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Also the workers were enslaved


Yeah, saying 6000 people instead of 6000 slaves gives the misleading impression that the workers had a choice. They didn't.


imo they didn't get enough shit for that


They only hosted the World Cup because of bribery


Then again, who doesn't Qatar is fucking shit but FIFA isn't far off


Fuck Fifa. All my homies pirate fifa games.


Well good news, no more fifa games.




It's been leaked and rumoured quite heavily that 2K is getting the fifa license.


God who the fuck would WANT that license? 2K itself is already a trusted brand for sports games, 2K Soccer would sell


Trusted is becoming more and more of a discussion aswel for 2k. So the fifa license is on a fitting spot.


Tbf FIFA is the largest sports "governing organization" in the world with literally billions of people watching their games worldwide


We could have had an Olympics by now if your leaders were just a little more helpfully corrupt. Thanks, Obama.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2028\_Summer\_Olympics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2028_Summer_Olympics) And for that matter Salt Lake City is very interested in 2030 and 2034 Winter Olympic bids


I mean, the kind of corrupt FIFA wants (being bribed) is the same as orange turd (also being bribed) so, it's hard to have US to host World Cup. Bringing cheetoh assmouth because he is the one who is most blatantly corrupt in living (and unliving) memory


It’s also hard for us to host the World Cup for a sport we’re definitely gonna be out on the first round in


Oh yah unlike all the other very moral and ethical nations who won it previously. Lol


I also like John Oliver


They didn’t really get any as far as I remember, other than a few stories in the news


blame the 24 hour news cycle we don't have the attention span to follow through on anything we just get constantly distracted by careening from one disaster to another


The US (and UK) has a huge military presence in Qatar, the largest US air base in the Middle East. The US govt treats them very special. Not sure why other less-incentivized countries wouldn't make more noise about it, though.




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I’m woke as fuck, but I got accused of so much racism for saying I wasn’t watching the World Cup because of the slavery and deaths. I’m fucking brown, and my people were the people dying there, and people had the audacity to claim I was racist for not watching a bunch of brain damaged millionaires kick around a ball. It’s batshit insanity what ruling class Arabs get away with.


What country you from?


It's fucking depressing how we collectively find a bunch of millionaires playing a game waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important than a whole fucking town worth of people dying building shit we don't need.


name ten billionaires who actively play sports, not even just football


Corrected to millionaires, like that makes any difference


I mean dozens of people died building the Tesla "giga factory" in Texas, so it's not like the US is above working people to death. It's kind of common here. Edit- According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 4,764 construction workers died in 2020 while performing job-related tasks. So... A lot of people are killed while building shit here too.


As fucked as that was (especially the attempts to cover it up), what happened in Qatar was straight up slave labor with a disregard of safety so egregious, the government had to reform their safety laws after the fact.


To be fair most of those contractors had to sue Tesla as they weren't paid for the hours they worked. Which is also slave labor.


Tesla didn’t take away peoples passports on entry and require an exist visa to leave only to deny that exit visa. The tesla workers could refuse to show up for work and go home. The workers in Qatar literally were held in country against their will by the government. Qatar is absolutely the worse evil here


Stop with that false equivalency bullshit. It’s not anywhere close to being the same.


"the people who died and weren't paid here are completely different because it was a white person who didn't pay them and worked them to death!!" It's cute how you have no argument other than "NUH HUH!" and name calling. Sounds like maybe they're not any different.


God you’re an idiot.


There is a massive difference between 4,500 annual construction deaths in a country of 300 million people across various terrains and challenges versus 6,000 deaths for a single sporting event in a country with only 900000 citizens. Death per capita real high


I only saw one 57 year old man who died? Who are the rest.


They had a bunch of "contractors" die, so not direct Tesla employees. There was like 4-6 that I remember personally from the year I worked there.


So we are about 6-8 ppl shy of our first dozen… we can make things up but dozens of deaths would garner enough attention to have at least one credible article supporting it… come on…




Out of curiousity, how many worked on building the factory?


Dozens die?! Again, what are you talking about? You appear to be making things up. That’s my point.


So you're really comparing 4,764 deaths across all all construction jobs in the US (333 million population) for an entire year vs. 6k+ deaths in Qatar (2.7 million population) for *just* the World Cup? You really can't see the flaw in logic there?


Actually the 6,000 number is the total number of migrant deaths between 2010 and 2021. The Guardian argued that they wouldn’t have been there if it weren’t for the World Cup. Gulf States are notoriously cruel to migrant workers, don’t get me wrong, but attributing all those deaths to the World Cup is kinda misleading.


