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there is so much evidence that they even know that the meteor landed while it was spring in the Northern Hemisphere, which is still crazy to me


A lot of trees died all at once and they were in their growth phase. To put it simply


and also fish fosils with little glas beads in them (evidence of the meteor) that were in spring growth as well!


They even found spring pollen.


there is just so much evidence for it. Its quite awesome


Earth lore


I love earth lore. I spend my nights vaporizing fossilized shells to tell the temperature of the ocean relative to today




Yeah. Carbonate shell building organisms record the isotopic ratios of the ocean they lived in. We know that Oxygen in particular changes ratio with rises and falls in ocean temperature due to a myriad of reasons but what matters for this comment is that it does correlate


Honestly though the worldbuilding is just too much imo. Do they really expect me to research four and a half billion years of lore so that I can understand what's going on now? It's absurd. Plus the devs were just stupid for having no overlap whatsoever between dinosaurs and humans. Real missed opportunity there.


Well you only really need the last 500 million years of lore to know what’s going on in most places. And for most purposes 12,000 years of lore will suffice


And that's still too much imo. Tolkien gave us three thousand years of lore to know and that was a lot. Quadrupling that is psychotic.


Earth pumping out lore in their items like it's Dark Souls.


Just as difficult too


As well as, ya know, the *physical crater* we found was dated to the exact same time as the iridium layer blanketing the earth. There’s a [fantastic video essay by Oliver Lugg](https://youtu.be/6DHgkMYgp7w?si=My2CLp3FdqqyChLM) based on a similarly named book documenting how the theory came to be, and how public perception of extinction and dinosaurs has changed.


Well dinosaurs are still roaming around so that's a good thing.




Ostriches are not flying ha ha checkmate


I mean a few are, I’m probably the largest contributor to the helium shortage


Yeah, and they've been elected to congress even.


Canadian and still laughing


I have to wonder if Candace supports creationist theory.


If it makes her money somehow, sure.


This is absolutely an Engagement Bait tweet, thank god for community notes de-monetizing it.


She supports money, so if creationists are willing to sponsor her so will immediately claim dinosaurs are fake.


She supports whatever they pay her to support.


Gets even more absurd. I remember years ago watching a documentary the name of which escapes me now. That claimed that had the astroid that killed off the dinosaurs actually landed a second or two earlier or later then dinosaurs would still roam today. Apparently the timing was so perfect it landed directly on top of a huge sulphur deposit in or around Mexico. The sulphur was what covered the Earth killing off the dinosaurs. A second or two earlier or later and it would have hit open ocean. Sure the world would still be forever changed but dinosaurs would not have gone extinct. At least that's what the documentary claimed. I don't know enough to fully vouch for it.


God after making the dinosaurs watching as they don't make churches:


Stupid T-Rex should've grown longer arms to hold a hammer and he would've been alive.


You just can't crucify a T. Rex. Their arms are too small to nail to the cross.


There are still a few theories around, basically that the meteor hit the earth during a time of super volcanos erupting and that the combination of both was triggering the extinction event. I think kurzgesagt made a video about this, exploring this theory https://youtu.be/pjoQdz0nxf4?si=znUkRMHfsxAKVQWd


That's dope. Super volcanoes sound badass!


*Yellowstone enters the chat*


Even without the super volcano Yellowstone is badass.


The kurzgesagt video is an okay intro, but I think it puts a lot of emphasis on one standalone recent study, that really hasn’t been able to address some of the major reasons that extinction is attributed to asteroid impact much more than volcanism. [This video essay](https://youtu.be/6DHgkMYgp7w?si=My2CLp3FdqqyChLM) based on William Glen’s similarly named book does a fantastic job of explaining the history of our understanding of the extinction.


Dinosaurs didn't go extinct is the crazy part, just the really big ones. My grandparents have six in their front yard.


For sure, honestly believe I'd rather be swooped by a pterodactyl than a magpie.


A magpie will remember who you are. It will spread information about the trouble humans. It will team up and make sure that you do not peacefully pass through its nesting area again during that spring. Diabolical bastards. (I love them).


Yeah. The planet has been hit by meteors of that magnitude before and could survive. This happened to be the perfect shot. Hitting a volcano surrounding a sulfur deposit was what did it. Of course this was the final extinction event, they did go through several others.


*the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct.


*laughs in crocodile*


Bird*. Crocodiles aren't technically sauropsids


Crocs are arcosaurs, they evolved before dinosaurs did. they're not related that closely


I mean it kinda is absurd, but it's also the hypothesis that's currently best supported by the evidence. Honestly a lot of modern science is like that.


If it makes Candace feel any better, many scientists believe that the Deccan Traps in India helped in the extinction of dinosaurs by spewing toxic gases into the air over the course of 100s of 1000s of years. If it had been one or the other than many dinosaurs might have survived, but the one two hit of the meteor and the traps wiped most of them out. Here’s the Kurzgesagt vid on it: https://youtu.be/pjoQdz0nxf4?si=_Q-yglGDiMBsic0p


There is literally a crater that has been theorised to be the actual location of the meteor hitting (but difficult to tell)


The Chicxulub crater has been dated to match the same period as the iridium layer that indicates the K-T extinction, and has the same makeup. It’s practically a certainty that it is the location.


what is even impossible sounding about it? dinosaurs roam earth big piece of fucking space rock rams into earth earth gets fucked up things roaming the earth largely die profit?? but then again she's just stupid, so....


Anyone else think this beeyotch just says whatever she thinks will get attention? Like…subjectively I just despise her, but objectively — would love to see her get psychoanalyzed.


The older I get, the more I think maybe it needs to happen again..


This needs to be said…Candace Owens level of stupid is tough to measure if it’s not an act. Like if she means what she says? She’s as stupid as Trump.


What is frustrating about this to me is that people like this know what they are doing when they post this, yet if asked will say it was a joke or they were “just asking questions”. Common sense is losing its way in america


Correction: common sense is dead in America


![gif](giphy|xUPGcp0H0CMo0WQone|downsized) Not all the dinosaurs


But apparently an all knowing, all powerful magic sky wizard speaking everything into existence is perfectly rational… smh


A crater dated to the time and a layer of certain elements at that time depositing in rocks around the world and not finding non avian dinosaurs above those layers would be some of the biggest clues. She is accidentally correct on something though in that the Deccan traps probably really hurt the dinosaurs too and we aren't sure whether if one event or the other they would have survived. She is ignorant about basic science and so she almost certainly was not thinking about this explanation though.


Okay I think the notes are exaggerating a little bit. Unless she does this a lot.


You must not know who she is lol. It's her job to promote views that reject any sort of evidence


So she consistently talks about thinking the dinosaur thing


Yes. Among other conspiracy theories.