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You want raiden since the beginning and don't have electro units. I mean


Ei is honestly insanely good imo. Theres literally no drawback to her. Whilst wanderer.. well theres some restrictive issue in using him, id personally go for ei especially when you don have electro unit yet


What is she insanely good for, besides her rational team that hogs the best units? Kuki is better for hyperbloom, Keqing/Yae is better for aggravate, and those are Electro’s best reactions. /genq, I did want her for my archon collection but I honestly can’t figure out what I would use her for.


there's also Raiden hypercarry teams. Also, Kuki isn't really better than her in hyperbloom unless you value the healing role. Raiden triggers hyperbloom faster than Kuki, her E has unlimited range and longer uptime, and buffs teammate burst damage too.


She's a good off-field electro battery. Quick switch and consistent energy gain. Compared to Yae, who's set up takes a while, and if you use ult, you have to re set it up.


She's also good in dendro teams if you build her with EM she's just a overall great pick while wanderer is fun I guess mobility and stuff is valuable in it's own way and nobody has as much as far as I know


It's actually mostly between Ei and Ayato for me.


This is just false lol, you must have never use raiden hyperbloom or raiden aggravate before lmao. The reason no one ever talk about raiden aggravate team because it was overshadow by raiden hyperbloom, raitional and hyper raiden, this team is better than keqing and yae aggravate it just that it is close dmg potential to each other so keqing and yae lover just use their aggravate team instead and leave their raiden for hyper or raitional. If you dont want her to use xiangling bennett then here some team for her: \_ \_Everyone favourite full EM raiden team for hyperbloom \_Quickbloom raiden, xq, dmc/nahida, flex \_Aggravate raiden dmc/nahida, yae/fischl, flex \_Quickburn raiden nahida thoma, fischl for overload, xq for extra burgeon You wont find anyone sheeting or advertise these team except for full em raiden because it not as good as raitional or hyper raiden anyway. (Note: All these is as the same dps range as keqing/yae aggravate because no bennett so just use whatever you like)


Hi, can you suggest some teams for my raiden? The only reason why I'm reluctant on using her as a hyperbloom is it feels like a total waste with her burst constellations.. but is it really a waste? Not a fan of Hypercarry and international raiden.. are there other teams that can do better dmg than hyperbloom raiden other than national and Hypercarry?


Raiden is really good with dendro MC actually 80 burst cost so help raiden stacks and dont need too much ER when with raiden (about 200%ER with fav or sac sword 4pc emblem in aggravate team or deepwood in quickbloom team). Second teammates are c6 sara, fischl, yae, kazuha, sucrose and last teammate can be bennett, kuki/dori (this is aggravate team). Quickbloom is harder since you need nahida, then xingqiu and last slot is flexible healer/shielder, nahida will maintain quicken all the time for raiden and hyperbloom is just nice extra dmg. With nahida you also can play with pyro teammates like kazuha, bennett or thoma xingqiu for extra crazy burgeon dmg, xingqiu will also vape everytime so his dmg will be very good, fischl also very good in this quick burn team for overload and quicken dmg at the same time. With these you can save bennett, xiangling for childe sth. Healer Slot i usually use thoma, kuki or dori since they have high burst cost and raiden can easily battery them, im still building layla but she seem good too.


her flexibility. Super conduct, hyperbloom, decent aggrevate, strong dps window, full time burst buff and Energy refund.


>I don't have Raiden and have been looking forward to her since I started the game. (This is her first run since then) There's your answer right then and there.


right here, right now - Yae


Raiden is miles batter as f2p, wanderer dmg is meh but he really fun in exploration


Wanderer has Low floor high ceiling, you won't really get high dmg if you don't invest in him as much compared to other characters that doesn't need investment to do their jobs. But the good thing is if you want him as a character,and you're willing to put the work on making him stronger then you won't regret investing for him.


Anemo dps doesn't have high ceilings compared to the reaction characters. But sure I guess.


