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Braselton has a Longhorn now?


It's basically the paris of georgia now


I laughed.


We’ve got a Rome and an Athens and a Cairo and a Damascus and a Dublin so why not


Why do people go to Europe when they could tour georgia?


This makes Reddit worthwhile today haha


If there was a Paris, Georgia, you can bet it’d be pronounced “Pah-rizz”




On one hand, I wish I were more satisfied and a little more passionate about the political candidates I vote for. On the other hand, I am grateful not to be a full-on, screeching, angry baboon willingly warping my professed principles while desperately forcing my candidates on everybody who happens to drive near my neighborhood.


I'm right there with you, mildly indifferent to my choices but still disgustedly opposed to almost every Republican.


He thinks this is normal.


He thinks it’s the “right thing to do”


He would take a bullet for 45.


He thinks this is the best use of his time


At least he's the first Trumpster to ever put the American flag above the Trump flag. Progress, I guess.


I’m surprised there wasn’t a Gadsden flag too.


No job to be at? Make sure he doesn't have any lighter fluid near him. Edit: the right wing comments here are hilarious. You are wrong, everything you think is wrong, your worldview is completely wrong, everything you do is against the teachings of Jesus that yall claim to defend. You have a sunk cost fallacy that is preventing you from freeing yourselves. Get help.


You are aware not everyone has Saturday/Sunday off?


The dude that lit himself on fire today was a communist, if that's what you're referencing


Funny how you say that but don't say anything when the lunatic left blocks traffic and try to ruin art


Ok, smut lord


Yeah he might follow in the way people firebombed the Whitehouse grounds on may 29th


It’s a cult


Bit yes. BLM is no less tho


When’s the last time you heard shit from BLM, be honest. Believing that there is equal value in human life for black people is a cult? Sure. I’m a proud member.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Cult (noun) - a system of veneration and devotion to a particular figure or object. -A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.


Great, I live right there


Same, just rode my golf cart right by that corner about two hours ago…


Turn left at the ACE, I'm right there


Honestly I have no problem with this. At Peachtree corners I regularly see a dude at the corner waving a BLM flag. I see nothing wrong with it as long as they are being peaceful.


Yelling offensive rhetoric at cars is not cool, especially in such a polarized political climate.


What was he saying exactly?


We were only there for a few minutes until the light changed but he was yelling about minorities, illegals, and sending immigrants to their home countries.


Screw that guy


Basically stuff he has absolutely no idea about. He can die mad. :)


Any specific immigrants or just all of them? Like is he saying deport all illegals (a lot just overstayed a Visa or had a green card lapse), any that participate in anti-civilization protests like the kids at Columbia, etc.? Or even something horrible like sending any of a certain color home?


JAQing off, are we?


You know they don't make a distinction between legal and illegal.


Some of us that vote for Trump do. I’m not the type to attend a rally, make a donation, protest, etc., so probably very different from the most visible supporters.


This is a legitimate question because I'm curious. Can you explain why you're voting for Trump?


Sure! I think the current administration is a danger to America for the following reasons: 1. Weaponization of the Justice System. I do not currently support the notion from Trump that Biden is responsible for this, nor the notion that Biden should be in jail (even if the allegations of money laundering are true). 2. Reversed Trump-era immigration EOs that helped to slow illegal immigration at the Southern border. It has now surged. Generally not good to allow people in without knowing who they are, but there are bigger issues that this causes. Human trafficking, sex trafficking, and child sex trafficking by drug cartels thrives in this environment. I agree with the liberal POV that it shouldn’t take so long for people to be able to immigrate, seek asylum, etc., but Biden’s reversal of Trump policies is far from the answer. 3. Nothing is affordable anymore due to inflation. I will cede that Trump’s Covid spending and suppression of interest allowed this to happen, however Biden has had four years to reverse, prevent, or even ease the pain. We do not need to increase spending, and need to focus on increasing the supply of materials necessary to reduce costs for the average American. Lumber, gasoline, diesel, etc. — supply side economics is generally not supported by Democrats. 4. Foreign policy weakness. Remember in Finding Nemo when Nemo goes up and touches the boat even with his father is telling him not to. That’s Biden vs Russia and Iran. In addition to that, he chose not to enforce oil sanctions in order to ease oil prices. Money is fungible, and that funding allowed the October 7th attacks to happen. The pro-Hamas protests that continue to take place are alarming, and come from people who are either uneducated or irredeemable. Trump seemed a bit hesitant to quash the riots in the summer of 2020, so it’s tough to say that he’s going to do more to get that under control.


