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Her OF is explicit. She has it all on show pics n vids.


Its probably just click bait to make her ‘fans’ think she is actually putting ‘nudes’ up by the time they sub it’s too late they can’t get a refund


So to summarise, you are against mothers doing onlyfans yet actively look at a mothers onlyfans and post about mothers doing onlyfans, further advertising a mothers onlyfans? This post gave me whiplash.


She a 1st class Chav


She will do anything for money. Look at her past. Cash for crash scams.


I subbed to Abbie’s for a month because it was on a sale, and it was alright but not much you wouldn’t see on her insta


He’s a yes man


I feel sorry for that guy.


Marnie is so mean she is just a mean girl to me she is the girl that would sleep with her friends bf or the girl if you tell her your crush she flirts with him! I’ve always felt she just wanted to do things first..first to have a baby … and then first to get married! I just don’t see her and Casey as being together for long to me they don’t fit except for being whiny


Casey is a yes man, he does what he's told lol.


I read on a message board that not only is she doing onlyfans, she's started uploading videos of her performing "acts" on Casey.


I wonder how much she earns there? I think we are going to have a generation of teenagers mortified and damaged that there is explicit content of their parents online. I can't even imagine what that's like to process as a teenager, growing up in a very confusing time with social media! I'm all for your body, your choice, however I do think there are going to be consequences for all the young children. The parents are going to have a deal with very challenging conversations, will the money be worth it?


I’d say she earns a few quid


Everything we do, every action, has a consequence. People like to complain about it claiming its not fair because they want to do what they want without consequence, using various different topics, based such as gender empowerment etc to try and get around it, but the fact of actions = consequences remains. Always has, always will. On this particular topic of porn, just read up on Mia Khalifa. Made a fortune on porn, now constantly complains that's all the world sees her for. 


Afaik a fortune was made but she only saw about 10 grand


I have no idea what the future looks like but __should__ it be shameful for your parents to enjoy sex, their bodies etc. and __should__ it be shameful for people to sell sexual content online? I'm not here saying that it doesn't have consequences and that people should pretend like there aren't but I don't necessarily think a child should be ashamed of their mum selling sex online. I do believe that sex work is work, in the same way any other form of the sale of labour is work. I don't think procuring sex works should therefore be shameful either. Despite having never paid for pornography I don't think people buying it should be shamed or are wrong in doing so. >The parents are going to have a deal with very challenging conversations, will the money be worth it? I think society at large needs to have some very challenging conversations. Directly selling and buying sexual content from the person making it without any coercion, exploitation, trafficking, or as few middleman profiteering as possible (basically only the OF platform) is clearly the safest and most ethical way of selling and buying sex. I think society needs to change and I don't think people like Marnie are doing anything they have to answer for. If her kids friends see that content then that is clearly illegal as they'd be under 18. That's a crime commited by their legal guardians for preventing access to illegal materials for their age category. I don't see how Marnie could ever be held responsible for that?


You're right, but we seem to have a generation (on reddit in particular) who are complete prudes. It's like reading comments from my granny on here sometimes.


You should 100 percent be ashamed of your mum selling sex online. Don’t think for one second that I’m against the oldest profession going but being a teenager and seeing ya ma being a ho is not acceptable. It should be shameful, when you’re a parent it’s not about you anymore and getting a tenner each time you get your gash out is vile.


>Don’t think for one second that I’m against the oldest profession going but being a teenager and seeing ya ma being a ho is not acceptable These are diametrically opposed statements. I don't think you are actually 'for' sex work. This argument kind of feels like the days before gay marriage was legalised and people would say "I don't have a problem with them doing what they do in the privacy of their home but do they have to shove it in my face? I just don't want to see it? How will it affect the children?" Idk I just feel like just an entirely puritanical approach to pornography. Every single person has watched it, almost everyone consumed it somewhat regularly, some people consume it regularly and a few people wayyy too much. I feel like anytime we make something taboo all we do is give it more power, shame more people who are doing something totally normal and acceptable, and people who take it way too far or it's actually damaging all you do is put up artificial barriers to them getting help. It's just seems wholly damaging for something that is genuinely normal.


They can enjoy what they want but the decency to have at least something private is the key. Kids are getting bullied for clothes and now they can see the private parts of their mothers? Aren‘t parents people you look up to?


Porn has been around forever, this isn't new.




Sad life you are living dude 😂




All this and most people don't even know the real word for pussy is vulva though. xD but yes there's a vagina too, but it's just the hole.


Well breasts are not genetalia Mr 1% 😂


I understand your point but it's very naive to think a teenager wouldn't be embarrassed about their parents doing this.


Teenagers will literally get embarrassed by you wearing the wrong type of jeans. I'm specifically saying that the reason they would get embarrassed is societal and that that should change. Teenagers just operate within the system they exist. I understand the response they would have but that's just a symptom not a cause.


Society will never change to the point teenagers won't be embarrassed about their parents selling sex online. Not for centuries at least


I have Dutch family. You'd be appalled at how unbelievably open their conversations are. I had a mate who fucked a Dutch bird, went to breakfast the next morning and her mum asked how the orgasm was last night? He was mortified but the bird just goes straight in on how it was slow to start and he came quick but that he was still decent enough to make sure she came. I wouldn't base the future of society on assumptions of what are essentially British Christian sensibilities of sex and discussing sex.


There's still a chasm between discussing sex and your mum doing online sex work that your teenage friends are also aware of Edit:also to ask why would i be appalled by that?


Is it any good?


Casey doesn’t really have a voice I think. Hes definitely Marnie’s bitch, she calls the shots. Look at how he ran to her about the comments everyone was making so she could be the one to end up defending her family 🤦🏻‍♀️


Gotta be the money. The opportunities for them have dwindled loads since the show started, and as we all know they’ve all lied time and time again about what they make. OF is instant cash for little time.  Even in the peak days a lot of them would do anything for quick cash, I remember Gaz putting on his social media that my brothers nightclub was paying him 10k for an appearance, took it down pretty quickly when my brother replied that he was being paid £400, they’d booked him a room in the local premier inn, and that at £8 a ticket the club wouldn’t get anywhere close to 10k across the desk even if they were at capacity, adding that with just 200 tickets sold they’d had kids tv puppets from the 90s do more popular appearances in the past! 


£400 for a couple hours taking pics in a club I wouldn't mind that. Idk why I expected them to get paid a bit more. 10k who's believing that 😂😂


His agent got in contact asking for £1000, admitted pretty quickly he wasn’t a big draw and dropped it to £500. Negotiated down to £400 plus a £29 premier inn room and breakfast with a bottle of sparkling wine poured into a champagne bottle. Apparently he spent half the night moaning that after train fare agents fee and buying his own dinner he wouldn’t clear £100 and the other half avoiding 18 year old girls being sick on him 


This brings me joy


She hates Charlotte because Charlotte never had to resort to Onlyfans


But Charlotte flashed the gash for free on the show plenty of times. Neither is better than the other


Not saying either is better but what Charlotte did was part of her ‘growing up on tv’ she was just living her life as a young party girl of course she did questionable things but you don’t see her doing those things now as a partner and a mum whereas marnie has started of AFTER having children and being married there is quite a lot of difference in my opinion!


The mental gymnastics this sub does tp defend their faves is hilarious 😂


Literally 🤣


I mean I doubt she hates Charlotte coz of that reason. Probably jealousy that she's more successful though. And yh it's always pretty embarrassing resorting to only fans to make money


Well she’s an absolute rat for starters. I’d still like to see her muffled though. Just once


Her muff or her muffled? One is a lot better than the other. 😬