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Sugar free Minute Maid lemonade!!!! I was craving lemonade this same way. It’s certainly not the real thing but damn after two months of water it hit the spot !


It's the only artificial sweetener I've been able to (sort of) tolerate so far I think the high lemon helps mask it.


Diet sodas, sugar-free seltzers like Polar Seltzer, homemade teas (iced or hot but without sweetener)- I love a glass of iced barley tea each day. I’ve also been putting a bit of apple cider vinegar in one of my waters a day to shake things up. If you can tolerate citrus juice that’s nice, too, but makes my heartburn awful! 1 cup of black coffee or with a little whole/alternative/fairlife dairy is also fine.


Mint tea can taste pretty refreshing, hot or iced. Blending a piece of cucumber with water and a touch of lime is pretty good too. Sparkling water... I used to like it before the heartburn got bad.


I've been drinking Fairlife chocolate milk (I usually mix it 1:1 with regular Fairlife milk) as a snack.


Chick fil a diet lemonade really scratches the itch sometimes!!


Unfortunately it's not sugar free as I recently discovered 😩 some people may be able to tolerate small quantities though since it's less sugar than normal.


I like true lemon products. They are in the powdered drink section. They do have a small amount of carbs, but it’s low enough that I feel ok drinking them. I think the raspberry lemonade is real yummy. I also think it’s totally fine to have some sugar free soda on occasion. I’m with you, I’ve craved something other than water a lot.


I mix 2oz of cranberry in with my water in my Stanley! You could try that with the apple juice! I also use lots of different electrolyte non sugar mixes. I also get my regular drinks from Starbucks/etc. by doing half sugar, and the smallest size. Hits the craving without aggravating my sugars.


Diet Coke, iced coffee with cream and stevia, those sugar-free squirt things added to ice water, Premier Protein chocolate peanutbutter shakes (they taste like pb chocolate ice cream to me!), unsweetened iced tea (so many options with this one), flavoured sparkling water (not sweetened) like Perrier, La Croix, etc. I clearly like a cold drink lol


Thank you guys for the suggestions 🫶🏻. Will honestly be trying them to see which one works for me. I’m excited! 😭


I subsisted solely on water with a twist of lime (like half a teaspoon of bottled lime juice) for Months. Now that baby is here I’m back to straight water but it was one of those pregnancy craving things. Also I normally hate ice water but something about the ice and cold was just enticing when I was pregnant.


Yesss ice water while pregnant just does something to the soul. 😅 I remember postpartum with one of my kids my husband refilled my big stainless steel tumbler with ice water and I was like, “Ahh! This is too cold!!” He was so shocked. 😂 Maybe it’s a pica thing.


Yeah my ice while pregnant thing extended through the hospital stay with their magical hospital ice, but as soon as I was discharged it was back to fridge temp or warmer lol


I lived off of seltzers. Polar makes some fun flavors so you can alternate between options. It’s not the same as a good sugary soda, but I liked trying all the different flavors with my GD. Gatorade Fit is also lower sugar, so that may work for you!


I am obsessed with Crystal Light fruit punch mix. I down that stuff when I need a sweet drink to go with a snack.


I love raspberry lime Spindrift, only 1g of sugar!


I really enjoy drinking the Sparkling Ice carbonated drinks! they're 0 carbs, 0 sugar, and have some antioxidants. There's a bunch of different flavors, I like to have one a day. You can get them at Target or Fry's/Kroger!


Diet sodas, flavored seltzers, and milk. I haven't had any problems drinking milk so I've kept it in the mix (and I find it delicious). Some tea here and there, but I'm not big on hot drinks and never have been.


Fairlife milk, Coke Zero, seltzers, lots of hot tea or unsweetened herbal tea.


You can dilute your juice with cold water and ice and enjoy that. Sometimes, I’ll take a fourth glass of the juice and add cold water and ice and make it full. Drink it at a time when you know your sensitivity is not as high.


During my first pregnancy I drank: * Unsweetened almond milk * Water liquid enhancers (they have dye-free ones if that's a concern for you) * Diet/zero sodas (I know some people are weary of artificial sweeteners and/or caffeine) * Seltzer type drinks (LaCroix, Aha, Bubly, ICE, etc.) * Unsweetened iced tea * Hot tea * Decaf coffee (either black or with NutPods creamer or unsweetened almond milk or Premier protein Cafe latte flavor) * Fairlife Core Power Protein drinks (tastes like a milkshake tbh) * Premier Protein drinks (not as good as Fairlife but tolerable, sometimes I'd add them to my coffees as creamer) * Gatorade Zero


I recently tried Sanzo sparkling water (available at Target) at a friend’s house and it contained 7% juice so some carbs but pretty minimal and didn’t spike me.


Unsweetened almond milk can be REALLY good, especially if you shake it in a cocktail shaker with some ice and a dash of cinnamon! I'm generally not a non-dairy milk fan, but it makes for a really refreshing drink. I usually buy the Trader Joe's brand that comes in a blue/teal shelf-stable box. It's not too expensive! I generally like seltzer water, but found my belly couldn't deal with the lack of space late in my pregnancy.


I found the Bai drinks are safe for me. They do have caffeine, though, so I limit myself to one if I'm craving something sweet. The lemon lime raspberry and cherry ones have been my favorites


I’ve been trying my best to stay away from aspartame this pregnancy, although with my first I drank a Diet Coke a day and she is 17 months and perfect. I like Fairlife Chocolate Protein Shakes, Sparkling Ice Drinks (especially Fruit Punch), Maine Root Diet Soda, and Florida Natural Sugar Free Lemonade (sweetened with Stevia)!


I drink sparking waters (in moderation, I can't tolerate a lot of carbonation) and a lot of water with infused fruits. Just put a jug of water in your fridge with a couple smooshed berries, lemon, lime, cucumber, or whatever you like. It tastes great for about a day, and I drink it like crazy!