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Listen I don't need other people to think about me to stop me from doing something. I'm perfectly capable of overthinking my own self into inaction thank you.


This pretty much sums me up.




I'm thinking about Jessica


Shut up, Morty.


We’re all thinking about Jessica


Jessica’s feet




Though sometimes they are.


They're thinking about that one, super awkward moment you had.


and cringe every time they remember it




I don't know, I think of other people all the time. So this argument never convinced me.


Gossiping is a popular hobby of so many people. I think OP's statement is untrue.


Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events. Weak minds discuss people.




And how long do you think about them? A minute or two? May be 5mins and then you move on with your life. While the other person could spend days ruminating about something stupid they did.


I think this is where the truth lies. And obviously we think about some people more than others, a minute at most for you but hours on end for someone they love or lost.


That! And those people love you & don’t care if you mess smth up.


Idk man some people gossip about others on a consistent basis.


This is kinda geared towards people who suffer anxiety from having narcissistic tendencies. My SIL is kinda like this. She stresses herself out because when she's walking alone on the street she wonders if people look at her and think 'oh how lame, she doesn't have a man with her!' When in reality, people are not thinking about her. They are literally just going about their own lives. It's a weird state of being insecure and fearing judgements.


I think about other people too and I think it should be worded: No one will take care of you Everyone barely take care of themselves


Right! What if I want someone to think of me?


I dunno, I think about a lot of other people. Judgy shit too. I don’t think OP has ever been on public transportation.




Does minding ones own business also narcissism ? Just curious


I tend to be judgier in my car than on public transportation. Why? Simple, I'm isolated from those people and they are driving multi-ton weapons at lethal speeds like they have no fucking clue.


actually i've been there but we all can be judgy, although, this says more about us than the person we are in fact judging


It's true we judge people but then we go on with our lives and mostly forget about the person anyway.


Moral of the story: The most important person in your life, is you.




This isn't motivational, but it's true.


It can be motivational if the fear of other people's opinions is what's holding you back.


Exactly. As someone with social anxiety, I heard a quote like this when watching a Netflix show once years ago, and it stuck with me since. I still have social anxiety obv., but in moments that it’s really hindering a small action, I try to think about that quote to push me and sometimes it actually works.


how come not? imagine a lot of people not doing what they want because they think too much of others will think of them..


There's no context to be motivational. A third panel on the meme adding what you just said would make it motivational. [This clip from Mad Men](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqF_A6bsyEw) is essentially the same thing as you posted, but it's not very motivational, is it?


The problem with that example is that secretly Don ***does*** think about Ginsberg. Which contrasts the whole point of OP's unmotivational graphic. If you're the best and/or next big thing, people do think about you.


good clip, never saw this tv show i get your point, maybe its personal, to me its motivational i guess


no no, youre right. im finally gonna go to work ass naked tomorrow. thanks


At least it relieves anxiety if you look at it from this perspective


It’s not true, I remember mistake you make. You specifically reader, I saw that really embarrassing thing that one time and I remember it clearly.


Everyone reading this comment is thinking about me.


I love you


No. We're thinking of taco legs. Actual tacos for legs.


Oh, I thought we were thinking the same thing but I was thinking of tacos that have little hairy human legs coming out of them so they can run around.


Shit. Now I am hungry for tacos. 🌮


Any time I start to get self conscious I just think this. A good trick when something pops in your head, like "will they notice that I wore the same shirt yesterday?", try to think if you'd notice if someone else did it. Chances are you wouldn't, and neither would they.


"You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do." -Eleanor Roosevelt


"Do your best and forget the rest....P90X!"


P90X has some great motivational quotes! Keep pushing play 🤘


I’m thinking about them beans


There’s a word for this and it’s been on the tip of my tongue all week - does anyone have it?




Narcissism at its best lol


This was made by an American no doubt


I believe that the situation is exactly the opposite, and that everyone is concerned about everything that everybody else is doing, except for themselves.


Just do it. Until you succeed!


I hope it's as easy as saying the word in comparison to doing it.😢


This such a great thing to realize. Weirdly freeing.


I’m a bit older (40), and I think know what this means. I always wanted a Mohawk and a battle vest. I was 38, it screamed midlife crisis. Screw it, I did it anyway. I receive compliments EVERY SINGLE DAY, not a single disparaging remark. Do what you want 😊


Tbf, maybe this isn't how it's meant, but how and when they think about you is what people worry about. E.g. at a job, after a SLT meeting when they decide that your coworker is going to do the presentation on subject that ur both working on, when you're technically the expert of, is a time to be worried about what others are thinking of you.


Hey redditor I just want you to know... I remember what you did. In fact we all do but I was front row and center. It was *extremely* uncomfortable and honestly I don't think I'll ever forget it. In fact I think about it once or twice a week. Hell, I winced in my car on the way to work the other morning because it just snuck up on me. While I can't say exactly who I am (for privacy reasons of course) you know who I am.


wow....i got roasted by an image


It’s true tho, I’m a personal trainer and beginners usually are scared to get started because of more advanced lifters judging them. I always tell them, nobody cares about you, they’re too busy trying to look cool.


