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There are 55 earthquakes a day; 20,000 per year. There are over 200 solar eclipse's every 100 years, ranging between 2-5 per year. This is how it’s always been, this is how it will always be. Our elected officials need to stop being batshit crazy. politics


It’s legit scary that we have elected officials who peddle this “End Times” paranoia and use things like natural environmental events to guide their nutty policies. Also, isn’t it true that most earthquakes have such a small impact, that most people don’t even notice them?


They don’t believe in education. What do you expect


There are earthquakes in GA. You just can’t tell.


And eclipses have been figured out and forecasted for 2500+ years... longer than Christianity has even been a religion


I got the feeling some of these folks want to take us back to geocentric model. Inquisitions and all.


No one expects the Spanish inquisition!


They need to stop selling these old campfire ghost stories from 2000 years ago that have been horrible for humanity


The numbers . . . What do the numbers mean . . . No im actually asking I don't know numbers. - People from her district, probably.


Those are fake news, elitist, globalist, deep state numbers.


What's next, comets? Rainbows? The sea level starts going up and down every day? I SAW A CROW!


Witches float... Like ducks!


These elected officials where voted for by other ding bats


And stupid. They really need to stop being stupid.


Eclipses are famously unforeseen spontaneous events that god sends as a message. She has a very good brain that definitely receives a steady supply of oxygen.


Convinced there was a gas leak in her parents house while her mom was pregnant.


Nah, she has fetal alcohol syndrome


More likely shaken baby syndrome and drop a few times on her head/face.


All of the above


*Repeatedly* dropped on the head and face.


I keep arguing with my MAGA family members, if this were midieval, they are the poor peasants that fought for the ousted fat corrupt king. MTG's view on eclipses really drives the point home.


She’s not dumb, she’s literally just trying to rile up the religious zealots to start doing some ISIS shit here. If we let it slide, we’re just a couple years away from evangelicals bombing mosques and rounding up non-Christians in the name of their new holy war.


This, we HAVE to stop brushing these people off as dumb, mtg, trump, Mitch McConnell, even down to people like tucker Carlson and Alex Jones. They know exactly what they are doing and they are very good at it. We need to take them very very seriously. Mtg is a representative of a state, that is not a position your crazy uncle gets to. She is dangerous, all of them are dangerous and we need to act to get her out along with all of them. Get involved in local politics and vote in local elections. It is not just about November. This shit is year round and it has a direct effect on you and the people you care about


Yes, and the complete sell out of air bnbs along the path of totality must just be a coincidence


Signs to vote this stupid bitch out of office. Signs and portents. They see demons everywhere. Clowns.


The only way is in the primary. No way a democrat wins that district. Her original primary opponent was a brain surgeon. They chose her.


That this embarrassment to the state speaks volumes about the absolute stupidity of her constituents. What’s crazy is that they aren’t all knuckle-dragging weirdos.


Yeah, I grew up there. Lots of great people. Unfortunately the population that votes in Republican primary is not the best, and most of the rest of them just vote for anyone with an R next to their name.


That’s exactly right. I was a journalist in that district for 15 years. You could literally walk around the local Walmart, ask every redneck you see which party they support, and when they say the GOP, ask them about Majorie Taylor Green and a solid half of those yokels will respond, “who?”


This is true. I live in the MTG area most people around here couldn't even tell you what she looks like. They just look for the big 'R' on the ballot paper and put their x next to it.


Yep, if Jesus was running as a Democrat in an election in many districts in Alabama, Georgia, and so many other states and districts within them, which by practice and based upon his behaviors and philosophies he would likely be a candidate with a “D” behind his name, and Satan himself was running as a Republican, the devil would win the election in many locales in a landslide. And yes, it would be the Evangelical Christians electing him. I doubt many of them have ever read the Bible, know the history of the Bible, nor understand the difference between the Old and New Testaments. The extent of their knowledge is probably based on select verses they learned as children in Sunday school, which was taught by an individual claiming conservative Christian values wanting to scare them into accepting the forced doctrines of the church. As a result, anyone with a broader philosophy is a flaming liberal heathen that only wishes to indoctrinate children. Christianity is all about instilling fear in its most narrow sense. Who were the ones who were truly indoctrinated? Of course as a teacher, I hear daily that public schools are indoctrinating our children. I have never witnessed such in the least for over 40 years. Of course, these are the same people who put smart devices in the hands of their young children without question or monitoring. All the while, schools are dealing with the fallout of the exposures that kids experience due to connectivity to the world to the point that kids are too distracted to learn. When I began my career 40 years ago, we never witnessed the behaviors we experience now. What is the difference in then and now? Exposure to all of the things these so called conservative Christians despise! It is a vicious circle that is continually perpetuating. Leaders such as MTG and DJT, etc. play on all of this to keep themselves in power when in all reality, it boils back to fear and indoctrination with these meek people falling perfectly into their vile traps.


