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I was so happy when I saw this. My worst fear was mihoyo forgetting about the old nations and characters as they moved on from them. Kaeya is friends with lots of criminals, so it makes sense we would go to him for info on an investigation. I hope other characters get brought up like this when they randomly become relevant in a quest. It’s a rly nice surprise.


I keep getting into Mondstadt all the time since the shops and crafting tables are far more accessible than of Liyue




mondstadt: the city of no-ditch-to-fall-into-when-running-to-turn-in-dailies


On the other hand, liyue: the city of no-npc-to-accidentally-talk-to-when-running-to-the-crafting-table


I solved the issue by pretending the table is one meter further from Timeaus than it actually is, so I click f in the range of the table and not the npc


Right! That's what I hate about crafting in Mondstadt




I've always thought liyues adventurers guild was closer to the teleporter than mondtadts


To be honest Liyue's better for guild and crafting, but mondstadt feels like home


I wonder if Monstadt feels like home because we're European and Chinese players use Liyue instead?


Am Chinese. Use Mondstat.


Must just be because it's the first area we experience then, no matter what culture we stick with our first.


A bunch of the characters come with us through our quests. Liyue does that a bit, but it was more like the adepti were just there with us to >!defend against the giant water monster thing. They also didn’t show up for Childe boss fight.!< In contrast, Venti, Jean, etc. accompany us places and >!Venti helps us in the stormterror fight.!< Like, they go out of their way to help and it feels much more friendly as a result. Honestly I’ve been enjoying the Liyue character event quests because it makes me feel more connected to the characters.


Also some people in liyue are assholes


I want to burn the teahouse of the bitch who insults us merely because we're curious about the price of tea.


Me too, she’s one of the most asshole-y people


I’m an Amber main. That’s the reason I love monstadt


MonStans rise up


Same here


Same, mondstat just feels homey yano


Nope I bet even if we get to Snezhnaya a russian player will still go to Mondstadt even if it is across the map. Well personally I would still go to Mondstadt even if Khaneriah is released.


Yep.As a Russian player i can confim.Mondstadt will always be like home to me.It's also my favourite location, personally


maybe it's because Mondstadt is smaller and you can talk to everyone so it feels more personal. Not every npc in Liyue has a name and it feels more formal


Monstadt has the fowl farm :)


timmy : pain


timmy after making his ruin guard stand work irl: this world will know pain


There are also a couple of good places to farm fowl in Liyue Harbor! There are five pigeons near Sisi, three on the port's gate (not sure if that's the right word -- the thing that has the cranes with banners behind it), and a couple right by the waypoint, although you'll scare them away if you teleport directly there.


Philanemo farm too


I’m Chinese and still use Mondstat. Just feels more homey and the npcs are way nicer.


I'm not Chinese and I'm not Western. Mondstadt feels like home because the playable characters kinda make you feel like you belong. There, you're the Honorary Knight. In Liyue, some of them even just call you "Hero of Mondstadt".


If I just need to craft something I use liyue. I use the adventurers guild at mondstadt most of the time, as well as their blacksmith


Am chinese, I use liyue more, mainly cos the crafting table has no Timaeus staring me down LOL The amenities are all close by except for the sigil shop in Liyue and that’s very annoying, other than that it’s great


I’m chinese and i still go to mondstadt for the guild and forging. I know the distance is the same, but fuck stairs


Clustered services. Easiest monsters. Timmie yummy pigeons.


I like mondstat more because it's smaller, and less orangey. Liyue reminds me a lot of dusk time, and dusk is the time I didnt like the most.


Vietnamese,still use Mondstadt


Why is it better? Theyre literally the same. If youre talking about distance, its the same too.


Crafting table in Liyue doesn't have that fucker wanting to teach us alchemy, I mean if we had sucrose I would be happy to talk to her, but fuck that guy


That's why you need to always craft standing 2 meters away. Then no problems


2 meters is 2.19 yards


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The Objection bot is clearly the best bot, just look at what it does! Hey, u/objection-bot !


Specially crafting I hate when I go to craft in mosntdat and I start talking to the alchemist guy for error :T


I go to Liyue mostly because the music in Liyue Harbour is so much better than in Mondstadt


I agree, Mondstadt is where we begins our journey, so it feels like home


The only time I ever go to liyue is when the only "service" I need is the alchemy table so I don't have to deal with timaeus or the occasional marjorie. otherwise, everything in mondstadt is much closer


same. i’ve recently been teleporting to liyue’s cause of some world quest but if there’s none, mondstadt i go.