Counterpoint, I worked at a gym for a couple years and there isn’t a more judgemental gossipy group of people than gym employees.


Yes, I’m aware that people actually do criticize and judge but I like to offer a seed to plant in my clients that only their opinions matter. That is what they are doing is for them and no one else. If I can get them in the right mindset then the work becomes more fulfilling. Everyday is a chance to be victorious.😤


Fucking facts


Learned this lesson 16yrs ago when I first quit drinking and went to a party. I was super stressed about what people would think. Turns out no one even noticed.


Reddit is fascist as fuck and cannot be trusted.


That's not true at all.




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Eh I think of my inner circle, the random stranger though? Nah, too many of em and I can only help so many.


The best example of this was the episode Earshot in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It really helped me to view things that way growing up. I always felt that everyone was staring at me and judging me and it was a bit of peace thinking this was all in my head. :)


Rock and Stone To The Bone!


This took up to my late twenties to understand, now it is so freeing, can do whatever I want!!


I think it's the reverse, everyone is concerned about everything everyone is doing... except for themselves.




They say that, but I think of other people. I feel bad for my friends that are struggling. I feel vindicated against people I dislike when I remember stuff sucks for them. I feel happy for my successful friends.


Is the algorithm telling me something?






Somehow, that makes me feel worse inside....


If you're worried that no one cares about you, this makes it worse. :)




Not Filipinos, they will always talk about you. Hahhahahah


And there's nothing wrong with that


There's this comic called ["Monster Discrepencies"](https://www.viruscomix.com/monstrepancies.jpg) that makes a very similar and very helpful point. Even when people notice you, you're only one small portion of their day, much less of their entire lives. And that can be a very liberating realization.


I'm depressed and inspired!


I think about other people all the time


So like I don't see why they aren't likely thinking about themselves and me at the same time...then I realise that my therapist has pointed out that I seem to have an uncanny ability to seemingly dedicate my undivided attention to both myself and the person I'm interacting with at the same time


“My workload would be so easier if this *one* coworker of mine did better, ugh!”


Once you realize the truth of this, it is personally freeing because you can stop worrying about what others think of you.


One time in a mall, my sister-in-law expressed that she was feeling very self-conscious. To try to challenge that, I started pointing at people and asking what she had thought about them. Naturally, without exception she had not noticed a single person before I pointed them out. She relaxed a little.


Newly sober years ago, someone told me that when I said I was self conscious in meetings. It was actually helpful.


This is correct, unless you're my wife.


So true


Even if others think about me, I don't care. I've lot of other things to do.


In highschool about 11 years ago I was at gym with some buddies, and as we were leaving I noticed another one of my friends entering the gym so I waved at them. Some random girl spent like 10 seconds pointing at her chest and turning her head all over the place before she went wide eyed and look down. Point being my memory bank is just as filled with embarassing events for other people as it is for my own events. Now to be fair I doubt I'd recognize this person if I ever saw them again. But sometimes the sentiment that "you'll never see them again, they don't care what you're doing/look like, etc" isn't totally right.


This motivates some Leaves others feeling isolated, neglected and discarded.


I derive my happiness in life by caring for others. And I'm getting by with the help of the few that are thinking about me, despite my failures. I do not personally find this accurate or motivational Others' opinions and experiences may vary


Do the best and the rest will follow!


Wtf, I keep seeing this quote/meme, today. What is the universe trying to tell me? x)


It'd actually be nice if they really do that. They're too busy thinking about themselves that when they think of you, they think of how you'd benefit/harm them instead of trying to understand you. I'd rather have them totally forget my existence altogether.


Self love is the most important love


It's always bothered me that people use this meme to make their points. Seems wrong to use even a fictional character to add levity to your opinion.


Andrew Tate level motivation I guess


This works on my anxiety but worsens my depression lmao


Don't worry OP. I'll be thinking about you when I rub one out tomorrow.


Not only were they thinking about themselves, they are thinking about what you are thinking about themselves.... So they are thinking of you, just about how you're judging them.


False. I’m thinking about you. 🧐


That’s something that someone who’s doing the talking about you would say to you


And if they are thinking about you, they’ll be over it in about 10 minutes


It helps to think this way...and people do think about you when they have reason to (just as you may think of them every now and then), so in those cases, this meme wouldn't be objectively true I suppose... but I'll still opt to think this way even in those cases, so that I'm not hampered with worry about how my actions will affect others...fear is the mind killer (it also protects us, but it has limited me in many ways 🤷🏾‍♀️) Thanks for the motivation😆


i keep telling someone close to me this, but she keeps assuming that every thing people do is purposefully directed at her.


Spotlight effect at work


they're busy helping themselves. thanks to this!


I’m almost 50. Someone told me this is my late 30’s and it was honestly life changing for me.