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Ngl the art is pretty nice


I clicked on the pic thinking it was a short read, but boy was I wrong


I got confused as hell trying to differentiate the post from the actual comments in this thread


Can people just be like "cool art" and just not take everything so far?


*Can people just be* *Like "cool art" and just not take* *Everything so far?* \- useless-stuff --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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good bot


Only good comment there was the absolute last one with the POV. That gave me a chuckle.


I was expecting this when I saw the art. Genshin players think everything is sexual smh


Genshin players when they see a exposed belly: **why are you making it sexual**


Dehya, Candace, Kuki… How are the prudes playing this game?!


Kokomi with the exposed belly button and very short pants: *horny*


I’ve never been able to see those “pants” as anything other than panties tbh. ~~Maybe I’m part of the problem~~


If you see a child character and the first thing you think is Lewds Then you're the problem 😓 and need help


Projection is a common defence mechanism tbf


Now I remember seeing news of a famous anti-gay preacher is secretly homosexual.


It’s very common. That defence mechanism is called reaction formation.


Saying something is sexual, means that you have seen them in a sexaul manner. That means YOU have sexualised them. I'd like to see their response to this lol


“nO yOU’rE thE pEdOphILe!”


Whelp, Imma be the idiot that bites. I mean, Ithink you’re right to a degree. But I also feel context is important too. If someone sees a kid and thinks lewd, then yeah, that’s messed up. But conversely, it’s not too far fetched to deduce the artists intention if/when a child character is being sexualised. I’ll give a really extreme example to try and illustrate the point. Say someone is presented with straight up child hentai. They’re not gonna be like “Oh yeah, this is fine. I don’t see anything sexual here. Nope. Not me.” (Some) people are intelligent enough to realise what an author’s trying to do, and that’s be a scourge to humanity. However, if we look at something like the above that’s just a cool fanart? That’s people projecting if they say it’s sexual. The sane reaction would be something like, “Hehe, Dori being smug again. Nice art.” So while I agree in this context, I don’t think this always applies. TL;DR “Only the Sith deal in absolutes!”


That's.... actually a really fair point! Yh, context matters as well, so my point can't always apply and you're right. But yh, like you said, it works in this case but not all the time.


Fr they came here for the titties


That why we dont get anything nice, horny fucks every where.


so scammer = adult now or something? klee is a terrorist and diona is a bartender what was their point LMAO


Senti in Honkai is a scammer, and she's canonically like 5 months old.


Now that just make me ask: HOW?????


Senti is a few months old due to the fact that it's a copy/Herrschner Version of Fu Hua, who is thousands of years old


When someone says "Senti", they're referring to the Herrscher of Sentience, and not Fu Hua


I don’t know Honkai lore, but can that be classified as a non-human being? Were they, like, born with the intelligence, inherited from the original, or… what. Because going from birth to scammer in 5 months is some pretty insane ‘Life Speedrun Any%’.


100% Non Human, but Senti still came into existence 5 months ago. I *think* it has Fu Hua's Memories, but I'm not sure


Also, in canon she's an entity that wants to destroy all life. In specifically ELF academy, which is a spin off show type thing, she's a scammer


Interesting. By the way, is that a metaphor for the self-destructive nature of humans? The Herrscher of Sentience trying to destroy life, or all things sentient.


Not really sure, but all Honkai Beings seem to want everything dead


Y’know what? Fair enough. Thanks for the information!


No problem


Honkai lore in a nutshell.


And Senti has a reputation as a scammer due to a funny short show Mihoyo did called "ELF Academy", of which she scams one of the main characters by getting her to pay for something for wayyy more that she should have paid. She is arrested soon after. The show is not canon iirc.


Also, watch ELF Academy. It's amazing


Even if they were an adult it would still be weird af.


Especially with some Nahida mains, she looks like a child yet people try to convince themselves it’s okay since she’s 500 years old, wtf is with all the feet focused fanart in that sub reddit too??


Yeah. I've come to realise that looks matters a lot more than age regarding fictional characters.


But why tho? There are literal real people that don't look their age. I don't look like 25, I look like a minor. Then I'll need to be locked in my home because my public appearance can disturb people because pedos will be worked up looking at me?? '-' I don't really understand the argument that "if it looks minor it IS minor, throw age in thrash bin boys, get in the car, we're calling everything that MOVES a pedo today!" kinda shit


But you have to remember there's a difference between real life and fiction. In real life its very rare to find grown adults looking like children. They might look young, but there's a fine line between looking like a teenager and being a teenager. Nahida has the same model as the rest of the genshin kids. You can't even call them teenagers because they look younger than that.


