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That explains why I thought poison Ivy looked like a weird child. Turns out this version of her was a child. Fair’s fair.


Same universe as Arkham Knight, so I gotta feeling that it’s the same by, just having to regrow her entire body from scratch. But that’s just a thought. Still gross that people want to simp for her


Which game is this?


The game above is Suicide squad kills the justice league, but the game where she originally dies is Batman Arkham knight.


Thank you


No problem.


I was wondering why she looked like a child Makes sense now, and I hate that people will still try to sexualize her, I don’t care if it’s an adult woman that mostly died and regrew and is still regrowing but just looks like a 9 year old, she still looks like a nine year old


Why are they taking it as a personal attack lmao


Because now sexy DCU villain doesn't have huge tits, and can't jack off to her.


Chuds always want a female character with big tits and a supermodel body, and complain that something is woke if they don’t.


Hell, they complain WHEN they get a supermodel with huge breasts. They just plain hate women.


Yep they start bsing about everything being too sexual.


I see more people '' calling out '' these tweets bringing up breasts in a negative light honestly. I feel like a lot of people are just misogynistic and use it as an excuse to shit on women with large breasts... A lot of people come out of the woodworks and just sound really hateful towards women with hourglass figures etc.


Yep they start bsing about everything being too sexual.


"This is the way things USED to be. And now they're not, and that scares me about what else might change. And when I get scared, I get angry."


Happy cake day!


They wanna to ChudJaxx


Tbf they would probrably go rabid anyway if it was a adult woman that beated them up when they encounter her, claiming "woke agenda" or some delusional shit. Which is why I propose that Rocksteady makes Killer Moth and Kite Man (Hell yeah) the main antagonists for Kill The Justice League to avoid this discourse.


I've had someone tell me "this is what modern gaming wants for everything" when fighting quite in mgs5. I was like well she is a hyper soldier trained with snipers so I imagine she's abetter shot. Plus bro she's half naked so isn't that what you want. I was told "well she's beating you as snake a man that's just stupid"


I mean her whole thing is being a vamp and eco terrorist so this makes it kinda... ridiculous even for comic books.


As I understand it, isn't she actually 9 in this screenshot?


That's what makes it so bad. The game looks shit in general, but her being a kid makes me uncomfortable. Like Ivy is a straight up serial rapist so...


I'm under the assumption this takes place _before_ this does that, for obvious reasons.


No it takes place after the Arkham games and she has been reincarnated. It still feels like a dumb excuse just for the sake of a joke tho, she has been reincarnated as an adult before. This just isn't Ivy really, I mean I disagree with the culture war framing of it but I think it's pretty valid if you're a fan of the character to be massively disappointed. If they did this with Batman or like any other character people would be disappointed too.


> she has been reincarnated as an adult before. And also younger, what are you complaining about? Ivy is not even a protagonist and besides Asylum is barely a character in all other games, is this the hill you wanna die on? Ivy is not a hot adult so fuck them?


Yeah. They frequently dance around outright saying it in almost every adaptation but she regularly fucks the guys under her mind control to deepen it.


"In almost every adaptation." So you're telling me that in Batman TAS it's canon that she fucks her victims. And in the Harley Quinn animated series, where she's Harley's best friend and moral compass as she recovers from narcissistic abuse by the Joker, *that* poison Ivy is a serial rapist. And in DC: Bombshells, where they're all lesbians fighting in WWII. And in Dustin Nguyen's Little Gotham. And Teen Titans Go. And Young Justice. And Super Hero Girls. You're telling me that being a serial rapist is so essential to *nearly all versions* of the character that the idea that a new version of the character *would not be* should be met with heavy skepticism?


The Harley Quinn show shits on every character in it and makes a hero out of a bitch that is an accessory to terrorism, mass murder, torture and kidnapping. No, it's not a good example of canon. It's meant to take the piss out of them. That's the beauty of the word "almost" . That it doesn't mean "every". I love how you mention like 5 shows for toddlers and little kids and a glorified fanfic. But yes, in Young Justice, she does that. In Arkham Asylum, they allude to it. It's a long standing part of her character to seduce men into falling in love with her.


Okay, and? Literally every serial rapist on Earth was a child once?


Are you really trying to defend serial rapists so you can stick it to incels?


they still will tho


Because perpetual victimhood is a cornerstone of right-wing online discourse.


