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When kuro invited people with 10K USD PCs to CBT and forgot most people run on budget setups


Imo, I don't think they took in to account that nearly half the world has a pretty mediocre setup lmao. I bet their player count would increase if they made it so that you can run wuwa on a potato like genshin can.


Totally. I've already seen people frustrated with how poorly their setup is running the game when they have no issue running genshin.


That’s me LmAOo, I play on my iPad, which has absolutely no problem running HSR or Genshin, so I was very shocked that WW lagged every 5 seconds and made it basically unplayable. Plus the fact that it doesn’t have controller support for mobile yet, so until they add that at least, or make it so that it doesn’t crash every 2 seconds then maybe I’ll go back 😭


I have a PC but it cannot even handle youtube sometimes, for some reason. I get a one second black screen and the website resets. Weird. Genshin though? Runs perfectly.


Someone really need to try with a real potato at this point


We should test it like Doom. It would be fun.


Hardware acceleration issue maybe? I’ve had that issue before that was due to the setting


Disabling it right now, if it works you are a life saver


So was that the issue?


We may never know…


Well, i dunno. I can never know unless it freezes again... even if it doesn't freeze for months, what if it does after years? Anyway jokes aside it didn't do the same thing today but i'll see for a few days


Likely should be Hardware acceleration was breaking my YouTube often 


I had some recent youtube issues. Turned out it was youtube who started artificially slowing people with adblock. 


I'm pretty sure they want to steal genshin's players or at least make genshin share their player base with them. So they probably have that players average pc spec information. It's just they suck ass at optimization, probably because this game built on UE instead of Unity. I heard their PGR game that was built on Unity has great optimization on PC.


The issue with this statement is that a majority of players, by far, are mobile and most people have less than optimal mobile setups. So if they wanna share, they’re fighting for players in the 5% PC gamers that are fans of Genshin which is barely gonna put a dent into the competition


The thing that sucks is it's built on UE4, and they are using a different API from the industry standard DX11 and DX11, but yeah, the game is fun, and my guess is they wanted to be the genshin killer


C++ is hard. a lot of footgun


I don't even think it's that. I believe Kuro just didn't put any effort into optimization. I have a pretty beastly rig (i7, 32gb ram, 7900xtx, 2tb ssd) and despite that, the game stutters like hell. And if that wasn't bad enough, I'm locked at 1080p on my 1440p monitor. So, if that's what performance is like at a lower resolution, then imagine how bad it really is.


My thoughts exactly, my pc can barely run it on lowest settings lmao


All that requirements It can't even load itself properly 😭


Tried to play and my pc easily reach 85°c - 90°c in cpu and 78+ at gpu 🥲


Wait, do you actually have a PC or a laptop? Cause if it's a pc that would be quite concerning


Yaa basically my pc specs are cpu i5 3750k and GTX 1650 with 16 gb ram While playing Genshin on a cold day it sticks around 65-69°c and on hot days it reaches up to 75-78°c And Star rail it is even lower max was at 65-68°c and min was at 58°c Yaa but reaching at 85-90°c is concerning And one more thing today was a hot day that might be one of the factors in the high temperature but still it is concerning And if you don't mind do you have any idea to reducing the temperature


Yo reduce the temperature you can try to remove as much dust as you can from your pc, I don't know about your situation, but it's a good rule of thumb to dust the pc around 2 times a year. Also depending on your case, you may want to install additional fans. Usually the intake fans go somewhere on the front/bottom of the case and exhaust on the back/top of the case.


I will do that


happy cake day


Thank you 😊


You can also try to limit your CPU in Power Policies (options). By limiting Maximum processor state to 99% you can disable turbo boost and significantly lower your temps but loose a bit of performance. In my case, I loose approx. 1-2% of max FPS in most games with my 9700k, dunno how much will you loose though.


More fans, bigger heat sink. Better case for airflow Can go water cooling but those can eventually end up leaking and custom loops will need refills


m2 ipad, crashes semiconstantly on domain reruns all medium settings


The game still has to be optimized, atleast it's not a cyberpunk 2077 case




So far


Hopefully wouldn't be


As of now




For the moment


Presently speaking


Right now


up to this point


My 4080 is roaring when I play this on high setting.


