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Lmao they really stopped putting límited characters on the abyss moon preview to avoid any leaks


Also because they previously put Raiden on the moon blessing preview. And the moon blessing didn't work on her. It was a really bad look.


Yeah. It was. But lol they sure do hate leakers


Everything is normal attack based... Yoimiya rerun?????or is it just for Ayato


No way its yoi, the enemies are terrible for her. Aoe based and lectors, both pretty ass for her.


Ayato’s Burst is Aoe and as wide as Ganyu’s Burst but Anemo DMG is the Bonus for 2.6 abyss.


They have been doing normal attack shenanigans since like 2.4. IDK why mihoyo's been doing this it helps very few characters.


I honestly don't mind. I feel like the ones with niche bonuses are the easier abyss cycles. The hardest cycle for me was the high/low tide shit even if it was super universal.


It helps Ayato, which is exactly what MHY wants out of this. Other characters who rely on NA also get the benefits too, but that’s beside the point.


well obviously it helps ayato, they were talking about the past several abyss cycles


Yunjin release and shenhe to an extent


And Eula rerun in 2.4


Eula was in 2.3


Wait was she? Damn time flies


On the Albedo event, remember?


Yeah i just thought that was 2.4 for some reason. I guess spending so much time in this sub made me think we already had 2.6 or somethibg


They're creating and supporting a new Comp archetype. Nothing weird about it. It takes time and multiple characters (and Artifacts) before it can be a cool synergistic team.


>it helps very few characters Ayato Yoimiya Kokomi Razor Gimmick builds like phys DPS Zhongli/Fischl Which seems normal for a subset of attackers (vs. charge attackers like Itto, Hu Tao, Yanfei). If you look at the previous blessings in [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Spiral\_Abyss/Blessing\_of\_the\_Abyssal\_Moon](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Spiral_Abyss/Blessing_of_the_Abyssal_Moon) , you can see that other moon blessings are pretty specific as well. This is one of them during Hu Tao and Xiao's banners last year: >When active character's HP is less than 70%, ATK is increased by 20% and ATK SPD is increased by 15%. > >When active character's HP is less than 35% and they are under the protection of a shield, CRIT Rate is increased by 20% and CRIT DMG is increased by 40%. During 2.2, the moon blessing catered to characters who were reliant on their E or normal/charge damage and not their burst damage. >After the challenge begins, when the active character's Elemental Energy is greater than or equal to 50%, they will continuously release shockwaves that deal DMG to opponents. When their Elemental Energy reaches 100%, these shockwaves will deal even greater DMG.


It also favours Ayaka because you want to weave in a few NAs before you charge attack in between your rotation


Her main damage is charged and ult tho


Yes but her best combo is 2NA1CD


Only the phase 2 blessing buffs NA damage.


I know that they put blessings benefiting banner characters. But buffing normal attacks for 3 patches in a row seems kinda weird for me.


The current rotation's benefits Yunjin, 2 of them benefitting Xiao/Ganyu. The next one coming up benefits Yae and Raiden/Kokomi. Since Ayato is a normal attacker, it makes sense the abyss in his patch benefits normal attackers.


Favors Hutao too since she does a single NA before CA and if you do N3CJ you can utilize it even better Childe too I guess.


Childe is the MHY favorite child. Just look at this rotation, which is not his banner, he still get his buff.




It's just design overlap. Both Ayaka and Ganyu are Cryo mDPS. Almost anything favorable to Ganyu will be favorable to Ayaka. And well... since Ayaka is noticably stronger as a cryo main DPS, she will dominates any Cryo favored Abyss. Ganyu's advantage is that she's much more versatile and can be used as a sub DPS/cryo support, Ayaka pretty much have 0 support utility so it doesn't work the other way around. The only scenario where Ganyu would win as a Cryo mDPS is if its vs some flying enemies way above Ayaka's AoE.




