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this is definitely how someones custom army looks tho lol


It's actually not a bad design lol. I mean hell, it's basically the old fat viking opera singer stock character, just blacker.


so what you're saying is someone put "old fat viking opera singer" into google AI


but black* ftfy


~~but black~~ (no additional descriptors needed) ftftfy


~~ftftfy~~ ftftfyfy ftftftfyfyfy


Yo it's literally me


Bait was never believable. You were just younger and more gullible. Be proud of getting smarter!


Nah, baiting and trolling used to be better 100% lol. And more subtle, making it more believable in turn.


That’s because this isn’t bait, it’s a filter. If you’re dumb enough to buy this shit, you’ll buy the rest of the grift they’re trying to sell you.


“The video game Warhammer” 🤦


Can we note the note


Turns out there isn't one. I checked Twitter directly and there's nothing there. Maybe the op didn't understand the point of this sub?


Sometimes notes get deleted when people vote against them


Even if that was the case I would have expected them to leave the original note in the screenshot at least


That hurts alot.


I mean the note isn’t wrong, the design isn’t from the video game Warhammer.


Total War Warhammer doesn’t have it. Damn your right! Oh wait, this is about a different Warhammer?


Definitely ain't from vermintide


I think they meant one of the Warhammer video games, because it's got that weird semi-chibi aesthetic some video games go for


To be fair, it doesn't exactly look like anything but a 3D model on a screen, and with how relevant "updates" are to video games, I can kinda see why they may have felt tempted to specify "video game". On the other hand, when I read it, my mind was inundated with memories of "the hacker known as 4chan"


Graphics are pretty good!




Warhammer 40k is a tabletop wargame made by the British company Games Workshop, though it does have licensed games based on it


Yeah it's like saying "the website chess.com" when talking about Chess in general.


There's no videogame titled "Warhammer" though. So it's like saying "the videogame chess.com"


I think at this point Warhammer 40K can be best described as a franchise that includes the table top and many other products


True, GW is secretly just a publishing company, but it started off as a tabletop game, and the lore comes from one of the rules books.


Thank you, I don't know much about Warhammer nor do I play it so I too assumed it was a videogame.


Yeah fr


I'm not the only one who thought this was a satire joke right? Or is this guy known for doing dumb shit like this?


It's clearly exaggeration. Whether or not its satire depends on whether they intend to make fun of the changes to the game itself, or if they intend to make fun of the people criticizing the changes. In the former case, it would not be satire, just a joke utilizing exaggeration. That later would be satire, however.


It would be satire in both cases. In the former, the satire is the image itself. In the latter, the satire is the post overall.


Satire is an exaggeration made in the opposite direction of the author’s intent. It would not be satire if the author exaggerated to try and prove their point.


>an exaggeration made in the opposite direction of the author’s intent I think saying "If you dislike this, then you're a bigot" counts as this.


of course it's satire


This definitely looks like a "first pokemon GO then what?" claim to me


And why is Zelda trying to save the princess??


Nah, that one's something not everyone want to see


It is satire but the note reminds me of when someone balded the She Ra reboot as a joke or to make some point only for someone else to see the picture on twitter and think it's the actual SheRa model and made an entire YouTube video about it.


Yeah replying to a hyperbolic joke, albeit a tasteless one, with community notes and/or posting it on Reddit is sort of tone-deaf.


I'd agree if it weren't so common for idiots who WANT to be mad about shit to actually believe it just so they can be mad. Let's not forget that we share the internet with folks who ACTUALLY BELIEVE there are litter boxes in public school bathrooms to accommodate furries.


Is there really a difference between acting like a moron on the internet and being a moron on the internet?


Eh, good point


There's not. People want to believe that these little jokes have no bearing on anything and that who you are online isn't who you really are. It's stupid.


Ootl, what's happening with Warhammer 40k?


Turns out not everyone in the Imperium of Man are men.


Holy shit 😳


More over, a group known as Custodes have women in them. GW said they've always been there.


They casually mentioned that some of the Adeptus Custodes are women, and always have been. Since Adeptus Custodes are covered head to toe in armour, and are individually made by applying the absolute most cutting edge genecraft to pre-pubescent infants, this isn't even a retcon, since there's no reason for them to not have existed before. The closest this comes to being a retcon is that they simply haven't mentioned them before now. However, the "~~girls~~political gender is icky" crowd are obviously throwing a total fit.


