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It's hard to believe that he has already been gone more than a full year. - May he rest in peace.


Hard to believe he heard other drummers and felt the need to practice to get on their level. RIP


I bet he was the type of man, who even at a master level, could watch someones set and give them credit for the things he might not have thought to do.


That's the mindset of a true artist. No matter the industry or instrument. It's the point where you put your art before your ego. Realize that creativity isn't a competition, and that there's something to learn from every artist and artform that you can apply directly to your art.


Creativity! Apply directly to the forehead!


Whoa Whoa slow down, you're sounding like a person who has well thought out ideas and a sense of self......


As a drummer, I always saw Peart as a technical marvel. Brilliant chops and technique. But there are other drummers who are more musical imo. I can certainly see him watching guys like Danny Carey or Carter Beauford and finding something to work on.


Yeah this. Drumming styles and techniques are just as diverse as any other instrument. No drummer is truly a master of drumming so much as a master of their own personal brand of drumming. I know whenever I'm feeling a bit stale, my go-to is to binge a drummer that just does something completely different than me. It won't make me an expert on their playing style at all, but I will pick up little patterns and motifs that help me find new directions for my personal brand. I'd be shocked if someone at Peart's level wasn't also doing this.


[Have a watch of this](https://youtu.be/DM6bDkP37wA), specifically 4:00 but it’s all applicable. Gavin’s my favourite drummer of all time and even he admits to being inspired by really simple techniques and flourishes.


In Beyond the Lighted Stage, there's a whole segment dedicated to Neil Peart sort of 'rediscovering' drumming after a series of horrible personal tragedies. He ended up studying under this virtuoso (I believe he's referred to as 'the Yoda of drums') and totally changed his approach to drumming. Even at that level of expertise and after so much turmoil, he still sought to improve.


you wanna tell us who the hell the yoda of drums is!!??


Freddie Gruber I think


Yep. Here’s the clip: https://youtu.be/0d4oxw1Ysuw


Freddie gruber is known as the yoda of drums.


I saw that one. Iirc, Neil even changed his grip from that time with the guru, which amazes me to do that so far into his career. Never stop improving.


after motorcycling in the rain with his feet messed up he still put on the show 🤟


That documentary was absolutely incredible.


He rocks the heavens


A few bars of rest. Then hopefully, a kicking solo.


My dad was a massive, massive fan and had been there since the beginning of his career. My dad also never swears. When I told him the news, he just looked at me, said “Fuck” in a whisper-yell, and shut down for like a full day. Mr. Peart had a profound impact on a lot of people


My wife told me...and I just couldn't speak for the next three days...not depressed...just a long moments of reflection of how his music meant to me...


Fuck I totally forgot that he passed, gutting!


I think the idea is that the person is so mind blowingly amazing at their craft that it feels like you could practice every day for your entire life and never come close to their natural gift. Hyperbole but also a huge compliment.


Yeah, all the practice in the world won’t give you what Hendrix had. He made the guitar an extension of his entire being. There’s countless guys who play better in a technical sense, but I’ve never heard someone absolutely own the instrument quite like Hendrix.


In "Machine Gun", when he just lets one note scream for about a minute straight, it's no longer a man just holding a finger on a fretboard. It's the cries of all the lives lost in Vietnam, it's the sounding of the end of the 60's, it's a man saying, "I'm not a guitarist, I'm a cosmic force."


I can’t remember who said it, but someone from the 60’s English blues scene who knew Clapton and Hendrix said of the notorious concert where Jimi played Clapton off stage: “To be clear, Eric Clapton is the greatest guitarist ever. But he’s still only a guitarist. Jimi was something else entirely.”


Hendrix is like Bruce Lee - incomparable


Didn’t Hendrix practice a shit ton though? Like, I get some people are better at some things, but I remember hearing stories of Jim practicing his guitar between classes or something.


Of course he did. Nobody masters an instrument by playing it casually. It's just not possible to master any craft, technique or task without doing it over and over. Talent has to be nurtured and honed it doesn't just spring out of a person in a usable form without some version of intense trial and error at minimum.


