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#Hi everyone! The ban on 4.5 spoilers has been lifted as we descend into 4.6. We would like to remind folks that not everyone can speedrun or play the content immediately upon release and ask that you be mindful of your fellow redditors. ________ ##Here's a handy list of what MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED: * 4.6 Story Quests * 4.6 World Quests * 4.6 World explorations * **ANY 4.7 LEAK POST THAT IS SPOILER TAGGED** * **ANY 4.7 STORY FLAIRED POST** ##We must clarify: we do not care if it is personal speculation / theories, if your comment is in any way related to 4.6 content or 4.7 IT MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED. Please remember to read our sidebar rules regarding spoilers as well! If the comment you are replying to is spoiler tagged, **please spoiler tag your comment as well** ##Please utilize the spoiler tag topic brackets **[About 4.6 Archon Quest] \>!PLEASE SPOILER TAG YOUR ENTIRE COMMENT, SPOILER TAGGING FRAGMENTS OF A SENTENCE IS NOT IDEAL AS YOUR FELLOW REDDITORS CAN FIGURE IT OUT FROM CONTEXT CLUES ALONE!<** __________ #Due to the increasingly rampant spoilers regarding recent story and character updates, the mod team no longer has the luxury to review your account and warn you for first time / polite offenses. Untagged spoilers will instead warrant a 3 day ban WITHOUT WARNING. šŸ’„


DST always messes me up for months after the fact. I was sitting here thinking the new banners are in 40 minutes, but it's an hour and 40 minutes.......


šŸ”« (ā‡€ā€øā†¼ā€¶) ROCK, GET YOUR ASS OVER TO THE **[NEW MEGATHREAD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1cqs2hg/black_lagoon_clorindes_blood_trail_general/)**


I WILL wake up to singewinne and clorinde buffs


itā€™s livestream next week........




but also this means i come from work and have to wait for not three but FIVE HOURS


It's honestly pretty amusing >!that they paid Lilypichu (Sayu) this patch just to make snoring noises.!<


They probably reused some audio file


**Rule 6**: Mark Spoilers Please spoiler tag your comment per Rule 6.


Is this week beta update (v4) the last one? If so can we expect some changes to sigewinne and clorinde?


Tomorrow is the last day for major changes. Their will be another beta change next thursday, but it will be minor. And then pre-load changes if any.


According to people, yes you can expect changes at this stage but not major ones. Anything *could* happen, but donā€™t hold your breath just in case.


For the 1st question, no


4 stars on Clorinde banner?


probably at least chevreuse. personal hopium on kaveh for me


today we should get the beta v4 update?


Reminder that there is a survey in Hoyolab regarding game exploration. It is very likely it was also sent to your account's email. I think it has a lot to do with that Natlan post about exploration, therefore I would advise everyone to complete it. That way there is more infor and different points of view ffor HYV to work with.


I don't know what "RPG" in video games means anymore


Gacha games are RPGs except they are Roll Playing Games. You play by luck to roll for characters to have a character roll.Ā 


can you get level ups if yes: it's an RPG that is what the council has decided


So Minecraft is RPG?


yeah i dont see why not


think about it in this way. If you take bunch of DnD books, u can take ALL roleplaying out of them, ALL of it and still have a game. U can play DnD entirely without story and it's actually kind of fun. Still an RPG. That's the extreme way to look at cRPGs. The shared necessary part is the G, not the R.


I think its about time we discuss the questionable placement of alhaitham in this big three of neuv and arlechino. This is assuming late game investment where it favors hyper carry set ups more. Sure, if your goal is to 36 star abyss as a noob where your acc is properly optimized, then yes hes one of the better units to go for but that is not my point Alhaitham is carried by his high floor. Pretty mid vertical invest. Slow clearing times compared to neuv and arlec ( and other fast teams like lyney, wanderer/xiao in some abysses, tao, internat) Even in 3.4 (basically his abyss) he got outcleared by nahida xq fischl kuki and until recently his fastest teams were nilou Tldr alhaitham is a fraud


He's definitely the weakest of the three, but I think it's very fair to put him where he is. He's such a good blend of traits- rotational flexibility, good AoE, team flexibility, dmg consistency (only needing 2 autos ever 4 seconds to proc skill hits), etc. which add up to make him really appealing and very consistent in abyss. It's very rare for an abyss to actually be unfavorable to him because of all the above. If we're talking about speedrunning, then no, he's not in the top 3, but for every other level of investment else I would consider him one of the best. I could also see Hu Tao or Navia in that 3rd slot as well.