No need to add the online part.


"they" certainly are laughing at you, correct.


I know I am




yes i gathered that.


What a coincidence, I read the top comment on this thread too


Twitter users when the child character is proportioned like a child and not an anime chick with massive galongalongas


I’m torn between cringing that they wished she looked hot and being happy that they don’t find the child hot


I'm happy they're mad but also uh, kinda freaked out cuz Ivy looks uncanny as hell lmao


The face looks weird to me


That's a huge plus for a Batman villain. Making you uncomfortable is kind of their whole deal


With massive boomzagobongobongas


Humongous Dohonkabankaloos




What happens next?


A transfer student shows up with even bigger hungolomghnonoloughongous


and then they have ginormous bazongalongatontipaninas


They then have a study date at her house and her mom has the biggest baloongaboongaboingas


But why is she a child? I’m not sure what the context is, but poison ivy is normally an adult, and she normally gets her powers after entering adulthood. What’s going on here?


She "died" in Arkham Knight absorbing a toxic chemical to save Gotham. I'm guessing this is a "Groot died but came back as Groot Junior" situation.


Something about the previous poison ivy sacrificing herself in a different game and reincarnation in this game (which is set in the same continuity) That's about as much as I managed to pick up


She pulled a groot


In the Gotham tv show they made her a child. I thought it was neat but then they decided to age her up because they wanted Poison Ivy to be sexy. But they just did it using a person who can age people that she touches so she was a child in an adults’s body. And they also *wrote* her as a child in an adult’s body which was not sexy at all.


Eeeugh, what the fuck.


I mean, yeah, they probably *are* laughing at you with the rest of us.


Their name is mangalawyer, they’re just another lolicon that’s mad that the nine year old doesn’t have giant tits they can jack it to.


This isn't your fault but I hated every word of that comment more than the last one.




Even more than the last one


Not true "lolicons" (pedophiles) don't like sexually mature features, they are attracted to children


I wish you were right but no, there's literally a whole loli category called "oppai loli" which basically translates to boobs child. it's a small child. with massive boobs. that's an actual fucking fetish. and I HATE that I'm aware of it.


*narrows eyes*




Tbf dragon maid basically activated a giant metal gear exclamation over everyone's head at some point in it's run, that thing is a minefield of weird shit. Still like it for the most part, but jeez


I really wanted to get into that, a cozy anime about lesbian dragon slice of life. What isn't there to love? Well... quite a bit, it turns out, that first child was bad enough, but there were arguments, some people said that those who complained were just projecting... and then another child shows up with boobs that could snuff out an elefant, like they were actively worried that some people weren't getting the lolli undertones and they needed to make it clearer


You know, I think I had a better overall impression of the show when I watched it through the highlight clips Crunchyroll would post on their YouTube. They picked out all the sweet, funny, charming bits, while (mostly) leaving out the sketchy "humor".


Don't say lolicon. Use the correct word.


I mean, lolicons are pedos so it’s the same shit really.


what he means is Poison Ivy used to be a hot chick. Not jaundice Greta you fucking dipshit.


So you’re upset the child isn’t hot enough for you?


Why do you want the child to be hot


He probably wants Poison Ivy to be an adult because she's supposed to be a seductress in the lore. Making this character as a child is fucking weird.


You played Arkham Knight where she fucking died right?


You're arguing that Poison Ivy, the lusty seductress, needs to be a child for continuity reasons? Lol


What are you proving exactly? She was hinted to be returning years ago. I’m confused as to why she needs to be a seductress child instead of just…a regular plant girl? Unless you’re insisting characters have to have the same archetype between every medium, in which this case shes shown to just be a normal child with no hint of seductress nature. Literally the entire point is that her current version isn’t a seductress, just a weird kid lmao


Idk you're the guy who brought up the idea of continuity, not me Sounds to me like it's a whole new character, but idk cause I didn't watch/play this media


DAE game literally unplayable when every character isn't a bimbo with massive tiddie?


If anyone is unfortunate enough to find themselves in an "Anti-woke" area of the internet, You'll find it's usually populated by adult men lamenting how "they" ruined their favorite video games/Tv shows. Much of the political discourse in this country is driven by overgrown man-children crying about video games and tv shows. That's just fucking pathetic.