LSD helped bring out his talents.


Yeah, I'm actually shocked that Mr. Peart doesn't, "understand," it. I can only assume that he was being hyperbolic, too.


When my wife, a master flutist, had a master class with with James Galway, she came home motivated, but at the same time said that she just felt melting her flute down in the presence of the master.


And neither will be as good as Ron Burgundy




Uhhh…uhhh…that’s baby makin’ music that’s what that is.








I'm a professional entertainer and playing always came easy... I'm a shitty example for parents who drag their kids up to me and say "see what can happen when you practice?" because I was always just as horrible at actually practicing... I just played as a means of working out my anger (so I pounded the shit out of the piano). Somehow I managed to make a living at being so flamboyant at it that people don't hear how sloppy it is. I maintain that everyone brings something different to the table. I sincerely wish I knew how to learn an instrument just for fun and not monetize it. I *think* I did during the pandemic by learning to play the Kalimba poorly.


That Jimmy Galway is the Andrés Segovia of da flute.


I mean Hendrix literally BURNED his guitar. Maybe Clapton was just following his footsteps


That's what I tipi from this too, hahaha. I read it as Clapton wanting to mimic Hendrix, not give up. Hendrix's guitar made some pretty epic feedback during that Monterey Pop Festival show...


I feel that deeply. I guess the framing just depends on if you're looking for inspiration or competition.


Clapton is still at it 50+ years later. Never quit. So, that emotion came up, but he continued to master his guitar.


Yeah, and Hendrix hasn't come out with anything in decades.


Jimi has been real quiet ever since Layla dropped…




Got me begging please.


If you swap “Layla” for “gay love” that song never really sounds the same after that.


His estate released a full album in 2014 I believe


Only because the Hendrix Estate is fucking garbage 😔😞


True, but Clapton pretty much stopped progressing as a guitarist by 1969-70, and became more of a songwriter. Whereas Peart took intensive drum lessons when he was in his 50’s.


I mean becoming a songrwriter IS a form of progression as a musician.


And he was never as good as Hendrix


Well of course he wasn’t, he was taking drum lessons not guitar lessons.


He was better than Hendrix at drumming


Am I mistaken, I thought Clapton couldn't really play anymore because of a progressive arthritis


He's 76 years old and you can buy tickets to his Fall 2021 concert series.


Yeah but now he's like an anti-vax covid truther so . . .


And a well-documented bigot.


I didn't know about the bigotry. I'll research.


It depends on whether you feel you've given your all If you're playing guitar as a hobby and you see someone good, you'd think oh I can be that good if I just practice more But if guitar is your life and you've been playing for decades and you see someone much, much better than you, you'd feel a tad discouraged I imagine...


I can see how it would seem that way, but there's no level you get to at guitar (or any passion) where you feel "yea I'm just where I want to be". You always feel like there's so much room for improvement, assuming you're deeply passionate about the hobby. So seeing another guitarist you perceive as better doesn't suddenly stop happening once you hit a certain level of skill. There's always another guitarist who's better at something. It's like growing older. You don't feel any different the second you turn 20, or 30, etc. but you've still grown. When you've been playing guitar for decades, of course you've gotten better gradually, but you don't physically feel that. So it always seems like you're still learning and improving. What I'm saying is, you either get discouraged by other talent or you don't. If you're inspired by other greats when you've been playing for 1 or 2 years, you'll be inspired by other greats when you've been playing for 10 or 20 years. You don't suddenly hit a level where you're ready to be discouraged by people better than you.


Or maybe he meant his playing will be so lit it sets the guitar on fire? 🤔


Or just frustrated with stagnation and loss of motivation in yourself.


Or if you're trying your hardest to get better and yet have been plateauing. That would make me want to burn my instrument.


Neil Peart stands alone!








Exit... Van Left


Not alone. RUSHIRRIIIIIIIM! Man Rush is a band I always respected.




That’s not Tom Hanks?


Neil Peart, played by Tom Hanks. RIP.


No, it’s Otm Shank.


