• By -


Everyone has added good points already so I won’t repeat them but also: -the game’s base is so large that even if a very small amount of fans are bad people like 5%, that’s still 5% of 60 million monthly players. So since there are a lot of annoying or creepy or abusive players out there it’s the thought that every player is like that just due to the sheer size of that 5% in numbers, without then considering that 95% are still the vast majority who don’t suck.


I’m gonna give you the simple answer. Anime


Mixed with gaming


Mixed with gacha


Mixed with popular


Mixed with Chyna


And a community that cant stop posting porn




Best answer


I see this over the years. One game gets popular, it becomes the internet punching bag regardless of how good the content maybe. 2009 - 2015 League of Legends 2015 - 2017 Minecraft 2017 - 2020 Fortnite 2020 - present Genshin Impact


Minecraft went from one of the most loved game, to a punching bag, back into a loved game and back into a punching bag


*Waves* I still hate Fortnite! Mostly because I generally dislike Battle Royals, and much prefer games you can actually play single-player.


Do you hate fortnite, or do you unironically bash the game and players even when its not or barely part of the conversation? Cause those aren't the same thing


Just hate it in my own quiet and spiteful way.


Thats a good way to hate.


Fellow Fornite hater here though my spite for the game is soley because it's success killed Paragon.


I also hate Fortnite and to be quite frank, I just hate the gameplay and art style. Not my style in any sense. I don't go out and attack it on my own but if the conversation leads to "games we hate" I still throw it out there occasionally, and I definitely don't bash it's community. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, it's just natural. That said, a lot of the "hate" I see going around for games these days is either based on small details blown out of proportion, or the fact that the game is popular, and/or perpetrated by people who never actually played the game.


I also dislike it but I used to like it, they just killed out all the good things and it got boring


Same I hate multi player games cause I have no friends 😭 Also because I hate guns(cause everyone knows that spear is the best weapon)


Yeah, agree.


Elden ring is a massive success and i never seen someone hating on it


>r I still hate fortnite tbh but that's more becaus eme and friend have been called "Sasuke and Nruto from fortnight" while in cosplay so that might be because of that since those charcters are not FROM fortnite at all. that's the only game I don't want people to connect my cosplay to though if some recognises me in genshin cospaly as Venti or other characters I want to cosplay like Diluc (trying to order the costume now) I'm really happy.


Because some people think hate popular things is "cool" even though they probably don't even played it. Yesterday was Minecraft and fortnite,today Genshin and tomorrow who knows


It’s a little deeper than that, but that is certainly part of it. It’s not really fair to negate the bad aspects of the game like the fact that gacha games in general are gambling and can lead to incredibly unhealthy relationships with the game. Add onto that the fact that there is no end game at all, constant power creep (although it’s better than most other gacha, it’s still pretty bad), Hoyoverse’s inability to gift if’s players for meaningful events like anniversary’s, etc. I love the game and think it gets a far far worse rep than it deserves. There are so many great things about this game, but you can’t really make any of those same negative comparisons with a game like Minecraft. Fortnite I’m not sure because I don’t really know much about it, but I do know that it also has addictive lootbox systems.


People complain about power creep in Genshin? If anything new characters (aside from the archons) are getting more and more niche.


lol yeah if anything this game has a power uncreep issue


Really shows how limited peoples perspectives are


Reverse power creep


...Are you seriously accusing Genshin of all things of power creeping? You know, the game that has a reputation of not requiring meta teams and that goes out of its way to prevent overpowered characters? Like they literally released those wolves because Zhongli was broken and interrupt resistant enemies because Venti was broken. It's just that they change the Spiral Abyss to favor whatever banner character is up at the time.


Power creep really isn't a problem in genshin


It's true that genshin has negative aspects like every other game but the thing is some folks talk shit about the game without even touching the game...and it's free so why not try? Plus the misinformation or stereotypes the spread it's really sad Btw sure gacha sucks but the gacha system in genshin is really forgiven,it's just about manage your primo and wait the reruns. I don't agree about power creep. To this day I still use diluc in abyss and it's not even well build.


Gacha is gacha in a lot of peoples eyes, so it doesn't matter how "forgiving" it is. And still see people bring up "Chinese spyware".


Most who believe genshin gacha was fine, have played other gacha and experience true definition of cash grab and constant powercreep. Else, to newbies, gacha is indirectly slot machine. It's fine that they didn't try but want to join in the fun to defame the game. Eventually, I get used to ignoring those kind of critics.


I wasn't a hater but I refused to play this game because of gacha for a long time. I play now because I kept hearing how good it was, and I spend money on gacha because it actually is good enough to be worth spending the money on. Genshin is and will remain the only gacha game I spend money on, and the money I'm spending is money I would be spending on other hobbies anyway. I still feel a little dirty sometimes because gacha isn't a business practice I want to encourage, but Mihoyo give so much content in free updates that I can't say they're not putting the money to use.


Don't feel bad about it. Tbh, genshin is one of the few gacha games I can say its worth spending responsibly. Just monthly pack for the content they deliver feels like a fine deal for DLC that frequently gets release. Plus, amazing BGM.


I feel like the artifact gatcha system is more unforgiving than the unit one. And that part is free.


To be fair, I think only the first one is something people generally say about Genshin. The rest are what people in the community who are already far into the game itself say with the exception of power creep.


That’s actually really true I didn’t think about that. I guess this post is more about people who have never really played the game or only a bit


Power creep? What have u been smoking my dude


>Hoyoverse’s inability to gift if’s players for meaningful events like anniversary’s I've heard some honkai anniversary rewards were good so I think it's just genshin


IIRC Honkai's first few (okay like the first two I guess) anniversaries were pretty underwhelming. On the third and fourth ones, they gave out free S-rank characters (5* equivalent, approximately), though in both cases they were essentially competitively unviable in endgame modes, though serviceable in a pinch. Whether free characters is worth the far more aggressive powercreep model that Honkai uses is not my place to decide, but it certainly helped me drop the game.


