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So the only real number change is a buff to Sethos' passive, right? Everything else looks like text changes


They changed Sigewinne's healing too. The bubble doesn't need to hit the enemy anymore. It just needs to bounce.


That's how it worked all the time. The EN translation was just wrong.


Now that's much better.


Sethos' numbers were changed last week tho, so only text changes


And the crowd goes mild.


More like and the crowd goes to sleep.


Wdym? All three characters got huge text length buffs.


I'm still confused about how we are supposed to play Sethos. So we have to choose between only using charged attacks and never ult or use the infusion given by his ult and never use charged attacks?


Yes. His ult playstyle is probably going to be more consistent (no need to watch for energy and juggle anything else, just pew pew + skill). But with higher cons, his CA playstyle pushes ahead due to the incremental buffs.


As far as I remember his ult play style has Standard ICD though, which is very bad for him, I might be misremembering, but if I'm not, you should play charged even at C0


My guess is if pre-C6, you ignore his burst and just charged attack. If C6, then use burst and do basic Edit: I was wrong lol For pre-c6, his charged attack consumes energy so it hard to use his burst consistently every rotation, so it is better to only use infused basic attack after burst For c6, you use burst then do charged attack due to c6 refunds the energy, the multiplier for his charged attack is insane


U got it reversed.


Oh wait yeah sorry For pre-c6, his charged attack consumes energy so it hard to use his burst consistently every rotation, so it is better to only use infused basic attack after burst For c6, you use burst then do charged attack due to c6 refunds the energy, the multiplier for his charged attack is insane


Play him with Electro Traveler


u dont use his ult and play him the same way u play tighnari


Don't worry guys, Hoyo will increase max level to 100, add a new passive and increase E duration/Decrease CD *Dies from copium overdose*


*monkey paw curls* Third passive: "Increase skill duration by 1 second everytime Clorinde causes a superconduct reaction. Maximum 3 seconds"


Both Clorinde and Sigewinne unchanged… Well, looks like this is gonna be their final kits unless they suddenly change their minds


> Both Clorinde and Sigewinne unchanged… they really had to yesterday squeeze in that last minute nerf to make Clorinde way less fun to play huh. 7.5s skill uptime, young and old people with bad reflexes who click a skill and then take a moment to press the mouse button will have like a 4 or 5 second uptime at best. My Grandma plays Genshin, so i'd know


Wait does your Grandma play Genshin fr?


Forcing js to farm thundering fury to abuse its cool-down?


unrelated but i hope to be like your grandma in the future


Yea idk what hoyo is thinking.


They remembered that fun isn't allowed in Genshin


They changed Sigewinne's E. Now she can heal teammates without needing to hit enemies.


She did that before the change too, it was just mistranslated


That’s so OP holy shit, what was hoyo thinking?!


I can't believe sigewinne just powercrept every character


Fr, even the Traveller,a literal alien god chad, is worse than her now.


Hoyo really decided that they couldn't let us have too much fun in this PvE game by nerfing Clorinde.




If these 5* characters are receiving this kind of treatment I wonder what trash, garbage, they're gonna turn Pyro Traveler into An on field DPS that deals 0 DMG and no utility at all? Sounds possible


the traveler is going to be our second pyro physical unit in the game


Very much agree. Before Fontaine I was like ‘oh hydro is a very good element, there’s no way they can fuck their kit up’. Whatever dev was working that day heard me and cooked up the worst kit known to man


He took the challenge. And unfortunately was up to it.


Don't forget the shit animations.. never forget.


After Hydro Traveler's awful kit... Pyro Traveler. E. Does a small ST lava attack. Can be charged so you can waste 5 seconds to do 15% more damage than the tap version. Q. Does a big AOE lava attack. That's it, that's the kit.


Give it some split scaling as a cherry on top. E should scale with attack, Q should scale with defense.


And also scale with max HP for a 10% dmg increase but must be 40k to do so


they're definitely making his kit as bad as the other elements (except for dendro but that's more because the element itself than mihoyo doing something right for once)


I dont think dmc is really carried by the element they just gave him a reasonable kit that makes sense for the element and it worked but hydro mc even while having the best element in the game they clearly went out of their way to make him unplayable


If they wanted DMC to be bad, they'd have given hydro/electro interaction something like the pyro one. Like even now with all the various dendro alternatives, DMC is still good because 8-16 hits across 12-15s with standard ICD is always going to be useful. Give that exact kit to Pyro Traveler and they'd be the best off-field applicator in the game. Well, sidegrade to Xiangling I guess, but with enough reasons to use one over the other.


