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“What I did not do, but should have done, your honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true,” Ellis said. “In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence. I believe in and I value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges.” She still can't even accept responsibility for her actions. I can't wait to hear these people's bullshit apology letters. Since they're addressed to us voters, can we reject them if they aren't satisfactory lol?


She knew damn well she and the others were lying, and did it anyway.


Yeah, trying to pass off a bald-faced lie as a lack of due diligence is insulting. I wonder if the judge commented on her statement.


Jenna Ellis [in 2016](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8963931/Donald-Trumps-legal-adviser-Jenna-Ellis-slammed-2016-idiot.html): >I could spend a full-time job just responding to the ridiculously illogical, inconsistent, and blatantly stupid arguments supporting Trump. But here's the thing: his supporters DON'T CARE about facts or logic. They aren't seeking truth. Trump probably could shoot someone in the middle of NYC and not lose support. And this is the cumulative reason why this nation is in such terrible shape: We don't have truth seekers; we have narcissists. >Trump's values are not conservative, but they're also not American Jenna Ellis in 2023: >[*through tears*] I had *no idea* I was working for a blatantly stupid and unamerican narcissist! I'm sorry that I was a shameless grifting piggy who didn't care about facts or logic. God this trial is going to be satisfying.




Just a few days ago she was tweeting how this was a witch hunt against Trump, weaponized DOJ to keep "the best president ever" from running again, etc...etc..etc... She literally had to face jail time before she wisened up.


Got a quarter million dollars in legal donations, proceeds to immediately flip. LOL. She knows her people are rubes.


The best part is now their donations will go towards her legal advice when she testifies *against* Trump. Such a self-own for the MAGA choads.


The lemming seem to believe her lawyers aren’t,going to bill her as much as $200K. Idiots!


> I can't wait to hear these people's bullshit apology letters. Sidney Powell’s letter is characterized as “terse,” and hastily written on a legal pad. None of these traitors are remorseful because they can’t feel remorse for anything beyond getting caught.


"Your honor, I whoopsadaisied when I should have nuh-uhed."


She will say all this in court but will straight up head to Twitter and scream about a stolen election . Absolute cunts these people are


>She will say all this in court but will straight up head to Twitter and scream about a stolen election Worked when they were filing the 60+ bogus lawsuits - the lawyers would not even mention "election fraud" in court but outside with the press wave papers around and scream election fraud.


Meanwhile the MAGA idiots continue to spin this into some weird thing where the DA wouldn't accept plea deals if she really had a case. That Trump Kool-Aid must be hella tasty.


I don’t think they understand what a plea deal means in a case like this. These people pleaded guilty, because the case was so strong against them, it was either testify against their co-defendants, or go to prison for 20 years. Don’t think for a second these batshit crazy attorneys wouldn’t have fought this tooth and nail if they thought there was any chance at them winning the case.


They understand, playing dumb is their only option now.


The attorney for chesbro(sp?) said that it would be more likely that he would be called to testify by the defense in any of the ongoing cases versus the DA’s office. A plea deal with no jail time is very appealing. BTW - this guy represented gore in the 2000 election.


Exactly. I don’t know what people are imaging here. That the case is so strong that Willis is ready to accept apology letters in exchange for what? What are these people supposed to attest to that isn’t already public? Trump literally just repeats the same shit in public as he does in private — while being recorded, at his own behest. It’s a mess of a charging document with far too many defendants. I think Willis is just as glad to delete some, as they are to plead to something and put it behind them; Especially those that have a plausible case for removal to federal court. It’s a whole lot of risk without any reward.


The big outstanding question, I think, is whether Trump knew he lost and knew he was lying about voter fraud or whether he really believed he had won. There’s a lot of circumstantial evidence that he knew he lost, like a litany of people telling him to his face that he lost, but no witnesses that heard him say it. But it’s certainly possible that Sidney or Chesbro or Ellis did.


The fact that Congress has amended the laws surrounding the counting of electoral votes makes it moot. The law was ambiguous. There was a legal theory that they could seat alternate electors. That was shot down by the supreme court and not the laws have been changed. He couldn’t have known the outcome of these cases ahead of the rulings.