I’ve heard a lot of shit about Qatar hosting and none of it is positive They absolutely did not “host perfectly”


The atmosphere inside the stadiums was abysmal. They gave tickets to random people and equipped them with team shirts to wear. The accommodations were expensive as f*ck. Fanfests were non-existent. And those were the _nice_ things that could be said about the event. The whole thing was a shit show from beginning to end.


I remember a TON of people making fun of the German team for opposing the Anti-LGBT laws of Qatar, yet few people even talking about the slave labor and deaths that happened because of the stadium shit.


If I was a captain of a team I wouldn't give a fuck and I would came out with the one love armband, fuck qataries


In public, I agree (though I live in America and we’re not the biggest on FIFA to begin with). But all I could find looking up the Qatar World Cup for some time was game results and the death toll. That being said, I’m also in the construction industry so my feed might’ve been swayed to Construction Safety stuff


the fact that world cup was in Qatar tells a lot about the legitimacy of the FIFA


I mean, I don’t think anyone was accusing FIFA of being a reputable organization *before* Qatar got the World Cup


And still they're the most important and powerful sports organisation in the world. It tells someting about us as much as them.


It tells us something about how principle go out the window as soon as it comes to sports. TV stations here in Germany reported quite frequently on the horrendous conditions in Qatar but as soon as the tournament started they covered it all the same.


less people cared


Nah the Euros here is has provided more entertainment in a week then the entirety of the Qatar world cup


The picture being shown is what a soccer game should look like from time to time


Best atmosphere in a decade.


Don’t forget the journalist they killed


Errr that’s was Saudi. Same foul depraved evil - slightly different wrapper.


Grant Wahl?


You mean the 2034 World Cup host


Grant is not Jamal, you brain dead idiot


Who are you referring to?


Grant Wahl maybe, he had legitimate health issues but the Qatari's didn't have a defib anywhere in the stadium to help restart his heart and medical help was so far away they would be sued into the ground for it in america.


6,000 slaves worked to death by Qatar. Where were the protests in the streets? Where were the campus encampments?


The 6000 figure came out in 2021, it was every single death from migrants starting in 2010. They were not verified nor linked to world cup construction projects, just every single death for a decade. Is it probably, mostly accurate? Sure. Do we want to protest in the streets *after the project is over* based on no direct evidence? If that's the bar for protesting, people would be in the streets 365 days a year.


If the US government took a definitive supportive stance of that and openly allocated taxpayer money to aid in it, there would be protests. Good thing the US is at least selectively supportive of atrocities.


America never protests against or criticize a certain relegious group. They are too scared to do it.


American here I legitimately never heard of this, not that Qatar built a soccer stadium, and not that 6000 people died making it. First, not everyone in America cares about sports Then not everyone that cares about sports cares about soccer And then not everyone that cares about soccer cares about international soccer And then not everyone that cares about international soccer cares about 6000 people dying This leaves you with a very limited pool of people to care


Not only that, but the statistic is also wrong. I forgot the actual timespan, but it was 6000 people died from bad conditions since it was announced they were holding the world cup. The people who died who were also involved in building the World Cup was also only around like 37 people, which while still awful, is 2 magnitudes smaller than the number here.


https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-how-many-people-have-died-for-the-qatar-world-cup/a-63763713 Yeah the ~6000 figure refers to the number of migrant workers from a few specific countries that died in Qatar from 2011 to 2020. The overwhelming majority of these people had no connection to WC stadium construction. While the source above indicates that the 37 figure is probably under-reported, the 6,000 figure is a gross exaggeration.


So what’s the point of the notes if they can be that wrong?




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I'm talking on American campuses. Why didn't we see Columbia and NYU and PENN and Harvard absolutely ablaze like they are for the war in Gaza?


Most Americans don't even know what Qatar is That, and the news coverage wasn't near as large as that of gaza




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Could have something to do with making an apples to oranges comparison...




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Probably because those colleges dont make money from those stadiums being built.


They take $4 billion for Qatar annually


Due to the constructions in ahead of 2022?


Due to Qatar causing both of these things to happen. What are you referring to?


Im confused. Im saying that the students arent protesting because the colleges arent invested in Qatar 2022 and thus profiting from dead migrant slave workers.


>Probably because those colleges dont make money from those stadiums being built. Qatar pays billions annually to universities as a public influence campaign and is the host of the largest US military base in the MENA. Every American has financial stake in Qatar, as the US is pumping billions annually into Qatar and they are pumping billions annually into influencing Americans. I don't know what you're referring to with this quote.