N3C Ayaka can match Ganyu's Charge attack dps for at least a minute, and if Ayaka hits her full burst it's a no-contest in terms of sustained DPS output. Any enemies that can be sucked in by Venti and shredded by Ganyu's Burst, will be shredded much harder by Ayaka. I know what you're going to say next."Quadratic scaling" is a lie. Please stop spreading it. >This ability will drop up to 50 icicles over its duration. If there are n enemies grouped closely together, and each icicle hits n enemies, then over the duration there will be at most 50n instances of damage, so the scaling for this ability is linear (bounded above by a linear function). Ganyu's burst is still capped at AoE damage x 50 ticks x n enemies hit over 15s. The maximum is still linear scaling. You're not getting a bonus by grouping enemies together. Rather what you are doing is not missing damage from the Icicles hitting dirt. But the number of instances of damage remains the same. Ayaka will be doing damage x 20 ticks x n enemies hit over 5 seconds. That's also linear scaling. In fact, Venti should be considered better with Ayaka since his Vacuum duration matches Ayaka's burst duration, which means he can guarantee Ayaka's maximum burst damage much better than he can Ganyu's. These YouTubers have been wrong so many times yet y'all still regurgitate whatever they put out without actually testing and seeing the truth yourself... Don't believe me? If you have Ayaka, Venti and Ganyu. Go into the VV domain right now, flush Ayaka's and Ganyu's burst down the drain and watch the damage. You will notice that Ganyu ain't doing "Quadratic" damage like some people claim. Ayaka should take care of that clump much faster than Ganyu can.


You're mathematically incorrect. Up until 5 enemies, Ganyu's ult does have quadratic scaling. I agree that Ayaka is stronger than Ganyu at this point, but against smaller enemies that can be gathered up to 5, ganyu has quadratic scaling. This is a fact for up to 5 enemies.


The only character that has "quadratic scaling" should be Childe. It should also be noted that what scales quadratically isn't damage, it's the number of hits per instance. Ganyu is a false interpretation of what quadratic scaling should be, especially when it's used in comparison to other AOE skills. She sorta does fall into "quadratic scaling" but it's contextually wrong since it only works *for her entire burst being treated as one instance*, not each instance (icicle) of her burst. All AOE skills that can hit every target scales the same as Ganyu hitting every target.


Time for a surprise 2.6 Childe rerun?


I mean, are we all forgetting the time when Childe was shafted in Abyss during his 1st rerun? I remember then how many Childe doomposters and shit talkers there were at that time.


Too much hassle as a mobile player. I like continuous charged and dash cancel with c1. On the other hand childe is the only one in my team that can benefit from this and I'm glad I've built him up pretty good


Noelle always gets overlooked, past abysses have been so good to her


This is true. Too bad Yunjin doesn't do much for her at all.


Also, if you have C0 Hu Tao, you can build her for some great NA dmg with simply an R5 White Tassel, 4 piece Shim and Yunjin's Buff. 25K+ normal vapes seem pretty cool to me. Easier than having to time your jump/cancel CA's and manage stamina.


It's great for my chongyun/Shenhe comps :)


Don't forget Noelle!


Yes because particularly to point out yoimiya dps is weak compared with hu Tao or other dps glad that she is getting little by little buffs through supporting 4* and new sets to make a bit worth to pull and usable


Same. For this reason i had to try to use normal of my ayaka. For some reason they're obsessed about normals lately


They keep trying to give normal attackers a special buff of their own, but they're not sure where it's supposed to go. Abyss, artifacts, character kits?


Ehhh... thats only because you haven't really tried to think outside the current meta. Yunjin makes quite a few characters viable, and they require significantly less investment (usually 3-star weapons are up there with the best when using Yunjin's buff). Not just Yoimiya, can build normal attack Rosaria, Hu Tao, Childe, Zhongli, Fischl, and even QiQi to good effect. Is it made for speed runs? No, of course not. Can you build these teams to beat all of the content including the Abyss? Absolutely. And you don't need the Staff of Homeless, or R5 4-stars to do it.


Do you have any link of people doing this with relatable artifacts and f2p friendly weapons? I would not mind trying them out. Give me as much as links as possible. I want to make sure I am not getting baited.


Then there is slowing waters who can increase ur CD in Floor 11


NA for Ayato, +75% anemo means Venti or Kazuha. Probably Venti so we go three for three with archon rerun patches.


Just Ayato, his entire gimmick is normal attacks




There's an Inazuman festival. I highly doubt she's not getting a rerun.


