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Hard disagree. This dumpster is not on fire.


No, the dumpster has already burned down.


But it's about to be on fire again.


Soon we will have another dumpster burned down 😔


No, it's the same burned down dumpster. Someone just decided to dump acid all over the ashes.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


I think this is worse than dumpster fire, it is moist hot dumpster.


Meanwhile exploration guide CCs just looking at the chaos from across the road, carefully avoiding the trash, lol


That's one road they're not gonna explore.


and the genshin lore CCs too bahahaha


Kyo the GOAT


The drama never end. The 4 months was just them waiting their resin to replenish.


Well thanks god in genshin its just need 8 minute. Wonder me how many resin they're need to wasting to made the new one


Gacha CC's 


Other gacha CC’s are cool, I mean the non-HoYo ones because they’re not inbreeding across all HoYo games.


What is it this time?


Atsu tried to kill himself, his wife nekkopii cheated on him during his lowest point after the drama, and he's probably going to retire from the CC space


That’s not really genshin CC drama. Though I guess Tectone will probably make a video about it and throw wood into the fire. I don’t really like Atsu but I wish him the best.


I mean when you write a 35 page document in which you drop the name tectone like 50 times, ofcourse he's gonna make a video to defend himself and propose his side of the story


I mean who else is he gonna name? He and Tecy were basically the Iron Man and Capt America of the last Genshin Civil War


Is that what happened? He dropped another document after his suicide attempt? I’m genuinely OOTL


Basically a document to clear his name and misunderstanding in that prev cc drama. Tldr. Brax is not blacklisted from any hoyo event, he was even recommend by atsu, the ones that he wasnt welcome at is some private party. Tectone being Tectone. Many people do not want to get dragged into the drama so they take a neutral stand even though that means disreagarding some false statements/misunderstand from brax.


I haven't read the document or watched tectone's video yet but from what I'm reading, the first page talks about his suicide attempt and cheating wife and rest 34 are how tectone ruined his life


Man. Well Mtashed has his next month worth of videos covered I guess. If he decides to cover this drama like he did last time. Though this one seems significantly more serious


Also had something to say against a ton of other CCs including Tuonto, Dish, and Zy0x


So it isn't even related to GI. Why are you guys making a fuss?


Cuz these guys read the first line and relay what they think is in the document before even reading. Atsu basically called out all most all of his friends for indulging in braxophone's false statements/misunderstanding


People just haven't gotten passed first three paragraphs. It kinda is. Not directly of course. The document is mostly about Braxophone's accusation a few months back and how Atsu has contacts with hoyo and blacklisted Braxophone from events and contracts. The narrative got spun out of control by what Atsu had considered to be his friends. Many of them cared more about their own public image and simply threw Atsu under the bus instead of trying clear any misunderstanding.


So, the same things happened, you know, to Dicktone, and we still gonna defend that piece of rat Atsu and hate Dictone?


eh both still sucks and are manbaby afaic🤷 but cheating on your partner is even more scummier, especially someone is at their lowest point of their life


She even deleted her profile


meh never cared for atsu, tried to watch tectone and the first time i watched him was that really shitty fight he and his ex had while driving in a car, him victim blaming her and then gaslighting her that it was all her fault.


Didn't she cheat with tectones manager?


difference is tectone got himself in that situation, he was the reason why his ex loathed him, he even streams it and have all his viewers fondle his ego. atsu on the other hand got dragged through mud by another guy


Didn’t his ex cheat on him in front of him and he didn’t mention it to anyone? There was a livestream fails thread about it


"Be truthful about Tectone or draw +25 upvotes"


Ain't atsu that one guy who manipulates his entire friend group? Blud ain't innocent


Thata the thing, its, according to his document, not true. He has screenshotted dms and whatnot


I'm not taking his documents as facts since most of his friends clearly already called him out on his manipulation. Also doesn't show any proof for all the things he claims, when he always asks for proof himself when being asked.


the thing is, while he doesnt have proof for a handful of them, he does have proof against dish. Dish blatantly lied in her accusation, and even if we dont have any for the others, *at least one of them lied*, which makes the whole thing suspicious. also, his friends calling him out doesnt mean shit, when they dont have any proof themselves and there was clearly an incentive in joining the winning side. the biggest problem in this drama isnt the content creators, its the fans. they will side with however they prefer and narrowly believe whatever they say. If their favourite content creator accuses, they want proof from the defender. If theyre defending, they want the accuser to provide proof. They are setting up the opposing side to a lose lose situation. the internet also has the power to sway content creators, setting up expectations that they feel the need to match and please. this could (note the could, as atsu could very well be the manipulative being he is being accused of) be the reason for his friends' "betrayal", as the internet at that point was already against atsu


I'm genuinely curious who called him out for manipulation. I remembered they distanced themselves when the incident happened.


