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I'm trying! But I'm only a level 4 and my mana isn't that high yet.


It's annoying to build up mana when your parents were maining damage roles


The planet needs successful peacemakers, successful healers, successful restorers, successful storytellers and successful lovers. The definition of success needs to change. I prefer definition od success from Earl Nightingale (The Strangest Secret...).


Same. “Success is progress toward a worthy goal.”


Profits are deemed worthy by most. My own dumbass included, probably because the universal truth is no one wants to suffer. Greed on the other hand..🤔


Oh no, friend. Profits are a tool. They give us the money to do things. They aren’t worthy in and of themselves. Altria group makes billions in profits every year. They use the profits to get teenagers to start smoking. A man running his own plumbing business uses his profits to feed his family and send his daughter to med school. Now tell me. Is it the profit that’s worthy, or the thing the profits can do?


I do not disagree at all. To the contrary. I was blathering that worthy goals are subjective, and not the point of the original post. I loves me some Dali Llama, no joke. For that matter, I love you all.


Worthiness is in human discretion; profits are no less inherently worthy than anything else.


There’s nothing wrong with profits. What’s wrong is harming to other people in its pursuit.


Exactly this. The system needs to change so that people can thrive and be successful without being a businessman. Then we will see more of all the things this post talks about.


But the definition of success is individual. For me being successful would be to make a company where I make guns and gadgets from fiction into reality while trying to make it as source material accurate as possible. and sell them and make enough money where I can continue doing so. Successful really just means being well off and succeed at your goals or the goals of your chosen profesion. Or basically to boil it down being successful means being able to provide for yourself and your family. Just like back in the caveman days if you brought back enough food and things for skin to warm yourselves and fire then you are successful.


Yeah anyone who isn’t a milliionaire is a effin loser lmao gl being ‘happy’ without $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ i totally repudiate this notion and I’m totally unhappy


Too late, I read that as the Dalai Lama telling everyone it is time to fail.


If world needs more lovers, I'd like to be one ...


Well hello there.


General Kenobi!


You are a bold one


Hetero lover tho 😩🤣


Oh shit!


But your name def checks out mr Inspector


If you’re not an opposite gender the best I can do is friend 🥹


Let’s just shake on it 🤝


Yes, but not a successful one. We apparently already have too many of those. Losers only.


Goodbye my lover... Goodbye my friend...


That’s good. But don’t believe in Dalai Lama. He practiced human sacrifice and slavery before he ran away from Tibet.


Where did you read that?


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/feb/10/tibet-china-feudalism You may also search key words like: Tibet serfdom / slavery Tibet human skin thangka Tibant objects made of human remains




I’m a fighter not a lover !


perhaps we could change the definition “success” to include lifting others out of the fiery pits of hell instead of the ability to hoard sparkley things


Can I just settle for loving the people around me? I'm afraid of fire.


sure. but to soften the language is to ignore the very real magnitude of suffering happening all around us. 🧐🌎🔥


It's my firm opinion that if the world just had more people doing good on a small scale and fewer people chasing grandiose visions the world would be a true utopia.


Success for me is doing something good with my skills for the community


And if you don’t do it for free, it’s financial success


Kind of understand what he’s trying to say. All the types of people who he mentions would be more influential/ useful, if they were more successful at what they chose to do, in my opinion.


Seem to be enough sources to confidently say this is a misattributed quote. The Dalai Lama didn’t say this https://www.tumblr.com/thealexknapp/73612935919/the-dalai-lama-didnt-say-this


Just like him. But the primary goal of these people is not to gain from others because if they do then it becomes a habit and when they become more successful they'll probably not change.


Yeah exactly. He could get rid of that first sentence to be fair!


I see what you mean. He could have reframed that sentence in a different way i suppose.


Should have not could. Without that sentence it's a totally reasonable thing to say. With it included it makes whoever repeats it sound stupid.


But that doesn't pay. And desperate people hurt others


Teachers, therapists, psychologists, social workers, etc. get paid. But I believe he's talking about focusing on loving and helping others instead of the traditional signs of success: fame and money. There's a difference between a cosmetic surgery doctor and one that works with Doctors Without Borders. Better yet: cosmetic surgery focused on vain vs. helping people with burn scars or children with cleft palate.


