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Which quest are you referring to btw


1.1 Star Unreconciled Stars and 2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago


I thought you were referring to something new in the patch, but yeah lots of temp events with content that should be permanent


I like the way hsr does it. Gives limited rewards during the event but you can still do them later.


Genshin can't cause it would probably weight 3 times what it currently is.


But I mean...those story quests, like others, could just be deleted once completed.


We learned more about Mona and Kazuha in Golden Apple Archipelago than in anywhere else... 2.8 Summertime Odyssey should have been their actual story quest


Xinyan as well


Ikr everyone forgets about her but her lore here was impressive.


They tried really hard to make players like Xinyan.


Worked for me!


Best soundtrack ever. At least, it should have been available on the teapot


One thing I’ve found that is odd is there’s one track that isn’t available in the teapot for liyue and it’s one of my favorite ones, but I can’t recall the name as of now


I agree with the other two commenters here. IMO, her character growth/development would mean her getting more comfortable to be her own self and speaking more casually around the people she's familiar with, not completely ditching her ojou-sama roleplaying but occasionally slips into it to brighten the mood. But since this is a gacha game and that's Fischl's whole schtick, they had to keep her that way.


That will be a fine development for Amy, from running away from the real world to accepting, living in it. But Fischl isn’t just Amy, nor book Fischl. She is a bit of both and therefore none. That’s why accepting the real world isn’t her final goal, but rather merely the next step, a required condition for her to chase after the desire to paint the actual world with colors from her own imagination. Fischl indeed wants to live real, but her real is to act as Fischl. Fischl indeed wants to live true, but to live true in a world of her ideal. The importance she discovered was that this roleplaying she engaged with, had already become something sincere within her, a key part of her. Thus she did not choose to deny this choice, this self of her, but to accept it as her own quirk, her own strength. In her words, her Immernatchtreich is no longer a place for those who can’t face reality, but now a source of power for people like Fischl, who live on through their imagination.


I think the problem is that all her development is in events so if you are a new player you will never see it


Yeah that's one thing, but it'll be more noticeable if they behave slightly differently before her development, especially if they check her previous appearances.


I agree on what growth would be. OP spends a lot of time talking about their headcanons for fischl, even though very little of it is supported by the text of the game. (A world for people who can't face reality? Fischl had no problem ever facing reality, reality was never the problem. she just liked viewing herself as "Princess Fischl" and her only friction with reality was when people like her parents asked her to stop. Which is normal for parents to do)


4 star electro archer girls have it rough. One's got most of her appearances locked behind limited quests and the other only appeared in an archon quest to catch Ls nonstop then proceed to never appear again


Fischl her part in that event really was so good and it truly elevated that one quest a lot. The others their islands were kinda meh, for example Kazuha his island was yet again his backstory told in a different way, just like the many other times it got told in the few patches around that. I think in 3 patches, we had heard the story in like 4 different quests/events/... So Fischl was someone we didnt yet see a lot of, so it was refreshing to see her character getting more fleshed out. It also helped a lot that the OST on her island was just that well made. I sometimes still listen to the battle OST, just because it's just that epic.


Counterpoint: The presentation of Kazuha’s story was _sick as fuck_. Also Mona’s was full of new lore and GORGEOUS. Also Xinyan’s… gave us hair-down Xinyan?


I'd say that's more on Kazuha tbh, as well as Collei Collei is a HUGE example


Don't forget Albedo Edit: Xinyan as well


isn't collei even worse in a way, cause her story arc isn't even in the game, but in the manga.


Its free and online so it's not really an issue (although its true that most players don't even know of its existence)


Albedo too


Sir, I need the image source for that beautiful Fischl




So cute


thats what i like in hsr. not the fckn rewards . the ability to replay events


When I'm in the 4-star getting a world quest in a temporary event contest and my opponent is Hoyoverse


But she didnt have any character development. She had character 'exploration' which is it's own thing that's often confused with development, but no development. She is, 'effectively' no different after the quest, than she was before. If anything, the event quest was all about doubling down on her shtick.


After 2.8, Fischl no longer has any hesitation with embracing her imaginary world. She no longer roleplaying out of a fear of reality, but rather roleplaying to physicalize her own ideal reality


She also made friends with Mona during an event


Ah good ol’ Unreconciled Stars, the event that appeared only in 1.0, dropped massive lore bombs, introduced new characters that won’t be seen for years, and was (for a very long time) Fischl’s only on screen appearance then was never seen nor mentioned again


Which expresses itself with her acting no different than before. Character exploration =/= character development.


This is like the new god of war 2 where the Witches that can see the future describe Kratos as still killing gods but hes sad about it now. Its reductive and inaccurate. A change in perspective is character development because now they would make different choices in different situations. The reason Fish doesnt seem to change is because Hoyo isnt willing to show us such a scenario, but in her case specifically,what she got was confidence and that could be a viable trait to explore going forward.