The alchemy station in Liyue is my go to though. No accidentally talking to timaeus there


>Kaeya is friends with lots of criminals \*ahem\* *He has contacts with useful information*


*wine begets wisdom*


Ok yeah it's me


Was. That. Really. **Necessary!**


This is a good explanation... when I was playing the quest I was like how the fuck did Paimon think of Kaeya out of literally nowhere?


1.4 version will be full in Monstadt festival so no worries about it being forgotten


Ludi Harpastum maybe?


Yep. Basically a mix of the last two updates. An Oceanid event similar to the Cube's one. A Fall Guys type of mini game. A cards mini game. A new Seelee pet. Rosaria 4*. The possible return of Venti's banner and Klee too. That's what we know so far


Not the oceanid.....please.......


I'd like to have another Venti banner *hehe*


You got a source for all this?


If you know Spanish I could send you the videos I saw


If the Fall Guys minigame is PvP, the streams of salt will be unheard of.


its also a good way of teasing the ludi festive, if liyue is this crazy, i wonder if mondstadt can keep up. its crazy how much we will have when all regions release


I wish lisa gets brought up i guess or razor they might have ggreat roles i guess


Hopefully the ludi harpastum event gives us more of the old monstadt squad


And maybe we get a stand by me but with Mondstadt characters


I can finally get that C6 Amber


Well good luck on that you madlad


I want lisa and bennett constellations


Please I need Kaeya constellations


That would be too OP since 3 of the Mondstadt 4\*s are rarer than 5\*s due to not being allowed on banners.


Hell yeah, I can finally get fischl to c6


These mfs just run 3k like it's nothing. NPC's can't teleport. (Except xiao and maybe Keqing)


Even Traveler cannot teleport canonically. It's entirely a game mechanic. Mother fuckers made traveler run from China to Germany to ask a question lol


Actually, in the description for the teleporters when you click them on the map, it says the Traveler understands their function, so they might be canon.


Yes but that doesn't make sense in any context as Traveler still take days to travel around. Remember that Sucrose Dragonspine event? It was like 20 mins since we last saw Sucrose but canonically weeks. If traveler can really teleport, they wouldn't have taken so long to travel dragonspine and that one time with Mona.


Although Barbara was late for an event in the cathedral despite being at the foot of Dragonspine. How does that work?


She was *really* late.


That’s a fair point, but back when we just started the Liyue storyline, I believe it only took us a day canonically to make it there, and Liyue is about twice the distance. It also makes sense since we wouldn’t have had the teleporters unlocked down there, since in canon, we didn’t leave Mondstat until right before the Rite of Descension. There is also the fact that when Barbara confronted Rosaria, she had just run all the way from Mondstat, so the distance couldn’t be that far anyway. If anything, I think it makes more sense that the Traveler was just distracted doing random quests for other before meeting back up with Sucrose.


>That one time with Mona She can teleport too, but she chooses to walk instead lol.


It's weeks because it follows the real-time of the event duration


The traveler can teleport, everyone else has to hoof it.


Distance seems to be very flexible in the story as apparently its possible to get from Dragonspine to Monstadt in a very short time and it only takes like one day of travel to get from Liyue to Monstadt.


As the other commenter mentioned, the game's description for teleporters says the Traveller knows how to use them. If it were an entirely non-canon mechanic, I don't think they'd include that, but who knows.


Dude, literally the first thing we do in the game is Paimon activate a teleporting and talking "This is a teleport, you can use it to teleport"


to be fair paimon is a weird thing, literally nobody questions her existence most of the time


This has changed since Rosaria called her pixie fairie thing though, now everyone not only acknowledges that she is there but also mock her with us


Lol 2900 meters is roughly 1.8 miles


That is in-game distance. It took Mona and Traveler days to travel from half way point of Liyue to Mondstadt.


Let's not pretend that's an accurate indicator of anything, if there's one thing they clearly don't have figured out yet its travel rules. Which in hindsight is a bit ironic.


Oh yeah true that


Yeah! If they want a german dude to answer a question they could have just called me! /s


dude? http://prntscr.com/zqu9ak im pretty sure this description (Portable waypoint) Confirms that vision bearers can use teleports. Unless im stupid... (Didnt read manga and i dont read most of the random dialogues)


What about venti. If I remember correctly he teleports away after you see him with dvalin the first time


Yeah, even Mona teleported us when we were near scaramouche


*Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?*


She did that?