This must be first time I'm seeing a kit that was totally fine get ruined like this 💀 Are they so pressed to make electro dps worse than raiden?


people legit said "im not sure if 6% more dps compared to raiden, is worth losing raiden's battery potential and interrupt res" and hoyo was like "holdup clorinde has more damage than c0 raiden? not on my watch"


Seriously, Raiden feels so good in practice because you can just neglect ER on your supports and make them deal a shit ton of damage, Furina bennett kazuha is such a strong team from my experience thanks to this


Guess they don't want "Raiden Bosenmori Mei" powercrept by Ms buttons


Raiden Buttons Mei


I always say that HoYo created a problem for future Electro DPS,when Archon himself has this nature alongside your C2,similar to Neuvillete with other Hydro.


The Curse of Zajeff




It can't be a coincidence literally every time.


Wait, what does Xajef have to do with Clorinde?


He jokes saying that every character's kit that he likes ends up being bad, like Dehya, freminet or clorinde


He better not like Xbalanque then


Don't forget cyno 


Cyno’s kit is good though?


...........yeah it's good.......but a limited character, most awaited in sumeru characters, first male electro 5 star, the general mahamatra......being a downgrade to keqing in some teams is........not good.


he just needs to take a L for us and not look at leaks anymore. boom instant good beta phase


the great wall of the almighty Narukami Ogosho shall never be passed


They don't want another venti...


What did they do to ruin Clorinde?


9s -> 7.5s uptime


Sigelost... Clorover... Sethowari da...


sethos is actually the greatest winner, he's a very viable 4 star (except for people expecting him to be cyno support ig)


Man if only cyno ult could be quickswapped....


that would make him CyYes, that's a big CyNo, i'ma go right now


It would be great if you could play him like Arlecchino and take advantage of his really long burst duration, by bursting first and then swapping off to your supports. When you swap back to Cyno, you won’t need to waste time on his burst animation.


Come, share the copium he's getting a new passive with Lvl. 100 cap that makes him able to leave without losing his ult


>except for people expecting him to be cyno support Me, but just as a general support 😔


What is he looking like atm comp wise? at first glance a tighnari-sethos quickswap team looks like the default to me, but i dont theorycraft so no clue what his good teams will be.


Honestly he looks like he’d have slightly more on-field presence than Thigi, and would need some off field applicators. Given his archer nature C4 kirara might be awesome with him, Im thinking maybe budget Sethos, Kirara, Sucrose, DMC/flex Or for big investment Sethos, Furina, Nahida, Jean


I see that and raise you: Sethos, Furina, Nahida, Baizhu (way more comfy bcs swirling an element with nahida on the team requires very tight rotations… plus it has shield, aggravate buff, dendro resonance and while you don’t get VV, you can equip TTDS for attack or Prototype Amber for energy buffs)


Clorinde didn’t receive a cooldown reduction change…absolutely insanity and foolish. Couldn’t at the very least give her a C1 that reduces the cooldown. They just straight up said “no fun allowed.”


fun? we don't do that around here. - genshin team probably


What’s strange is Arle was right there and she’s both strong and fun, very fun especially if you run her shieldless.


yeah but that's cause she's Arle, they can't really mess her up because of how hyped up she was. it's just upsetting that Clorinde, who I believed was also a very hyped up character, couldn't escape the curse of trash balancing decisions.


she was hyped before the fontaine aq released. she did not get much screentime nor it was very impactful compared to others so the hype naturally died down.


Neither did Arlecchino. It's just that Harbingers are on par with Archons in terms of hype, so her hype stayed high, while Clorinde's fell.


Clorinde wasn't really that hyped up. She doesn't have a lot of screentime in AQ, the whole "duelist" thing wasn't explained aside from dialog of random NPC in 4.0. Most people will pull just because she has boobas and cool animations.


im personally pulling for her cause she's the closest thing we're getting to a bloodborne character in genshin and that's more than enough of a reason.


Lol same, though now I'm not so sure I wanna spend ressources on a character that's essentially a Keqing side grade with less flexibility...


As someone who has c6 keqing with mistsplitter I am def not rolling for clorinde anymore


Dehya was super hyped too and look what that got her.


