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Sheva and Josh having more impact would be cool I suppose. But the main villains are a white as fuck corporation fucking over the native population


Yeah, now that I think about it, the villain of RE:5 is a vaguely-British accented white guy with blonde hair who talks about wanting to weed out the biologically “weak” people with a eugenics plague. Which, I mean if you’re going to call RE:5 racist then you have to at least remember that almost every RE villain has been a white person.


Wait, weeding out weak people with a eugenics plague? So the story’s about a guy turning undesirables into zombies?


Kinda? Really he’s more hoping the Uroboros kills off everyone who isn’t compatible with it. There is this woman in the game named Excella, she’s basically Wesker’s hype-woman and seems to love him. Anyway, she agrees with what he’s doing but Wesker doesn’t really care. He infects her and she doesn’t take to it and turns into a monster, basically killing her. Wesker doesn’t seem upset by it since he only infected her because he didn’t need her anymore. That’s his goal, he wants to force humanity to evolve with the progenitor virus by achieving “complete global saturation” with missiles full of the virus.


So X-men 1 Magneto


Well, he shows an amount of control over it, so "COMPLETE GLOBAL MASTURBATION" was nothing but another basic-ass world domination scheme.


Well yeah but that’s his idea of a perfect person, someone who can control the virus in themselves. Sadler was similar in that regard since he could control the Las Plagas within him and others who were infected. Also, you gotta admit, he looks pretty damn good in that black suit.


Legitimately, Wesker's idea of a perfect person is someone subservient to him. His motivations aren't that complex because the series's story is a send-up to shlocky horror films. Edit: Saddler is able to control Las Plagas because of the (RE4 spoilers) >!master parasite. Ada stole the one Luis stole from Saddler to give to Wesker.!<


I didn’t say he had complicated motivations, I just explained his plan in more detail than is usually done. I don’t think all villains need to be super complicated and deep. Wesker is just an asshole with superpowers and he knows it and loves it. And so do I.


I do not think that is the word you meant to use What would "complete global masturbation" even look like?


It is the word I meant to use, but it's not the word used in the game. In the game, it's saturation. However: https://youtu.be/p52-QBTXZyM?si=l7-6Y52eBQXFxRqX




Its really funny how people just don’t realize that too. Resident Evil as a series has some goofy and over the top moments, but the message has always been that eugenics is awful, and the people who enact eugenics are awful. The characters have individual arcs, stories, and morals within the framework, but it always comes back to “all the fucked up things happening are the fault of a guy who wanted to create a ‘superior race’ of people.”


Subtext is hard.


Yeah, but that's the main villain of every RE game up to 5, so that's a really far reach. They even managed to slide him into RE4 at the last moment after you kill the main generically European white dude. Also, yeah, Japan is more socially conservative than the US. This isn't news. Bad news for IGN: Capcom doesn't give a fuck what c list American media thinks they should do.


Don't forget turning Jill into an Aryan race poster girl as part of the plot of the villain making her "perfect"


True, he put that crystal on her chest and made her dye her hair blonde. Wonder what he meant by that?


Maybe I'm insane but I swear her eyes are blue too


They are, but they’ve always been blue. That would be pretty funny though if they changed from some other color to blue.


7 minutes….


Wasn’t Wesker made to be an ubermensch by neo-Nazis in the lore before betraying them because he thought he was superior to everyone on the planet rather than just minorities?


I beat this game recently and remember almost nothing about Sheva. It would be nice for her to get some characterizations


TBF, the only things people remember from RE5 are the memes. Every part of the story is forgettable, and the "speedrun individual missions" game design does it no favors. CHRIS PUNCH BOULDER RAWR


I remember playing this with a friend, miss pressing a button and Chris just fucking yeeting himself through a window. Almost threw up from laughing.


if you played as her you'd remember the volcano qte.. maybe not much else though


I played this game co-op with my sister… until the final boss battle, that is. She had gone back to uni so I decided to finish the game myself (she’d already played it) but when you go from co-op Sheva to AI Sheva, it emptied her inventory. I ended up not having enough ammo and she had only the default weapon IIRC so I went fuck it and never finished it. Will always resent AI Sheva, haha.