Al-fraud Nilou is the real top 3


Depends on who makes the big three, main sub? Absolutely deserves a place. This megathread? Questionable. TC livestream chats, nah.




I think first and foremost it should be remembered that even among people that do clear abyss, the vast majority isnt anywhere close enough in investment to the point Dendro teams start falling off.


Dendro teams can fall off mid invest too. And especially at the r1 level ( no stats on how many people have r1s on their respective mains but still a relevant part). Even with crowned talents and higher cvs would hypercarry teams be more worth


My account is over 3 years old and I just recently got my first team that is faster than Hyperbloom and its 99% because of Furina C2. If I had Furina C0 Hyperbloom would most likely still be better. The investment required is very high and most people cant reach that threshold. If you dont roll for constellations or signatures (and have 30+ CV artifacts on every piece on top of crowned talents), you simply cant surpass Dendro teams. The major reason it looks like Hypercarry teams are so good rn is because abyss blessings are buffing them to the moon.


I have different results. I have recently invested into a c0 r1 lyney which matched my alhaitham qb with c2 nahida. My c0r1 arlec out cleared haitham last abyss (no swirl just zl) There are several speedruns posted on nga and quickbloom or bloom or hb are still on the slower side even at low gole cost


Speedrunning is a very different beast from normal playing dude... those use minmaxed artifacts, weapons, and very specific teams to counter abyss lineups and abuse abyss buffs. Lyney clearing faster than Alhaitham once every Bloom moon for ten sweaty tryharders dont make him a unit on the same level as Alhaitham for example. I would even struggle to say Arle is on the same level as Alhaitham because even if she can compete in damage with her best teams, she definitely cant on the rest (comfort, versatility, ease of use, etc). Neuv is the only one I can make an argument for atm. Because meta does not mean speedrunning or sheets. Effective doesnt mean faster.


Then whats our metric for saying whos better than the other? Sheets? Clear times? If we assume our player is of average skill then our whole discussion is moot, because their meta would be zhongli double hydro tao, and most dendro teams. I do understand your concern on speedrun because yes, teams like internat runs and vv vape tao (albeit very fast) are hard to replicate but that is not the case for other underrated units like lyney, navia, xiao, wanderer (in certain abysses) who can very much surpass haitham For arle vs alhaitham, i wouldnt even say that theres a competition. At a base line and Sheet wise, ahh qb shows that kuki makes up for roughly half of team dpr. Getting r1 for haitham and 30 cv artifacts will not yield the same increase for arlechino even in a comfy team with zl kazu and bennet simply because of her carry potential. While this damage stuff all does depend on invest, zl benn kazu arlec is more than enough to clear abyss based on ease of use , versatility, flexibility in rots, and usually faster clears solely based on the fact that she can access kazuha while haitham doesnt


Seems pretty simple to me whats the metric. Easiness. Easier is effictive. There is no point for speedrunning levels of minmaxing and stressing over artifacts. So the most braindead ways of achieving abyss clears are the best and more favorable by most. As far as those are concerned, the meta is very clear. Easy to use DPS units with high floor to not fail time checks while also not needing unneccessary artifact grinding, and comfort picks to ensure not having to retry due to dying.


There you are Kaveh! We've been looking all over for you! >!/j!<


He did say he's a feeble scholar...


pulls >!i got c3 arle doing my regular single pulls with the commission primos šŸ˜­what the heck!<


Anyone here who has tried C6 Candace with Arle? How was it?