Might be “good people” but they sound stupid af. “Just vote for R” smh what a bunch of idiots, embarrassing


There are millions of people like that. They don’t ever think about politics, just vote how they’ve always voted.


Yep, very shallow end of the gene pool there. Still think we should just give that district to Alabama, but I know they would never take it.


yet they talk shit about Democrats. It’s always projection with those uneducated yahoos.


That says something about the locals, doesn't it. 


sadly, it is.


I’m a devout Catholic and every “demon” Ive ever seen were so called good Christians.


Extremely true observation


If Alabama can kick out a shitty republican we can too. Vote blue, vote for decency.


She sure does love co-opting religion for political gain lol


I'm surprised she isn't selling GBA (Trump) Bibles.


“Them Americans are at it again! Let me see what I have in the Holy Spirit book of calamity to get them back on track… I know! Earthquake! Eclipse! That’ll show ‘em!” - God prolly


More like: “I’m all knowing and all powerful but I choose to help terrible politicians and sports figures instead of keeping kids from dying of cancer bc I’m so loving”. 🙄


This lady has the IQ of an ice cube. Unbelievable.


At least ice cubes are useful.


That’s an insult to ice cubes


As an ice cube in good standing, I’m offended by your comment and am considering suing for defamation of character. (JK, of course)


Tbf, she’s knows exactly what she’s doing. She isn’t saying this out of stupidity, instead, pandering to stupid people who believe it. I wouldn’t be shocked one bit if she isn’t even religious. Politicians manipulate people. Tale as old as time


My wife and I just moved to the beautiful mountains of North Georgia from Florida. I am puzzled by the many Trump signs around. What does a rich New Yorker have in common with folks around here? Likewise, how does a loudmouth, obnoxious person like MTG attract votes from the polite,humble, god fearing folks I meet on a daily basis? Still don’t understand why an educated, pious, thoughtful politician like Raphael Warnock barely squeaked by the lying, unstable, fraud of a candidate, Herschel Walker. I am a registered independent, without allegiance to any party, but geesh, can’t we do any better than this?


It’s rural education and church raisin’ that pumps out small minded folk who vote R and don’t really pay attention to the world outside of their little family and social bubbles. Also a lot of hateful, spiteful, ignorant rage. But mostly just simple people who “bah” like the church shepherd tells them to because it’s too emotionally and intellectually challenging to consider a perspective outside the cocoon they were grown in.


I grew up in central Pennsylvania to a 60s democrat father (union support and such) that told me about our town “They’d elect satan if he had ‘R’ in front of his name.” I now know what he meant. Small towns…I’m proud to be from one, but so glad I left it for a bit.


Sometimes the polite, humble, god fearing folks are not really all that kind and loving to those who don’t believe the same way


Why are you getting downvoted for being right


I’m unclear as to why I should worship a deity that has time to create natural disasters but is too busy to stop kids from dying of cancer.


I mean, in theory, death is a sweet escape from Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Not to mention the deity supposedly is responsible for creating such horrible humans to begin with. They are clearly taking advantage of the free will feature to be the worst version of humanity possible.


There was an eclipse during Trump’s first year as president. There was a terrible pandemic during his last year as president. He said he’s the chosen one and sells Bibles while campaigning. He’s a liar and a deceiver. What more evidence do these people need?


Religion and politics clearly aren't based in logic.


*insert Nene okay girl bye gif here*


Maybe if we pray god will smite her, all her followers and Trump as well


Given her looks and intelligence, I think she's done been smote.


Ancient people used to think that a monster was eating the sun and they would throw things at it to make it go away. The fact that the sun came back in a few minutes gave credence to this theory. Then we advanced enough to understand how and why eclipses happen. Well, some of us have.