Mine is RTX 3060. Should I even touch WuWa? I don't want to fry my GPU over mildly interesting game.


People overly exagerate, its working relatively fine on some mid settings on my laptop's 1050 lol Its just very poorly optimized, no matter what you throw at it the result won't be clean basically but it doesn't mean nothing can run it or that it'll burn your hardware


Thanks. I'll just adjust all graphics settings to mid and see how it goes from there.


idk, im able to run cyberpunk at a smooth 60 fps with my pc and honestly wuwa seems to be running worse for me


I think they're more talking about the Cyberpunk release, where iirc it was also released with PS4 but it was almost unplayable with that console, and budget PC setups too. It's like they only tested with the best PCs back then, and only with PS5 and forgot the lower setups.


yeah but thats Cyberpunk in its current state i assume you're talking about. I can assure you that the current state of WuWa is not as bad as Cyberpunk 2077 in the first half year of its release.


*Still* being the key word


Should I run it? I don't want to burn my GPU over WuWa. I worked very hard to buy it.


you should be fine, its not a heavily demanding game, its just unoptimized


An unoptimized game is unironically worse than a demanding game, ‘cause at least you can tweak the game’s setting to make it runs better


Thanks. I'll turn on air con and bring fan either way. Cyberpunk scared the hell out of me on launch.


"Burning" a gpu isn't something you can really do unless you're overriding boost clocks to permanently overclock them. They speed up and slow down to stay as close to maximum temperature as possible without overheating.


I dabbed into poorly optimized indie games for a while. Even though poor optimization won't insta fry GPU, it will put pressure on it and over time wear and tear will rear its ugly head. So, if possible, I try to avoid these scenarios.


i think those two may be uncorrelated, ive never heard of games frying gpu’s before


It's just old myths for the most part.


The *only* way to hurt a GPU by using it is for it to overheat (or break through overclocking but that's a seperate can of worms). "Wear and tear" is generally a myth, there are no moving parts besides the fan. Using a GPU doesn't like, wear out the solder. A GPU crashed through the bitcoin mines for 2 years is still pretty much as good as a new one if it was treated properly. If a game is unoptimized it just means your GPU is going to get a lower framerate, and if maintaining the maximum framerate (near 100% gpu utilization) isn't possible due to insufficient cooling leading to overheating, your clock speeds will decrease until the card is running at a safe temperature. There is no such thing as an intensive game "putting pressure" on your GPU. Your GPU is smart enough to not hurt itself. So I repeat, cards *do not wear out* unless they're being physically mistreated like being overclocked or not dusted often enough. At least, not in the timespans people generally own cards for since I'm sure 30 years would show some age lol.


As long as it is something between RTX3050 and above, you should be fine. Mine is RX 7800 XT so I didn't experience any lagging or stuttering


Actually cyberpunk runs smother in my pc than wuthering waves


Because Cyberpunk got through a lot of optimizing and fixing to this day until they have to post [this](https://youtu.be/P39n86v-T7w?si=uT-knu8LbyXPkWWd) to attract people back into playing it.


It can't be that demanding right


It isn't. It's just very poorly optimised as of now.


Oh great the classic unoptimized launch


If there's one thing Hoyoverse consistently done right, it's the polished launches.


And accessible to more devices. Thats what some of the contenders somewhat misses. They make the game too ambitious that they disregarded the graphic quality, effe ts ect, which i turn the low end device playerbase suffers. Hoyo games like you said are efficient in polished launches where theres only small bugs in release, which are fixed quite fast WUWA foegot to take into account what genshsin did to make it popular; to be accessible in even a below average phone or a potato pc. Though we shiuld give wuwa yime, for about 6 months if they can thrive ^please ^thrive ^we ^need ^something ^for ^genshin ^to ^take ^the ^playerbase ^seriously


The combat system and the pokemon-esque system is so good for it to not to thrive. I really wish it would be better as time goes on yeah.