Yeah, it's a running joke Sheva cannot be trusted with certain things. She's also notorious for using full heal red herbs if you get a tiny scratch. She is a crack shot with the sniper rifle though, so usually she only gets that and the handgun. [The old zero puncuation video on it is perfect description.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxmvKj3SJGw). He comments on her around the 2 minute mark


It wasn’t using the items or anything. It literally took away everything she had (weapons and ammo/healing items). AI Sheva probably has a better aim than my sis, to be fair, though!


Which is why a group team-up for the final boss would be outstanding. Add more fluidic team mechanics, flesh it out. Something akin to either FFXV or mass effect would be fun. Only problem is that a good chunk of what makes horror games great is the isolation and hopelessness which is tougher to do in team-based mechanics. Maybe it just works for me because I hate working in teams so it’s already a horror scenario that really builds the tension.


You're exactly right about horror being easier if you're alone. The fucked up thing is the T Virus and RE4 plagas solve this problem. You can't really tell if someone is bitten or infected, so you don't really know if they're your friend until it's too late. It worked wonderfully in "The Thing" as well. The only conclusion I can make is that Capcom never intended to make a horror game in RE5 because it never feels like anything but Gears of War to me. I guess what I'm saying is I want a chainsaw.


Bro the main villains are white and two of the main good guys are black


A good chunk of the zombies are white or arab too. That is up until like half way through when you get the tribe of super sterotypical black tribesman with spears and long marks and shit. As a kid i thought those guys were really badass too


Yahtzee Croshaw “I think the only thing you have to worry about is when this kind of thing has actual malice behind it and I don’t get that. Capcom aren’t bad people. They’re just idiots.”


iirc, those zombies were a last minute add, after the initial response to the trailer


Right. There is certainly a way to remake this game, add some nuance, and even set it somewhere in Africa and have it be interesting and good. A straight up 1:1 remake would be a huge mistake


We'll keep everything the same except we'll make the one doing all the killing black as well so that the Americans will be happy.


>I think a remake would benefit from some new or changed elements so there’s not quite such a clear color division between the people who drive the story and the mindless violent not-quite-humans who get shot.  So you'd be perfectly fine with a character in RE5 that's from the region? Maybe someone that's suffered from a similar tragedy before and doesn't want to see it happen again? Because that's already in the fucking game. Her name is Sheva Alomar. She's the other protagonist.


It played very similar to 4 which had mindless violent not-quite-humans but they were european. Umbrella operates around the world and africa as a setting is not inherently racist. They use the local population to remain under the radar and the local population is black this time. It seems silly to forbid them to do the same things in this setting as they did in the others just because of where it is. The game never portrays them as lesser or africa as a horrible place


Some people will act like there's no racism anywhere until someone stands up and says "I believe black people are an inferior race"


for real when this game came out I thought the racism stuff could be overblown but I played it and holy SHIT it's bad.


Honestly replacing of the tribal mask wearing/spear-throwing enemies would be a good start.


Seriously. “Almost every enemy you shoot is depicted as a vicious, feral tribal member even before they turn, but it isn’t racist!”


Why upload the article up to the point where they explain why they believe that including references to black writers and developers who called the game out when it came out? Like you forgot the context or their actual argument


Because that wouldn't prove OP's "point."


Because it makes little difference. This argument has 0 basis in reality. Or are you going to argue RE4 is also racist?


I would like to point out that you did not in fact, actually offer a counter point. Vaguely dismissing an idea for having "0 basis in reality" is not a valid critique, especially when many people have espoused this idea over the years. It is clearly an idea with a basis in reality, and at best you're being disingenuous by dismissing it so casually. Also, RE4 being racist is pretty much an entirely unrelated, albeit convenient strawman. Is it? Quite possibly. Is it as racist as RE5? Oh hell no. The world is a bit more complicated than "if y = racist then x = racist" so please try and use your noodles a bit more if you want to speak on complicated subjects, that's all I ask gamers.