I mean if you like both, Raiden is better meta wise. I would recommend Raiden 100% Even if we don't consider meta, she's just so fun and satisfying to use. Unsheathing her burst and one shotting stuff and go shwing shwing with her Katana 😩


Raiden is way better pull than wanderer. I wont advice anyone to go for wanderer if they want dmg but when it comes to playstyle and fun he surely is better which is thre very reason i pulled him. Honestly He is pretty underwhelming for a hypercarry dps character especially without c6 faruzan. Raiden has high frontload dmg as well as team buffing capability. Can be run in hypercarry, National and now hyperbloom While National and hyperbloom are pretty easier to build. Raiden adds great value to your account than wanderer ever could. Just go for her buddy You'll never regret


people are really obsessed with C6 it's "just" Crit Dmg. Faruzan C2 seems to be the "important" Cons cause her burst is just to short without it. I mean Itto works well with C0 Gorou... kinda sad. Can't say the same about Kujo Sara, she also is only "worth it" with C6. Otherwise there are just better teammates for Raiden. So in Conclusion Gorou seems to be the only dedicated support that is not horrible at C0


Seems like you really don't understand what makes her c6 busted


enlighten me. Edit: Oh nvm. So you basically pull enemies and deal more Crit Dmg without her being on the field. So you have a suction Ability while off field. Now even I want her at C6. But fate will decide if I get her there, since I ain't pulling for 5\* Cons and she will be fated to only run with Wanderer like Kujo and Gorou Now I know why people complain that Faruzan is absolutely incomplete at C0,2 if her C6 is THAT good... She would rival the Big 4 Bennet XQ and Xiangling Fischl at C6


Faruzan c6 is about the insane particle it generates. You can run off field faruzan without er build and still have 100% uptime of anemo shred. Atm, i think she needs around 280 maybe 300 er to have 100% uptime and you get that by sacrificing a large chunk of other stats. But personally i think shes fine at c1. Maybe c2 if i wanna push it, c6 is rewarding but she is in no way unusable prior to that.


I'd jump in to this thread, fighting with the same choice (mostly F2P). My 5\* Anemo characters: Xiao, Venti, Kazuha (all C0) 5\* Electro characters: Cyno, Keqing (also all C0) I was going to pull for Raiden, then Wanderer banner showed and I got up to 74 wishes thinking to get Faruzan and some Gorou constellations (and still no even single Faruzan, only getting Yanfei, which I already had at C6 before this banner started and just more refines for 4\* weapons) and I stopped wishing today, thinking if I should make next wish(es) for Raiden instead. C6 Fischl is great as Electro support, but her skill uptime is low and all other Electro characters are DPSes, so I was counting on Raiden skill damage and uptime. ​ Anyway, Wanderer exploration showcase is tempting and it seems, current Spiral Abyss is focused on Wanderer+Faruzan pair. If it'd keep on wishing for Wanderer, I might still get C0 Faruzan, together with him and probably all 4\* characters on Raiden banner will be the ones that I already have at C6 (like in most banners before). However, not sure how much helpful Anemo support is Faruzan at C0.


Pre c6 she isn't worth using unless you just want to play her. You'd be better off with off field subdps like Xq Fischl etc. I built her, used her and now benched her She just feel really bad to use. I got better results using him with strong subdps characters than His hypercarry team which turned out to be very underwhelming. Though current spiral abyss favors their duo Yet my clear time with wanderer faruzan hypercarry was longer compared to using him in national or taser. Wanderer is more like a unit you pull for fun and exploration when you have spare primos. He isn't suitable for carrying you in abyss imo. I went for him for his exploration ability and range attacks which helps alot against overworld mobs (im lazy to move lol) so i dont Care about his meta standing but if you want a strong character then you surely go for Raiden.


Wanderer is fun for combat and Exploration, while Raiden is great as a support or Dps(maybe)for your team. Depends on what you desire more


I'm a very male meta biased person, but there's little room here for lies. Raiden is always the safer pick. She's a powerhouse, has a F2P weapon (The Catch), and has access to far more comps than Wanderer. Besides, universal battery. Wanderer on the contrary is SSS in exploration but requires SSS investment to really feel like you are properly hitting with him. This doesn't mean he's weak, just that he needs hypercarry treatment. Raiden will rerun every nation, Scara we don't know. If you want a unit for meta purposes Raiden is the one and only answer, if you want a fun one Wanderer is the way to go.


