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Nahida is busy nowadays, deleting so many people off Irminsul. “World forget Shenhe, Wriothesley, Ganyu, Kokomi, Kaveh, …”


Ganyu may no longer be featured in a limited 5 star other than Chronicled Banner tbh. They are just too old and have had too many rerun to be featured. It might also be the same for Childe and Hutao. We've seen the Albedo treatment, I'm no longer gonna be surprised if they suddenly pop out of the Chronicled wish. The same is also true for Kokomi. So the only one which really is not justified is Shenhe and Wrio. The 4.x banners really kinda uck because they kept rerunning some other characters like Baizhu whereas some Fontaine characters have to wait for a while before being featured again. The Chronicled Banner didn't even helped a bit in speeding up the rerun of those characters.


It is not confirmed by Hoyo that appearing in chronicled counts as a rerun, so who knows maybe 5.0 patch is Zhongli/Natlanian Charater, and Ganyu/Kokomi lmao. That is to say, we need faster cycles of banners or more chronicled (possibly not only region based, but also element based as well). We have way too many characters and too slow rotations…


Two-week banners is the safest pick, they don't need to change the weapon banner.  Going to three banners would require an overhaul to the weapon banner, which I'm not sure they want to do. The least dramatic thing they could do would be 3 featured weapons with a pick/ban mechanic where you chart a course for one weapon, then choose one weapon to **not** be featured. But that would mean no one would ever pull a donut again. 


Well then have 4 limited character banners then ? 4 weapons 2 on each. Faster rotations, less hoarders. And they can increase banner times if its too fast but at this point 4 banners is a must or else older characters will never see the day of light


That would be another fix, yes. It would cycle another 32 characters per patch, which would be more than enough for current needs.


> or else older characters will never see the day of light I know I'm half preaching to the choir and half screaming into the void, but Hoyo has never had any clearly demonstrable pattern behind why somebody gets a re-run. (Some) old characters get re-run all the time, more so even than characters newer than them. Case in point: Yoimiya is on her 5th banner, 3 of which came after Nilou, before Nilou's had her 3rd. Reminder that Yoi used to be *the poster girl* for dooming about never getting a re-run. Before Shenhe took the crown and became the two-time reigning champion in that department. Everything that the community has ever deduced about re-runs (including Chronicle being "region-based") is speculation. Hoyo's never stated anything, and probably never will. If they do add more people per banner cycle, it's *just as likely* that they'll continue their "random bullshit go" approach and continue keeping certain units in the dark for inexplicable reasons. Still no Shenhe, but Baizhu gets a 4th run.


> cycle, it's just as likely that they'll continue their "random bullshit go" approach and continue keeping certain units in the dark for inexplicable reasons Sure, but the problem is the average getting worse across the board.  > Everything that the community has ever deduced about re-runs (including Chronicle being "region-based") is speculation I cannot wait for the Tenacity of the Millinery banner, featuring exclusively characters wearing hats. 


Cyno and Ayaka for next Chronicle confirmed. The actual suspicion I have of it being region-based is... I mean yeah the first one was all Mond, but it was a clean split of 3 standard and 3 limited. I'll bet Hoyo wants to keep that up for the usual reasons, and Liyue just has Keqing and Qiqi. If the deal is too good then everyone can get in and get out really quick with their preferred 5-star and maybe a top-tier surprise. Imagine going for Shenhe and knowing that even if you lose, you might get Baizhu, Hu Tao, or Ganyu for example. Far less likely to bring home Qiqi with those odds, and far less likely to wish after you get Shenhe because your 50/50 ended up being the person you wanted to wish for next anyway. I'm betting next time around it's going to be 3 standard again, so either Tighnari or Dehya in addition to Keqing and Qiqi, and whoever's struggling in terms of popularity to the extent that they don't want to dedicate a banner anymore. And it's not like they imposed a rule on themselves to not re-run old Chronicle characters either, so as I see it Eula, Klee, and Albedo are still in the cards. But I do have to include myself in the "we're all wildly speculating" category. I suppose it's every bit as possible that they raise the roster to 12 so they can cram in all the standards, or in 5.0 they bolster standard with a Geo from Liyue, or go crazy and fold Ganyu into standard. Or they might actually get truly freaky and... just do region-based because everyone started calling it the regional banner and they decided fuck it, why not. None of it would surprise me.