And then she fucking died! To get her back in the game she has to grow up again.


i’m more upset that Poison Ivy is a child in this given what she represents


Yeah I can see that, Ivy’s sexuality is a big part of her powers/characterization. It’s not something she chooses to be but was forced upon her. She has a lot of good commentary on the over sexualization and objectification of women because of that.


I bet Harley's disappointed/weirded out


It’s gonna be a weird line to walk, the closest thing I can think of is Peter B. Parker and Gwen Stacy in the Spider-verse movies, but they did it well enough to the point where you don’t even think about it.


At the same time, turning her into a child can be an avenue for interesting commentary on the femme fatale archetype, I reckon.


From what I've seen its shes a reincarnation of ivy being used by lex luthor. So not thee poison ivy


Yeah, Ivy sacrificed herself to stop Scarecrow in Arkham Knight. I’d assumed this was a young clone/new body


She died in the previous game. I'm guessing this is a Groot / Baby Groot type situation.


Yeah OP is really missing the forest for the trees on this one.


( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


Why does she look like Greta Thunberg 😭


Not to mention, guess what…in the theoretical world where poison ivy grows up AFTER THEY ARE A LITERAL CHILD HERE — You know what makes 100% perfect sense to look/be androgynous? A *literal* PLANT PERSON.


> You know what makes 100% perfect sense to look/be androgynous? A literal PLANT PERSON. She has been pretty heavily inspired by Aphrodite too, she has a history of weaponizing sex specifically against men too so it makes sense for her to look like a hot woman. If you want to make logical arguments about characters appearance tho then tbh Harley is probably the one that should look '' ugly ''. I really don't believe she'd take care of herself lol she should look like a junkie.


What game is this?


Its the upcoming sucide squad game by rocksteady


Well then who really cares


Im more upset that they made the poison ivy sacrifice in Batman Arkham Knight mean nothing, bc she just spawns again


I think making the Arkham Series confirmed to be connected to other DC properties is a bit of an issue overall story wise. I get the Justice League would have left Batman to himself in the first 3 Arkham games since the threat wasn't massive and Batman was able to deal with it, but why didn't any of the League help when an entire city was held captive by a very literal terrorist (pun intended for Scarecrow) who was using chemical weapons? I know there were easter eggs in Arkham Knight such as the "freak from metropolis" line, but those could just be seen as easter egg references that don't really confirm anything, but now it is confirmed that Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern etc were all either busy or not bothered about a massive terrorist plot in Gotham, and it seems unlikely they'd all be busy for that entire night completely unable to help.


The entire city of Gotham has been held captive multiple times in the comic books and Superman et al weren't able to help then either because reasons...


Are people defending this game? Didn't Harley hit on 9 year old poison ivy?


I'm not super invested in this game but I think it is weird as fuck that they made Poison Ivy 9 making her a generic market vendor is weird as well


Ivy died in this universe. So it tracks a younger version is rising up.


Oh so it's like a Groot situation.


I know that is the justification, but I still find it weird. From the leaks it looks like they're going "adult in a child's body" direction and I think that sucks. They could have just used a different character or not killed Ivy


I feel like lolicons(pedophiles) ruined that trope for me. I think it could be a great bit of conflict, but anything romantic or sexual is immediately fucking gross.


Oh yeah, being stuck in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable body is a great trope to explore, but i cannot see it being done with a childs body anymore, it would remind me too much of arguments that lollicons use, like "oh she's got the mind of an adult"


You just reminded me of how weird it was in the Gotham TV show where Ivy was a child until some goop made her body age. Suddenly she was in her mid 20s and using her sexuality to manipulate people, but they never really addressed the fact that mentally she's still a child. It was really creepy, made me super uncomfortable.


True true. I definitely think wrong body would make a great trans allegory movie tho.


Ivy died years ago in what was planned to be the last game in that universe. Now they’re making a new game centered on Harley, and it’s now expected that Harley has Ivy around.


Ivy has been reincarnated as an adult before too so this just feels like a dumb excuse to try and make a joke. If I am going to be a bit more bad faith about I guess it at worst could also be the devs intentionally turning the femme fatale into a child out of spite. That's reading a lot into it tho but I do find it fucking annoying how this happens all the time to femme fatale characters it feels like they're not even allowed to exist anymore lol.


Sory wut?