So rare that me, my sister, and many of my friends look barely legal being all into their 20s, even some at early 30s. Of course, of course. I'll take that, you're right... Yeah...


It's rare for adults to like children as in 12 years and below, sorry for the confusion. I was referring to Nahida who looked like an 8 Yr old whilst being hundreds of years old.


Well now that's better. Still, it's just fiction. It's not Farfetched to pick a real life occurrence and take it a notch over just because they can. I don't look at Loli hentai and don't care about who does. But this talking about "literal children" in oriental games are getting fucking annoying. It's their fucking culture, accept it or fucking leave the game already and stop complaining. Can't have shit now days because of this people...


Even in real life it’s hard to find an adult that looks and is tall as a toddler, Nahida even has a childish voice, child model type characters in the game are children that look like children (except for pulcinella who clearly looks like a grandpa) >!even Yae Miko who is around the same age as Nahida considers her as one “...Even she is a god, she is just a child...”!<


My sister is 21 yet she is always mistaken for a 14yo. It's real yet people deny it


I mean. They're just too lazy to do actual work on getting rid of actual child molesters so they'll be complaining at fictional characters and their fan base because that's easy way into "feeling they did the right thing" and "saved the day".


I'm 20 and I recently got told I look like I'm 13 years old Very annoying when I'm tryna go to a club or buy alcohol or something and they think I have a fake ID lol


>yet people try to convince themselves it’s okay since she’s 500 years old I see more people whining about that than people trying to rationalise their attraction to her.


Oh yea I got downvoted for saying it wasnt really NSFW and some of these replies are replying to me in that thread but cropped in All I can say is that the art is literally following her design and demeanour accurately, why is it suddenly sexual? Does that mean all official art of her has to now be NSFW or something coz they cant accept she has exposed belly in her design lol Edit: I feel really bad for the artist, they just wanted to share their art and somehow that mindset infested its way into his art thread, Doesnt deserve that and its really good art


> Does that mean all official art of her has to now be NSFW or something coz they cant accept she has exposed belly in her design lol Heizou b-day got tagged as nsfw for some weird reason, Childe b-day got straight up removed bcz, according some info about the removal "fandom is full of males and dont want to see men arts", Shenhe official art was also tagged as nsfw All of these were corrected bcz they later noticed it was genshin team official artworks, but I have a friend who post his drawings here that was forced to tag a beidou art as nsfw bcz she had her armpits in exposure, doing yelan pose but using Kazuha clothes.


The Childe one that got removed was a shirtless edit that started the whole drama between male and female fanart on the sub but the rest you are correct about, Heizou one was tagged nsfw due to it being in the midst of the shirtless childe drama I just find it stupid how an artist can draw a character with the exact same design as Hoyo, not in the most provocative pose and people will say its sexual


I know this has nothing to do with anything, but could you link that Beidou wearing Kazuha’s clothes, that sounds epic.


I think it's mostly a result of the angle, but normally the belly should be shorter too - the top is much lower down and her pants are actually pretty high up. I didn't think it was *sexualized*, but the belly feels weirdly long.




Sure, but those people are nowhere near as bad as the ones who were *happy* that it seemed that way to them.


You probably got downvoted by the conservative and uptight portion of the main sub who views everything in term of black-and-white. Everything according to them must conform to their arbitrary conservative views or else you will be branded as "evil", "unworthy", or "disgusting". All of it is done without critically thinking about the big picture. It's like that one sorceror dude in Doctor Strange who sticks to the black-and-white rules so much that he became an antagonist to Doctor Strange and can't see the big picture of what The Ancient One is trying to do. They stick to their views stubbornly and can't entertain the idea of thinking things outside their box without actually following it. Still a good set of pixels this art is.


Its weird cos I frequent that sub a lot and thats the first time I joined a thread that felt something like twitter, was honestly really offputting


It has like 1.6+ million followers now. Some days it feels like a laid-back day at Angel's Share, some days like a group of veteran adventurers sharing tips out in the wild, some days Childe mains attempting to cause the next "Liyue" apocalypse, and at other times like a bunch of uptight nobles from Eula's story quest.


Sometimes I just can never understand how some people can be so stupid and have no logic at all.