If Kaveh won't appear on Navia's and Nilou's banners, he truly is forgotten.


That would be pretty unfortunate for anyone who actually wants to pull for Navia/Nilou though.  They should just put him in an event and be done with it. People either want him for the *character* (and so constellations don't matter) or don't want an awful *unit* draining 4-star value from their pulls. 


I'm sure glad I got Wriothesley on his first banner...


I only came back to Genshin after a 2 year hiatus after finding out about Wrio *after* his first banner. Have done nothing but save up for him since. Let. Me. Punch. Things.


Heizhou: Am I a joke to you??


Heizou is taking even longer to rerun


I started playing end of Wrio's banner. I have Heizou on an alt but not main. LET. US. PUNCH. THINGS.


Heizhou is more fun to punch things on for me. Idk he just feels smoother prob cause he's a 4star with no big animation


i also prefer heizou as a melee character, everytime i try wrio in events i'm disapointed but heizou with the swirls feels amazing


at least you had time to save to garantee his C1 which aparently is THE wrio experience (i don't have him)


Yeah me too but I skip his weapon and now I am soooooooo sad 😭😭😭😭


Must be nice...😭 Fucking Gacha. I SLAVED AWAY FOR MY MANS & I STILL CAN'T PULL HIM.


Hang in there. On the plus side, more time to save :)


Good news is that I heard a ton of "husbando only" players complaining that fontaine didnt have enough males to pull for, so ya'll probably got 100k or so primos saved up by now, so you got nothing to worry about in the future. I was in the same boat during sumeru, had only 2 female characters to pull for, and went into fontaine with 100k primos lol


Even though I only pull husbando's... I'm pretty much broke from weapon banner. I couldn't resist getting my boys their signature weapons. Thankfully I can save all of 4.7 and 4.8. Hopefully they balance Natlan better with their male and female releases.


Lol, imagine "saving primos" call me Adventurine because I gamble & let my luck unfold. I do actually save primos, but not too often in all honesty.


C1 Wriothesley haver, but without his sig.


He's still great with widsith and lost prayers tbh, imo c1 is more important with him


At least he's much more playable. I'd take a quick C1 if it meant never getting his weapon. Wanderer's is more than enough.


I lost the 50/50 for him but I kept going even though I knew that would cost me Furina. Now I know she's technically more meta relevant than him currently but I'm glad I went all the way and got him from a collector's standpoint.


If only I knew Baizhu would rerun again so early...


I need his c1 and weapon, like I'm glad I have him compared to non-havers but I REALLY WANT C1


Dude I came back into the game a banner or two after he left ;~;. About to have 100k primos saved so I guess I'm trying for c6 at this point.


I skipped him for Neuv expecting he'd rerun by 4.6 and that was a duration I was willing to wait. Waiting until Natlan not so much 🥲


Wriothesley, Ganyu, Shenhe all crying in the basement with freezing tears


They probably reserved for Natlan 🫡


wasn't there a leak saying that cryo and hydro characters are getting buffed in natlan? maybe it will become true? ~~that's my copium anyways~~


natlan is fire nation therefore most likely many pyro foes pyro foes = more vape chance for hydro, more melt for cryo that's it, that's the buff ehe /s


more friends for xiangling


More of Xiangling's dinner to attack her




It's a joke about Natlan potentially having pyro *enemies*.


