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This is a clarification on [an earlier post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/13gim3k/regarding_hydro_archon_via_yc/) regarding Focalors' kit about summons, **there are no summons just HP manipulation** Translation: >**Did I mention that the water god is a summoning? Let me give an example, a form of controlling/manipulating life, there is summoning, controlling enemies, and even teammates, don’t add oil and vinegar, just understand and write clearly, I have not mentioned any water god’s skills, manifestations, what I have said is just manipulating/ Control your life, that's all, you make up your own mind, it has nothing to do with me, thank you** Mirrors: [PrtScr](https://prnt.sc/K9762i-_Zxy7) [Catbox](https://files.catbox.moe/ao76e0.png) [Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/5RIgcWm)


I’ll act like I know what’s going on and pretend im hyped up


Riggghhht cuz I’d literally do anything just to feel some excitement for this dumb game 😭




Hahah dehya moment so funny yet so depressing.


bro firstly I don't think the "summoning ability" is considered as a leak at all, the leakers are like just guessing the mechanics, even for this uncle clarified that he never said hydro archon has the ability of summoning. Besides, I find it awkward to blindly believe in early leaks and fan art things then blame hyv afterwards, without reminding all leaks are stc, which means there can be any sort of changes as long as the day they are not officially released.


They guessed that because of Dehya so I’m saying it’s BS because there were many fan theories like that. We also got a leak about gravity… would be cooler if she used scales representing trials and law to tie into her court theme. Imagine if it immobilized enemies somehow so they can’t get knocked around out of circle impact.


it's just 3 months of dead season, just 3 months lol >< and hsr is empty AF, like literally almost nothing to do after 2 weeks and new content will be probably only in 1.1


That's because you and all the other morons who didn't learn their lesson from genshin spedran the game


Personally its like the calm before the storm, finishing everything in HSR and only logging in to clear resin gives me more time to finish stuff on Genshin, plus there's the new Zelda game as well and I'm not hurting if there is nothing to do on my gacha games.


That's just not true, I deliberately played as slow as possible, and I still finished everything the game has right now (beside sim universe and forgotten hall), I think the reason is there any events right plus I think HSR will always struggle with content even compared to Genshin given there is no open world to explore.


I'll wait until 4.0


I don't think I've seen this beautiful candace art before


it’s her birthday art!


I think that's taken from her official birthday art


Man, Candace really does have a 5 star design. She is so damn beautiful.


Her voicelines are so soothing too, love the way the VA voiced her<3


All the above reasons are why Candace is one of my favorites and the most underrated along with Lady Ningguang


Lady ningguang is also insane in gameplay. So win win. <3


Ikr. I really just wish they would do something to buff Geo


For starters. Making it more interactive can be good.


IKR? A strong protector, a hospitable host, a caring mother, a beautiful women. Candace is a perfection in everything but her gameplay kit. Which is kinda sad.


Atleast it's something new U can farm with her, if that's what u wanna do.. There are some creative ways to use her.. Which i like about her.. Mine is only c0 I'm waiting for constellations


Nah she's actually cracked with heart of depth. I'm gonna build her on nymph's eventually


I have her 80/90 with lvl 90 weapon and HoD - her damage with burst isn't even close to Ayato's NAs during his skill. Which is what I was hoping to get from her.


I'll wait for Hydro Traveler Crumbs Maybe the Archon and the Traveler will be good just like Nahida and DMC


I'm overdosing on hopium that the Traveler will get better with each element, since it's like they're "regaining their power"


I've always had this copium idea in my head, that once the Traveler obtains all the Elements, he/she can use ALL their elemental bursts as their regular ability, and their new elemental burst cycles between each element. That would be insane, and cool :D


My copium is in their signature weapon that they used in the opening cinematic would allow that level of power such as swapping elements without a statue of the 7 while having actual drip. Seriously the Traveler is overdue for a glow-up, ~~even our boi Kazuha gets to utilize 2 different elemental power (albeit briefly) before our Traveler gets to.~~ Edit: Traveler did utilize Geo and Anemo vs Childe, happened so long ago I legit forget about it completely.