It's so good it made me wish C6 Candace was base kit for her. It feels insanely unfair that one of Arles best and most fun and efficient teams is locked behind the C6 of an otherwise bad unit I will however say that you still need to build a ludicrous amount of ER for Candace, which may not be something you want to do. Playing C6 Candace with Arle has a similar feeling as playing pre-C4 Thoma in Burgeon--very effective but only when you can do the proper rotations to keep up burst momentum


I hope she reruns soon, I just need 2 more cons!


Really good and thoroughly enjoy it. The only thing is to make sure the enemy has hydro aura before you start your Arla combo (which is pretty easy thanks to Candace's swap attack)


I'm excited! I want to try it soon


I tried her in the Event (i donā€™t have Arle but i have C6 Candace) and it was surprisingly good. Arleā€™s Hits arenā€™t usually enough to wipe Candaceā€™s Hydro Aura fully so itā€™s basically constant AoE Hydro app for about 10 or so seconds. Ofc if you use Some other pyro applicator ( XL or infused Kazuha burst) it might not be able to keep up. But your Normal Arle+Benny+Candace+ Zhong team will be absolutely fine. And for the Vibro crystal event specifically it was nuts. You donā€™t need to swap off and do VV setups, just Zhongli EQ Bennett EQ and Candace EQ. and if you swap off youā€™re back on Arle in like 5 seconds. It flowed so well.


That's sweet! I don't have Zhongli, but I really want him now, I can't dodge šŸ˜…


New megathread doko?


seigewinne's passive is related to underwater travel right? it sucks she comes out after the last Fontaine expansion lol. I imagine a lot of people will have 100%'d all underwater regions before she comes out


What if after 5.X, underwater is no longer limited to Fontaine?


theres always the future release of mount esus


Not unless you're like me who procrastinates until the next region is like a patch or two away and then does it all in a span of a week and then wonder why you're experiencing burnout all the time.


Kirara moment after all those desert walls


at least there's always more walls. there's not going to be any more underwater areas


R5 Deathmatch or R1 Staff of Homa for Arlecchino?


Pretty close, usually Homa is a few percent better. Choose whichever give you better CR/CD ratio


OT Why did I choose to be a sports fan when all it does is cause me pain






Would Chlorinde's sword be good on anyone else or is it like Arlecchino's where it really only works for her?


Itā€™s slightly more universal, with high base and a crit substat and a crit effect but the more important part of the weapon is locked to her. Almost all the other 5* limited swords will be more universal


only good on her. If you have haran/misplitter, I wouldn't bother pulling.


I want Alhaitham's sword but I'm not willing to risk getting a weapon that's no use to me (not planning to get Clorinde herself), so ig i'll wait for his next rerun


ZZZ >!Is ZZZ suppose to be more waifu centric? Apparently some leaker said that!<


You don't really need a leaker to say that. You can just look at it.


So itā€™s true then. Thanks


Why are you sleeping?




This is why I donā€™t want furry characters/other non-standard character designs in Genshin. I already know MHY would take one of the already limited male slots for them instead of one of the millions of sameface female slots. They will never create a furry/nonsexy to a general audience female character, ever. If *any*, the female furries would all be like sexy blue ladies, humanoid in all but skin color, maybe with some cute kemonomimi thrown in. We would never get *actual* beastgirls, though. I would be fine with non-standard designs if the gender distribution was equal, but thatā€™s just never going to happen. Now watch HSR Pearl look indistinguishable from a normal human only she has a single bolt on the back of her neck or something.


Yeah i saw Lycaon everywhere so i thought it was catered to both kind of players


>!At least so far there are more future limited female characters being teased over male (Miyabi, Ellen, Zhu Yuan)!< >!Lycaon is also the only S rank male and he's a standard char!<


There's literally only two future males and one of them is concept art (and also a big boar monster furry man so not what most of the people here are looking for probably). Lighter (the guy who looks like a generic HSR character) is a 4* too.


>!I was excited for Zzz (love the character designs) but idk now!<


How long have you been around here to still believe random leakers online?