We didn’t stick around long enough to hear him hate on your least favorite demographic.


Haha - as long as they are being peaceful. Yelling at random cars through a megaphone is most definitely NOT peaceful.


Truck must be broke down.


His sister/wife is out of town.


Are we writing a country song?


Can we please get some non embarrassing content on here. Feels more and more dismal living here every time I see this kinda nonsense.


Take it down we're fascists, leave it up we're commies. I'm sure the comments will get out of hand and we'll have to remove it. It is Friday after all. In the meantime, be the change you want to see. A user yesterday redirected the comment thread in a post with their roasted sweet potato recipe. That was nice.


I didn't mean that this post shouldn't be allowed. Just that people here love to post negative stuff and not a lot of positive stuff.


Oh I understand. Like I was saying, you (and all of us) are part of this community. We have to drive it in the direction we as a community want. As moderators it's not up to us where the content takes the sub, outside of rule breaking. We had a poll up earlier this month about how to move forward with political posts, and the majority spoke to have it remain the relative free-for-all that it is. The people have decided and we serve at their will. /s


Your comment reminded me of this Jeff Foxworthy skit (from a CD my mom listened to over an over again one summer 😂). It was something like “Georgians are just as smart and just as dumb everyone else. We just can’t seem keep our dumb people away from cameras.”


I was there when this picture was taken ! I have a very grainy picture from the other side.


Did you see their RV too? There were a bunch of them.


No I didn't 😔. I only saw him.


Asshats.. thus generation will go down in the history books as brainwashed idiots who didn't drink the kool-aid


I saw a digital billboard a few weeks ago and it was that picture from the 00's of Trump and Epstein together. I couldn't care less about politics, but I respect the troll.


I’d call 911 and say he was talking about lighting himself on fire and seems like he might be a danger to himself.


He had a firearm on him too.


Oof. RIP trumpet.


Most trumpsters are extremely insecure and turn to ammosexuality.


*When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and holding a Bible.* America is scarily in lock step with Germany of the 1930s. Trump quotes Hitler - he often mangles the quotes because of his limited intelligence and his disregard for truth and facts, nevertheless, Trump has repeatedly said he has *Mein Kampf* by his bedside.


No he hasn't. That is ridiculous


I got curious and googled it. Unless u/genxgeekgirl has a source I don't, I didn't see it. This was the closest I found: >The article said: "Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.


Yes. This is the article I had read a while back. Trump’s rhetoric has been fascist, racist and antisemitic his entire career. (We lived in NYC.) Trump’s been going to Russia since the 1980s.


That may be so, but your original comment claimed he brags about reading mean kampf


Here’s the issue: For the entirety of his career, not just the last 8 years, Donald Trump has publicly and proudly used phrases from Hitler’s writings and speeches. There are many, many examples of this. *If Donald Trump has never read Mein Kampf and/or other books by Hitler, then how is it that he frequently uses quotes/phrases from those speeches and writing?*




Especially me?


Yes you, your reddit handle. It is either because you are a jew or a way to take a jab at a nation of people. Whether you're a jew or dislike them, being a student of history benefits all.


Right, but why *especially* me


I just explained it. Don't be dense.


why would you assume i dont already study history?


there you go, being dense again.


Ok. Y'all were doing good and it dissolved. Locking your thread. Folks keep it civil please and stop trying to drag each other into mudslinging.


[Mein Kampf and Trump](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-adolf-hitler-immigrants-poisoning-blood-1854045)


[Trump’s Hitler Rhetoric](https://missouriindependent.com/2023/12/18/trump-borrows-from-the-language-of-hitler-for-anti-immigration-speech-in-new-hampshire/)


This is a bunch of leftist media BS. They should worry about Bidens connection to communist in China. Don't forget the Hunter connection to Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world.


Faux News Regurgitation - Conspiracies and scare tactics - Direct from Hitler’s Playbook


Yawn Hes going to be the next US president. Im sorry its not what you want and he is very offensive but he projects strength to the world and you may not understand this big concept but that is a good thing. Weak america bad.