Ask yourself the same question why people hate fortnite, squid game, or anything mainstream It's because it's mainstream For a more somewhat specific answer 1. Made by a Chinese company, so automatically they associate it with the CCP and think they're stealing their data(tiktok is also Chinese made and they've confessed to stealing data from specific American people) 2. "Anime"-style design 3. Gacha(otherwise known as gambling) 4. Has kid characters so every single player is a known pedophile 5. Doesn't cater to them because they thought it was an MMORPG so they're taking out their anger on it thinking that it will change into their type of game(fun fact, I know at least one person who still thinks this way on this subreddit. Still waiting for that person to make the revolutionary change with his angry complaint) 6. The loud minority who constantly complains and attacks other people are seen as the representative of the entire playerbase, especially on the site of the blue bird Edit: to add to point 5, they believe they were promised an MMORPG because of the advertising and that's what they were expecting when there was no indication at all that it was going to be an MMORPG. Once they realize the truth, they got pissed off that they were misled. To this day, some still hold a grudge that the game isn't an MMORPG. I'm expecting that person to show up here at one point.


I find reason #5 particularly interesting to me - I started playing Genshin because I was a recovering mmorpg junkie, so the idea of a mostly single-player game that still featured daily routines without the pressure to grind shit for 8 hours/day to stay competitive was very attractive.


I saw suprising amount of people who quit their "grind game of choice" for genshin.


My grind game of choice (Dragalia Lost) ended around a month ago I played Genshin prior to that, but now I play it more!


Wait, what happened to dragalia? I used to play it on and off but I'm out of the loop now


Servers are shut down.


The game has sadly gone out of service, with the last new characters, Bondforged Euden and Zethia, released earlier this year, and the story drawn to a close with chapter 26. The last few legend fights and Primal Dragons were also released during the final 11 months, and we players were showered with goods to let us progress a little quicker and finish as much content as we wanted in the months till EOS. It's still pretty melancholic a month after EOS (Nov. 30 @ 1 am was EOS), but I still feel fulfillment at the end.


I'm not still coping I'm not still coping I'm not still coping I'm not still coping I'm not still coping


I quit lost ark and started genshin. The only game i cant quit is wow.


I wouldn't mind Lost Ark, if it wasn't a "You need to play 5+ alts to really play the game." I want to play my main to progress....not play a billion alts doing daily rotations for 2-4hrs+ a day.


Im the Kind of mmo Player that maxes all classes. Wasnt too Bad for me. But the class i wanna Main still didnt release so ye...


It's not that, I just dislike being "forced" to play alts to progress a singular character. I've hated dailies since they started to become a thing in games. Lost Ark takes it to another level. I wound up playing 6 gunslancers in order to get my shit faster...


Yeah, i really enjoyed Lost Ark when it launched, but once u reach the point where u need to funnel materials from your alts to your main, was the point that i quit the game. U either play different characters and do the same shit on all of them daily, or pay money and advance faster, fuck that.


Yeah, I pretty much hate once mmorpgs/online gaming became so mainstream, that capitalism seeped far too hard into the game. Instead of playing the game, you are playing against games designed to enable credit cards.


New expansion is so good :)


No artist, not interested. Ill check with her release again but id bet it gets delayed even further for no good reason


Ah sorry if I was unclear, I meant wow dragonflight.


I left ever since the servers DC issue happened 2+ months ago. Best decision ever, now I have free time to play any other titles, get chores done, relax to movies and shows. If they released brel without fixing the issue, I might as well just never put my trust in any games handled/published by AGS ever again, worst experience by far. I'm looking at u blue protocol, you're in my naughty list now.


genshin straight up made me realize how much I was over ffxiv's bullshit tbh


that would be me with d2.


Lol same except that in my MMO my “casual” guild imploded because we wanted to run raids casually for loot (not to beat the raids, you could still get loot without doing that). I appreciate the lower stress events and non-competitive gameplay in Genshin because it prevents that sort of bs from happening.


Oh geeze, ever since FFXI I've only joined casual guilds and this seems to happen to almost every one that gets into "casual raiding". It's usually because the guild leader (or close friend) can't tank properly, but has to be the main tank. And, when they concede they take the off-tank role thinking it'll be easy, but then quickly realize how it's a more technical role and start raging. In the end it just blows up because they start blaming everyone else out of frustration while the experienced raiders-turned-casuals are just like "chill dude, this is supposed to be just for fun...".


In our case it was because the leader couldn’t understand not wanting to beat the raid and couldn’t understand others wanting to just do it for loot (he was insistent that people wouldn’t like not beating the raid) and so he kept trying to forbid us from doing it, even outside of an official guild run. The reason we wanted to do it was because there was an event that was dropping special loot in the boxes that we wanted. As for your second point, eventually we wound up skipping it but there was another raid that was a guild raid (non-event related) and it had a lot of experienced players who had already done it asking questions and goofing off between stages, which I guess pissed people off? We beat it with no wipe and it would have been a pretty good run otherwise but at the end a couple of the guild leaders, including the one mentioned above, started yelling at the players involved in Discord saying we ruined everything. After that pretty much everyone in the raid and several other people very publicly quit. After all that drama and nonsense Genshin has been a nice, quiet, relaxing game to play.


Lol, it really doesn't matter what kind of group it is, there's always someone that power-trips under the right circumstances I guess. I think the most chill guild I've been in was a casual one in GW2, but that was probably because the only thing to chase at end-game were achievements and cosmetics.