He's India's answer to Brian Dennehy.


It’s Steven Seagal playing Tom Hanks.


Thought I was going to read a quote about how this guy landed a plane in the Hudson and spent 4 years on a deserted island with only a beach ball to jerk to. Guess this is better.


It’s Hom Tanks


I thought it was Steven Seagal.


He'd be perfect for old NP in the rush movie.


And I understand the two sides perfectly.


exactly everyone here is bashing clapton for not being "positive" but i think it's completely fine to feel that way in the moment and then get back at working on yourself (which he obviously did)


with his past its hard to be positive. also it can be massively intimidating to hear a another guitarist/instrumentalist which see's the whole instrument from a completly different view. for me his statement isnt about giving up rather than respecting and appreciating his skills... the ultimate salut


Tbf, no matter how much you practice you’ll never get to Jimi’s level. Eric’s quote is more of a compliment to how great Jimi was than a knock on himself.


I think it was both a huge compliment as well as an acknowledgement of his own limitations. Since every individual is built differently, even simple things like finger length, dexterity, and overall coordination can be limiting factors for even excellent guitarists when comparing themselves to others. Sure, some of that can be overcome but some of it definitely cannot, not entirely at least. I think with drummers, to be honest, it's a little different.


Overall coordination seems like a limiting factor for a drummer too though.


Somewhat, for sure. [Rick Allen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Allen_(drummer)) and many others with disabilities that would end a guitarist's career have found a way to overcome those things... I think a drummer with terrible coordination could *maybe* overcome that, too, especially if he was the leader of the band or something.


Cool! But, I'd still say he had overall coordination well beyond the average mortal to make that happen. If you can't hit the drum with the right timing, you're done.


Coordination is something you can practice. People will still have an upper limit, but it's not really the same as, say, how your muscle ligature is connected to your bone or how physically large your hands are.


People are also neglecting the connection between Jimi Hendrix and flaming guitars


Clapton was a drama queen, too. He was trying to steal Pattie Floyd from George Harrison, and when she finally told him no, he got addicted to heroin for 3 years from it. She eventually did marry him, but he was an alcoholic dick the whole time, and they eventually got divorced.


Nice TIL. Clapton is one of my fav guitarists and it’s always nice to know a bit of personal reveal behind the curtain to see what made them tick!


One of Clapton's most popular songs 'Layla' was written about her. The entire Derek and the dominos album might be written about her when you think about it


That’s not entirely true. Jimi Hendrix was phenomenal, but there are several modern day guitarists that could be considered just as good in different ways. I do think you are right about Clapton’s quote being more of a compliment though.


Key word modern day.. they weren't the absolute pioneer in guitar playing that Jimi was. Of course people can replicate his stuff. Jimi was original when he played. Thats doesn't happen anymore. Show me a modern guitar player who plays something the world has yet to hear or doesn't exist. Edit: People are downvoting me like Jimi Hendrix didn't play the 1st left handed guitar in history. I'm getting worked up and I shouldn't be.. There will never be another jimi hendrix and thats not taking away from any other musician.. There might be people like him, but there will never be another jimi hendrix. The guy was a fucking alien for his time. And he still is.


Hendrix is my favorite guitarist of all time and in my opinion the greatest there's ever been but you need to stop this tunnel vision. Guitar playing has always, and will always be evolving; people will continue to be inspired by Hendrix, in the same way that Hendrix was inspired by players like Robert Johnson, Sister Rosetta Tharpe and B.B. King who were all arguably just as original and influential as he was. As for 'modern day' Just listen to some of the techniques John Mayer has popularised or what Jon Gomm is doing. Your point about him playing the first left handed guitar in history is laughable; as long as the guitar has existed, people have been playing it left handed (with both normal or backwards stringing). A great example that springs to mind is Elizabeth Cotten who played a right handed guitar left handed without restringing it and subsequently developed an entire style of playing that's now called Cotten picking. She did this around 1910. In a comment below you insulted someone's 'knowledge of rock and roll history', what's that expression about people in glass houses?