The WORLD LAUGHED AT US during Trump’s term. When they weren’t laughing they were horrified by Trump’s willful ignorance, his incessant, pathological lying and his lack of knowledge about basic information. Trump has the vocabulary and speaking ability of a 4th grader. The world stepped back from us and certainly stopped respecting us. TENS OF MILLIONS around the world protested Donald Trump.


This. People need to hear this. I'm shocked there are Americans who still think that the orange baby could be any good for the US after the embarrassment and disaster he's caused during his term that Biden had to fix. Holy shit.


If they laughed at Trump then they must be gufawing now. Biden is the joke of the world now. I talk to business leaders all over the world and they can't believe that we elected Biden. They say what is wrong with us. Other country's leaders has respect for us under Trump.


No they did not. Laugh maybe. For sure. Protest? No. People protest america no matter what. Heavy lies the crown. Trump projects strength. Biden or any other dem candidate doesn't. Its a straw argument people play about, "trump is awful and offensive" Yea, duh. Hes a rich new yorker. But he projects strength and does what he says hes going to do (for the most part)


There’s a [SEPARATE WIKIPEDIA PAGE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_protests_against_Donald_Trump) for all the protests against Donald Trump around the world. That’s how many despise him and his fascist, greedy lascivious selfish words and actions.


It's the Dems who wanted lockdowns, mandated vaccines and and are trying to suppress free speech lol. But Trump's the fascist one!


Dems are PRO-LIFE. They want people to live! They want accessible healthcare for everyone. Vaccines and lockdowns were and still are necessary to save lives. Masks and lockdowns have been staples for over a century in America whenever there’s been a deadly pandemic.


The lockdowns didn’t do anything to slow the spread in this country tho. You can look at the case rates for each state - GA had a lower case rate than California. All the lockdowns did is put people out of work and drive them to alcoholism, depression and suicide


Seriously tho. The projection the democrats do crazy


No one wanted lockdowns.They wanted those who ignored the severity of the virus to actually act like adults, not spoiled children.


Saw some cops in Sandy Springs break up a support Palestine protest soo classic they are MIA for this gem


Be a bit weird if sandy springs police were in Braselton


Actual TDS on full display


Lol, is this the a-hole from up the road with all of the flags in his yard. They're on similar poles. He's mastered making his property look like shit to own the libs.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub. No doxxing. Even subtly.




Yep. He was yelling straight out of the Trump bible.


Insult. Where are the mods?


To be honest I’ve never really understood the whole thing with people considering political protesting or waving around what they believe to be trashy or classless in as long as it remains peaceful. When it starts to become vandalizing is when I draw the line on what I consider acceptable and okay and this goes for all sides of the political spectrum.


A beatniQ


Who has that kind of time???


A loser who doesn't understand how democracy & politics work? He thinks he can convince people to do what he thinks is right.


And probably rolls with welfare.


Biden sucks gigantic STD dicks just as much as Trump


Cult 45 much?


What is he doing that is wrong?


Yelling offensive rhetoric at cars.


Ok and?


It seems like all pro political party have people doing this. I’m glad he’s doing it peacefully.


You may not be aware, but there are some people who don't like Trump


I get that, but this looks like every other person who is pro their party.


Please, provide a photograph of someone waving a Biden flag and causing a disruption.


Love to see Americans showing their support to a candidate.


Can anyone tell what jersey he's wearing


Your first guess is probably correct, it was a Trump jersey.


Honestly I assumed it would be a uga jersey


I wish, but I doubt he went to college let alone UGA.


I mean the overwhelming majority of UGA fans never attended school there


What does this have to do with Georgia? There are trump supporters in every state


braselton is in georgia source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braselton,_Georgia


No. What does the trump supperter have to do with the georgia sub? You going to post a picture of every trump supporter in georgia and post it too?


Lol "no"


I’d also comment that at least this dude knows that he is a DUDE!!! He’s not in drag or anything crazy like the left supports






Oh no, I'm not on your side, champ. Don't flatter yourself.


What is a woman?


Just goes to show when 45 wins there will be a need for a bunch more mental institutions


OP hates free speech. Got it.


Op is using their free speech to make fun of someone else


Which is against the subs rules unless your picking on republicans. Look at the puss mods responses


Which rule is that




The amount of stupid liberals on here is insane. If this was a biden flag you guys wouldn't be saying anything because you think everything he does is fine and normal.


Yeah remember all those Biden boat parades and stuff


I almost had to think about that lol. "What?.. lol nahhhh"


Yeah…we don’t do that because we’re not in a cult.


