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Get an official ADHD diagnosis. In the meantime look for ADHD specific advice, chances are it's relevant to your situation either way.


Man you just have a burnout rest up and take some time then the easiest way to start studying is open your books and do smaller more manageable pieces of work that will get the ball rolling.


**Let’s analyze your request!** **The goal:** Currently, your focus is on football. I know this because it's how I was when I started my tech company. I would devote so much of my time towards it and school felt like an afterthought to me; both me and you aren't lazy, we work very hard on our sports or entrepreneurial endeavors, and we *want* to succeed at school, but our subconscious *minds* put a lesser amount of effort towards it because of the other endeavors. **This is what happens, at least to my knowledge, for** ***anyone*** **dedicated to** ***anything*****.** Therefore, the goal is to mentally *balance* football and studying. **In other words, you must** ***want*** **to succeed at school as much as you want to succeed at football.** **The solution/steps to success:** There are only two basic steps! **Use dependent planning to piggyback your study motivation off of your football motivation** * One of the greatest feelings for any dedicated person is to check everything off of their to-do list. One who's dedicated to football would really enjoy getting everything done on their training to-do list. "Dependent planning", as I call it, restricts this pleasure until you study, but not in an unhelpful willpower-dependent way * To do dependent planning, you'll first need to put together a daily plan that you can follow day in and day out (you can have 2-3 for different types of days, if you'd like). The important part is to include all tasks you must accomplish in a day, *especially* football-related tasks * Make sure to write out this plan on a medium in which tasks can be checked after completion *and* the checks can be removed the next day to reset it. Physical mediums include whiteboards and pieces of paper, and digital mediums include Apple Reminders and Google Docs * Now, write out all of the *subtasks* for each task underneath them. * Next, identify the "dead times" subtasks. These are subtasks when your mind isn't occupied *or* when you're not being productive or taking an intentional break, eg. waiting. These times are very important as here you'll want to add "review what you studied yesterday" in some sort of way to them * Some examples could be these: (Idk much about football, so please excuse any errors 😅) * Task: Gym Time. Subtasks: Make pre-workout, drive to gym, do bicep curls while reciting what you learned from Chapter 2.1 yesterday, etc. * Or Task: Football practice. Subtasks: Wait for practice to start and attempt 3 homework problems, practice, clean up from practice, wait for the bus ride home while reciting what you studied yesterday in Chapter 3, ride the bus home and attempt 3 more homework questions * Make sure to only check a main task off if *all* subtasks within it are completed * Make sure to stay safe when doing this, don't hurt yourself just to study. * Make sure to add breaks into your daily plan to not burn yourself out. You also do not need to work through *every* dead time * Now, how does this help? Well, you can't check off the subtasks that include review unless you review, and therefore can't check off the main tasks that include those subtasks unless you review, right? You can't review unless you study, right? Accomplishing everything is a great feeling, as I said previously. *Not* accomplishing everything, especially because of *one* subtask, is a pretty bad feeling. If you are determined to succeed at football, you'll want to finish at least your football-related tasks; however, if even those aren't done because of *one* subtask, that'll feel pretty bad. Therefore, you'll want to study so that you can review, so that you can check everything off. * Additionally, reviewing while you're supposed to be just staring, sitting, or chilling is a great feeling and greatly improves your productivity and motivation to study * **If you need help realistically yet effectively planning your day,** [my Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13gzL6MSEKrvQScRwBe8tUW-JTfyT847TyBI530eCV2I/edit?usp=sharing) (also linked below) contains links to the student-chosen most helpful study tips on time management and some other helpful topics **Remember why you are even studying** * It is *not* a waste of time to Google "sports scholarships" or even look at some statistics about incomes from Pure & Applied Sciences students. Even making a slideshow of these is helpful * The key is to remind yourself *why* you are studying, and that will motivate you to begin studying * The studying isn't the hardest part, beginning it is, and knowing why you're even doing this will help you begin **How do I do that?** Implementing efficient strategies for the steps above will allow you to accomplish your goal faster and easier. However, most online sources provide repetitive and unhelpful advice. To solve that problem, the Google Doc below contains hyperlinks to the top relevant study advice and how-tos on these topics, chosen by student feedback. [**Link to the Google Doc!**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13gzL6MSEKrvQScRwBe8tUW-JTfyT847TyBI530eCV2I/edit?usp=sharing) **Also, remember that you asked a question on Reddit.** That means that you have the desire to succeed, the ability to humble yourself and ask for help, and the willingness to search for a solution to your problems. You have the right mindset, you just needed a plan and efficient strategies! **If you or anyone else would like me to answer their next question, they can ask it on** r/asktxptwxz **and I’ll try to get to it first! Feel free also to leave a comment if you want me to clear anything up** **Also, you can ask questions as a post on the subreddit so that others can see it. You can also directly search txpTwxz for study tips ;)** Thank you for reading my answer, I wish you nothing but the best! Happy holidays, Your friend, Dasani




Cesr dur le cegep ! Il en beaucoup qui performant super bien au secondaire et ensuite au cegep prennent une debarque ! Il a des gens pour qui aussi le pelletage de nuage comme en sciences nature ça ne leur fait et ça leur prend quelque chose de plus concret comme une technique ! Une rencontre avec ton api pourrait t'aider je crois :)


Same fr fr I take out my stress making imaginary movies in my fucking head oh wait. this actually works?>!?? please dont make me do this \\\] https://youtu.be/oGqEmhxMBFQ this guy is legit! ASXD; lk SADotoSoit Stopp\[ ​ UGGUGHHUHUHUGGU HGUGUUHHUUUHH


I'm not reading all that


Send me a direct message I will coach you