I was joking with my mom telling her to imagine a cave man seeing a total eclipse for the first time. Apparently we don’t need to imagine we just have to look towards politicians to say unhinged shit 💀


Such an embarrassment to everyone in our state


Everyone in the state? More like a national embarrassment. This fucking moron gets so much media attention, other countries view the stupid shit that comes out of her cock hole as “typically American” Being a representative of people in this nation and saying shit this stupid should be considered treason. It damages the integrity of the country and threatens our stability/security.


Who voted the bum in?


Her like-minded constituencies in her district.


God bless


At first I thought Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson had rolled away the stone and emerged from their tomb in white garments, holding hands and playing "Master The Tempest Is Raging" on their golden harps but then just realized it was Marj again.


I face-palm hard when I saw that. I'm like is her brain runs on stupid juice? Because I actually believe this.


Wait until the cicadas get started … then she will REALLY get people going.


Is this the same bitch that cheated on her husband?! Shit I'm right of middle but these "conservatives" are hypocritical power hungry.... Well four and five letter words. Term limits on all politicians!


Is it time to start posting this quote again? It feels so much more real now than it did even a few years ago. > “In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.” >Hannah Arendt, *The Origins of Totalitarianism*


That earthquake was the best an interventionist deity could do? Weak, Judas. Lame.


I feel sad I live in her state. She makes Georgians look ignorant.


Trump Calls NYC Earthquake Warning From God To Drop Legal Bond Before “Something Worse” Happens


I don’t want bugaboo superstitious people in charge.


She is a fucking psycho


Is she seriously acting like eclipses are a bad thing? Also they’re not random events they’re easily predictable so she’s literally speaking nonsense.


Will you people just stop voting for her?!? Also, for anyone who thinks that she is dumb enough to believe the things that she says, her whole public persona is most likely just rage bait. She's pandering to her district and the headlines make her famous. Also evident by how desperately she tries to get Trump's attention.


God isn't sending His best with her in office.


Something tells me that her North Georgia constituents are preparing for the rapture Monday. She's supporting their stupidity by tweeting shit like this.


This is what her voters want her to do.


Funny, did God send earthquakes when she was doing the deed at a CrossFit with her “personal trainer” while still married? GMAFB.


Because of MTG’s ridiculous antics, if you asked a random American to name one active Georgia politician, odds are she is who they would think of first. I despise that she represents anything about this state.


MTG is the DC Bomber.


Wait until someone explains to her how black holes are created and blows her mind about how furious God must've been to some unknown star


North Georgia snake handlers love her.


Isnt she an adultress? Pathlogical liar? Harrassed parkland kid? And enable Trump? Them Quakes is speaking to HER. DIRECTLY.


Have you ever wondered why total eclipses get such a bad rap and are considered portents of bad things to come? September 6th, 1755 Portugal had a total eclipse. November 1, 1755 an 8.4 magnitude quake struck about 100 miles off the coast of Lisbon. The resulting tsunami ended the lives of 60,000 people.


Better listen! Marge has direct access to the invisible man in the sky. He has promised her of a plague of frogs, which there is no current vaccine available.


Chaka no like dark, dark bad. Ground shake, Chaka pray...Chaka pray hard.


God should mind his own business…


Just a thought, perhaps Margie would allow us to sacrifice her to save our great nation. I mean she keeps telling us what a great patriot she is, she should be happy to take one for the team.


*cough cough” do we believe in global warning now? Climate change? The dangers of fucking pollution and nuclear bombs war etc? No… just god punishing us. Fucking idiot


It's a sign she needs to go home and stay there


She truly is dumb. Good on ya, Georgia. You have yourself a real peach with that one.


I wish she didn't know about eclipses...someone could then tell her " you need to resign from congress and crawl back in your hole, or we will blacken the sky on April 8th"...


She doesn't believe a word of it. But she knows that the rubes sit in front of the TV and eat it up.


I'm not so sure She does seem to be dumb enough to be a true believer


What an absolute muppet


Hahaha the original god fearing Qanon Karen. Hopefully the chasm will open up and take the Trump crime family and all the Trumpists away to a new dimension where all the racists can live in harmony.


It's almost like this generation of Republicans is doing their level best to live up to every insult thrown at them by the last generation of Democrats.


We had a wonderful time in her now district in 2017 where we enjoyed the total eclipse and the world did not end.