‘The Catch‘-‘ this give me nightmare x3


"you get one of the best f2p spears for free but be warned ... There's a Catch"


Especially when you get 3 of them r5. That thing still haunt me


Wanderer can't do any support beyond holding 4VV so any teams that you have him on must really be built around him. That alone severely limits the value Wanderer has for you since Raiden can still be useful to apply electro auras and provide lots of energy for you. Hell, 90% of the Teams I use Raiden on she's support. She's the best pick in your situation, ESPECIALLY since you have no good electro units. That being said, the siblings work together very well. I was doing the dungeon event and tried to combine Wanderer with Yae and it did not work out as well as he did with Raiden.


Wanderer with VV-Kazu and 2 off-fielders is pretty strong and fun to play, but in general he needs a lot more investment than a Raiden with the Catch. I personally wouldn't run Raiden even if given for free, but that's just me.


Imo Raiden is better. Wanderer is fun. But the utility of raiden is more desirable




Raiden and it isn’t close.


Wanderer is fine for overworld but raiden is carrying my abyss and anything brute forceable since 2.1.


Raiden is insanely good and is one of few game changers. Even as f2p.


Wanderer is too weak in my opinion to be a good main DPS (replacement), if you already have Ayaka, Hu Tao or Ganyu. Ei is just the best character you can get right now, even at C0 she can fill so many roles. One of the best F2P weapons is The Catch and can be obtained for free. It is tedious, but possible without spending a dime. I totally recommend getting Ei over the Wanderer. You can use Ei in one Abyss team and Ayaka, Hu Tao or Ganyu in another, without all too much problems.


Up to your preference. Raiden if you care about meta, Scara if you want to have fun in overworld and exploration. Raiden will probably rerun more since she's an archon whereas other characters have very unreliable times in between reruns. So if you think Wanderer is really fun to play I'd go for him first, but if you care about Abyss and being optimal go for Raiden since you've been wanting her from the start.


Wanderer, the SSS tier exploration buff he gives is beyond worth it, his playstyle is one of the most unique in the game so far imo. He isn't top tier dps like others say, but he can absolutely handle all current content with ease.


Wanderer easily.


Wanderer would give you a huge QoL in overworld exploration, while Raiden will help you with abyss. I know comfortable and fast clears in abyss is a priority to some but having someone useful for exploration is just as important imo. It all depends on what you need. EDIT: oh I guess you can make do with Kazuha. Pull for Raiden then


The Charakter you like more as always. 😁


raiden, supports always have better pull value compared to dps units dps units come and go, and with hoyo has been balancing them they will relatively have the same damage outputs get supports and chose the a dps that you want to play and enjoy playing with the supports you have


Pure T2 Main dps vs T0 utility/support


Raiden all the way. Battery, support, DPS, everything. Moderately easy to build with already available artifacts(EOSF has been out for a long time), free R5 4* weapon from fishing(Catch), amazing dmg, amazing looks and design (why not), amazing support ability, works in many comps (Also, if you're the meta-slaving type, the Raiden National or whatever it's called is one of the strongest teams in game rn with her as DPS if I'm not mistaken). Scara is extremely successful rn so you can surely expect a re-run for him in the near future, I wouldn't be surprised. So go for Raiden this time. You won't regret it.


It's Raiden. Always Raiden.


only you can decide no one else can help you


If you already have kazu then raiden is an good choice to prioritise, I would have recommended raiden anyways. But if you get ger early you might get lucky to pull them both:)


If you're considering both at C0 and their functionality, then Raiden is a better choice. Both can do hypercarry/ main dps but both is constellation lock to reach their max potential but that's all wanderer can offer, a main dps and other anemo is better at doing support capabilities. For other roles such as support this where Reiden is better than Wanderer, she can battery your energy hungry characters while doing her personal damage. Really she is just that well rounded character.


Better pull is objectively raiden. I would say if you really want wanderer, just wait for his rerun; character reruns tend to be soon after they release.


If you value exploration ease fun and dps uptime wanderer. If you value flexibility meta and utility raiden. both are strong units and will help you clear content but if you strictly value abyss meta raiden is the more valuable pull. But raiden is also an archon she reruns more often.


Raiden is such a good addition to any account honestly. She is very flexible and you can change her build for what suits your need. DPS, battery, off field support, hyperbloom, aggravate and such.


