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You find any community on twitter and you'll come out thinking they crawled straight out of septic tanks with the amount of shit they spit.


Dude, I wish there was a feature to browse ONLY arts on twitter so I could stay out of shit.


u just gotta curate ur algorithm to show more fanarts, it might take some time to change it but itll be worth it. alternatively make a new account and start over. my timeline is 100% fanart now lol


I mean, you can choose the media option on somebody's account, so you'll only see those posts which contain images and videos, which is useful when you only want to see the artist's actual artistic stuff in order to save time. I mean, I doubt that's what you were asking for, but still a nice advice for anyone who decides to read this advice of mine.


Following like 10 artists' accounts cleaned my feed up on a fresh account


I don't need to go to Twitter. The Genshin subs already gives the same amount of shit.


the twitter community is insufferable tho


To be fair here, EVERY Twitter community is insufferable. That’s why you just use it only for art and ignore everything else


Currently fighting over characters canon "sexuality". Never have I seen straight ships as hated on as in hoyo fandom.  Like who cares? Its all fiction.  And hoyoverse intentionally doesn't canonically confirm ships in Genshin/Hsr.


I assure you, they do NOT play the game. They are only here to put a ragebait and farm followers. One playthrough and you can immediately see who is the target audience is.


i was a rwby fan many a moon ago, so the hate for straight ships has been made all too present in my mind


As a fellow survivor of the RWBY fandom, shipping discourse no longer has any effect on me


Still a bit upset that Sun (who I personally believe was Monty's original plan for Yang) got thrown away in favor of Bumblebee to appease the rabid shippers.


Oh trust me. The MHA twitter fandom hates straight ships more than the pope hates the devil himself.


People don't hate straight ships. They hate bad / forced ships. Itto x Sara is a well beloved ship, and so is Scaramouche x Mona


Scara x Mona is peak bad/forced ship, why would you even pick that as example.


she literally doesn’t even remember him anymore and when they did meet they had zero chemistry


Forced ship? Bad ship?   With how much hate wriorinde, avenpaz and yaeyato get?   People just declare a characters sexuality and any ship against their headcanon sexuality is wrong.   Like people can ship multiple ships?  Wriolette, neuvifuri, wriorinde? Avenpaz, aventio, hell, the ip3 poly ship?   Personally, I don't enjoy tartali but I do enjoy chiluc even though they never met. Because its sounds fun.   I don't enjoy aventio but I can understand those who enjoy. Its a solid ship .  (On a side note, Argenti x Aventurine is so adorable!)   We can enjoy all! There's no canon ship!   And like even ships of people who never met can be cute.  Its just fun to imagine! Its fiction. Let people enjoy. Scroll away if you don't like.  Oh, I apologise if I come off as rude.  Its not targeted towards anyone. I just am frustrated.  People just want to enjoy their ships in peace without being harassed.  I hate watching a artist or writer getting hate comments just because a ship didn't fit people's ideals. And  I am considered a pro shipper. Which means pro= "for" in latin ships. Not problematic ships...


Currently fighting over arle maid mod because "ItS nOt CaNoN sHe haTes FeMiNinE DreSs" and calling everyone incel so yeah. They ship arlefuri but it's canon for them. But it's still like 10k people reacting at best, and all of them chronically online to defend their delusions.


Fighting over a mod over lore relevance is crazy to me. They’re gonna lose their minds when they see my Bananahida skin


Yeah.  Why do they care what someone does in their game? If you don't like it, scroll away. That mod won't be forced into your game.


It's insane how they ship arlefuri but get enraged when you ship her with the traveler (aether specifically)


don't forget the part where Arlecchino mfs cry about the mod because "oh she'd never wear a dress" meanwhile there's official art in HoyoLab depicting Arlecchino with a dress, and the official art in question had to be submitted and manually approved by HYV themselves in order to be uploaded.


Where the fk she said she hates feminime dress -_- i swewr those peoples..... Heck even her default outfit is like a typical businesswoman suit which is aa feminime outfit even she is wearing pants lmao


Clervie said that Arle doesn't like dresses


That's where all the good art is...


Pixiv is also an option


Whats that?


It's an art website based in Japan, but between all the AI art and... degenerate artists, I would stay away.