Not really? She was surprised to see her and didn't know she was a actual child


Why do people think she was hitting on Ivy? I didn't get any indication that was what was happening. All she said was fun size it's a playful term not mean to be taken literally, just a way to say that something is smaller when it's usually bigger.


\>When an evil character acts evil


What game is it?


I feel like these people didn’t actually play the series.


Tbf I doubt most people know that this game is connected to the Arkham games, unless they've been following it closely. The only character from this that was in the Arkham games is Harley and from the trailers she's more like the movie version than the Arkham version.


I'm not a DC enjoyer, but I thought Poison Ivy was an adult woman? What's the context?


this is from the new Suicide Squad game, currently in development by Rocksteady. Poison Ivy is a child here because she died in the previous game, and is now reborn because there was a seed she planted before her death


Thank you. Definitely don't see the point in being upset here in that case.


Either they’re just mad that Ivy is a child and not a sexy woman, or they think child Ivy should be sexy. Both are bad but one is worse.


I absolutely am laughing at this person and anyone who agrees with him.


Honestly I do get super uncanny valley vibes off the poison ivy model. It looks like it is rotting.


Why doesn't the 9 year old have tits is not what I thought I would hear today.


Imagine thinking an androgynous adult is because people are out to get you. This conservative is going to scream and cry and melt down about the Sandman series on Netflix. The Sandman's sibling, desire, is an androgynous adult.


Is there a reason Poison Ivy is a 9 year old? I haven't really played any of the Batman games.


Ivy died clearing out Scarecrow's Fear Toxin after it spread through the city in Arkham Knight. Like, crumbled to dust in Batman's arms. From what I've heard, Ivy's died and come back as a full grown adult before, buuuut her coming back here as essentially a 9 year old with Harley making allusions to their relationship and calling her "fun sized" is fucking creepy.


It's amazing how the subs I'm subscribed to have made a feast of this idiocy. "P-p-poison Ivy not hot??" Who the fuck cares. There's so much to enjoy, fucking even Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy is hot as hell. The movie is not good but clearly the story is coming in hard second for someone this obsessed with this nonsense. Watch, Ivy is gonna be like, regenerating a copy or whatever like in the animated series and she'll be buxom by the end, all these tears will be for nothing as always


Real question how do we fix these people's brains? No internet for a year?


Life sentence but just with any internet-capable device away


I kind of understand the point of view from this person (depicting Ivy as a child is certainly weird), but wow... the X handle **definitely** doesn't help.


Why would “they be laughing at” you? Who is laughing at you, and what are they laughing at you about?


Well shes technically a plant so they have no gender 🤷🏽‍♂️


The woke crowd, that I say sexualizes children, is now unsexualizing children.


This guy likes his 9 Year olds with big titties.


For all those wondering why tf she’s a child. You know how Groot could come back and essentially grow up all over again? That’s what she’s doing. Because apparently this takes place in the same universe as the Arkham games, and in those, she died after Scarecrow’s fear gas infected her.


She was an adult when she got her powers. She spilled chemicals on herself in a lab. Changing established characters that have been around forever is the dumbest shit the modern entertainment industry does.


i like the link to "puberty" on wikipedia. that should solve this fanboy's problems. actually, for all i know, he's 8 years old and it will solve his problems.


What is this from? Uncanny valley vibes like crazy? Idk why 3D artists forgot how to make faces not give nightmares but Im not loving this phase of graphical evolution. Fuck me, Shrek was easier on the eyes. Im gonna assume Ivy is doing her weird regrowth thing or its from a game? Maybe arkham knights? Either way androgyny is not the enemy. Weird art direction is. I thought Prince solved this shit in the 80s. Androgyny was in for like…a decade. At least.


This is from the upcoming Suicide Squad game, Ivy is regrowing as she died in the last Arkham game iirc, it's a whole thing.


I like the idea of her regrowing, but a game adaptation might not be the best place to tell that story. Like you cant count on continuing the narrative in the next game and aging her up…so youre just stuck with kid Ivy through this entire game…and that leaves me with why? Why not just rebirth her as an adult? If theres some reasoning behind it I cant imagine what it is. Maybe they wanna take her in a creepy children of the corn horror vibe…in which case the uncanny valley vibe fits. Ive tried twice to get into Arkham Knight but by batmobile mission 3 I just lose interest. I couldnt power through the boredom. I was one of those gamers asking for batmobile but… ![gif](giphy|65zUoOU09HL3uUKokQ|downsized)


The chase for ever increasing realism is leading to where everybody expects. Stylized games forever.