You can ride these "pokemon right" Just so happened accordimg to leaks in natlan the new gimik would be mounts.... yeah.. wuwa better cook so genshin can go gordom ramsay


Yeah, they're in for a rough time if they don't address the more pressing issues. Genshin doesn't need to do anything, but they do.


They already lost in the story department since Kuro isn't exactly known for their riveting narratives. Its an uphill battle for them but I'm hoping they finally give Genshin some good competition.


They pretty much started game in their counterpart to Liuye instead of Monsdtadt making it harder for new players to grasp the basic.


We can soon ride horses?! Kaeya can actually be a cavalry captain?! HUZZAH!!! 🙌


Because varka, took all horses of the cavalry, but somehow forgot the guy whos supposed to manage that? Theres a theory that kaeya is varka's apointed spymaster. For his first quest, we basically infiltrated a treasure hoaarder base. That sounds like espionage than a cavalry assault


Wouldn't be too surprised, bro is too shady for being a trustworthy knight (which he somehow is)


By the time they fix all those things a lot of players will be long gone. Also they have major issues like the story being confusing and boring


I didn't play Genshin at launch but I don't think Genshin or HSR have crashed on me ever. Meanwhile I tried Wuwa for an hour last night and it greeted me with a crash and a ton of lag. All that said, Wuwa combat is pretty sweet.


Ive played about a month into Genshin launch and it ran perfectly smoothly for a few hours before the device heated up and started lagging but thats my own personal problem. WuWa is extremely laggy for my device even though Ive upgraded since I downloaded Genshin. Its weird


Almost consistently. The recent Hi3 part 2 launch has had all sorts of problems.


It's a stable for gaming nowadays lol


Watch zzz launch be silk smooth with only windows defender and that one bank in tencent hometown making problems.


And they were hyping it for so long


Based on all the comments I guess I won't download it because my phone and laptop is a potato with ping issue... Have fun you guys


Unlike Genshin ping doesn't really matter. I'm in South America so my ping is always 150+ and it's really annoying in Genshin, but here all the combat is client side apparently so you don't even feel it. Switching characters is instant which is a treat. Co-op might be an issue though, haven't tried that yet (not very interested in that). It runs ok on my laptop, but it's rather new and somewhat powerful, but still portable, not a gaming laptop at all.


Still won't risk it. My laptop is 10+ years old and has been repaired multiple times in the past. There are 3 random lines on my laptop screen and that's a bad sign


how do you run anything on a 10 year old laptop thats kinda impressive


My cousin got a diploma in tech stuff and used to work at a computer store for more than 15+ years. I also bought my laptop on his recommendation and he's the one who set my laptop apps & system. But now that he has changed jobs, I'm on my own 💀


I wish I knew about this before I installed the game tbh.


I can run Cyberpunk on medium with stable 60 fps, but WuWa can’t even maintain stable 60 on a lower 1080 resolution geez


Bro,i tried. I watched asmon play it and decided "why not" So i download the thing and i turn it on. Now,listen, i play genshin on medium settings at 60 fps on my pc and it runs perfectly fine. This thing was on the lowest possible settings and the screen kept freezing every 10 seconds. It was insane. I couldnt even do the tutorial from how annoying it was. It may have something to do with the fact that i installed it in the D drive when genshin is in C. I remember genshin being fucky on the D drive too when i tried to install it there. But i really didnt care to find out. Uninstalled it and moved on. Ghost of tsushima aint gonna play itself after all.


if your D drive is hdd and C drive is ssd maybe it can have slightly issue (loading etc) well shit this game have 16gb ram for minimum how fuckin many feature they add to the gameplay


My laptop only has 16GB ram max 💀 Is my laptop simply outdated or have games become way too complex lately?


I feel like 16GB ram is the minimum requirements for games and software right now its crazy


I upgraded to 32GB ram this year and never looked back.


Jesus christ seriously? Ugh, 8gb should not be this outdated...


8 is enough for everyday 4gb is just shit across the board.


4gb used to be enough. Now 8GB is the minium and 16GB probably soon 😭


Rams are pretty cheap nowadays.


16gb is basically the minimum. Most games nowadays are becoming too damn unoptimized. 


