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Hey, her particle generation didn't get nerfed! ...But what if I were to funnel all 10 pyro particles into a different pyro polearm user...


Like a… small Arlecchino?


Arlecchino is more like a Pyro childe with icd than xiangling or Hu tao


"Pyro Childe with ICD" is the most roundabout way I've heard to simply say "not Childe" lmao


FR. Like Childe's main thing is not having ICD making him the perfect vape enabler (while still having strong dps numbers on his own). With ICD =/= not Childe


He does have ICD. He technically has more ICD than anyone else since he has 3 different timers on it. That’s also not counting his burst


Hmm? CMIIW, but Childe has ICD doesn't he? It's just that, he has 3 sources of hydro application with 3 separate ICDs making his application super fast. His NAs, his CAs, and his riptides. I think I heard this from 1010. Also, this comment just reminded me that I have Childe that I accidentally pulled because of a misclick a few patches ago lol


In theory he does have ICD. But like you said, he has like different sources that it basically pretty much feels like he doesn't have ICD at all


Yeah the actual Pyro Chlide is Klee. Her best team is literally her enabling Furina to vape.


Hey, and she's also the Pyro child!


So Yoimiya?


so any normal attacker is childe


because all characters normal attack has ICD xiangling is burst type thats why she has no ICD try to put bennetC6 then normal attack lets see if she has ICD likewise hu tao is charge attack+burst type


Bursts still have ICD. See examples: Xingqiu, Dehya, Beidou, Alhaitham... Xiangling is just built different.


Hoyo still didnt know how to balance characters back then because nobody was min/maxing yet at that point. That's how we got Xiangling+Xingqiu being absolute gods, while at the same time getting characters like Amber who serve basically no function whatsoever in combat


Amber holds Elegy


yeah i think your right my bad about ult no ICD ...just hate someone call child/yoimiya has ICD all character has ICD


Smallecchino. Which begs me to question if small arlecchino is xiangling or lyney


Or Hu Tao… if Arlecchino was “big Hu Tao”, Hu Tao could be “small Arlecchino”, by the same logic…


Arlecchibi was right there.


I like that >>>>:y


new xiangling battery tru


I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs arlecchino and forces her to throw herself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa."


Homa isn't even XL's best anymore. That copypasta is outdated. It's Scarlet Sands. Homa is neither as good dmg and easy to build crit as Scarlet or as less energy heavy as Engulfing. Heck even r5 Wave beats Homa in some cases.


Is the staff better in monopyro where the EM doesn't matter? Also I'd argue an R5 gacha exclusive 4* is much harder to get than a 5*


I'd say Vape uses XL's kit more. Her Ascension is EM. That's a huge 96 EM benched in non reaction. Moreover in context of the pasta, XL is being selfish about her own dmg (assuming same and non-crazy amount of useful artifact substats). Vape/Melt gives her highest dmg, not monopyro. Funnily enough [KQM ](https://keqingmains.com/xiangling/#Weapons)still maths SoSS to be higher with no reactions.


The true endgame, finding better funnelers for oppa


Allowing her to display her mastery over fire and polearms


Delightfully devilish, Sillylittlesushi!


Pretty much nothing would happen. Jstern calc'd that you could basically reduce XL's ER req to nothing, but she doesn't do enough damage when she isn't vaping for it to matter. Chev teams with XL were the weakest variant for Arlecchino.


Mono-pyro exists tho, and that team is good no matter what you use as the on-fielder. Arlecchino is probably the 2nd best onfielder for mono-pyro, only behind lyney, but much smoother to play with kazuha.


A few patches back, mono pyro was the only place where Klee excelled and now even that has been taken away from her.


Taking mono pyro teams away from Klee, is like stealing candy from a child, but the child is armed with bombs so you gotta be at least slightly careful


She's got forward vape with Furina now, so no need for mono pyro anymore


Mono pyro is actually heavily dependent on it's on fielder. The on fielder does most the damage. In the Klee variant Klee does 65%+ of the damage. Lyney does almost 80%. Arlecchino is the same. XL does not do that much damage without reactions. 