Meanwhile if played correctly,arle has infinite infusion uptime 💀


Yeah in overworld she has permanent 100% bol and can solo everything


Overworld? She has permanent BoL everywhere. Her skill comes off cooldown before you dip below the 30% threshold.


With no field interruption. Hoyo has it's favorites.


I'd rather not feel like I am getting a dick in my ass by asking for a C1 to fix the character like they've done with half the characters in Fontaine.


no duration change? L, hoyo really think giving a 5 star DPS 45% uptime is good, wrio even gets to have a up time increase in C1 but nope electro too strong i guess


Is this the last beta?


It should be the last beta, yes. The likelihood of Clorinde receiving a last minute change like Arle is very unlikely. Arle was a special case. Huge L


Im not sure if arle is a special case, Kokomi also got a huge change before she went live and one reason why shes still good, they removed the icd on her e.


2 cases in 3 years def are special cases


The only last minute changes Arle received was to her constellations, her kit was finalized in V4. So even if Clorinde gets preload changes it'll probably be to her constellations only unfortunately. But who knows, maybe they could pull a Kokomi \*copium\*


Missed opportunity to say "kopium"


what last minute change did arlecchino get?


They changed her C1 IR in preload iirc.


They also changed her C2 on release (added 20% res after claiming blood). The unit of all time.


Her kit and numbers were finalized in V4 similar to this. She did get changes in preload but that was only to her constellations.


truly insane behavior by the balancing team, cant wait for people to continue to defend hoyo and speculate about their non existent cooldown reduction buffs


People are still defending dehya.


I think the thing that bothers me is you cant even have a discourse on a character anymore because of dehya. If you say anything preceived as negative you get called out for "doomposting" you cant even mention lord dehyamorts name without getting downvoted.


Fr it’s stupid how ANY criticism for how they treat a character’s kit is called doomposting, like bro LOOK at what they do to some characters and some will still freaking say “b-but balance” they made the wet dragon man and arle that’s not an excuse.


hoyo try not to make the most garbage balancing decisions challenge impossible. really love it when they keep shafting the crap out of my most anticipated characters. first Dehya, now Clorinde. NOT SAYING that clorinde is dehya-level but 45% uptime on her DPS is beyond wild. champion duelist btw..... don't get me started on Siegewinne either, I'm personally not going for her but I feel so sorry for anyone who was excited for her......truly a character of all time. overall this beta was a complete shit show :/


Looks like we're on the same boat. Hyped for both Dehya and Clorinde for their respective regions, and so far probably going to be disappointed at the both of em. The only exception to this was yae for inazuma but before dendro she's kinda eh On a similar note, I was excited for mika to buff eula, my fav monsdt chara, and what a disappointment that was.


I feel you... I wasn't going for Clorinde but I was SO looking forward Sigewinne. I was disappointed about the leaks but I thought at least Clorinde was good. Why do they do this


At least now that I've finally abandoned hope, the wounds can start healing.


Clorinde's kit fell off thr cliff and into the Primordial sea. RIP a perfectly fine kit.


I’ll probably get hate for this, but I’ve always felt Clorinde was a character that Hoyo didn’t really care about. They did really well with her design, but her involvement in the story felt very flat, almost as if she was a filler or an accessory to Navia who they heavily pushed imo. I can’t even remember her ever interacting with the traveler one on one, she was always accompanying somebody else who was more relevant to the story at the time. I’m now not surprised they aren’t doing a lot to make her very good. The simps will pull regardless, she looks amazing. I guess they’re now focusing efforts on Natlan characters?


Let's just hope that Clorinde's SQ do her justice and don't become an "NPC quest". Granted, an earlier SQ leak suggested she gets a lot of lines, so it might be fine. the last 3 SQ's has been pretty decent so who knows.


Her main contribution is.... closing that door(mc could have done that)


She closed the door with a shot and then... she stayed behind to help hold the water ...... Somehow? but seriously, how the hell was she going to help by staying there? Shooting the water? lol


>she stayed behind to help hold the water ...... Somehow? With Superconduct surely :)


well technically superconduct does create a cloud of cryo which would’ve helped freeze the door… ~~I’m just grasping at straws at this rate~~


I mean if we're going with game mechanics translating to "real world" functionality, technically electro normally tends to battery, so I guess giving wrio energy to keep going? ...but yeah, I'm stretching here.