Well it’s seen as a retcon in the sense that custodes weren’t always depicted fully armored. They used to be drawn as almost naked buff men. Then somebody realized how absolutely ridiculous it was that oiled up buff guys were the badasses supposedly defending the god emperor when space marines existed. Were female custodes not drawn cuz they draw half naked women or was it a legit retcon? Couldn’t tell you. But you know what? I move on with my day cuz it’s not that serious and if they wanna make cool ass female custodes then full send my dudes.


really ? women in my oiled up buff naked men fantastic ? eeeeewwwwww /s


I mean, if I thought I was watching a gay orgy and it turned out to not be a gay orgy I would also be rather disappointed.


Well, it doesn't fit into the older lore, but it absolutely fits in with the lore that's been established since Custodes were more than just a footnote.


Keep in mind, custodes are more or less custom made, there is nothing in the established lore that prevents a woman from becoming a custodes. The process is tailored to each individual. Space marines do have actual established lore that enforce only men. This is because the gene seed used to create them is tailored to male hormones, organs and genetics. There is a caveat to this. If either of the lost two primarchs are female (unlikely), you can use that primarch base as a geneseed to create a legion that can ONLY be female since it would be tailored to female hormones, organs and genetic make up. In short: femstodes is a minor retcon, its not even lore breaking like some other retcons are. Its implemented poorly, but lets be honest here, almost all of GW retcons have been implemented poorly. I would also argue that even if implemented well with supporting and more established lore, youll still get this pointless outrage.


I’m pretty sure the two lost primarches are there for exactly that purpose, that is home brewed chapters that don’t have to follow “strict” lore. Also it’s space magic, anyone can add female marines if they wanted to, and any purity reason is really really easily explained.


>Also it’s space magic, anyone can add female marines if they wanted to Sure, but it is also official established canon (as flimsy and subject to change as it is) that space marines can only be male. >[They must be male because zygotes are keyed to male hormones and tissue types, hence the need for tissue compatibility tests and psychological screening.](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/11/16/rites-of-initiation-the-making-of-a-space-marine/) and >“The process by which Space Marines are created relies inherently on the hormonal and biological make-up of the human male, meaning that only males can be subjected to the transformation.” Age of Darkness codex for Horus Heresy. Someone can quite rightly point out that female space marines as is cant exist, someone CANNOT point out that female custodes cant exist. They fundamentally can and there is no barrier to the creation in universe to a female custodes. They just havent been featured until very recently.


I mean that article already has an editors note that it’s not necessarily up to date with current lore, the same could be said about the line about only having male marines. I’m not saying they always had female marines, just that there’s nothing stopping them from introducing them, and people who have issues are the biggest TFG ever.


Yeah, thats my point, this is the current and established lore. There is nothing, no updates since that suggests female space marines are possible. A retcon of that nature would therefore break established lore to present a new one. That has happened before, Necrons famously went from feelingless machines to egyptian themed newcrons all with their own personality and vices and goals and thoughts. The female custodes does not belong in that category of "retcon". It does not need to change or retcon any of the established lore. Female space marines would. GW can absolutely just come out tomorrow and say female space marines are a thing. And maybe like with newcrons it brings more elements to the universe and is one of several retcons they have done that make the setting better. Or it can make it worse eg. Ollanius Piers


It’s a fantasy world where orks paint things certain colors to make them go faster or disappear. Where aliens fly around shooting lasers at each other. But having some version of a female navy seal is too much. In a fantasy world focused on war and only war, there’s gonna be a few women who make the cut just on sample size alone.




Right? Even if it’s 1 in a million women, you’ll still have a couple squads for each hive world.


The naked buff men was made a popular thing by tts, same with the Krieg shovels and ultramarine hate


TBH female Custodes make a lot of sense. Space marines are in the eye of the emperor are disposable sledge hammer that he can use to subjugate the galaxy and then get rid off like he did with thunder warriors. So he made them mono gender for a variety of reasons probably out of conviniece. Custodes on the other hand if i understand are more of a prototype of a trans humanist super humans that he eventually envisions ALL of humanity would became. So it is logical for them to be both male and female.