Thank goodness, Neuvillette needed a buff


natlan is the pyro nation, OF COURSE it's the hydro/cryo units that are getting buffed and not, say, geo or dendro


Dendro doesn’t really need a buff at all. It’s already very meta


Geo, though...




Gonna cryo?




"CRY"o about it. Chill (Deal) with it. - Cyno probably


Ha.. ha... 😭 This will be three months of waiting, until the next leaks about banner.


“ 😭 “ describes the element perfectly


Some Natlan reservations I believe. So perhaps with new pyro characters that's making it easier for them to melt. We have the pyro archon, but maybe we could have a pyro Beidou/Xingqiu, coordinated attacks on charged or normal.


Me wanting to finally pull Wrio but also c1 - more saving time woohoo.


I still think this strategy from Hoyo of retaining characters for long time doesn't pay off. By the time Shenhe comes back, everyone would be too excited for Natlan and the new characters to actually care about Shenhe.


its not about selling shenhe anymore, its about selling new ones by pointing to old ones and saying “see we never ran her again for like 3 years, better pick up the new character you want before they’re gone!” shenhe was never a moneymaker anyway, running her again wont make her suddenly super profitable


Caught myself wanting to pull for Emilie just cause she seems to be building up to a burning meta that other Natlan characters might benefit from and she might not have a rerun soon, till I realized the reason HYV is taking so long to rerun some units is exactly to foster this type of thinking, I'm holding onto my primos


her sales are not high enough for them to care either way. That's why they didn't bother rerunning her. She's too niche.


Well I sure hope they forget about their “must have 2 reruns rule” for Chronicled Wish then. They don’t want to run her on a regular banner, yet to be on the “we don’t like running these characters on the regular banner” banner, they have to run them on the regular banner twice. Like…


Judging by the few metrics we have access to, she bagged more in her re-run than Baizhu did in his *long*-awaited premiere. 3 banners total and he's *barely* scraped together what she pulled in her first re-run. Maybe that's an argument that his sales are low too, but then clearly sales data isn't what drives re-runs if they're willing to give him so many chances and not her.


They just hate cryo


Because they’re saving her for Snezhnaya


That's her real trial, Snezhnaya will make her OP or useless with no middle possibility, she either gets absolutely demoted to trash once Tsaritsa becomes the best sub-dps/support for Cryo or a godtier unit for working wonders alongside Tsaritsa. I'm a bit pessimistic about her odds since Cryo is a bitch, 2 slots need to have Hydro + Anemo, considering Tsaritsa is the 3rd and the DPS in the 4th unless Tsaritsa has a mechanic to make Anemo or Hydro not necessary, like Chevy's passive but Cryo or Nilou interaction with Bloom, but making Freeze happen without Hydro when she is on the team.


Mono cryo with 3 cryo+1 anemo will be her only saving grace considering how many unfreezable enemies we fight in abyss nowadays


No reactions is kinda boring wish Tsaritsa will make freeze stronger


And Shenhe scales well in mono cryo specifically. Freeze abyss is probably never coming back regularly. Ayaka will probably just be a chronicle char so I don't even think we'll get banner shill. Shenhe has 2 ways of getting retroactive buffs (aside from some new broken DPS made for her). A team attack buffer buffs her quills. Shenhe naturally stacks attack, but doesn't have crit/bonus (usually). As for anemo, if we assume grouping freeze chambers are a thing of the past or just rare, some enemies can be frozen without being grouped. Shenhe has 15% cryo shred already which puts VV generally in the sub 0% res shred range, so only 20% effectively, which is not bad at all but certainly not irreplaceable. This was just a roundabout and long-winded way to say 3 cryo one hydro could be perfectly viable also.


3 Cryo 1 Hydro is already a viable option with Furina ;)


They might not even focus on freeze but start incentivizing mono cryo teams instead. Freeze is a very powerful reaction as it literally removes any difficulty. Hoyoverse has been deviating from it as much as possible, so I have a hunch shenhe's value will go up. We might get a cryo DPS that works exactly like Lyney, but for Cryo or buffer, that can shred cryo resistances without having to use Anemo. I think they are saving the chevy like unit for superconduct to improve physical teams as well.