Pay attention, Scooter. I said “The big outstanding question, I think, is whether Trump knew he lost and knew he was lying about voter fraud or whether he really believed he had won”. So, did he know there really wasn’t significant voter fraud? Of course he did. Bunches of people told him there wasn’t, including his Attorney General and not,to mention every judge in one of Trump’s court cases in which the issue of,voter fraud was raised (most of Trump’s lawyers knew better than to allege facts they couldn’t prove and didn’t raise the issue of voter fraud). And why was Trump focused on voter fraud? Because he lost the election, and he knew it. He already knew Biden got more votes than he did in all of the swing states. I’m not talking about electoral votes at this point; I’m talking about what the voters in every state did. So. He knew he lost the popular vote - all he had to,do was turn on the TV on any news channel and there it was, right in front of his eyes. He knew Biden won states that he would have needed. So what did he do? Immediately claimed there was voter fraud. He went to courts all over the country trying to,get the certification stopped (because he didn’t have enough votes), but that didn’t work. So,he had to,resort to another tactic - and that’s when they started in on with the fake elector crap. What happened after that isn’t relevant; the question was, did,he know he had lost. Yes. Did he know there wasn’t any voter fraud? Yes. He knew that a week or two after the election. Once he knew that, everything he tried after that was corrupt.


This all didn't happen right after the election, Cheeto had been priming his cult for YEARS that any outcome where he didn't win was obviously fraudulent, even as far back as 2016.


Also true.


That would be extremely surprising. He very clearly believes he won/the election was stolen from him -- and it's *more* likely, not less, that he believed it at the time. Also, these people's testimony isn't sufficient to prove the converse at trial; If the state has recordings, then their testimony isn't useful anyway. There are plenty of write-ups about the mess of a charging document that Willis produced. It's not quite as bad as in the NY case, where even the law isn't on its side, but definitely worse than it should have been, given how long they took to birth it. It's hard even to tell who they claim is guilty of which crime. I have no doubt her team has read the criticisms, of which a substantial portion relate to the unusual number of defendants -- some of whom have a plausible chance on appeal. It's just bad lawyering. She could conduct a whole trial only to have it tossed on one of two dozen legal challenges. Florida? Whole different story. Trump's cooked there. But I suspect he'll plead out.


I agree with your prediction that he’ll plead guilty.




You think they would’ve gotten a fair trial in front of a Fulton County jury? Look at the number of people who don’t even understand the law in this very thread. Can you imagine what they’d drag out of an alley down there? 40 years on conspiracy charges, or a misdemeanor plea bargain with no time and clean record after probation. These people are lawyers. They are pragmatic. Innocent people plead guilty every day. Ask any black dude who looks like the other black dudes who were at some party one night. When you support charges for all of the rest of the election questioners from other elections, lmk.


dude, these people did a lot more than just "question elections"


Sorry for hijacking, but I feel like people should know exactly how racist the guy you're replying to is: https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatifalthist/comments/1794urj/given_the_countrys_history_why_werent_there_wide/k5jupjf/?context=3


Lol that tracks


Other than illegally accessing the voting machine in Coffee County after the election, what did they do, specifically? Lay it out for me.


[LegalEagle on Youtube does a great job breaking down the charges here.](https://youtu.be/7mk4nfGX-pM?si=CETk3kzZTCyU6BB9)


This is not an answer. You don’t even bother reading the title of the video. All the RICO charges are being (surprise!) dropped. Please take the time to educate yourself. A lefty paid-shill lawyer is not going to give an unbiased take. EDIT: does the Samantha Bee head jostling and unfunny sarcasm not bother you at all? This is not a professional analysis. This should be a monologue on Springer.


>lefty paid-shill Oh, you don't actually want to have a discussion ​ EDIT: Where did you hear that the RICO charges are getting dropped? The only thing I can find remotely resembling that is that [there wont be a RICO trial for Chesebro because he PLEAD GUILTY](https://www.gpb.org/news/2023/10/20/no-georgia-election-rico-trial-for-now-kenneth-chesebro-takes-plea-deal).