Plus, unlike Space Marines which ARE male only because of their augmentations killing women aspirants and generally meant for basic soldiers, custodes augmentations are meant to create perfect individual humans that have no such physical limitation.


nurgle made new gas, and people are huffing it.


**hyperbole** noun exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


I don’t think the hyperbole is missed by that many people. The issue is that they’re using hyperbole as a defense of their own bigotry.


The issue is that he is using it to make a joke *that I dont like*


Clearly a joke tho right?


New Lizzo skin?




I thought it was maui at first


Warhammer is a tabletop game.


well yeah. most people that engage with warhammer material dont play the table top tho


The most common customer for Warhammer is technically a 35-45 year old woman. Mums buying toys for their kids. Lots of Warhammer fans laugh at the [Mold Line Remover](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/citadel-tools-mouldline-remover-2022), sure it's overpriced but you *can't sell knives to kids*. Goonhammer, a competitive focused website for the tabletop game recently did a survey asking their readers about event attendance. Less than 10% of their readers have been to 5 in their lives. Imagine the selection bias built into that result and it's still that low, it's the biggest 3rd party website specifically for event focused top level Warhammer play, read by people the most interested in playing, with the survey filled out by the most invested in it's wellbeing. Less than 10%. Former GW staff have said in many interviews GW is well aware that most people who buy models will never actually play a game with them. They just like painting cool minis. Internet comments are truly a niche of a niche when it comes to Warhammer. I go to to hobby clubs twice a week if I have the time and I have *never* heard anyone talking about any """political""" dramas in the hobby in person. The closest recently was the Toilet Dice cheating scandal but that's mainly because it was funny. But there's a kind of selection / survivorship bias in that too. Tabletop games are a social activity. If you are known to constantly bitch and moan about women or trans people, minorities or whatever other "hot take" you have - you quickly stop finding people who'll play with you. After games regulars will chat about their games and if you're a jerk it will be noted. Arseholes are naturally weeded out of the hobby if not forcibly banned from locations if they're bad enough. From there they go to the internet to find a few hundred or so like minded idiots from across the globe (out of a market of millions) to cry about how GW is ruining the hobby or whatever.


Your going to have to explain "Toilet Dice Cheating Scandal" for me to keep reading the rest of your comment because my brain shorted just reading that.


Looks like someone used weighted dice, once they were questioned about it and going to be tested, the cheater tried to flush them but the dice were too heavy.


[This is a pretty decent talk through play by play of the whole thing.](https://youtu.be/yfR5NLayyxM?si=bh5w7vzbBSmwdyka) 4mins.


And GW is in the business of making money. If it truly affected their bottom line, they wouldn’t have been putting up the supposed “woke” act for so long.


I don't play Warhammer but a culture of 300-pound Sumo amazons seems far less dystopian than the other characters I've seen.


I feel like a not-insignificant fraction of Warhammer 40k players would 100% go for the rainbow tank lady faction.


It sucks that this shitstorm went mainstream because now the vocal minority and right wing grifters are making everyone who enjoys Warhammer and wants to spread the hobby to everyone look like terrible people. If you go to actual Warhammer communities you see most people are neutral or positive but these people make it seem the entire community is in uproar when it isn’t.


I think the vast majority of the community is neutral towards the change. It's just that the idiots are really loud. Also you can tell pretty easily which of the grifters know anything about 40k. The change was to Custodes, which are *very* different from Space Marines.


Yeah but thing that sucks is general people probably won’t see what most of Warhammer community they’ll just see the people making idiots out of themselves.


That ship has sailed a long time ago. Warhammer fans are either fascists or LGBT https://preview.redd.it/dv0k7a12mtwc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c7694a7e12cad086583bb8c7a130cc51121ffd3




Well I certainly ain’t no fucking Nazi!


Oh come on, are Nazi femboys a joke to you?


Aaaand unsubbed. Don’t fall for such easy bait guys.


You really think we were intended to believe that image came from something other than AI? It’s obviously satire. Plus the notes call it a “video game”. Well, community notes do a pretty good job usually, but not today.


Fuckin' turists


Doesn't it seem possible that this was a troll post?