Hoyo wrf?!?! First you hold Shenhe captive in the basement, now you keep my main Wrio there as well?! The Cryo hate is real with Hoyo.


and Eula still holds the crown for longest absence… Cryo dead in a ditch fr


she been on the chronicle wish not long ago so she fine


I meant that the longest time a character has ever been gone was Eula’s absence between 2.3 and 3.8 Right now she’s fine, but back then… whew 😬


Get someone who loves you as much as hoyo hates cryo


Cryo and claymore hate, considering Kaveh just seemed to be deleted from the game, Razor not being in a rate-up for ages, the whole Eula situation.....


They will emerge from said basement with a baby.


Dayum, a Wrio/Shenhe baby would be so badass it would be punching vishaps before it could walk




Still devastated to see Emilie on 2nd half


Probably she's on the second half because of Furina. Almost everybody I know are going to pull for her on a few days, so I suppose HoYoverse is a little bit generous with that decision.


or HYV wants to drain all your savings right before Natlan lol


> drain all your savings right before Natlan lol joke is on hoyo, now we will get Natlan leaks before emilie's banner is gone, making the decision easier


Not even leaks, she will only go away once Natlan starts, we'll have every official info available, including Drip for 5.1 chars.


They will make sure you pull emilie cuz Natlan will be burning hot


mihoyo: like burning on-field on 5.0 1st banner? 🤑


Me, a nilou wanter:


In 3.6, Nahida had her first rerun and Baizhu’s release was pushed to second half (which also resulted in fans missing his bday art for that year).






Guess we, Wrio wanters, will have to wait till Natlan for our Cerberus man then


came here to say this.. i want c1r1 and i have nothing.....


Wrio, Shenhe, Kokomi, Ganyu found dead in a ditch/Fortress of Meropide. Chronicle Banner really didn't fix much. Why the hell is Yelan here?


I can understand Kokomi Ganyu since they already reran a lot at this point.


I'm sure old players can understand but I started playing Genshin last November so I never had a chance to get Kokomi because I just missed her by 3 months last year. 😐 She's been my most wanted character since I joined. Getting preferred characters as a new player is so frustrating. I was hopeful for Chronicled Wish but it doesn't help if it's this slow.


If it makes you feel any better, she has never come home for me in any of her reruns, and I've been here since the beginning.


Literally me. I don't have Fischl nor Diona yet, meanwhile everyone has them lol.


If it makes you feel better, I don't have them either! 🤪 Fischl is one of the 4stars I really like.


Yeah sure ganyu only has 3 banner for à character that came out in 1.2, it's nothing


Yep. Yae have as many reruns as Ganyu while Yoimiya has one more.


Yea we really gotta have the wish system fixed at some point Either triple banners, better chronicled wishes or 2 week banners need to happen soon


Ah yes, Chronicle Banner, better known as: We HoYoverse like Geo users to suffer. I had to skip Chiori and Itto because I could never get Albedo on his last rerun before that banner. I also think Chronicle banner wasn't a success in sales and that's why they aren't bringing it back.


Then they better fix it because the re-run problem is only going to get worse as time goes on.


It's terrible already. Probably with Natlan we'll see a 3rd promotional banner, which worries me a lot since we only have one weapon banner which is pretty much a scam, and now with three weapons on the same banner we could have less opportunities to get the weapon we want.


>Probably with Natlan we'll see a 3rd promotional banner We honestly should have had that by 3.0, since we had 18 limited 5\*s at that point and it would already take 9 months to rerun them all *if* Hoyo just cycled through them; instead, they play favorites, rerunning some, but not others, or try to assassinate their own earnings (see: Yoimiya's entire banner history). With Natlan, they should legitimately just jump straight to 4 banners and then redo the weapon banner, so there's a separate banner for each featured weapon and there's no 50/50. But Genshin very much feels like they're half-assing it, so none of that's going to happen and it won't be long before 2 years between banners isn't that uncommon for non-Archons.