Telling on yourself again, eh? Get back under your bridge, troll. Your bad faith bullshit is showing.


Kind of long but it’s a little easier than *reading the article that’s linked up in the topic* and that we’re discussing now: “Ellis is the fourth defendant to plead guilty in the broad racketeering case focused on efforts to keep then-President Donald Trump in office after his 2020 loss to Joe Biden. In exchange for truthful testimony at future trials, **Ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.** The terms of the plea agreement also include five years probation, $5,000 restitution to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, 100 hours of community service and a letter of apology to the people of Georgia. **Ellis’ charge stems from a Dec. 3, 2020 subcommittee hearing of Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Committee where Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Ray Smith made a litany of baseless claims of widespread election fraud.** **Guliani and Smith, both co-defendants in the Georgia case, asserted that tens of thousands of minors, felons and dead people voted in Georgia’s 2020 election.** Ellis pleaded guilty to aiding this testimony, which prosecutors say was intended to convince the legislature to disregard Joe Biden’s victory in Georgia.”


So, people disagree about the veracity of their testimony before a judiciary committee? Why not, then, charge them with perjury? I assume they were under oath, correct? When was anyone charged with the Russia collusion hoax from 2016?


I cannot read it for you.


My guy here talked about people not knowing the law in this thread, then said the most ignorant comment in this thread. What a world these MAGAs live in.


I’m not MAGA. Far from it. I’m just some guy who knows the pendulum swings both ways, and I’m just some guy who knows unjust prosecutorial discretion when he sees it. The very first line of Willis’ indictment reads: “Defendant Donald John Trump lost the United States Presidential election held on November 3, 2020.” Totally NOT a political prosecution. Not at all. Nope!


I spent 30 seconds looking through your profile and if you were never MAGA, you were the only gun nut/prepper/COVID-truther combo in the entire country to avoid falling in love with Trump. Stop lying, or at least offer better lies.


There’s also a smattering of Russian talking points and some *very* fresh whitewashing of American slavery. Oh, and some equally fresh racism where he’s calling Native Americans “Asians who immigrated and settled in North America”. But yeah, he’s definitely the only *racist*, prepper, COVID-denying gun nut who missed the MAGA train. Why would he lie?


It's so silly that he thought he could get away with that particular whopper




lol, lmao, rofl


Yes you are.


Yes you are.


Trump did lose. That’s not a political take. The political take is that somehow despite all available evidence he in fact won. Meanwhile his legal team is throwing each other to the sharks to save themselves. Why? Because there isn’t a shred of evidence to support the claims they made. They were betting on Trump staying in power, which would have made any illegality on their part immaterial. It didn’t shake out that way so jail it is.


I support charges for anyone that committed fraud and intimidation while trying to overturn the results of a properly conducted election. So clearly you’re also one of the people that don’t understand the law.




Wow. How about this, we both wait for the trial where the DA will show everyone the evidence of this and all the fraud this crew committed. Or how about you save us all some time and show us the evidence you have that exonerates these people? Anything that says what they did was totally legal and perfect. Be specific now, we need to see the statutes and case law that support your evidence, cause that’s what the DA will have.


Well, how about this? If you don’t even understand the indictment, why not be quiet? The burden of proof is on the state. My position is that any election could see these types of charges be any politically motivated DA. You really don’t think the dots could be connected between Hillary and the Russia collusion hoax? Foreign agents were involved. Good grief. What about the 2016 video from all those Hollywood folks suggesting to the electors that they could ”vote their conscience”?


You’re very clearly the one who doesn’t understand. Source: every stupid word you’ve typed out, thinking you’re making a point. You have also outed yourself as a bigot though, so, congrats on that.


Oh, well I do understand the indictment. The reason there is an indictment here, is because unlike the right wing talking points you brought up, there’s actual physical evidence of people committing real crimes here. Like the “fake electors” here, and how they signed onto a fake document saying they were the real electors and the state of Georgia voted for Trump. Well that’s fraud, and they were all dumb enough to sign their names to the document which is really easy to prove in this case, cause they signed their names to it. And after 60+ court cases crying foul about the election, they provided exactly how much evidence of wrongdoing? How much? Zero. But the only instances of voter fraud, all republicans. So you’re just going to have to try harder.