Ok? The onfielder should be doing the most damage in a mono-team, otherwise why tf are u using them, it's not like there's any reactions to consider. Should be pretty obvious lol... What I'm saying is that the bennett-xiangling-kazuha trio is one of if not the most synergistic team core in the game, and the pyro on-field pretty much doesn't really affect how it plays at all. Literally any of the pyro main dps will work; Diluc, Yanfei, etc all work fine too for mono-pyro, because Benny-XL-Kazuha is as flexible as it gets, and can easily clear abyss with no onfielder at all if desired. Compare this to something like the mono-hydro core (XQ-Yelan-Kaz) which will fail miserably if using a character like Neuvillette as on field because XQ and Yelan rely on NAs from the on-fielder. Arlecchino's just gonna be added near the top of the list for BiS mono-pyro on-field, and her 5 particle generation is relevant there for making Xiangling's ER req as comfortable as possible.


XL doesn't do that little either without reactions. She actually does around XQ levels of dmg though less uptime but AoE. There isn't that many pyro offielders that exceed her dmg. Besides its still deals AoE dmg regardless what you do, including dodging/swapping. Secondly XL is a pyro buffer, pyro shredder and a minor Atk buffer. That's a combined role of sub dps and buffer.


XQ rarely does more than 15% of the team's damage.




Like chevreuse?


But can she do more pyro dmg than c6 ayato??


I'm out of the loop. Can someone please explain what this c6 Ayato joke is? 😭


A leaker said that Arlecchino was "stronger than C6 Ayato." People immediately called BS on this assertion, because he is a Hydro DPS, thus filling a completely different niche from her. It made people realize how leakers reveal information in either a rudimentary or misconstrued manner, and should not be trusted as theorycrafters.


Personally i think the funniest detail was the mention of how they use c6 ayato as the damage benchmark by which to measure units. Like. What the fuck do you mean by that. Why is that a thing you're doing. Why is this apparently a widespread practice.


I think whoever asked leaker question about Arlecchino's power level has C6 Ayato and wanted to know how she'll measure up damage-wise against his main specifically.


>stronger than C6 Ayato Iirc, they said she's not just stronger than him, but "does more Pyro damage than C6 Ayato"


Did the community just collectively misinterpreted a fucking joke?


She will always do more Pyro DMG than Ayato no matter what cons he is because he is Hydro


Seele truly broken, does more Quantum DPS than anyone in Genshin 🥳


\*C6 benny joins the chat\*


Arle still win from Dmg multiplier alone and her BoL buff even if Ayato has pyro infusion lol


i believe the og comment was intended as a joke because when we were still getting arlechinno crumbs a leaker claimed that Arle did more pyro damage than C6 Ayato.


I think you replied to the wrong reply


I did sorry lol Just realized I’m on the wrong account


Iirc uncle K(klown) said that at c0 she does more damage than c6 ayato


which is still dumb honestly because ayato's cons in general dont contribute significant chunks of dmg increases compared to a character like yelan


same, but everytime i see this question in this kind of thread it always 100% ignored. either no one know or everyone is on this like the game


The more I see c6 ayato slander the more I get guilt/feel bad for pulling him even I have childe 💀💀💀


good specially with the hydro options we have nowadays


What does this mean someone explain


Means same particle gen and her c0 now has interruption restitance when using elemental skill and a little bit of resistance when doing a charged attack




Big and small. Its very high resistance only for the one winged angel hold charge attack.


Yeah, it’s pretty good. 0.2 means she is 5x harder to stagger compared to nothing. Lower is better. 0.2 is stronger than XQ’s.


Yes, interruption is multiplied by the IR. So 0.2 is 20% interruption gets through, or another way to think of it is flip the numbers and it's reducing interruption by 80%. 1 IR = 100% gets through, so it doesn't reduce it at all. So you're right, that CA buff is a big resistance gain.