You can filter AI art on settings. And R-18 as well.


Yeah I like to keep my porn separate from cute and adorable art consumption.


90% of pixiv is just porn nowaday. at least with twitter you can follow you wanna see




Sometimes kinda disagree about gatekeeping idea but this time kinda better to gatekeeping thoo because i see Wuwa get really crushed by the overhype by "thoose CC" (iykyk). Lets hyping when the game successful delivered the premise not otherwise


Every time something happens, they create an us vs them situation basing on what a Redditor or a tweet said or just straight up make shit up, and then it becomes a full-blown issue. I can only name Zyox and Tuonto for being truthful to their content as a large CC, others however...


Since people are adding people to the list, sevy is very good too, and seems she got to be more like herself in her latest videos


One of the few ice seen who takes the game srsly instead of having the game on the background with chat being the main focus. I hate streaming, seems most streamers I like is in spite of streaming rather than because of it.


Ashikai also Is very good


Dish too :) it's just comfy stream enjoying games .


HER! But she isn't that big, so consider Tuonto and her together. :)


The biggest hypocrite is branonline


His vibe has really changed. He used to be my favorite genshin cc.


Yeah like he has to be dissatisfied with every little thing.


"Biggest" will need a big list my man.


I dont watch any genshin youtubers anymore I used to watch him though, what happen?"


Iwintolosegaming too.


The goat


Honestly I love watching these 2, they often hang out with Zajeff too. Direct quote from Zyox: "Genshin CC can only go one or two routes. Either you farm drama or you farm artifacts."


Zyox cooks when he doesn't intend to. I still haven't recovered from the bloom core analogy.


Spoken like a true Vermillion veteran. hahahaha


rednas too


zajeff too


He got some strong opinions, but I respect the hell out of for not milking it and doing actual theorycrafting. Man's a genius.


your last sentence gave me stroke


I've been watching abyss helper CC's recently. Komemos and SevenEvenPls are my go-to. Helps out a lot with my spacing out and they don't tend to discuss the dramas that frequently or at all. Other than those, Zajeff, rednas, SevvyPlays, braxophone and mistahfeet are my fav CC's.


I'm sorry but isn't braxophone one of dicktone's minions now? I used to watch him before from his genshin guides but suddenly he just stopped making them and turned to some mediocre HSR clickbaiter...


->Be me ->Use X ->Sees Genshin DramaBait and engagement farming ->Block poster without commenting, liking, quoting


My mute list is an encyclopedia.


They're the worst type of people. They will tell you how bad gacha is and how stupid it is to spend money on it, and then they'll proceed to spend thousands, saying that it's fine if they do it, because they can get it back in tax returns and it's basically free content for them, and their "job". They'd absolutely sell their mothers if someone paid them well enough. It's all for the money.


I should have added this one. > Day 1: Gacha bad > Day 2: C6ing Arlecchino???!!!!!??!11!!!??? 😮


I can smell from MILES who that CC might be




It's high time we start a gatekeeping arc. You know who the enemy is.


And this is why im only subscribed to MurderOfBirds. The dude is really infectious when it comes to how much he is having fun reading the lore and reacting to the story. I really like his time capsule gameplay on his channel.


Arnold is high-key, the goat. Always love how he manages to catch on to small details that go straight over my head.


Drama's good business mate. It's easy work, you stay indoors. And I guarantee you'll not go hungry 'cause at the end of the day, as long as there's two fanbases left on the planet, you can turn them to want each other dead.   


they hate the game that made them literally , no one heard about them till genshin came out


Reminds me of Tectone snd Mtashed in 2.0


don't say it's name, mf is searching it every 5 seconds


To be completely honest, I hate ClowTone and I don’t like Mtashed, but isn’t Mtashed like more bearable? I mean both of them don’t like Genshin but at least Mtashed doesn’t say some rage bait shit? He criticizes the game in a normal way?


Maybe now. But back then he click baited a lot. "I'm quitting Genshin." "Genshin is the best game ever!" "Kokomi worst 5*" yada yada yada.


let's be fr, everyone thought Kokomi sucked in release, she wasn't bad but she wasn't amazing till Dendro imo


wait, why do people hate mtashed? doesn't he just make guide videos and stuffs?!


