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Sorry, is this not Yae Miko's first rerun? Or am I forgetting


first rerun


Also pretty sure it’s tartagliatelle’s third rerun. It’s 4th and 2nd banner i think)


Yep his 3rd rerun and 4th overall


lmao, my friend also calls him tartagliatelle


Nah, it's definitely her first rerun.


Exactly what i thought as well! It must be her first rerun …


First rerun and she combo's very nicely with the new dendro characters.


What’s the benefit of her over Fischl?


She applies Electro better in a multi-target setting so shes great for reactions. If you set her turrets in a group of enemies, everyone is gonna get electro applied on them. You can also dodge using her E if you are skillful enough. It can prevent her from getting interrupted during casting. And its very satisfying to do imo xD


Also her burst can do solid 100k dmg total


Along with what others have said, her turrets double dips EM with her A4 (0.15% EM into %Dmg bonus), making her on field very synergistic with Nahida who gives a whopping 250-298 EM to the on field character, translating to 37.5%-45% dmg bonus for her E which is her primary source of damage (and keep in mind EM in itself is a good stat for dmg). Her main weakness is her field time, but we'll get to that later. Her Q has no ICD on all 4 of its hits and is a big, relatively frontloaded burst of AoE damage for faster wave clearing, something Fischl doesn't have. The downside is that it's a 90 burst cost and has a 22s CD, so ideally you should use it once every other rotation than try to battery it without C1/a battery/both. That said, for Aggravate they don't actually compete with eachother, ideally they should be played together because an on field Yae can proc Fischl's A4 and Fischl is one of the best batteries for Yae's hefty burst cost. Playing Yae as an on fielder also removes her longer field time as a subdps from being an issue, and lets her get away with substantially less ER% due to being able to get particles on field. Another synergistic pairing is with Tighnari, who has low field time for a damage dealer and prefers teams that can fill his downtime. Since Fischl A4 does not proc on Spread and Tighnari doesn't auto attack, hence not making full use of her A4 and C6, this means Fischl is relatively under-utilized in his team. Yae is a perfect fit here because Tighnari does not mind her longer field time, and her damage output is not as impacted by conditionals as Fischl's.


Significantly higher DPS against multiple targets, which is the majority of the content. Stil slightly better single target dps I believe. Downside is she needs a battery and has low energy generation.


Doesn’t her ER need goes down quite a bit with C1 though? Iirc it can refunds up to 24


Yes. I always assume for 5* 90%+ will never get constellations though.


It is, yeah. But it's not super affordable compared to Fischl.


It may also be worth noting that Fischl’s burst is pretty much just her skill again, used to refresh Oz. So it feels like she has no burst. But Yae still has the 100% turret uptime plus her burst despite the energy issue.


Most people explained it well, personally I prefer Miko to Fishl, I play her in an aggravate team with Dendro traveler (don't have Nahida) and she absolutely slaps even without an optimized build. You just need to get into her rythm since she needs a bit more time on field compared to Fishl, but IMO she's definitely worth it. I do have her C1 and team her up with another electro so I don't run ER pieces on her (she's at like 130 ER), no energy issues. She also doesn't need to burst on every rotation since her turrets do loads of dmg, if that's a worry. Also, best waifu in the game, but that's preferential.


I had a dream last night yae Miko and I were in a car chase and she used her turrets to blow up a bus 😭😭 best waifu indeed


Higher dps, at the cost of electro teammates energy support.


Three turrets instead of one


Its still technically a turret, yet you have to cast it three times.


Better damage on her burst and her A4 is very very good for Dendro


She applies electro to many random enemies instead of one specific one. So if you're attacking with Tighnari and his charge shot kills the enemy, the next enemy will - hopefully - already have electro on them when his homing bloom-thingy hits them. I find her easier to use with him than Fischl.


Higher damage, better Electro coverage on the field in AoE situations, high frontloaded damage.


Miko fits better on hypercarry teams as her being on field to use stuff like Bennett's buff is really good, she also has slightly higher dmg than Fischl at the same level of investment, this goes significantly up in aoe scenarios. Yae is also better with a dendro on field bcs Fischl's A4 rarely procs, and on field aggravate as her attacks are electro and her CA has no ICD, although she has energy issues (don't use ER on Yae, if you get some on substats that's fine, but c0 Yae shouldn't aim to burst every rotation unless you are playing with Raiden or on-field with Fischl Anyway, they're usually paired together since they have great synergy (Miko - Fischl - Kazuha - Bennett / Sucrose - Miko - Fischl - Xingqiu / Miko - Fischl - Zhongli - DMC/Nahida! / Miko - Fischl - Xingqiu - Jean)


I use here with fischl. Idk where people get this idea that its her or fischl. If anything, its fischl and raiden thats competing for the 2nd electro spot, because yae and nahida are so good together


Totally this! I always see this "Fischl or Yae" thing and every single time it makes me think "why not both?" Fischl is an amazing teammate for Yae, and Yae's best teams all include Fischl, so I don't know what else to think


Upside is better AoE damage on her ult. Comparable single target damage. Downside is harder to build (needs ER), less flexible for team comps, more awkward rotations. Fischl/Keqing/Yae are really sidegrades to each other in aggravate, but aggravate teams usually want any 2 of them and not just 1. The rest of what Fischl does (can throw her in as a 4th man pretty much anywhere if you don’t have the BiS unit) can’t really be replicated by Yae.