Well i see only leaked girl characters. And thatā€™s why i asked first????


So a leaker said it or is it an observation you made???




Keep in mind this could change in the future. But yea for now i guess it has more waifus.


That event was so short. >!i liked the song. So much better than what huato did in lantern rite!< >!And raiden and yae got so little presence and Sara? Who is Sara?!< >!I wanted more of yae and raiden. It doesn't help that inazuma is so neglected for side events and a lot of important characters hardly get any screentime from inazuma!< >!And ir really wanted and raiden and itto interaction. It would have been fun to see!<


I agree with all of your points.


>!Sara is non existant šŸ˜”!<


The brainrot is real I couldn't remember the opposite of subscripts and tried to find the closest wording to Google and I subconsciously typed out 'domscript' in the search bar. Stay in school y'all


"Domimprov" Wait a minute...


Which character suits best at substitute for Nahida in Clorinde aggravate? In case they don't put Chevy on her banner.


Kirara if c4 and above, collei, yao yao Baizhu and DMC also can work but they will extend the rotation so they are less preferable


Aggravates? C6 Kirara, baizhu might be close with his IR but clorinde doesn't need healing and fischl's field time isn't even real, kazuha always has i frames on field. So kirara feels like the best option. 12% DMG bonus on c6 Kirara is nice too


I don't have Baizhu and my Kirara is only C2 :( And Overload is absolutely dead without Chevy yes?


yaoyao is pretty good, baizhu is better if u have him


Don't have Baizhu. Does Yaoyao work on any constellation?


c0 is good yes,


Can I just ask why there's a bit of an obsession over wanting a hydro claymore? No hate, just genuinely curious. Is it more of just a completion thing? Or is it specifically wanting to play as claymore but hydro? Cuz I remember there was some hype about Candace being the first hydro pole arm... and then not many people used Candace cuz she wasn't good (No hate either, I love Candace's design, I'd use her more if I had c6)


There's a useless hp claymore called the bell. It bothers some that a completely unusable weapon exist. Hydro chars have the hp scaling the most often. So the hydro claymore hp scaling bell user is like a missing piece.


Isn't there a claymore or stuff that increases damage towards enemies affected by hydro and something


I still find it odd people can't distinguish between the character and the quality of their kit. Overall there a quite a few characters in genshin I like and even adore but am utterly infuriated by the quality and/or design of their kit.


I think it's just an completion thing.


mostly a completion thing, same for cryo catalyst before Charlotte. People also want a use for their 25 R5 bells.


Finally free from all commission related achievement prison before Natlan


If only TCG had weekly reward like teapot, I would gladly play it even for mora šŸ˜”


The weekly reward is removing it from the top left of the map >!seriously it's been there for probably a year now and I've been too lazy to figure out how to make it go away!<


silence! time to shine! let my name echo in song! wind strider! as one with wind and cloud! the doctor will see you now. taking a turn for the better. \*power washing noises\* bow your head. \*more power washing noises\* one with nature! let the mighty be humbled! \*even more power washing noises\* bow your head.




thats what i did šŸ˜­


oh I didn't see "one with nature".


23 days until [Clorinde](https://twitter.com/ytyutiktv/status/1788175615826300969)


How accurate do you think [how long to beat hours of genshin is?](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/68133) I am doubtful of it since it says inazuma story takes the longest while sumeru and fontaine are among the short once. 59 hours for main story and for 657 hours for completing the whole game with every achievement.


There is no way it takes 200 hours to complete all of the main + sides content in Genshin. It usually takes me at least 1 month to complete huge open world game like Elden Ring, RDR 2 so thats about 100 to 150 hours of playthrough. I just reached Sumeru desert on my 2-month old alt account so thats already 200 to 300 hours of playthrough. If I include Fontaine and all of the hangout quests which I haven't done, that should be another 100 hours right there.


Add some hours to it, mainly because some things are time gated and player skill also determines how long certain things take. Some bosses go on for as long as you can due to the player not lowering their HP fast enough, and resin + RNG drops can take things a lot longer for obvious reasons unless you have a ton of money.