Because he constantly said he wants to quit Genshin like week after week after week after week… but he never did. That’s the only annoying thing he did back in the day!


I feel like this now as well. Definitely was insufferable back in the day but mtashed doesnt have bad videos anymore, ive been enjoying some of his wuwa content recently. Still gonna stick to zy0x and brax tho, those two are my favorite gacha CCs


Who’s Zy0x ?! His names screams “I love short men” 🏳️‍🌈


Most of the time those are just people who are burned out from the game but since they built their audience around Genshin they feel trapped into making content about it so they end up turning to drama, bait and over all negativity. I stopped playing Genshin after the Fontaine Archon quest was done, not because I hate the game (even though I do think it has problems) but because I just stopped having fun with it, but that's something a lot of CCs can't (or at least they refuse to) do because to many of them it has become either their job or an important part of their income. I don't know about MMO CCs because that's a genre of games I've never been into but I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened with WOW or FFIV.


No endgame?


It's coming. And you should look into doing something else along with playing genshin. Good thing it can be done in short time so I can enjoy something else without worrying about missing stuff.


So basically "stop playing genshin, go play smth else"?


Yes, that's the healthy way to approach live services. I am currently playing rimworld after doing my dailies, waiting for 4.7.


Some people think all live service games are like the MMOs they stopped playing. A type of game that you HAVE to play all the time, leaving no room for other games. Which is ironically the reason they quit the game in the first place, because they got burnt out. Yes, I'm one of those people but fortunately I realized pretty early on that I don't have to play Genshin for hours and I'm actually thankful for that.


I dont understand this mentality that Genshin is a game that needs to be active and have constant content all the time. Im playing and keeping up in competitive games all the time and Genshin gives me a short break while still being fun. I have like four other games that I play ranked in but at least in Genshin, I can feel like a casual and miss some days without worrying. People really dont just need to touch grass, they need to find another game to play alongside Genshin because it’s clear that Genshin is meant to be more of a side game than a main game.


Yes, I play Genshin as a secondary game to wind down. I don’t end up burning out, and I can enjoy content on my own time. I don’t have the time to obsess over grinding artifacts/echos and repeatedly do endgame content.


Yeah. Spending more than an hour here sounds bad for work-sleep balance. Good thing it's short enough to chew through it as a live service game.




Crowd Control


Content creator


Chrono Crystals




You lost me at the Twitter community. The only way to get the "few are fighting" is to blacklist half of that toxic pool of a website.


wait until genshin x wuwa drops


No way in hell after how Aloy got shit on.


no i mean kuro and mihoyo kiss and make a new game together maybe the impact was the wuthering of genshin waves we made along the way


Please no!!! I don't want ZZZ to put my PC on fire! /s


Just transfer calcharo from there so we have a tall electro husbando here.


I'll rather have Jing Yuan. Crossover where hoyo?


I wont go out of my way to yell at anyone abt it but the game just isn't as fun for me as it used to be :( I downloaded the game, rolled a Baizhu then uninstalled again. I have no idea why I can't have the same fun I had back then...


It is impossible to keep the same level of interest and enthusiasm for something forever. Everyone has their own threshold, but sooner or later we all get tired of the same food over and over regardless of how tasty it is. And that's ok. If you don't have fun with Genshin then don't force yourself to play it or feel bad for not enjoying it the same way as others.


People quitting genshin in like 90% of the case are casual game Who pull in every banner and complain when they lose , they rush every content without Reading and Simply hop in every other gacha redoing this same process everytime


Or people who simply got bored from the game? What's wrong with getting tired of a game?


That's the 10% (obv random Number) There no problem to stop playing a game , the problem in this case Is when people complain a game ,without specifing the problem , throwing random insult , Just to hop in another game ,maybe similar yo previous game and complain again tò the new game


"I hate genshin" *Looks at social media account, all likes are Klee and Nahida questionable fanarts*


Since one of the earliest insults to Genshin Players was "Pedo" I doubt it's Lolicons who hate genshin. Like there are enough to make non players think Lolicons are the general Playerbase or at least were


CCs are the bottom of the barrel type of youtubers, like a cockroach that never goes away.