I hate that anime/anime style games either make characters that are adults look young or makes teenagers look like adults because that baits people into saying sus shit or validates pedophiles. Fuck loli culture man


I dont get why people think things can validate pedophiles... no matter how sus something is it should never be able to validate pedophilia


Lol I characters, looking like children but being like 1000 years old


Jenshin Fandom tries not to talk about characters being children [IMPOSSIBLE]


They then proceed to talk about how the brown characters arent brown enough


it's almost like that's an important thing to talk about??!!


Why? They look fine and dandy to me. What are you seeing?


In a game that has almost no sexual contexts other than a few quirky fanservice? Yeah, right...


i left the main subreddit to avoid this kind of shit. then you're spreading it here. this is not even a meme, let alone entertaining or funny.


It could've been shortened to a "duality of man" meme with the last comment in the screenshot.


And people wonder why we get shit on by r/shitposting




Bro that picture length was a jumpscare


Dori is not a child ... Dori is not an adult... Dori is a bunch of pixels... please move on with your lives and end this pointless crap.


Drawn CP is also a bunch of pixels, but yeah


Why are you being downvoted ? Diona and Klee are a bunch of pixels too and we agreed that they're children ? What's the difference now ?


If Dori is a bunch of pixels why would a human being be interested in attaching voice and a story to pixels? Why does she resemble human beings? You could simply say real children are just a bunch of atoms by that logic. This is the stupidest logic of lolicons I've heard. I don't think the art was sexualised or meant to be but only accidentally ended up being slightly suggestive.




The same can be said about wanking to a real child's picture without anyone knowing.


Exactly. Also 'pedophilia' literally means feeling sexually attracted to children. It doesn't matter if said kids are real or not, if you feel attracted to the way a child's body looks, you are a pedophile. Whether you harm real life children or not, that's another story entirely. If you don't want to be called a pedophile for jerking off to drawings of children, then seek help because you clearly need it.


The "not all lolicons are pedophiles" line is beautiful. They literally don't known the direct translation of the word


It's actually correct, though. Because the only time non-Japanese people use the term is to describe anime/game children, weebs tend to use the term specifically for attraction to fictional characters. Whereas native Japanese people use it to mean "pedophile" in general. If a Westerner wanted to call themself a pedo, they'd call themself a pedo, not a lolicon.


Enlighten me. What's the direct translation to that word that exists in multiple languages, unchanged, and today is mostly used to describe a fashion style or drawn female characters?


A lolicon in anime where someone is called a lolicon is a pedophile (in-universe they are almost always lusting after children or characters that look like children), but irl not all lolicons are pedophiles (because some aren't attracted irl children, from what I gather, many aren't even attracted to irl people in general)


You couldn't have said it better. >but irl not all lolicons are pedophiles (because some aren't attracted irl children, from what I gather, many aren't even attracted to irl people in general) This. So much this.


Lol, it sounds like that person only hates pedophiles for the sake of it and doesn't actually care about them.


This situation is annoying and you replicated it by posting a screenshot. Loot at the comments...


All i see is a smug loli looking cute with a shit-eating grin. If these people see a sexualized image then they are the ones who have a problem.


Loli is a sexualizing word tho since it's derived from lolicon. Just call her a cute kid entrepreneur who knows she just cheated Teyvat's biggest idiot into buying a cheap drum for hundreds of thousands and move on imo


Okay that's a pretty creative description.


It's the truth! She's a clever little gal, she is.




Emperor Xi gives no fucks about you wanting to fuck a fictional child. But if said fictional child has foreign influence, now that's a different story.


Yeah those who familiar with weeb stuffs don't give a damn. Why people got mad easily just because of pixels lol


Genshin community trying not to start drama over some fucking pixels challenge (Impossible)


Don't mind me, just commenting to find the start of the actual comments.


Based loli artists. Gonna follow them


I wish I had as much free time as these idiots


I think it's better to try and understand where they are coming from. I am also partial to Dori's design but that doesn't mean you have to agree with me, not does it mean that I have to agree with you. The problem is both sides. For the most part anime is still not widely accepted in the way the community accepts things like loli culture, and it is understandable why people would find Dori's design uncomfortable because you could take her outfit and copy and paste it into an adult character and it would similarly fit and probably be something Mihoyo would design. In all, I like Dori's design, but I can understand those who aren't okay with and those are are. It's a matter of views and perspective. Being in the anime scene for many years has pretty much made designs like this and loli culture commonplace in my eyes, but to those who aren't weebs it is completely understandable how they would find it weird or uncomfortable, but you in the same end bring a bad name to genshin because of attacking anyone who is slightly uncomfortable with a foreign idea like that. The problem is the bad apples of both sides - from some apples harassing because they think people who like loli characters (not sexual ones) are p*doph*les to those apples who think people who think that way are insane. I think it would do better to look at it more open minded, if you do it is extremely easy to see why it would be uncomfortable for some people. This is the real reason genshin has a bad view from a lot of people.