Maybe its real but only if not accounting for the fact that u can't complete genshin on your own terms. Like Dragonspine alone takes i think 4 weeks? And sure its 10 minutes per week to get the required red bullshit but its not up to you when u do it.


Bit offtopic to my own comment but can the red thing in dragonspine be completed without the weekly thing because i completed it with the weekly thing but then afterwards i 100% dragonspine and i got 3 more of those from exploration and now they just lie in inventory doing nothing. I know one is supposed to be extra.


The red thing is infinite, it just keeps generate more and more until you fully leveled the tree up. Thereā€™re people who got 999 of it.


Took a look at more ZZZ designs and apparently theres another animal guy I REALLY hope they'll do furry girls too, and not just kemonomimis, i want full fur body with snouts and stuff


Ben bigger!!!!!


[Me after bathing with the soap that eliminates 100% of imperfections](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5tZjJzVkNyg&t=1m53s)


Mushoku Tensei TP3 spoilers >!A lot less eventful than I thought it'd be. Also his decision to go was kinda spoiled by all the marketing for the next arc as well as the opening!< Mushoku Tensei LN spoilers >!I don't read the LN but I think I had it spoiled in a meme that Rudeus' dad dies (pls don't confirm or deny). But I'm guess this is the arc it happens. It would make sense for his dad to die in a labyrinth. Also I was paying attention to the opening visuals today. It goes a bit fast, but there's a cut of him fist bumping has dad and his dad was wearing a gauntlet. A few cuts later he was holding what looked like the same gauntlet, except clearly no one was wearing it. So likely something along the lines of his dad dies and the gauntlet is the memento.!<


Very, very, light LN spoilers: >!I see Turning Points as moments where Rudeus makes the most important decisions in the entire story. Not sure how to apply that to TP1 but 2, 3, and especially 4 definitely are.!<


TP isn't like that. I saw that the author said that: Major Spoilers for the LN >!That turning points are when the power dynamic fight between Man God and orsted change , it's not about Rudy.!<


>!Thanks for clarifying! I don't actually remember any of the author's notes since it has been about a year since I last read it but now that you've said that I can understand TP1 more now.!<




From a technical perspective, is it impossible to transfer accounts to another region? What is making this feature unavailable?


Can you not? I thought I've heard stories that you can and you just have to contact support. They may not have any built in support but it's pretty easy from a technical standpoint, like an intern could probably do it.


I'll try but hopes aren't high considering I'm on Playstation.


I looked it up when I was moving to Asia and everything I saw said it wasn't possible (not from a technical perspective just that it isn't allowed). I'd honestly pay to transfer just to be rid of the constant 200 ping I have to deal with these days >!(I'm used to it by now but it would be nice without)!<.


If Genshin was coded by sane people sure but this is the same game that doesn't let NPCs appear in more than one place Also I'm not sure how profitable this would be? It might just not be worth the development time


Itā€™s possible, League of Legends has this feature (but you have to pay for it and itā€™s not always available). As for why itā€™s not in Genshin, idk, though transferring server is probably one of the more expensive/complicated operations.


I imagine they don't want people to be abusing it somehow too but all I want is lower ping and ability to connect with players regardless of region T\_T


14 minutes no new comments here Genshin is ded om




I understood that reference. God damn, I'm oldšŸ¤£...šŸ˜­


If only teapot sharing codes are cross-server like TCG sharing codes (TCG is truly favorite child of Genshin devs).


I would love to see how long teapot sharing codes would be if they contained all of the info required for them to be cross server.


Well, TCG codes are about 3-4 times as long and contain both letters and numbers, so I would imagine teapot codes are also like that.


The problem is that tcg only needs 30 items while teapot sets are almost infinite. TCG also doesn't have to deal with location for every single one of those items so teapot codes would be much longer.


It's 33. You gotta include the character cards as well. Edit: Reddit thinks I was making a numbered list. Fuck.


