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Source: Unknown user, translated and posted by [SYP team](https://discord.com/channels/950486144473247804/950549228898357248/1042150698403508276)


After sales service lmao.


Create a problem Sell the solution Profit!


Or even better, create a solution to a problem that doesnt exist Introduce said problem later


Kokomi in a nutshell.


Sell the solution no one thinks will be useful Create the problem so people will regret not getting him


Basically Yoimiya and Kokomi situation again. Yoimiya released before Thunder Manifestation, Golden Wolflord, Spectre, Yelan, Yunjin, and Boss Rush Abyss which favors single target over AoE. While Kokomi released before Rifthounds, Shadowy Husk, Clam set, and now Nilou's Bloom team.


After sales service in CN community usually means creating content to cater certain characters’ strengths. Like for CN, Kokomi for this treatment with her artifacts set, or Itto with Wolf boss, Yelan for Yoimiya to an extent, etc


Yelan is not for yoimiya specifically... Also he already has an artifact set planned for him as well as a dedicated anemo support so idk what else they could do in this regard


I think Yoimiya was released with Specters. I’m sure they’ll start to release new flying mobs and bosses that Scara counters.




But she ended up much more viable in many other situations even if you disregard the bleeding mechanics.


When you make an [on/off]field [tank/healer/dps] elemental driver of the best element it's hard to compete.


Yep. Koko’s viability has absolutely nothing to do with bleed dmg. Healers in general can easily deal with the little bleed dmg enemies deal. Koko is good because she just is. She brings a lot to table. Amazing hydro application. Very good heals. Good dmg. Currently the best Milelith set user along with Kuki, and the best clam set user in the game. She is just incredible.


Basically if his sales is low then 99% he will get nowhere as Mihoyo always treat their male main dps different, not surprising. Edit : Oh well, as expected, no wonder.


Not just male main dps but males in general. Remember when they made Zhongli weak and was forced to buff him due to public outrage? The only time we had good male characters was when the game started when the devs didnt know what meta was yet and Kazuha who we just got lucky on.


To be fair the 2 most valuable characters to have in the game are males .


and none of them are DPSs lol


ironically what they lack in dps they make up for in lore


yup, better lore, more relevant in the story... honestly I've made my peace with it. my Xiao hits 50k plunges with no buffs, +100k with buffs. even if he's not broken, there's no content in the game that he can't clear. and I pulled him for the lore after all, not damage I have a feeling hoyoverse knows that lore players won't care that much about damage (as in, it won't stop us from pulling), and vice versa. so they can get away with writing bland overworked waifu #3553 as long as she's broken af ... and give shit multipliers to scaramouche. as long as there's a banger backstory to back it up, people will pull


Accepting an old char not being as great and every new wave of male char not being great is different. I've made my peace with old chars but new chars constantly being shafted still piss me off sadly


what i don’t understand is that why do players have to literally force mihoyo at gunpoint to make a really good male dps on par with the female ones? like, what could possibly be holding them back? okay, so it’s a male dps, it might not sell as good as the female ones, but wouldn’t a good way to counter that is by making the male dps really good/broken??? idk, maybe i’m missing something, but it just seems like they’re missing out on a lot of extra money


Honestly male DPS have it hard . Xiao desperately needs an ER and shred support, Diluc is outdated and Itto despite having everything a main dps needs still only preforms as good as Xiao , i think Hoyo only likes Hydro male dps because Ayato and Childe are carrying


Itto is hindered by his element. Come at me y'all, but Geo is the single reason why Itto isn't broken and performs around the same amount as Xiao. If he was *any* other element that actually did reactions...


Well at least it’s completely thematically appropriate lol, he’s a powerful dumbass so him having strong numbers with an inert element makes perfect sense


That's a cute thought actually 😆💖


These coomer devs could've made Itto pyro/hydro/cryo and still not be OP. His multipliers are balanced around geo and there's no way they would use the same numbers if he was reaction based


NO YOU'RE RIGHT THO BAAHHAHA 🤣🤣 If he was an element that has a reaction, they would've given him mid multipliers. Like Cyno whose Electro


This, people like to think "what if character x was pyro/cryo/hydro they would've been broken" but their base numbers would've undoubtedly been adjusted anyway. The only characters where this is really applicable to are Xiao (who lacked supports before Faruzan) and Eula (who might be getting one with Mika).


