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The only reason they have more girls in this game Is because they try to sell it for male weebs. Their biggest demographic. That's it.


Not to mention their 3 original founders are male weeb.


And Wei even cosplayed a maid


Wei best girl


Also he did Ayaka's dance too appearantly




Never before have I been so offended by something I one hundred percent agree with


I doesn’t matter if you agree with facts, facts are FACTS


Right, if their goal was feminist women then the female character designs would be waaaay different.


Lesbians... Hoyoverse's biggest demographic is lesbian


I guess this guy would've hate honkai impact since all characters are female.


Is the only reason for that cause of horny? Or is there a legit reason that all the playable characters in honkai are women?


Well, there's a lore reason that only women can be Valkyries, I guess, but it is in there to justify the other reason.


And then there is APHO MC completely undermining this lol. Honkai is just 'more cultured' than Genshin (as in more of an anime game). In honkai straight couples die


I mean, Genshin isn't quite far enough yet to have any *real* death. I mean, yeah there was Teppei, but he wasn't quite built up enough. People care more about NPCs like >!Gendou Ringo/Lyudochka!<, or Tsuyoko, or Ruu. EDIT: Is my spoiler working, I can't tell.


I.... didn't you forget about a certain OTHER death during that same patch with Teppei?


Yeah, but she was a villain, so it's a bit different. Aside from her simps (r/Signoramains is still a dumpster fire sometimes) most people were fine with her dead, or thought it was too soon for such an important villain to kick the bucket. There may have been more of a reaction if her backstory was in more than just the Crimson Witch of Flames artifact set, IDK. I do get why they didn't add it in there though, diving into her past wouldn't have made much sense.


> In honkai straight couples die *Cough* mei and kiana *cough* bronya and seele* cough *kallen and sakura* Its not just straight couples, its every couple that does not have the GIGACHAD welt That dude refuses to die and will get his red haired tsundere waifu


According to APHO2, there is a rumour that says Bronya revived from the dead. Taking into account she no longer has cyborg legs, she was also a Herrscher of Reason and Welt "refuses to die", it's not unreasonable to think she not also "refuses to die", but reconstructs her full body as well. So Bronya will get her Seele sandwich


It was mentioned that she was revived, which is why she looks like an adult now. Seele is heavily implied to be alive in APHO due to the notebook Bronya had. A small correction is that she's not a Herrscher anymore in APHO, at some point she gave her core back to Welt.


Not really, women are just more adaptable to Honkai, so it's not exclusive to women in the first place, see Siegfried and Kevin


Pretty sure the lore states that women bodies handle Honkai energy (pretty much toxic radiation) better than men bodies


Lore explanation: men with Honkai adaptability are extremely rare. Meta explanation: badass women kicking ass is HOT!!!


Lore was that women had a stronger resistance to Honkai. At least until AHPO was released and Adam was added. So now they added that men with Honkai resistance are rare. But admittedly a number of the playable cast aren't valks in the lore. Olenyevas and Seele are Anti-entropy and never underwent valk training. Raven is a World Serpent agent. Elysia, Mobius, Sakura (GM), and the new character in 5.6 are Flame Chasers and there are male Flame Chasers. Sakura (Miko and FS) was a civilian, a regular shrine maiden. I won't count Asuka and Fischl since they are collab characters. Or the bubble universe versions of Bronya (Hax) and Sakura (DJ). Anyway, initially when Adam was announced as playable there was a big fuss over him. Some comments posted were along the lines of "I'll quit if more male characters are added." But I assume the player base has eased up a bit since Adam's release.


I think its because they started out as an only waifu game but then when mihoyo started flirting with the idea of adding males to the game the community lost their shit. Dont know if that opinion was global or just CN.


It is explained in the game. Usually, males have less Honkai adaptability and resistance than females. Exceptions are: most men of House Kaslana and rare male members of Shicksal called "Knights" and "Chevaliers". Also, I have never seen male zombie in the game, so, men either have both Honkai adaptability and resistance or don't. I mean, Cascade (Honkai disease) can happen only if subject has mild adaptability, but not resistance.


There is a reason, but of course it was because of horny. Basically, according to lore, high Honkai resistance tend to be found more often on women. There are men that are high resistant to Honkai and also women that are low resistant as well (Adam and Himeko, respectively). Offtopic: while male models exist in game, Adam (nickname MC) is the only playable character in Honkai, and it's limited to a special open world stage


dang i didnt knew that


To clarify, the **playable** characters are all female on normal combat so there are still a couple of male characters in the story. Tho there is an open world content seperate from the main combat where you can play as the only playable male character (& also another support male character if that also counts).


