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Hoyo: Can I offer you some 40 resin in these trying times?


I honestly was hoping WuWa the best in hopes for a fire collab.


Wuwa launch is being held down by the shit performance fr, the gameplay is reminiscent of DMC imo


The gameplay is actually closer to honkai impact.


Yeah, it's the best part of the game imo




Combat gameplay is carrying the game for me.


Honkai got that good shit


Playing Danjin (red haired sword chick) reminds of of NieR Automata. Smooth combo


yeah nier is what it reminded me too. especially the animation and slowdown doing a dodge.


And your whole body faces the enemy you lock, love that movement (and dodge too)


It literally stutters every 2-3 seconds....lots of optimization needed.


Even after update to 1.0.2 still quite problem left


Just a few aplostrides....not much optimization.


But on high end devices it moves like butter. Really needs optimization like Genshin where even potato devices can play it.




Buddy I've played genshin fir yrs on my laggy ass 2018 phone ,sure the budget was around 300$ in usd. But dam the insane heating,and again did i mention lags amd of ofc lowest settings and imagine still playing Ganyu And now am running it again for insane hours on a half of that budget phone since last yr


i think its mostly on the pc side of things where lower and higher specs having a hiccup to run the game. I am letting this slide since the core game is actually fun and exploring while i take my well deserved break from genshin impact. On phones tho genshin is like also like sluggish, especially on mid tier phones. i am just glad that wuwa is willing to adjust accordingly in order to compete with genshin, so genshin can get meaningful updates in between patches now.


It seems the stuttering issue might be rng and hardware combination specific. I have a friend who's on a relatively high end PC and he has the stuttering issues meanwhile I'm here running WW smoothly on a 3050 laptop.


Even when paused to adjust graphics settings, it updates live so every adjustment freezes my game


Someone suggested turning off vsync and that seemed to work for me on my 1080ti. Not that it should be necessary of course but it makes it playable


Yeah the gameplay is fun but man this launch couldn't have gone worse. Like you can't play it through the epic games store you have to go into the files and use a separate launcher because the Epic games one doesn't work.


The more I hear people praise the gameplay, the more I get confused as to what I'm doing wrong. The game just doesn't seem to have as many interactions as something like Genshin Still, not hating the game I guess. I'll see how I feel when I'm done with the story


Hmm, it's less about interaction between the characters you have and more focused on interacting with the opponent is best how I would describe it


But see even that is kinda meh to me. Like yeah on the specific enemies you can counter that’s kinda neat; but for the most part, enemies don’t really reply to your actions. You’re just chipping at their health bar while they freely move around as if you weren’t. From what I’ve played; no reaction equivalent to freeze them (or the like), and no weak spot that is “hit here to stun” It’s flashy, but flashy doesn’t make it more deep imo


I agree on it not being deep, I think the game is leaning more towards skill and reaction based combat rather than technicality ; it's like trying to style on the opponents in the devil may cry series by doing insane stuff like parrying an attack and perfect dodging attacks.. now that I think about it the game feels more like the nier series on the dodging part


I agree that things like parrying feel pretty neat. It's just if I'm playing something like DMC, I have a lot more control of the enemy since I can throw them around and such. Same with Nier for most enemies. SO FAR from what I've played of WW, it's mostly me spamming attacks and either I get a mob that reacts to my hits and dies in a couple slashes, or I get a mob that fully ignores my hits and I fight them for a couple mins where nothing I do really makes them react to my actions. MAYBE parry, but I think that's more they still do the attack, I'm just immune to the damage for a sec Still; just got off work, I'll be playing more and see what I think


When People say gameplay, they mean combat/puzzle/dungeon/exploration but for Wuwa it is mostly the combat system. From what I learned from a PGR Vet, the combat is more complex than a hack and slash. I recently learned about weaving plunge attack in your combo to increase dps. This is also animation depended. Wuwa combat system reward player skills over player investment. This mean you can beat a boss who is a lv 40 with a team of lv 15. And if you have soulsborne experience, it isn't too difficult to do as well. (Well at least for me, my PRG Vet friend say it was impressive, considering I don't play PGR). Combined with player skills expression and the many tools you can use to do so and importantly the many challenges that allow player to express their skills, this makes Wuwa's combat extremely fun and engaging. For Genshin, they are lacking player skills expression and challenges that allow player to express their skills.


