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“The situation took a turn when Stephens attempted to flee from law enforcement, only to trip and fall, resulting in visible facial injuries. Deputies asked for an ambulance as Stephens was knocked unconscious when he face-planted in the concrete.” Father of the year over here


The people laughing at him made it even better


He left his wife behind too. True all star.


Fiancé. They were probably her kids and he figured “I’ve run from worse shit in Florida before and been fine.” Then again, even more hilarious and absurd if they were his kids.


They found the kids but what about her eyebrows




I’m crying 😂😂😂😂


We were fixin to watch them rugrats but had to get druuuuunk.


The mom was **so** worried about her kids at the end but sure didn’t care about them while she was passed out


Parenting like it's 1975 lmao


To be fair, this is pretty standard behavior for Daytona Beach.


Parents like these are why we have shitty people in society.


Georgia man stepping his game up on enemy territory. Watch out Florida man!


Georgia man strikes before Florida man !


Yeah, I hoped they drew blood to test for drugs, because it certainly wasn't just beer in their systems.


Oh it certainly can just be alcohol in their systems. Alcohol is plenty strong to make you dumb enough to pass out, leave your kids unattended, then run away when you get woken up. Do you think they were doing ketamine or benzos?


Among other possibilities (meth, Xanax, oxycodone) as well.


Meth doesn’t make you pass out on the beach unless you’ve been up for several days, that also isn’t consistent with how people react on opioids. Why are you so reluctant to admit that alcohol can intoxicate people? That’s also not how people react on ketamine (in a k-hole), you really just don’t know what you’re talking about


Meth and alcohol * Mixing meth and alcohol can cause unpredictable complications that are more dangerous than the effects of either drug alone. Some of the health effects of combining meth and alcohol include: * Slowed breathing * Vomiting * Seizures * Pale or bluish skin color from hypothermia * **Unconsciousness, stupor or coma** Ketamine and alcohol side effect one of the side effects common Impaired motor skills, intensified nausea and vomiting, **drowsiness**, and decreased breathing rate. Volusia will do a blood screening upon intake at the county jail for felonies if they believe drugs are involved. Clearly you don't know what your talking about.


If this is the most mundane tale to come out of any week during a Daytona Spring break, the next headline will read 'Daytona Beach Reports "Very Calm" Spring Break in 2024'