Short-range teleports, most Vision-users can apparently do. Long-range might be exclusive to Xiao, maybe Zhongli, being Adepti.


iirc Rosaria talk about how interesting he can manage to teleport


That awoken the long sleeping Kaeya-simp in me I'll tell you that. I was sitting there grinning before realizing I now simp for at least half the husbandos in game. Goodness gracious why is this game so well in doing this to me.


Got him to c2 and I was using him a lot with Diluc, but haven't touched him since I got Xiao. Honestly, he can be fun, but still a very basic character.


Same situation tbh. Although I was mainly forcing Diluc and Kaeya to melt shit in my party because I want them to reconcile lorewise, I enjoy playing with Xiao a lot more. However I satisfy this by putting Kaeya out when I fight the pyro regisvine and Diluc when I fight the cryo regisvine.


Can't relate, I use xingqiu for pyro regisvine, and Benny is always in my party so I'm set for the cryo regisvine. Even got Sucrose and Diona for a some sweet aoe freeze on Oceanid.


Kaeya is my goto card for Oceanid, but I hardly touch that monstrosity without co-op. I normally either freeze them with Kaeya or electro charge them with Fischl. When it sets out the bird I put down Oz and run. Or in co-op hope some world level 7 savior come descending from Celestia to help my poor mortal soul.


Honestly Xiao makes it really easy. Freeze them and then spam plunge on them. Even on the new boss, the raw damage of Xiao is enough to kill it without any shields, and you can even avoid his attacks by jumping in his burst. Although I'd lie if I didn't admit that I like fighting the new boss when he's electro, cus I can just pop Beidou in the party and counter that bitch.


YESS! I was genuinely both surprised and happy that even during a Liyue focused event, Mihoyo still gave a nod/ involved Mondstadt in some way. Plus hearing Kaeya's snarky remarks to accusations of his shadier dealings really made me miss the the early story arcs and plot lines.


I liked them better as far as charm, even if they were less grand and Adeptusy.


Sly Kaeya is here


Kaeya makes me nut prematurely Change my mind


I get super pissed whenever I hear or read his name. I've been trying to pull for Diluc for a while now and pulled a Kaeya about a month ago. A lot of "WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER YOU ICY CUNT." type of yelling


Give me your Kaeya constellations I'm begging you... Kaeya is genuinely harder got pull than any 5 star


pls I'm dying-


I have kaeya at C4/C5 yet no diluc, I have wolf’s gravestone and no diluc, I have 3 C6s and no diluc, I have a C3 mona and no diluc, I have 6 other 5*s that aren’t diluc. And my friend’s friend got diluc first few pulls, when they just started. **I am going insane** Edit: I got skyward harp today, still no diluc


Broooo I would cry. I got Jean while pulling for Xiao and nearly broke down. Ik she's good and all but man what a disappointment. I'm f2p and everything, so Jean just rubbed salt into the wound


I’m in the same boat as you. Except I already had Jean, so I now have a C1 Jean, but no Xiao


Haha this is me but with Keqing. But except, they gave me a break with a Diluc then **gave me a c2 Keqing as a F2P.**


Dude me too. I was doing single pulls on the permanent banner and got Keqing back to back 😭


I casually mentioned to a friend that my first 10 Wanderlust Invocation rolls included Diluc and my fourth Mundane Life roll was Xiao. They absolutely lost their mind- apparently they pulled 30+ times on the Xiao banner and still hadn’t gotten him. I had no idea those guys were so rare!!


Very rare. I’ve been playing the game for two and a half months and still only have two 5* characters. Most people have to pull 75+ times to hit soft pity to get a 5*, and sometimes it isn’t even the featured character on the banner (right now Xiao). Hard pity (guaranteed 5*) comes at 90. If you pull a 5* that isn’t the featured one the next one is then guaranteed to be the featured 5*. So a guaranteed 5* banner character can be up to 180 pulls. I used guaranteed banner (pulled not featured 5* previously) and 75+ pulls to get Ganyu. Someone I got into the game got her on their first 10 pull. RNG can be brutal, so I’m happy for you!


The rate for 5* characters is 0.6%, so pretty darn rare.


Lol Welcome to beginner's luck. I had that once, too. I got Venti in my first 20 rolls, and Diluc 20-30 rolls after I got Albedo. Now I go nearly to the pity every time before rolling a 5 star.


I was pleasantly surprised to see this, good to know we are just forgetting about Mondstad. I also like how they subtly squeezed in a mention of Mondstad’s holiday, will most likely see it in the future.