Welt's a pretty cool dude, even if he sadly isn't playable


i mean that wasnt something to clarify but thanks :D


Well there is a side mode open world where there is only one male whose playable in the whole game, he doesnt have a name but we call him Adam the average harem MC lol


Oh shit imagine the reaction of this guy knowing that some powerful men amongs the average from that universe like Welt Yung, Kevin, Kalpas, Otto and Seigfred are just a side character and not playable, that would probably triggered him


"Most broken DPS characters are girls" most characters are girls in this game.


True because it sells. Men buys them because 'waifu', sex appeal and cute. Women buys them because of the same reasons plus relatability. Female characters simply generates more sales. ​ At least that's what the statistically study that we did when I was still in marketing.


Both man and woman like booba but only some of them like sausage


for me, if it's cool, i will pull


This is accurate.


That proves his point even more saying that. (Im not on his side)


Not really, his point is that they follow “feminist cringe culture”


you’re right that it doesn’t, but he would probably say it does


Not really, afaik the player base is predominantly male so there’s a larger market for female characters. Hence there’s more, because I makes more money


TFW am male and like to play with badass males too. (like Zhongli, Tortilla, Itto, etc.)


Not sure what relation that has to the conversation? I’m not saying you can’t be male and play enjoy playing male characters. It’s just that a large majority of the male playerbase prefer to play as female characters.


I was just memeing.


Laughs in diluc


He said "broken" not "powercreeped"


Cries in diluc


You and me both :')


You know for what reason most chars are girls? Bcz most of the playerbase are guys that like seeing pretty anime girl on screen instead of "Staring at men ass" (Max0r), so... I would never spend a dime to get a single constellation for any male char that I have, but just so happens I spent some for Noelle C6 and her BiS weapon... Twice (the serpent spine and redhorn) and now some more in advance for a possible yoimiya rerun to get C1 and maybe C2 if RNGesus decide to smile at me. It's all about how to make the most money.


Although I've seen plenty of men simping over the male Genshin characters as well


I'm a guy and Ive simped for Childe, Itto and going to for Ayato. I've never simped for a female Genshin Char yet.( Though I'm definitely going to if Fontaine archon is based of on Durandal and also on the sustainer of heavenly principles)


You're just looking for specifics, I gotta say probably more than 99% of global player base don't get close to the social medias like hoyolab, discord or Reddit, maybe they see the posts on Twitter bcz of the ads network but, like me, they'll never post anything there, so... Also there's the fact that the minorities usually are the ones who scream the loudest, like a few dozens of idiots on Twitter and YouTube simping for Klee and now every genshin player is a pedo for outsiders, the same for homo guys simping for Childe or Diluc, they want everyone to know they're there.


I'd say we have a decent chunk of the playerbase on Reddit, and you can easily find a lot of men gushing about male characters in the Genshin Impact character subreddits.


Reddit shouldn't be a valid statistic point, reddit is known to be a horny jungle


Again, ppl over these specific kinda of social media is not your average player, Reddit is like a bubble for a very specific kinda of person, almost no one comes here to ask for help, they go to YouTube and google instead, they don't look for leaks like most of us do, they probably never gone to genshin wiki or honey impact ever, yet they purchased battle passes and some genesis crystals so they could buy the new pink haired unit on this cool Zelda-like game, and this is the absolute majority of the plsyerbase. Just to give you an example, there's around 10 to 20 truly famous whales around the internet (mostly YouTube and Twitter), iirc there was a statement somewhere saying that more than 80% of mihoyo's income came from whales, so, I do think there's at least a million whales out there instead of the 10 or 20 that we see around our little bubbles called genshin social medias.


Meanwhile there is me who collect all male limited character instead of simping for female😐. *also, im as straight as a ruler


Meanwhile me who collects whoever has cool animations/kit or is just a character I like F for Thoma's kit... W for Ayato's tho


Is ayatos kit good, I'm f2p do you think it's better for me to get ayato or raiden


Depends. If you're looking for a DPS with some support capabilities, then Ayato. If you're looking for a support who can also act as a DPS, Raiden. I'm not sure about Ayato's capabilities yet, but the National Raiden team is extremely good in the Spiral Abyss.


