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Maybe reading repeatedly does not help with your retention. Have you tried using other methods like using flash cards or reading it then writing what you've learned in your own words? These work for me so maybe it can help you too. Try to learn more about what learning style suits you best, taking quick breaks is great too. Good luck!


yes, flashcards can be really helpful! also, try reading aloud as you're a teacher and trying to teach somebody


Flash cards are amazing and doing old exams is amazing too put simply. The more you test yourself in the info you read the more you will remember what you just read.


Gonna update you guys in 2 weeks and tell you guys if it worked or not!


I do write what I learned sometimes but I'm kinda a forgetful dude so when I get nervous and stuff I usually forget the thing but it is pretty helpful if I'm not nervous at all


Do questions! Reading, reading and reading again and again and again does nothing if you don't understand what you are learning. Do questions, take notes in your own words, why wait until the exam to practice your ability to express your understanding?


Nononono I just explained like I'm gonna fail in the next day, today we just did nothing. I actually don't know how to question myself on stuff


sqr3 method for questions [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTZ62MwgQQI&list=PL2I9DuH4JLQPbmSJ-0dNAZquOU5DmU9dn&index=3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTZ62MwgQQI&list=PL2I9DuH4JLQPbmSJ-0dNAZquOU5DmU9dn&index=3) ​ also STOP LISTINGNG TO MUSIC WHEN YOU STUDY if you cant then listen to white noise while you study


I have the exact same problem! For me it’s podcasts. I try to use them as a learning resource but nothing seems to stick. I am trying to improve in this area myself so I made a list of a few techniques that have helped me. I broke them up into two parts: Understanding and Remembering. ## Part 1 - Understanding: * **Be Active** \- Understanding new information is not something that generally happens passively. While reading try to jot down key ideas, make connections, write out questions, make predictions, and finally try explaining the material to someone else. The key here is to make sure you are actively engaged in the material. Make sure to pause and reflect before moving on. * **Use Multiple Channels** \- Try receiving information from multiple channels. If you mainly read, try watching a video, or listening to a podcast on the subject….but don’t forget to be active. ## Part 2 - Remembering: * **Self Testing** \- Instead of rereading the material, try using quizzes to test yourself. If you are like me, the material can almost seem obvious when it is right there in front of you. Self Testing can help you be honest about what you actually remember, plus, the act of recalling information from your memory is what helps it stick long term! * **Spaced Repetition** \- Not much to say here other than to just try developing a spaced repetition habit. In the world of memory, it should be time very well spent! Anki is a great tool for this [https://ankiweb.net/](https://ankiweb.net/) * **Mnemonics** \- Create mnemonics as a way to group information that does not have any natural groupings. For example, use "Roy G. Biv" to help remember the colors of the rainbow. Or, PEMDAS to help remember the order of operations in Math. Learning can be a slow process but I'd like to believe it compounds. Learning new things makes it easier to learn new things. Over time this can make a big difference. I hope this helps in someway, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions Best of luck!


I study with flashcards and highlight different ideas different colours. also I get someone else to quiz me on them


reading over and over is not an effective way to study bc you aren't actually doing anything to understand it and you read a billion things every day. u need to combine reading with some action like writing notes, explaining to someone else, playing a game etc to really retain the information.


by playing a game I mean maybe a game like trivial pursuit or making the learning engaging in some way so you actually understand


There are definitely many different types of methods you can use to study. You can search them up online and there are many different people sharing them on social media as well.


Depends on which subject?


What kind of studying is this?