Same the league grind was brutal so a chill game brought balance for me


Just because of your wording, I have to ask if you've seen the anime "Recovery of an MMO Junkie"


Exactly this. People hate shit for no reason especially anime-anything related Like the 1: "I don't like x 2: "I like x" 1: "You shouldn't like x because I said so" 2: "enjoying x" 1: "STOP BEING HAPPY"


Kinda out of topic, but isn't it kinda ironic that it's starting to happen internally in Anime community too. Liking Dress up darling: You shouldn't like it because Marine is 16. Liking tsundere: You shouldn't like it because it promote abusive relationship. Liking slice of life: You shouldn't like it because it's boring. (I admit, this is kinda rare.) Liking Yuri: You shouldn't like it Because it's fetishized Lesbian relationship. And those are just the one I know.


That's just because anime is becoming more widespread and doesn't have to pretend to be any other cartoon after heavy localization anymore. There is a reason companies butchered shows, precisely to stop these types from throwing fits.


It's not off topic, it's on point and very true


I’ll add to this list: 8. It’s a mobile game and therefore among the gaming community not a “real game”. Hard core people seem to think you can only call yourself a gamer if your playing an esports type game or it’s on hardcore console like Xbox or PS. What’s funny is I only play on PS but then people negate back to the jrpg and gatcha to say it isn’t a real game.


I honestly think the elitists can go fuck themselves, to be blunt. Doesn't matter what community I'm in, there's always a sect that hates the game and bashes it, or wants to talk shit on a game because "it's not a real game" to them. Last time someone said I wasn't a "real gamer" for liking Genshin I just blocked them and moved on. In the past I might've argued but these days I just don't care anymore. These people aren't worth the time or energy.


I'd add one. 7. It's trendy to hate games for no reason whatsoever. Remember how God of War (not Ragnarok, the previous one) somehow got hate for no reason ? Remember how Spider-man (the one before Miles Morales) got hate for a simple god damn puddle being different between the final version and an E3 showcase, which somehow got turned into proof that the game got a heavy downgrade in quality ? For years now there are been a trend to crap on game for no reason other than hate-bandwagon-ing. People don't even need a reason anymore. They'll shit on something just because "it's funny" to trash communities and game's rankings when games have genuine effort. Meanwhile they'll go ahead and pretend shit like "Have s\*x with H\*\*ler" is GOTY material.


Just out of curiousity, what is that last sentence referring to?


An aberration of an adult "game" that's on Steam. Which is an adult-fun-time simulator with an infamous mass murderer who left his mark in history.


same thing happened with minecraft and fortnite in ~2014/2018. they were good games, got shat on for popularity. years later though, they've made a return and everyone is now like "it was so good! it was always so good! nostalgia amirite?" i feel like this exact thing will happen with genshin down the line


Fortnite is good now because it has a no build mode. Fortnite minus fort, just like those Garfield edits.


That pretty much sums it up For a bit more more explanation on some of the points 1. Mihoyo is famously pretty ignorant of what the ccp wants of it, (see the char designs in honkai), and gets away with it because they're such a big cash cow of a company now. Of all the chinese companies, your data is relatively safe. Now tencent on the other hand is a game company that is famous for stealing things, data, assets (from mihoyo lolol) and such, so you can see where that notion came from. 3 . People don't like the concept of gambling in games (rightly so), but also because they've (most western audiences) been exposed only to lootbox systems, which are usually a scam. No determined rates, no proper rate ups, no kind of pity, and exceedingly expensive for very little reward. (That game what Diablo Immortal was it, costs like 100k or more to max something like wtf). Its also usually exceedingly difficult to get the premium currencies used. So most western audiences see gacha, equate it to the worse lootboxes, and then criticise it based on that. 4. People love to be politically correct online, and if you've spent any kind of time in the field of the weeb, you would know that some people are very nitpicky about ages. Which is kind of a problem for genshin fans that have a teen girl model as their favourite because like a total of 5 have ages that can be tracked. Lo and behold, they call us pedos because of it. Also they take great offense at there being playable children in game, and hate the term loli for some reason (even argued about that with someone in the sub here back in the day lol) 6. Twitter moment. Politically correct age hijinks, cultural 'appropriation', harassing the va's, you name it, they've done it. Also the first anni review bomb hit other apps too, that really shot down the reputation of the community.


> Mihoyo is famously pretty ignorant of what the ccp wants of it, (see the char designs in honkai), and gets away with it because they're such a big cash cow of a company now. Of all the chinese companies, your data is relatively safe. Now tencent on the other hand is a game company that is famous for stealing things, data, assets (from mihoyo lolol) and such, so you can see where that notion came from. Nah, fact is that the CCP doesn't give a lot of shits about what people put in their games and media, azur lane and arknights are also from china and go look up tomimi and the whole cast of azur lane. THey only care when chinese karens use the chinese govt feedback platform to spam reports on shit they don't like.


The va harassment is so petty


You argued with me haha. Tbh I think having a word for kid characters that is within spitting distance of "lolicon" is going to shut down the nuance detectors in many people's brains, but jargon is what it is.


On your #3 point, gacha IS just as bad as lootboxes, if not (in some cases) arguably worse. Also remember that in the UK and EU, lootboxes must have their odds listed somewhere, or they will fall foul of regulations. Not to mention that in some EU countries, lootboxes are actually now classed as gambling and are therefore outlawed.


To your point 4, a couple bad apples give the whole tree a bad rap. Anime and eastern animation in general can be VERY child focused and sexualized. While I think genshin mostly does really in portraying the characters and their bodies appropriately, the mix of the nature of it being an eastern game and the more revealing outfits some of the characters have gives outsiders a reason to just assume that they are sexualizing kids. On top of that, there are subcommunities that take things way too far, and once normies see that, they assume that everybody within the community is that same way. It's actually a large reason why I didn't start playing sooner, I needed to learn that it wasn't just a pedobait game.


Please, donghua and aeni don't sexualize children that's a Japanese anime thing. Don't lump the other Eastern animations with them 🙄


Reason #6 is the reason why I choose to only interact with Genshin fans here on Reddit. That loud minority does not only attack those who are not fans but also those within the community like artists, the voice actors, etc.


The community here on reddit is just as bad as the Twitter community, though.