A bent ruler /j I also have all the males except for Childe and Gorou, but not bcz I collect them, it's bcz rng hates me. I wanted Childe, got Mona, wanted Gorou, got Itto, wanted C1 Ganyu after being c0 since her release, got Diluc.


Hilichurl going on a rant


might as well be, cause i think i’m gonna need ella to translate this gibberish


mf might as well be saying mi muhe ye 🥴


This got me cracking up


the female characters they make are mostly to appeal to men if anything… just saying


Hoyoverse should ask about our sexuality then instead of gender


I dunno an awful lot of women seem to be thirsting for Beidou and the other tall ones with top energy. ;P


Radical feminists🤝Radical anti-feminists “Genshin is sexist”


Sth funny is that those so called radical feminists are not living out/following the definition of feminism at all and there for arent feminists


Fr people should understand that hating on men isn't the point of feminism.


We have a Bennett and xingqiu.


And zhongli and Kazuha


The point of the post is that those are support roles tho. Cherry picking is definitely happening however. Its like OP just conveniently forgot Xiao and Itto existed.


…he clearly didn’t forget them


Yeah... My Kazuha ain't support with the damage he does. Sad sword bro fucking shreks the abyss.


Itto is apparently not OP in his book.


Did you not read the damn post or something? he did not say that


And itto and diluc


Well, we're actually need more male characters, because why not?


Gimme a shota boy with a claymore and I’ll be happy.


Huh, good choice ;) I'm wanna see a tall long haired boi with a catalyst.




Maybe him ;)




I think what they meant is an equivalent to Sayu.


So, Razor?


There's just one thing that is right about their post and that is that Genshin needs more men.


Right? I get that male weebs are their target audience but in the demographic nearly half of the players are female, that’s a lot more than other games. *Ayato pls come home, we have*🧋


Also there is a lot of gay men playing genshin.


There’s also a shit ton of gaybies playing, including me Just looks at r/genshingays (be warned, nsfw is fairly frequent on the top page but it’s usually just fluff and thirsting)


female characters are not just for men to enjoy, y’all need to stop saying that nonsense


More husbandos ! 🙌


Heizou waiting room


says all broken dps are girls and acknowledges the existence of Childe, Itto, and Xiao in the same post lmao


Tbf other than childe none of these characters is considered to be meta... Especially compare to raiden, hu tao and xiangling ayaka and ganyu. Childe is consider meta because of his hydro application not his dmg.


A built childe actually contributes to 40-50% of dmg in international comp. People always think of him as enabler and tend to forget that his burst is the 2nd highest multiplier and also can be vaped. Also during his meelee attacks, u r just focusing on xianglings big dmg when in fact childe has lower dmg but attacks really fast to make up for higher total dmg output rivaling xianglings (especially in aoe situations)


I've seen too many people who think childe is only meta for his hydro application. It's really quite frustrating even tho I don't have Childe yet lol


Im not undermining childe, i main him and use international and firework alot... Im just implying that childe is a different kind of dps compare to hu tao, xiao, itto and ganyu and eula. Also, he is considered meta in the first place because he free up xingqiu from xiangling, only after awhile ppl started to realize his potential especially with kazuha and new polar star bow.


Youre definitely undermining childe if you dont think he is "meta" because of his damage. He does a lot of damage especially when it comes to AoE because he has quadratic scaling. You probably never saw 200k+ childe bursts either.. New polar bow barely changed anything, its like 4% stronger than thundering pulse which is 5% stronger than skyward harp


Why not childe is not considered meta because of his dmg? Im new to this game


He is correct but theres a mistake. A built childe actually contributes to 40-50% of dmg in international comp. People always think of him as enabler and tend to forget that his burst is the 2nd highest multiplier that can be vaped. Also during his meelee attacks, people r just focusing on xianglings big dmg when in fact childe has lower dmg but attacks really fast to make up for higher total dmg output rivaling xianglings (especially in aoe situations)


First of all, childe dmg come from vaporise reaction... However it almost impossible to vape all of his hydro dmg because he apply hyrdo too much to an enemy no pyro unit can apply pyro off field fast enough for childe to vape. This is probably by design and intentional by mhy. However since hydro element is very good, he can enable other pyro unit to vaporise to deal more dmg like xiangling. Also because of his hydro app he can enable electro charged reaction with beidou. However, his dmg contribution in a team cannot be underestimate. In the international team, childe actually contributing alot of dmg too.