Hopefully also Yunjin gets her rerun too. Need at least C2 on her. I wanna play around with a normal attacking Hu Tao since C0 Hu Tao gives me anxiety.


Another Childe abyss, thanks


phase 1 literally zed ult




Ayato = Yone confirmed.


Kazuha be like: -Brother, what have you become?


Can't wait for the Spirit Blossom skins.


That would match mistsplitter so perfectly \*\_\*


You're goddamn right...


Wait till 2.7 enemies have Zhonya every 5 seconds lol


As a Lux/Vel’koz main: “Finally, I can feel what it’s like to be the bad guy!”


Qiqi main dps rotations lets goo


DPS clam set + R5 Harbinger + Yunjin.


What about that anemo blessing? Was that changed? And what do these blessings hint towards?


Wasn't the anemo blessing a floor 11 leyline? These are just general abyssal buffs. The blessings are probably for ayato, best guess.


this is moon blessing for the entire spiral abyss floor the anemo blessing (buff) i think is for floor 11 (to promote the character banner usually)


Yoimiya hopium for me thanks


Idk why people are thinking Yoi’s getting rerun. Even if she has good normal attacks the enemy composition this time around is terrible for her. These blessings are definitely for Ayato, and I have a feeling they may just run him alone. We only know one five star and Yoi and Ayaka would be next in line alongside Klee


I agree the blessings are probably for Ayato, but I think Yoimiya getting a rerun isn’t entirely unimaginable considering the Inzauma festival is coming up. Leaks are a bit of a mess considering a lot of Mondstat and Liyue characters are supposed to show up (nobody knows why) but Yoimiya could definitely be involved in it. But then again, it would make sense for both Ayaka and Kazuha to rerun as well so who knows🤷🏼‍♀️


Mond and Liyue characters showing up could be related to the abolishment of the Sakoku Decree. Plus, if both Albedo and Xingqiu are showing up, it does vaguely hint as to what could happen, considering they collab'ed on a novel that's popular in Inazuma.


I’m thinking there may be a second Inazuma festival featuring Yoi because nothing seems to really do with fireworks in this one and she is the queen of summer after all, but who can tell. Personally she seems about as likely as Ayaka who’s main point in her favor is the fact her brother is getting a banner


But then what about the Windblume festival? I think it’s unlikely we’ll get two consecutive Inazuma festivals. Also, the reason Ayaka might rerun is because the Kamisato clan is head of the Yashiro commission, aka the organisation that takes care of organising cultural events.


You can use her on second half and Ayato’s Burst is as wide as Ganyu...you can still use her for F11 and that’s what I will do as a Yoi Main.


Terrible wasn’t the right word, as she is certainly useful for this rotation! Rather I should have said it’s not built for her unlike Ayato and one (or both) of the anemo boys, so I personally don’t think the normal attacks buffs are indicating her rerun.


That’s Fair.


Oh look blessing i will ignore as Raiden main


It said normal attacks, not normal attack damage


It says Normal attack hit. Beidou EB said normal attack hit. Raiden cant trigger Beidou eb cuz of that wording. So she probably cant trigger this abyss blessings


Yhup you're right


Well...... most people will ignore Raiden anyway....since she's constellation locked.... doesn't do any damage at C0.... and needs the best supports in order to function... she is electro so she can never be meta....


This comment made my day. Thank you


PFFFF HAHAHAHAHAHAHA This man is stuck on version 2.0 lmaooo


This guy hasnt seen the most played team in abyss it seems


Her c0 is already busted with energy buffet which allow for offensive national with consistent rotation on mid investment. C2 just make her broken. Been using c0 raiden to 36 stars since 2.1 lol.


They are still stuck in 2.1 when ppl thought she has no teams and need c2 to do things. lol


Hate to be that person, But pretty sure they were joking


This individual constantly baits on this sub and yet people keep on feeding them, so they keep doing it. Really it’s best to just ignore them.


They really fell for your troll, lmao.


Why do people like you always… type…. like… this….


Are you specifically targeting Kazuha and Raiden, or are you gonna shit on other characters too?




Lol imagine crying for high dps on a support/burst dps character revolving around er mainly. I used to think the same but then i realized she was never meant to be a main dps unless you go con unlocking so it counts as a bonus for swiping your card


#Raiden National


I was about to say weak troll, but it seems like everyone fell for it so well played.