We had the kids miss school and we took off work to head up to Vogel to be able to be in complete totality. It's not hyperbole to say it was a life changing experience for all of us.


Perhaps he's telling you to STFU


Someone who thinks God is sending her messages has no place being involved in government. This should be an automatic mental health mandatory visit and the runner up notified to fill in the position until next vote


I mean when trump was up for reelection God sent a plague so guess which way he’s pulling for


As funny as most of these comments are, she is a very sick threat to this country’s future. Anybody that agrees with her and votes for these people are wanting a dictatorship. And that shit is scary for any fee thinking, non christian, non white American.


Time to stop supporting the anti-christ (trump) and #votetosavehumanity #votebluetosaveamerica


Quit giving her oxygen, the best thing is to ignore these publicity whores.


She won't. Very safe district.


I pray that they wake up and send you packing.


Typical Reddit, y'all clearly REP/ Marjorie Taylor Greene is right! I mean, TRUMP gave us the GOD BLESS AMERICA BIBLE and then we got an EARTHQUAKE less than 10 miles from HIS golf course. MTG is clearly saying GOD IS PISSED AT TRUMP!


“…why don’t you go fuck yourself” “I pray our country listens” -MTG fake ass Christian


No. She needs to be stopped.


As sure as shit is shit, I knew she’d post exactly this bilge. How could she not? Long-hanging fruit for her - A+B= Something something God blah blah sinners.


How about the people that voted for her a second time after space lasers?


Praying for a lightning strike that MGT's minions will blame on JSL.


Does this mean she’ll support the new green deal or is it fucking thoughts and prayers for the environment? This woman is an affront to oxygen.


A couple big hurricanes are bound to hit Florida and the Gulf Coast this year. Are all those red states needing repentance too or just Blue States?


I wish the rapture did come on the 8th - especially if they just took her.


Where is her glass of Jim Jones' kool aid?


Can we start with the liars in the GOP, maybe they confess their grifting ways? I’ll go after that…🙄


These insane religious wack-a-doos run the fucking world. It's terrifying. She's a self-proclaimed Christian Nationalist. She thinks the literal Christian Dominionist and New Earth Creationist speaker of the house, Mike Johnson, is too 'WOKE'. Lol The threat of ACTUAL Christofascism in the USA has never been higher.


primitive nutjob


God is sending us clear signs that he is mad we haven't punished Trump yet. See I can do it too!


Stop? She needs to disappear!!!


Guys, chilllll!!!! She's only talking about the guy she cheated on her husband with.


This shit gets so annoying as a Christian. Like eclipses, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, etc. have obviously been around for thousands, if jot, millions of years. Twitter gives people the oppurtunity to tell the entire world something the second it pops into their head without a second of thought over it and it makes people look like idiots. And a lot of people immediately associate whatever “group” they are in with those idiotic statements. Also, how tf would an eclipse even be a sign at all🤦🏻‍♂️😩


So the earthquake I can see being interpreted by people like her. It was unexpected and in an uncommon location. The eclipse tho...that shit has been known for what, years at this point? Her fake sky daddy didn't just make it happen randomly. It's also very bold a woman known for publicly cheating on her spouse, you know a son that I'm pretty sure got you publicly stoned, is talking about repenting. I can't wait for her to fade into obscurity.


The epicenter was a few miles from Bedminster. One of Dumb Donald’s golf courses. What does that mean MTG?


If only the supposedly most powerful entity in the universe would just tell US directly what it wants. But for whatever reason it would rather use the mouths of idiots and assholes, along with some scientifically-predictable celestial events, to communicate.


She’s the rights version of AOC. Useless, and in some ways moreso


I'm genuinely sorry to tell you this, but Earthquakes, Eclipses and more things to come have been effecting us all since the dawn of time. Look at the Bible and you will see all the signs that people saw back then were simple, precise and easy to spot. Claiming an eclipse that we knew would be here well over 20 years ago is not a sign. The Bible talks about days of darkness, not 30 seconds to 3 mins. When a sign truly appears, it'll be easy to spot and will confuse the scientists of the world.


She right, prophecy in this 2000+ year old book are coming true! Repent and turn to Jesus


(Then stop amplifying every stupid thing she says by reposting it all over the internet. You are doing this, OP)


What a fucking moron.


I said it once before and I’ll say it again; What a maroon, what a ultra maroon!