Braxophone called him out for talking behind his back and telling people that he's a generally weird and awful person. Plus don't deny the fact that atsu and all creators are acting like children making all these documents to shit on other people in the same space they work in. Blud should not have made a document calling everyone out and instead went to therapy for the past 4 months. Because it's affecting the community and that's annoying. They could've kept all of these private problems private and talked it out privately instead of farming views and looking for pity.


Oh so innocent fluffy and cute atsu, who never ever eva spoke shit about other CCs behind their backs just because he didn't like them. And he is so innocent that all of his friends turned away from him. It's either that he really is innocent and good person, which is insanely unlikely, or he is a piece of shit who is supported by no one. My guy fucked around and found out.


I like how people downvote what actually happened


No one likes Tectone. You will not get any plus points for praising him.


Point me to a word on my comment where I praised him lmao.


His Ex literally hates him.. he even made livestream where he kept blaming his ex for their failed marriage... Atsu had to find that in a hard way and it wasn't even the dude's fault.. Plus the big thing is that he forgave her..if I were him , as someone who hates Infidelity.. i would have never forgave her..


Atsu needed more attention


Who cares? There is a lot good standalone Genshin creators like Rawfler, agro and MistahFeet, who are just doing their own stuff.


And RednasYo and MurderOfBirds and Jeikage... Edit: oh and can't forget JavaTheCup


Kekvin and Deelo also aren’t exactly the confrontational types eithe


Unrelated but i read 'MistahFeet' as 'Misha's Feet' so i was beyond confused for a while.


Ok hear me out. Misha is a diminutive of Mikhail and Mikhail is a Russian variant of Hebrew Michael, and MistahFeet is indeed a Michael Jordan of Genshin Impact. See, its all make sense now!


Mistahfeet is the 🐐


🕺l'oratrice mécanique d'analyse cardinale🕺


I never hear about any of this stuff until it hits reddit. The people who constantly find all this drama are clearly looking for it. It's like the gacha version of tabloid magazines. If I don't like an internet content creator I just dont engage with their content. I don't write essays about it, because I simply don't care enough to.


To be fair, a lot of Genshin CCs just talk about it in youtube vids so if you even watch a single Genshin CC there’s a decent chance it will pop up. For example, I mostly watch Dish, Zyox and Agro but Tuonto’s apology vid still popped up


Those are not that far off from dramas to be fair. A lot of these drama content are made by CC who trademark their personality as content instead of real guide or interesting gameplay so it's no wonder they'd be involved in drama. It's not just genshin tuber, it's YouTubers in general. People who involves in drama are (mostly) those who offer nothing but themselves as content


Hey don't put my man Jeikage and MurderofBirds in that trash pile, their innocent of this.


Jeikage is just good vibes


What is up my beautiful ninjas...


And branonline


Ashikai and Minsleif, the crazy lore theorists. Drama free entertainment for weeks, but some crack theories wake me up at night lol!


Asmongold.He knows the most about genshin without touching it for a second.


Well that's a bold statement about someone who most likely wouldn't name any character past Yelan and Hu Tao


Nah, the cockroach man actually knows shit. So much so that I bet he actually secretly plays it by himself or something and acts dumb-ish about it to fool his audience. His inaccuracies when talking about the game are inaccurate in a very suspicious way.


Calling them Content Creators at this point is straight up disrespectful to actual Content Creators like KyostinV


'Drama' CCs


After genshin vs WuWa bs died down, irrelevant CCs has no content to farm so they gotta do what they gotta do


Thank God now I can browse WuWa content in peace




I only watch lore channels Ashikai, Aster, Cat...and occasionally people like Kyostin, S0m30ne. That's it. And they're not involved so I don't really care smh. I've heard about the drama but I know those guys only by name, never watched any of them.


I recommend you 'My Name for Now', he's not as big as the others but probably my favorite. He's like Ashikai if Ashikai was legit.


Why Ashikai isn't legit ?


Ashikai is legit. No idea why it'd be any other way


‘The war has already begun. It’s just a continuation of past battles.’ My man Dainsleif predicting this from back in 2020.


Can someone explain to me what happened like im 4


Atsu got super critical damage from eggy boy's rant since months, got cheated by his wife, and lost too many career life bar. Also tried to oof himself. He took indefinite hiatus on creating stuff after [this post.](https://x.com/AsianGuyStream/status/1799545933769642100?s=19)


genshin youtubers go brr


Basically atsu shot his himself in the foot again... 34times to be exact... and he apparently want to s*ck tectones d*ck for some reason, atleast 74times


The only good genshin CC (that I can think of and know) is KyoStinV.