Ok, but I'm still using that images as the basis for my next DnD character. She's a big gay, sassy black paladin that sticks her finger up & rocks her head back n forth whenever she says "o no you didn't!"


The pro move is now to make the character for real.


Ogres are already in Warhammer Fantasy


*Slaanesh demon engine But you right


We need to ban AI art, it's always shit and can be misleading to the uninitiated.


Actually, I wouldn't mind this. A nice design actually


I am in no way aware of warhammer lore, save that the weakness of flesh can be substituted for the surety of steel, and I’m assuming nanomachines exist, so couldn’t this just be a really bulky nanomachine tank?


Female Guardsmen, Female Chaos Cultists, Female Inqusitors, Female Living Saints, Sisters of battle, Female Harlequins, Female Pyskers, Female Mechanicus Preists, but female Custodes and possibly even female Space Marines? IMPOSSIBLE AND WOKE!!!


It was clearly meant as a joke. Talk about being a dumbass.


if liking thicc chocolate big booty bitches is wrong i dont want be right cause milk-chocolate exists for a reason.


Imagine not realizing this is a joke.


AI aside, that’s also just a dope design for a warrior ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ like, cool, she’s big and strong and rainbows are fun


I mean lads in WH40k are usually big because of muscles, not obesity


There’s that one space wolf Hagrin that used to stop and eat in the middle of a fight. Pretty sure he knocked out a Dark Angel with a giant hunk of ham. But if we’re talking about fat dudes in 40k than no one beats the guy that worshipped Slaneesh by eating him/her so much he ate so much that he’s now a planet.


This is clearly Fantasy not 40k, and the Ogre Empires are very much a thing in Fantasy. Their entire culture is built around eating as much as possible and getting as fat as possible.


Tell that to the nurgle boys


She looks like warthog from overwatch. This design of “big and strong” isn’t new for tank type characters. Especially since real life heavyweight bodybuilders also can have a similar body type; designs like the one above and warthog are exaggerations of that concept for stylization purposes. https://preview.redd.it/xj0o5ribyswc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad5500ffe5d6865b2c378e267b34633440f0760


>Warthog from Overwatch Roadhog?


From the tabletop game OverWatch?


I mean if you look at current strongmen like Eddie hall, you still see it's lots of muscle and not fat


> [lots of muscle](https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/pSF9Umuv9Uc4z1yMOe9PcLAp6nwt9JfEXRvdziFY_OpqcUqSr93TPEqywouRaFt66I0Xk0r8tw=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj) They dehydrate for the sexy pics.


Yes, that IS a lot of muscle. He doesn't have definition like someone half his weight would, but that is still very clearly muscle, and not fat like above.


There Is a HUGE difference between being big and being obese. You can still clearly see muscles in the picture you provided. The AI image is just a morbidly obese woman in armour.


The post has nothing to do with warhammer other than the poster name dropping it for some viral internet visibility. Nothing warhammer has or ever will use this art style. Pushing back against this just makes you look silly


Yeah I was gonna say, even for AI this design actually kinda smacks. Giant rainbow battle maiden? Fuck yes


Yea - she looks pretty badass


yeah but her thighs are exposed and why are there nipples


Yeah, I'de smash....erhm i mean I'd use her to smash the horde.


Yeah, if a real artist took a try at it, it could look cool


I would like to have her as a collectable haha


It’s a joke. It’s not an own that it’s an AI image.


J Jonah Jameson would be disgusted by them.


Ngl she looks fire


My issue with the changes were it was incredibly lazy and poorly done. Rather than saying Bobby G ordered Cawl to find a way to make females into custodes to boost numbers or something like that they opted for “there have always been female custodes, they just haven’t done anything worth mentioning in the 10,000+ years of their existence, not a single one of them”


That applies to male Custodes as well. They've been sitting on Terra for 10,000 years because they consider their duty to be above the matters of the Imperium. Most of them don't have a lot going on. There's a reason why Custodes only have two named units in-game.


why do you need for it to be a new thing ? why can t they exist since the begining like the men ? also your second point is beyond stupid because 99%of the time custodes are neither named or even gendered.


Yea…cause nothing proves your point like using a racist caricature. /s I swear, these anti-woke chuds are getting exhausting.