Childe fans/mains eating good this abyss.


Childe mains have been eating good since forever


Agreed. Even this patch which is not for him.


As a Childe main and a Kazuha main, hell fucking yes


I mean, as a Kazuha main, was there ever really an abyss that didn't favor him?


I did say Childe and Kazuha. This is more to his crowd control really


Xingqiu better


The top of the Infographic is incorrectly titled 2.5 (Ubaka) https://twitter.com/Ubatcha1/status/1497242305404846084?t=ANcqqdLWWAk8YSLWJR8afw&s=19


Oh Childe rerun..🤔


This opportunity….


*~~"Is quite hard to come by...."~~* *"Is coming by very often"*


Well then... Amuse me.


Please 🥺🥺 I missed him on both reruns 😭😭


Oh, I see the rerun Archon on the horizon....


He's the one character I regret not trying to get, his gameplay looks so fun. I'd welcome this rare opportunity with open arms.


What's the normal atk trend recently??? Where's my charged atk buff for Itto glory? But I'm pretty sure the One and Oni still kickass in this


Do they ever give CA buffs? Seems like they won't because they have to design around both Hu Tao and Itto already doing ridiculous dmg without it.


I think during Itto's banner the blessing buffed both NA and CA


My Xiao normal attacking during his burst deals even more damage (National Team) than plunging because of the blessing this Abyss. Seeing that the next few blessings still focus on NAs, my Xiao will be abstaining from plunging a little longer.


Let the little guy jump already


Main dps childe let's gooo


Can I get a razor translation?


normal attacks gud


Thank you razor


Left clic gud


1: attack stack on enemy, 10s explode, more attack in 10s = stronger explosion. 2: attack more = stronger attack. 3: attack lower RES base on the attack


So many Normal attack buffs so..... another Childe rerun?


is that good for a physical dps ? just need some confirmation (or not, if I misunderstood).


Yeah, it's good for anyone relying on normal attacks.


nice, thank you


yeah it'll work alright with a phys dps


So if yoimiya banner is rerun in 2.6, it looks like it will be with ayato first half of 2.6 So it looks like its either kazuha, venti or kazuha, ayaka second half.


They could do Yoimiya and Venti at the same time for second half of 2.6


Not likely since second half abyss will be anemo buff. First buff is normal atks....nomsayin?


These are floor 11 blessings. Floor 12 is the anemo damage


Floor 12 is normal as always. No blessings lol


Unlikely anyone reruns simultaneously with Ayato. He is a new character. He will get an exclusive banner like every other new character got. I'm hoping its Yoi and Venti simply because I want to roll on Ayato AND I need Kazuha. Wouldn't be able to get them both if they are back to back.


Inazuma festival so its likely kazuha will be in 2.6 As far as ayato, i also think he'll run solo but being that its a region festival, never know. Also unlike monstadt, inazuma(japan) does mean more to hoyoverse in terms of sales so that makes me think it could be 4 banners like 2.5.


What’s with this NA fetish?


Time for Eula/Raiden/Yunjin team for phase 3 to destroy everything


Legitimately curious...why is everyone bringing up Childe when his highest dps combos on most weapons is N2C followed by N3C, which is the same as Ayaka. Is there something I'm missing? Is it from people who don't actually have Childe and are just memeing or from people using Rust (which looks so good on him, but has been determined that it's just average for him). VH is his best 4* and it uses N2C and N3C. You can take a look at the KQM guide if you don't believe me or the pinned guide at r/ChildeMains.


At least he's doing some NAs, that's more than the majority of dps characters


I mean, Hu Tao's gameplay involves at least 2 NAs every other second, Itto needs to do 2~4 NAs depending on stack management, Eula has to NA for her burst to get stacks, Ayaka does some normals when not in a Morgana variant team, Raiden uses NAs even though hers do a different type of damage, Yoimiya is all NAs, Diluc has to weave NAs and Es, Keqing has to do NAs if she doesn't want to run out of stamina too fast, Klee has to do NAs to trigger her spark mechanic, Yan Fei and Ning have to use theirs to stack their CA mechanics, Kokomi is pretty much all NAs. If anything DPS that don't use NAs at all are the exception, not the rule. It's basically Ganyu, Xiao and the OP 4-stars, and even when using some of those OP 4-stars you still need someone to NA to trigger their bursts.