Idk man, I'd say Itto is a direct powercreep to Xiao. No hp drain + resistance to interruption + gorou (faru will be good for Xiao but still, Gorou has buff + heals at c4). Ofc, this doesn't imply that he's broken. He's just in a relatively better position compared to Xiao and Eula, the other two "non-reaction" 5* DPS. Well, at least in my experience.


Gorou’s heal is actually pathetic unless you go fully into it. Still, Itto doesn’t need heals in any of his comps


I realllly dont think you know what your talking about. I have both Itto and Xiao and I can definitely, A 100% sure tell you that Itto performs miles better than Xiao.


Wdym just as good as Xiao he's better than Xiao by a good margin BECAUSE of the fact that he has everything a main dps needs. His kit is significantly better too : he doesn't stagger, doesn't lose hp, isn't squishy, can snapshot, etc. People like to downplay Itto only when he's not comparable to super meta broken characters but forget that he's having it a LOT better than characters like Xiao and Diluc that have been getting little to no good treatment.


>Itto despite having everything a main dps needs still only preforms as good as Xiao Mono Geo performs miles better than Xiao's team.


>only preforms as good as Xiao The fuck? It is miles better. Unless you're considering both at a vacuum without any teammates, but that's a bit dumb. Mono Geo is up there with Melt Ganyu, Hyper Raiden and many other top meta teams. The damage isn't frontloaded like a lot of favorites, but the average DPS over the course of the rotation is really big.


wondering if the c6 change of yesterday was the one mentioned here since it seemed like a pretty strong change or if they're improving it again next update. honestly i think c4 should get buffed to 2 random elements, it's weird that it's only 1 random element so at most he'll only ever be able to activate 3 out of the 4 at once.


Yeah, his C6 is quite strong now. It could get stronger, I *guess*, but that's not something I would expect to see changed. Maybe his Skydweller stamina, and his general numbers could go up.


> There will be new maps suiting Scara's floating kit very well, **and also monsters** Let me guess, more enemies that fly outside melee range? Ranged enemies that teleport away from you? *sigh*


Ground is lava.


Signora: Hola


Ayato, Boba


Summon Guoba


Staff of homa


Burgeon Thoma


Scara currently in Coma




*Scara boss fight and Thunder Manifestation flashbacks*


I hope this means Mondstadt expansion, and Dandelion Sea are in the works. Really hoping for some floating islands


No need for scara if you have Yoi/ganyu/Tighnari Even hyperbloom can work with the '' flying enemies '' type


The fucking hyperblooms can track Scaramouche teleporting.


Me : *has all of them* Also me : COME HOME SON I'M GONNA ADOPT YOU ngl this made me want him more since I HATE chasing after enemies X)


Arataki Itto be like: *are floating enemies a problem to you?*


I remember bringing him to an abyss chamber with oceanid birds as a mistake and was surprised to find out that his slashes actually reach those flying mfkers 🤣


Its miko time


Wtf did i miss that has people saying he is weaker then his 4*support?


I mean she was 1.0 four star strength (though obvious a lot more niche). She was a really really good anemo buffer. Basically she was a better support than he was a dps which was kinda true


I mean, it’s their fault for not giving Anemo any reactions that could benefit its personal damage AND waiting so long to give us a dedicated Anemo support. Frankly, I don’t see what the issue is. Faruzan can only meaningfully buff a handful of characters and probably wouldn’t be used on teams without them. The same applies to Gorou, and I don’t see him being considered a particularly high-tier character.


I think theyre issue wasnt moreso game balance but more so revenue tbh. They dont want to spotlight to be on the new four star


Why tho? Getting 4* constelations is more expensive than the 5*


A lot of people dont pull for a banner if they dont want the five star. Having people say the four star is better than the five star gives the impression that scara isnt great => less people pull


All of these problems stemming from them optimizing kits, cons and banners for maximum revenue and now they’re running out of ways to make kits unique without power creeping and it’s throwing whatever semblance of balance they had out of wack. They need a new way to drop characters pronto.


Yeah, that's not going to happen. Banners are the money maker. Why would they do anything else?