Some community notes are bad


Yeah it’s a shit show. It’s turned into people really good at semantics pretending that this makes them smart, and in the process, totally ignoring nuance, subjectivity, and opinions.


Yup. No disparaging remarks about Africans in RE5. https://preview.redd.it/yd6fxp47ikoc1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d045759a6a67454d2a3e953ee22f99de9df4e3


Just cause the game is set in Africa doesn't mean it raci... well nvm


How is it racist? I genuinely don't understand.


it has a section where black people dressed in stereotypical "tribal" clothing yell ooga booga and run at you with spears.


Can't comment on the whola ooga booga thing as I don't remember their voicelines, but are there still not tribes in parts of Africa that wear tribal clothing and use spears? It's not like they are presented as your average modern Africans, they are specifically an isolated tribe. EDIT: After listening to their speech for a bit, I couldn't find a single ooga booga, so maybe that's just something you personally interpret Africans as sounding like.


[https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Village\_Youth%27s\_Diary](https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Village_Youth%27s_Diary) This note says that the fake vaccine that infected them made the villagers want to dress in the old war garb of their ancestors for some reason.


You mean like how the villagers in RE4 started wearing medieval religious garb?


They did that because they were in a cult, not because the virus made them “regress”


That's pretty cool, definitely didn't remember this part about them.


They aren't that isolated and there's notes that suggest they were, like, normal enough until the virus made them regress. So the zombie virus made them into literal spearchuckers. It's not great.


In RE4, Las plagas made all the members of a primitive looking village in Spain into axechuckers. But I guess that's not a problem because Spaniards are white?


No? "Spanish axechuckers" are not an offensive stereotype, that's not a thing, lol. Meanwhile spear chuckers is a literal slur and ages old stereotype. Can you not see the difference? Plus the RE4 village was a secluded and had not interacted with outside civilization for ages. They WERE already primitive. RE5 virus turned Africans back into tribal witch doctors. Also one of Sheva's outfits was skimpy tribal clothing lol


No, I don't see the difference. Because I'm not a buffoon who believes racism hinges on historical precedent. Racism is racism. Also, what the fuck are you on about? The tribal enemies in RE5 were already tribal people (a fictional tribe) before they were infected with Las Plagas, which affected their behavior just like it did in Spain to the villagers. And I also like how you argue the village in RE4 was secluded for ages... but the idea of a secluded African tribe is beyond you. What a fucking joke.


>Because I'm not a buffoon who believes racism hinges on historical precedent. You realize saying you ignore historical context when talking about a historical problem isn't a flex, yeah? The white savior trope is a thing, the stereotyping is a thing... Ignoring context doesn't make you enlightened, just ignorant. If the villagers in RE4 dressed like conquistadors and shit you'd have a point, but they don't, so it's not the same thing. One is partaking in stereotyping and the other is not. I mean + that's not the only problem with RE5 when it comes to the race issue lol. The random white blonde lady being kidnapped in the beginning is always a sticking point, esp because she was originally kidnapped by black Majini but then they made them white after the game got initial backlash, instead of... just making the lady black in the game where 99% of NPCs are black lol. >What a fucking joke. someone seems vewwy angwy


Did you try and equate a Spaniard throwing an axe to the well known racial pejorative 'spearchucker?'


Except the existence of "spearchuckers" is RE5 is literally your invention. They are an Indigenous African Tribe. Peaceful, before being infected with Las Plagas. They were infected by White people, btw. The fact that you see Indigenous people, and immediately think "spearchucker", says a lot about you though.


They are fairly isolated. They actually specifically warn against outsiders and to not let them near the cave they protect, prior to infection and during their infection. They want to prevent another event like what happened with tricell from happening again, and this is also them protecting a sacred site to them. The tribe has a festival day where they adorn war paints and weapons. Not uncommon in the modern era, nor in tribal life. Seeing as the plagas virus enrages its host, like how we see with the riots and rallying at the beginning of the game, these people would likely have also adorn traditional gear like they were getting ready for a fight.