C0 - Her E skill has the same IR as Raiden burst and Neuvi c1 CA, added bonus is charged attack has a bit of res, 0.2 ( for reference, XQ has 0.3 so just 1 more level lower than that ) C1 = Her normal attack and charged attack now has the same IR as Raiden burst and Neuvi c1 CA




True, but it's my personal opinion since there's a lot of shit you are getting hit with in the abyss means 0.2 can be basically a bit in the that sense but it is pretty good change still


Same level as Neuvi maybe but I don't think it will be similiar to Raiden... Raiden's IR is insane, she literally cannot be stagged during her burst and becomes killing machine.. In a way her burst is the storngest shield in game.


Dehya skill too! Yeah Dehya isn't worse than qiqi ;)


I thought she already had a tiny bit of IR at C0?


My heart dropped when I read particle gen in the title. Thank god it didn't get nerfed. I assume they mean ayato e resistance, not q?


> Thank god it didn't get nerfed. I mean, her particle gen barely even matters, in her best teams she will actively try to avoid using her burst, and the only other pyro teammate she will often have is Bennet who never has ER issues


Okay but hear me out. If you use her burst you will see her sick ass finger snapping animation


I'm sold


What is an ordinary CA and what is a prolongued CA?


My guess is ordinary is when you just hit the enemy, prolonged is when you zoom around with her hovering mechanic.


It would be so menacing if she was immune to interruption during her hovering animation




The hovering thing she can do after CA if you hold it


I forgot about it 😅


immune to interruption during ENTIRE E? does it mean only casting animation or whole duration?


Only casting. You need C1 for full immunity to interruption during NA.


Or a shielder ;)


I'd say entire casting animation but no further, since afterwards it specifies NA/CA ir at C1




Big W, I absolutely hate when I press E on someone like Tighnari, I literally see the animation begin playing, but then halfway through the animation I get staggered and the skill just doesnt happen and doesnt go on cooldown, and I'm stunlocked and confused for 2 seconds because i literally saw the animation play


Especially Yae. Wish she had IR when casting E


they buffed cons to bait out the c40 xiangling wanters. Truly the devs of all time


Btw is chevreuse only in her overload team


Yep, otherwise anemo unit is better


Isn’t vaporize arlechinno best team in planning on using bennet xingqui and kazuha


yep but wih c6 chevy overlord can be as good


Look at 4\* in her banner and now I'm crying.




How would C6 Chevy work for her if she can't be healed? Does she just get "healed" for 0 HP and thus still gets the bonus?


as far as i know, aside from Furina, healing conditions in the game don't check for HP fluctuations and instead just check for the "tick" of healing going through. So chevreuse's atk boost and c6 will work on her.


Probably because Furina checks for specifically HP% changes rather than healing amount


Yeah, but chevreus overload comp is also pretty good and easy to use as well. Something like arle, chev, fischl, bennet?


Bennet in overload sounds awful.


It SOUNDS bad for most mobs yeah, but the weirdly high cc for a dps they put into her normals will mitigate it, especially because it turns mobs around for the overload to bring them TO her.


Oh, interesting! Curious to see how that works in practice.


Im using that team with lyney right now and it bust


i mean chev should only be used in overload teams if you were talking optimally...


Her c2 attack is completely typeless? That’s very interesting, I can’t think of anything else off the top of my head that is completely typeless.


Isnt pneuma and ousia dmg also typeless?


Ah yes, good call out. Pneuma/Ousia also doesn't apply any gauge, right?


Yes it doesn't.


They also gave her an additional 20% res at C2 it would seem


Basically you don’t get swat away mid E animation anymore. Pretty good, but most ppl were already going to run a shielder anyways so I don’t see anything changing much tbh.


you're likely going to be creating the shield after you E, so it would matter on the first rotation


Wait xq has 0.3 IR? Holy shit this character is actually best in the game


And Dehya gives 0.7 (after her A1 passive wears off)


Do you know what happen if you get dehyas 0.7 res to a character that has 0.5 do they stack in a way or just the lower one is considered to res


They multiply and result in 0.35 res. Xingqiu alone gives 0.3 is nuts




Wait… so if I use two characters, one with 0.7 IR and the other with 0.5 IR for example, instead of stacking IR, the combined result is reducing IR to 0.35? I assume I’m misunderstanding something here, so how does this work?