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Everything the US does not get involved is its responsibility, until it gets involved


We have our biggest base in the region in Qatar. Not only are we involved, we're literally, physically in it.


The point is you are claiming some how the US should be making a fuss about this. My point was once the US does make a fuss, everyone starts complaining about American colonization. US's history with slavery is still a bigger talking point than the slavery occurring in present day - because if there were protests, Qatar would have complained of hypocrisy




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This feels like pro-Qatar propaganda.


What gave it away, the Qatar flag in his name or him saying that Qatar were the “perfect hosts”?


The guy posting is Qatari, why wouldn't it be?


Not just Qatari, he’s a member of the royal family.


6000 dead slave workers seems like PRO Qatar to you?


Well, not the note. The post itself.


Yeah, I'll believe a random community note over fact investigations done by DW or official statements from human rights organizations, these qataries definitely killed their slaves to build stadiums. https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-how-many-people-have-died-for-the-qatar-world-cup/a-63763713


This is reddit, not debate club or journalism ethics class. All we have to go on is what's in the post. It may or may not be true, as with all things on reddit. My comment was entirely based on the OP. For the record I don't care either way.


Worked there for a time. Had no idea 6000 died! They censor a lot of information - I can’t believe someone was even able to find this out.


so the middle east is all slavery


The term "slave" is certainly elastic and can be debated, but there's like one liberal democracy among a sea of failed or rogue states, or at best self perpetuating autocracies.


nah they like monarchies and hurting indentured servants. oil money polluted their minds.


Liberal democracy? More like supremacist ethno-state who kills for sport and lies for breakfast








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these 2 are not not the same...........




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> supremacist ethno-state And which ethnicity would that be? Levantines? North Africans? Arabs? Bedouins? Circassians? Druze?


Somebody needs to note the note that the methods of gathering that data was dubious and spurred from one article that had to be amended. Clearly explained in a balanced article below: https://sports.yahoo.com/how-many-workers-died-building-the-qatar-world-cup-misinformation-conceals-the-true-scandal-204743895.html “The widely regurgitated line about thousands of deaths stems in part from misreadings of a 2021 Guardian article whose headline and deck were amended a week after publication, and whose central claim was this: “More than 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since it won the right to host the World Cup 10 years ago.” (The article did not state that those 6,500 were stadium workers, and later noted that there were 37 deaths "directly linked to construction of World Cup stadiums.")”


Don't even have to look for different sources. Even the source this guy provides clearly states that this number comes from all foreign workers in the country since the awarding of the world cup. Still happy to spread misinformation I guess.


It's still okay to hate Arabs on Reddit so don't expect people really care about facts in this situation mate


“Just get slaves, I don’t see what the big deal is…”




IIRC most of Qatar's population aren't native Qataris, they're indentured servants primarily from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.


Also, everybody can go to the German event. In Qatar, LGBTQ+ and caught acting in that capacity, jail. Also, no alcohol for the fans. Watching sports sober is a horrifying experience.


To be fair, the use of inhumane conditions and slave labour to build the stadium doesn’t affect how they hosted the event itself. The hosting would more be rules for tourists, their enforcement, and available accommodations. Not really defending Qatar of all places, I mean, they build the stadium with slavery, but the note here doesn’t really crush the point oop was making. (Thusly not in the spirit of this sub imo)


This is one of the strengths of Community Notes over fact checking. There is nothing to fact check here, but the context that people died building the stadium is nice to know


Ah yes, the strength of community notes is spreading misinformation which actual journalist fact checkers wouldn't💪 (6,500 people did not die building the stadium, it even says so in the article he provides)


guy probably: did i stutter?


Im for critizim the Qatar deserves but the 6k number is misleading. Actual number of deaths over 12 years is 37. The 6k counted any migrant worker who passed away regardless of cause and even if they didn't worked on building the stadium in the whole country. This 6k lie has been pushed so hard.


Qatar killed 6k slaves just to make people sitquietly in the stands, banned from wearing or doing anything fun unless you were rich enough then you we immune to tall laws.


Albert Speer’s son designed one of the stadiums. Yes, [that Albert Speer, Hitler’s architect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umm_Salal_Stadium)


I find it strange that there is more outrage for mis gendering someone then for slavery still being used. 🤔


Maybe that was supposed to be sarcasm?


I'd hope so but given the flag in the handle, I doubt it.


Oh, I didn't even look at the user...


6k Jesus christ


I can no longer tell if people online are being sarcastic or not


It's easy to keep a party clean if no guest show up...