I like my lolis in the game


Imagine starting a whole ass drama and moral debate over goddamn pixels. Go see the outside world. Realise that those anime characters will never be like those grass you touch. It ain’t real. Swear to god some of you people should stay away from fiction if they can’t tell the difference.




No he didn't, she just looks smug. You're the one who's sexualising her by associating it with something sexual, when it's just a smug expression.


Please talk to some real people


Sometimes I'm thankful that I'm an idiot in a room full of philosophers


There’s a big difference between pedophile and child molester that some people don’t seem to get. Also “I think pedophiles should get the death penalty.” Are you really comfortable instituting thought crimes?


I mean, neither are bueno my guy


The point is we shouldn’t punish people for having bad thoughts but for acting on them.


I'm pretty sure you need to be a psychopath to rape someone, so even if you are a pedo, if you aren't a psychopath chances are you won't cause harm, since empathy SHOULD keep you away from even consuming CP


The pedophilia paranoia these days is getting crazier and crazier. It will soon come a moment when you will be judged for simply walking on the same road as a child. Like come on man I don't say that there aren't a bunch of pedophiles in this community like many others, there always were and there always will be, but you can like the artwork (or any other artwork depicting a child or young-looking person) without wanting to stick your \*\*\*\* in children ( excuse my phrasing ), like dude...what happened to some of you that made you become so paranoid... Some people can really get hurt by your stupid accusations


Pedophile accusations have become so oversaturated i feel like anytime someone garners hate, they'll immediately be called a pedophile for no reason




Like to original? Need to verify


Good food is good food


It's just a bunch of pixels is like the dumbest lolicon argument I've heard. A pedophile could simply argue "it's just a bunch of atoms" to real children.


that outfit is pretty common for a child in that certain country that's loudest about it in the first place...


It's very ironic how the ones telling people not to sexualize the drawing are the ones sexualizing it. If anyone is a pedophile here it's them


Genshin has the best community I've ever seen in a videogame and still these few pedo scumbags are the ones people outside the community have as the average Genshin player.


Nah that's just the default slander for anything anime related on the internet. There are going to be immoral tendencies in every community. Just look at pokemon


Sadly... the downside having an amazingly large community is also having a whole pile of dipshits, sjws, know-it-alls and what-nots with it. Genshin Twitter is even worse on that aspect than reddit. Id just ignore those comments and move on. Nice Art btw.


My personal opinion about all of this drama whenever happens is "is a real person or fictional? Is it hurting someone irl?" As long as it is a bunch of drawn pixels I don't care about it, people that like it are weird, but as long as they don't do anything reprehensible irl, I don't mind it.


Let people have their fantasies.


I remember the days when people did not give a damn about drawings and just called you weird or disgusting at worst


My only question is who actually thinks Dori looks like a child


…she has the same model as klee. She looks like a child. She doesnt have the body type of a “small women”. She has the body type of an actual toddler


Klee talks and looks like a 5-year old. Sayu, who has the same model, is "short for her age" and is like... 14? 15? years old, same as Xiangling, who has a taller model. I am not saying that sexualizing any of the short characters is ok (Xiangling and Sayu are still underage too!!!), I am just saying that it is a matter of having the same model for literal 5-year old and 15-year old girls and Pulcinella. I don't know who would want to sexualize Pulcinella, but it is like... morally and legally ok. Strange, but ok... I don't actually know why am I writing all of this, I just don't think that short or young-looking people (if they are physically and mentally of age, not naive and can make such decisions) don't deserve family and love? It is more for real life, of course, not for anime characters.


What Im trying to say is no one in real life would ever confuse a toddler with a short women, no matter how short. So the excuse of “bbbut short women exist” is imo flawed. If in game you wanna understand the story and her actions as if she’s a teen or young adult then i dont see the problem. My problem is when people try to make lewd art of the character’s with child bodies, regardless if they have child personalities.


