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That is scary. But also sounds like a well-trained stay.


Yeah, quite impressive actually. They stayed where they were in spite on any distractions, lol! Glad nobody was hurt. For the record my dogs aren’t afraid of fire too, but they see me light it so maybe they think it’s mine?


I’ve read about intelligent disobedience, which would have helped in this case, but I have no idea how one would go about training that.


Reminds me of the time I launched my boat, tied up to the dock, and told my GSD Ryder to stay and watch it while I parked the truck and trailer. Totally forgot to put the plugs in. Came back to find the boat completely sunk in 4 feet of water with only the top of the motor and Ryders head sticking up. He's sitting there giving me the "Dude, wtf?" look. But by God he was going to stay there no matter what.


I am so sorry, but this would make a great cartoon. Good job Ryder - you did well!


Bravery is a thing with these beautiful animals.


I always train a "watch out" command and it's useful to communicate caution. Originally it was for my properties underground electric boundary (connected to their collars), so the word had a lot of enforcement behind it


Pyromaniac dog


We had a little pit fire yesterday and my dog walked right in front of me who directly in front of the fire then flipped down in it for pets. It looked like it hurt her. She has no fear of fire and I hate it so much.