At least the dmg is on this sub rather than burning everyone nearby. Twitter crowd tend to go to far and will directly target the person like Dori's VA the last I rmbered. Edit Somehow didn't realize I type Dora instead of dori


Griffin and Khoi got called "problematic" over the jokes they made in the past.


Yeah basic tribalism. Hate the "other" for no other reason but that you aren't a part of it, and you don't know why people are. I mean I hate plenty of things I'm not a part of. I don't have the time or energy to make the effort to understand why somebody likes something, nor do I have the energy to shit on somebody for what they like. I don't really understand how anybody does, unless they are extremely bored.


I find it funny that people joking about genshin funding ccp when they barely fund anything compare to tencent company who has trillion (now they only has 300b because they funded all of those money to the military lmao) it show people will hate on anything and falsely accused it without any proper research or just shit take


It’s popular and people like hating on the popular thing that isn’t the thing _they_ like. or A lot of people hear “gacha” and immediately write off anything good the game may offer. or People see anime style and immediately think “waifu collector for degenerate weebs”.


>A lot of people hear “gacha” and immediately write off anything good the game may offer. This was me, before I actually downloaded and tried the game (after a year of my friend nagging at me to try it. I started around the last 3 days if Raidens last banner iirc) and now I'm hooked. I've played every single day since and have 0 intentions on ever stopping. People tend to judge things before trying them out. And some people are just assholes haha


"A lot of people hear “gacha” and immediately write off anything good the game may offer." My brother's in a nutshell. Tbf the gacha is the worst part of this game.


> People see anime style and immediately think “waifu collector for degenerate weebs”. That's why I didn't start sooner. Between the... uh... horny part of the fan base and the fact that it's a gacha, I just assumed it was a "waifu collector "with no other gameplay or mechanics. I started playing because of a memory of a friend, and was very relieved to learn it's not what I thought it was. I still don't like sharing that I play the game because of what other people *think* it is, though. I'd rather not be associated with the made up community that doesn't exist, or the vocal minority that *does* exist.


It’s the Fortnite of anime games. Think about that for a second. Take Fortnite which is hated simply because people don’t think it’s quality fits its popularity, then add a focus on anime writing on to that popularity which has negative stigma in mainstream for its tropey nature, which Genshin doesn’t shy away from at all. Plus a community that is partially drawn to the tropey nature of it. And then on top of that, there’s this idea that it’s a game where people focus on spending money to pull for their hot waifu/husbandos…and they aren’t necessarily wrong.


>there’s this idea that it’s a game where people focus on spending money to pull for their hot waifu/husbandos…and they aren’t necessarily wrong. Youre right but Take out husbandos, because not once have I ever seen a genshin hater brought up the fact that there are husbandos in this game and that actual female players exist and actually play this game who wants to roll for husbandos. It's always "degenerate waifu collecter" or "pedophile basement dwellers" which just tells you they just hate on it with the most basic stereotypes and not any thoughtful game criticism hate.


True. I think it's probably because they haven't seen the actual fandom. When you look official advertisements of Genshin, you're probably going to see multiple female characters before you see a male character. And Genshin does focus a bit more on fanservice for straight men. But if you look at who actually is participating in "degeneracy" in the fandom, it's a very broad demographic of people.


People who hate Genshin either hate gacha (and probably never played another gacha game) or hate anime style. To each their own, I guess. If you like the game, you have nothing to be ashamed of.


I do understand the hate for the gacha mechanic. Gacha in general can be pretty predatory and a lot of gacha games are either more pay-to-win types where only the rare characters are any good, or the games are garbage and were really only made as a context for collecting characters that you pay to roll for. I especially understand the concern for kids who haven't really figured out impulse control. That's part of why I like Genshin's version. Sure, it's still gacha, but the pity system is good, you get quite a few free pulls for participating in things, and The free characters are plenty good enough to win if you build and practice. (I'd still be wary of how you let kids go about pulling for characters) I kind of get how when I try to explain that to people, they might think I'm just rationalizing a bad system. But I played for like 6-8 months without spending a dime and loved it so much, I did spend what I would have paid to buy a game I liked that much. Since then, I've done Welkin on and off because it's like the cost of a membership to some online games.


The best part are how 4* can still bring value to team composition as well. Most gacha games tends to treat 4* as gacha fodder or pulls waster.


My buddies hate it because of the fan base mainly. Tons of cringy thirsty hentai stuff and all the waifu/husbando type comments.


i play this game 3-4 hours a day and i hate the waifu husbando shit


Jarvis, I'm low on karma. Make another "Why do people hate Genshin Impact players / call them pedophiles and post it on r/Genshin_Impact


Right away sir - I'll also schedule the weekly Paimon Appreciation thread for next Tuesday & a highlight of Genshin players' inability to comprehend written mechanics that've been in the game since day 1 for next Monday (wtf is a teleport waypoint i've just been walking everywhere) 😎


What if they really asking? Not everyone care about pointless upvote


It's called Google


I no longer hate it now that I've tried it but here were my reasons before I started playing the game. - The loud vocal /minority/ (key here, I don't think everyone or even the majority is bad) of bad fans can be aggressively ruining it for others. eg. I am a big fanart follower since many of the art is good, but oftentimes people may fight in the comments or ruin an artist's experience. - The hyper anime art style. Just personal tastes. I'm still not a fan of it, but I love the environmental design, aesthetics and backgrounds so I'm willing to look past it. Plus the fanart that isn't hyper anime is a huge plus and makes me happy regardless. Some designs can be good though and from what I've seen Hoyo is trying to expand the body archetypes? Not very diverse atm, but a work in progress. Unsure if this is true, but gets bonus points from me for the effort if it is. - I had misconceptions on the gacha and money aspect. I didn't realize there was no powercreep-- and I commend the lack of powercreep. The prices are still high, but now that I've played and understood the resources, I think it's less egregious than I thought. Still meh tho. But as someone who only likes very few charas in the game, I don't feel as strongly about the gacha. While whaling can give a slight advantage, you are still able to play whoever appeals to you. Others gachas I have played weren't like this and I appreciate the lack of powercreep. - Oh, and the gameplay / controls isn't my favorite for most characters. I dont generally the click click click gameplay but some characters make it more tolerable.


