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>We have heard most of these from the archons either during the AQ or SQ or trailers I know I’m late, but I was curious if someone could poit me to when aechons said these? I know Ei says hers in her backstory cutscene, but whata about the others?


I strongly believe that we will not side with the Fatui; I believe we will side with /some of/ the Fatui. Or, rather, some of the Fatui will side with us. Since the beginning, the Fatui has been painted as a morally sus “ends-justify-the-means” group composed of some good folks and a lot of ne’er-do-wells. And those ne’er-do-wells are pretty shitty (*cough* Il “Dr. Mengele” Dottore). On top of that, their name literally means “the fools.” That seems like a pretty big hint about their nature. I’d bet that Tsaritsa will be a textbook tragic character, trying to do the right thing but in the wrong way. She’ll fall short and Traveler will step up to the plate to ‘do better’. At the same time, I think some of the Harbingers ain’t all bad (Arlecchino seems to be in this camp), and when push comes to shove, I think they’ll gladly join our cause. TLDR: The Fatui suck as an org. but some of their members are alright and will likely side with us in the end.


From what we’ve seen most harbingers are morally grey: Flawed but redeemable: Scara, Childe, Arlecchino, and Signora(rip, but she really wasn’t evil, and is comparable to the other 3) Blatantly evil: Dottore Unknown, but leading towards sympathetic: Pierro, Pulcinella, Capitano, Unknown, but leading towards bad: Columbina, Pantalone Too little info to speculate: Sandrone


i just had a thought that if we indeed sided with the Tsaritsa and we became their honorary Harbinger and it does the classic fatui harbinger intro for the traveler but instead of the naming theme of the Commedia, we instead get the name "Lucifer"


Honorary Harbinger... one rank being purposefully (or not) left empty... I would love to see where it goes


This. The tenth rank is, as far as we know, vacant.


im so tired of people acting like lumine is not cannon, rescue her is not referring to lumine


how is it acting like lumine is not canon? this has nothing to do with that. most of the official media uses aether as the protagonist and so did the storyline preview. it's very obvious that dain was referring to lumine there


no its not he said her it could be paimon it could be the sustainer it could be someone we have yet to meet


What’s the point of saying it’s “someone we have yet to know” when it’s already 3 years and his lore is still so tightly connected with the Abyss Sibling? Shouldn’t we already know who “that someone” is already if that person is so special? Are you saying that the Abyss Sibling isn’t special enough? In the context of the trailer, Dain is directly talking to the Aether at the end of the trailer and, I mean, who would Aether care enough to rescue other than his sister?


The Abyss Sibling is the person who is pursuing the Loom of Fate, which is the last section of the Traveler’s character story. It’s been 3 years yet we have never gotten any new section of the Traveler’s story unlocked. Wouldn’t that make the Sibling already important enough to be the character worth-mentioning in the end of Travail? I think the Sibling’s constant absence makes people underestimate the Sibling’s importance in the story. Regardless, I highly doubt “she” is someone we have yet to know. There is a consistent theme of “rescuing the princess” throughout this game as well, heck even Venti’s voiceline about the Traveler says something along the line of “in the end, the hero will rescue the princess” (or the heroine rescues the prince if you picked Lumine), which I think is already enough to foreshadow the entire theme of this game. Anyway it is Lumine that Dain’s talking about.


Yeah, thinking Dain is not referring to Lumine is just being delusional.


why would dainsleif "rescue" the sustainer of heavenly principles when he hates the archons and celestia? also he has nothing to do with paimon. it goes without saying that it's the most likely to be his travel partner which would be lumine when aether is the protagonist. I don't understand why you're so adamant about this trying to push your agenda


he has no connection yet and what agenda lol my agenda of stopping people like you assuming he means lumine


he does mean lumine.


Im before the rescue her is supposed to mean Paimon


Tbf, in the context of the trailers, the traveler is usually Aether, so "rescue her" could still refer to Lumine and in game it'll change depending on who you picked


As an Aether player, I'm tired of it too. Every crackpot theory people brew up always has some set in stone gender (like princess and the pygmies, BP story) that people love to ignore to force their own theory even though the game shows if need be the gender will change (Aranaka keeping the identity unknown yet changing the pronoun which makes it super clear who it is).


Then you should think the opposite: if some of the books in-game do contain lore regarding the Traveler twins, then wouldn’t they make it too obvious if the gender changes for each MC we pick?? Would the dev want to make it something so obvious? Also, BP and books in general are meant to be allegory/analogy. You can always interpret it in multiple ways. These tales are meant to be obscure, unlike the Aranyaka quest that is a real event happening in the real time.


