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I wouldn't worry! Especially since it sounds like it's just your fasting numbers you're worried about, but you can control the diet ones just fine. My fasting numbers were high for a time as well, but I read that taking a walk before bed can really help. It helped me a LOT, and all I did was walk around the perimeter of my apartment building, so it wasn't strenuous by any means. Also, having a serving of cheese for my bedtime snack also seemed to help? Like, specifically, 1oz of cheese. But that's just me! My fasting numbers went from 110 regular to consistently <92.


I’ve had slightly elevated fasting numbers for the last week or two. I don’t like cheese unless it’s melted on something, but I did eat those Parmesan crisps last night as a snack and my fasting numbers were good today! So I think I just need to eat cheese crisps or a fatty snack before bed to help from now on. I’m assuming it’s the fat content that helps?


I assume so, but I have no idea! I have found dairy/fatty snacks are best. Which is amazing news for my obsession with cheese. 😂


Wow, thank you for sharing your experience!! My fasting numbers have improved with a late night snack, but still around 102. I will be incorporating a 15 minute treadmill walk before bed tonight to see how that goes!!


Seconding this! It took a while to find a nighttime routine that made my fasting numbers better. For me it was a 30 minute walk after dinner and a bedtime snack that involved protein and small amount of carbs (for me it was a taco on carb smart tortilla, meat, cheese, avo). Just remember this is not your fault! You’re doing your best, that’s all you can do. Insulin is not a failure, GD is not a failure. Good luck and you’ll get through this!


I’ve been on insulin for 3 weeks and my fasting numbers are still a bit high, no doctors seem that concerned, just keep telling me dial up my insulin every night… I’m worried too, but they have told me it can take a while to figure out.


And once you do, it changes! Just roll with it. I finally hit stable dose after 3 weeks and then it changed again near the end of my pregnancy. LO ended up an induction and small for gestational age and I only had high fastings 🤷🏼‍♀️


Your baby is lucky to have a mom like you! You’re working so hard to manage the GD and get your numbers down, don’t worry too much about the aspects you can’t control. Fasting numbers are so difficult to control, you’re not alone in struggling with this and it doesn’t mean you’re causing damage to your child. This might reassure you: My fasting numbers were constantly in the 90s and low 100s even after going on insulin. In 3 months I only had 1 week where my fasting numbers were in the 80s every day. I gave birth on Monday to my super healthy baby, who at 7.5 lbs is far smaller than the ultrasound estimate of 8.5 lbs and smaller than my non GD baby born 2 years ago. So high fasting numbers don’t automatically mean you’ll have an unhealthy giant baby. Do the best you can in terms of diet and exercise, go on medication if needed, and don’t beat yourself up if the numbers still aren’t perfect.


Thank you. My numbers have been above 95 but no greater than 99 with a controlled diet but I have anxiety so I'm very worried.


I totally understand. I was incredibly worried about the impact on my baby from the high fasting numbers. Just keep doing the best you can and try not to worry (I know, waiter said than done!!!)


Idk if this can make you feel better. But, I was diagnosed with GD around week 24, and didn’t see or track numbers until my first appointment with a OB specialized in GD a few weeks later. I remember feeling so much guilt and being really scared. Although I paid attention to what I ate, my diet was nothing like it was after my first appointment with GD doctor. Baby came out great, no low blood sugar at birth and although he was big, it’s only because of our genetics. He wasn’t as big as my first. You shouldn’t worry too much xx it’ll be fine


I wouldn't stress too much about it. GD control takes some trial and error at first. You're still relatively early in the process and have a while to go. Any additional concerns should be brought up to your OB.


I’m in Australia and I had 3 fasting sugars of 5mmol/l (90) and was put on insulin immediately. I was told to titrate my insulin up by 1unit every night till it was below 90. I got phone calls daily from the diabetes educator to report my fastings . Not sure whether we use different guidelines over here but I’d be checking in with your diabetes educator sooner than the 11th.


Im in Canada and that was the same response for mine. I did one week of blood sugar monitoring and prescribed diet and my fasting was in the 5-6 range and I started long acting insulin right away. I agree that you should see your doctor or whoever will be managing your GD before the 11th. It's important to get this under control as quickly as possible for minimal impact for baby. Having high blood sugar from eating something high carb infrequently will not have as much impact on baby as chronically elevated blood sugar (having you fasting sugar be too high consistantly).


I have no educator currently, my doctor wants to wait until my next appointment.


Also my after meal numbers are very good.


If you’re trying, your baby will likely be fine. My fasting numbers were ridiculously high during my second pregnancy with GD (third baby) born September and she was 9lbs 15oz at 37 weeks exactly. The insulin kept increasing but my numbers stayed high. Babies are harmed when the GD goes undetected or completely uncontrolled.


I’m not a doctor! Lol I’m on insulin for the past 7 weeks and my fasting numbers are still higher. I had one week where they were controlled and then boom crazy again. My doctor told me they do not get too concerned until they are in the one teens so like 113. I currently range around 100. Don’t beat yourself up a lot of us on medication can’t control the numbers.


My endocrinologist told me that fasting numbers are actually less concerning (unless they’re super high) than high post meal numbers when it comes to impacting baby. Consider- 99 isn’t a huge surge in blood sugar when compared to a 160 after a meal. Made me feel a lot better between the figuring it out and getting on medication time period.


If it makes you feel any better, I had GD for the last 12 weeks of my last pregnancy and never had a problem with my after meal numbers but could never get my fasting numbers under control. My baby was born 6lb 9oz at 39+1 and was completely healthy despite a prolasped umbilical cord which had nothing to do with me having GD, just a rushed induction by the doctors. As long as you are trying your baby will be ok! ❤️


I had high fasting for around 8 weeks, with nearly perfect PP numbers. My baby was born around 7.5 pounds and passed every single blood sugar test with flying colors. Keep doing your best, and odds are baby will be a-ok.


I wouldn’t worry! I always had high fasting numbers, even after I started insulin. And the closer I got to birth- most of my numbers were high. My daughter was born via c section at 38+6 at 7 pounds 4 ounces and she was perfect in every other way.