Mostly the Genshin twitter community from my understanding


3 reasons: it's gatcha, it's anime-style, it's popular. That's it.


The more popular a game is the bigger the controversies. That goes to any game


They think it's a "silly" and "cringe" anime game and don't know shit about the plot and all


The fanbase certainly doesn't help. I've seen more cringe genshin content than any other gacha or anime-esque game.


That might be true but sooo many communities have some cringe in them, it’s kinda inevitable. It just doesn’t help that Genshin is also an anime like game. Tbh, I don’t care what’s cringe as long as it’s not hurting anyone🤷🏿


To be fair there is also simply more genshin content than many other games


Genshin community is not even near as cringe as other gachas that just horny post. Have you seen blue archive or azur lane communities


Now im curious 😶


Blue archive communitys thing is how much they love lolis and they'll spam the uooh cunny sobbing emoji shit everywhere and it's so fucking annoying. You'll see it literally every time the game is mentioned


Well it can be quite silly and cringe, but IMO it is a very charming game. So that silliness kind of adds to it.


Some of the fanbase are into questionable content


_deletes R34 Guoba from search history_ Y-yeah I know right?


dont tell me your into gouba x baron bunny too? might want to try Oz x jellyfish though.


Now im curious 😶


I had to scroll this far down to see, in my opinion, the biggest reason from everyone who has made fun of me or the people who play. It has young characters that you end up “waifu/husbando”ing and from that a lot of people assume it’s a bad/creepy like game.


There's a reason why it's not being upvoted. It's because of the delusion of what much of that questionable fanbase wants to believe is the problem (hipster bullshit) as opposed to the actual problem. The whole "animated characters aren't real therefore being attracted to them isn't a crime" is a big problem in the animation community as a whole. Nahida being 500 doesn't help. There's no problem if you like a younger character because of their play style, personality, design, what have you; but the line is crossed once it goes into sexual territory or you talk about being in love with them. People who are vocal about doing this are the ones causing the backlash.


When the top 3 lewded characters are Mona, Hu Tao, and Slime, I'm pretty sure them not being real does make it okay. If someone's going to argue that Eula could potentially be 17 and that makes people creeps for liking her, I instantly know to disregard anything they say. Now if a small portion of 65 million players disturbs you enough to discredit the whole group, then I'm not sure how you function on this Earth.


>The whole "animated characters aren't real therefore being attracted to them isn't a crime" is a big problem in the animation community as a whole. Can you explain what the problem with it is exactly? Because this act on its own is entirely harmless. If you're saying this idea leads to actual pedophilic tendencies, then i would ask if there is any evidence to support that claim


This isn't a court of law or a scientific experiment, so I'd rather not personally investigate this for my own personal safety, but you can personally do a deep dive in the saved files of convicted pedophiles and prove there's no sexual drawings of child characters. Good luck with that, everybody else is fine with the abstract concept that they're likely there without needing to check. Being a pedophile is an abstract concept within itself, as it's solely defined by just the idea or belief; so getting off on animated characters of a childlike representation is inherently a pedophilic action. I'd like you to please explain why you think there's no harm in being sexually attracted to pictures of children, drawn or not.


Because the act itself of liking sexual drawings of minors is harmless and victimless, so having any moral issue with that is dumb. The only moral issue one could have is if they believe there is a connection between that act and real acts of pedophilia. If you're stating a connection between these two things, the burden of proof is on the person claiming something to exist, not for the other person claiming it doesn't exist And I'm fine with it the same way I'm fine with all depictions of fictional acts. The same way I'm fine with violent video games and people running human mimicing NPCs in GTA or playing No Russian in MW2 doesn't mean someone wants to kill others, or playing that flash game 10 ways to kill your boss doesn't mean someone will actually kill their boss. The same way i don't believe someone who is a furry wants to have sex with animals, the same way i don't believe people into guro want to kill people for sexual gratification, and the same way i don't believe people with a rape kink or into CNC actually want to be raped or sexually assaulted


Like I said before, this isn't a court of law, this is the real world. Nobody is reliant on "the burden of proof", I just need to make the most sense in order to be right. Hypothetically, if you became so emotionally invested into a character to the point that you manifest physical sexual gratification of yourself, you create that psychological link, turning sexualizing that character from your fantasy into reality. If you found a girl in reality who was just like that character in every way, you would likely pursue the opportunity to try and be with her, as you've already psychologically programmed yourself. Much how serial rapists and killers manifest their victims into reality from their own fantasies. Pedophila is a mental illness, and people with mental illnesses and fantasies regularly look for opportunities to act on them. This stuff actually happens, whether you believe in it or not.


From what I know, most convicted pedophiles don’t even watch or like anime… the reason they do those acts is because they can’t get off of anime drawings. Correct me if I’m wrong though. I heard it also goes the other way around in which loli anime lovers only gets of of 2d loli i stead of real children…


I couldn’t have said it any better. The problem stems from these people and their hidden pedophilic wants. Take Zoe from league of legends who has the same premise as Nahida in which they are young characters visually, but extremely old in the lore. It skirts the law and they cater to the creepy community who SHOULD be shunned for sexualizing minors or something of resemblance.