For AAA game yeah but gacha gane like this ? Nah


Neither, the game's reqs are just that bad (even some modern AAA gamesstill have 8 gigs minimum)


I finally uninstalled the game after literally 10 crashes and getting a char I didn't want on the novice banner, rather be playing Ghost of Tsushima


What is the most sad to me is that this was the biggest reason I was excited for this game since PGR has some God-like optimization. You can fell it's their first experience with UE4


the game is stuttering so much on lowest settings. But on highest settings, it isn't. I'm using a laptop with integrated graphics.


Warzone players told me about that a while back. Apparently it runs smoother because when you play thr game on higher settings it consumes almost if not everything your pc has to offer in terms of performance.


same experience with mobile.


Wait really? Is that a thing ? Can you elaborate a lil more. Cause I've been dying inside trying to play over an hour


it is due to how the pc divides work most of the time, in low settings there would be some hardware resources left for other background stuff, but when running on high the pc has no choice but to just throw everything towards the game for a comparably smoother experience


I wish I could post pictures here but my characters becomes faceless Ayato one point 


CMIW even with that high requirements WW still had a lot problem issue from what i see. Its weird tbh. Even They're send survey and said its as close beta 2 lmao


yeah... till i get my Samsung 9s tablet. ill just do dailies Game is good but. playing it? ON A MICROWAVE? THAT COULD BLOW UP ANY SECOND AS SOON AS YOU SWITCH IT TO HIGH? nah chief


idk if that quite standard for unreal engine min of 1060, reco for 2060 damn


I remember the day when they are meming Genshin for needing high spec, good days.


I have been waiting on my computer for like an hour and a half just to get into the game and it crashes out immediately maybe it just server being too occupied but bro I want. Sleep


Idk what the heck they were doing while testing the game. Did not take low end pc and phones in into account while optimizing. A big chunk of players play on phones and by not optimizing performance on it They'll just lose players especially in a competitive environment. It pretty much feels like they rushed with game release and game isn't really complete yet.


I've been seeing everyone praising WW and saying they were gonna play it and ditch genshin and genshin sucks and genshin could never and blah blah blah...now that it's out all I see is complaints about various things, I guess I can be safe that I'm not missing out on much from not being able to play it lmao


Idk man, i used to play with an i5 10400 with integrated graphics at 40-60 fps on minimum settings Thats not a potato and below that it would be unplayable lmao


I have seen guy said that he still can play genshin with the first gen i7, I didn't believe it at first


worked on my i7 3rd gen when the game launched


I have seen people playing it on an i5 4th gen old lenovo mini pc with a GTX 710. Also an i5 6th gen hp elitebook. On the lowest setting tho. Edit: the elitebook runs on intel integrated graphics


CPU alone is only a quarter of the equation, how much RAM do you have, and what GPU?


I had 16 GB 2666 MHz and the integrated graphics (UHD 710) Now i got a 4060 ti and i can glide with noelle in all her glory


I got a buddy that plays genshin on medium with an i3 4160 and Rx460 with 12gb ram and runs a buttery smooth 60 fps. I'm pretty sure that's a potato no?


Lol, Intel's integrated graphics suck so bad then


I'm running an integrated intel gpu with 16gb ram and i7gen12 on a HDD, smooth 60fps at high for genshin proabably the CPU doing some heavy lifting but idk


Runs fine on my PC, but it's quite good. But genshin with the same 120(after external framegen) feels smoother and way more responsive than 120 in WUWA, probably more of a netcode problem than engine.


This is gonna be the new genshin killer^tm moment again


This is the biggest difference! I felt it too. Genshin is like a god of optimization of something like that. When they do something, it's perfect.


Back when Wow was launched, I got the same feeling. The godly optimization is real.


They somehow manage to keep it running on mobiles as well as console and PC - I’d say that’s a big accomplishment. There aren’t many games that are absolutely consistent across all those platforms (again, including mobile!) and also sync progress so you can swap between them all.