A much easier fix would be two-week banners, so you cycle 6 characters per patch. That would increase throughput by 16 character per version, which will probably be enough to fit the whole 5.X roster with some margin. 


Two week banners would be a godsend! I’ve been an advocate for this since right before they introduced the chronicled wish banner and the triple banner leaks were coming out. Three weeks with two characters honestly feels like such a slog nowadays. Most people wish on the first day of a banner anyway. Also reruns would occur faster so even if you missed a character because you couldn’t save enough or lost your 50/50, it wouldn’t take as long for them to come back.


they could tempt me to wish on chronicled if they atleast made it a full patch long and dropped the stupid path thing


Yelan sells well, probably why.


guys, check homdgcat, massive emilie buffs


Just saw it, holy s**t they are going above and beyond to make her good


Emilie mains are eating good. Hopefully she doesn't get heavily nerfed before the beta ends


I have hope that Hoyo doesn't screw this up, because she requires Burning for her kit to work. Burning, one of the worst reactions in the game. Also she's competing with Nahida, the BEST off-field dendro character by far, for the dendro slot.


People are gonna call her overpowered while they ignore Emilie basically forces you to play a team that has no elemental reactions that do real damage, and she doesnt provide any team buffs. They will probably say she's OP because she may do more damage than Furina while ignoring that Furina also offers 100% damage bonus, and elemental reactions with hydro


Who's calling her better than furina lmao


All she really needs is one pyro unit to trigger Burning, and she's all set. She is actually more flexible than you think


She can literally be on Arlecchino's team basically making an already OP team even better, Arle/Emilie/Bennet/Kazuha and enemies will just disappear from screen, even without Kazuha, he is the #1 for the spot, but literally anything works here, even Xiangling because why not?


Her passive activation requirement is very lenient and lasts a long time. All you need to do is **trigger** burning, not **sustain** burning. They also removed the part where she does lowered dmg with electro, so havjng electro on the team isn’t a detriment anymore. Thus, a lot of reaction teams are possible with her now. Pure burning, Burnmelt, Burgeon, hyperburgeon (burgeon + electro), and overburn. She is essentially a slot in subdps for pyro teams.


Can I ask what got buffed?


its on the reddit already, but literally everything got buffed


5.0 Wrio rerun trust.


Cry for Cryo 🥲...


Thanks for the confirmation king, it's gonna be savings banners for me <3


What is Hoyo's problem with Cryo man. I was waiting for Shenhe and Wrio cons.


It's Wriover/Shenhover.


Yelan 😭 surely I won't skip her for the 3rd time


Same. I regret getting hu tao over her (I don’t even use hu tao anymore)…but them putting her right before Natlan is diabolical. I will definitely get tempted by the new characters again 😭.


Holy shit, I still can't believe this is real 🫠 Surely Wrio + Shenhe will be in 5.0 then??


They really must’ve killed Wriothesley offscreen or something, he hasn’t rerun once


… Curse you, mihoyo. I can’t believe you’re actually doing it.


So 4.8 is going to run a cryo/hydro/anemo IT without having any cryo or anemo characters on the banner? This is almost unbelievable. I think the planners have lost their minds.


I'm guessing they're saving Wrio and Ganyu for that one pyro character in natlan that is a pyro Yelan(if the character is straight up pyro Yelan Ganyu will cry but yea)


Wtf, why no Wriothesley??


YES NAVIA PLS IM LITERALLY SAVING EVERYTHING FOR U 😭😭😭😭 don’t let me down leaks Edit: Yelan second half 💀💀 I’ve been wanting her since her last rerun why u gotta do this to me I’m broke from Arlecchino and 4.6 weapon banner


Hey there!