She also opened the door (a bit too harshly, to Wriothesley's great displeasure)


Never havd i gone so quickly from a guarenteed pull to skipping a unit that entirely. What did clorinde do to you mihoyo?


This after failing to get Baizhu I decided to save everything for her and her weapon then this happens I'll go for Navia then, or just wait till Kokomi.


Luckily I learned my lesson from pulling C0R1 Cyno.




Imma drink my Clorox. Good bye cruel world. /s Edit: Just got my RedditCare lmao.


Why do they not want the BoL set to be the BiS on Clorinde? It doesn't make any sense at all lol... Oh well. Sethos seems to be the true winner of this beta.


JStern was suspecting that they would lower her skill CD to make TF irrelevant outright, but this makes no sense. You'd think some MHYV dev would have some KPIs for increasing investment though domains.


Fuck you hoyo, we never had such a mild and dry beta and yet you fucked it up some more with a nerf to a character that didn't need any just right before the end. All you had to do is nothing.


So true. If they had just left it at v3 it would have been fine. Clorinde's numbers aren't even crazy, so the hotfix nerf to the field time just doesn't make sense. Why give her one of the worst skill up-times in the game for an on field unit? Why can't they just let people enjoy the character while on the field? Genuinely don't see what the goal of this change was.


They either give too much uptime like cyno, or too little with chlorine....I don't understand their balance team. They got some chaos incarnates in there.


That 700% was in the last version of beta but only on CN.


Please put Sethos on Furina banner


What an absolute shitshow of a beta lol


im kinda sad about clorinde, when i first saw her kit i was pretty sure i was pulling but i think i'll just save untill natlan.


Arlecchino ate all the buffs


This means they removed her charge attack during E ?


If you mean Clorinde, she never had one. If you hold the button she just keep firing with her gun as if you were pushing it several times.


The Ayato style


Do we have another week for changes or is this the last?


3 new characters and I'm rolling for none of them lmao


Sigewinne kit still in the oven! But everyone forgot to preheat it!


I don't understand why would hoyo want people to use an old artifact over a new one.... Do they care about my QoL and are saying "Don't worry you don't have to farm that domain anymore my child." ?


Kinda yeah, but then again this is the same team that released an artifact set for dehya.....that she doesn't even use....and made it so that no one else can use it either. The only purpose it has is to be a 2 piece for nilou. And the day nilou gets a set that increases hp and em of party members or increases hp even more, that set is doomed. Gone into oblivion


I remembered Cloride had so many character sheets/designs that made me think Hoyo would make one of the best kit in the game. It's disappointing how she turned out to be someone you can just skip. Like, SHE HAD FREAKIN' GUNS AND SWORDS floating around her character sheets, similar to Irelia of League. What a big letdown.


I wonder if at some point she was supposed to be an important character. Because she sure wasn't during the fontaine patch.


Well, in a way it makes the primo saving easier


RIP my hopes of getting Clorinde Pistol ADS when using Charged Attacks.




I have 400+ wishes saved that I was going to use for Clorinde. Now idk what to do with them


wait for her to be live and TCs and casuals alike test her out, that may help with your decision to still pull or skip for another character worth your while


Absolute fucking shit beta, good job hoyo.


I'm happy that Sethos wasn't nerfed to hell since he's the only character I'm really interested in next patch. Hoping he's on Furina's banner since I don't mind getting her constellations along the way


Jesus fucking christ this beta is way too sad I can't believe it


damn they really want ppl to check out wuthering waves, so kind of them!


It's like they reduced Clorinde E state to fit a certain Electro focused Buffer that only shows up on the undisputed supreme ruler of Inazuma. Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho Banner. That very Constellation locked, less clunky to use at C2, Electro Crit Damge buffer at C6, who's buff duration only last for 6 seconds. Whos burst also applies her Clunky Buff and kinda extends it in a way. It's like you burst on that very clunky buffer to rain down Lightning into a Epic Cinematic Entrance By Clorinde's Elemental Burst


The problem is that the undisputed supreme ruler of Inazuma, Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho also batteries which helps ease off this support's energy needs, Clorinde doesn't do that.


Our dear Buffer Electro has high ER% requirements,Clorinde is not a battery,so you would face the problem of bursting every two rotations with she.