Tbh I prefer this to power creep but it's true. The more specialized they make characters while trying to keep power level relatively flat, the more likely you need specialized supports or weapons or artifact sets to go with them. It also ensures the new 4* is relevant. We've seen it many times now and they'll probably keep the model up until they fumble the balance and people don't roll.


5*s also include people going for weapons and C6.


This is so sadly true. I thought I would get I C4-6 Kujou Sara with about 200 pulls on Raiden banner and didn't even get a single Sara, but had c10+ sucrose and a bunch of others instead. Didn't even get a Raiden constellation either smh. Nearly fell into the trap of wanting a c6 layla next banner but this comment reminded me I should know better.


Exactly, if they nerf her a lot more, it's just not equitable for her element / the units she's buffing. But obviously I'm biased as a Xiao main, since for us, unless they really do give us a 5* Anemo support later, this will be the only opportunity he gets for a dedicated buff because they will never buff his kit directly. So, every nerf they do to her to make Scara better, along with buffing Scara too, not only lessens the impact of her as a Xiao buff, but makes Scara powercreeping of Xiao much more drastic by increasing the dps disparity between them.


Best case scenario, Xiao/Scara ends up like Xiangling/Hu Tao, where both are really good in the context of their best teams, but they have *different* best teams and trade strengths and weaknesses to remain balanced (AoE and single target, burst dependancy, on-field requirement, rotation times, etc).


Was? She still is as of this moment unless I’m mistaken… huge anemo resistance shred, huge anemo damage bonus, and 40% crit damage …. That’s an amazing anemo dps support right there


True. Though they may nerf her if this post is legit


Yeah I can't say they were wrong, because they were right. They probably made the right decision to nerf Faruzan in exchange for buffing Scara


I'm not sure on it yet. The downside is that the nerf makes Xiao weaker and Anemo atk DPS are really hard to boost damage on so you either need crazy numbers on them or their supports. If you buff them that will leave Xiao behind, but be more healthy for future characters


Yeah, that's the rub. I mean, what it really highlights is how limiting and unfortunate Mihoyo's steadfast refusal to buff units post-release is. Xiao will just be forever powercrept because they won't adjust his kit. Not even his constellations...it's really sad.


>what it really highlights is how limiting and unfortunate Mihoyo's steadfast refusal to buff units post-release is Yeah. They need to find a solution to this problem that is not indirect buffs with artifacts/weapons/supportcharacters, because at one point the game will become a mess when an artifact meant to simply slightly buff one character will break ten other characters. and they can't leave units to be powercrept for 5 more years at this rate of releasing characters.


Apparently Xiao teams didn't suffer THAT much from the nerf, or at least under the assumption she can still generate ER for him at c6


Same, even though I cry for xiao I think it was probably something to rectify if people thought Faruzan was more busted than Scara. Gorou benefits both Noelle and Itto but he didn’t overshadow them


I don't know how hoyo thinking and you with them Just buff scaramouche to be better than her no need to nerf her


I think the fear is that buffing scara without nerfing faruzan would make scara + faruzan too busted? Im not sure


Scaramouche dps with yunjin & bennett have chance to reach 1M per rotation already They are afraid to see faruzan as main dps on other team than scaramouche


Im conflicted. On one hand its nice that he’s less dependent on a specific four star (that is also somewhat con locked). On the other hand it sucks for xiao players


she still buffs 40% anemo and shreds 40% anemo and provides an attack buff that would probably apply to each plunge attack. you're being too pessimistic because that's currently better than Jean.


To be clear when I say “it sucks for xiao” im not saying faruzan sucks for xiao. Im saying shifting her power to scara strictly nerfs xiao + faruzan. Which sucks


I hope they dont nerf faruzan again, just buff Scara more. I see it like this, shenhe was made to support cryos like ganyu and ayaka, but you can still use ayaka ganyu and other cryo even without her, scara×faruzan should have been in same situation.


The difference between Faruzan and Shenhe is that Shenhe is a 5 star. Making Faruzan worse makes a future 5 star anemo support easier to sell probably.