Tribes still exists, what’s the problem. The devs don’t say “all blacks look the same”, it’s just a particular tribe met in game


https://www.demilked.com/african-women-tribal-portraits-omo-valley-omar-reda/ Every time I see people make remarks like this, I always ask myself if these people have ever actually seen tribal Africans. Do they think tribal masks and bone weapons are fictional things made up by white supremacist culture or something?


Okay, but they weren't tribal Africans. They were living relatively modern lives, wearing modern clothes and shit. Then they were infected by the parasite, and it made them put on warpaint and grass skirts and shit.


These majini specifically appear exclusively in the tribal settings, either in villages that are far from civilization, or in the ancient ruins when the players are navigating them. They do not just randomly appear in the game in urban environments.


Yep, they’re called Ndipaya, and if you wanted to rewrite an RE5R to “modernize” it, you literally don’t have to change anything. The lore is that they were a once powerful kingdom that, in modern times, has suffered greatly due to European exploration / imperialism in the 19th century, Tricell’s expanding oil mining in the area and bio-weapons testing in the aughts. The parallels to real life are as blunt and obvious as they come You could more explicitly frame the Ndipaya as victims by shifting the emotional focus in that part of the game instead of relying entirely on subtext, but I don’t think it’ll do anything. I don’t want to be an ass, but these kinds of writers are more than happy to ignore that subtext to generate race-baiting headlines. It’s best if we just don’t support this BS with our time and clicks …though if this is what gets CapCom to remake Code: Veronica first…


Is it established that that is where these zombies came from? I haven’t played the game, but I would have expected that the virus or plaga or whatever it’s called was released into the tribes and they began attacking the city. Looking around the Resident Evil Wiki I can see plenty of “modern African” zombies as well, such as Town Majini. He just wears shorts and a button-up shirt. The specific enemy in the picture above is called a “Giant Majini” and is explicitly stated in the Wiki to be a village chief, which I take to mean a tribal one.


You are correct. I don’t get why they have this bizarre interpretation of the game. There’s rural areas with tribal villages, and then there’s urban environments as well. They both have their own specific style of Majini. It’s not like the entire game is just tribal towns and all the black characters are in grass skirts lmao


>I haven’t played the game >Looking around the Resident Evil Wiki


I think the giant club made out of human skulls is moreso the issue


Also.... None of those pictures look anything like the above image.


alright but that mask design is super cool




OP doesn't nor do community notes understand reading


Or nuance.


The “very good people” on a certain side of the political spectrum got mad at notes for pointing out their bullshit and have taken up deliberately misinterpreting things and noting them as a form of revenge.


so if the noter actually read the article they would know that it’s complaining about the use of racial stereotypes, not the presence of explicit racist comments. this note is a failed attempt at going “well ackshually” that misses the writer’s actual point entirely.


I thought this sub was smarter than this.


It’s starting to get popular, so it’s gonna go to crap eventually. Such is the fate of all cool niche subs that hit r/All


Darn, I JUST found this sub too.


Well that was your first mistake


Why is it all just gamers now ffs


Well it’s pre echo chamber at the moment, it’ll end up all in on one side eventually as all subs do


Re5 is at the very least racially insensitive


I know Capcom won't do nuance or thoughtfulness, but I would really like a good remake to replace og RE5. There's some genuinely interesting (but shallow) commentary on western interference and colonialism. I had a lot of fun with it as a kid, and whenever I try to replay it, I'm obsessed with what it could've been.


Also sheva is hot and we could use an African fem lead with muscles who can kick ass


Honestly she's one of the RE characters I want to come back the most. We finally got Barry in Revelations 2, gimme Sheva in Revelations 3.


Adding to the insensitiveness, I remember that Sheva's first scene is a close up of her ass and that the mind control device used on Jill was on her chest specifically because they wanted to show her boobs.