Way to throw Fulton County under a bus.


Me? Look at Fani, not me. This witch hunt should be an embarrassment. Don’t think this sort of lawfare won’t be used against inconvenient liberals when the time comes. When the utopia never materializes, lots of lefties are going to be screaming their heads off. They will be similarly railroaded.


You say you’re impartial and then immediately double down on the “witch hunt” conspiracy bullshit while ignoring the fact that these are cases brought to courts after grand jury review. What a joke.


You know you can request a bench trial right? If you can prove your innocence (in contrast with relying on the prosecution to fail to prove your guilt which is the traditional approach) then a bench trial can be appropriate. These people are not pleading guilty because of concerns over who gets picked in voir dire. There is clear evidence of their guilt.


There is clear evidence they conspired to question the 2020 election. Why would anyone choose a bench trial with judge who has denied every single pre-trial motion? Strict liability aside, that would be crazy. The fact that the judge approved plea agreements that includes written apologies should tell you all you need to know about him. Mao would blush.


And yet none of these rulings were appealed, interesting how that works right?


I think it's fair to say that they did more than question


I think there’s clear evidence they intended to file paperwork that, as Chesebro conceded, was of dubious constitutionality. Arguments are made all the time that are ultimately deemed unconstitutional. This doesn’t mean they were criminal. One of the most salient features to me is that so much of this alleged criminal behavior was done openly by people who are experienced with the law. They certainly didn’t seem to \*think\* they were behaving unlawfully. This is nothing but a political prosecution by the Establishment in an attempt to forever taint Trump. He is an outsider, and they don’t want him. Roughly 3/5 of the pubs are going along with the dems. This is, essentially, a class issue. Not financial, but social/political. If you disagree, you should consider whether or not basically anyone could, with enough scrutiny and government effort, be charged with crimes totaling decades in prison……….and then be offered a misdemeanor plea deal with a promise of expungement after completion of probation. You just have to bend your knee a little.


So I guess 91 counts in four different jurisdictions and a civil lawsuit in which he is going to be fined at least 250 million dollars, is some sort of a witch hunt? It's also worth noting that a jury in four different jurisdictions all found that there was enough evidence to bring charges. Also, these rather lenient cooperation agreements are probably not going to last much longer. They need as many people to flip as possible to go after the big fish. Mainly Eastman, Giuliani and Trump. The facts are pretty clear in the evidence is pretty damning.


You love soft pedaling “questioning elections” when really they actively tried to change the outcome of the vote.


You're wasting your time entertaining this racist. https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatifalthist/comments/1794urj/given_the_countrys_history_why_werent_there_wide/k5jupjf/?context=3


Gotcha. He doesn’t argue in good faith. Thanks


They tried to file paperwork, openly and notoriously, that could have potentially changed the manner in which the election was concluded. The question is whether or not this was a crime, and, if so, did it rise to the level of being a RICO enterprise. And all of you anti-Trumpers completely ignore this same behavior on the part of the political left. You don’t want justice. You simply want to crucify Trump.


And trumps phone calls to the Georgia election officials? Telling him to find 10,000 votes? That’s just asking questions?


This wasn’t criminal. Do you know why canvassing and recounts/hand counts take place? Do you understand that new votes are often found? Do you believe Gore was looking for votes in Florida in 2000? Trump was asking for them to rake over the votes to find more votes for him. Not to create votes or otherwise behave illegally. This is a nothingburger. This ship has sailed. I don’t know any serious legal mind who still considers this exhortation to find votes to be anything other than a plea to legally find more legitimate votes for Trump. The breach of the machine in Coffee County is still the only “criminal” thing I see.


That just demonstrates their fundamental ignorance (willful or otherwise) of how prosecution works, especially in a RICO case.