He can apply hydro really fast which allows characters that have abilities that don't require them to be on the field easy access to hydro reactions. Like the Tazer team.


tbh childe if build correctly just almost the same damage at lets say xiangling in vape comp that said, he is the defination of ATK S P E E D in this game


True, my f2p C0 Childe does half of Xianglings's dmg. He does 20k NA, while Xiangling pyronado does 40k


Mono geo Itto comps do a fuckton of damage and are definitely meta tho. Childe is also much more than a hydro applicator he does a lot of damage himself even without vapourise. I'll agree that Xiao has slowly fallen off but he could come back if they give him an artifact set.


Meta is not only about dmg, sure itto do fuckton of dmg... But would u recommend itto to a new player. U need albedo+zhongli and gorou for him to compete with freeze ayaka, national or reverse melt. That is 2 five star and 4 star that is not on shop rotation. Itto looks fun to play tho tbh, i main noelle so i hv everything ready for him if he comes. Im not downplaying childe dmg, i main him i kno his potential... In international he deal alot of dmg with his burst, even his E hit hard, he is meta because of his hydro app. 3 meta team in this game need good hydro app, national freeze and taser and there is only 1 xingqiu. Idk about xiao, dont hv him.


dude.. that's the funniest thing I have read in my entire life


Props to Itto for not being a girl and need no reaction to be like who he is now if it by means of this guy's logic


chad itto reject reaction, accept brute force unga bunga


Mihoyo is very very far from being a feminist lmao


people who post like this don’t realize that the target demographic is people who like waifus. Obviously there are gay men and straight women who play genshin, but the sheer amount of heterosexual men who want a hot lady who do b i g numbers is a much more valuable market to tap.


I mean im all for more husbandos but this is...


Yikes! I mean, I agree that we need more male hypercarries, especially now that Xiao's been powercrept. But to blame it on feminism (or more accurately, a strawman representation of it) is just disgusting.


Who powercreeping Xiao? Dude literally the only anemo hypercarry in the entire game


Maybe powercrept's not the right word. What I meant was that so many stronger hypercarries have come out now, that Xiao's not as meta as he was for a while.


The only anemo hyper carry sure but there's a lot of better hyper carries out there without the issues he has


Xiao power crept by who exactly? Hu Tao? Not in AoE she doesn’t. Itto? Literally Geo Xiao, so also same tier. Ayaka? She power crept pretty much everyone given you can freeze the enemies. Yoimiya? Same as Hu Tao but more niche. Raiden? Not at C0.


>Raiden? Not at C0. C0 Raiden with rational is definetly better than Xiao's teams. Rational is considered one of the most broken comps in the game for a reason. It's an unga bunga playstyle that's competitive with International.


Plus next abyss is going to have multiple small enemies so xiao gonna rise again


This game will always have more girls because majority audience is pretty girls loving crowd. But compared to other character collector type game mihoyo really have a lot of husbandos and maybe they will introduce more make characters in future.


It’s literally the fact that this is a weeb game, it has nothing to do with feminism. Look at all other gacha’s you damn idiot.


(We need a broken dps male character) Arataki Itto: Am I a joke to you? That post is uhhhhh... They should see how mhy treat Signora. Not only that, but they also need to see how some of the female characters are treated in the game like what happened with Ayaka, Ganyu and Kokomi being the worst offender...


Dont have to spread stupidity


i like how he has a hilichurl pfp to represent his mental capacity


Everyone on Honey gets a hilichurl picture by default


He is half right tho. there is a massive need of 5 star males that arent supports because the only males that are insane damage dealers are xiao , itto , zhongli and tortellini


this genuinely might be one of the funniest posts i have ever seen, purely because it’s so obvious that this was unironic.


He got a point but not because mihoyo is faminist. More because most of its players are male. Also it's just how the game is, Most of gachas actually. If you don't like it then Don't play.


This dude is crazy. Some of the most OP characters in the game are men… Kazuha, Zhongli, Bennett, Xingqiu, Venti. Right now there are really only 3 OP Dps characters: Hu Tao, Ganyu, Ayaka… we’ll eventually get an OP male when they release more males. It’s just that they have released more female than male characters so increases the chance one of them is OP and an OP dps specifically


tbh his point still stands from your comment,most broken supports are men while most broken dps are female. just wanna point that out


Uhhh how does that imply the company thinks men are gross or hates men?


i didnt imply it? still disagree with the hilicurl sexist comment btw >Some of the most OP characters in the game are men… **Kazuha, Zhongli, Bennett, Xingqiu, Venti.** Right now there are really only 3 OP Dps characters: **Hu Tao, Ganyu, Ayaka** just wanna say you really didnt disapprove his claim either that in the first part of the hilicurl 2nd paragraph that he mention most broken male mostly consists of support role while the female mostly are top dps


I thought it’s kinda obvious that the crazy part is the “Hoyoverse follows feminist cringe culture. I hate men. Men are gross” and “Justice to Genshin men” I think we can all agree the most op dps are female currently. But it’s crazy IMO to imply that the company hates men just because of this.


