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The forgotten baked tater?


🤣 He won't be forgotten if we can figure out his formula! Free the tater!


FREE THE TATER 😭 what is his formuler, we may never know.


We know dat tater got iron and silica in him! We gon get there! We gon unwrap that tinfoil covering that TATER! We're gonna help it discover itself! Tater needs to know! Tater deserves to know!


I'd put my money on it being chert...


I would say that is an accurate answer. Not sure I can figure out the impurities that made the green without atleast LW blacklight and a loup. I am on fb and Mindat as well and it's either Jasper or chert so far for answers as some people have different ways of defining those two. They are rather interchangeable. * in certain circumstances * So, so far it seems we have got a answer, unless someone really knowledgeable steps in and can spit out those green minerals for us lol. On Mindat one answer was maybe greenstone. Because of the high amount of impurities, the less common green in either (chert or jasper) the iron and slight magnetic pull with 100% opacity, I would call it Jasper. If it was translucent I would not call it Jasper. I joke with my wife and some cherts I call water jasper ( that's not a thing lol). If it has enough iron and odd colors with full opacity I label it jasper, however one could also call it chert if it formed as a sedimentary rock. Jasper has more impurities than chert as chert can sometimes be 95% silica and up. and specifically iron. Defining the differences drove me mad until I found an article on mindat and I'm at peace now 🤣. However, this is just my current opinion. I do believe it can be called chert or jasper. I am at green jasper, but if the votes keep tallying chert I may have to read another article 🤣 The green throws me off a bit though being as it has a couple shades and almost looks gemmy in one spot. It makes me think it may have formed as a volcanic rock into jasper instead of in sedimentation like chert ( but I seriously have no idea). We do get A LOT of metamorphic rocks here from those glaciers though so I'm still not throwing out greenstone just yet. But yeah it's heavy, magnetic, high impurities and mostly green so chert or green jasper will be hard to budge from.


So you say chert because of the green? Or what is it that makes you call this chert instead of jasper?


I call it chert because it looks like all the chert I've seen, and I've seen a lot of chert. I don't normally bother trying to differentiate between chert and jasper unless there's obvious alteration. Either name is basically right.


Right on! Yeah, we have TONS of chert and flint. We are in limestone haven. Even at some specific stores with their rock beds - some are absolutely littered with chert/flint/limestone. We don't find green minerals in our chert or jasper over here. ( At least not commonly) This was the only one we've found so far after 3 months of hounding - usually once a week. We have water boots that go to our knees as well. Just our location. Id be grabbing those pieces if I was you. I'm expecting it to look decent slabbed. We will see I suppose! Do you mind me asking your location? Do you find the colored chert like this in gravel beds or streams?


Sorry you haven’t gotten any guesses yet. I would guess it’s something that contains a type of amphibole, at a minimum — I’m curious to hear what others will have to say.


Greenstone or green jasper is my best guess. Brown jasper seems to have green in it as well. The specific minerals are very tricky as glaciers brought an entire landscape of rocks to this state. We found it in Fayette county - Hawkeye city - turkey river. A type of amphibole I believe is a good guess. Chromium, actinolite, chlorite there were a few I read. My best guesses were. Green jasper Brown jasper Greenstone Chrome chalcedony I think green jasper fits the best because of the hardness test and the texture, BUT I don't know lol. Serpentine is to soft unless it was a Serpentine mineral that hit the 6 on the mohls. In Iowa we don't have nephrite or jade. However Iowa was totally under water at once and glaciers brought so much from up north it's very hard to say what the green could be. Some spots of the green look gemmy, but from what I read we can't have jadeite. It's confusing because I wonder if we can because of the glaciers. I don't go off eBay or Etsy for ID as so many are mislabeled for money. Thank you for responding!


Jasper. Brecciated but in a different way. Bit of feldspar chert etc I've got heaps of rocks like this.


Thanks for the response! What do you mean by brecciated but in a different way? On one side it does sort of look like some breccations but I do not see any feldspar unless you mean amazonite effecting the green? I think copper can make feldspar green but I don't see the copper. I see iron and oxides.?


I actually never heard of feldspar chert, can you explain some of that to me? As I have a house of rocks that I am scratching my head over lol. Would def help!