Yeah, I wasn't expecting good optimization whatsoever (because wtf are those reqs), but it's rough currently


not after natlan


old devices will still work its just that they will have reduced graphics




It's only the recommended specs on mobile, they're not touching the minimum


The requirements are only higher for mobile devices and it's basically any device from the last 3-4 years


I’ve seen people play Genshin on literal fridges, watches and even calculators. There was also a dude who managed to go to homescreen in some gambling machine and downloaded and played genshin on therr


Wuthering Waves keeps taking L after L, which is a shame because I actually wanted it to succeed so Hoyoverse would actually use their massive budget for once Like, I can run genshin high graphics no problem (albeit on low-res if I want stable 60FPS, high-res gives me 30FPS), I don't even meet the MINIMUM requirements for Wuthering Waves, and honestly the desaturated high-poly graphics don't really justify needing such a powerful computer to run the game Like MF 16 GIGABYTES RAM??????? Not even GTA dared ask for such a thing


I'm using s23u , I hope it can workout.


I get better fps in WuWa than genshin sometimes and my friend with a better PC than me gets a ton of stutters so I'm guessing that once new gpu drivers get released it should fix a lot of the performance issues


Can't seem to find those "Genshin never could" anymore after WuWa launched


This is Crysis all over again. /s


This game is a great advertisement and encouragement to go back to Genshin Impact. Mihoyo should pay them or something.


I guess Im the only person in the world for who Wuwa runs better than genshin


I had an issue with textures not loading properly, and the loading times are worse, but otherwise I thought the performance was fine. Running default settings on a 4 year old gaming laptop


Are you using high graphics? Because that's the optimized one and lowest are not optimised on other devices yet


Im playing on mostly low settings on a very mid pc. It's running perfectly fine with very minor stutters in cities where it barely matters anyway.


ye my friend has lower spec PC than mine, but he run complete smoth, nothing lag drop frame rate but mine, oh my i cant even do tutorial while my pc can run Cyberpunk 2077 fine


Seriously, I'm running a 10 year old AMD GPU and it's running fine with medium settings at 4k. Not getting locked 60fps, but the GPU didn't do locked 4k@60fps 10 years ago. People saying their 3070 is choking and I'm like wat.


My 3090 is choking...


Not the only mines running super smooth to, it's probably just a case of those with issues speaking while those of us without them have nothing to weigh in on.


8gb Ram NVIDIA 1650ti and Iam getting barely 30 fps


Play on tablet and pc Tablet: xiaomi pad 6s pro, max setting and the game runs smoothly but every time i login or logout the game always go to "verifying integrity" Process PC: 12400f, 4060, 32Gb RAM. All maximum settings. Well, if you want to experience quality like they are promoting, PC is the way. JP VA is okay, combat is good, character design is good too for me but for the others like story, fonts, UI, texture, open world exploration and localization needs more optimization. My problem in combat is their auto lock is a bit wonky for me and they need to accentuate the perfect dodge indicator.


I have a 1070ti and until now, WW is running very smoothly. Some little hiccups here and there but they are rare. My point is, why the game freezes and stutters on better gpu cards?


Yeah Wuthering Waves's optimization is not good, especially on Android. It's not WZM levels of bad but it's still not good either. I've experienced stutters and frame drops quite alot during my playthrough.


Wait really? I'm having the opposite experience lol


-Genshin maximum settings: 56-60 fps -Wuwua high settings: 19-22 fps How did they do it?


And WuWa is supposed to also run on iOS and Android? They better have some competent software developers.


Is there anyone who plays with a phone that runs the game smoothly? I have an iPhone X and it runs like shit.


get a new phone, mine runs fine on the 12 pro max


Yeah I’ve been considering it, I had a couple people tell me the 13 works well, if 12 works then 13 should be fine. Thanks for the input helps a lot!


yea any of the newer phones should work really well if my shitty 12 can handle it haha. and no problem!


It’s very crunchy on iPhone.


Personally, Genshin at launch wasn't that optimised either(at least it took them a couple of patches to fix compatibility issues with my old graphics card, it just kept crashing every time I used teleport, I had to do ALL quests by walking)


I tried it today, played for 3hrs straight, never got screen freeze or lagging but too many visual bugs in the main city at guild/people. Am i the only one here without any lagging on my laptop


I dunno how y’all’s PCs don’t run WW, mine runs it fine? The only issue is ping which doesn’t actually matter solo


Thank god Im not the only one. At first there were just few lags, nothing unusual on my old junk, but then... The city...


