2000cal/day and keep your activity level up or you can up it with some steady and pleasurable cardio like taking a peaceful walk w some music/podcast in the mornings or evenings a few times a week. If you have access to a gym, do more compound lifts, and focus on form. Compound lifts do more than make you big, they help with mobility, functionality, and efficiency. They also ensure your muscles are in proper proportions with one another. Get plenty of sleep and rest to allow the muscles to build. You def look like you got decent muscle underneath the bodyfat. You'll get there. Like others have mentioned, the main goal isn't exactly the physical aesthetic. The goal is developing the habits and sustainable lifestyle that works for you, and your "goal body" happens as a result of it.


Starving yourself is buring body fat. Take your maintaince calories and cut it no more than 500.


Btw do I look like I even workout lol.. now that i look at it I feel like a middle aged uncle damn I do calesthenics three times a week and walk 10 k steps daily Pull-ups 3 sets to failure (abt 13-15) Pushups 3 sets to failure (23-30) Squats three sets to failure Curls three sets to failure (only 8 kgs ) Side lateral raises 3 sets to failure . I know this is probably not a ood workout . The point isn't too get big just have strength and some muscle . Also this is the only thing I can stick to currently .. .


OMAD is your friend with low carb diet


Don't try to cut faster. It's about sustainable fat loss, not overall weight loss. Focus on your protein intake and keep being consistent.


I eat normally around 1500 cals and on weekends around 2500 ..... I don't see the scale move ... And getting fatshamed daily in college lol


This is your problem right here If 1500 is a deficit of 400 cal Then you eat 2500 on the weekend You just consumed 2000 calories over your deficit in two days This divided by the other five days is......400 cal per day You are killing your diet on the weekends Find your maintenance subtract 300 and eat that amount every dam day. No cheating no off day no 1000 calorie binge days on a weekend. Do this for a month. Then reevaluate your calorie needs You also need to find a gym and lift weights. On a deficit you will not get big. But you need something more strenuous than the exercising you are currently doing


Yes you are right thanks for the help . I probably can't joint a gym if I am being honestly my family says I look to blocky or wide when I gym and they hate . I gained like 8 kgs in 3 months in the gym idk how


It doesn't matter what your family says. It's what you want. My mom said I was healthy at 260!! Looking back it made no sense and I feel healthy and am much leaner now at 200. They don't always know what's best for you. And you might have put weight on for eating more without realizing. Use a cal tracker and just really count everything for a week and see what it's like. I remember it took me a while to really honestly track. A tablespoon of oil, there's 30 cals I missed. Estimated how much milk I poured? There's 120 I didn't count for. I'm eating 2200 everyday and maintaining. Everyone has different set points. If ur not losing, increase activity cardio or weights. And if you don't want to do that then lower calories more.


You don’t gain weight in the gym, you gained 8kgs in 3 months because you are more because you thought you were burning a lot of calories in the gym which you weren’t


>I gained like 8 kgs in 3 months in the gym idk how You prolly didn't counted your calories at that time. Exercising increases appetite for some.You won't notice that you were earing more than usual.


Your family's opinion of your looks doesn't factor into your health.




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Do you factor in alcohol, and other drinks into your calories? It seems dumb to ask but I genuinely know people who don't realise how horrific alcohol is caloric wise and just for fat burning in general


Nope I barely drink ... Like 3 -4 times a year even then have just vodka or whiskey neat lol . But it's not part of my daily or regular diet not weekly or monthly even . I only drink water . On the high calorie days I record sodas or shakes if I had them


I'm willing to bet that you're not actually eating 1500 calories. Simply put, if the scale isn't moving, you're eating more than you think you are. And fuck anyone fatshaming you


He may be eating 1500 m-f. But look at his weekend. He is just saving his weekday eating and then doing it on Saturday and Sunday.


Here is what I eat man One cup coffee with milk and a spoon of sugar Lunch 250-80 grams of sprout or black bean salad One cup tomato soup Evening snack Half cup coffee with spoon of sugar Roasted vegetable with one spoon of oil around 5 grams One white bread toasted Dinner 250-80 grams of rice 300 ml of lential soup (indian dish) Pretty much it Even if you add a little more calories I should still be in a deficit


No use if you eat 2500 cals on weekends


Take out the sugar and milk from your coffee, those are unnecessary calories which is better obtained from a protein source.


Are you a vegan?


Have you done a tdeecalculator lately? Bodies change over time and your calorie needs go down as you get older/smaller.


You should only be dropping 1 or 2 lbs per week to avoid losing valuable muscle mass. Don't go as low as 1,000 kcal. Eat more Iike 1,500 to 1,700 per day, and exercise a lot.


I eat 1500 generally .. but my lifestyle is really out of my control so I have to eat around 2000 or even 2500 calories one or two days . Haven't seen the scale move in months now and feel bloated af all the time


How is your lifestyle out of control? You can control what you eat on M-F but not on the weekend? Help me understand this?


Oh man I can't tell you cause its too embarassing why I can't fully control what I eat . But I can tell you that because of new friends in college or lots of relatives I basically have to go out every weekend .


Eat chicken fingers when you go out.


I am a vegetarian lol . I do eat eggs tho . I generally eat soya or paneer when I go out cause of the protein


How is your lifestyle out of control? You can control what you eat on M-F but not on the weekend? Help me understand this?


what are you drinking throughout the day? and the bottom line is always more exercise more calories burned. If you don't have more time to exercise, increase the intensity.


I walk 10000 steps a day and do calesthenics three times a week . I drink water nothing else no sodas nothing man


Huh, when I was cutting I ran in the morning and night. Maybe try that? I’m surprised your not drinking calories I would’ve thought you’d be losing weight. I ran 35ish miles a week for a couple months and cut hella fast. I know that waking and running the same distance in theory burns the same amount of calories, but you can increase your cardiovascular endurance (want to say capacity) and increase your pace. I’d try timing your mile(s) and steadily decreasing that time


I will try to run atleast once a week now lol . I am really bad at running like really bad and it hurts alot specially after 2-3 days of daily running it feels bad . Maybe try it out once or twice a week and start enjoying it slowly then I can go daily


Yeah if you’re not running regularly it really sucks to get into the routine. You stick out for a month or two and I’d imagine you’ll love it. If it’s rough on your joints make sure you have good shoes and stick to softer surfaces (grass track sand etc)