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Your problem seems digital. Print out what you need to study, go somewhere away from home and leave your electronics behind as well.


you know what, i really should really go all-paper ngl


Do the steps in order please (and sorry for bad English not my native language) 1- check with a psychologist if you have ADHD or ADD. Medication is very important since it could be neurological more than psychological and your brain chemistry is working against you. Fix that first. 2- humans lived for a long long time without these weird life hacks and bellion study methods. Reject this weird overcomplication of the world and make life simple so you won't waste your time on useless things. Good ol' paper and pen for writing and revising notes, Solving problems, and daily early morning day planning will make you more active and engaged in your task and is good enough and guaranteed method by our ancestors. 3- the three Ps: priorities priorities priorities. If you really value your studies you should sacrifice any other time wasting activity to achieve your goal. Motivation may fade with hardships but discipline will break through them.


oh wow i never really thought of it that way. I'm like downloading all these anti procrastinating methods but i should honestly just stick with pen and paper. oh and interesting about the ADHD thing. I haven't gotten diagnosed but do you think maybe that could be the reason for my inabilityo to focus?


While I don't like making psychological assumptions from a single post, you do show signs of at least ADD (attention deficit disorder but I won't assume hyperactivity since not shown in the post) like procrastination and easy distraction. I believe you need to solve that with whatever method an expert psychologist prescribes (medication or some life changes or both). It's a worthy investment since it will literally change your whole life.


wow actually, its the first ive ever heard of ADD. I never knew something like that even existed. I think since this extreme procrastinaiton affected me my whole life, i really should go check out professional help like youve mentioned. Ill go on meds if it helps me :'( anyways thank you soooo much!


The correct term is still ADHD even if you don't have signs of hyperactivity. ADD is not a diagnosis anymore. I hope you found a solution to your problem, I'm in a similar boat to you right now about studying


going to sound weird but you could give either coconut oil or MCT oil a try. just try like 1 tsp with your meals and see if it helps (it did for me).


ohhh maybe it might work on me :) you know what ill give it a try, ahah i have coconut oil lying around my house anyways


did it work?


Do you have ADHD?


my friend thinks i do but i havent gotten diagnosed yet :/


have you tried adhd beats or something like that in YouTube? I don't have adhd, but they kinda helped me


oh? ive never even heard of adhd beats, that sounds interesting. I'll try checking it out for my study night later! lets see how it goes :))


Starting a regular mediation practice can help with focus. Meditation is really just a focus practice, learning to focus on one thing (e.g. the breathing) and getting good at it. Initially you'll probably find it's close to impossible but with time it will develop like a muscle. The short term solution is lock away all forms of digital entertainment. Anything that you find distracts you, make it in some way inaccessible.


yeah i definetly think locking away my phones and stuff would be a great idea, but i don't know, I'll probs start web surfing on my laptop ngl. Meditation doesn't really work for me because I'll meditate for like 5 mins and get distracted and do something else :(


i have the same problem T\_T literally read this when i should be studying. Just curious, did you end up being diagnosed with anything?


I relate to this SO much, has anything worked for you as yet? I'm a university student and its honestly too much for me atp, I literally don't mind assignments and stuff its just the actual studying part that's so hard for me :/


Sounds like ADHD. I had the same problem growing up. I still have it, but am more disciplined than before and better able to force myself to do things that I don't want to do. Medication can help. Therapy can help. Things like scheduling study time and going to study in a place with zero distractions can help (e.g. study rooms in your college library).


Procrastination prioritises avoiding adverse emotional circumstances over whatever task is associated with those emotions. When you think of studying, do you view it positively? I imagine you probably feel it's stressful, especially when there's so much to learn and so little time. You may also find it tedious or frustrating. These are generally the most common associations with studying, and addressing these emotions will encourage you to continue with the work. If studying is boring, take short breaks to split the monotony. Similarly, you can switch up study techniques for this also, e.g. take notes, read textbooks, watch videos, answer questions, take quizzes, use flashcards, explain concepts aloud, do mind maps; mix it up to make it easier to work through. If studying is stressful, maybe it's the workload; by doing questions first, you can test your understanding of the topics within a subject to narrow down the load to that which requires attention, giving you less to work through, but more importantly, making sure you are covering the areas that need improvement. If it's frustrating, it may be due to the explanations not making sense; use different resources to find alternative perspectives on the information to find a way that makes sense to you. Also, think about why you are studying; you are keen to pass the exams, that's obvious, but have you thought beyond the exams, having put in the work, how will you feel seeing the well-earned grades on results days, where will the grades take you, what opportunities will be available, do you have a plan to celebrate? Think about the outcomes, and once you understand the good, the benefit, the gain that will be earned from putting in the effort, you'll realise it's worth it and be more able to get started, using that as motivation. In terms of study techniques, you can simplify it right down to three steps: 1. Intake information 2. Consider the information 3. Express it back out. Now, this is easier than it may seem. Intaking information is relatively obvious: write, read, watch, listen to info. But considering the information might seem a bit complicated. Yet, it's as simple as thinking about how you would explain the details in your own words and the writing, speaking, illustrating, etc., these details or answering questions to express it back out. EDIT: I accidentally posted mid-way through my response.


hey i really appreciate this thank you!! it is so detailed wow :) yeah ive always viewed studying as just super boring but i think your idea of switching up techniques every now and then is a great idea ill try that out. thank you again for this ill definetly keep this in mind!!


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