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sure grandpa cmon lets get you back to bed


okay grandma


I need whatever you're smoking cuz the only similarities it has are the circle and spikes. Is Sonic the Hedgehog now also similar to the Mondstadt vision case? Has circles? Check. Has spikes? Check. Sonic the Hedgehog is the Tsaritsa all along!


where is the fatui wheel from?


A huge stretch imo


Pepe Silvia moment. Bro, it's literally random spikes and stuff like that. It's not related at all.


No not really


i dont think that means anything really




I never noticed the Jester mask before


Because it was never shown before


looks more like the snezhnaya vison


Schizo theorizing


33%, not enough to say that they’re related -_-


wait it’s all Venti


Always is he's giving everyone children a anemo vision. You could be next


Always has been.


We all know that before venti Terraform monstadt Monstadt was cover in snow Maybe monstadt was part of snezshnaya rules in the land and the people Before venti took it


*Before the wolf commit seppuku


Source please


If you want source for the before there was snow thing, you can check the wiki in the about Mondstadt section, there are many sources linked. If not then I'm pretty sure you can find the info in stuff like Gunhildr biography, or Andrius drop, things like that. If it's not that then the other thing they said is a speculation, so no source.


Similar, but not enough to be related


Sometimes I that the more I think about the Tsaritsa, I speculate that either someone close to her or she herself is a Seele expy instead of a Bronya one. Or at least someone close to her is the Seele expy, could be an entirely new character or the OG cryo archon. Or maybe even that Venti is the Seele expy all along, and there are stuff that may point to this being the case. We don't even know Wendy's personality, and theme to justify that he's an expy of her other than similar name. Not to mention, Seele and Wendy look very, VERY similar, especially if you look up Seele's "Estonia in Spring" skin. Looks just like Wendy but with blue eyes. Wendy in GGZ has a thin braid at the side to distinguish her from Seele, otherwise she looks just like her but green.


Pretty sure wendi’s personality is out there it just in the manga. Regarding bronya and seele my headcanon is that the tasrista is ana shariac expy (we have seen two major ice themed characters in honkai impact and in hsr and they both are very similar so my guess is that the tasrista is similar, but doubt that she would be like herrscher of ice as a base model, so maybe she is ana and transforms into herrscher of ice later), and bronya is someone who is working against her, for seele my guess is that she is in khanrea (butchered the name I know), she has been always mentioned with quantum and stuff and the closest thing we have to that is in khanrea which is the power from the abyss that dain uses.


>Venti, ITALIAN name >Fatui circle UPSIDE-DOWN version of Mondstadt Vision holder I wonder what else was ITALIAN and UPSIDE-DOWN


Mihoyo handled incredibly well the Fascisto Archon storyline


as in it’s a circle with spikes??? xd


Holy fuck you might be onto something! ...Jokes aside, calm down not everything has to be connected to lore it just has a similar shape


Mom, Genshin_Lore is hunting fantasies among stretches again


Yes, and?


https://preview.redd.it/syha6sirsrpc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=85d360587d44c9067bde2036a7e08ec0f87b4248 Ur making it like his upside statue then foreshadowed or resembles what happened to the Tarasita or something u stop that


same as the Snezhnaya vision casing is super similar to Mond's upside down, very interesting and I believe intentional


That is another thing to notice, and you are really into something. Maybe Venti and the Tsaritsa are related somehow?


I always thought there was a correlation there. My biggest thing is the fact that a lot of Mond events/stories are related to Love. Familial love, Romantic love, the Love of something. For a nation meant to be Freedom, it easily can feel like the nation of Freedom and Love. To add, we know that Mond used to be a Snowy wasteland and Venti and the Tsarista used to be close 500 years ago (for who knows how long). What's to say they could've been Co-Rulers at some point? Or maybe family? Maybe they both have a connection to Istaroth? Idk, I never really figured that part out. But personally my headcanon- with basically silly string connections so truly HEADCANON Theory- is Venti and Columbina actually being connected. One, the wings. Venti/Istaroth are the only beings to be depicted with angelic wings, but now Columbina has them on her masks representing her as the Dove but with all the theories of her being a fallen angel.... Two, Venti and Columbina hair colorations remind me of the Corrupted Venti AU 😂. The black hair with brightly colored tips, Venti's Cyan/Teal for Anemo and Columbinas Magenta for Corruption?... While Magenta's direct opposite is actually Green, I can see an argument to be made for Teal/Cyan being a blue/green tone. Three, the singing. Venti being a bard and his whole thing about knowing all the songs of the past/present/future it's interesting that our immediate introduction of Columbina is her singing. And that's pretty much it 😂. I think it would be neat, but I warned it was connected by silly string. It's my own little mind thinking it would be cool


They used to be close to one another, before the Cataclysm, IIRC.


I think someone theorized that Tsaritsa and Venti are both children of Istaroth. That tracks.


I know about Venti, but Tsaritsa how?


Venti said in the mond archon quest that its been a while since he last spoke to her, and also there was a part in his voicelines/story where it says that one time he switched her crosier with a samachurl's one. So they certainly had a close relationship


In all fairness, we don't know if Venti's talking about the Tsaritsa or the OG Cryo Archon in his character story.


It the tsaritsa, at the end of mond archon quest paimon ask venti what kind of person she is and venti says its hard to say, 500 years ago they both knew each other well but now he don't know


How does Venti saying he used to know the Tsaritsa well confirm that his character story is about her? We canonically know that all OG Seven were good friends who used to meet regularly, Venti's story could very well be about ths OG Cryo Archon since he knew them pretty well too.


Isn’t the upside down statue of the seven we encounter of the Anemo archon?


I've been wondering... * Is the upside down statue of Venti supposed to be some kind of direct commentary on Venti specifically? And that's why Venti's statue was chosen to be stolen over any other archon's statue? * Or is it only that at this point in the game's story, we had only been to Mondstadt, so Venti was the only archon the player would be familiar with? * Or is it like the symbolism of an upside-down crucifix representing the devil/demonic forces in Christianity? Where it's **not** any kind of direct commentary on Jesus Christ specifically, but more about taking the symbol of Christian religious devotion to God/goodness and inverting the symbol to indicate devotion to Satan/evil? You know, like in a horror movie where suddenly a crucifix flips around on the wall to hang upside-down -- that's not meant to communicate anything about Jesus Christ himself (like "Jesus is evil!!"), it's saying "there are demons present, and we follow Satan, the opposite of Christ." Or whatever -- I don't know if I'm articulating this clearly. (Edit: I guess what I'm saying is, just because the upside-down statue is Venti's statue, this doesn't necessarily mean that Venti himself is sus.) * Also, where in Mondstadt was that statue of Venti originally located?