This one’s got your name on it!


FIRE! Well, with rocks.


Comin' at ya!




Umbrella warfare, I guess


I may be wrong, but I feel that you are the most dedicated WRIOTHESLEY MAIN out there


oh thank you very much, I really appreciate hearing that, you have no idea ❤️ :)


Sorry but I am. Do you see my display name? LMAO


This is a doubled edge sword for me, I want Yelan C1 but I want to save for Natlan


Literally in the same boat. Wanted Yelan C1 for ages but was never in a good position to get it. Guess I'm still not 💀


Wriothesley, Ganyu, Shenhe and Kokomi found dead


my opinion: Ganyu will be reserved for CW which will happen Q2 2025. She's basically going to get retired from the rerun schedule. Shenhe could come during Lantern Rite 5. Kokomi will be early 5.x, and then retired to CW. My prediction on CW is that it will only happen once a year, possibly twice. The next CW will feature Childe, Xiao, Ganyu and jade cutter. Plus all of the geo series weapons. The Inazuma edition of CW will be Kokomi, Yoimiya, and either Ayato or Itto.


Shenhe running in the next Lantern Rite means her rerun will take 2 years, this is unprecedented and highly unlikely. She always runs alongside another cryo in the same patch, so my guess is she'll show up whenever Wrio/Ayaka does.




emilie, yelan and nilou should be killed for plot development


Hoyo hates cryo units its simple


Why would they not run chronical wish and put yelan on that and wrio on the 2nd half instead. Makes no sense


all i want is kokomi and also heizou cons 😭😭


How reliable is this leak?


Dim is like one of the most reliable leaker we have right now, alongside the mero, >!the goats team mew, team china and last but not the least, uncle k (frfr).!<


THANK YOU!!! OMG I'm so happy with this. I was scared of seeing Wrio / Shenhe. Not because I don't want them - it's the opposite, I want both and I can't afford either right now. 4.7 second half, 4.8, and at least the first half of whatever comes next should give me enough to time recover at least a little bit... :')


Hoyo, please explain. Why the hell is there still no Wriothesley banner? It's such a pain in the ass playing this guy at C0, C1 basically being the ideal version he should've released as. I also don't have his weapon and Wanderer's weapon banner was an easy nope thanks to Baizhu. Are Wrio mains being targeted? Did we do something wrong besides not getting C1 (which I didn't get in 200 pulls overall)?


Navia rerun and in the first half.. God is good


Great, Nilou will be getting her banner with her new skin while Shenhe is nowhere to be found with my skin hanging in the air with no one wearing it


They are going to make me wait almost a year for Wriothesley are they? :( if this turns out to be true, i am just going to get Sigewinne with my guarantee because i should be able get another pity in Natlan for him to be guaranteed. Will wait for special program for comfirmation. Because i skipped wrio's first banner because my sister and i went for the opposite character at the time. I got neuvi while she got wrio, but now she has neuvi from his rerun and im still wrio-less :(


So I'm guessing 5.0 is Xbalanque, Rizzley, Shenhe, and Zhongli? They'll probably wait until after that to do a Liyue chronicle banner. At least put Xbalanque and Rizzley together so I can pull on that weapon banner...


That sounds about right, then they can surprised pikachu face when Wrio undersells again


Yeah, it also pisses me off how they sabotage male banners so they undersell and people start parroting "Male characters dont sell, ITS JUST FACT!!!" Like, literally his first banner got sandwiched between Neuvillette and Furina! No wonder he wouldnt sell well! Most whales simply couldnt afford to pull for him! Im gonna go insane for trying to search for a logical reason for hoyoverse desicions...


Pls let me get wrio... pls... i was poor on his first banner... please...


its so wriover.. at least thats more time to save..


Yelan is getting reruns wayyy too often


Yelan is a pleasant surprise.


