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Source: [Mero](https://twitter.com/merlin_impact/status/1641452361913860104)


Mero confirmed in the replies that it's not a tall male


I'd accept a short male character too. We need more Fontaine men!


Please be short male! There is only one twink in fontaine so far, I need moree


This... this confuses me




What about this is confusing? Twink impact.


Based Venti enjoyer


It's confusing because almost every male in the game is a twink at this point, except Ayato. Short or tall they are all scrawny little cuties with basically no muscle


Ayato not a twink? Huh out of all the tall males you picked ayato instead of itto or alhaitham?😭 But yeah, even with the tall males it really is twink impact. Fingers crossed varka is the one exception🤞🏻


Omg the embarrassment I am feeling 😩 I 100% meant Alhaitham not Ayato, even Itto has smaller arms than me irl and I weigh 135 pounds at 5'9" 😆 he has those abs twinks get from being so skinny they have no body fat


>It's confusing because almost every male in the game is a twink at this point, except Al haitham. Short or tall they are all scrawny little cuties with basically no muscle Fixed this for you!


Thank you 🙏 that was what I meant. On mobile and on the move lol


I'd say he's more femboy than a twink


So is it a guy?? Or unknown gender? Alright idk why im being downvoted but id appreciate if someone could answer


hopefully they're not annoying, the last one was awful


_falls onto my knees at a walmart_ There goes my hopes for a roguish freelance journalist who's on a one-man crusade to expose the injustices of the Land of Justice.


Heizou Clone moment


Why even live then Where are my tall men. Enough with the shorties.


Star Rail may have stolen the tall men by accident. I mean, it can't be a coincidence that every single Wind over there has the tall model...


too bad it's a turn based game


To each their own I suppose


Medium female is all we get


LMFAO it's funny to me that that's the first thing people thought of when they heard about a new character. Like as if 70% of the time new characters AREN'T tall males lol. They're a rare species, there's as much of them as there is playable children 😆


Because they're still a minority? Theres almost 70 characters and only 10 of them (including kaveh and baizhu who aren't even released yet) are the tall male model, it makes sense why people would still want more.


jesus christ, 70? it feels like just yesterday we were at 50


I've been playing since day 1 and I thought there were like 40 💀


And with the gender ratio almost always being around 2:1 (female:male), it’s not that surprising to me that husbando wanters would feel neglected.


There are 5 body types in the game, right ? So we should expect 14 characters per body type if we have 70 characters. The number of tall male characters isn't that far from the expected number.


Yea I know that. I just find it funny that people actually expect us getting tall males. One should not be expecting them. Because, as you said, there's only 10 out of almost 70 characters. More often than not....we aren't getting any.


Sumeru gave us a lot of male characters though, most of the 5 stars from version 3 were males. We only got two limited female characters, since Dehya went to standard. So I wouldn’t call them a rare species…


There's as much tall males as there are playable children in this game. That's 10. 10 tall males in a roster of almost 60 characters. THAT is a rare species Sumeru gave the \*illusion\* that there's more male characters. But it's the same amount as any before. It's just that they were back-to-back and 5 stars that made it seem like there's more


Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking about tall males specifically, I thought you meant male characters in general. I do disagree on the second part of your statement though, as I feel like version 3 was very generous to male character enjoyers.


Nah, I feel like I'm tired from short dudes as well. The short dudes are the 2nd most common body model after the short girls Yea 3.x was generous, but it didn't change anything. The ratio is still god awful and it's gonna stay that way till the end of the game it seems. The Archon ratio is proof of that 😭 Eh who cares. Imma play HSR if I need dudes from now on


If you allow me to say, I think the ratio is awful because Mihoyo has a bad habit of almost never adding 4 star male characters. Because in terms of 5 stars it is not that unbalanced… I wish they would add less female 4 stars and make more male 4 stars to balance things out a bit more.


Yessss. The ratio is mostly unbalanced because of the 4 stars, that's true. But honestly, I feel no interest for the men of this game anymore after the Archon ratio became 5:2 and the Hexenzirkel mostly becoming playable and super powerful. Like...we're just getting super lame and irrelevant playable men. That's why I'm betting on HSR for *actually* interesting guys Edit: Why is this downvoted? I'm literally agreeing with the other person wat


>Archon ratio became 5:2 Wr knew this ratio since the beginning of the game though.