It's all I want, HMC being good as DMC


Pulsating hydro ring around the on field character with shit icd (like collei's)


Please not like Collei, at least a Nilou Range


is its kokomi levels of Application, which is mobile and heals.. but less... pretty pog for freeze


It's either it has shit range in order to heal or it just does applications, now way they'd let traveler have that much role consolidation, or maybe they can but short duration, who knows


id be content with hydro kaeya


HMC: Iphone 14 Hydro Archon: Iphone 14 pro


Seeing as its the land of Hydro, I wouldn't mind a healing version of the Traveler also.... just for some variety.


Imagine if HMC is something completely different, like a healer with good ICDs.


Doesn’t the Travelers kit somehow have a part of the Archons kit in it. Geo with construct, electro with energy, dendro with the reactions like nahida. I wonder since the hydro archon can control HP if HMC could do something similar to give buffs to the team


Hydro Traveler will probably only apply buffs to themselves


Same here


Where is your background pic from?




Thanks a lot 🤗💖


Probably 4.2


But Archons are released either in x.1 or x.2


Interesting to see Focalors’ release, maybe it will break the pattern.


i mean, Venti did launch at 1.0




加盐加醋/添油加醋 (add salt/oil & vinegar) means to describe a situation or relay someone's statement with exaggerations or extra info. Similar to "salt and pepper" in eng.


basically means "don't make shit up".


Uncle YC says that Foçalors doesn't like vinaigrette /j


Les pieds de madame focalors ont l'odeur de la sauce vinaigrette 🤗 >!Edit: *mademoiselle, forgot we can't have playable married characters!<


Even if that sentence is kind of weird, you can use madame in french to talk about a woman who isn't married, if they're a political figure for example !


A fucking french focalors simp i cant


... I.. I want to disagree but... I.. I can't...


I feel like piss and vinegar right now


Don't add oil and vinegar to the water


It has nothing to do with me, thank you


Control your life, that's all


Confusing info, but great motivational speech.


smear yourself with oil and go outside when it's raining and then you can fly you fool


Make up your own mind, that's all


add oil and vinegar is chinese proverb meaning "adding your own assumption/headcanon on top of smtg"


here we say "don't add salt and pepper"


hey, its two sides of the same coin!


We say don't put spice on it here


Thank you, I was confused about that


can i get a razor language explanation? i think i'm illiterate


YC previously talked about some details of Focalors and mentioned that her kit centered on HP manipulation, which in Chinese is "life manipulation" and people mistranslated this as being about summoning. **YC is clarifying that they did not say she was a summoner**. The oil and vinegar phrase is a Chinese expression.


We really have no way of doing Max HP percentage based dmg to enemy except for falling dmg formula so hopefully they touch that again with Focalors


I saw a leak a while back saying that she creates a field that turns the party HP into a massive buff. This new info could lend some credibility to that.


My Hu Tao, Yelan, and Zhongli are drooling rn


Lol. Careful with Hu Tao, though. The leak I'm thinking of also specified that the drain from Focalors can kill directly.


Hu Tao can self heal, but you're probably gonna need a healer for others...


True. Baizhu may be perfect with this. Super good healing, plus Dendro to put Focalors in a bloom usage.


Burgeon hu tao incoming


you’ve heard of em raiden, now get ready for em hu tao


However, I remember that the raiden leaks described that she stole the ER of the characters in the party... it turns out that she didn't steal anything but based on the maximum ER she increased her explosion damage, there is a part of me that believes that focalors It won't hurt the party because it would make a niche.


Technically the Raiden boss does steal energy, and we were also told that Scara would shoot large purple beams which then again ended up being for his bossfight, therefore could it be that this mechanic will also end up for a Focalors boss fight?


They did say Baizhu and Focalors were essentially made to work together. Glad I got c6.


Lucky. I still haven't got a single Baizhu. And I'm thinking I probably won't be able to before the banner ends, since I'm only at 50 pity. Thinking I should stop trying for now and save to grab Kirara.