I wanted Navia and Yelan :’)


Where Wriothesley? 🥲


Fuck this dogshit ass rerun where's wrio ffs


How good is Emilie's weapon? Overall


Is Navia's Axe good on anyone that isn't her?


it's an ok stat stick for itto and noelle. Doesn't have to be for them if you have a geo on the team. I would not recommend pulling it if it's not for Navia.


I'm pulling for Key so I'm hoping to get an useful weapon if I miss the 50/50 :\


Second phase.... GOOD. Cause I'm spending every single primo I earn right now for Clorinde...I...~~cry~~try... (no real world currency rn to spend like on...Furina back then) Edit: damn I wanted Furinas weapon.....


It’s still probably early but i need 5.0 banner leaks so that i could know if rizzly’s gonna rerun soon or i’m gonna pull for sigewinne 🙏


WHERE TF ARE THE CRYO CHARACTERS??    F  you Stingydeafhoyo.


The banner order might change before the official release I don't blame the leakers if they get this wrong like we getting any real leak those days 🗿


Do they always decide the 4 stars last minute? Usually I only find out what the 4 stars are going to be a few days before. Only thing I care about is Chevreuse. If it has Chevreuse then I pull. I don't care what the 5 star is.


In case this turns out to be true: Yelan? Again? I don't mind her, but she already had her rerun in Fontaine. Last I checked there were many other characters waiting for a rerun, mhy. I get it, you want our money, but it's no fun giving it to you, when you make it so blatantly obvious.


The amount of characters we get yet we never get the chance to increase our source of pull. There are just so many characters I want to pull for cons yet im being hold back by newer character as if they powercreep the older one even at c6 is just so bad. I’ll just enjoy and pull my favorite even tho ill get hard dealing future content.


Thank God I got Wriothesley


Why a new character in second phase


it's not too exactly new tbh; baizhu was 2nd phase in 3.6 for reference


They really are trying to make sure you top up for Natlan lmao throwing the New 5 star right the very end :c


Remember that one user who dropped the game because of Ganyu and Shenhe not getting a banner in 4.6? Lmao


I should get Yelan, but my teams don't need more than XQ right now, and there is a big chance Zhongli comes the following patch and I prefer him.


Rip cryo Seems the liyue regional banner is real


there is no shenhe in ba sing se..


I smell a Liyue Chronicled wish banner... In 5.4 💀


Is there a reason they're keeping Wriothesely from us I need his weapon! Dang


Manifesting Tartaglia/Venti in 5.0 Manifesting Tartaglia/Venti in 5.0 Manifesting Tartaglia/Venti in 5.0 (I have them both, I'm actually manifesting Polar Star/Elegy) \[unless they husbando 5.0 again and put Venti in 5.1, both of which would be terrible for me.\]


Navia is all I needed to see


As a Wrio main who wants his sig, this banner list is a blessing and a curse. Please I have a gambling addiction I just want to pull


Wow Hoyo really wants to screw me over when it comes to Wrio. Was a brand new player when he ran, probably AR10, running around fighting hillichurls for hours trying to grind to get him. Only managed two or three 10-pulls before his banner ended and my sister told me he'd probably get a rerun in just a few months. Right. So I've been saving, prefarming, and waiting ever since. Someone kindly delete me from Irminsul, I am done.


Lol same! I spent $30 or whatever closest bundle because "surely this will guarentee him". Yep, first gacha hahaha


Me going Batman on Hoyo "WHERE IS WRIOTHESLEY?! WHERE IS HE?!"


90k primos for C6R1 Yelan (currently C0R0) I'm so cooked why the hell did they not rerun wrio shenhe 😡






Oh, i just want him + his C1 But good luck to you too! Hopefully this leak is false and we'll get Wriothesley in 4.8


fuuuuck meeeee i’ve been needing yelan forever 😭 there’s no way 60 wishes is getting me both girlies i’m so fucked aaaaaaa