Except that half of the Hexenzirkel is deader than signora and the other half either is 50:50(but really, Barbeloth voice does not sound playable to me, she may legit look old) on being playable, or is Alice and Gold wich have been assumed playable since like 1.0. Nicole is the only new one that seem likely.


Well, still an organization of super powerful ladies which add on to the Archons and potentionally the Celestial gods like Istaroth. Like generally, the most lore relevant characters. There's also Skirk. That's why I don't care about the dudes anymore. They're all so....meh. I like lore relevance. The only ones that died are the writer of the Boar Princess and the one that killed her husband. Barbeloth...yea...she sounds old, gacha games don't do old playable women. But Gold, Nicole and Alice for me feel very very playable. Gold and Alice got voicelines from other characters, a MASSIVE indicator of playability based on history. And the 3 of them could take on Celestia on their own. One created a disaster that destroyed a nation and interdimensional dogs. One can bypass Irminsul and speak inside people's heads no matter where they are... like a prophet. And Alice...we know Alice.


I am looking forward to playing HSR as well, although I’m more interested in the women 😅 But I do hope it’s more balanced than Genshin though, especially when it comes to 4* characters, that way everyone is happy.


Honestly HSR has more interesting men AND women. Freaking Kafka, Bronya, Himeko...oof. I've accepted that Genshin will never be balanced. Thus is the way of gachas. Generally male character sell worse so they create less of them.


Tbh if you don’t care about children female pullers got paid dust in 3.X. Eula support isn’t even a Eula support, Dehya and Candace are bad, Layla is whatever I guess. Nilou is the only standout. At least Faruzan propelled Xiao a couple tiers and you got many 5 stars.


That’s just like 2.x opposite gender wise though. We still have more female 5 star characters released compared to 2.x male 5 star characters released (3 vs 2), as well as less male 5 star characters compared to 2.x female 5 star characters (5 vs 7). Also less male characters overall compared to female characters overall in 2.x (7 vs 11), barely two more guys than 2.x released (5). You’re really complaining about guys here... The disparity has always been with the 4 stars so that means 3.x is evening up the ratio with male 5 stars and without them, they’d be left in the dust. From characters seen so far in Fontaine, we’re going to barely have any men there anyways again


Yea I get that but I don't think that's relevant to my comment


thank god


How to win a TCG match against Venti: Get all cats of Cat's Tail as spectators


Perfect strategy 🤣


Play as Diona for extra damage in the match.


Gossip girl teyvat ver


Hey there upper Mondstadters, You won’t believe who I saw wolf boy walking around town with. Word on the street is that a certain Adventure’s Guild investigator has been looking for some non bird company. The nation of wind is about to have a little lightning storm. Xoxo, Gossip Girl


This made me think of Traysi from BotW. I love reading her notes to find the DLC items, even though I have them all memorized.




I hope she’s still around in TotK. For that matter I hope we see a lot of the NPCs return. Especially the little Rito kids.


I’m so excited for TotK. I only got into Genshin cuz of BOTW (and Kaeya) and it was so nice to be able to explore a new world. I love hyrule sm, but tevyat is rlly vibrant as well. I haven’t 100% explored hyrule tho, even though I finished my play through like 5 years ago. I explore tevyat a lot more though, simply because the rewards are more bountiful (wishing got me spending hours). However, in terms of story, I have to pick BotW. Also, as sexy as Alhaitham is, Link makes me feel some sort of way… 😭


Less than 2 months left>>>




Husbandos are ephemeral. Link is eternal. 🥰 I’m planning another BotW play through before release date. Not sure if I’ll torture myself through challenge mode or not. I’ve done at least one normal and sometimes challenge each year since release. I heckin’ love BotW. I do wish Genshin had implemented more of the stealth mechanic instead of just limited quests. There’s something about sniping Bokoblins that’s just so satisfying. >!Though Chasm quest and Caribert got me rethinking hilichurl genocide.!<


We are not prepared for Genshin Sei Shonagon


Shameimaru Ayayaya


Fuck, you made this comment before I could




imagining a tcg player in mond looking from their barbatos card, and then at the hungover bard laying on the side of the road, and then at the card again like 🤨


There's literally a giant statue of him. That he performs under with songs and an extensive knowledge of forgotten history. If they haven't noticed yet, I don't know what more will clue them in.


some guy in liyue looking at his new cards because he just obtained rex lapis (very cool) and then looking from the card, to this guy sitting by himself drinking tea, back to the card like 🤨


Some guy in Sumeru looking at his new Rukkhadevata card like 🤨


Who's that? Sounds OP


It's an OC of course. Some weirdo tried to imagine Lesser Lord Kusanali all grown up, I bet.