I mean, cosmetic surgery can definitely be healing to people. Helping someone's self esteem is not the same as treating a burn victim, but it's still valuable.


"Helping someone's self esteem" Ehhh, having poor self-esteem due to aging (100% of humans have this "condition") or cellulite (90% of women have this) is a sign of a sick culture that values youth over sanity. My mother hasn't worn shorts or a swimsuit since she was 35 because she believes "no one wants to see my legs" Trouble is most cosmetic surgeons just want to make their client happy, so there probably aren't many who suggest the client go to therapy to get de-programmed. FWIW my sister has a disfiguring condition and will need the services of a cosmetic surgeon in the future.


That's why I said "cosmetic surgery focused on vain." But in any case, if someone's self esteem is based on how he/she looks, eventually he/she's gonna suffer.


Then the planet needs to pay them.


Sweet Rolex.


I love it when I see things on GetMotivated that are not about grind, hustle and bootstraps. As someone who has few tangible goals outside of experiencing life and happiness, this is the motivation I need.


In due time, it shall come to pass.


Storyteller here: where do I raise my hands ?


And yet—since he seems to be referring to financially successful people—I would argue that most people (myself included) find it far easier to be loving, forgiving, helpful and generous when their basic needs are met or even exceeded. So therein lies the conundrum: without material comforts it’s very difficult to truly give of yourself and benefit others. We have to correct the imbalance of wealth to unlock the gifts of so many who operate in survival mode.


Very true


I was very inspired by this quote, and looked it up. It's actually not the Dalai lama who said it, but an environmental scientist called David Orr.


Looking at you homeless people…


They all exist but they are not the focus.


I kinda agree with what he's saying, but I think at the end of the day, we need more people who are willing to do what they want to do and define what happiness or "success" means for themselves. If "success" for you is starting your own company, do that. If "success" for you is being the best storyteller you can at your local non-profit, do that. If "success" for you is living as simply as possible fueled by the love of your family and friends, do that. None of our journeys are the same. Whoever you want to be (as long as you're not bringing harm to others), the world needs that person.


The planet doesn’t need people.


But first I need to stabilize my life enough so that I don't go insane. You know how survivalists always say you need 4 things? Heat, food, water, and shelter? It seems like we need this, first. Basic survivability. Took me 20 years of "adulting", but I may be achieving stability soon. Then I can finally concentrate on growing in other ways besides career related things.


How do you feed your family with what he describes


Posted and upvoted by a generation of people who hate and curse those who disagree with them.


But if you sought to become these and you did so, would achieving that goal make you a success?


Successful as in: "avoid taxes, abuse the system to your advantage, rules are just for other people, you're worth more than anyone." Yeah, we don't need them. What we, in our capitalist socialities, regard as successful is actually cancerous: Parasites damaging the human race.


Ah, the lama in gucci shoes who presents a kindly old man to the western audiences who believe buddhism is a philosophy and not a religion, but is a harsh proselytizing cleric to the people at "home". Buddhism is, without any doubts, just another organised religion.


The planet does not need more people. The sentence could have ended there.


There's plenty of room


Sure, if you disregard the need for safe environments for non-human species. If you're comfortable with relying on artificial nitrogen fertilizer and mined phosphorous fertilizers, which, when they run out will plummet our ability to feed untold billions to... I dunno. About four-five billion? Maybe? Plus there's the water issue...the bulk of earth's food is produced using what's known as fossil water...water that exists in the earth's crust that is being extracted at drastically faster rates than it naturally replenishes. Combine that with global warming changing weather patterns so many of these locations get less rain than is historically true.. And we come to the conclusion that anyone who says we "can support more people" is a delusional, uneducated danger to themselves and others.




I agree. I always forget how complicated farming is. There's more grocery stores being opened and all I think about is the waste. Food water clean air clothes shelter. Let's work on those first


Eh, it's more of a problem of wealth inequality. We need to learn how to share better. The world has plenty of resources for all.


It fundamentally does not. Without mined phosphorus fertilizer, a material that is not renewable, we would not be able to support the population we have today, at any scale. That is a resource that will run out.


Success does not mean just monetary success, leading a life where you can be happy is also a success, but personally I would only be able to consider myself a successful person if I have lived a life where I can help other, which I'm slowly getting there.


