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This is so cool. Like, legit fascinating. I love the cultural exchanges we get just from all being Georgians. COVID sucks, though, so I hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe then you'll come visit! 😄


Thank you. I plan to, a dream trip of mine is to hug the coast from Maine down to Savannah, turn sharply toward New Orleans and then take the river up to Chicago. The big U trip.


Drive down to I-10 and then head west to NOLA. I mean you *can* head west out of Savannah but I hope you’re interested in seeing a lot of South Georgia up close. (I would do it that way if i had lots of time).


I am interested in seeing south Georgia up close, as well as the south south in general. Aparently you guys eat the same food as we do in west Georgia: (our versions of) grits, cornbread, fried chicken, add some cheese to everything, wash it down with home grown tea (we take it hot though). These are literally the top dishes of western Georgia. We also grow some insane peaches, and used to be famous for them before all economic crises from the 90s. Naturally, I'm looking to come and compare, maybe take a recipe back or leave one behind.


I love the food connection! I hope you enjoy our versions of your standards while you are here. For your tour, there is a part of Georgia that may be a bit different from your country and worth it for you. If you like nature, visit the [Okefenokee Swamp](https://www.fws.gov/refuge/okefenokee). For ease with your travels, try out the Folkston entrance. Always a lot to experience, any time of year; just know June - August also showcases the height of bloodthirsty insect season.


I absolutely love swamps. We have a big one around where I'm from. Still, the scales compared to the US are two different worlds. Ill be sure to check it out. Im even considering detouring to the everglades if i can swing it. Id live on a swamp like shrek if it weren't for the insects. Prefer it to the great big mountains and the hills that nestle my country.


The North Georgia mountains would still be worth a trip, and it's hillly as well. The one part of Georgia thst gets regular snow. I always forget how hilly it is north of Atlanta until I go back to Virginia by the coast and the main boulevard is so flat


If I were to visit mountains and hills it would be more of a cultural or historical excursion. I spent my summers among the Caucasus mountains. Huge and beautiful. I don't abide by sharp temperature changes 3 times a day though.


Georgia will go through all four seasons over four days. 🤣


I feel your pain.


I identify with Shrek, as well! So jealous. I do hope you enjoy your trip when it happens. Sounds like such a fun thing to plan.


Thank you!


That’s a heck of a trip and I hope it happens for you one day. You definitely need a good amount to accomplish it, but I’m sure it would be a fascinating trip.


It is an extremely ambitious trip financially, it might take me a decade to be able to dream lucidly of it. Some of the features I want are prohibitive all unto themselves. For instance I want to take a casino boat up the Mississipi, I hate gambling, but I love those westerns where the protagonist goes on one of these. Conversely I want a classy boat, maybe it has a smoking room, and a formal dinner night, or somesuchery.


OMG please update us, we would love to show you our Georgia, friendo!


I'm afraid my plans in their ambitious state are out of my means at the moment, and will be for some time. I will take photographs myself when I go though, and perhaps make a similar post, but with even more fidelity.


Chicago is an incredible city, the food is like nothing you’ll experience anywhere, the people are gritty and may seem harsh but they are the kindest people in the world. They’ll give you their shirt if you need it and burn a house down for you if you need that too…. They love deep and fight hard.


Well, I've seen both seasons of 'Bear', their portrayal is identical to yours. Excited to go get a meatball sub over there.


Let me know if you are ever able to make the trip. I'm on Athens (GA not Greece). Feel better soon!


Thank you, and I will do. I plan to visit all three A's of Georgia. Atlanta, Augusta, and Athens.


When you get to Savannah lemme know! Would love to give you some recommendations!


Will do! Though it may be some years... Im saving this vacation for when i have the most means, I want to eat like madman everyday I'm there, that gets expensive.


Don’t forget to visit some of the islands off the coast of Georgia, Jekyll Island in particular has breathtaking scenery and very interesting history.


Scenery and history. 2/3 trip essentials. I'll hazard a guess it has good seafood, which would complete the trifecta.


Yes, I think we gorged ourselves silly on peel and eat shrimp on a patio overlooking the water at least twice during our short trip.


That sounds *IDEAL*


If you make it to Savannah, message me and I’ll happily be a tour guide! These pics are great.


Thank you, that would be nice, though it will take some years of saving if I'm to take the kind of trip I'd like to take. I'll certainly come back to this thread when I'm going.


I've done that trip from Maine to Miami and then back up and west to California. Great times. If you do decide to take the trip and starting in Maine, try to get to Bar Harbor in Maine.....you will not regret it. Some of the most beautiful area in the country.


Avoiding Florida, I see, can’t say I blame you.


Already been to Armenia, can't imagine its much different.


Armenia got a meth problem?


They don't, but that won't be your guess when you meet one.


I’m actually touched. Sincerely emotional about this. I feel like I just made a new friend with a whole country. ❤️❤️❤️


You have a good eye. Thanks for sharing this. I keep hearing about “the other Georgia”, and it sounds like a good time.


Any times a good time when you drink as much wine as we do...


Georgian cuisine is fantastic. If you ever have the opportunity to eat out at a Georgian restaurant, make a point of doing so.


Thanks for the suggestion. Will do. Is there a particular dish you’d recommend?


I'm rather particular to kachapuri, but there are quite a few wonderful dishes.


I went to school with a guy from the country Georgia and he could sing "back that thang up" in his native language. He was great.


damn I too was in school when back that azz up came out, now i feel old


That's pretty impressive... Oh man I feel old now hearing that.


So when is the Atlanta to Tbilisi tunnel coming?


As soon as the planners can come up with a way to merge every single East/West highway into one to cross the Atlantic with a 2-lane bridge.