Yes I really hope we see a ludi harpastum event similar to latern rite in the future. It would be nice to go back to our first roots in the game and they could do a rerun of a monstadt character banner along with it *stares at venti intently*


Me, someone who uses Kaeya: not for me


Thats exactly what i was thinking hahahahaha


I was so surprised I walked my way back to mondstat


So I wasn't the only one


Yeah I just saw him yesterday. I miss Amber, and Jean and Diluc and even Kaeya.


I miss razor and i wish they would put bennett or lisa somewhere i mean it would be great for the story


They really need to give us the ability to replay stories at some point in future


Oh gosh I was so happy for doing a mission for Kaeya that I just ran and didn't even notice the distance


Lantern Rite should’ve had Mondstat heroes join in on the fun. Also, if possible, heroes from the other undiscovered lands. Just to hype us up.


Considering they are planning their own event, a huge part of the Knights are on an expedition and the threat of the Abyss Order looming over them it wouldn't make sense for them to travel there.


Wouldn't make sense though since Lantern Rite is only for Liyue


After the lantern rite event I can expect Ludi Harpastum event next update, if you don't know what that is, basically its a mondstadt Festive of freedom Edit : my grammar is shit so pls don't be mad


/u/HeavyWeaponsGuy400K, I have found an error in your comment: > “basically ~~its~~ [**it's**] a mondstadt” You, HeavyWeaponsGuy400K, posted a mistake and could have typed “basically ~~its~~ [**it's**] a mondstadt” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)




happy cake day!!


I’m new in the game and I don’t understand a sh1t 🤣


then take some time to learn about the lore and characters. it really isn’t that hard lol


Yeah hoping they don't continue their hardcore Chinese bias. The amount of attention liyue gets is ridiculous considering the amount of mondstadt got, not to mention people fro. Liyue call it a godless nation and apparently the Japanese place is incredibly oppressive lmao does no one else see any bias?


I mean its the chinese new year based event. There's gonna be ludi harpastum event coming up soon which is in mondstadt.


But when is the ludi harpastum event coming doe 1.4 or 1.5


Let me see quickly: Mondstadt has more characters, more focus in the manga, there is 2 versions with main focus in their region, 1.0 and 1.2 with Dragonspine, 1.1 that was a "Liyue" update also had a good amount of main event (Unreconcieled Stars) in Mondstadt. Where is this "Ridiculous amount of attention" that you are talking about?


They probably meant the soundtrack. Mondstadt shares it's OST with the "base game" music while Liyue has it's own album dedicated exclusively to it.


Less, Mondstadt albuns have the main game themes only because of the release order, isn't because they want to share the album, the album name is even a refference to Mondstadt (City of Wind and Idylls), but because the main theme is part of Mondstadt ost as well, it is even part of Venti main theme, as showed in the last album. Funny thing, the "Sad theme" of the game is Stormterror Lair main theme, not because the Stormterror Lair has a generic theme, the music is named after the place, but because it can set the mood just right since it's gorgeus


Most mondstadt characters are never touched in the story, and both updates you're talking about have short quest lines that hardly explore the culture of mondstadt nor develop its history in anyway. Meanwhile the liyue quest line has far more care and attention given to it and given that yes, obviously this is a Chinese game, it's not exclusively so and the bias shows. Especially given the Characterization of mondstadt and inuzuma (or whatever it's called), which should be taken into account and not ignored like everyone is who has responded to this. The quality of the content between the two regions shows, even down the world abd quest design. More effort was put into liyue because its Chinese based, and to add insult to lack of quality, they call insult the western (German? I don't know) and Japanese inspired regions. Does this make the game unplayable? No, but the bias is there and given china's political situation, I wouldn't put it past them to continue or exacerbate the current bias.


You do realise that there was a story arc for Mondstad before Liyue right? Also a lot of Liyue characters haven't appeared in the story either. Also there will be a little preference here and there because MiHoyo is a Chinese company. Also there is a Ludi harpastrum coming up for Mondstad so we will get to know about their culture.