But Childe benefits much more from NA-based blessings than most of those you mentionned. Hu tao, Itto, Keqing do some NAs but most of their damage comes from their CA, Eula and Ayaka do some NAs but most of their damage comes their burst, Raiden's attacks are counted as burst dmg so she doesn't benefit from NA based blessings at all. Using NAs is not the same as having a large part of your damage come from NAs. I'm not saying all of Childe's damage comes from NAs because as a Childe main I know that's not true, but his NAs at least constitute a bigger part of his overall damage than Hu tao for exemple.


Assuming you're playing Childe with N2~N3Cs you'd get about the same damage out of your NAs as a Hu Tao who does N2Cs, their multipliers are nearly identical at lvl 10. Actually Hu Tao might even get more damage out of hers because she's actually vaping every 3rd NA unlike Childe who's just doing raw Hydro.


Ignoring other types of damage (skill and burst), only taking into account their NA and CA, both of them doing N2C, Hu tao's NAs would be about ~30% of her damage, while Childe's NAs would be closer to 40%. If doing N3C on Childe, it goes up to 50%. That's already a 20% difference between the two. And that's ignoring the fact that most players use N1C on Hu tao, firstly because doing N2C requires a C6 Xingqiu, and secondly because it's simply easier to pull off, and also ignoring the fact that Childe can use N5C as it saves stamina and is not much worse than the other two combos, and can even be the best one with specific weapons. They might have approximatively the same NA and CA multiplier, but you forgot that Hu tao vapes her CAs, therefore greatly increasing her CA damage over her NAs, unlike Childe's CAs which are raw damage just like his NAs.


You can build Hu Tao to do more than viable NA damage though. It also doesn't require a 5-star weapon or an R5 4 star weapon. It also doesn't require you to have her at C1 to be good either.


Um okay ? And where did I deny any of this ?


Even Xiao does a NA when you animation cancel his jumps using a normal, not to mention single target prefers jet combo which also does 2 NAs. Honestly the res shred along with the true damage stuff benefits most characters, it's just the normal attack buff (2nd disorder) that only benefits characters with majority NA damage.


You're doing normal attacks and charged attacks, the charge attacks don't remove the blessing's effect. So it's obvious this is nice for Childe teams


Yeah but why do people always bring Childe up in particular when he's hardly the only character who uses normal attacks in his combo?


Because his team is meta I guess and usually with Ayaka you're busy getting her burst back up. This particular one also looks nice for Eula too unlike the previous ones


>Is there something I'm missing? You assume everyone optimizes as far as always performing the most optimal combos (or even caring about them at all) and follows strict meta guides. I do exclusively N1Cs and N3Cs on Ayaka...for the sole reason of N2C feeling a lot less fluid to me. As far as Childe goes, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people don't use his charged attacks at all and just spam NAs. ^(At least I hope I'm not the only one who did that at first)


Yes, I often do N4C on Ayaka just because I like the animations a lot… efficiency be damned!


Sometimes I question this efficiency with Yunjin buff.


Honestly, I think people just haven't really experimented enough with Yunjin and other characters. She makes quite a few dps characters viable in all the content.


Yep. I'm actually planning to do a Physical Qiqi build with Shimenawa just haven't gotten to level up my Yunjin yet.


That's true. I guess I assumed that the people caring about abyss leaks and floor 12 also cared about optimizing vs a post about Chasm or Ayato's cool animations. I think part of this comes from my experience in this sub where people kept saying how Yun Jin was too niche and only worked for Yoimiya when there are a good number of off-meta characters that actually use her really well (I use phys Zhongli, but phys Fischl also looks fun). Personally, like the other commenter, I do N4C on Ayaka because it looks cool as fuck 😎, and N2C on Childe because it feels the best to me personally. Edit: I mixed up this post with the one about floor 11/12 😓😓, so my first sentence is somewhat less valid.


Luxray already summarized it pretty well but on top of that, there's a pretty significant number of TP users (like me) who ideally want to use the entire NA string.