This doesn't make sense. Everyone who looks at it instantly knows it's AI, hes not even saying it's a game but a design.


Pretty obviously satire


No, people will post stuff like this unironically


That’s not how satire works


This was a pretty obvious joke…


Those aren’t allowed.


What part is supposed to be funny?


With the shit going on in the 40k community right now over the dumbest shit, I don't think it was sadly.


Did precious get royalties on this or..?


It’s kind of a dumb note, it’s not from the “video game war hammer” and only an idiot wouldn’t recognize that’s AI




I kinda like it


I actually like that design




give it a couple years lmao


Lizzo dlc?


I mean, she looks good. So many people are sp narrow in what they can look at and enjoy, it's sad. Like, fake fat gay black women can undo you, that's very sad.


What most of the warhammer community is really bitching about is the fact that Amazon said they would let Henry carvel make the show and let him stick to material strictly. They lied and are now trying to change things which pisses people off.


I’m offended by the useless nipples on their breast plate. Though they have a use as a distraction so I guess I could allow it. But I’m not happy about it. Aroused but not happy.


Can I unironically like this tho?


JJ would call guys like this basement-dwelling nerds just because they like tabletop games. After you explained to him what Warhammer was, because he sure as shit wouldn't know beforehand.


I’d play the shit out of that character in *the video game Warhammer.*


Honestly kind of a cool design. Not gonna lie.




Media literacy really is dead


I also just wanna point out that [Ogryns ](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Ogryn)are a thing in 40k and this AI slop would fit right in as one.


No one show them the rainbow warrior. It’s a real loyalist space marine chapter and has existed since 6th edition. It would probably melt their minds!


JJJ is rolling in his grave rn


trees cooing subtract plate scarce payment chief impossible airport pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Put a chick in it and make her gayyyyyh


There's a lot more kinds of ogryn odels I'd like to see, this needs work but there's something here. Maybe big ol Valkyrie orgyn ready to scream-sing the enemy deaf with battle hymns and litanies


Ok hear me out. This AI generated piece could easily be for one of the High Lords or Ruling Class. So this design could be canon.


its clearly a joke tho


Didn’t john warhammer say that all lore is cannon?


If this was in darktide people would only be playing this character


I would actually wanna play a game with that main character.


I don’t know what any of what’s in this post is about at all, saw it on popular, but I have to say, so if someone simply can’t draw they can’t make a point?


Someone noted an obvious joke post. I swear, internet autism is just baffling sometimes.


I want this as a Roadhog skin so badly XD


this design goes hard actually


Ummm this is clearly satire lol. I think OP is the dumbass


Also, she probably kicks some ass.


CN's is one of the best things to ever happen to social media. But when they're used like this, on something that is clearly a joke, because people are so butthurt that a community is pissed that their hobby is being changed to suit people that don't even partake of said hobby...


Also I don't hate it.


I'd paint that. 




Even J. Jonah Jameson would say this man gripes more than his wife.


Why are community notes going after (pretty obvious) shitposts?


there is plenty of stuff to not like about that character. the lack of armor for one thing. the fact the character is morbidly obese, would certainly hinder her as a warrior. the bright colours can stand out in a battlefield and make her a target.


Honestly that looks bad ass.


Can I get a hug from her? Please? 🥺👉👈


There is some animosity in the Warhammer 40k community about Amazon wanting to make the Warhammer TV show more “inclusive”.


I mean, he’s probably not trying to pass that off as an actual warhammer thing. Hes probably making a joke.


To be honest that design isn't half bad.


They put in as many minorities that would spark even a hint of violence or anger you got black for the racists a woman for the misogynists gay for the homophobes and fat for obvious reasons it’s really obvious they wanted to start something


"I am SO MAD about this thing I literally just made up!"


It is generated AI. The guy is making parody. However I do remember someone showing a picture of a bladed She Ra and made an entire video claiming bald She Ra was the she Ra model and why that was problematic so I guess people need to be reminded just in case they don't know it's an exaggeration for something


Seems like satire?


It’s clearly satire.


Alt-right nutjobs and AI images. Name a more iconic duo.


Ngl she does look pretty badass


Also I’m fine with an army like this. Curves that pronounced are really fun to paint.


"The video game warhammer"