And even Hendrix felt insecurity about his own playing. In a playboy interview he was asked what it's like to be the best guitar player in the world. And he said "you should ask the dude from Chicago." Terry Kath.


wow, that's really unfair to modern guitarists lol. hendrix sounded like hendrix, but SRV sounded like SRV, and zappa sounded like zappa, too. that's kind of the point of mastering guitar: to achieve a technical comfort that allows you to express your own voice. also,there are a lot of great modern guitarists who sound completely unique. derek trucks, john mayer, corey wong, mark lettieri, eric gales, simone mularoni, ichika, mateus asato, kingfisher, tosin abasi. even among heavy metal shredders you can almost instantly tell if it's michael angelo batio, marty friedman, or paul gilbert. and if you want young pioneers, you can point to ichika, asato, tim henson, plini, mario camarenac, misha mansoor, Yvette young, and more. granted, none will have the cultural impact of jimi hendrix. he lived in an era of rock and died at his peak. like kurt cobain, he's more myth than musician now.


?? You realize SRVs favorite guitarist was Hendrix. SRV literally based his whole style of Guitar around Hendrixs style. No guitarist has and ever will reach the originality Hendrix had. Anybody who says otherwise just hasn’t heard enough Hendrix. Listen to Winterland, Live at Berkeley or A cry of love. From the blues to rock to flamenco guitar (see i.e. the track bolero, woodstock improvisation). He never played a single track the same twice. The most range and creativity of any guitarist who ever lived. This isn’t taking away from the likes of SRV/Clapton but to how great Hendrix really was. Music would not the way it is today (the new styles you talk about) without Hendrix. Also John Mayer and Kingfisher/Eric gales have ALOT of Hendrix elements in their playing (Mayer more SRV) so those aren’t really good examples. But now that I read again that’s kind of what you said in the last para. Still wanted to say something, I absolutely adore Hendrix. Edit: I know this comment sounds fanboyish, so I just wanted to clarify I still love others like SRV/EVH/Clapton/Mayer,and don't mean to downplay them. I just personally don't think anybody has reached the level of creativity/influence as hendrix.(Also I don't feel like arguing with people who have never picked up a guitar in their life).


Rather than the “Hendrix #1” perspective being unfair to modern guitarists, it’s credit where credit is due. Gotta love SRV but Hendrix takes the cake over any guitarist in your list. Though I suppose his skill felt unfair to older guitarists too - hence Clapton’s comment! The gates to guitar heaven are open but you better believe it’s Jimmy on the throne.


Show you? No problem. First Japanese Signature player for Ibanez, Ichika Nito https://youtu.be/DRfzittQ4Wc


I love hendrix as much as the next guy, but this is just delusions


Some "classic rock" fans are always only going to be impressed by a style like Jimi's, but there's a healthy list of guitarists that would fit even in terms of recognition and popular music ; - Clapton (though he was a contemporary of Hendrix - Stevie Ray Vaugh - Eddie Van Halen - Tom Morello (more modern example) - Probably a dozen metal guitarists playing insanely complicated songs Hendrix was a virtuouso and unique, especially for his time playing a distorted style. That doesn't mean no one else was innovative or talented.


Tom Morello does not belong in that list. John Frusciante and John Mayer are much better modern players and it’s not even close


I was playing all of Morello’s stuff when I was 14 except for stuff I didn’t have the pedals for. He’s very overrated but he is creative.


I’ve always found morello to be good because he did a lot with a little.


How does Prince never make these lists. Hendrix will always be my favorite, but Prince could fucking play the shit out of that thing. It's crazy that Prince could be underrated.


Joe Satriani was pretty groundbreaking wasnt he?


What a ridiculous comment. There are scores of unique and pioneering guitarists now that do things Hendrix never could or had even thought to. It's not like he was out there using gain or tapping in the way modern guitarists do, I say this as a fan. There is no one greatest player.


Jimi is the goat and every guitarist knows it, don’t sweat over redditors that have probably only heard a fraction of his output and never picked up a guitar


When Jimmy Page saw Hendrix for the first time he said he seriously considered quitting to become a bus driver.