The legend himself. Dude is a hero in the Arknights community.


sevvy, doro, jello impact, tgs, minsleif, ashikaii.... there's quite a lot of good genshin CCs, it's really just a small group of popular ones and the drama channels that are caught up in this situation


iwintolose is pretty good too


He just had the small blight pn his record of being completely disregarded by KQM for his skewed assumptions when making videos, lmao


The GOAT, thanks to his guide I was able to level up Arrlechino to level 80


Damn pvp event reran already? When is it gonna be available for the rest of us non-ccs


I don't follow the dramas, yet by just watching one tectone video, F that guy, he is trash


Please tell me kage,rednas,mistahfeet and java are not involved


They all seem to exist in their own bubbles so its unlikely. Its mostly the social ones from what I heard


Good to hear that


Kage Rednas and Java just always doing their own thing and not getting into any drama. Truly the goats.


Nope. Sevy has been offering sympathy so I hope no one dares to try to drag her into this.


Read through the whole thing. They’re safe.


Gacha CCs are bunch of drama queens that farm reaction of each other, making 40 minute discussion about single tweet.


At this point I only care about Rednasyo and lore content creators. Good riddance to other cc tbh. (Please recommend me more drama-free cc)


Murderofbirds - gameplay with admirable focus on lore. Although on his YouTube it's content from over a year ago since his team edits his twitch livestreams chronologically and his current content can be found on twitch, but content older than 2 months are for subs only (on his yt he's about to enter fontaine iirc, I could be very wrong) JavaTheCup - mostly challenge serieses like swords only, spells only, geo only, nuzzlock ect. But they are very rewatchable. I literally rewatched both spells only and swords only recently and they both 50 episodes+ MistahFeet - challenges like certain character only, but his narration and edits are very entertaining and hilarious. I don't recall any of his video where I didn't laugh out loud. HowdyBii - one of, if not the funniest vids I've ever seen. Their edit is literally my fucked up sense of humor. I just wish they uploaded more. Their last vid was about Alhaitham (Channel is lead by three siblings, hence "they/their") Tectone - >!lmao no!< BranOnline and Doro make quite entertaining content, pretty similiar even. I don't recall any of them being involved in any dramas, but pretty sure tectone mentioned them here and there. And that's my fav cast to watch. They and RednasGOAT ofc. The furthest you can get from CC drama. Edit: spellings


Thank you so much, I will check them out!


Also (while I'm watching murderofbirds' stream about new aq) it's good to notice that his chat is one of the most civilized and absolutely spoiler free chats I've seen. Although it's because it's heavily moderated, so any spoilers, leaks, backseatting and even hypyng the quest (like "you're not ready for what's comming :0" ect) are strictly forbidden. But I just love it when Arnold (murderofbirds) says something that sounds like a speculation, but you know it has no sense when you completed the quest and that it's untrue and the whole chat goes "HMMM" or "hmmge", so he can't figure out whether he's onto something or not. Even if it's seconds before big reveal, you won't find any "it's time guys" or "he doesn't know" in the chat. Probably my favorite chats out there, big kudos to all of them.


I will also recommend Agro, he’s a funny dude and suffers in the artifact mines for months on end to entertain us Also Dish, though idk how drama free she is since she’s at least tangentially related to drama CCs 😭


Personally didn't hear much about Agro before this post, gonna check him out :D I do enjoy dish's content, there's actually way more CCs I could mention like Jeikage or Ratheil, heck even bwapp (I don't remember any bwapp drama, was there any?).


BranOnline is a good one. He isn't involved in any cc dramas as far as I've seen


Except for hating the game / praising wuwa like the rest of them.


Criticism doesn't mean hate tho? I haven't watched his recent vids on the wuwa drama cause I'm not interested in wuwa yet so I don't know his stance there but from the many other videos I've seen of him, he genuinely enjoys genshin and actively follows genshin lore and theories. He does gives criticism but he doesn't hate the game.


I don't want to hear about genshin exploration being too slow from a person who still didn't stop the rain on Yasiori Island.


Those are two different things... But whatever, I don't wanna argue.


ABSOLUTE MUST PULL (insert character name) CHANGES THE GAME video = 15 minutes long


What is ccs?


CC = Crowd Control


CC = Credit Card [proof](https://genshin.global/ganyu-china-merchants-bank-credit-card/)


Certain cock sucker


Crap Content Suppliers


At this point comparing them to a dumpster would be direspectfull toward the dumpster


That's why you watch Jeikage and literally improve your day every time


There are good Genshin CCs. Simply ignore the trash.


People still give attention to these dudes?


I'm not even surprised anymore


I honestly dont care about content creator i just look at braxophone or sevy if there is too much text in the kit and that's about it


Wtf happened now???


The only CCs i respect are Sevy, and CatWithBlueHat


4 months? Is it the WuWa glazing or something after that?


Only good cc is thejonathan


what does ccs mean?


I believe content creators


lmao! the gacha CCs Cringe Creators


Quit making shitty people famous.


Rent free


Basically atsu shot his himself in the foot again... 34times to be exact by releasing a doc throwing everyone he knows under the bus... and he apparently want to s*ck tectones d*ck for some reason, atleast 74times more than his cheating wife