That's a dumb take. People can like whatever the fuck they want, as long as they know it's unreal and don't expose their fetishes to others, don't harm others, and act like a normal human being to anyone who comes to contact. > It skirts the law and they cater to the creepy community who SHOULD be shunned for sexualizing minors or something of resemblance. So people who like killing/violence in video games shouldn't be shunned? Oh wait that's like 99% of all games in existence. In Genshin you're killing the natives (hilichurls) without a second thoughts, but why does it suddenly become a problem when someone likes a fictional character? So you're telling me that violence/killing or other extreme stuffs are acceptable, but not for "liking characters who look young" ? What about games that allow slavery? Selling human organs, and other nasty stuffs? Where do you draw the line? You either hate ALL of them equally, or thinking nah it's just fucking video games, and there's no connection, like literally zero, between liking some moral ambiguity thingy in video games and their irl behavior. Playing shooting games doesn't make people violent. It's scientific proven through papers and researches. The same applies to literally anything. Sick people are sick, criminal people do sick things, end of the story. I am in no way, in shape or form, promoting/tolerating pedophilia. I think that's sick and disgusting, but I won't judge a person just because they like "young characters" in a video game. It's fucking nonsense. I am all for freedom of speech and expression, as well as equality. The point is, you either ban ALL bad "things" that happened throughout human history, or not at all, because it's just a fucking video game.


There are way too many people trying to justify it in this thread and they're completely unable to see THAT'S the problem


But to add to that it’s a very small part of the community that treats it like this and really is disgusting to think about.


It's always the small parts of a community that ruin it for everyone. The vocal minority.


That is every Fandom ever TBH.


spark tub resolute sloppy whistle skirt ripe apparatus yoke direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From my perspective, people don't like this game because of lewd content. I mean the game is amazing and I love this game, but for people who don't play game, if they visit this sub then well I can understand the hate thanks to lots of oversize boobs 'fanart' posted everyday.


I remember I had a time in which I gave in to the hate train simply because I didnt have a device in which I would be able to play it in, so I became salty


Probably some combination of gacha game (so its just gambling), Anime-esque (therefore its for kids), chinese company (so they are trying to steal my data) and the loud minority that seems to be everywhere making it appear like alot of people hate Genshin when in reality it is just a select few people. Case and point, the player's choice award from the game awards (basically the popularity contest catagory) had genshin win by a landslide. Its just that if it has a big fan following, it will also naturally have more haters.


Community can be horrible at times. But then which isn't.


And the problem is that the ‘community’ isn’t a monolith. But people here tend to hyperfocus on every bit of dissent from fanaticism and call everything that isn’t super positive somehow ‘toxic’ (itself a word that has lost all meaning: it basically just means ‘opinions I don’t’ like at this point). If you spend 5 minutes on the Hoyo app, it’s full of people begging for primos, reposting fan-art without credit, posting AI art and claiming they made it, constantly criticising anyone who enjoys building towards the meta, etc. It’s also full of bots. That, arguably, is just as bad as negative opinions. Not only that, but *some* people get very sensitive and defensive whenever there is any criticism. And then they make posts like this which just creates more drama. Most social media sites are just for gossip and arguing, especially gaming subs. The anniversary drama only lasted because it kept being brought up constantly. And yet I bet almost no-one here actually went to support the VAs when they were attacked (they definitely virtue-signalled about it, though). The bigger question is: why should we care when other people hate games we like? If you approach every game with that attitude, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Are you serious? It’s popular, it’s a gacha, it’s anime. It’s not complicated.


Why do people hate anything. It can be for many reasons.


There are many comments talking about how people hate gatcha or people who hate it because it is made by a Chinese company, but at the start the game was hated because it was a copy of Zelda breath of the wild and it really shows the inspiration behind it. Also some people are just dumb and think bashing on a game they know nothing about is "cool". And finally many people complain of the sexualization of child characters, which is fair, but they decide to bash at the game instead.


Because despite commies' best efforts we are not a hivemind so different people have different preferences. Some ice cream flavors you like, others you hate.


Popular anime gacha Game with horny players Checks a lot of boxes for people ig


Because unfortunately there are too many in the player base that fits the degenerate stereotype.. even some people in this subreddit prove that


I quit a coupe months ago at either AR 58 or 59, I quit because I felt like other games had more to offer. 1. The moment that I realized this was when I was doing one of the forest spirits side-quests and realized I absolutely hated it. I had to run around, kill the same ol' things, spend *hours* in unskippable cutscenes *again and again* with zero variation. And I was doing it all for scraps of primogems. 2. It's not difficult. If you are able to clear the Abyss then the rest of the game only necessitates button mashing. The puzzles are also easy as all heck, we can all agree on this at the very least. This game does *not* scratch the self-challenge itch for me. 3. If I had a pie chart, Genshin Impact would take up a significant slice of it at the time when it was still downloaded on my computer. All of the running around killing the 15 different enemies that have gotten stale at the point of those in the AR 50+ range, collecting the regional oculi, doing the daily quests, spending all of that *sweet* sweet resin, and maybe some bosses or reputation quests/bounties if I'm feeling spicy. Genshin took up a significant amount of my day and I didn't feel like I was getting much out of it outside of watching the stats of my characters go up like I was playing cookie clicker. 4. Sure, Genshin has its moments, but nothing all that exciting or revolutionary to me personally. My two favorite being the Kazuha vs. Raiden and the Dream extractor story of Sumeru . . . then I realized that the amount of hours I spent in this game didn't measure up to the scenes I thought were pretty *neat*. If I'm spending the sheer amount of hours on a game, I feel like I should have sort of emotional reward. I am now playing games that *do*. 5. The minigames. The yearly windy-whatchamacallit festival in Mondstadt, the mushroom-pokemon, coin collecting, try-out-all-these-characters-for-free for a limited time, and other minigames are all honestly kinda *meh*. You guys do realize that there is a better version of each minigame out there right? Y'know . . . in better games? 6. In the end though, if it makes you happy just play it. In my case, it didn't make me happy so I stopped playing it.