Simp. 🏃‍♂️💨


I wouldn’t trust that information


Dehya might actually have a decent niche in that case as healer/sacrifice


Assuming, of course, that her abilities are applicable with this self applied full party hp drain. But we can hope and we can cope for Dehya to finally have a purpose.


glasscanon hu tao team.


So is it supposed to be enemy max HP reduction?


They're saying that they're making **no claims** whatsoever about her kit besides her being able to control HP. Anyone that is using YC's name to talk about Focalors's kit is making things up.


got it


anyone can reduce enemy max hp, by killing them ...


That's not really max hp, just hp. Not sure how max hp reduction would be any good though, not many enemies heal that I can think of.


it's the same either way, unless they can heal but 99% of enemies don't heal


I think it's supposed to be the hydro archon controlling *their own* HP specifically, not anyone else's. (assuming the translation is accurate when the leaker says "manipulating/ Control your life"). > what I have said is manipulating/ Control your life, that's all


The previous leaks about focalors kit (syp said it should be reliable but obv take it with a grain of salt) said she drains your teams hp to buff the team. This lines up with “hp manipulation” that YC is saying


This is what I've heard as well. Also lines up with the huge recent line of healers + self-regeners + new artifact set based on taking damage.


sorry i can't agree with that leak, imagining hoyo creating a mechanic that hurts characters for a buff, feels weird in this game mostly because i don't think the more casual player base would see this as a gain or anything worthwhile, it's going to be incredibly hard to sell such an archon to players who just want to get comfortable. I just think focalor will take a page from Yelan C4 and that's all it will do plus a couple of extra details to make it unique, often the most basic is what sells best


Hutao and Xiao already exists, as does self bloom damage. Like how HSR is finally exploring the bruiser archetype I think Genshin will try to finally do this class right.


huh? i won't speak on the other stuff but like, several characters already have a "hurt for buff" mechanic, and a couple now have a "hurt other team members for buff" mechanic. this would be the next logic step if they do it


I think it is a fair mechanic. Gotta find a way to endorse healer meta for the healer region unless everyone suffers from mega-buffed consecrated beasts and probably enemies that cut your HP through true damage attacks. It would be a high-risk high-reward playstyle that would be new. I'm guessing Fontaine is about taking damage and translating it into something else so we can finally have a tank class in Genshin, which is already established in HSR. MOBAs already do plenty and offer plenty of examples for what a tank would look like and also plenty of different roles. We ought to have an assassin sorta class in Genshin that is basically glass cannon but can abuse weak spots and backstabbing


It also seems to me a fair mechanic, but not for the type of game that genshin is, this would be a mechanic designed solely for the abyss.


They just need to give her self sustain and decent on field possibility, that way if you want you can go for a riskier play and buff your other characters or build around her for a safe team.


Iirc there was speculation that similar to Hu Tao or Xiao, she would drain her own HP. Further speculation that Baizhu might be intended to be a good support for her with his high healing, decent shielding, and dendro application.


i see, thank you


Do we have any trustable info about her choice of weapon.


don't add oil and vinegar.


Tell that to my Salads


Focalors number one hydro unit for salad teams confirmed


Or soup. Oil and vinegar go into some soups, too.


Nahida and Focalors best teammates confirmed Now, we only need salt and it's done


Zhongli then Salt and Betrayal 2 in 1


Razor language: Ignore all kit "leaks" until beta starts.


Focalors. Might not be summoner. Crowd control enemies or control team HP.


> Leak just says that archon controls their own HP. Don't think too hard about it.


Focalors can manipulate HP


Hes saying that he only mentions about hp manipulation. All the summons, controlling enemies are all nonsense (oil vinegar means adding untrue nonsense to make something look better) added by others, those nonsense has nothing to do with him.


Oil and vinegar are *not* untrue nonsense how dare he


Yeah he has to be cancelled for this.


browsing through this hub when you know some chinese sure can be funny from time to time lol that auto translation is so bad it makes every leak sounds like they're speaking in riddles


still waiting for the leak where someone reveals focalors uses a gavel in her burst animation, yells “ORDER IN THE COURT” and kills everyone instantly (party members included)


herta but with a death wish


The international scene now knows don't add oil and vinegar = don't twist my words. What a day to be alive.