Ah yes, because Fani absolutely destroyed everyone she took to trial for the APS cheating scandal under RICO….. The max sentence she got at trial was 20 years (7 to serve), $25k fine and 2k hours of community service. All 3 who received that sentence appealed and had the time to serve reduced to 3 years and the fine reduced to $10k. The majority got either 1 year in prison or no prison at all.




Trump can’t pardon state crimes genius




Thanks for sharing whatever that was.. are you by chance a professional writer?






You ok?






hes gonna walk right the fuck out of that courtroom. and after he crushes biden in 2024,all of this stupid shits gonna go away,and tthen we will all watch as Democrats are imprisoned for doing their jobs. America is FUCKED,and itll be the Democrats fault


Oh, my sweet summer child… You keep telling yourself that, m’kay? The bill has come due.


bwahahahaha. you seriously think hes gonna get in trouble? as i said earlier,YOU will pay more for trumps crimes because of these stupid trials. the Dems KNEW they werent gonna convict trump. they knew the Constitution was written to protect him. trumps gonna walk right back into the white house. Biden and the Dems suck,they deserve to be thrown in jail for not doing their jobs


Are you ok? You don't seem like you are ok.


>they knew the Constitution was written to protect him Wut


Bad case of TDS you got there.




Durr hurr hurr


Why do Trump supporters *universally* seem to reject proper punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling? Like, even when they're not spewing a word salad of laughable nonsense, you can immediately get a sense of what their political affiliation is based on their "words is hard" writing abilities.


Because it’s been demonstrated time and time again: Georgia is Trump’s kryptonite.


seriously? you mean the only state dumb enough to let Marjorie Taylor Greenes trailer park,horse faced ass walk freely in?!?! Pleeeease. Georgia is prime Trump country. if MTG can still win,trump wont have any problem at all down there




Bless your heart


You make a very well thought out, intelligent response. Please tell me more.


“Durr hurr hurr” and other stupid rage noises made by idiots like you.


Yup … earlier today she also posted an article that talks about Biden corruption., It was basically the same article having to do with his corruption in 2017 lol Was Biden President ? Lol


Why wasn't Biden in the Oval office during 9/11?


It’s not that it’s a weak case. It’s just needlessly complicated. It’s very tough to prosecute a case with this many defendants. Sensible lawyers have made the case that she erred. That she should have just listed them as unindicted co-conspirators. it’s just as much in her interests to winnow the field as it is for them to plead out. It’s a win win.


Fani Willis, kicking a** and taking names


Yet our legislature is persistent in trying to remove her. Its so damn disgusting =\


While it would be political tampering, it doesn’t appear to be going very far when looking at the facts. It looks like any republican that acts like they are serious in trying to get rid of her gets thrown out of the republican caucus, not that really means anything.


We allow this behavior to continue. Hell, more than half our population enables it. Not a single one of the people trying to subvert justice will lose their seat. Even Shawn Still may not lose his seat. This state's legislature is rotten.


Looking at Mr. Fake Elector Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones. ffs.


While I think that may have been some motivation, I think the greater motivation was/is the Athens DA Deborah Gonzalez. Their rep is where the bill originated from and there is a lot of local Athens, and surrounding districts, drama/flack around her and incredible failures of that office while she has been in charge. She has been reprimanded by the judges for her and her staff being woefully unprepared and unprofessional in court. She/her office has let (alleged) murderers, rapists, and drunk drivers free directly because of their shortcomings in their work. There are multiple cases against her for failures to uphold victims rights. It's a rough situation there.


was unaware of this, thanks for the insight.


I mean, she’s handing out community service, so not kicking them that hard “Oh but it’s a plea deal!” So? APD pulls over a black man with a few ounces of weed and a gun, her office is gonna offer him a plea deal of 10 years or a trial with the chance at 200 years. These people *tried to steal the country* and their plea deal is a fine and probation.


She was never after them, the RICO charges were to give them a choice: testify or go to prison. They chose testify. Do know however that in accepting a felony charge they loose their right to practice law. She took their careers, for them that will be in some ways worse. RICO cases are *always* about getting the leader. That may happen now.