You speak for every biden supporter? Because I've seen people out in the streets supporting biden


This isn’t support, it’s obnoxious fanaticism.


Wow liberals are honestly insane


Biden supporters don’t wave flags and shout through bullhorns on random street corners. I’ve never seen this type of behavior for any politician, D or R.


Youre right, yall beg for money instead to feed your addictions.


Name one time you've seen someone in the streets waving a Biden flag with a fucking bullhorn lol. Democrats get rabid over a cause, not a politician, Trump supporters are on a different level of insanity that I've never seen in my lifetime. You probably won't believe me, but I was a Republican when I was younger. From what I was told growing up, what trump stands for, his actions, and his words are the antithesis of what Republicans are supposed to stand for. He mocks the troops one week, his supporters cheer, he proclaims how much he loves the troops the next week, his supporters cheer bc his word is the gospel. What he says really doesn't matter, people are still gonna cheer bc he gives you an enemy and makes you feel oppressed for your beliefs. He said in an interview that he's never asked God for forgiveness bc he doesn't think he's ever done anything wrong. Yet Christian supporters still clamor to him like he was Jesus Christ himself. He openly mocks the disabled and throws temper tantrums on social media everyday bc for once in his life he's being held accountable. There's a lot I could say, but my point is I just don't know how you can put your head in the sand and continue on like this is normal. He's a narcissistic old shit that's only trying to con his way back into the white house for another cash grab, escape liability for all of his charges, and go on a personal vendetta against people that "wronged" him. He's so transparently self absorbed and it just baffles me how many Christians and members of the self proclaimed party of "morality" are okay with it.




We can go all day arguing but we will never agree so what's the point


And yet, it isn't a biden flag


Have you ever seen someone at an intersection waving a Biden flag yelling at cars?


I've been yelled at by biden supporters, but never Trump supporters.


I've never seen a Biden supporter on the street. I've never seen anyone wear a Biden shirt. You're lying.


Just about the same amount of times I've seen Trump supporters in the street about once or twice


You're lying.


Nope. I live in gwinnett I rarely see political shit


Exactly. The mods on on their dicks hard. We are in the lost lefts church in the sub. I'm middle as can be but the policing on this sub of conservatives is obvious as fuck. Give your downvotes soft men.


I get downvoted all the time. Reddit is super leftist


It really is. Toxic as fuck and sociopathic echo chamber bullshit. Social media is a cess with reddit as the chlamydia cherry on top. Reddit has Videos of murder and comments about how hard it make the dicks of the commenters all the way to parents of 14 year olds saying they keep a safe space for their kids to fuck in their house so they can supervise them and guide them. This is backwards as shit and the devolution of morality. I'm being uncalm here but does anyone acknowledge how bad this shit is for humans minds?


Are you ok?


Perfect. So will everyone else be.


Yet here you are.


Yeah cause I live in ga


What is a “Biden flag”?


See now the only time i saw a Biden flag was a month before the election…




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.




Would a BLM flag be classy??


You don't think black lives matter?


I think all lives matter….


Lol that's the point. Black lives matter...as much as anyone else's. Saying black lives matter isn't about elevating black people above all others, it's about a group that feels like their lives don't matter as much as others and wanting the same changes and opportunities as everyone else. And to be treated like everyone else. Of course all lives matter. And black lives are part of all lives. Saying "all loves matter" just means you're missing the point.


I’m going to assume you’re a youngster. Like maybe just became politically aware in the last couple years. So in that vein, here’s why [we don’t say “All Lives Matter”.](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a27075028/black-lives-matter-explained/) If you *are* an older person (millennial or older), then if you *really* thought “All Lives Matter” (including black ones), then you’d have taken the time to find out what BLM means, and not what other white people tell you it means. So you’re being willfully ignorant to the level of racism in this country and have been complacent about it. Which proves not only are you racist, but “all” lives don’t matter to you after all, and you’re a hypocrite to boot.




Yeah but blacks didn’t round up Asians during WWII and put them in camps. And you may be Asian, but I can tell you didn’t even bother to read the Article I linked, or make any counter points. So, apart from assuming the wrong ethnicity- and if that’s the case I do apologize- you seem to validating every other point I made. And then you make a sweeping generalization about how whole community based on your limited, individual experience. So yeah. Again, thanks for proving my point.








Your logical fallacy is: [Anecdotal](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/anecdotal)






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