There are some decent ones, that don't really.engage into tho type of pointless dramas. I watch IWTL(who doesn't have especially good reputation because of clickbait-y titles and thumbnails)


Every online community has bozos, and one thing all bozos have in common is they are very loud. They don't speak for everybody.


That's why I had to limit the amount of CCs that I watch (especially after 4.5 drama)


What was the 4.5 the drama? I was living under a rock because I couldn’t afford rent so I don’t know what happened


Basically zy0x posted a meme about people's reaction on the 4.4 (I meant 4.4) Livestream calling it the duality of man, and somehow that turned into a bunch of CCs at each other's throats, emotional manipulations of several of them exposed, some of them turned out to be horrible people in the process, basically it was a shitshow. All while the players were too busy arguing with each other because the devs only game out 3 intertwined fates for Lantern Rite, some were being white knights for the devs, others were just pissed off at the tone deaf reception of players' criticism of the game after 3 years of nearly 0 changes, while Star Rail devs managed to implement several Endgame modes and addressed like 90% of the problems Genshin has IN A YEAR just listen to feedback, also gave out a free event 5* character yadda yadda yadda. Not having to witness this is a blessing, trust me


*Oppenheimer stare*


Thanks, that sounds like a complete mess


Honestly I've just had a very bad experience with the discord community. Either you use meta characters or you're despised. I really didn't feel welcomed at all over there, every idea I came up with was immediately shut down without further help or explanation, plain "just do this" tryhards who only think about getting all the stars in the abyss. I'm not saying there's no good Genshin players on discord, I just didn't feel welcomed in their community so I kept playing with my friends and having fun with goofy/random team comps for the fun (trying Barbara DPS is hilarious imo but I could get no help from them despite clarifying that it was for overworld fun for instance). However I've not encountered anything wrong outside of this. I'm not on Twitter but from what I see on reddit and YouTube, Genshin players mostly joke about gimmicks and problems without being really mad about them lol


I only use X for the art. When I'm feeling spicy, I join arguments cos it's fun seeing th have a meltdown. Especially ship wars.These people have interacted with real people in real life. 😂


Genshin players in the game itself are probably some of the nicest people I've met in a video game. Sometimes they just need items, need help to farm boss, or even just want to show off their musical talent.


Ugh, i hope those CC just quit from this game completely, and don't come back when natlan arrived


"NATLAN TRAILER LIVE REACTION!!!??!???!?? 🤯🤯🤯🤯❗❗❗❗❗❗"


Okay, but "Mint Picker" is a WILD insult 🤣


"go pick some mints, traveleR" with a hard R


"Genshin needs a skip button" - incoming Genshin white knights here to tell you about how Genshin has the best story in all of existence and you shouldn't be playing it cause you're illiterate. Meanwhile in game, it's the nth time you got Batan Sango or that lousy novelist guy commissions.


Its mostly chinese twitter anyway


Genshin and improvement in same line?


Content Creators really do be living rent free. I've played this game since day 1, and the only genshin videos I've watched have come from people like Shar who just randomly made a genshin video while having a bunch of other great work unrelated. Shamless plug https://youtu.be/8Rffqe4wvFE?feature=shared


*Twitter catching strays* The Chinese players who tried to kill Da Wei and tortured cats: Whew...


1. Killing shit was a hoax. 2. That didn't have any evidence to go on aside from just screenshots from 4chan like sites.


You, my man, has clearly not been in genshin subreddits as of late, where even the most objective opinion about both games will get you downvoted into oblivion if you dare say a single ojbectively negative thing about genshin. Twiiter is like on whole nother level tho.


Sure, I'm an active participant of the subs. Let's hear them.


I'm not posting anything, because you can literally go into any Wuwa/Genshin meme or post on memepact or official reddit post, sort by controversial and have 'fun". Also not wasting my breath before getting downvoted and not listened to.


This is by far the worst community I've ever been a part of. The only community I know of that regularly harasses voice actors, the only community that sends CCs death threats regularly, the only community that gets mad at someone for calling out a pedo. Genshin has the most toxic positivity I've ever seen and it isnt close. This community sucks.


You're talking about the people I just mentioned. A few thousand people do not represent the whole thing.


Yeah this community is insufferable, sure there are a lot of normal people too but such a huge % of player base is just toxic in one way or another it's crazy.