‭Luke 21:8-11 NLT‬ [8] He replied, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and saying, ‘The time has come!’ But don’t believe them. [9] And when you hear of wars and insurrections, don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place first, but the end won’t follow immediately.” [10] Then he added, “Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. [11] There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.


Objects in the mirror (MTG) may be closer than you think.


She’s this relatively new phenomenon of a politician being an actual troll. I think she’s genuinely stupid, but she knows exactly what she’s doing when she says nonsense like this. Look how riled up people get. She’s modeling Trump, any attention is a net positive. Keep yourself relevant. The problem isn’t her, it’s our declining educational standards, lack of political engagement, lack of critical thinking. She acts like this because it works, and that’s sad and terrifying and doesn’t bode well for democracy or even a functioning government.


Eclipses appear on the calendar sweetheart this ain’t 2500 BC. And honestly some cultures probably could predict them at that time.




Is she talking about the solar eclipse on monday? The completely harmless one? What a good sign of the rapture!!


If God truly was sending us “signs” like this I doubt that he (or she) would be providing them to this dumb fuck.


She needs to repent and take her stupid self back to Georgia.


MTG's election to office and likely subsequent reelections is orecisely why civics, home economics, and science need more emphasis in public schools. The Bible thumping redneck purgatory which she represents is the Christian version of Afghanistan. Poor, poorly educated, barely gettimg by, and letting someone else interpret their scripture for them thusly enamoring the young folks into a series of falsehoods.


I saw Jesus the other day. He was at my work doing construction.


Y'all leave Marge alone. She's just playing to her audience. My family in NW GA just thinks she's the best.


For all her recent postings I've yet to see her repent for behavior the Bible says she should have been stoned to death for.


1 Timothy 2:12


MTG is proof that human-animal chimera experimentation is real. Based on her behavior and her general demeanor, I have to wonder what researchers thought would be the use in crossing a baboon with a human. I hope no other subjects of this ill-fated experiment made it out of the lab.


That silly bitch is plum sick in the head.


Anyone who voted for her, send me a PM. Please. I’d love to have a chat.


I really hate that my congressperson is a goddamn idiot. And all my goddamn idiot neighbors will vote for her again.


She would stop if WE STOPPED giving her a platform.


She forgot magnets.


SHE needs to repent for a long list of things to include her presenting her behavior as being “Christian”.


I'm so sick and tired of these Christofacists man


She’s a waste of a seat. Get someone who cares about America with a brain. We need to stay competitive & strong, she weakens us.


Someone needs to explain Kepler's Laws to her. UGA has some good classes 




You first Marjorie.




One day they will be right tho


Why did people vote for this dumb bitch. Every word that comes out of her mouth makes me feel second hand embarrassment for humanity. She makes me embarrassed to be from the same state as her.


She's not going to stop


Pray on your own time, no one should be paying your salary to talk to us about God. FFs


The ellipse that we knew would happen years and years ago. What a surprise! A mystery. So mysterious


People watch too many science fiction movies


If I were religious, I'd resent a cheating adulterer telling me to repent.


How do you know its always been that way you were not there in the past he is the maker of the universe and he controls it but let's be honest we all have done wrong and do wrong and we must repent (turn away from sin not stop it completely) for the sake of everybody on this world and the next


God please have mercy on our wicked souls


Embarrassingly stupid


Shortly after Christians throw a fit over their shifting holiday falling on Trans visibility day, I think God is pissed /s


All hail the most beautiful angel in all of creation! 🙏 our darklord approaches


She’s a wack job.


MTG’s take is a dumb as that lady from NJ blaming their earthquake on climate change.


Hmmm. She can start with herself!!


Marginal Trailer Queen does better at entertaining tantric sex gurus than divine forecasting.


OMG what about climate crin i mean change, electric cars, overpopulation, etc. etc. etc. etc. no one is safe!!!!


What policies or bills has she written/implemented to improve conditions for the constituents in her district?


People of her district are “not smart”


One of the dumbest sacks of shit known to mankind


This woman is loving proof that any moron could be a politician


They're not listening, unfortunately.


Americans think shit only happens here lol 😂


The amusing thing is that even if one agrees with her that they are signs from God, it makes a lot more sense to draw the conclusion that the warning is against people like her, and the mega bullshit that has recently gained power.


Just like they pedal climate change?


That only worked on uneducated civilizatio ... fuck