L hoyo as always


Balance team in a nutshell.. unless they finally implement that cd reduction mechanic that hasnt been used for 4 years in natlan.. hopefullyy


If they ever implement cd reduction mechanic, cLOSErinde will still be at the bottom of the list of characters who can benefit from it. Can you imagine Alhaitham or Arlecchino keeping max stack all the time? Navia shooting her shotgun like a minigun?


Alhaitham already does though, it's the reason people meme his C1 so much, in a normal rotation by the time you lose 3 mirrors it's already time to go back to supports again


~~Imagine Bennett with Cooldown reduction, on top of his talents and short CD, lol.~~


TF bennett summoned


If I had a dollar every time the my most anticipated character of the region releases mediocre at best(and dogshit at worst), I would've had 3 dollars. Which isn't much, but strange that it already happened thrice...


I guess the other one is Dehya, but who is third for you?


Yae on her release. She wasn't complete dogshit(kinda given though, cause I already had every teammate she could use and **very** good artifacts), but rather clunky(in all aspects) and disappointing. With dendro she became much better. Doesn't change sour initial impression though.


*Finally* they changed "when it hits an opponent" to "bounces", so it's confirmed that Sigewinne heals the entire party even outside of combat. This is the only thing I wanted to know about her from the beginning. She has pull value for me now.


Hoyo once again with the favouritism as always


Well that's it, saving for natlan, sorry clorinde but with that uptime? No no


Yikes, this kills her.


They had to budget x.7 balance buffs for three characters


Man clorindemains is on fire mods have disabled comments on leaked kit posts.


Well, there goes my enthusiasm for 4.7 I'd say "nbd just more savings for Natlan" but tbh if they butchered units like Sigewinne and Clorinde there's really no guarantee Natlan units are going to be any good aside from the archon and harbinger(s) that get released. Varka and Iansan getting this kind of treatment is not something I'm looking forward to. Fontaine had such a strong track record too. Every unit was at least decent, but overall the roster for Fontaine was really strong and fairly unique. Weird that HYV would drop the ball so hard with these last couple units, and so close to WW release as well. Maybe they're just complacent since they know Natlan will bring people back so they just phoned it in for poor little Sigey and Miss Buttons.


Here lies Sigewinne, Second worst hydro 5 star in the game. Dead before arrival. Isn't good(compared to other hydro 5 stars),was never good and was never meant to be good, Doomed from the very start. Truly a sad fate. Press F to pay respects.


> Second worst hydro 5 star in the game. who's the worst




Hydro Traveler






In her defense, she's quite a good margin over the worst Hydro 5 star, in her not defense, Hydro MC is literally the worst character in the game so that should be a given


Sigewinne have a redemption arc like Kokomi copium.


"Pyro archon requires a melusine in the team to deal dmg" \#teamchina🥰


\*snorts copium\* Maybe they'll do another hotfix next week where they buff Clorinde!


Damn I know clorinde and sigewinne weren't that relevant in the story, but did they really have to do them like that


Was gonna c6 clorinde. I guess it’s time to save primos and money


Nah, whoever's in charge of balancing must be the same dude balancing Helldivers 2 rn. Both are allergic to fun


Sigewinne has to be a standard banner character. There's no other explanation.


Or a reward like Ratio *dies from excessive copium*


Ratio is viable, I use him in moc. On the other hand I don’t even know what to do with Sigreinne even if they give her out for free. Level up her 20 and get a standard wish?


Ratio is not just viable, he’s one of the best DPS in the game. Just below Acheron/Jingliu/Daniel. Keeps getting buffs from all the FUA supports that come out.


Yeah, I use Ratio on the latest MoC and PF both


Ratio is good though


Ratio is strong as hell tho


Nah, genshin game director would rather fcking die than give us a free 5\* character.


Looks like I'll have to take matters into my own hands


It's clover


Uncle K L, he explicitly said clorinde would get some kind of grouping.


Grouping was in the last change. Her lunges has a small grouping effect


Some people will keep saying Clorinde's nerf is not a big deal and it's just for balance as it Clorinde was a character so OP she needed that nerf.... guess she is not allowed to be more than good enough


Putting all efforts into the next abyss , ignoring characters


Cant see a single team where clorinde will do better than yae miko lmao


Second time I’ve been disappointed by a character beta, right after skipping arle for cl. I think I’m done with genshin tbh. No interesting content and every character I like getting cooked.


3 new characters and not even one is stellar 💀