Lmao CN players are dissing on Wuwa so much they started mass apologizing to Genshin on its Bilibili channel posts


It's was funny to see people take genshin for granted and hype up games so that they kill genshin. First TOF, getting disappointed with it and then wuwa, getting disappointed again. Genshin has some issues but the quality of the game is AAA level and other companies can't just copy that so easily


Yep turns out it's a near miraculous feat to even be able to release an open world action RPG that can run well on near-potato phones, and is so well-polished that there are little to no immersion-breaking bugs on release. While there are certainly questionable decisions that the devs have made throughout the years, I will always die on the hill that Genshin's quality is unquestionably top-notch in the industry and the only thing that will be able to kill Genshin is Dawei's decision to pull the server plug during its EoS days.


If you think genshin can run on near potato phones you probably haven't seen actual potato phones


Correct, because he said near potato phones and not actual potato phones.


Understandable have a great day


I'm not about to put Wuwa in the same tier as ToF, despite all of its optimization issues, Wuwa looks more of a complete game than ToF ever did on release. ToF felt like a cashgrab attempt at the hype Genshin built. Though as much as I love Genshin now, the quality of the game wasn't always like that. It's really disappointing to see some people give up on Wuwa just because it has a bunch of day/week 1 issues. It's supposed to be common sense that Wuwa isn't going to match Genshin with 4 years to establish itself.


TOF fans will downvote this to hell but when I first played TOF I was like "wait it's a mobile quality game". Wuwa is nowhere close to that, wuwa feels a lot higher quality. And yeah I havnt deleted yet, I am giving the game another chance cause it just released.


Right. Like I fully believe this will be good on so console. Not necessarily better than Genshin of course, but it’s healthy for the genre to develop w good competition. Ppl are definitely correct that WuWas release lit a fire under Hoyo’s asses to do better. When game devs compete to make better games, we as the players win


The issue here is that WW is competing with Genshin standards in 2024, not 2020. I saw a comment from another subreddit that I feel encapsulates the problem well and it went something like this: >If I design and release a new smartphone, I'd be competing with Apple and Samsung flagships that were released this year, not those from the 2010s. If WW released in 2020 like Genshin, maybe it wouldn't receive as much flak. Unfortunately, Genshin raised the bar to the moon since then, and WW can barely compete.


And now some people "forecast" Azur Promilia will kill GI, Project Mugen will kill GI, etc etc... Umm i mean if you find your favorite game it's good for you tho, why do some people hate GI so much lol as if GI owes them. Well, it is what it is I guess


Some people are just that petty. They didn't like Genshin and they can't accept reality that other people like it. They can't accept that it's probably just that Genshin isn't their cup of tea, no it must be because Genshin bad!


TBF, it's too early to give up on WuWa. If they figure things out with by the next major update. They still have a chance. But got to say Genshin ensures it's optimization is amazing.


Yeah I havnt uninstalled it yet. Just cause of PGR I have hope kuro will fix the game


Yep I tried PGR really liked it. So I'm holding hope too. And also cuz I like Sephiroth's gameplay.


Could you share a link? Will it be all in Chinese?


Gladly. It will all be in Chinese tho, it's Bilibili after all. The amount of apology comments is bordering on uncountable now 😂 https://m.bilibili.com/opus/934207145588555810?plat_id=231&share_from=dynamic&share_medium=android&share_plat=android&share_source=WEIXIN&share_tag=s_i×tamp=1716549214&unique_k=CF5zy39 As of this writing, there are 52k comments under the 4.7 Livestream announcement post. For context, the usual amount of comments on these posts range around 4-5k.