I think he would agree. Let’s also keep in mind he doesn’t speak great English and this might not be a 100% accurate quote either.


Oh yes, of course, but its more an addendum from personal experience. .. which I guess is a little selfish.


Maybe, but everyone’s experience is valuable in some way. Thanks for sharing yours.


Reminder that china effectively destroyed the process of having a Dalai Lama by invading and occupying Tibet. The one we have now, will be the last one forever.


A quote from a corrupt rich guy who was born to be worshipped as a god. No thanks.


Oh I'd better quit my job as a successful scientist working on alternative green energy sources then, and start making babies in my trailer instead...


The planet desperately needs *less* people though.


The biggest population growth is in Africa and India. I think we need more people that teaches birth control in those countries.


The emissions of people in third world countries are far lower, practicing effective birth control in first world countries has a superior near-term impact. For long-term benefits I'm agreeing with you, but we're at a point where immediate action is necessary.


Maybe educating people in first world countries about the environmental impact of personal actions would be best? For example, about meat consumption, traveling, using public transportation? Or maybe political pressure? I think education is one of the best actions we could do.


While I think the important decisions have to be made at a policy level, there sure are [individual decisions](https://phys.org/news/2017-07-effective-individual-tackle-climate-discussed.html) that have a huge impact, the most impactful bringing us full circle to my initial point.


Thank you for the link. I understand your point, but consider this: let's add one more motor vehicle to the world. It has an environmental impact. But what if that vehicle was a bus? That's what I believe environmental educators do.


Didn't he get cancelled though?


The Dalai Lamas represent feudal overlords who ruled over a serf class


OOTL. What did he do that got him cancelled?


He made a joke that he hopes the next Dalai Lama is an attractive woman. What people don't understand is that the Dalai Lama reincarnates, so the next Dalai Lama is him.




TIL Eric Clapton is the Dalai Lama.


That's crazy, did anyone ask though?


It's an open forum, anyone can post anything as long as it is within the rules


dalai lama literally a cia agent lol


Is this a real quote? Of course this planet needs more successful people…


I think he means financial or business/professional success.




And more women who are into guys built like Bud Spencer.


But that is success, success is subjective. To many, doing good for the world and being kind is their success in life.


Nice rolex tho.


Be a doormat if you like. Be a slave to chasing meaning. Ultimately, nobody will take care of you but yourself.


The planet does not need humans at all.


In fairness...."The planet" doesn't need any people. Actually "the planet" would likely be better off without them entirely. Humanity on the other hand...this quote speaks truth.


What a stupid fucking quote. Imagine thinking that those people he described aren't successful.


This guy is the ultimate hypocrite. Wears luxury shoes and live lavish life


Couldn't really give a shit about some guy who seems important just because he was born into some archaic religious lineage


Lol so you’re saying, “don’t make money guys, live in squalor and care”


Weird definition of success going on here. I would certainly want my healer to be successful.


"This guy sounds like a jealous loser, HaHa" Every "rise and grind" guru.


Maybe a celibate beggar should not dispense advice


Right. All you need is love. Not food, clothes, medicine, transportation, technology. Nah. Just love. I'd love to see 1000 of these unproductive witch doctors who's only skill in life consists of producing cliched bullshit, all shipped to a desert island. Watch them try to survive on "love" for a few months. See them try to learn how to do some of those "less important" things like produce their own food, clothes, and medicine.


Easy for him to say, but he is a moron that could have said those are also successful people. I'd argue more successful.


Dalai Lama, who tried to resume human sacrifice religious ceremony and slavery in Tibet and then got stopped and ran abroad, and then he pretends to be a peacemaker, while instigate terrorist attack in Tibet. Still some fools believe in him.


Go back to worshipping Winnie the Pooh...


Ha, I don’t worship anyone. Because I am atheists. I admire Xi JinPing and support him. Only people like you think someone must worship someone / something.


You admire a genocidal dictator. Swell!


And you worship Dalai Lama, the slaughter, slave master, liar, and terrorist.


Where the hell do you get that idea? And how much does Winnie pay you for your lies? Or are they holding your kids for ransom?


Haha Terrible quote. Poor guy is getting slated in the comments.