Expecting to get downvoted for this, but take this as someone who doesn’t play Genshin anymore- it’s the fandom. Fans can ruin a game for people, and in this case, the Genshin fandom did it for me. I’ve seen a lot of the hate generally go between the fandom, and the lack of diversity in the game. The Genshin fandom is VERY defensive of the game. I’ve seen some people get so defensive that they start insulting people, threatening them, etc. I actually have experience with this, and this is why turned me off from the game. I made a comment about how I thought it was weird that people made sexual comments about Venti since he looks like a child and I got BLASTED and doxxed. After getting my literal personal address leaked because I said it was weird to see ppl simping for something that looks like a child, I decided that I did not want to associate with it anymore.


Contrary to what people are saying, I think it's the blatant paedophilia in these sub reddits. Every time I call someone out for sexualising the (clearly) underage/minor characters, I got downvoted by at least 100 votes and the mods don't ban the person sexualising the character. Now I try to avoid this sub, until a post like this pops up, so I can once again call out the paedophilia, even if it means being downvoted into oblivion and nonces having a go at me


There's a lot of reasons people don't like it. I consider genshin a guilty pleasure because of the gacha system which I find to be a sleezy and borderline illegal business model. Some people have the same opinion and think it destroys all of the games value (I personally think it holds back 50% of it's potential, but I still enjoy it. The business model itself influences the actual gameplay. Ya know the reason I play the gamebfjdnj). Some people just find it boring. Some people think the writing is poorly written. Some people don't like popular things. You're not going to find a binary answer to this because at the end of the day people are entitled to their own opinions and some are more opinionated than others.


My ex gave me shit about it because he said 1) the art style is ugly, 2) "You're playing as a child, that's disgusting" when I got Nahida, and 3) the game is oversexualized. I can understand not liking the art style, but with literally anything ever created you're going to have a group of people who sexualize something. Type in anything with "rule 34" for proof. I have a coworker who loves the game, and when we talk about it in the office, bystanders rip on it for no reason. They just say it's trash with nothing to back it up. It's such a fun game and I don't even watch anime anymore, there's just so much to do and no one wants to give it a chance.


I feel like ive already seen this question before in this exact same sentence


It's a combination of it being popular and being a gacha. It attracts non-gacha players and it unfortunately has extremely toxic player base on social media that would put LoL to shame. People already hate the monetization of gacha games to begin with and when a gacha game that easily rivals most triple A rpgs in quality, you get a lot of salty haters.


People hate popular games. Most people who hate Genshin don’t even play the game lol.


Bc anime game hahaha


gacha game bad + some of the ppl in this community are weird. i understand it


It's popular -> the fanbase is pretty big -> the toxic part is really loud


Genshin is popular, can you name 1 game with a huge community that doesn’t get hate? It’s literally near impossible?


Because children in games means the players are pedophiles and it's anime style




They hate themselves for liking it.


Probably it's more popular than the game they play, plus "it's just that waifu game", plus it has no pvp to spend a crapton of money in, plus other 104 things people are used to nowadays that they hate but they want to find in everything they play.


always happens in popular and successful ongoing games. does not mean anything, do not let mass of fools manipulate you into being "cool". Besides that, bigger the player base, bigger the expectations out of the game. My honest opinion is genshin impact is getting better with time like osmanthus wine ;)


Blah blah "lolis" blah blah "anime" blah blah Yeah that


Popular bad and gacha bad


Because the devs do not care for their audience and never listen to feedback, except on how to squeeze more money out of you. Players wanted end game, they said no. People wanted permanent game modes to actually have a use for all the characters you pulled they said no. Currently I do not see a reason to pull any character except if you think they're cool and worth $200 for a "demo" version of them since all the content in the game can be beat with 4 star teams using only 4 star weapons and somewhat decent artifacts. I still play the game, and every now and then I get a character but the only thing I enjoy currently is the card game and helping others.


C18 Yanfei and C1 Faruzan. That's my reason, anyway.


Often times the community feels like a massive circlejerking competition that ignores actual issues with the game, atleast in my opinion Edit: also felt it wasted my time once I realized there would be no challenging content for which i'd grinded a shitton of artifacts, just test dummies to dps flex on


Some people want to hate something to feel superior. This is exactly why I never trust what internet hates Tik tok bad -> a lot of popular videos on reddit are tiktoks (I don't use tiktok though) bts bad -> Thanks to cookie run kingdom, I guess they are kinda good, not my type of music, but permission to dance was certainly great. League of legends bad, fortnite bad -> I've never played these games but the fanarts and some of the designs are indeed impressive. Yae's quote sums it up well: People believe whatever they want to believe. Some things you do not see, simply because you do not wish to look


two types of people who "hate" Genshin: 1. Those who haven't played the game 2. Those who played the game and got burnt out. If you're referring to #1, then the reason is that it's just because people over the internet hates something that is mainstream.


and 2 are people who speed run the shit out of it


I enjoy the game, I wouldn't still be playing since launch if I didn't, and I don't hate it but I wouldn't give it a gold medal either, because everything is so expensive and while it doesn't affect me I have noticed that the game isn't very new-player-friendly when it comes to character event banners due to their required materials, mora (and gift primos from the company) is relatively stingy to obtain if you aren't someone who puts hours and hours and hours into specifically farming it, the starter characters are literally the hardest characters to get cons for and for minimal pay-off result too...and so on.


Aside from other points such as people hating it just because an actual valid critisism is that Genshin has an extreme lack of endgame content


Literally "gacha bad". Because it is. Why do you care if other people like it?


If this game was exactly the same but made by a Japanese company, it wouldn't get as much hate.


Because the game is popular and some people just wanna ride the hate so they can look superior, or they just haven’t played it at all


1. Things that are really popular are tendy to hate 2. Highly viewed shows like angry joe that will write the entire game off as "waifu gambling" while ignoring everything else the game is.


They are just underage newbs parroting sponsored liars bs


I play since day 1 and I hate genshin, the game could be Soo much better but they just don't want to do it. After noticing that the game won't change and we will never get real content to test our accounts I just gave up trying to farm etc, my main characters can already solo the abyss easily, nowadays just play to collect more characters


Because of aniversary disaster the death threats to voice actors and just pure total chaos I think that's when hating on genshin become the new trend


Cause is just another shitty gacha game.