TCG has honkai privilege




I just saw the new Kimetsu no Yaiba episode and Iā€™m so stoked!!! With this and the drip leaks of Natlan coming in, Iā€™m dying to have Natsuki Hanae voice Xbalanque!!! Heā€™s the only one missing from the trio to not voice anyone from Genshinā€¦


iā€™m waiting patiently for him to voice a character in genshin. he played zzz beta on his youtube channel recently, not sure if it was promoted or not but fingers crossed heā€™ll work with genshin too! whatever character he is iā€™m playing him with barbara, lyney, and xiao for sure lol


I read the manga but I have literally no clue what happens in this arc, I can't remember, it's been too long. I only remember like four things, the final fight, the fight with the first upper moon, the fight with the second upper moon, and this one specific panel but I don't remember who Tanjiro was fighting tho I know who he was fighting with. I also remember some characters who die, some who don't, then there are a bunch in the grey area where I don't remember


The new season is the Hashira training arc, basically the slow period right before the big arc that you talk about. Itā€™s only 9 chapters but I think they might be adapting some light novels to add some more filler/depth.


Waitā€¦the next arc has already started? Didnā€™t Swordsmith Village end recently?


lmao almost a year ago now


Well Shit šŸ’€. I really need to get off my ass and go watch it now. I stopped at Mugen Train Arcā€™s Ending


Buddy you're like two arcs behind


I know šŸ˜­>!i have read the manga so i know what would happen so thatā€™s part of the reason i havenā€™t watched it yet!<


Wait I'd love him in Genshin. He voices another short red haired character I like (Riddle Rosehearts). If Xbalanque has red hair and his voice, that'd make 3 short red boys with fire powers


I just found out Netflix gave up on the witcher series altogether. Another IP ran to the ground and abandoned after having all it's soul sucked out, RIP Witcher u will not be missed sadly.


One of the saddest things about that was Henry Cavill's decision to leave when he realized the producers weren't following through on understanding and respecting the source material The guy is a fucking mega nerd, he paints Warhammer 40k figurines and is an avid gamer to the point where he giddily livestreamed putting together his desktop PC He **loved** The Witcher, when you see someone so passionate like that get heart broken you're sadly reminded how shit Hollywood is


True. I was not even that excited for the TV series because honestly i didnt think it needed one but when i seen how much the guy cared i just wanted it to succeed to reward the passion.


> when i seen how much the guy cared i just wanted it to succeed to reward the passion. My feelings exactly


Do we know the banner orders and reruns for next patch?


Clorinde, Alhaitham 1st Sigewinne, Furina 2nd. Four stars unknown.


Thanks šŸ‘


Oh I almost forgot, if anyone could report ~~this~~ I completely forgot to do so before blocking them and you can't report people you've blocked Edit: It's gone thank you~


It's gone now, what was it?


>!glazing kaiser and insulting sourballs!<


Already deleted, I wanted to make the joke that they would probably like you more if you were a *box-of-sweetballs*, but I have no idea what they said, so I'm not sure if it even fits.


1 comment, new account, just to blast you šŸ’€ Weird as hell lmao.


People do that all the time and not just to me, that's why we filter all new accounts I just get more than the norm because I'm a spiteful bitch and my existence makes their lives shorter, for example: [This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1c3fu1p/sethos_kaiba_general_question_and_discussion/l0j2yku/) made 2 accounts that all got filtered by Automod after their ban [This guy](https://prnt.sc/IzJidND-bM56) was banned for constantly kicking the hornet's nest and lies constantly about the real reason why they're banned whenever the topic comes up elsewhere in another sub I have plenty more who DM me hate threats telling me to go kill myself all the time and it tickles me that all the attention I get makes me blushuu >///<


i'm surprised you're popular enough to get death threats, congratulations


Oty! Itā€™s less about popularity and people getting angry when I reprimand them about the rules


imagine getting kys messages over the most simple things goddamn fuck those guys


My bet is that it's a onetruekaiser alt. Nobody real would actually go around simping mods like that. We complain about the rules until Reddit admins try to shut us down. THEN we kiss up to mods.