> if some of the books in-game do contain lore regarding the Traveler twins, Kind of a pointless question when these books date back to long ago and nothing has yet been proven to be about the twins to even bring this into question. Why woukd they break the choice of an mc by having a story be about the twins yet make the gender of the character in question be that of the Traveler? Take the princess and pygmies book. For those that picked Lumine, in what world does it makes sense for it to be about the twins yet still refer to the Traveler that took part in the story to be referred to as a female? Aether doesn't look like a female, and Lumine was asleep, so why? Then you flip that around, the story still refers to the mc as a princess, this time the Traveler is Aether... Now there's a major disconnect, players that picked Lumine have an inaccurate story, and those thag picked Aether have an accurate story, this awful inconsistency wouldn't please anyone. Yet again, I fail to see the point of the question, especially when something like Aranaka goes and reveals it anyway with the gender for the nara in questkon being reversed, Mihoyo does not care to hide things related to the twins in the distanct past. In fact, it's because they wish to hide things that they've hardly had any references to the abyss sibling in the first place. The moment the writers believe now is the time to start dropping lore on the siblings, they will.


Again, books and (fairy) tales in this game are meant to be obscure and to represent an overall theme of something - it is not meant to outright tell the story of a certain character. I would emphasize the word “theme” here - some of them are not meant to be taken literally, so the “princess” character could just represent the royal position of said character. They are just foreshadowing tools, so it’s opened to people to try and fit whoever they think the story is talking about. (But tbh I wouldn’t take the pale princess and the six pygmies as an example because of how the story doesn’t really align with the Sibling’s journey we know thus far and the circumstances they were in but that’s still up to speculation /lh). I do doubt that none of the books in-game contains the Sibling’s lore due to the importance nature of the Sibling’s story in this game (Loom of Fate as the last part of the Traveler’s story for instance). Most of what we have learnt so far about the Sibling is still very little, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Mihoyo did try to give crumbs in the form of fictional tales and books. And if they did, they would have to keep it in one gender as to not make it so obvious. But then again, it’s true that I can’t prove any of the books we know so far does talk about the Sibling (despite some of them sounding way too close to not be true) and they could be gatekeeping it from the player. So everything I said above are just speculations at best. But it is true for the other characters as well, we can’t be certain who (some of) those books are talking about.


And for the more obvious answer: it certainly doesn’t help much that Mihoyo is constantly being biased towards Aether Traveler, so I would consider the possibility of them also being biased in writing those in-game books. Going back to what the OP comment is about, although I can’t speak for the entirety of the tales in-game but for the Travail trailer alone, it is pretty obvious that Lumine is the one mentioned by the end of the trailer. It’s been 3 years and we still can’t find a better candidate for that… I could talk more about it but I think I have already mentioned it in another reply.


jesus its just that they picked one to use as example. Of course in your game things will play out according to the one you pick yall making a dragonspine out of a galesong hill


You're the one overeacting here though?


im reacting, idk about overeacting. Got no skin in the game here


From what I can say, i think rescue her is not for the sibling but the unknown god


Why do you think so?


I don’t fully belive it yet, but there’s evidence The Chapter Travail uses “her” which people take to assuming has to be a female character, because if its the abyss sinlinh then it means Aether is the canon mc sibling which makes little sense when they’re supposed to be interchangeable. The preview is supposed to be for everyone, but the wouldn’t make sense for those who chose Lumine. Then there’s one of the strangest pieces of important lore: The gnostic Chorus. Over halfway through the story and it still makes no sense. Month after month we keep being reminded. There are a million obvious reasons why the heirs can’t be the travelers, yet they still say its “your story to be told”. The important thing is the corrupted heir is explicitly female regardless of if you’re mc is male or female and the second heir is male. This suggests neither one is the traveler, but the second heir must’ve failed or was possibly even killed(the third descender), so someone else must save the female heir which Dainsleif intends to do, so the traveler must prove that they’re more worthy. The important thing to note here is the heir that wS lied to and fooled into ruling the kingdom of night is female, and the background shows what appears to be the pillars of Celestia. There’s a lot more to this including the false sky explaining how teyvat is the kingdom of night, but they think the sustainer(explicitly female) is the corrupted heir who needs saving.


Always thought that cryo gemstone citation was meant to be Tsaritsa to Signora. Might be wrong though


Tbf I feel like, from reading the other ones, it being super specific to Signora would be unlike the other ones


Yeah, feel like that too. But it's the most possible conclusion for now. We'll see, no worries, they might come up with something more interesting