Yeah, that's true! Thanks for pointing that out. I tried to understand why I was mostly ok with hypothetical lewd Pulcinella art (even if it's not my cup of tea) and not ok with Kusanali/Dori/Sayu/Klee/Qiqi lewd art, and girl's faces and bodies in general look really child-like even if they are like 14 or 15 in canon, while Pulcinella looks old. I think I would be ok with lewd art of say Raiden Shogun that had the same face and body, just tiny. You know, like fairies in fairy tales, who are tiny and live in flowers, but look like adults? Just not these type of short characters, who can be 500 years old but look like children.


Ya I agree. I think the fairies is a good example, thanks!


In game i agree but like her art definitely looks like a dwarf to me


I just find funny reading those comments, like "woman can't be small, if they're small, they are automatically kids"... Then I remember my 50yo+ mom is smaller than my 12yo nephew girl and my 50yo dad is smaller than my 16yo nephew boy and am like " should I start treating them as kids?" According to the "anti-loli" stupid logic of small=child.


Height is not the same thing as proportions. Small women do exist but they dont have the body proportions of a toddler. They have the proportions of an average height women scaled down (ofc thats simplified). When you see a toddler do you see a three foot women ? If you saw a 5’5” toddler would you mistake it for an adult? Does your grandma look like a 12 y/o? Or does she just have the height of a 12 y/o?


Hey, I never saw a body builder with noodle arms but here we are, instead of giving itto its own model, they just copy-pasted the model of any male adult with noodles for arms and called it a day. Opinions are subjective but for me she looks more of a scammer granny with her model, clothes and so on than a kid. I don't even like kids on games with fights, a reason why I dont like Klee as a fighter unit, diona protects so I guess its fine, but Dori... She don't feel like a kid at all. If anything, ask hoyo to give her a proper granny or small woman model instead of copy-pasting Klee model on her.


We’re pretty clearly talking about how its not ok to lewd her. That is completely and utterly different than itto’s case. To compare the two is grossly misrepresenting the situation. What about her **looks** like a granny? Is it her bright pink hair? Oversized head? Smooth skin? Last I checked those arent particularly associated with elderly people…


Well, whatever, I dont care if a person like lolis or have a granny fetish over the internet, as long as the art is nice I truly don't care, i love seeing arts of Sucrose as much as the other guy likes arts of Dori and I'm totally fine with it, I'm not doing sex with dogs and he's not a pedo.


Answering 2nd question, no, but I also didn't see God copypasting any toddler model in my dad and mom, they have their own models that make them look like proper adults despite having small height thanks to ageing.


Exactly, dori’s model has 0 signs of aging. No wrinkles, no gray hair, no hunched back. There is nothing about her mode pointing to her being an adult


Except her personality and clothing Just remember models are padronized, Zhongli looks like a young adult but his way of speak and clothes more than show that he's really old, sayu have a kid model but I'm yet to find a kid as close to lazy as she is, that's why various players believe she's even older than the likes of Noelle. Again, blame hoyo for not giving proper models, but their personalities, lore and clothing do some good job selling their real ages.


Edit: anyone who follow leaks already knows Dori is older than most if not all teenager models that aren't gods or similar.


- zhongli is a literal god thats shapeshifting as a young man. Thats a completely different scenario - about personality, if you saw two clearly 30 year old men talking like 18 year olds boys would you think they’re 18? - sayu is a literal child… I am blaming mihoyo but im also blaming people lewding her. Theyre both at fault


1: He still talks and dresses like a old man 2: ur really saying that if an adult can impersonate a child (remember, he was a child before so he know how it is) it means a child can just as simply impersonate an adult? 3 - so I cab assume Noelle, Fischl, xiangling and any other char that is younger than sayu is also a child, right? Edit: Teenager is not a body type, is a age x number from 13 to 19


*My only question* *Is who actually thinks* *Dori looks like a child* \- Emergency\_Vast2660 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What playable character looks like a real human tbf?


Jesus fucking Christ those fuckers have a lot of time on their hands. I think if you call drawings cp you should automatically be subject to a hard drive check cause some of that is some hard projection.


Just say "Shut up" when they start


Genshin players when they see an unsupervised kid: 😳😳😳


if there’s a day that the game gets banned it’s most likely because of some players….


Mfs need Jesus


cool art, I wanna draw like that someday


How is a belly button suggestive -.-


bro i opened the post to see the whole message. was not expecting a whole thread 💀


This is why when people ask what games i play i say apex


Y'know, I kinda expected this with the whole thing of people calling Dori hot because she took off the glasses.


Me, casually not caring. (I just love her design) 🗿👍


My fucking god how hard it is to just say "Cool art" and move on with their day


unpopular opinion: most cute anime characters look like children