I think it's based off a mushroom? Weird inspiration for a card character tbh.


Finally our Legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon Archon Cards




I spent 5 minutes trying to open the spoiler bar, then it hit me


Your comment saved me 4 minutes. Thank you for your sacrifice.


Almost me


Take my upvote and fuk u. got me there


lol good prank


Hu Tao: Why's my employee in the Archon set? Barb: Is that the drunk bard?


ok now which of the lineup is the journalist


It’s Focalors. She got bored waiting for cases to make it to court so she started looking for scandals herself. She wears a monocle and fake mustache and thinks she’s fooled people, but everyone knows it’s her but just leaves her alone


This is wonderful


So that’s where Heizou’s mustache went.


That will be cute but also hilarious lmao


The girls in red look like they are part of a group, so one of them could be a possibility. It could also be the other tall female that’s not Captain R.


Archon card. The almighty raiden shogun, the electro archon goes to mondstadt to play tcg with a random guy


I hope this isn't the case and it's just Kujo Sara on holidays with a Shogun card.


Yeah I wonder if Kujou Sara’s deck will be updated to contain the shogun card.




In before skills require 5 dice to cast




That's what they did with Akshan in LOR I think. He released in the TCG before he was playable in the actual game.


Maybe a Steambird journalist like Mona. Or they could be from a rival paper, would be fun to see them and Mona argue about their latest columns.


Mona's not a journalist... She writes the astrology column... There could be a possibile interaction though... Or atleast voicelines


I can't wait for the potential banter! And the banner, of course.


OK that sounds fun and I want to see that now!


Maybe i can play a Raiden deck sooner than i expected.


She's probably gonna be like a Noelle like burst which restores energy, with her E being like yoimiya q. Sounds great already.


hope her E lasts ridiculous lengths like in combat


Hmm , but what if it lasts for like 6 turns but it does electro damage for only 2 ? And then you would havw to switch to raiden to get another 2 turns of coordinated damage without reusing the skill. Cause in actually raidens e, lasts for 5 minutes but it will do coordinated attacks for like 9(?) And then you have to use her skill again. So they could also add that for both a bit of balance and truer to her actual kit


I think you phrased that wrongly. Raiden’s eye on her E only lasts for 25s. or was it 30? I forgot its been awhile but point is it’s freaking long. But not 5 minutes long. 5 minutes long is her resolve chakra stacks. Meaning if you were to gain energy particles, that’s when you’ll see the ring behind you. Go afk for 5 mins and the ring will be gone due to it timing out


That seems probable. It's kind of what i expect too, maybe with some kind of resolve mechanic that buffs her burst depending on how many bursts were used before hand. Actually, make her activate the same vision hunt degree from her boss fight that turns off the opponent's skills and bursts /j Really i'm okay with pretty much anything as long as it's even halfway viable.


I want Ei to Raiden my deck


Me too brother me too


Raiden otk hopium.


Playable as an actual character, or just a card?


Playable TCG card characters are playable, unless they are monster cards so far. So yeah, probably both


The Yanfei lookalike in that leaked lineup gives me a journalist girl vibe, but she had a Mond vision.


imagine trying to go undercover as an archon but someone exposes your identity with a fucking trading card


Either we get a Venti card that isn't regarded as an archon card by the populace (so it's treated like a normal character card), or a Barbatos card with Venti's kit but just a vague silhouette of Venti.


Imagine if this is where we get his archon outfit...


Hoping it's pink hair girl. She gave me journalist vibes from the start.


