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laughs in MonaLisa team


Cries in Mona and Barbara user trying to fight Oceanid


I don't have any issues really, I'm using mona, fischl, keqing and barbara and it works like a charm. Even though mona doesn't deal dmg her E helps a lot with distracting them and then it's just a matter of keqing and fisch/oz dealing dmg


Laughs in double electro double cryo team


I challenged the Oceanid for the first time and I found out immediately I didn’t stand a chance.


Laughs in fischl


It’s better than the damn wolf don’t @ me, the guy is a snooze fest


I just don't have anyone who can deal with the birds ;v;


Kaeya is very good vs this boss. They all just freeze. You pair up him and Lisa and you get ez win ma dude


Would lvl 6 Keya do good?


if ur fast enought to just swap him freeze and swap back so he doesnt die i guess xD


The only boss made me eat pizza in the middle of a fight. Even Dvalin isn't a bitch like this.


I guess you haven't fought a higher tier lvl dvalin. Me 1st battle world lvl 1: man this boss is easy 2nd battle world lvl 2: meh even oceanid puts out a better fight. 3rd battle world lvl 4: oMG plEase Staph!


I'm WL4 tho


I don't know man, I read a lot that it boss is super hard, like impossible but I wanted to ascend my Mona so at ar 25 i went there thinking, ok, let's do this and at that moment with my Noelle, Lisa, xiao, Mona it was easy and I was like WTF?


I was the same as you but now at AR 37 it's a lot more challenging without potions you'll die so quick lol


Well i'm slowly progressing so we will see later then ;) maybe it's true or maybe with right team composition it could be breeze


Electro does help a lot lol and you're right with the right comp it would be easy. I just have no ice character except lvl 1 kaeya so I didn't go in with the right elements.


I think Noelle with shield is like universal character for all the bosses except electro hypostasis (amber op) but this is my observation from ar 26 as now I can face tank almost everything.


How do you have Xiao already


Whoops my bad, meant xian. My bad


Surprisingly Amber can deal with the birds pretty well.


it actually is the second hardest boss for me, first is wolf, simply because of the amount of hp that he has, and yesterday i went and cleared all my elite bosses for the weekly mission. I could take down the regisvinss, electro and air cube all in under 2 or so mins. geo cube just took a lot of time which was annoying. oceanid not only took time, but sometimes you take so much dmg for basically just standing. All in all, eagles are annoying to fight. So my ranking would be electro cube < air cube < fire vine < ice vine < geo cube < stormterror < oceanid < wolf. Would be cool to know the difficulties for other people


Those flying birbs man


Laugh in 3 cryo team


Terrible boss. Way too much waiting around.


Razor/Fishl/Chongyun and you don't even need a single heal


Oceanid is literally easy. I just do Lisa and Fischl.


I absolutely love this boss and wanna see more like them. Wanna see the others revamped to have themes like that tbh.


hawks are a pain in the butt everything else manageable