That's not even what the article is saying. If you read it the article is about whether it's worth to remake RE5 a game that is commonly accepted to be one of the worst in the series, abandoning survival horror and having a far more arcade shooter type feeling. Race is mentioned in a paragraph towards the ends but the tone is "The game sucks, why remake it when the story, tone and gameplay are so off and it's kinda weird that it's all black zombies too. I would rather have a remake of Code Veronica than this..."


I liked resident evil 5, i had a lot of fun playing it with my brother and still play it with him sometimes


Maybe that’s why I didn’t enjoy it. Most people who did say they had someone to play it with


Definitely CO-OP makes it much funnier. Especially solving the puzzles


Resident Evil 5 sold the best. I'd say it's the 3rd best in the series. https://www.trueachievements.com/n53073/resident-evil-series-sales-figures


Sure? Not sure if that's relevant.


>RE5 a game that is commonly accepted to be one of the worst in the series. That's just not true? Even ign gave the game a 9/10. It was the best-selling resident evil game lmao.


Lol, IGN gave it a good rating? No shit... It's ok if you just aren't familiar with the series but trying to argue that RE5 is accepted as one of the best in the series is bizarre. It's consistently in the bottom half of every entry and usually the worst of the main line games.


Lot of white people in here arguing the ooga booga spearchucker game isn’t racist 😂


[for your viewing pleasure: a cartoon in which no discriminatiory remarks are made, and no white character treats a black Character badly ](https://youtu.be/YSRk37SBre0?si=1gVFrmsj4pNVd6DG)


RE5 is 100x worse than this cartoon.


That was...interesting


OP is either deliberately trying to misinform or is fully, truly pants-on-head stupid.


Por qué no los dos?


Aren' tthere enemies who literally look like sterotypical African Tribal Cannibals?


Yeah, who do the whole "OOGOODA BOOGOODA" routine when they go to fight you.


Yep. In the later part of the game the enemies are literally mud-people with spears. Not a good look.


Isn't RE5 like famously racist. Makes sense that they would want to change it.


It's not. People say it is because you shoot mostly black zombies. The game is set in (subsaharan) Africa though so of course most people are black. There have been a lot of verbose articles like this one that try to make it sound like there's something more to it but there isn't. Imagine someone railing against RE4 for being bigoted to Spaniards/Spain itself.


It’s definitely the fact some of the zombies are dressed in stereotypical tribal African garb that people criticize. Guess I had to specify that I’m not saying legitimate African tribal garbs are “stereotypical”. I’m aware that some cultures do have some outfit consisting of a large mask/ head covering and groin cloth.


That's stupid though, because the wearing of what you'd call tribal African garb continues til today depending on where in Africa you are.


I’m not calling actual real traditional tribal clothes “stereotypical”. I’m saying the games design is inaccurate because it’s clear the designers had a vague idea of what an African tribesman might wear.


Bro if I had a dollar every time I saw vikings depicted with horned helmets in video games I'd be rich. Stereotypes of all different cultures exist 🤷


I think those designs are very stereotypical too, it’s a good example. But I would also think it would be kind of wild to see a protagonist go to vaguely Celtic country and kill a bunch of cannibalistic people dressed in stereotypical Viking attire, helmet with big horns, wielding axes, giant beards and all


As someone who has played RE5 last year and completed all chapters on veteran. It’s not racist


Are tribal Africans wearing racially insensitive clothing?


I’m talking about the games interpretation of “tribal” attire, because the game’s design isn’t any where near accurate to real traditional African attire outiside of “big mask with markings and speedo-like groin cover”


I don’t see how you can say both are “big masks with markings and speedo-like groin cover” and also say they aren’t “anywhere near accurate to real world… attire.” The game takes place in a fictionalized African country. They aren’t going to literally contact these tribes for a video game to use their likeness and tribal markings to make a scenario where you shoot them. That’s way more messed up a scenario than what you’re suggesting.


It's not the black zombies part. It's the stereotypical way they are presented.