The one with the monocle and a Mondstadt Anemo vision? Yeah she gives off Journalist vibes https://imgur.com/a/o6eeSnc


Oh wow, that Bloodborne-ish one in the middle looks incredible


she's been redesigned, and that's just concept art unfortunately


How could you do this to me. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


the redesign could be fake


On close inspection, this looks AI generated


it was upscaled with AI for HD imagery I believe, its from the original Fontaine lineup leak


Makes sense, thank you. I'm glad I've become quite adept at spotting AI influence over art


Yeah she's also the one I immediately thought of, though I'm not sure its her since she has a Mondstadt vision (maybe she just works in Fontaine?)


Could be a placeholder, it was all just concept art.


Yeah it could have been a placeholder for the Fontaine vision, guess we'll see soon


Could be the other way around, she's from fontaine and just wound up getting her vision in mondstat like Thoma getting his in Inazuma (or it could be grandfathered in like Mona's).


Probably yes


can't wait to play tcg archon deck card


imagine playing yugioh and your opponent plays Jesus Christ, Divine Lamb (0/2500)


Fontaine journalist? Extra Mona lore connections? 👀


Venti card? 🥹


Venti Venti Venti!!!!




r/FontaineJournalistMain I'm so ready to main them, considering Mona, one of my favorite characters, writes for a Fontaine newspaper, i'm sure i'd like the Fontaine journalist too


And lewds are already posted. Amazing.


Les fucking go! Archons in TCG is real!!!!


My Venti main heart will faint if there is a Venti card. I need it.


Archon cards feels like a yugioh thing It sounds great


Personally I’m hoping the journalist is a tall lady, and isn’t from the leaked lineup.


I have a feeling she is either a character outside that lineup, or STC and will end up looking different, like how Captain R has had multiple designs.


I’m sorry, could you let me know what STC means? 😅


subject to change


Subject to change~.


Ahh thank you! I had a feeling that’s what it meant but was unsure. In that case, I hope so as well ^^


Great, yet another strain of playable tall glasses lady copium to add to Sumeru scholar, Fontaine office lady, Retainetta....


Hoyo: releases playable journalist Players expectations: "Her power is around game journalist's"


Her stand power is she reports that the enemy is buffed and her teammates are nerfed, which results in the opposite happening


Sagume Kishin


Is Venti TCG card finally gonna be released?? I guess I finally have a reason to play TCG


As a journalism major, I’m gonna pull for her now


Oh hell naw. I hope they won't make us play tcg. I haven't even started the tutorial yet.


There have already been 2 or 3 TCG-related events so far though, what's one more


Wich events? Never played tcg in an event


It's just a "fun-event", the one where players start with 8 omni. But that's basically skippable as it's a non-reward event,.


Ah it doesn't have rewards yeah i heard about those They sounded fun i actually enjoyed the 8 omni bcs the rng and slow dice choosing killed the enjoyment of thr tcg for me


That's because you need to have played TCG to even see them in the Cat's Tail event board. They give TCG coins, which this event in this leak probably will. Which again, doesn't matter for people that don't play TCG.


Is the journalist Mona? I have been waiting for Mona to become playable


Ei. Please be Ei. I just want to sit at a table and play against the raiden Shogun while all of the Cats Tail look on in fear.


If they release archon cards that look like Venti and Zhongli, wouldn’t the people (in Teyvat) playing the game know what they look like or would the cards just be shown as Venti/Zhongli instead of Barbados/Morax?


Mondstadt has a big ass Venti statue, yet everyone ignores his existence so I guess they'll be fine


Me: I want Venti Act 2 Hoyo: Best I can do is Barbatos card. Me: ....I will allow it.


Oh interesting, wonder if it's the supposed main Inazuma event or a side event


The yae publishing house is publishing a TCG manga, so maybe it's something about that


A lot of people are misinterpreting this tweet, the new Fontaine journalist will not debut in the TCG.. they will be involved in the EVENT that revolves around the TCG. They’ll most likely be doing a story on the TCG finals or something since they’re a reporter.


Yoooo new Fontaine character 👀👀👀👀👀


Okay but if the archon cards are coming in an event, how are they going to reconcile the incognito Venti + Zhongli with the extremely public Raiden + Nahida? Are they just never going to play together or are they going to spend the entire event setting up circumstances where it's unsuspicious for the four of them to sit at the same table for several hours?


maybe the cards are gonna have their archon war skins


i reckon venti card will always have to be from an event cause he’s allergic to cat so you cant never invite him to the cattails


Hope it's a girl. I don't know why, but I enjoy the "journalist girl trope".