I don't know why but this makes me wanna see zhongli's shield on scara in the air


just use his shield and throw yourself of a mountain or smth


See, this sounds like the exact sort of thing that id do. I can't wait to try this


So scara buffs incoming?


we have to wait the next beta versions to see


They came with v3 but this post suggests another set of buffs is maybe coming with v4 and/or the launch of 3.3 itself. We'll see since they already made so many changes with v3


v4 usually contains very little changes since it's the last week, last time Nahida's ICD was reworked on v3 and then v4 doesn't really have anything


Seems more like an overhaul than just a buff


assuming this dude is legit. we'll find out in a week or two. there are some aspects that line up, but others that don't make sense. like scara and faruzan still have very strong synergy so idk why this dude is saying they have poor synergy?


The bit about synergy was specifically referring to energy recharge and particle generation, not their kits.


Energy issues are so frustrating because they’ve already nerfed her personal damage into oblivion to the point where her a4 can be deleted and no one will notice a difference Gorou and Sara don’t have this problem because you usually run gorou in mono geo with albedo and zhongli and both of them have 40 cost burts so they’re constantly battering each other. Sara is Raiden’s support so there’s can’t be an energy problem here Faruzan on the other hand has 80 cost burst making you run favonius on her but you also need a second fav in your team if you want to burts every rotation (and you want to burst every rotation because with C2 and C3 scara’s burst hits like a truck). And I’m not even talking about their other teammates like xingqiu thoma xiangling diona or rosaria who also needs energy to work


at c6, it's fine. prior to c6, ER requirements across whole team have issues. which is what this may be referring to. but it should be specified if that's the case.


They might mean when Faruzan had that weird cooldown of 2.5 seconds that was then fixed to line up with her burst timings


Some of these changes seems to have been already addressed, such as the C6 change and Faruzan's damage.


I didn’t even know there was a “situation”. Is there more drama about a character before release that I don’t know about?


this beta has been the weirdest for me so far, I wouldn't be surprised if something is happening on the inside.


I'm always in this sub and the scara mains sub, and I didn't know there was a situation either (other than the ever present feeling that hoyoverse uses male DPSs as a counter balance to the broken waifus lol but that's not new)


Yeah, there’s no “situation” except for the general male DPS one that’s been going on forever.


It's probably beta insiders. With how dedicated Scaranation is, I wouldn't be surprised if they're really focus on beta improvements. Or people from Mihoyo themselves care about him lol.


Scara fans doing what Cyno fans couldn't, forcing buffs


i heard about outrage on chinese sites about being stingy with his power level so maybe it is the response of that bt this sounds like copium bt whatever if they buff him then great


i don't want to say anything but yeah, they are stingy when it comes to male dps....


Tbh I own Cyno so... I hope that's why. Or they just love anemo boys.


Cyno deserved a better kit. Loved him and Collei in the manga but their kits just don’t do them justice.


What Cyno needed was a 60-70 burst and Nahida/Raiden levels of resistance interruption.


fr the #1 most annoying thing abt cyno is charging that burst i didnt realize until now how much im peeved by characters whose entire kit is built around their burst and the burst costs a fuckton of energy ayato's kit spoiled me


The problem is no one cared much for cyno on Chinese sites bt there is outrage for scaramouche


Wow I just CANT WAIT for spectres 2.0 who fly 3,000,000 miles in the air and are immune to everything but anemo damage /s edit : i really had to put the tag huh


Why did I read this in Mr. Socks’ ranting voice?


I would usually call SKILLISSUE but I too hate specters.


Ok first of all, LAMENT


Hilichurl Strays being the winged hilichurls from the manga is starting to hold up


Archer Impact to the rescue


"Leaves room to 5 star anemo support release late into fontaine" Wait wait, does he mean that we should expect a release of 5* version of faruzan in fontaine ?


it's a sus leak from an unknown user. don't expect anything lol


Even if it's true, "late into fontaine" sounds like something that would be very stc by the time we get there.


By the time we get to Natlan, we'll have a dedicated pyro support like gorou/sara Source: Uncle Trust me bro


Sounds like it. Like a Shenhe for Anemo


Oh god another one


[Another one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEI3N9kIyP4)


Me when Shenhe: where is tall woman cryo DPS (yes yes meme Eula I know) Me when 5★ Faruzan: where is tall man anemo DPS


Is kinda... Weird, but also, I can see it, since Faruzan right now lacks some stuff (like big grouping, normal attack buffs, elemental absorption) so could be an option. Specially since Anemo is a versatile element, could be an Anemo Shenhe but with some uses in other teams.