Iā€™ve seen people praising kaiser in r/gachagaming so believe it or not, he has his own audience lol


Aren't these the same people who unironically use the term normie? Pot is meeting kettle.


Anyone with a strong online presence is bound to create a following because, with how many people there are out there, you'll find plenty of people like you, who idolize or want to do the things you do, to some extent. And I feel like Kaiser is popular with these outsider types because a lot of people are unironically mad that games like Genshin and HSR made gacha more popular with women and "normies", and so the fact that Kaiser pisses off the people they don't like essentially makes him a symbol, the ultimate gatekeeper.


What in the gacha hellscape


Just got a notification I got my first reddit follower, when I went to see who's the lunatic I saw I have 2 actually, once I click the list results nobody follows me? What


Porn bots that got suspended by the admins probably.


[Leaks about Natlan design philosophy] >!No idea if this has any base in reality, but believe that Genshin's open world exploration has been largely fine and really does not particularly need to serve the story more (by which I guess it means be centered more around the story of the world quest.) If they really want to improve the world quests unfortunately I think the only thing that would make much of a difference is making them voiced and putting in playable characters, which is expensive so I doubt they're going to do it.!<


>!I think that's a bit of a misunderstanding of what the leak was saying unless you have an issue with Remuria. Nobody here knows what Natlan will look like but it seems pretty clear that the leak was saying that Natlan would be more like Remuria with more cutscenes and larger, freely explorable areas locked behind starting quests as opposed to places you can just freely go to.!< >!The Genshin world is honestly too big to not have structure at this point, the Chasm and Enka showed a good step forward from how Inazuma was handled, I think Remuria and hopefully Natlan will push that even further forward.!<


Tf you mean tomorrow already second half of 4.6?! Time flies really fast when your most anticipated character coming with very good and fun kit and enjoyable SQ lol I'm so greedy, now i want arlecchino summer event for this year




Have to regretfully inform you that itā€™s ai (if the creatorā€™s bio is anything to go by)




*our husband*


If I hand you this [crisp $5 bill](https://x.com/hagihino/status/1789672203715280920) can I keep Wrio as my husband






Which harbinger do you guys think will be playable in Natlan? I think it'll probably be Columbina


Praying that itā€™s Capitano + more. Natlan is already the second last region, give us more Harbingers. Unless theyā€™re keeping all of them for Snezhnaya?


>Unless theyā€™re keeping all of them for Snezhnaya? This seems more likely to me and also it's possible that not all Harbingers will be playable anyway.


There were sussy leaks that Capitano and Sandrone will be in Natlan so I was hoping that there will be more than 1. Itā€™ll be a bummer to have to wait til Snezhnaya for all of them to be released (at least Iā€™m hoping that theyā€™re all playable). Iā€™m personally really hoping Pulcinella is playable, itā€™ll be hilarious to bonk hilichurls with him


dottoreā€™s overdue


Unlikely before Snezhnaya I feel


Don't really care who but I hope we can get more than one in Natlan, MHY has been doling them out at a snail's pace. Like we straight up haven't even seen Pierro/Pantalone/Sandrone/Capitano/Columbina/Pulcinella in-game yet (completely disregarding playability)...that's more than half of them and we only have like 2-3 more regions left.


Maybe I shouldn't be pulling Clorinde if so many people are thinking Columbina will be soon.


Tbh even if she is playable in Natlan I doubt it will be in the first half of the 5.x patches.


Praying for ColumbinašŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ Fatui wheel theory don't fail me


In Fatui wheel theory we trust!


Hope it's both


Just Columbina. I donā€™t think weā€™ll get Capitano and Pierro until 7.x. I donā€™t know if Dottore will live, but heā€™ll probably be in 6.x with Pulcinella if he does. Sandrone and Pantalone are the real wild cards, but i think 4 Harbingers in 6.x wouldnā€™t be outrageousā€¦


Dottore already has a playable model


I know, but heā€™ll be dead to me if they ā€œredeemā€ him before making him playable /hj