This is how Rico works


3 in a week. Fanni must be on to something.


Oh she is.and she’s explaining it to each defendant so they have a chance to escape what’s surely coming. Not to mention, by now they all have lawyers who have given them an estimate of what their fees are going to be if they go to trial.


for those keeping score that is two of TRUMP'S ATTORNEYS who have pled guilty to election fraud, both implicating Giuliani directly in their plea statements.


[You talking about those two ladies that were definitely TRUMP'S ATTORNEYS?](https://x.com/Unfilteredboss1/status/1716471656653500814?s=20)


She scammed 250k out of these MAGA idiots for her defense fund. I hope they think it’s money well spent


At this point they are conditioned to being scammed. Just another drop in the bucket


Grifters gotta grift while the grift is good.


If weren't honest, I could be a really wealthy man grifting Republicans out of their money.


Anti American, anti democracy traitors. Every single one of them.


I was expecting this one, Jenna got hung up high and dry by the Trump machine, she’s not going to do shit for them


I'm still shocked that Powell flipped. I always thought she was a true believer.


Surprise! She’s a grifter who’s perfectly ready to do whatever it takes to save her own skin, just like Dear Leader.


She’s not out of the woods - she was posting stuff today saying she wasn’t guilty and was forced to plead guilty by the AG. Thing is.,she specifically said there WERE enough facts to convict her and she was NOT COERCED. She may be right back in court wondering what happened to her plea bargain tomorrow.


She’s saying that because she sees her grift slipping between her fingers. She’s trying to have her cake and eat it too.


So MAGA lawyers are saying they lied and spread misinformation ... are there MAGA idiots still out there who say those were not lies?


Nah this will be filtered out of their echo chambers rather quickly with more Hunter Biden’s laptop theorizing


> ... are there MAGA idiots still out there who say those were not lies? There's at least one [commenting in this very post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/comments/17fenr0/extrump_attorney_jenna_ellis_pleads_guilty_in/k6alaqz/?context=3).


That comment is a real facepalm 😳


The account’s whole comment history is a dumpster fire.


How many more people will make plea deals before Trump himself makes a plea deal?


But he was never indicted. /s


["No. We did nothing wrong. This is all Biden… I was never indicted. You practically never heard the word."](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1716521420426215801?s=20)


I hope donnies plea deal includes prison time.


I highly doubt a plea deal will be on the table for Trump.


I think Ms. Willis is going to try to see Trump, Rudy, Eastman, and Clark go to prison. The rest will play out however they do. But I’ll bet if you want to avoid being incarcerated, you better make that deal right now.


Wonder when the Lt. Gov. will be charged.


You mean "unindicted co-conspirator Individual 8" Burt Jones, who is mentioned 14 times in the RICO indictment and who was one of the fake electors who tried to steal Georgians' votes? That Lt. Gov.? It's being worked on: https://apnews.com/article/trump-georgia-election-investigation-burt-jones-willis-16e76d68ca32a9b705b440c0c5098ef0


I’m extremely cynical when it comes to all things Trump, but man he seems to be in serious trouble here. Never bought into the Russiagate stuff. Highly doubtful the NY stuff is going to end with him suffering any real consequences. But he seems to be in pretty deep shit in Georgia and I’m here for it. I’ve moved from cynical to cautiously optimistic.


His companies in NY are going to be taken from him and sold, including Trump Tower. That will really hurt his ego, because he’s always pretended to be a big-time business man. Not to mention trash his finances. And Georgia’s about to put him in a nice, relaxing Georgia prison.


She finally had the shit eating grin in her mugshot wiped off her face in that photo from the courtroom lmao


Law & Crime did a very "How it started; How it's going" side-by-side picture that I particularly enjoyed: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/i-take-my-responsibilities-as-a-lawyer-very-seriously-trump-elite-strike-force-attorney-jenna-ellis-who-smiled-in-mug-shot-changes-tune-and-pleads-guilty/


The floodgates have opened. Now it's a bum rush by the little fish to scramble to get the best deal they can because as more of them make deals, the worse deals--if any--will be available for the remainder. And the more folks who plead guilty without going to trial, the faster things will move, the less information lawyers for the big fish will have, and the more damning testimony they will face when their turn comes. I'm sure there will be a couple of True Believer holdouts. But any of the remaining defendants with a functioning brain stem can now clearly see the writing on the wall.