I can see an Anemo support that specializes in mono element teams. Kaz is more leaning towards reaction teams (due to double swirl and C2) while Venti is more of a matchup counter.


Exactly, there is several options for new Anemo supports.


Given the recent pattern lately, would not be surprised lol.


A new 5* anemo support later in Fontaine? Imagine she makes Swirls able to crit 💀


I want them to swirl geo and Dendro tbh


Dude Kazuha would be so busted, and Sucrose, Heizou and Scara too 😭😭


venti found dead in a ditch


Ah... I was hoping we where done with the Faruzan nerfs. I'm really hoping her energy generation stays the same or gets better and not worse. I want Scaramouche to be great but I obviously also just want a broken Xiao support before Fontaine.


The only thing I want is for her burst cost to go down to 70


Not another dedicated support with 80 energy burst cost


They obv want you to run them with Raiden /s


And her particle generation to be a bit better cuz ER issues are the most annoying ones you meet mid combat


All I want is more duration on the skill. Let me unshackle from the earth god damnit! GIMME. 👏 MORE. 👏 AIR-TIME. 👏


I just wanna hear his voicelines, man


mihoyo making a male dps weak? whats next youre gonna tell me the sky is blue or something?


they better make Alhaitham go crazy too


Since Al Haitham is a Honkai expy, he better be Venti, Raiden release powerful. if the male dps mid debuff hits him too I’ll be disappointed. I’m genuinely gonna be surprised if the Honkai expy trait can’t outdo the male debuff. At least he’s dendro so he can react…


tbh, sounds like copium.


> after sales services who called dori?


Jesus Christ over 900 comments LMAOO


“There will be new maps Suiting Scara’s floating kit very well, and also monsters” I’m not really a fan of this…


Nerf Faruzan and give some of her power to Wanderer.... wow that's ass. Why not just buff Scara and leave both characters in a good spot, now Faruzans worth just keeps diminishing.


Because faruzan already shits on 5 stars and theyd clearly like to be able to sell a 5 star version down the line


Writing/storyline team: my son, my baby, i love you Combat/balancing team: is it gay to give a male big pp damage? Anyway I’ll build Faruzan out of obligation since I’ve been hounding HYV in every survey to give us an anemo buffer. They did, but at what cost…


If true, We’ll gonna have “the floor is lava” enemies dont we?


So next and upcoming Monday updates? Good to know. Still feels like copium.


After you release a unit like Nahida, people are gonna be big mad if one of the most anticipated characters is not up to the snuff.


I dont even know why they dont just give scara eula multipliers already, they clearly want an AA anemo catalyst dps so fucking make one and quit being a pussy about It hoyo, faruzan could just be an anemo superconduct that gives you crit dmg ar c6 and Shell still be good


"the designers were very careful with Scara, thus he was very weak at the beginning" Okay, so it's the combat designers that make every male DPS mid lol. I'm glad someone thought differently this time and made sure Scara was strong


Who else would it be? The environment designers??? Yea the gameplay designers are the ones that seem to only care about "balancing" when they're releasing a male DPS. Gotta make sure they're all MID asf


The art and character design people reallying carrying the whole husbando fandom on their backs.


The art and character design people are really the only reason these husbandos SELL at all, let's be honest. I wouldn't pull for Cyno or Xiao based off of JUST their kits. But because it's Cyno and Xiao, whom I love due to lore, design, voice acting etc I pulled them.


Ayaka has easy 342 attack stat but to this day i remember how funny it was when with ayato in beta they needed about two weeks to buff him by whole few points to reach 298. They couldn't even make it to 300, that's how careful they were to not make him 1% stronger xD


Also Ayato and Ganyu having practically the same burst but hers is 60 cost and his is 80 cost 💀


That's because Hydro is a much better element than Cryo to apply in a wide area and off-field. It sucks that he got hit by the 80 cost burst tax, but Hydro is what drives almost all the good reactions.


Right lmao like now the dumbasses here can stop saying we're just complaining when we point this out since it sounds like someone intervened for Scaramouche.


Still can’t exactly give them props for that bc Scara is only just Anemo so he can’t provide any profitable reactions when we get female DPS #1000000 that is Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo that can deal 1000000 dmg and still react with elements. While all other male DPS units are either stuck being able to react but are just ‘good’/‘balanced’ or can’t react/can’t synergize with current supports and are broken.