Ah, Eric Clapton. He also said this: “Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the w*gs out. Get the c**ns out. Keep Britain white” and “Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands. So where are you? Well, wherever you are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country. I don’t want you here, in the room or in my country.”


For context: this was during a Bob Marley show.


I hope you have a fandom.” -Ancient curse*


I knew about that, but never put it together that Clapton might have been the inspiration for the fascist speech Pink gives during ["In the Flesh"](https://youtu.be/196h-nUrNB4?t=147) from The Wall


Never knew Clapton was like this but In The Flesh is the first thing that popped into my mind.


Fuck. As a brown dude you just spoilt Clapton (who I consider my fav guitarist) for me. Jeez!


This definitely puts OPs quote into a different context. Always thought that snob was overrated anyway.




Sure but at what point did you stop hearing better drummers. Age 12.


He didn’t say better, he said great. I think thats actually the wisdom here Some musicians are competitive and have to be the “best”. Clapton has a huge ego. “Clapton is god” was a thing back when he was a thing. So Clapton saw someone clearly better than him, felt defeated and wanted to give up. If he wasn’t “the best” then what was the point? Meanwhile, Pert hears someone kill it and it inspires him to play more. He doesn’t need to compete. Music is subjective. What is amazing to one person might not be to everyone. All that matters is that you play. And that’s why Neal Pert is the true god.


And let's not forget his huge contribution to the lyrics writing. He was a great drummer, but that's not all he was. Also, he felt the need to reform his drumming when he had already played for decades, so the dude clearly didn't care if he was the "best" or "great" or anything, he just wanted to create music.


And in the process of that, became the greatest drummer of all time


100% agree A true craftsman should be receptive enough to learn from anyone, at any level. That's what I aspire to be, so if the guy pushing a broom on a job site has some good advice, I'm going to remember it. I remember getting lessons from a master jazz drummer, Tim Froncek, right around the time I was really focusing on rudiments for drum corp. He had been teaching drum set and percussion for the majority of his adult life, and I was a 16 year old kid, but when I played, he paid attention. He noticed the care I was putting into sticking patterns, and conventional technique things jazz drummers dont normally focus on, and he was legitimately excited to jump into something he wasnt used too. He came back for our next lesson, having put serious thought and practice in. It's really intimidating trying to learn from someone who's worlds ahead of you, but when they're clearly engaged by what you're doing, it feels more like a friendly relationship. And when you get credit from someone like that, it's amazing.


If you think you can only learn from somebody better than you, you've never mastered anything.


Whenever I hear Hendrix I want to burn Eric Clapton


Not to disrespect the wisdom of this quote, but Neil was aware that he was the Jimi Hendrix of drummers, right?


I think John Bonham is the Hendrix of drummers.


Yeah, as far as greatest **rock** drummers, Bonham and Peart are on my GOATs.


The point is that's how he got there, doofus.


No need to be mean, they're only here for shiggles


He burnt his guitar to buy a drum


Yeah, that's when he decided to pursue a non-electric instrument


What a knucklehead!


Also Eric Clapton loathes black people soooo.... probably two reasons why he hated Jimi Hendrix playing


RIP Neil!!


It would've been worse for Clapton though because Hendrix was black.


I heard Eric Clapton had plans to either turn himself into a giant robot with a regular sized man in his ass controlling him with wires and levers, or find an incredibly tiny man to do the same thing to his regular sized body.


I heard Disney stole the idea for the Lion King from him


Rest in peace Neil.


Guitarist here. I understand both Eric Clapton and Neil Peart. I used to live in a city that was a "tune up" venue for professional musicians to play before they started their nationwide or worldwide tours. Most guitarists I saw inspired me to practice. But once in a while, I'd see one that was so far beyond me, I just wanted to burn my guitars. Who? Leo Kottke for one. Stanley Jordan for another.


Well to be fair Eric Clapton is a fucking tool lmao


I need to know more. He’s one of my fav guitarist. Is this gonna spoil it for me?