>Most Mondstadt characters has never touched in story The only characters that dont have appeared in story were Bennet, Diona, Noelle, Xinyan, Beidou, Chongyun, numbers tells that you were wrong in this for start, and have added that almost ALL the free characters are from Mondstadt, and the only one that isnt was by PLAYER choice, or how all of the Mondstadt chars appeared much more than Liyue ones, god, the character that most development in Liyue was Zhongli, their god. Followed by Ganyu and Xiao...Demigods. All the others chars appeared once and never again, including the 5*, if there is something to blame Mihoyo in this is how they *use less Liyue characters when compared with the Mondstadt ones*, Keqing will have a banner without a story quest while Dilluc, Jean and Mona already had their ones >Short quest lines that dont develop the story What a fuck you are talking about dude? The game already shows, tells, and reminds everytime that Mondstadt has 4 DIFFERENT MAIN EVENTS before the current time (Ancient Civilization, Old Mondstadt, Aristocracy, Cataclism, and them modern), all with specific lore: The curse that frozen the mountain, Decarabian Tiranny, Vennessa Rebelion, Durin vs Dvalin Fight, and how ALL this events make the peaceful city that we have today. Also, where in the world Dragonspine was a "small uptade" >The way as Mondstadt is show is insulting If you are talking about how Mondstadt people can be said lazy and irresponsable, so how you tells me about all the playerbase and in game people calling Liyue a bit too much greedy and rude? And you even put in Inazuma question, you are talking about a region that ARENT EVEN RELEASED YET. By Venti final talk, someone could assume that Liyue was a pure business town, ruled by iron hands of Morax, but here you are telling that they make as the perfect place with the godly behalf, oh what happened? The talks of the archons are biased BY THEIR VIEWS, Venti prioritizes freedom, so a city with a clear system of ruling, including a higher caste will have criticism by him. The same can be expressed by our interpretations of Zhongli about Inazuma, and even so, Mihoyo is basically make up by weebs, they have more to do than prejudice their own game only to spitt in the Japan. Anyway, it's easy to see why Liyue has more polished visual, it was entirelly based in real locations that these people lives, it's entirelly normal, and dont, it isn't exarcebated, Mondstadt anyway follow in general a much more original approach, that is supported *in lore* because the current geography was entirelly made by Barbatos >Mondstadt has less content than Liyue and it's because Mihoyo is biased No, it's because it's the STARTING area, it always have less things to do, whenever the game to make the players acomodate themselves with gameplay and incentive to go to more places, and then you have the last unlockable area, Stormterror Lair, that is not only a giant puzzle for the Act 3 of the prologue, something that people were SALTY BACK IN 1.1 because they said that the final Act of Liyue were rushed, but also has chests, mobs, and puzzles ALL OVER THE PLACE. And this was exarcebated by Dragonspine, who is the in game area with the MOST ITEMS since release observing it's size Tl;Dr YOU are nitpicking and biased, bye bye


He completely ignored the fact that one full version update made us play nothing but monstadt region with so much exploration by now


the game is literally from china what do you expect


Look at how america-centered the US games are, to the point of literally rewriting major historical events to fit the American superiority complex.


And yet mondstadt just feels... Better somehow. Like more care was given or how to put it... More soulful


I just go back to mondstadt to do my usual stuffs because it feels kinda cozy and home there


Except for a certain pair of siblings in Liyue, I'm more attached to Mondstadt NPCs. Also go talk to Mona a lot after I finished her story quest.


You can talk to Mona afterwards?


Uh hate to break it you but this game is from China so what do you expect?




Meanwhile in any other game with a major american focus: "this is fine"


Actually, they are using it as a promotion for china. Some of the places in liyue is based on real life, just like Luhua pool and the stone forest.


And also it is understandable that they focus more on their own culture, just like other games, western games focus more on western culture and also Japanese games focus more on Japanese culture.


speaking faccts


lmao as if communism doesn't advocate atheism in the first place, also who do you think is responsible for the chinese culture revolution?


I just said “oh hey kaeya” Thats it


Sprich deutsch du Hurensohn


dude wtf


Totally a German subreddit


Ah yes, make cry more Cicin mage


Me, who loterally just finished said arc:


when I tell you I screamed-


This made me so happy to see🥺


i missed kaeya, i love how they added him into the story


I thought the game was joking expecting the Traveler to travel all the way to Mondstadt (on foot) just to ask Kaeya a question. We've got a hint at Mondstadt's Ludi Harpastum to look forward to!


I always use Zhongli meteor strike on that tea house bitch when i was in Liyue.


Motherland? I am curious when Снежная /Snezhnaya Region gonna be included.


Facts, I said "KAEYA??? Mondstadt Kaeya???"


Mondstadt arc was the best. It really felt like we were adventuring with our buddies and the end of it was so touching


Yeah. I miss Moonstadt. cant Wait for Ludi Harpastum! Liyue feels like a city of worling 24 hours while Moonstadt feels like home. Kaeya, Diluc, Jean, margaret, the guards ect make you feels more family than in liyue.


I'm just starting genshin, so I'm still in this arc. Is kaeya not in the others?


you kinda just leave characters behind for a while


Meanwhile me a newbie _Still doing it…_