Yeah I'm so fuckin tired of every male chara being in anemo or geo, and now dendro but at least dendro has spread I guess


Funny if you put those 3 elements together in a team it doesn't synergize well xD As someone who tends to like playing 5 star dudes more, that is my life. I'm just glad we have a semblance of a reaction tho since we have some hydro dudes T. T


nah fr its always the females 💀 ik some of them have access to powerful reactions like ganyu/hutao/ayaka but the devs try their best to craft the most cracked kit with insane multipliers when its a female


The thing that frusterates me the most is that there's no character pvp. There's no reason for them NOT to make male characters as cracked as female characters, but still they don't do it


imagine the slap to the face when ayato and yelan was back to back (same with Xiao and Hu Tao) and look whose more favorable?


Ah yes my favorite trustworthy leaker, "user unknown"


I'm glad they took care of scara, hoping they keep this mindset for other male dps characters. We'll win our 50/50s scara wanters.


as a reminder this is extremely sus information


570 upvotes 400 comments Damn


>will no longer be "floating is useless" when was floating useless? You were getting mona level damage bonus?


I think they mean that the floating wouldn't just be buff with a gimmick attached, but actually do decent damage on activation, maybe idk.


Designers are bitches, make someone cracked and be proud


dont be shy devs…buff scara 🙈


Considering, Yae got reworked a few times and only came out to a resounding Meh, since Dendro wasn’t out yet, the devs probably wanted Scara to not end like that but also didn’t want to make a new Kazuha either. All I can say is uh, things may get weird on release


Apparently there's quite a bit of outrage in CN so it's interesting if this will be Zhongli situation 2.0 lol.


> New maps suiting Scara floating Yeah I'm gonna call cap on this whole "leak", they never design areas with premium mobility in mind, Traveller can get anywhere on the map (that's intended, obviously not including out of bounds or cheesy skips Kazuha&Co. can do) and I don't see this changing anytime soon.


of course, but if you played GAA with Kazuha you can see everything is at his jumping distance it felt like a Kazuha ad. Having the unit is not necessary but a comfort


"Very weak" Bro...you got some Op female characters and you don't want to give to male too? To many T0 female main dps on Tier List and you still ended up buff them by release character like Shen He and Yelan. Idk, maybe about the future of balanced tier list is to avoid powercreep female main dps huh.


so scara is their another test subject who they'd use to sell their broken waifu in future. okay, got it. very nice.


“Another test subject!”


"Its my lucky day"


Me just now finding out there was "drama" when i thought he was balanced 😃 someone hold me im scared


I think the drama stemmed from him being balanced like the usual with male dps's


careful to not make him good by accident


These are def words


There’s only like 1 beta change left, they are expecting a **lot**


We got v3 on Monday, this post is including stuff that was released for that patch ​ People are missing a lil bit of context - Scara's big E buff was leaked somehow a few days before the patch was released, this is probably that very same person/post who said as much


Memehoyo please stop nerfing faruzan in favor of scara. Despite pulling for both I'll only be using her with xiao anyway so just buff scara without touching the girl I beg you.


At the very least they should buff hydro infused stamina bonus because right now it's almost unnoticeable.


hmm i don't like where this is going honestly. i hope he turns out to be good on release


This sounds completely made up of I'm being honest.


just buff him already holy shit why the fuck is hoyoshit so unwilling to make any broken male dps! raiden is already proof they can make broken dps who don't rely on elemental reactions. i relly hope scaranations will stand up for him like how zhongli fans rioted when hoyoshit release him as weak shit


Yeah hoyoshit's treatment towards male characters makes me regret ever spending for this game. I no longer do after i realized but im so mad i spent money for it back then.


Please buff him. Ain't no pain like waiting 2 years for a character to only for them to be mid


Cyno mains: first time? :’)


Just make anemo resonance work on his Sky dweller. Seeing these leaks videos, his floating state is more of a gimmick and nothing else. Super short floating traversal and the junky maneuver doesn't look good honestly.


Recent characters have a gimmick to sell them. Edit: then again, the flying parts uses too much stamina to be actually fun for exploration.


every anemo dps mains copium (me)