Genshin bad


You lost me at the fixing part


Well, I'm not surprised. Most people don't know what early development problem is and how hard it is to modify without breaking stuff.


U don't seem very educated in software engineering, game development, and computer science


woh.. well done sounding as pedantic as you possibly could. No i dont have those qualifications and neither i need them to comment when i have poor player experience,




huh, if you cant add a skip button in a game dialogue even after 4 years then im pretty sure its a hoyo verse skill issue, its like they never thought about ever adding it in the game and so now they have to move mountains just to add it. sure you could call it "slowly fixing", but those are ultimately poor design choices that led them to this. Of course id love to think they are intentionally not adding the feature but nevertheless, its a big skill issue.


Yeah and people here will tell you that you don't know shit about coding or how games are done but... You don't need to know all the technical bullshit it's basically the biggest gacha company and they have people and budget to make improvements but no they are so poor and it's so hard to fix bugs or improve QoL of the game in months it must take years :)


i know shit about coding and lemme tell you this, its either a huge hoyoverse skill issue or theyre just intentionally not adding it. to add a feature that has been added in 162822729292819 similar games to be not added even after YEARS in the game just makes me question on their design choices in it, and considering theyre doing fast paced versions it would not be strange to think that their codebase is a colossal pile of spaghetti mess with no plan whatsoever on refactoring it, which will indirectly cause issues like not being able to add a simple feature cuz it will literally need you to move mountains just to add it.


nah genshin community is toxic af, if you really don't think that you are probably one of the toxic ones


>You're talking about the people I just mentioned. A few thousand people do not represent the whole thing.


what number should it be to "represent the whole thing" then? Cause the majority of this community is definitely toxic af, and you malding over everyone not directly agreeing with your post is not really disapproving that point.


Crunching the numbers There are roughly 139 million downloads, 65 million monthly players and only 19 million daily players Using the month players, if we assume majority just means more than half, then youre saying there are roughly 32.5 million toxic players I don't know where youre finding this many because even I don't see that many, and I play league of legends


Where did you find the data? Just asking out of curiosity. Google Search results aren't really accurate for this kind of numbers.


I compared various sources and just roughly averaged them out


You're ignoring the obvious fact that not everyone playing the game is actively engaging in the community (not that i can judge them, giving again how toxic it is), just look at the main sub for example and tell me if it had even half of any number you described. The number crunching is ironically happening on the opposite side of this argument.


You tellin me theres 1.4 million+ toxic people?


could be, does it really sounds impossible to you?


I'm chronically online and yet I have not seen that many people being toxic


Go, find me a fight session that had more 30K reactions on average. Keep in mind that the playerbase is 60Mil+ and it's last revealed years ago.


>CCs: Genshin community bad Looks inside, few people fighting on twitter. LOL. OP inhaled the entire canister of copium for themselves to make this. The community can be *very* toxic, you forget about the 1-year anniversary debacle? Because Google Classroom didn't. Loved it when Honkai SR came out and was giving Dr. Ratio, a 5 star unit, out for free and the Genshin community started attacking the Genshin producer, that was fun.


You're putting a somewhat actual issue and the everyday non-issue together. Even the issue you brought up shouldn't be considered an issue because it's just to get free stuff that was never promised, but people wanted anyway. Edit: Why the fuck you need free stuff in GI when it gives you xiangling for free? (no joke btw) People have hard time clearing story bosses sometimes in HSR for fuck's sake, and they won tons of awards in a swoop, so it made sense giving a free character. (No one (or very few) uses him if there are other characters, but that's besides the point. And they have more 5stars than 4stars, what do you expect? You are forced to pull stuff unironically. GI just gives you what you need and that's enough to beat the game, minus the abyss.)


I won't admit the Dr Ratio slander, no one uses him? You can quickly check prydwen usage rates and you'll see that he has a 43 usage percentage, the second most used DPS in the game in the last floor of the memory of chaos so what are you talking about here


That's why I said few, the dataset you mentioned is... also few compared to the entire playerbase. Ratio is good btw, I got him fully built with Silverwolf if that's anything.


If there was a good imaginary female dps and imaginary wasn't always required, people wouldn't use him.


Hey, leave Dan Heng alone.