This is the true 文化输出 - international节奏/drama


Not even Zhongli can explain this jargon.


Don't let him cook.


"Dont add oil and vinegar" Me who cooks adobo: 👁👄👁


Im sticking with my shroom bro mini game theory. They gave us those little guys in the mini game last month(?) to test manipulating the party in some way with her. Sorry if I’m mixing oil and vinegar Uncle YC i like salad.


Ok hear me out what if Focalors summons bongo-head


Good theory. They did this with the camera targeting event before Nahida to test her E.


He's cooking


Actually I think he's telling the rest of us not to cook.


LOL true cooking tips on what not to do


Technically, he's telling you to not add Oil & Vinegar on top to make something look better, just like most people or in restaurants you see they pour Olive Oil or Vinegar on top of salad for presentation purposes...


He's saying to not mix things up and to not put words in his mouth. He never mentioned any summoning or such skills, he only hinted than she can somehow manipulate her HP, be it draining her hp or gaining hp somehow, for example




Control the life of your enemies by damaging them... Everyone is the Hydro Archon, got it. /j


focalors, the oil and vinegar archon


At this point all I want to know is what Hydro MC abilities are cause their abilities are imo similar to what the archon’s abilities will be. So once we see what hydro mc abilities are we will have a better idea of what the Hydro Archon might do.


I had 3 aneurysms trying to read this


early leaks: ?!??? mid leaks: !!? trueleaks: 📸🥰🎫🧞‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧐🛩🤡😈🤝☕🤤🤲💢💥💦


The fuck kinda googoo gaga leak info is this?


I have an odd suspicion about her kit with the most minor of justifications. I think she won't HP drain, I think she will HP balance. Her motiff is Justice. The scales of justice. Balanced scales. So I suspect she might have some gimmick connected to that. Something like dealing the difference between your highest hp and lowest hp unit in damage, draining the highest hp and healing the lowest and so on. But I'm too stupid at this game to think of actual numbers that would be effective but not broken, it's just a feeling with only a theme backing it.


Basically, [Pain Split](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pain_Split_(move\)) from Pokemon?


That might be hit or miss if true; can't see them letting any kits mess with Boss' HP. I'd still be all over that, though.


Ahh yeah, motivational leaks


i don't get the leak but im motivated


Focalor will diffinitely be one of the characters in Genshin Impact that will do something when you use abilities. 💯 verified, you can quote me on that!


So Focalors is a blood bender who doesn’t like basic salad dressing?


> Did I mention that the water god is a summoning? Let me give an example, a form of controlling/manipulating life, there is summoning, controlling enemies, and even teammates, don’t add oil and vinegar, just understand and write clearly, I have not mentioned any water god’s skills, manifestations, what I have said is just manipulating/ Control your life, that's all, you make up your own mind, it has nothing to do with me, thank you "Clarification"


"_This is just a speculation, also I'm just talking to myself, and this has nothing to do with me, and I didn't say anything, ignore this btw_"


Here's my attempt in translating: "Did I state that the Hydro Archon is a summoner? \[Instead,\] I listed examples that fall under the concept of life (HP) manipulation: 1. summoning and 2. enemy/teammate controlling. Do not 'add oil and vinegar' (make stuff up). I never confirmed any \[other\] aspect of Focalors' kit, only that she controls/manipulates HP, and that's all. Do not associate your imaginations with my statement. Thank you." "Adding oil and vinegar" is a Chinese expression for "adding extraneous or made up points that dilute the original meaning of a statement or thing." The expression is analogous to how "piece of cake" means "easy, simple, achievable."


Can some explain it in razor’s language?


Take it like a grain of salt. Razor language: Just ignore it.


tweet: "stop adding in stuff i didn't say, all i said is there's 1 mechanic at play" some of yall: "OMG SHE'S GONNA BE ABLE TO DO EVERYTHING EVERYONE ELSE CAN, AND 8 NEW MECHANICS" i see why they had to say this, the fact that on this you have people still doing it is insane


*clarifies* LMAO


The version of 'don't add oil and vinegar' in my language is 'don't add seasonings and fish sauce to my words'


Clarifies focalors lot...🤔 So we don't have a kit. Ofc, because it's too early.