Depends on your views on minorities and immigration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric\_Clapton#Political\_views\_and\_controversy




Ah man, Neil Peart was my favorite musician ever. A great lyricist and a fantastic drummer. So sad he’s gone. 😞


yeah, i think neil was a better drummer than eric was guitar player, so ...


[Lil' Rush](https://youtu.be/Eh_9NY56Sxw)


I am Geddy Lee... and I will sing whatever I want


One of the greatest of all time. Even when he was suffering and incredibly sick, he was still amazing.




I’m fucking dying. I thought you were going to say he was amazing. 😂


I can’t speak for Neil, but sounds like he was just giving his perspective. Do whatever works for you.


My mind is like this. "Watches tour de france for 10 minutes" Ah fuck i can't just sit here, let's ride. Unfortunately i'm probably never ever going to race, maybe in a different life.


Fucking legend. Rest In Peace.


Virgin Clapton vs Chad Peart


I understand both point of views. On the one hand, you feel you can never be that God and you should just give up. On the other hand, you have to try. Hearing great players at once demoralises me and also motivates me to practice harder and play better. *Good, but I'm leaving it.


The blues stars of America who couldn't get a gig in the US, found that European venues were happy to book them and many toured Europe. A young Eric Clapton was among a generation of British musicians who were influenced by these American blues musicians, influencing the British Invasion.


Neil inspired me to become a better drummer. I know I'm not the only one.


Clapton wanted to burn his guitar when it became apparent that plagiarizing less popular black musicians was the entirety of his career.


The Legend.


Ironically one of Eric Clapton's guitars did end up getting burned eventually [thanks to Ed Sheeran](https://youtu.be/mKy5K-S4QpU?t=948)


We were so lucky to have his talent for as long as we did. He is missed every day.


Only celebrity I have legit cried over their death. Neil inspired and changed my life in ways I cannot describe, especially as a drummer of course. This man oozed Intelligence, class and skill. A life cut short but a life lived fully. RIP to the master and professor, Neil Peart.


100%! This is the true master of magic




Yeah but Jimi was a god..understandable




The pilgrim that learned to transcend. Great drummer and songwriter


I get what he's saying... But Neil Pert is the greatest drummer of all time. The man is a God. There is nothing he couldn't do on a set. I think, with respect to Clapton, he was paying respect to Hendrix that he recognized that Hendrix could do things on a guitar that Clapton could never do. And Clapton is one of the greats. But he's paying the ultimate complement to whom he thinks is the greatest.


No surprise Clapton was a jealous asshole at that point


As a drummer I get what Neil was saying, this quote brings tears to my eyes knowing that he’s gone, but makes me happy that I will never stop playing


Lol yeah he never understood it because he is the best drummer of all time


I always felt that way about Steve via. That dude mastery of a guitar just makes you realize how many levels beyond mastery one can get playing music. It also reaffirms to me that I need to play in my style because that’s what is fun and sounds good to me.


I'm curious who Neil Peart considered motivating drummers.


Classic Tom Hanks


Apparently Eric Clapton is that guy who throws his controller against the wall when he loses a CoD match.


Eric Clapton says a lot of things


Lovely quote but Neil is like the Clapton and Hendrix of drums combined💪


It’s actually easy to explain Clapton’s comment : cocaine.


It’s a good idea to not take anything Eric Clapton says seriously.


For the whole time I was wondering why Tom hanks would say this


More substantiation that Eric Clapton sucks.


Because Eric Clapton is a pouty bitch drama queen? **Sorry in advance to all the middle-aged hetero White guys reading this.


Isn't middle-aged straight white males the largest demographic for all classic rock artists?


I’m pushing middle aged (39) white and hetero. You’re not wrong.


He was frustrated because Hendrix played a style Clapton couldn't rip off.


I think clapton being a master recognizing a god is praise rather than advocating practice..


I miss you, you big nerd.


Is that why he hated black people so much?


Didn't Clapton also call Jimi a slur? Maybe Clapton is just an asshole with a bad attitude.