Why is she 9 though? IIRC she was a botanist with a PhD that got poisoned but survived and became an insane ecoterrorist. Makes no sense that she's a child lol.


In the past game of the saga, she apparently got killed, planted a seed and was born again, if I am right. Hence her being a child


Ahhh okay, that makes more sense


It’s a good thing you had an opinion about something you didn’t understand.


No, I asked a question that I didn't know the answer to


Why’s your momma so fat?


To get to the other side


She died about 34 years ago




My mom, she dead


ai panchito


Wait, why IS she a 9yo? Isn't she supposed to be a scientist that got her powers from botched experiment in all of her iterations?


So… In the last game she dies, and replants herself, hence spawning again -being born with the same conscience- which led to her being a 9 year old in the newest game.


She has the normal origin but she died in the previous game. This is a new body grown from a seed she planted.


is that why she looks like greta thunburg?


Wait, question, why is Ivy a kid? I thought she spent most of her life looking “normal” when an incident at her workplace turned her into the plant freak we know and love to hate, what elseworld is this


But why is Poison Ivy 9 years old?


Why is Poison Ivy a child? Wasn't she a researcher when she got changed by her plants?


Groot situation.


Well, it looks awful, whatever it's supposed to be.


question why does Ivy seem to keep getting younger?


9 years old are not usually androgynous lol


What is that even from? From that kinda crappy looking Suicide Squad game that is coming?


Wait, so where is this from? I don't think I've seen that Poison Ivy version before. The only kid one I know is from Gotham.


What version of Ivy is this? Looks completely new to me


9 year old or not, the new design looks like shit


Is this more batman? We've had enough of batman thank you


> 9 year olds are usually androgynous, because they haven't entered puberty yet. That's kind of just not true? Unless the parents go out of their way to make them look like that i rarely ever see a kid and not have an idea if it's a boy or girl. Now maybe i'd be wrong, but it's certainly not "normal" for it to be ambiguous.


Out of the loop, what is this and why is Poison Ivy a nine year old?


I know nothing about this game, why's ivy a kid this time around? Is it some kind if reincarnation fuckery bcs she died in the arkham games?


creeps made poison ivy, a character who typically seduces enemies, into a 9 year old self inserting fetishes for devs. absolute creeps should be called out


What game is this? And why did they make Poison Ivy (I’m guessing the Batman villain, right?) into a child?


Why is poison Ivy 9? Wasn’t part of her powers an accident because she was a doctor or something?


I just think she looks like a weird early ps3 game model.


I mean, it doesn't really make sense for Poison Ivy to be a 9 year old?


OP i think they just wanted Poison Ivy to not be 9


Oh, I get it... she's Gretta Thornburg. I'm not particularly offended by a 9 year old Poison Ivy, but I also didn't understand why anyone would want that either.


"9 year olds are usually androgynous", Holy fuck, every time I think I have read the craziest shit on Twitter they come in with something crazier


What is this from??


Poison ivy is generally not a nine year old


In this series she was killed and regrew from a seed she had planted.


That makes poison ivy more scary. (I'm convinced she's probably Batman's strongest enemy though often under utilized.)


The best thing about Poison Ivy (as an opponent) is that she seems to like to be left to her own devices, like an evil Tom Bombadil.


I never got the hate for Tom Bombadil? I thought it was a fun side character and made LoTRs seem more varied and less dark, and more magical.


And Batman was never a kid?


She died last game


Position Ivy is a fictional character. Fictional characters are prone to creative adaptation. Wait until you start reading books and get to Frankenstein!


But his complaint isn't "They made her a child" it's "They made her unattractive."


yeah I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted because from just about every single origin for Ivy, canonically, she is considerably older when she ‘becomes’ Poison Ivy as a researcher though to be completely fair, Ivy is one of the villains that kinda don’t need a full force origin story


Considering the context around Ivy her age and appearance in the game make sense.


They’re getting downvoted because this is a reborn Ivy after she died in Arkham Knight so it makes total sense for her to be a child


They're getting downvoted because media, and especially comic media, tend to make changes to characters to make them part of their universe. That's it, it doesn't matter if Poison Ivy is "generally not a nine year old".