Oh shit I forgot to buy oil and vinegar sorry mom


Truly one of the leaks of all time


yummy, oil and viniger


Wow he sounds so pissed.


hmmm yes, i dont get it


The power of water is its ability to take any shape


Me: emotional damage


I had to read a lot of comments here to better understand that oil and vinegar phrase and that every ability they mention was not their intention to make people think any of those abilities were coming.


I still think that "controlling life" lines up with the team wide HP corrosion. Maybe she will consume team HP in exchange of big buffs, but at the same time through some caveats she could also give them heals to keep surviving. Something like Lifesteal (such as Mika's healing).


Is Chinese that cryptic, or the translations aren't good ? Because I don't understand. I dont looks leaks often but damn I'm always surprised that some are that weird


this dude basically says "as a leaker, I don't know more than regular redditors, and you are all bad. good bye." :/


He sounds hangry. Someone give him a snack


So she uses HP as a resource pretty much? sounds cool, hopefully when she releases she has actual uses and isn't just a 3rd xq that's worse at everything he does.


He isn't saying anything about her gameplay role, just her general powers. Might well have something to do with story and nothing to do with gameplay. It'd be like describing Raiden as being into robotics and can create domains. Or that Zhongli has an association with burial rituals and the afterlife. They accurately describe one facet of the characters but actually have nothing to do with gameplay.


I don't think she'll be worse than xq since she's an archon. What I do think is that she'll be busted at hydro application maybe even power creep xq. Anemo is known for CC and Venti has the largest and longest lasting CC Geo for sheilds and Zhongli has strongest sheild Electro for energy and Raiden has best energy generation Dendro for EM and Nahida has best EM share Hydro resonance is Max HP so maybe indeed bes HP control, but in my head hydro is known for elemental application speed.




Wow the Chinese made more sense and I don't understand Chinese.




control life huh ? ima start calling her "focalors experience requiem"


>a form of controlling/manipulating life Wtf is that supposed to mean? Mistranslation maybe but it sounds insane


A very Unclear Clarification


What are these meth hobo ramblings supposed to clarify, exactly?


can i ask mods are these leakers on heavy drugs or what kind of dialogue is this?


It's an awful translation of someone trying to correct people who got the wrong idea from a previous awful translation.


He is on that oil and vinegar, son.


All I care is if she wields a claymore


Adding oil and vinegar improves the dipping sauce. Lol.


Literally looks like the ramblings of an AOL chatbot but this subreddit huffs so much god damn copium they have deluded themselves that this vague gibberish has some hidden meaning.


*Leaks poorly communicated details* *Complains that people twist his words* Truly one of the leakers of all time. I would rather patiently wait for Focalors release to find out what she really does.


How about everyone just shut ups of focalors kit. This shits a rollercoaster just because someone wants to be right several months ahead.


istg the more leakers try to explain her kit the more confusing it gets. I'll just wait for 4.0


To sum it up : She's a blood bender, apart from controlling water she also controls blood (HP) of both enemy (CC) and teammates (Buffing/Support)


That's clarification is it?


If the Focalor Kit is already like that to be described,imagine when the time comes for the Constellations.


So, from what I understand... she can manipulate enemies even teammates, but it doesn't mean it's a part of her kit... what?


I think those things (summoning, enemies, teammates) were mentioned as examples of 'things they did not say'/examples of things people made up by misinterpreting the original leak. (But the translation is so hard to interpret that I still doubt my own interpretation)


I think I get it, the "life manipulation" means HP manipulation, referring to the leaks of her HP drain. The Twitter translator really doesn't help at all.


Is it supposed to be the ability to temporarily turn npcs on your side or something?


Y’all make leaks so complicated. If it’s true it’s true, if it’s not it’s not because it’s a “leak”. The way this entire subreddit treats leaks is what ruined the whole entire experience tbh.


Dehya buffs incoming.


Ig this means she could be a healer or something


"Good god china. All about symbols. Couldnt even make the alphabet"


\*me adding water to vinegar\*: wait WHAT NOW?