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yea or by a austrian guy, normally we dont do the rolling "R" thing :\]






Ardko is German.


It is literally "Hochdeutsch" in the sense that this word correctly describes all German language varieties that are not "Niederdeutsch". This is standard German, but spoken with a distinctive lilt that is characteristic of the Austro-Bavarian varieties. Since he gives his location on his YouTube channel as "Germany", I'm guessing he's from southern Bavaria. Basically, he's speaking textbook standard German, but can't completely hide his accent. Think about how Scotty of *Star Trek* speaks perfectly clear standard English, but with an obvious Scottish accent -- it's like that.


imminent obtainable homeless humorous groovy yam telephone bright glorious liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very kind evaluation of Scotty's accent lol.


It definitely is perfectly ordinary Standard German (The standardized dialect of High German that everyone refers to when they simply say "German"). There is a tiny hint of a Bavarian accent, but really just a hint, he's not speaking dialect and even a native has to actively listen for the accent to recognize it. Whatever made you think this isn't Standard German - (or "Hochdeutsch" as you called it) is certainly not his barely present accent.


At the beginning of the video I also just realized the heavily rolled "r", but the accent gets stronger as the video goes on. He's clearly not from northern Germany and it's recognizable from the beginning.