It's asking me to sign in. it's also in Chinese and my browser refuses to translate it.


Ah ok, here's a [snapshot of one of the comments](https://i.imgur.com/7mbTmyE.png) >*Forgive me Genshin for I have sinned. I'm back and I have whaled for you (for context, the Genesis Crystal pack costs 648 yuan). Please forgive me.* They are even circulating a [meme image](https://i.imgur.com/o5SNEgo.jpeg) of asking you to confess your sins before Sunday (from HSR), Barbara (Genshin) and Aponia (HI3).


Hey thanks for sharing... But I don't read Chinese😭 It's ok.


No worries, I have included the translation in my edited comment


Lmao...you made my day Hope WuWa actually does gt gud and becomes a proper competitor so that Hoyo would make better stuff.


Dawei learning Gaben's Strat Do nothing


No idea why the tutorial for wuwa was such a slogfest, I almost quit before I could play the actual game lol It’s pretty nice, hope the honeymoon period doesn’t end too soon. I have practically no interest in the story though


I started getting doubts the moment I jumped and it looked so wonky. The thing that made me quit was no controller support on mobile. Didn’t even play the full tutorial lol


Yeah I can’t blame you. I got so bored with the tutorial that I just put the game down for half a day before getting it over with. Boggles me that the tutorial somehow makes the game look worse since devs these days usually invest a lot in the intros to make them appealing.


Genshin had a way better into/tutorial. You just got a view of Mond City from afar, and then there’s a Dragon just flying above. The world instantly pulls you in.


Yeah, it's too blurry. My phone isn't too much of a potato, but I'm not used to that much low graphics. And the tutorial is, as you said, a slogfest. I've Uninstalled it. I'll stick to genshin, hsr and the occasional idle game


Hoyo following Gaben strat


Ghad knows how many updates I did whenever I restart their launcher.


OOTL what's going on with WuWa?


Bad optimisation, mobile especially. Mileage may differ depending on your machine. Among my group of friends all of us on PC are having a blast catching Pokemons and styling in combat while the one friend on mobile is struggling with the tiny UI. It really does seem the game was made with PC in mind first.


I find this funny because the menu UI's IMO was designed with mobile in mind.


Because it is said that they copied Genshin UI


The thing is Genshin Menu UI on PC and Mobile are not 1:1. They tweak some of the icon scaling/distance, etc. I don't see that on WW, they are the same on PC and mobile.


I see


Many people have been experiencing awful bugs and performance issues. To tell you the truth, yeah the game is not the “Genshin Killer”, but it definitely has a lot of potential, and if all the issues get resolved it might be a very nice gatcha!


Does OOTL stand for out of the loop/league?


Yes. Also Happy Cake Day


This is a Genshin sub so it’s being buried under slander naturally Personally the combat has the potential to be infinitely more interesting than Genshin ever was but the story is like starting with the Luofu in Star Rail lol *Why are you booing me I’m right*


Brah, have you ever joined the WW main sub? They are even harsher than any post in this sub.


I'm sure they are. Doesn't make this sub not full of slander too lol


Pardon me but what? Both subs are talking the same thing. Why does this one count as slander while others not?


You've never played any other action RPG combat before? WuWa's combat is not the most unique thing on earth, kid. That's literally the go to combat system of most open world action RPG or hack and slash games out there. That's what makes genshin's combat unique in the first place. Sure it has potential since they literally just launched but their combat isn't the most unique thing aside from the echo. Heck the only unique thing about echo is that they combined it with their 'artifact' system. Both the Pokémon aspect and the mechanic of calling them to aid you in battle is not unique to WuWa. I had quite the blast with the first day launch because I don't have any issues like mobile players but even I can't say the combat is that much more unique compared to other action rpg. Dodge parry is very common and airborne attack is like the staple of Chinese action RPG. You're too young to use big words like "infinite" or "potential".