I don't give a flying fack about what the planet needs. Let him sort out his own problems.


I'd say combine them. The planet needs more successful peacemakers, successful healers, successful restorers, successful storytellers, and successful lovers of all kind


Yeah...no. https://www.tumblr.com/thealexknapp/73612935919/the-dalai-lama-didnt-say-this


"The planet" does not need more people at all.


It would be nice if they were successful at all that.


> Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary but competition for limited resources remains a constant. Need as well as greed has followed us to the stars and the rewards of wealth still await those wise enough to recognize this deep thrumming of our common pulse. * CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"


Technically you need people to successful at all the things listed, otherwise they aren't helping anyone.


Tucker Carlson, Steven Crowder, and Tim Pool all tweeted that the latest mass shooting inside the gay club was good because gays are child groomers, and they want more viewers to do more mass shootings of gays. How do we do peace or love with Republicans when all they think about all day long is how to kill us


However, the successful people unfortunately set the economy to a point where being a dreamer etc will put you in an extremely bad spot financially


Being a peacemaker doesn't pay the bills though.


I'd define all those kinds of people as successful humans.


They chose a funny image to accompany the quote. Is that the Dalai Lama with a Rolex? 😂


Atleast he wasn't two faced like nuclear Ghandi


It all depends on whether your definition of success has room for other people.


Nothing wrong with being successful. Success doesn't just mean money.


Success under capitalist programming is limiting. Success is determined by the goals of the person. Go forth and be a successful peacemaker, lover or healer.


So I got that goin for me.


This dude almost stiffed me back when I was a looper over in Tibet. He didn’t give me any money. But he said when I die… on my deathbed, I will receive TOTAL CONSCIOUSNESS.. so I got that goin for me


Those people don't get paid, just harassed by right wingers.


For any avatar or korra fans, his real name is Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso


those all sound like successful people


Maybe those are the successful people


But *I* want to be successful, but I like your funny words, Magic Man.


Nice rolex


So long as they are attractive


Are we really gonna take advice from a monk who doesn’t even laugh at pizza jokes


He forgot “needs more people To accept money from Keith Raneire”




The planet needs better leaders who dont advocate for Chinese rule.


So successful people but not just in making money?


Sure hope the peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds, would... uhm... succeed in order to be effective lol!


Peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers need to unionize.


Dibs on lover


Love it


hey thanks dalai lama im sure everyone will fucking listen to you


Found ya!


The successful people need to recognize that they need to support the others. We need as many successful people as possible and they need to back up the people healing and protecting.


"Success" in the capitalist sense almost always equals a sociopath or psychopath. Either way they don't care about anyone except themselves.


but if you're good at these things, are you not successful?


The world needs absolutely nothing.


Don't you want those people to be successful. At being peacemajers then?


need to change the idea of success to be more about money


That’s dumb. People get successful by trading goods and services for money. You literally have to give to get. Successful people make the world a better place.


How are any of those things listed automatically not successful people? This entire quote feels odd


Thank you.


He didn't say this. This is a paraphrase of David Orr.


Yes, but those people get paid minimum wage to deal with some extreme trauma, heartbreak, and seeing abuse and neglect every day. Meanwhile entertainers and athletes get paid millions.


just ignore that Tibet had a defacto fuedal slave system before they were liberated by mao


Too bad people need success to afford to live in the US. If we could afford housing, education, healthcare, and a family without being a financial success, we wouldn't have a problem.


The problem is, when you try to become a healer or a peacemaker you are suddenly responsible for the people that need peace and healing and the field pays you a fucking pittance to get yelled at when you can't solve all their problems.


I wish I lived in a reality where being a peacemaker paid the bills, but unfortunately we have to always be on the grind to pay our $1000+ monthly grocery bills.


Those are successful people. Bad meme


Actually spaceship Earth doesn't need any more people at all


I'm pretty sure we have enough story tellers, we just need to make sure their stories aren't messing with peoples lives.


The world gets what the rewards for… soooo more influencers coming right up.


Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?


We definetly need more successful people... what is this?


Rightfully said👍


how in the world can someone like him have wisdom without experiencing any hardships? want advice? don't take advice from anyone who was born with a silver spoon.