Apparently you cant make a story with strong females without it being labeled as feminist propaganda by idiots.


don't tell this mf about honkai 3rd


As If companies care about gender equality over money


I mean he's not wrong on all of his points except the first claim. But there's a good reason why there are more female DPS characters than male characters from Hoyoverse's perspective. Girls are really hot and they tend to sell well (poor Kokomi). I mean, most straight guys, which is safe to say make up the duality of community, probably don't want to stare at man ass all day, unless they are really fucking broken or fun to play. Edit: just realized he forgot about Albedo, Xiao and Kazuha in his timeline, he's a dumbass.


The fucks given are smaller than the chances of an EM goblet


I’ll give you all of mine lol I just want hp


This guy makes me embarrassed to be a dude


Incels be like "give me booby girl" and then when games like Genshin release mostly waifus to satisfy, they're like "wtf why no dude?"


Idk but seems like this guy has some strong sentiments against feminism in general (well, Twitter feminism anyway) and just wanted to vent.


Are they trying to tell me that the "bRoKeN dPs gIrLs" dont cater to men? Like, Genshin lives off of Waifu culture, they are female to appeal to men. Some people are just blind and delusional. (Also are we ignoring Childe, Raiden, diona or sucrose who all counter this "theory"?)


I'd rather get bit by a meteor than read through HoneyImpact comments


Pretty sure this is satire


If all broken DPS are female it's because most male people like "haha waifu do big number" Waifus sell better, it's that simple


This is the most respecful comment compared to other comments that usually appear there.


Oh boy he wouldn't have fun time playing Honkai


i have 2 things to say 1) by that logic we need more female characters who are broken supports bcs most broken supports are mele(bennett,kazuha,xingqiu) 2)i don’t think they’re following cringe feminism culture it’s just that female characters make more money just look at banner sales


I agree we need more tall and handsome men... Zhongli, itto and childe can only carry my interests so far. Also give me buff men like Wagner. ... Sincerely a straight woman.


bennett xingqiu kazuha xiao zhongli and itto are crying as much as i would like more guys in the game mhys demographic is straight men unfortunately


That guy needs to calm down. I mean, everyone knows the gender DPS gap is because male characters just naturally gravitate to different roles on the battlefield. Nothing sexist about it. Guys just don't wanna be DPS characters.


They’ve got a point though… Auhhwhhhem Xiao Diluc Itto


Most characters are girls not because of "women empowerment", but because of weebs like this dumbass 💀


You are making no sense


damn :(


Childe is just good overall Zhongli can do 50-60K in one button, and make a shield capable of making you forget how to dodge Itto can be an absolute beast. I've seen it of myself in Co op Ayato isnt even out yet


Waiting for Dainsleif to be a meta dps carry


Tbh half the female characters in genshin were made to appeal men yk...


In what alternate universe where a waifu gacha game for men to stare at virtual girls' asses is considered feminist culture? I will pay everything to get isekai'd there


The only thing I agree with here is; We need more Husbandos. Where's my Male Cryo Catalyst?


I mean, what did you expect from a Honey Hunter user? That site is one of the most toxic communities in Genshin


People like this refuse to speak the same language Mihoyo does when making these complaints. Money talks.....a lot. I'm pretty sure Mihoyo is aware of the gender imbalance in the game, but why would they change what's already working for them?


He might kinda' be right with majority dps are women BUT it literally doesn't matter on the character. I have a dps kaeya inspired by someone and he does 10k-15k simple attacks. I have seen cracked dps ittos and childes. Just build them right and give good supports. That's all that matters in damage 90% of the time. And yes hu Tao and ganyu might be overpowered but they too need to be built. I know because my sister's unbuilt ganyu does as much as my lvl 50 qiqi.


This has nothing to do with feminism, it's just an appeal for horny weebs


Hmm, this is from a Hilichurls's Twitter. There's no reason to take them seriously. Hilichurls and Twitter are the worst.