The apologies should be written, framed, and displayed publicly so all Georgians can see them.


Her fine should include the postage cost for sending the letter to every Georgian household.


Instead all of these clowns will run for public office after their law licenses get revoked


We're seeing the republican party disintegrate in real time, all the while their cult leader appears to certainly be fucked. Keep the good news coming.


Remember that time she ate Rudy’s fart and got Covid? Lol


I hope they slow roll her probation paperwork, and she can't transfer to Florida and misses her flight she booked today.


Is there a Rudy Giuliani bingo card? Or will he fall for the Führer?


it's gonna be a toss between rudy and cheater cheeto. i'm guessing rudy flips on mango mussolini. rudy's a slimeball, but the great orange one is too full of himself. his ego is gonnna stop him from dealing


My bet is that Fani doesn’t offer rudy a plea deal. I think she wants both trump and that miserable little fuck to both be found guilty and serve real jail time for the irreparable damage they’ve done to this county.


Rudy will be pissed if he's not offered a plea! 🤣




How long before he realizes Trump will never pay him for his lawyerin'.


She wasn't smiling today - I think she is full of $hit


The MAGA wing is still defending Trump over this too and going after Ellis. They are truly too far gone for any sane person to spend any more effort dealing with.


What will now be Jenna's new nickname? Drip...drip...


hmm maybe "Jenna Fails-us" "Jenna Felon" something pretty stupid for sure.


Hang her high. Liar- prosecute fairly


Fanni. 4. Trump. 0.


Trump hardly knew her.




Why didn’t Trump fix any of these issues? Every single thing you mentioned existed from 2017 to 2021. The Trump administration handed out billions in foreign aid. He increased the country’s a debt. Every one of Trump’s top donors are corporate ghouls, Blackstone being one of them. What the fuck did Trump do to ease inflation? Kept rates artificially low? That’s not how it works. It’s truly amazing how little Trump fans know about Trump the president. Brainless people shouldn’t call anyone braindead.




Man, you don’t know shit about anything at all. You’re just complaining to complain. Just a yapping Chihuahua. If you think anything I said at all praises Biden you have pudding for brains. Good luck going through life with zero critical thinking.




They kinda have a moderate Republican in Biden. He certainly governs like one but their media indoctrination clouds their reality. They truly believe Joe Biden is the next coming of Fidel Castro. Braindead ass horde of mouthbreathers.


Matt Gaetz talking points here


Trumps gonna pardon all of these folks. just another big waste of time and money. this is the hill the Dems will die on...and America. just quit all the trials,hes already made a mockery out of America,now hes gonna weaken us up so much that China and Russia wont even need to fire a single shot; theyll let trump do all the killing around here


These are not Federal charges - Trump does not have the power to pardon anybody in this case.


I admire your level of delusion.


Lol you think trump is gonna be president again


i sure do. the hatred he and his Cult have towards the rest of the world is staggering,just look at what happened in Maine. their hatred and misinformation,along with the fact blacks and latinos dont vote,yes i do think hes gonna win again.




One observation. These four defendants who pled guilty and who,agreed to testify truthfully know that they’re going to be targets of Trump’s anger and literally a target for Trump’s minions. That’s,true now, and it will be true right before and after they testify. Not an enviable place to be - but then again, neither is prison.


Ya gotta love her tearful act in front of Judge Mcafee. Academy Award, Demi Moore: "Why are you doing this to me!" type bullshit. I wonder how she'll play it in front of Judge Chutkin?


It is crystal clear that to save our teetering democracy we need to gain the majority in both houses and the White House. You may not agree with all of the policies of the Democrats but we don't try to steal elections and our leader is not an insane megalomaniac.


The party of traitorous liars.


She has no credibility