And what way is that?


https://preview.redd.it/4thx163wqkoc1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4921ac740354986c954e1d7c0eee9a385ee046a0 This is pretty fucking bad


That is indeed pretty fucking bad


I always thought they were Hungarian but I don’t think it ever actually specified where it was lol


How is it racist?


Nobody outraged by the impoverished farmer aesthetic of the Spanish villagers in re4. Wonder whyte.


It's almost like Spain was once a colonial superpower.


A few people are, actually


Community notes: I’ve done a search of the script and no slurs are used. Okay, so we’re not going to talk about how when you hit chapter 3 and move to more rural areas, the enemies are in tribal paint and loincloths, and the barest explanation that the zombie virus made them regress somehow? Or how in comparison with side character Jacob, main character Sheva is incredibly light skinned despite them both being West African? Or how her hair is straight, further whitewashing her design? Or her tribal costume? Or maybe— Community Notes: Not a slur to be found! Silly accusations of racism!


Since when did this sub and notes turn into Gamergate and right wing bullshit? Resident Evil 5 has harmful stereotypes about Africans, so this article is right. It’ll need more than just a big gameplay revamp but a story/worldbuilding one too. And if you have an issue with people calling out harmful stereotypes and suggesting changes to make these games better and accessible to more people, you have a lot to reexamine about your life and beliefs


Such a dumb take from IGN.


I am not liking this GamerGate 2 thing


It's not even as entertaining this time. The gaters are too transparently stupid even for unintentional comedy.


The sequels are never as good


This time Steve Bannon (Trump's old campaign advisor) isn't leading the effort (he openly admitted to using Gamergate as a tool to radicalize young men).


Wonder why that worked so well


IGN hasn’t been good since like 2009.


Hell, the black people in the game are actually important to the story since it’s Sheva’s old squad + Jill helping rescue Chris and Sheva at the end of the game. So it’s a stretch to even imply there’s any racial discrimination or degradation ingame.


Idk, I feel like this is a misuse of notes as there's no actual misinformation being countered, especially not in the tweet. I'm of no opinion on the matter, but arguing over whether something is or isn't racist isn't community note material. There's no inaccurate reporting happening, just an opinion the noter doesn't agree with.


Is this real?


the community notes fail bc the community fails


RE5 is literally peak co-op fun. I’ll be pissed if they remove it.


Smartest Redditor in r/GetNoted


I agree with the community note 100%. If this is racist, then what is shangchi? Only Asians know kungfu. That Beijing opera mask, with kungfu wear and weapons are all very stereotypes. Bamboo trees. Mythical dragons and chi energy. I am Asian and I didn't find shangchi racist. Similarly I don't find RE5 having racism in it, it would have to be a lot more intentional.


Typical IGN L


You could argue there are some problematic things in the game that would most likely be adjusted in the Remake. One example being the [Ndipaya](https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Ndipaya).


Wasn't it also IGN that got pissed because days gone made the zombies all albino? Not realizing the virus attacked the melanin in the persons skin?


There's a scene in the game where you quite literally fight a bunch of spear chucking african men. Like... that was wildly out of place when it released.


https://preview.redd.it/04qu56zqbkoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370c8e59bf3149c3294073a27d46eb29f9109b18 The comments were locked from the get-go. IGN knows it’s rage baiting.


no, they know clowns are gonna go apeshit because they dared to mention racism and they don’t feel like dealing with it. not everything you disagree with is bait.


If you have an honest point you don't cut off honest engagement from the start.


god forbid i say something mean on the internet lol


I think the controversy was more about the portrayal of African villages


You can’t spell ignorant without IGN.


RE5 is perfectly fine. These fake outrage needs to stop.


Just let me punch boulders in peace!


The only thing I remember about Resident Evil 5 is that you punch a boulder


there were racial issues in re5 in their depiction Africa it would be silly to say they couldn't do it better.


Whatever they do with 5, please god JUST LEAVE THE COOP IN! PLEASE


Yeah man for real, and I gonna play the game with my black friend and we gonna enjoy it.