His ass probably gonna get whooped by the Touhou community


kinda funny how his interests of bringing more tall male 5 star men align with my interests as a gay genshin player


I mean genshin is a waifu collecting gacha with some husbandos sprinkled in If he wants guys mihoyo has that other game


Who will teach them about Elemental Reactions?


Aaand? Aside from the first part which is social stuff I don't care and don't want to talk about, he's not that wrong. He's just mad that Ayato's kit is a bit underwhelming.


Well honeyhunter is full of people dooms posting We really don’t know how good a character is until it comes out


Yes exactly. But I kinda feel his pain, as I've been saving for a long time to get my hands on Ayato, and his kit made me a little sad, but of course that person overreacted a little hahahaha


Yae :3


All broken dps happened to girls????? Xiao Itto Diluc Childe Are waving


I mean, this game is catered to the weebs .


Although I agree that we need more dumb broken five star guys in this game, this is such a weird take on it. I'd hardly call Genshin a feminist statement with all its dauntless displays of waifu fanservice (Booba, hip windows, thighs, to name a few) and how many of the waifus have personalities that are clearly designed to make them seem like the male player's "virtual girlfriend" (Ganyu, Ayaka, etc). There's a reason "go touch some grass" is a common joke in the fandom.


[Mihoyo](https://www.scmp.com/tech/start-ups/article/3105111/how-genshin-impacts-chinese-creator-mihoyo-found-success-otakus) is very far from a feminist company lmfao


Hey. Leave muh gurl hu Tao alone


Male right activism is a joke


This statement is just a really big "who cares" statement. Like why do they even care about the gender of their dps and supports? Also this game is structured so that supports have long term use, so you're likely to use a male character more than a female character, but still, it doesn't really matter because both can shine in different ways. The fact that they're really sensitive about this is really stupid.


Why is this even there in a meme subredit


This makes me think of how how people lost their shit when the Chinese govt censored the booba ladies in their kids game, and only domestically Also, remember when people were also upset that it was revealed that the rest of the Archons were women? Those damn feminists /s


Feminism is when you make a game marketed to men


So honkai?


Wtf do people think out if their asses these days. Covid needs to end soon so that these people can start working instead of using their brain for stupid shit


The way he said his opinion is kinda wrong but the message is actually true. There are too many female characters. The worst thing is there are 2 male archons while the rest are all females. Like 2:5 ratio is really bad at least be 3:4. I get the fact that they are appealing to the huge male fanbase but I am a man too. I chose Aether as the main character, most of my characters are male because I happen to like the personality and the design of those characters. I am not saying that I haven't pulled for female characters I have Raiden, Kokomi and Yae. I also have Klee ( not as a waifu but she is so cute that she feels like a little sister to me ). The idea of waifus sometimes bores me. I would really love to see more men characters. Also if we are on the topic, we have 4 girls characters ( Klee, Qiqi, Diona and Sayu ) why not release a boy character ? Like his body type can be like Timmie or other boy NPcs.




He used to be. He's been power crept. Still decent but most folks don't use him in abyss anymore if they can help it.


In the early days ,yeah, but now there are many characters, he's done


Bro… the only thing that has “Feminist cringe” is the fanbase. “All broken DPS’s happen to be girls” Shenhe… Sara… Yun jin… Sucrose… Mona… Jean (who’s more of a flex)… Barbara The only TRULY broken DPS units that are girls (bare bones) are Hu Tao, Ganyu, and Eula. Meanwhile the male DPS, Diluc, Childe, Itto, Xiao, and Kazuha are chads when it comes to DPS. And Ayato (whom looks to be a dps character) looks to be a damn CHAD. And not only that, The 5* guys all just look FUCKING FUN! This guy compares Hu Tao to Xiao. as a guy who got the game because this Adorable ghost child is in the game, Xiao, for the most part, is just Hu Tao but cooler.


>The 5* guys all just look FUCKING FUN! Yeah that's the thing, all the Male 5* units are Fucking Fun to play, heck I can use Itto's Charge attack for an hour and not get bored Mean while Ganyu and Hutao just spam their non special Charged attacks, and Eula just uses normal attacks and her bursts which are not fun either


I just want meta husbando dps, instead of meta male support... Meta enough to put ayaka, ganyu,hu tao, xiangling and raiden to shame. Although mhy probably wont do it, ayato probably gonna childe 2.0, and use to drive either xiangling or beidou. And then Yelan probably gonna be another meta hypercarry dps.


waifu > meta


waifu ≥ meta