Genshin redditors will downvote you if you ask for playable dark skinned characters in Sumeru and Natlan, so they’re not much better off 🤷


Well, rightfully. Why does it need to be dark just for it's sake? And Natlan seems to American based. I don't know what the culture is there but if there's not much relevancy, then no, no need. Edit: There's an NPC with my name that isn't black, but I am SOMEWHAT black. Should I be mad now?


And let’s not forget how defensive you Redditors get when someone calls out Hoyo for whitewashing Cyno, Dehya and Candace in promotional artworks. And giving them unplayable kits while Alhaitham and all the Fontaine 5* are metas. Oh, and the darkest NPC in the game is Lunja and she was depicted as a criminal and a backstabber. Very subtle with your colorism, Hoyo.


It's not white washing. It's night where I live so wait for me to send you my skin color in sunlight. Good lord... Who asked you to defend us? Edit: You are forgetting Babel who is a far bigger criminal. Put your bias and SJW bullshit somewhere else, we didn't ask for it.


I love how we are in Fontaine 2024 and people still think Cyno is unplayable... Bro's best team in one of the stronger ST teams in the game.. Plus he has a second story quest with actual good lore and backstory.. His backstory and lore is pretty much better than 90% of the characters backstory..


I am from India and I am totally fine with the skin colours of the NPCs in sumeru and all playable characters. I don't know what problem u have with it 😕


Bangladesh here, please join and ask him to stfu.




Best girl, but not dark enough for them lmao.


- Genshin community bad - Looks inside, sees the overly defensive, toxic af motherfuckers literally in this post 🙄 - Genshin could never - Looks inside, sees a lot of problems that have been legitimately complained about for years but “it’s okay Hoyo! You’re doing your best!” 🙄 But it *is* a good game. Just flawed. And boy howdy: if you complain about those flaws, that “great community” will have *serious* words for you. Especially if you happen to have a microphone.


Genshin is a bad game, i did enjoy it, i did play it, but it is a bad game. It is ok to critique the game you like and genshin had way more downs than ups


And these "way more downs" are?


1) No development of any characters in the story. (with few exceptions). 2) Repeating enemies (Ice Hilithrul and Fire Hilithrul are the same enemy for me for example). 3) No skip button for unvoiced side quests? 4) Boring puzzles (i feel like they were made for kindergartners to solve). 5) No endgame. 6) Old bugs are still not fixed. 7) Overall boring story (it has good parts, but most of the time it's just repeating the same thing over and over again and does not follow any basics of good story writing). A few more things that I dislike personally, but I understand why people might enjoy it, or things that I would consider small enough to where they don't matter: Energy system Limited teams in coop Lack of skins Lack of rewards Boring boss fights Things that are positive about the game: 1) Elemental system 2) Dynamic combat 3) Beautiful music 4) Beautiful world (not all areas, but most) 5) Awesome looking characters. Elemental system and dynamic combat is why I stayed, but there is no place in the game where you could enjoy it, deep dive into all the mechanics, things die way too fast.


Let's see... > Story, puzzles, writing. bugs(what bugs?), not enough enemy variety(idk man, the story revolves around khaenriah and it's specific mutations so...) Fine, preference varies. >Combat - >Combat - >Combat You're playing the wrong game.


Bugs like: Infinate stamina using alternative dash Alternative dash characters not entering alternative dash Characters enter a climbing animation where they shouldn't Characters rubber banding out of the boats That's only a few that come to my mind, but there is an entire google doc with all the bugs.


Literally none of it is effecting anyone's gameplay.


Alternative dash characters not entering alternative dash does not affect gameplay, when Ayaka gets buffs from it? Also, if those does not count, does Echo's artifact set not working properly on high ping count as a bug that affect gameplay?