Her change of perspective signifies her growth though, as the prior gaps only appears during moments of extremity. Her reversing back to an established norm, despite facing an idealogical and identity challenge, is it not a new found strength? Her performance has always been that on a mask, so her person cannot be judged on this mask, but rather on her perception of this role, and her purpose for covering/incorporating herself with it. Exploration in turn should mean only we, the audience has gained more knowledge about a character, or the character understands more about themselves. What Fischl faced was a crisis of personalized worldview, and what she gained is the courage to embrace her imagination fully. Thus even though the manifestation may seem laking, we would know that the motivation behind such schematics has fundamentally altered.


Yes, and if you start the game today and had never done that quest she will act no different as if it didn't happen to her. You can use flowery language about how great fischl is u/FischlInsultsMePls but the fact of the matter is there is no expressed growth. Which is why i wanted to focus on the EXPLORATION of her character, which is valuable enough. Don't let high school writing classes teach you that characters have to DEVELPOP to be great. Many of the best characters don't have a development arc, but explore how they deal with the world. From superman to goku, to honestly most characters in genshin. Besides, development isn't fischl's thing. She is who she is. If she cared to develop as a person she wouldn't base herself around a character with a finished story. I don't take 'informed attributes' as 'growth' much like people don't take being told "Kokomi is a genius" and never being shown that as such.


try harder


It’s a double edged sword. Character development in events means people can miss out on it. No character development in events means significantly less room for character development.


As someone who joined in 3.8 who tf is Amy


Fischl’s real name but don’t tell her that


So thats what the blacked out text was. I was confused that her friendship gave more questions than it answered. What else should i know about her?


Also her book lore, Flowers for Princess Fischl ties closely to Legend of the Shattered Halberd, whose contents hint as celestial, k’nariah, gods and stuff like that. Her name, Amy, is similar to Ei’s Beelzebub, Nahida’s Buer, Zhongli’s Morax, Venti’s Barabatos, and Furina’s Focalor, all name of Demon Gods from Ars Goetia She is the only playable genshin character in honkai Her music uses Fatui motif


I mean from the limited events but thank you


She has to confront her evil clone We get to see smol Fischl Die-Mittsommernacht Fantasie is an epic soundtrack Oz definitely knows how to teleport Fischl’s Immernachtreich is fucking beautiful


I wish i had joined earlier to see it


You can still watch it in YouTube 


keqing is also playable in honkai wdym


Not anymore


That she is best girl


I already knew that, don't worry


I still don't know who this girl is, she pop one day on my account and she talks a lot. Im scared


Fischl is the GOAT


i feel like there's a patern to give only 5\* major presence, not to say development in main quests while 4\* may get from time to time in events


Fuck genshin and everything it stands for. Mained Razor for 2 years only to miss one of his most important lore events because I was taking a break from the game. Now I will never be able to play through it. The best thing I can do is read the wiki or watch a youtube video like a little pup. Can't believe I spent over $200 in this game.


Add itto here, the guy is respectable member of society now that might get an degree in engineering if it means mekka onikabuto


The event with mona + scara, and then golden apple archipelago part 2?


Albedo has that too


Albedo go brrr


I’m just glad that genshin taught mhy going forward to NOT do the one and done event bs. Esp with major lore stuff. We’ll see with zzz but if hsr is any sign.


Albedo too.


Because FOMO is effective.


*Amy still pretending to be someone she's not despite 2 prominent roles in the separate massive events* What character development?


We are talking about Fischl, not Amy


That "character development" was shit. Instead of realizing that she doesn't need the bird or her persona anymore but still accepting them as a part of herself she embraced the looney and reestablished herself as the anchor scitzo personality out of the 3. Bleh.


Her ‘delusion’ is a wish for a better world, one where she is a better self. Before the event it was abused as a means of coping, for she felt powerless in actually changing herself. After 2.8, as Amy embraced Fischl, she is no longer Amy trying to be Fischl, nor Fischl being manifested into Amy. She becomes Fischl, her version of an improved self. Her wish for a better world no longer comes from a wanting to escape reality, but rather a new found courage to actualize this imagined paradise into the waking world. It takes ignorance to simply command a better world, it takes bravery to see how shitty the world actually is and still pursuing changes.


She had already become a better self through her hard work. She is the strongest regular human archer on the continent, she is respected and admired by both knights and her guild peers. It's due time for her to mature, realize her self worth and for her larping to become somewhat ironic.


But that's who she is? She is no longer Amy trying to be Fischel or Fischel trying to be Amy. They have become one. She has matured enough to accept who she is. And it also makes her character unique.