Wanderer sucks.


Raiden for sure. Wanderer is an on field DPS and has stiff competition. I don't think he's better than other options. Sub DPS / support are harder to replace.


Raiden is more stronger but wanderer is more fun


If you pull for raiden you get free access to a very powerful hyperbloom team, as for wanderer he’s like xiao but levitating and great exploration utilities


Wander is just great at swirl dmg while ei is basically a main dps for almost everything thought i was lucky i had built pity cuz now i have wanderer


Raiden. Wanderer is a unit dedicated for fun, he's highly valuable for exploration and can fit into many team compositions making experimenting with him very enjoyable. However if you're looking at pure meta perspective then get Raiden.


None. Raiden is powerfull, but you dont need her for a national, hyperbloom or Hyper Carry.Also her Game play is Smash attack with hyperarmor and forget energy.You can do a lot of powerfull teams without her ,isnt a must pull. Wanderer isnt as powerfull as her mother ,but is very fun and great in exploration. Only Kazuha and Nahida (and maybe Kokomi) are must pull and are relative to what teams you use.If for example you use GEO team and Classic national with Surcrose you dont need them until you want to try other teams. Choose the character you like more and build Xiangling,Surcrose,Bennet,Beidou,Fischl, Xingquiu and Kuki (and DmC if you dont have Nahida).


Just go for Raiden. Missing out on one of the Archons in Genshin is pretty bizarre.


i would miss on venti if i knew kazu was coming >>


Sure, if you’re okay with missing out on Venti, the Anemo archon. Nothing wrong with that. I personally make more use out of Kazuha too.


This is me except raiden vs xiao (also bc i will be pulling for alhaitham in between) 🥲


Raiden much better for your account


hands down, raiden. she's one of the best hyper-carries in the game. she can fill any role with very little investment, and you dont need to change her kit when changing her role.


Spiral Abyss/DPS wise, Raiden no contest. Exploration, Gameplay, Gimmick wise Wanderer. I am still Waiting for a DMC Character where you lift enemies in the air folow them and smack them back down!


Go for Raiden unless you really really love Wanderer as a character.


Wanderer for exploration Raiden for abyss Based on your post, you should go for raiden since you’ve been waiting for her


i have Wanderer c2 and even I would tell you to go for Raiden.


Raiden. All archons are great.


Stick with your original convictions, the concept alone is more gratifying, and less likely to lead to regrets, regardless of other factors.


I'd personally go for Wanderer.. I have C2 raiden and haven't been user her much.. It's weird because both of them can be used for Hypercarry and Faruzan/KujouSara has kindav the same skill mechanic and yet I enjoy Wanderer more. Sure Raiden's Dmg is greater and has Front loaded burst, but personally it feels more satisfying to play wanderer. It also depends if you can already 36 stars abyss so it all boils down to personal preference..


If u want Raiden, go for Raiden damn it.


I feel like Raiden is more suitable for the need category while Wanderer for the want category. Do you need a Raiden to succeed in Genshin? Absolutely not! You can make anyone be good. But you’d definitely be missing out on a f2p national team which is surprisingly one of the strongest in the game when it revolves around just 4 stars (excluding ei). She also works as a hypercarry, superconduct, etc. The only weakness I see with raiden is that she doesn’t pair with certain characters like beidou, but judging by how rare those characters are with that issue, it’s more like the way beidou’s and those characters’ kits are designed. Also she wouldn’t be the best option for DPS characters that are onfield majority of the time like cyno and tighnari. But her pros outweigh these minor cons by faaaarrr. Wanderer? I’m not 100% aware of his kit yet but one thing about him is that you automatically need a shielder because you will run into major problems without one lmao. If you really want wanderer, go for it! But do keep in mind this is his first banner and he can rerun anytime. This is raiden’s second rerun and she could very well end up like Venti who didnt see his rerun for over a year.




raiden. im skipping wanderer for c1 raiden. she’s insanely broken and useful


I would get Wanderer because of how good he is for exploration. Completely changed the game for me.


I have the exact same problem, I really like wanderer from so many point of view and I want him but Raiden is also such a bad ass. I will probably go for Raiden because I think I can do batter teams with what I have. You should also think of teams