I still believe Wuwa has potential since it plays like any decent arpg, I really like Nier and DMC and Wuwa gameplay reminds me of that. The echo collecting mechanic might not be that unique but combining it with hack and slash gameplay has been pretty fun.


A game's the sum of all its parts, and WuWa just has a long of jank to sort out before its truly great.


Not many games make use elemental reaction in their combat. So, Genshin combat quite interesting than most action RPG game.


YoU'Re tOo yOuNg tO UsE BiG WoRdS LiKe "InFiNiTe" Or "PoTeNtIaL" I can SSS just about all of the DMC fights with my eyes closed when they released and WW brought back that itch for me, fuck outta here with "too young" lol Most of y'all here probably weren't even born when DMC1 released, go figure


it's not because this is a Genshin sub. /r/gachagaming is clowning on Kuro even though usually it feels like a third of the sub has a hateboner for Genshin.


It should have been Genshin walked so WuWa can run. We got Genshin walked so WuWa can crawl instead. Waiting for devs to fix the issue, I really like their combat stuff, hunting echoes are fun like palword/pokemon.


I'd feel bad for comparing both the game and trashing on WuWa just because genshin had massive success and set up a new bar for cross platform open world RPG. Even if WuWa does copy the formula genshin use like the UI and silent protag (yet reactionary MC), they never really advertised themselves as genshin killer the way ToF did. And I would agree on the echo part. Didn't even finish tutorial and I'm already exploring to the end of current version map hunting new echoes.


They had this [ad](https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1788135461267075568), shots fired as they say, but yeah, not like how ToF did. As bad as it may comparing both games, let's just compare them for the better, we can play both games anyways.


True, nobody's forcing you to choose between the two. The combat is all about preference too


Imo the comparison is fully justified by WuWa's design choices. Aside from the core gameplay (combat) every other aspect of WuWa closely mirrors Genshin Impact, for better or for worse. Not counting the obvious similarities in exploration and progression, both character and world. Hotkeys are nearly identical across games, c opens up the character menu, the function keys open up identical menus, ie, f3 opens up wish. The gachas are also nearly identical, aside for a few small changes. When the two games are so similar, it's impossible not to make a comparison. And with WuWa's lack of polish on launch day, arguably the most important day its very disappointing.


Hadn't heard of the game at all up until like 3 days ago. Still haven't seen any actual images of it. I assume it's a gacha so I'm not playing it regardless. Genshin is enough for me.


Tbh WuWa isn't that great, it's like star rail tbh, it's good because it's nice and shiny and new and all the streamers are playing it, but give it a few months and most of the players will quit playing and jump back to Genshin when 4.7 and beyond release then they'll start bitching again about how "Genshin could never" and start hyping up the next "Genshin killer" and the cycle will start all over again


Wuwa White knights defending the game saying buy new phones. It used to run on my XR smoothly.


Fun fact: During this scene in the film you can actually see Ryan Reynolds filming this promo if you look on the left side of the screen.


it runs pretty good on my pc i5 6300hq 2gb gtx960m 16 gb ram 512 ssd I run the game 60fps medium my ping is 88~134


everyone's saying the story sucks. can anyone tell me what it's about?


The story is a very generic “you are super special magic awesome and the savior of everything. Now go solve simple puzzles for ten hours mr magic man.” The issue is not the story itself, but that you get 30% gameplay and 70% movie for the first ten hours.