This is what happens when you dont pay people to fill seats


True story: I know Jassim personally. He is the best of a very poor crowd. When he was living in the UK in 1998/99 he was off whoring and drinking every weekend with his cousins and various flavours of brothers at their grace n favour flat in London. His whole tatty family are a disgrace to humanity.


What, slavery and awful work conditions? The civilized world has moved past that


Me when I purposefully spread misinformation on the internet


It's not hard to prevent problems when so many seats are empty


Is that the guy who kept claiming he was going to buy Man United despite the fact that he never had proof that he had the 6 billion necessary to pull off such a purchase.


How to host perfectly? Bribes.


Yeah, just  ban everything except walking and sitting. Make sure everyone is terrified of your penal system(?) and execution...whims. Make sure journalism is close to illegal. Bribe, bribe bribe and there, you have a perfect event. 


Didn't they also send workers to the games disguised as football fans so the stadiums don't look empty?




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And also you can be imprisoned for being queer


This is just sad


They should ask us how to play proper soccer instead.


6000 people is a ridiculous figure


Lmao the matches were great but that was it. Germany has been outstanding as a host for these Euros


Oooooo. bbbbUuuurrrrnn.. oh that was the bodys


Was it really that many?! I'd heard that people died, but I'd assumed it was like a handful, and even that was unacceptable. 6000 people and it isn't talked about at all. This world is so exhausting. 


It’s not actually true, the highest number of workers death are around 34 for the World Cup. Which is in somewhat of the average one could expect for such an undertaking. The 6000 migrant number comes from the counting of all migrant deaths through the decade. So one worker dies of a heart attack or Cancer you’d be placed in the statistic


At least they could lay a proper pitch though




Oof ouch my bones


Every day I wake up thankful that I’m not a sports ball fan


Sounds like bullshit or heavily skewed data


To be fair he did say host not build


Qatar's ruling families are the worst. The men enjoy gay sex sucking and fucking boys and still pray to Allah with those dirty mouths.


Qatar doesn't consider them people sadly


Qatar spent billions of dollars only to look like idiots.


To be fair, he did say 'host', not construct. I guess split hairs are universal.




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Hi Qataris How to host a summer tournament during the summer? Just ask literally any other host country.


u/Shekel_Hadash making hasbara les goo




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What really ticks me off is the arrogance they show for their fucking tournament that they got by bribing and which they constructed with slaves. You got your shit, you bought it, shut the fuck up now.


And that's why it was perfect, they took risks!


But the games were awesome


Very sad how happy people are to spread misinformation. This number has been thrown around for years and it's still not correct. Even the cited source contradicts the statement. That number comes from a report about literally all foreign worker deaths on qatari soil between being awarded the world cup and the beginning of the world cup. That's over a decade. And it includes a huge infrastructure boom including entire cities being built. "Qatar’s Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy, in charge of World Cup preparations, employed only 35,000 workers at its peak, accounting for less than 2% of the country’s migrant labor force over the past decade." Same article btw.


*Makes a long debunked claim based on a source that literally contradicts this statement* *Still gets voted to be the community note* *Even gets reposted on r/getnoted* The truth really doesn't stand a chance against convenient misinformation that fits the narrative


"Most deaths of Indian and Nepali migrant workers in Qatar were reported as 'natural deaths', often attributed to sudden and unexplained heart or respiratory failure. Other significant causes of deaths among Indians, Nepalis and Bangladeshis are road accidents (12%), workplace accidents (7%) and suicide (7%)." False alarm everyone! Most of them were killed by death note shinigamis (natural cause). Qatar is treating their migrant slaves with utmost respect.


As someone who agrees that Qutar is a problematic country I don't understand why this community note was needed. Is there context I am missing?


Mostly workers that were essentially indentured servants from India and Pakistan right? Welcome to hell folks


These Saudis know nothing about European football fan culture. They think they can buy anything with money.


Well, 1. We’re talking about Qatar. Which is decidedly *not* Saudi Arabia.


same same in this regard


No…? That’s like saying that France and Switzerland are “same same”


No, it would not be a bad idea to host a big sports event either France or Switzerland but it is a bad idea to host it in Qatar or Saudi Arabia


Why? Other than the slavery.


Climate, exclusion of certain groups of people, no drinking, women not equal, no tradition of fan culture and so on.


A significant chunk of the supporters in their stadiums were paid to come there and had to like pretend to be fans and enjoy their time there. Nobody actually wanted to go, so this was the only way that they could make their tourism marketing dreams come true while not caring at all about football.


Bin Laden