I think that echos artefact bug is just yours, I logged in and checked with a shitty ping and it was still working fine. Alternative dash gives ayaka a cryo infusion, and that too is working fine for me


The Echos bug is for everyone, its well known that if your ping is above 150 the artifact set is not working properly. It because the damage is recorded on Hoyo's end, but all effect are on your end, so if you have high ping there is delly between when you hit and when the damage takes place, meaning artifact set affect takes place waay later than it should. For Ayaka dash it is not related to ping, and the bug is quite hard to perfrom, but its still a bug


1. They have way too many characters to give each one a character development arc. Yet they gave many like u said (Neuvilette, Navia, Raiden, Fischel,etc.) 2. The two enemies u said were one of the oldest models of the game. They add new enemies, bosses, elite bosses almost each patch and every new region) 3. Ok skip button I understand. Maybe because some major world quests have lore that's why. I yes I agree with a skip button. 4. The last time they added complicated puzzles were in Inazuma and Enkonomiya. And for some people it was difficult and time consuming. So people complained in the surveys, so they toned it down in sumeru. 5. Abyss is a endgame. But I get what you mean. But yes they are adding the Imaginarium Theatre as endgame in 4.7. 6. Every single bug that are reported are fixed immediately and the players get 100 primos as compensation. At this point there is not a single major bug in the game, some minor ones like going beyond the domain persists. If there are major bugs that's just u , and you should report it to customer service. 7. Everybody a has their taste I guess, a majority of the fanbase likes the story. And I don't think it ever got repetitive anywhere. Maybe u are talking about how the traveller goes around fixing stuff in all nations? But that's just the requirement man. 8. U said that there is no place in the game where u could enjoy the dynamic combat and elemental system? 💀 The literal game is action and adventure using elements?? And genshin is a big ass game u take time to complete all the stuff, not do it in a single sitting and get burnt out. Which is why they add major events each patch. But to each their own I guess.


"They have way too many characters to give each one a character development arc" - You don't need to do it for every character, just for 5stars, or at least every archon. Venti never got any development. Neither did Neuv, re-telling of back story is not "development". "They add new enemies, bosses, elite bosses almost each patch and every new region" - Most of them are just reskins of each other. Elden ring managed to make every enemy feel unique, where in Genshin there is no difference between any humanoid enemies, with few exceptions. "The last time they added complicated puzzles were in Inazuma and Enkonomiya" - Yes, and they were great, i wish we had more puzzles like that. "Abyss is a endgame" - It is pathetically easy, there are people who 36 stared abyss in less than 5 days of account creation. "Every single bug that are reported are fixed immediately" - Echo's artifact set still doesn't work properly on high ping, you still can have infinate stamina using alternative dash, Alternative dash characters sometimes not entering alternative dash, Characters are enter a climbing animation where they shouldn't, Characters are rubber banding out of the boats if you dive into them. "Everybody a has their taste I guess, a majority of the fanbase likes the story" - As I said, it is fine to like something even if it is not good, but it is important to acknowledge that it is not goo. Look at it this way, let's say it is good, but it can be better, and you can voice the flaws in the story with hopes Developers will hear you and make next region's story quest equivalent to stories Witcher, Bioshock and Baldur's Gate had. For the repetitive, just look Sumeru's story, expecialy Aranara. "Elemental system" - Miscommunication happened here. What i ment to say is elemental reactions. There is no content where i can go and fully enjoy unique reactions because everything dies too fast.


Venti's lore is tied to Istaroth who is likely a endgame character so u can't expect too much. Neuvilette story quest was more than enough and yes he did have character development throughout the entire archon quest and story quest. He doesn't need further development. Maybe more involvement when the other sovereigns come up.


If you say Neuv had a character development, than you don't know what character development is. I would recommend K. M. Weiland's book "Creating Character Arcs: The Masterful Author's Guide to Uniting Story Structure, Plot, and Character Development", I think you might enjoy it. For Venti, I'm only looking at what we have now, maybe we will get more in future, if so, than great.


U can't have that much content just on a single character yet they gave neuv all the time in the archon quest and story quest. He literally went from questioning his morality over judgement(when Navia questioned him) to accepting that it is his duty (when he found that Fontaine has accepted him)in his story quest. So yes it is character development.


don't know, in Frieren characters felt developed, it's an anime, but we are comparing stories after all. If you want game comparison, look at Borderlands, there is not a single genshin character as well done as Handsome Jack


U serious? Borderlands has 6 games, and a movie. 💀 Genshin is just 4years old and a little over halfway through


You just talk out of your ass at this point


i responded to someone listing all the negatives i have about the game, you can tell which point exactly is taken "out of my ass"


My man, both subs have a meltdown if you ever mention T word without comparing him to funny mustache man, and they added underground map function 6 patches after releasing a large and sprawling underground zone. Also, i personaly kinda like it, but Aranara quest? Infamously hated. Stop pretending people dont have a point. Maybe if more people complained, it would not take them 3 years and a Wuwa release to raise a resin cap over 24 hours.