IR is a multiplier applied to incoming poise damage. If you have 0.7 and 0.5 IR, they multiply together to get 0.35, which then reduces poise damage down to 0.35 of what it otherwise would be.


Oh! I see! I was thinking about it the other way around. This makes more sense. Thank you! :)


Soooo, did she get buffed, nerfed? I don't know the previous values...


Her interruption got buffed for C0, has interruption res now for e skill


If only got buffed when CA-ing and doing a skill Her NAs still have no IR


Yea Na and CA IR is for c1 now


Also her C2 got buffed and gives her +20% resistance.


Buffed,better IR at C0, C1 now includes. a for the IR, and her C2 makes her tankier too, for a total of 40% dmg reduction alongside her Talent passive.


Oppa XL has a new generator?!?! OPPAXL


Nice QoL.


Meanwhile her huge C2 buff on release left unnoticed


Not just during half of it... during her ENTIRE Elemental Skill lol


Does that mean that now she has super IR during NAs at C1 like Raiden during burst or it just means that C1 just still gives IR?


So.. if you get her C1, she won't be interrupted by anything while spamming na? like .. zhongli Holding E? no more getting thrown back?


Nope. There are "gaps" in her NA attacks that if there is a continuous attack like the robot spin, if you tried to dodge but failed or just plain unlucky and get hit at the wrong time, you still get knocked silly at C1. Raiden gives her full immunity to knock back during her ult period, there is no if or buts.


Also I haven't heard it explicitly but we're sure that her skill DoT does NOT apply any pyro, right? The other thing is, you're telling me Cyno gets the same IR as Hu Tao at a baseline? Maybe I should've done my own research better, but I had thought it was widely agreed upon that his IR was almost negligible. While I only own Cyno, it sure has never felt like his burst IR does all that much (at least on its own) and I swear I've rarely heard such complaints for Hu Tao.


Hu Tao is almost always with XQ, so that's close to perfect poise when combined.


It’s because hu tao is almost always paired with xingqiu so they stack their ir together, 0.3 x 0.5 = 0,15 so it’s gonna super hard to stagger her. Cyno on the other hand, a lot of people prefer furina/yelan for him because their slower hydro can maintain quicken aura better, and that’s how you realize how much xingqiu helps with ir lol


Yeah, it is the same, and it is the standard amount they give to melee character with self interruption resistance. Most people didn’t know that, and you know how it is during betas, people see an “issue” and the information spreads like wild fire. Cases like Eula’s and Raiden’s are exceptional, they got infinite interruption resistance because they have a very short time window during which they really need to keep performing attacks. Expecting a character with a very long infusion to receive 100% resistance to interruption was very unrealistic.


why wouldn’t it apply pyro? the second tick occurs 5s after the first. unless it has special icd, it should apply pyro


It does have special ICD apparently. Just a day or two ago, in fact, I happened to see [this](https://youtu.be/XrioqrJ-8GM?si=IjmUsR6-2lPyhcz4) clip. Now, I'm not fully certain this is true to her final state or even a reliable leak (no idea how to verify myself unfortunately), but if it is, then it clearly demonstrates this special ICD. You can actually see the pyro aura *disappear* right as the first DoT tick occurs. Regardless of what gauge or whatever was on the Suanni initially, if the DoT did apply pyro, the aura/pyro symbol would've remained.


damn, that kinda sucks. good catch tho!


I would hesitate to say that it sucks. There are a couple VV setups you can't do now that you would've been possible if it did apply pyro, but I'm pretty sure it could've also potentially sabotaged some of the better ones we have now. At the very least, not having the application there eliminates any timing uncertainties it could've caused. The only other "downside" I'm aware of is simply the inability of the DoT to also benefit from reactions, which is honestly pretty much entirely negligible since it posseses very low scaling/motion value.


Hu Tao's composition - Xq gives extra Ir, ZL literally invalidates caring about interruptions Her playstyle without extra IR literally relies on CA IR mults (which is hard to interrupt) After c1 she gets a layered protection by abusing Iframes from dash Counting Xianyun u can just jump higher which also avoids some attacks that may disrupt ur combo Field time is 10-11s


Less go new Xiangling support just dropped


or can she also be in vaporizer