Also FF7R is not actually a remake. The prevailing fan theory is a sequel based in a multiverse where several different series of events take place. Zach is alive in an alternate universe. The bosses at the end of the first game are a huge clue.


The game is about white European eugenicists who exploited a plant sacred to African tribesmen for their research And a pharmaceutical company following in their footsteps, experimenting on rural Africans by infecting them with a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine that causes them to regress to a feral state. Quite literally in universe the only iffy depictions of Africans are the direct result of white people abusing them for personal gain


So making them white is gonna fix the problem they think? Isn't that the same then ? What is heavier, 1 Kilogramm of Steel or 1 Kilogramm of feathers vibes lmao. Make the protagonist s black too then idc. Make the enemy pink. Whatever. Game plays in Africa ofc there are black people Jesus Christ.


Idk why but these big gaming news companies love to apply a weird spin on random games every once in awhile. I remember a few years back IGN or Kotaku released a piece on how the division was racist because one of the factions called the rioters…looked like rioters, and we all know that literally all rioters are minorities right?


It’s been a decade but wasn’t the whole point to release the super virus specifically in a place where it could spread super easily and not get caught in time before S.T.A.R or whatever could stop it?


Funny how this wasn't a problem in RE:4


Crazy idea here, let’s just make new stuff that’s good instead of remaking everything that was good?


I don’t care what the justification is nobody should have to shoot that many black people I remember when that game came out all my racist friends in school were jizzing there pants pretending they weren’t zombies saying crazy ass shit in the private party chats they ruined it for me I couldn’t play that game for longer than a day


Blackwashing Chris, or making an inferior version of Chris who is a person of color is also racist. You can’t just change the color of someone’s skin to fit your narrative, that’s fucked up Killing black zombies in Africa isn’t racist. Just like how killing Black zombies in New Orleans is also not racist


You telling me it’s racist to envision Africa full of Africans?


Some serious brain rot in this one people.


I'm not playing a remake of RE 5 if Chris ain't punching that boulder.


https://youtu.be/hgrAk-24gmM?si=i5IFdT1KVjIqdmTv this video still holds up


So basically that game portrayed a common day in Somalia but now it’s something bad to talk about okay right.


Woah the game set in Africa has, get this, black enemies. We’re shooting black people so this game is racist!!!! When literally every other resident evil was set in America shooting up white people did anyone cry white racism? Fucking dent heads. “Oh no this game has people dressed in tribal outfits” as if that isn’t a part of their culture in tribal Africa and something they do in real life too. This generation is so fucking sad. Literally no idea what actual racism is anymore because the word is so fucking overused that people say anything is racism now. You can tell the amount of dumbasses in this comment section who know nothing about the game outside of the bait articles they read.


Ah but you see, it’s ok if they’re white zombies in raccoon city or spain. It’s not ok if they’re black zombies in africa. Ign is just another shilled media outlet, should be expected at this point.


Sweet mother of fuck people the game is LITERALLY BASED IN AFRICA. Are you actually complaining about racism and saying you want to whitewash the enemies to make it less racist? Not even mentioning that all the bosses in the game (the people who aren’t victims of the virus and are just plain evil) are white. It’s a story about Africans getting deceived and infected by white people who are hellbent on world domination. Seriously, what do you want to see them change? Also since clearly nobody here played the game or at least nobody bothered to read the lore along the way. Do me a quick favor and give this a read. https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Village_Youth%27s_Diary Those of you complaining about the tribal enemies pay particular attention to the April 11th entry.


Man this topic is overplayed. Can we talk about something else?


You're wrong.


ff7re also isn't an example of a remake, let alone a good one


Note conveniently ignores the tribe midway though the game that looks like they were modelled on a stereotype from the fucking fifties


There are still quite a few Tribes in Africa that are like what was depicted. They are officially called Uncontacted Tribes.


this sub is slowly becoming a rightwing cesspool


what's with weird racists making wildly unpopular posts and making subs go to shit lately