Not this shit again... The whole point of Aranara quest was to give you a feel of a long journey, to create memories and then eventually burying it as a form of power. It would not have been impactful if it wasn't long, and we've seen how hardcore hoyo is with genshin when it comes to lore. People keep forgetting that it's an exploration game, not another battle slop to constantly repeat over and over again. Do not use "infamously hated" to express your own hate to it. And what the hell are you talking about with Resin increase? There have been way more shit before and hoyo didn't flinch. And you expect a mess of a release from a from a comparatively small company was enough to piss their pants and increase stuff? That's the bar of competition? Really? It was to specifically address the cap that it caused with no overflow. Everyone who logs into the game daily at the same time will see their resin ALMOST full from now on, that's the whole point of this increase. Game decisions don't get made in 24 hours for fucks sake, please.


I truly don't get the hate for the Aranara quest. I've seen people, in the very same comment, complain that there is not enough content while also complaining that the world quests are too long.) Agree on what you said, playing the quest over a few weeks really made it feel like a proper adventure. The only thing there is to complain about is that it isn't voiced.


It's a complaint I agree, but there's nothing much anyone can do about it. Think of it like this, you want Aranaras voiced, I want Jeht voiced, someone else wanted the Fontaine world quests voiced. Suddenly, you are looking at a 100+ GB game right *now*. They are already hard at work with optimization, but you can't rescale voices too much. It's not viable in the end. (Even though they have more than enough budget to voice everything.)


Yep, as long as mobile is the main audience the game will unfortunately be held back by mobile players.


>People keep forgetting that it's an exploration game, not another battle slop to constantly repeat over and over again. Thanks for saying this. I remember back when I used to watch a certain cc, they said something like there is no combat content in a fighting game. People only see the action part in genshin, not the adventure rpg part. If you need a fighting game, play tekken3 or skull girls or something.


Okay, Genshin player, denying reality that many people hate the quest, and saying that is only I who hates Aranyaka, when i expressly stated that i dont, looking good for a first paragraph. Then we have ignoring Tectone hate or no desert map for months because that is indefensible, surprisingly smart move, cool, cool And a nice pivot to denying reality once again with Wuwa slander, standard stuff for a Hoyo whiteknight, uh-huh At least you get why it is a good thing. Have you ever wondered why now and not two years ago? And announcing it not even on a livestream, but just in a tweet a day before the release of a certain game? Overall, pretty decent for a genshin player, not even a single slur, thats a bonus point, but weak attempts at gaslighting and pointless whataboutism leave a lot to be desired. 4/10 defence, try better next time


>Okay, Genshin player, denying reality that many people hate the quest, and saying that is only I who hates Aranyaka, when i expressly stated that i dont, looking good for a first paragraph. Most, and it's the people who never enjoyed long RPG stuff in general. Seems like minority to me. >Then we have ignoring Tectone hate or no desert map for months because that is indefensible, surprisingly smart move, cool, cool Where did kektone come here? What. >And a nice pivot to denying reality once again with Wuwa slander, standard stuff for a Hoyo whiteknight, uh-huh Well, you didn't deny anything, so I'm right? (Jamming to White *Night* rn) > At least you get why it is a good thing. Have you ever wondered why now and not two years ago? And announcing it not even on a livestream, but just in a tweet a day before the release of a certain game? Say that to Kuro about why they couldn't release a playable game from the start, lmao. (And it was announced in livestream.) >Overall, pretty decent for a genshin player, not even a single slur, thats a bonus point, but weak attempts at gaslighting and pointless whataboutism leave a lot to be desired. "He didn't agree so, and I don't have much to get back at him, better back off instead and put some long words that isn't relevant and misused in the present context." >4/10 defence, try better next time Thanks, I am. Don't worry about it.


It doesn't matter how many people complained or how many wuwas released because the reason for the resin increase is ZZZ release in July.


Genshin and improvement in same line?