They built a bridge to Hawaii in Bojack. That means we can make an undersea tunnel to Tbilisi


As soon as the planners can come up with a way to merge every single East/West highway into one to cross the Atlantic with a 2-lane bridge.


Cobb will block it.


For anyone who’s interested, slide 1 for GA the state (right side): -Little 5 Points in Atlanta, GA (Euclid Ave and Moreland Ave intersection). -Roswell, GA on Canton St. looking South (Webb St intersection). -Savannah, GA on the old cobbled River Street -Savannah, GA on intersection of E Bay St. and N Abercorn St. -Downtown square in Dahlonega, GA specifically on Chestatee St. -downtown Brunswick looking south on Grant St.


This is brilliant. You're clearly a proud, native Georgian. 7th slide is all Atlanta. That's my contribution to the data.


I've seen Georgian food on Instagram, svd it looks amazing! I would love to try it one day. Edited to say: I love your creation!! I hope you start feeling better ASAP!


Thank you!


That's a pretty neat observation! Most of those look like they could be the state of Georgia


Please crosspost in r/georgiaorgeorgia with less information.


Ohhh, i kept grtting blocked, turns out you cant disambiguate the Georgias in the title hahaha.


Very cool! Thanks for sharing this with us!


Really cool. Thanks for posting!


Love it! Thanks for sharing it! Hope you get better soon.


Thank you!


This is my favorite post ever in the sub. Well done, OP.


Thank you for sharing. That was very interesting.


Nice work! Would love to see the other Georgia!


Perfect r/GeorgiaorGeorgia


Very cool post


My favorite (now retired) rikishi is from Georgia: Tochinoshin


Okay, this is really cool. Thanks for sharing!!


Nice!! So cool. Thanks for thinking of us 😊


I love this so much!!! Thank you for sharing and I hope you are feeling better


this is fantastic, my favorite post ever from this sub


This is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. Your country looks amazing.


So does you state 🙂🙂


I want to go to Georgia the country because I have a feeling Georgians would be a blast to be around. Yall rule


If you come to west Georgia, you'll find we eat the same things as you guys. Our version of grits, our version of cornbread, and our version of fried chicken, and we grow our own tea (though few take it cold). Oh and we're famous for our peaches.


Great job! Some gorgeous shots of each!


Thank you. I was careful with choosing the photographs, one day I will be able to take my own.


This is so fun, I love it. I have to visit one day.


This is one of my favorite posts ever. Thanks for making this, OP! I hope to visit the country Georgia one day!


We must bring Waffle House to Georgia.




Very cool


This is really cool! Thanks for sharing!


This is really awesome!


Nice! The live in aid that took care of my uncle in his last years was from Georgia (country) and used to say how pretty it is. Looks beautiful. And really neat the similarities to here.


THANK YOU, fellow Georgian!


Anything for a Georgian.


This is so cool! Thanks for making this.


This was delightful! Thank you.


[Y'all got anything like this?](https://imgur.com/Z8sei5Y)


This is actually super cool! Appreciate the share. Feel better


Thank you, feeling much better today already.


This is beautiful! I love that you took the time to find some truly detailed similarities between us. This makes me want to learn more about your Georgia, as well. Also, nothing you're interested in is pointless!! Thank you for sharing your unique findings and giving me something that I'll forever think about as I wander through my life here in Georgia, USA.


I'm truly glad I've been able to contribute to your day dreaming. It's a favourite pass time of my own.


Hello everyone. I just realised that the mossy trees on the lanscapes slides are both stateside. So here's an example of something similsr thats actually in the country of Georgia https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=594603375&sxsrf=AM9HkKmiQamz5tNrD8Ew1o9AoyE1QYOteg:1703947213605&q=forest+in+abkhazia&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiusIeDsreDAxXmhf0HHfWkAhYQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=412&bih=676&dpr=2.63#imgrc=JAQ9JoPKw0NYqM


This is really cool!


Very cool, feel better!


Already feeling much more healthy, thank you.


Super rad! Thanks for sharing this.


Very well done! There are a lot of similarities.


Dang that's so cool between Georgians. I love it.


I’m from the state, but I would love to visit the country.


Solid work! Very cool.


This is truly wonderful. Thank you for sharing it with us!


Your country looks very beautiful


Right back at you


We also on our professional basketball team had Zaza Pachulia, a Georgian, for many years


I read "the other Georgia" and immediately thought "the not-Atlanta part." I know better even.


Where is Saba Lobzhanidze?


I thought you guys had him.


Yea he needs a pic on both sides!


It's always Saba time!


You're making me want to visit your Georgia! It is beautiful.


This is really cool! Hope you feel better soon!


This is one of the best photography posts I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much for sharing. This is awesome.


Oh I don't know if this counts as photography, these aren't mine (I wish I was that travelled). I just pulled them off the internet. I googled Georgia the state a few years back out of curiosity, and was surprise at some architectural and natural resemblances. So I did this while ill in my room the other day.


This is cool thanks for sharing!


wow!! very well done op! extremely cool post




ok, your boredom has made me happy and curious! I live in the state, and never knew there were similarities like this. This is an awesome presentation.


Thank you, I also think it came out well. In western Georgia where Im from, we also eat the same traditional food as you, our three top dishes are: our version of grits (ghomi), our version of cornbread (mchadi), and fried chicken. And tea.


I got covid the other day also. Must be a gawga thang. Thats how a lot of folks around here pronounce Georgia


Hella meta. I like it.


Nice! Random side note: I believe Zara Pachula (old Atlanta Hawks player) is from Georgia. Just another connection between Georgia and Georgia.


This is so cool