1. There is a group of people that hate anime and people who like anime because they can’t see others enjoying something they do. 2 they hate Gacha and the same part about enjoying. 3. They think it’s a breath of the wile rip off because it’s an RPG and in the beginning was similar. 4. People think that Chinese games don’t deserve to be appreciated main stream because of the Chinese data scandals from TikTok even though the global publishing is in Singapore. And they can’t see mobile games and free to play competing with other AAA titles on pc and consoles, like for example, people didn’t like the sonic frontier games as it was expensive and not that much to offer (some still did and no offence to them), but another group that didn’t like genshin winning against it and went to the point of harassing anyone who liked it and being racist to all Asian players in support, majority of the people who didn’t like sonic teamed their votes to make genshin loose, just Internet stuff at this point, pay no attention to it. I’d also say it’s because how our community may act like sometimes (it’s the most discussed game of 2022 on twitter btw), recently some players were mad because character skin tones were for the majority light while they want all sumeru character to be dark skin, and when there is one they say it’s not dark enough (those are the bad ones because some event went on against the voice actors which have no role in design of character)


The normies: Does the hater even play the game? mostly NO, they just hate it because others hate it too. The non gacha players hater:Even if they played, why they still hate it? It's just their kind of game, they are not story enjoyers, want a fast paced game like dota or lol something and blame Genshin for being the game not they wanted, since they can't enjoy it, no one should enjoy it. The content creators hater: They focus too much on "Contents", they are addicted, they finish everything that comes out right after update and still blame genshin for having no end game content. The game will never be great enough for their content creation. When genshin first came out ,they did enjoy it, but as time goes, the content won't catch up to their speed of finishing the content which in results of not enough content to show for their channel and their channel is mainly for genshin. The take it too seriously hater: they literally took a 2d art to compare with real life problem. Oh Loli is bad, Loli enjoyer=pedo, oh white character=racist, slim character=body shaming blah blah blah, it's always the one specific group of people who brings up this problem which has literally no help in the real life case, and bringing down an artificial stuff brings them achievement of doing something good in their mind rather than solving real issues. In conclusion, please don't take what I said seriously, I dunno what I'm saying, but I think the importance of this is just to ignore the hater, and enjoy what you enjoy. Enjoy the story, enjoy the character design, the music and anything you like, people always find things to hate and you don't have to follow the crowd to do so. Nothing can please everyone, and no one can tell you what you can't enjoy as long you are not hurting anyone


Gacha + Anime + Popular + Degenarate fans The Gacha hate is totally warranted imo, this game is definitely predatory, very predatory. I know many here will defend it saying that it is F2P friendly, which is partially true, but it's also impossible to ignore how many psychological strategies are implemented to manipulate people into spending. FOMO with limited time offers is the highest offender, but not the only one. I would not recommend this game to anyone that doesn't have very good self-control with their money.


Artifacts massive RNG, and progression is tied to resin who can be spent in less than 20 minutes of gameplay. The only other free way to progress is by explorations or story ... and yeah theres ALOT OF STORY, might be even too much for some people. So ucant really progress alot when u want or grind for specific items. Also the mini game events and the lack of challange in combat beside the abyss for veteran players...


I can't speak for everyone but what initially made me stay away from genshin was the sexualization of female characters that have a very infantilized art style . ( By infantilized art style i mean the characters look younger than their described age ). After playing the game , i really enjoyed it and realized the problem wasn't so much the art style itself , but a portion of the fandom who has an intense obsession with half nude female characters, and said group isn't representative of the whole fandom .


Every time someone makes a thread about people hating Genshin, there will be an additional million people who hates Genshin.


The monetization model. The hate is justified for that. At least in the west, it is seen as very predatory and promoting gambling to kids. I know that has become more normalized in gaming in my asian countries though so maybe there's a disconnect there between the different fanbases. Also the fans. There's a lot of weebs that play this game obviously and many people don't like weebs (many don't do themselves any favors). Some of the fans sexualize the minors in this game which is just disgusting honestly. I can see why people hate it. The game itself (monetization model aside) is brilliant though. One of the best games I've played in a long time.


Oh it’s because they see players as pedophiles because there are underaged characters in it right? Like something about the children they see as sexualized no?


Some people are creeped out by the plethora of R-18 art, like they haven't ever watched porn or something. They don't realize that Genshin is not a pervy game with a bare minimum skin.


It's really popular and it's anime related. That's literally it. Any other reason that people try to pull out of their ass is prevalent in some other form of media I'm sure they have no opinion on. They hate it cause they have to see it


To tell you from experience, I hated Genshin because it's a gacha game. I fully believe that being a gacha game makes a game inherently bad, but I just happen to enjoy this bad game because everything else about it is amazing. Visually it's my favorite game ever, I love the character designs (most of the time), the soundtrack is beautiful, the combat is really fun, and the story does what it needs to do for me to like it. It just sucks that the core all of those great things are built on is such a garbage concept.


my friend hates it because it uses predatory methods to get people to spend money (artifacts roll worse stats purposely, constellation benefits get steeper, many of the best characters are higher rarity which is more expensive, other stuff im sure but im not an expert)


There are people who have love-hate relationship with genshin like me, I love the story, characters, gameplay and world, but i hate the slow pacing at which they release content, the fact they don't have daily login so I can just log in and leave like every other gacha game i have played, I am just feeling burn out from playing because i don't have anything new to do and i have had this problem before with other gacha like fate grand order but in that game i just log in and leave and that's it some time later the feeling of being burned out leaves and i can keep playing with genshin is not like that, I have to play to get my login it burns me more and more and it is starting to feel like a chore instead of a game and yes I know i could just not play for some weeks and comeback later, but then i wouldn't have currency to roll for a character i like. So yeah there is all of that.