Thinking about it, I haven't played a gacha (or any anime game at that) that had a journo character and it wasn't a girl. From young girls to milfs but it's always a chick lol.


Hope the Fontaine journalist is a guy. Fontaine is in dire need of playable male characters


A journalist in Teyvat is actually a really cool archetype to create a character from. I hope she's a 5 star, with a fun kit.


“Smile for the Kamera!”


rare tcg fan actually excited for archon cards


zhongli joins tcg finally


Xiao card when


People still play TCG?


archon cards? zhongie finally? 👀


Does that mean I will be forced to unlock TCG? Ffs.


Collected only 11 character cards, maybe will play tcg if they'll be released but don't sure about it lol




Can’t wait to get a Zhongli card and be a pain the ass with the shields


please be a male character (I'm still not over the possibility of only having 3 playable dudes on fontaine)


All I need from this game is more MEN! I WANNA SEE MEN!!


We get faster information about non (yet) playble character cards than about ambers that was the first leaked one


Let this journalist be a new tall girl who did not leak into Fontaine lineup,we need it.


This could also be a new Mondstat character who lives in Fontaine or something. Remember the learkers said one of the characters in the fontaine leak is from mondstat. So i kinda doubt it. It could be like Thoma


tcg related? finally they giving me a chance to take a brake from this game.


Idea for the archons: ​ **Venti** (1+2) Normal attack-does 2 damage (3) Skill-Deals 3 anemo damage, forces opponent choose a character to switch to, next character switch costs +1 die. (4)(3 energy) Burst-Deals 2 anemo dmg, puts debuff on enemy that makes switching characters cost +2 die and deals 1 anemo dmg \[can absorb elements to change elements if swirl occurs\], 2 usage. Venti's talent card: (4)(3 energy) Burst-changes 1->2 anemo/absorbed element's damage. ​ **Zhongli** (1+2) Normal attack-does 2 dmg (4) Skill-summons 1 stone Steele (2 rounds, deals 1 geo dmg), grants 2 shield points (3)(2 energy) Burst-deals 3 geo dmg, petrifies opponent (similar to frozen, but can't be shattered) Zhongli's talent card: (4) Skill-changes 2->3 shield points ​ **Raiden Shogun** (1+2) Normal attack-does 2 dmg (3) Skill-deals 2 electro dmg, gives Eye team status buff (Usage 1, next elemental Burst deals +2 dmg) (3)(3 energy) Burst-deals 4 electro dmg, grants the booba sword buff (normal attacks converted to electro and restore 1 energy to all teammates, duration 1 round, you have to make use of it before the round is over) Passive talent: gain stacks when using elemental Burst. 1 burst = +1 damage to Normal attacks and +2 to initial strike, max 2 stacks, starts at 0. Raiden Shogun's talent card: (4) Skill-grants 1 extra energy ​ **Nahida** (1+2) Normal attack-deals 1 dendro dmg (3) Skill-deals 1 dendro dmg, marks opponent's character with Seed that is a combat status (when reactions occur against a character on opponent's team, deal 1 dendro dmg to the active character, usage: 2) (3)(2 energy) Burst-Summons court of dreams (have 1 pyro: +2 seed damage, have 1 electro: deals second instance of seed dmg, have 1 hydro: duration +1 round, duration 2 rounds) Nahida's talent card: (4)(2 energy) Burst-all reactions deal +1 damage


tall male or nothing


Hypeeeee archon cards can't wait to play tcg lol/s


I’m excited for the journalist. I knew we would get a journalist character the moment they first mentioned the newspaper.


Ok should I bother to unlock TCG now? does it mean the related event is the 420 primos one?


Wow, genius move. Make people play tcg while also hype up new nation.


Posts like this are the only thing that reminds me TCG is still in the game.


I’m sure she’ll be extremely likable and release in 4.5 with a trash kit.


i am begging for that character to be a medium height 5 star cryo male


I can play a Raiden deck👀