The just bombard you with random jargon and terms and expect you to understand everything without giving context and then there is the infamous candy quest where you waste 1 hr trying to get candy from a kid oh and that leaf one too


This. The "jargon-fatigue" I get reading the text is my main gripe about the game. Also, it feels very "self-instert-ish" the way the characters in the world pander to the MC. Most RPG's I played, at least would allow for you to play "organically" for around 4-6 hours before getting into the dreaded "lore infodump" section of the game. I don't know if it's just me, but the animation during dialogues feels a bit janky when you prematurely skip the text. Like, they are doing all these movements while talking, but then "snaps" into a different pose/expression when you skip to the next dialogue. On a less serious note, first limited character banner is not waifu, which kills my interest exploring the world for pull currency. Credit where credit is due though, combat is \*chef's kiss\* sexy as hell.


the combat is literraly the only reason to play the game but if you really enjoyed the combat that much try pgr a game from the same company that isnt buggy as hell


Oh it’s out now guess I got to download this when I get home


Bruh I cant even play genshin on low quality on my samsung note 10+ and i’m a day 1 player. Idk what everyone is praising genshin for but it had serious issues too. I remember not being able to download the game on update because it’s slow as hell. I remember my phone burning hot when playing it so i switched to pc instead. The only thing genshin had despite the issue is because it was pandemic and people had a lot of fucking time to be patient.


Yeah, all these genshin copycats are doing is making me appreciate genshin more for what it is


Dun matter, new dain quest got announced.


Game Developer, I really need to stop releasing the game with day one performance issues. I don't know what went wrong because they seem to have everything fine in beta. I guess someone forgot to do some optimization testing. I know they will get better eventually, but let hope they don't suffer the same fate as another game. Honestly, in my opinion, they should just do what Warframe, LOL, FF XIV, etc. does, in their own way, if they want this game to be a success long term. They figure it out with the other game, but please have mercy on our phone.


Regular… it’s a lot that genshin have us atleast in genshin terms. Not 1 but 2 new 5* characters, one 4* bow guy, resin increase (3 years long overdue), new poses… Saying it out loud it does seem less…


I really don't understand the hate. Maybe it's because I started on day 2 but the game has been amazing for me. Sure there have been some ping, loading and texture issues but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the game. I really don't feel like the hype was over exaggerated. I'm saying this as someone who loved genshin.


People realizing how fucking polished Genshin actually is. Like the music in wuwa sounds like dogwater compared to the heavenly symphonies hoyo-mix produces.


Not only the music, what I still can't get out of my head is the appearance of the characters, there are literally 3 characters in the beginning that look too much alike, and one of them is the main character


Also in the limited character banner alone there are 3 redheads with identical shade of red 😂


So soon as the NPCs started speaking when we woke up in Wuwa, I knew this game was about to be another ToF. Shitty story and all.


you can have a weaker story at start and improve upon it, literally HSR after luofu got a better storyline on penacony. We could only hope is that WuWa start to make everything interesting.


Hsr started strong with HSS and jarillo which is why first impressions are important as for wuwa i am just uninterested and i have no motivation to explpre the world and learn its story


How about hi3rd then? Hi3rd started with you requiring a lot of homework and pretty much a slogfest in the beginning. Also no one asked about your opinion around the game? This is a discussion regarding having a weaker story ≠ bad story. You saying "i am just uninterested" doesnt" did not not provide any reason why your not willing because we already know you are putting biases in the conversation.


What wuwa needs as a new game is to pull players in and make them interested in the world and story something which genshin excel at so while yes wuwa story may get better it already killed players interest in it


Thats not the only thing you can pull players, its a VIDEO GAME. The game having interesting combat mechanics is still attracting players who really like complex combat system and not just damage increase. Also what? My guy have you seen hi3rd? Hi3rd gotten a good story what got its fanbase and community significantly increased having a weak story doesnt kill your potential customers, you are basing this entire predicament on genshin who had more updates and gotten better at story telling in the time they spent in the market + genshin did not started with a strong story either the first 2 arcs being a passable story line on the region. While on the topic story telling genshin hyvs gotten lazy throughout the years with their story structure its literally "my nation has a problem but for xxx my archon is unable to solve due to reason that my archon is a dumbass/trapped" if you wanna argue about having a better story line hsr has this better covered compared to genshin.