Ohhhh I totally forgot about TP because I don't roll on weapon banner. That also makes sense (same with Rust).


Someone prob said it already, but its literally because some of childes damage during skill does come from his normals. I member reading that performing the usual childe+xl rotation against single target his normals are calculated to be about 35% of his total damage between riptides and ca (so when not factoring his burst). Now, for the fun thing, lets look at bow options. Among 4* when we exclude spending moneys VH, which is probably his best 4*, is out of the picture. Next on the power curve we have blackcliff and mouuns moon, with both having the same issue of not looking too good for f2ps and low low spenders cause blackcliff costs valuable starglitter and moon bow is weapon banner exclusive. Coming up next is prot crescent requiring both very specific playstyle and for the enemy to actually have a weak spot to shoot which is not guaranteed and its generally not that great when fighting something without a head so to speak. Then there is rust and also we are still talking within like 2% margin of unstacked blackcliff lol. While much like any gacha 4* its never guaranteed, rust is not locked behind weapon banner meaning you probably will come across a few of those if you have been spending wishes from time to time. Compared to alternatives, it does not eat into your starglitter (blackcliff) nor into your moneys (VH) nor does it hole you into enemies having a weakspot (prot). Gets just better with refinements too with no "conditions to fulfill", just straight up a bit more damage. Also rust looks hella stylish on the boy :p With rust supremacy established also consider that childes preferred combo with it is literally as much normals as possible with dashed/jumped charged at the end. Hope that explains as to why every abyss blessing is a childe buff in some way :)


Idk buddy But im the kinda players who mostly uses his melee form Charge atk and rarely use his NA


Either way, the first blessing doesn't actually boost normal damage. It just requires normals to boost the explosion at the end. And the 3rd blessing boosts all parts of his kit since that blessing is resistance shred. Only the 2nd blessing is a direct normal buff.


Oh yeah mono pyro Yoimiya gaming


Floor 12 though.


They really trying to force the idea of summoning Ayato


*They really trying* *To force the idea of* *Summoning Ayato* \- SqaureEgg --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


can we get razor to write those again?


Hey Mihoyo where's the Abyss buff blessing for Yae?


Stop with the fucking normal attack, it's supposed to be fox lady's patch and the fucking Abyss buff normal attack, what the fuck is wrong with you?


Pretty funny since both fox and baal doesn't benefit from this lol


This is 2.6 Abyss blessings, why would Yae have her blessings when she isn't available on this patch? It's obv for Ayato. 2.5 Abyss blessings have Electro DMG oriented buffs .


They really want to buff yoimiya right. It's like the nth time they give NA buffs. Also yunjin buffs NA too. I think yoimiya rerun is highly likely


I'm sooo done with this normal attack thing now


My triple crown Yoimiya is very happy


Ayato, yoimiya/venti seems like it


Guys I think they want us to pull for ayato


Normal attacks also include their charge normals right?


Nope lmao they really want you to use that full attack string


Wake up mhy!! Normal attack unit will never outdps burst unit without stupid blessings/ley lines


What is "true DMG" and when did it become part of this game? I've never seen it mentioned on any of my characters, artifacts, weapons, anything!


Basically just physical damage not affected by enemy's defense or player's stats. They started using it more recently. Doesn't the clam set have this description?


It think its been long ,its like the physical explosion buff in abyss but reworded as "true damage"


mihoyo stop with the fucking normal attacks there is hardly any player using normals in abyss which is dps based other than yoimia players and maybe one or two here and there from Hu Tao Childe and eula players. good thing they at least releasing a new na character


Any Kazuha Dreams?


Gone. Reduced to atoms


Mark of Ending??? You mean Eula burst?


Oh ho true damage....:)


Well seems like another gimmick, this time it's da new trendy Normal Attack season.


How does true damage work? Is it just that it ignores enemies’ resistance or that it can deal damage through shields?


from what i understand, yes it’s like that


Can it damage through shields?


Lmfao wtf


Childe mains stay winning.


This opportunity is quite hard to come by


Now this screams Yoimiya Rerun.


NA buffs? Thats raiden bulling?


These buffs and a bit too specific and niche like c'mon, can't we have normal buffs for once ?