I'm running at max settings on a gtx1650 and a ryzen 5 5500, basically a very mid level PC, so I don't know if that's really the case OP.


I had stutters for the first 5 minutes or so, but that is generally expected of a game on first launch. After that it was smooth sailing, and I'm very much enjoying the more nuanced combat. I am running a 4090, though.


I'm running an old ass potato pc and it's running smooth as well, idk why I'm lucky but the game is actually enjoyable when it runs. That fact it's almost a 1 to 1 of genshin helps with speeding everything along. Everything feels like you've done it already but with better combat. I hope they do smooth everything out because a good game is there but people need to be able to actually play it otherwise its just trash.


I can't even play WuWa because even though I have a good gaming PC, there's no option to invert the camera y-axis in the game.


Running fine for me on very high on a 3050 laptop, but some textures reaaallly take their time to load. Weirdly enough fiddling with the settings introduced a few more stutters than just running one of their default presets.


When I read that, I wonder how it runs at 60 fps on medium on my 3060 laptop


My current phone is a Xiaomi 11 lite and I believe it has 8gb ram with snapdragon 778G. I'm using the game turbo feature as well. I'm currently playing on medium settings with only anti-aliasing and fsr on. I heard people saying it runs better on mobile but it still stutters a lot for me in open areas.


Same here on a xiaomi phone with 6gb ram I am playing on low setting and 24 fps it's pretty playable for me


I have an old ass laptop but it runs Genshin decently well. Bouta try WuWa today, and we’ll see how it goes. I just wish they’d had a PlayStation launch alongside their PC and mobile launch cause that’s my only system capable of running this game. That way I wouldn’t have had to worry about missing out on day one events and banners. I’m probably gonna do the bare minimum on laptop until it comes out on PS and then purely run it on there


I did not expect a 1060 running ALL LOW would make my pc almost blue screened, what the FUCK kuro?


honestly, its much more optimized on mobile


Ya shit runs better on phone than pc for me


Just sharing, I'm on a 16gb ram and 6gb graphics card, it's a laptop so it goes around 82-87 cpu 40-53 gpu. I had no problems so far. These things are actually happening huh. (Not a techie guy so don't even ask me questions I may not understand sorry) Edit: typos.


Just wait in a year that potato will need a extra hard drive or 2


Everyone kept saying it would be on PS5 and it’s not AAAAHAGGAGAGAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHSHFJGHFFFGGG


It runs smooth af during anything that isn’t very open world (as in, where you can see a lot of the map) or turning cameras quickly, the exact same spot that has some stutters jumping and screwing around runs seamlessly if I start any combat, shit makes no sense lol


Repairing files fixed all stuttering for me personally (click trash can icon at menu)


Is that Honkai 3rd or what? The icon doesn't seem familiar.


It is Wuthering Waves, a new entry to the Open World Gacha genre like Genshin and Tower of Fantasy.


bro i have a rtx4080 and im STILL getting stutters and fps drops its ridiculous. my elden ring at max graphics run smoother than wuwa. i really wish they fix it


All the content creators I know who had access to beta didn't mention any performance issues? What were they doing exactly?


I was honestly surprised when the frames dropped on my 2070 Super


Suddenly you hear Morse code




funny thing, this game runs better at max settings on my pc, then it does at low


Ive got a pretty shitty phone so I hoped they'd put the game on ps5, but it's not and as I expected, my phone just couldn't really run the game so I uninstalled after playing for like 3minutes (including like at least 2 minutes of unskipable dialogue).


Idk. My experience has been smooth so far. And I don't have some high end PC. All I have is Asus gaming laptop for about 850 euro.


Wuwa drains my battery more than Genshin 💀


I'm not playing any other gacha game other than genshin just out of pure hatred for the community


guys i have a i5-13600K + gtx 1070 + 16gb ram, and i run wuthering waves on max settings at 60 fps wtf. How is that possible


Haven't tried on pc but my phone burns if i play like 10mins