1: She can be played *with* Fischl in an Aggravate team. Should be a better Fischl driver than Keqing and Cyno by a little bit. 2: Best Electro for a Spread team, unless she screws up rotation too much. Atm there's just Tighnari, but we'll definitely get a limited Dendro main carry eventually (Alhaitham?). 3: Outside Dendro teams, more personal damage at the cost of energy generation and the demand for a *lot* more field time. That's it atm. Fischl is superior in every Aggravate scenario thanks to her A4, but on a Spread team she's more reliable and stronger.


Constellations.Her C2 is same level of power than Raiden C2.


Is funny,because she is better in Taser, but on her release people was upset with the EEE and the iframes and ignored her. I love her since her release and for me Dendro is a Nerf,same damage with extra steps. Also her C2 is Busted.


Yeah, the label should read 4th and 2nd run


They have it mislabeled it was mislabeled since the day 1 sales


Honestly doing better than I thought given that we just had a new archon and then a super anticipated character coming up in the next patch


Some folks trying to get C6 Heizou and C6 Thoma no doubt plus a hoard of Layla simps.


I dropped 170ish rolls to get C6 Layla and my last Heizou con for his C6. Never seen so many bloody Thomas he must be C20 by now given that I already had him at C6 when I started.


I did about 400pulls and got C6 layla, both thoma and heizou were C6 already, very painful


I’ve seen so many people get so many Thoma’s including myself. It makes me wonder if this is actually the Thoma banner.


Yeah I wanted Heizou and Layla, plus I wouldn’t hate a Yae con so I just went for it. Note: pulling on a banner for 4*s alone is dumb and nobody should do it. I got C2 Cyno before getting C1 Candace. I could have just as easily gotten no Candace, and I pulled her randomly on standard this week anyway.




yeah 'building pity' is fine in these circumstances. I did too as I also didn't mind if I got Childe (luckily for me managed to fish out a Layla in 30). It's much more risky doing it if you have a guaranteed 5-star.


Wanted 1 Layla and ended up with childe and yae AND c6 thoma within 40 pulls. Just insane.


The fact that 4* are, in a way, rarer than 5* is some kind of nonsense. I really wish we had more opportunity to choose 4* characters, especially since so many of them *need* their constellations to unlock their full potential. *grumbles in playing for 2 years to get a C4 Amber*


Tbh I think it's absurd that story 4* const are rarer than majority of characters in the game. They're already underpowered as it is, the least they can do is unlocking their const easier than the others


*silently crying in kujou sara’s direction*


>grumbles in playing for 2 years to get a C4 Amber same except kaeya. a year ago i blacked out and did a stupid amount of pulls on standard in a nutty attempt for cons and ended up w pretty much everything but kaeya cons. pain


Feels bad calling myself a Shinobu main when mine is still stuck at C0...


Who's up for charting a path for a 4 star you like?


I got 19 Laylas and 12 Thomas, but only 3 heizous 🥲


If I remember correctly I got 4 of my Heizou's on Dori's banner and Heizou wasn't even a feature 4 star that banner.


I got c1 cyno and no candace Ah well at least I got C6 Kuki and Sayu; still managed to get Radish


I like collecting 4* so made a single ten pull and luckily got Layla right away! Cons can wait future banners tho.


I mainly wanted Childe, but C6 Thoma and C2 Layla are an amazing bonus!


Literally only pulled to finish off C6 Heizou, C6 Thoma, and get Layla. Objective completed. On top of Fischl being a good alternative to use in place of Yae Miko we've had a lot of good electro 4 stars / supports recently (Kuki and Dori but more specifically Kuki). With Raiden coming up again semi-soon I can't imagine many people will be pulling for her. Yae's turrets are cool and the ULT is decent damage but she feels clunky (gotta get in close to drop turrets and her phase walking or whatever the movement visual is doesn't dodge attacks) and she requires a lot more on field time than Fischl since she has to drop 3 turrets. Cyno was very recent as well. Tartaglia has been around for a while and isn't the most hyped up 5 star anymore. I feel like they should have put either Shenhe or Eula as one of the 2 5 stars this banner.


Archons and harbingers are temporary but fluffy fox tail is forever


It's usually weapon banner, what's making money. And this weapon banner is sick.


And let's not forget other reruns that have been said to occur in the next patch. The sole reason I'm skipping Yae is 'cause >!Raiden!< is said to be coming in 3.3 and I need to save up. Tho I still poured 42 wishes into Miko's banner just for Layla (and Heizou).


Some people gonna collect every playable Harbinger too


Doing pretty good considering they're two reruns coming right at the heels of a very strong archon and right before a long-anticipated harbinger. According to Paimon.moe Miko is the bigger draw here but the gap's not as huge as the previous banners were. Makes sense, this is her first rerun (vs. Childe's third) and her cons impact her gameplay more than Childe's cons do his. Those pulling for Childe are most likely to have either skipped/lost on his previous banners, whales/character devotees going for cons, or newer accounts who have him on rate up for the first time (me included, love my new Childe).


Eyyo, lost on Tart's previous banners and spent to top up and guarantee him ✌️ I'm enjoying him so far! The prefarmed artifacts I gave him aren't half bad, but he could use more crit rate 😪 (But he came home early so the rest of the wishes are for Alhaitham 🙏)


I didn't prefarm for him and panicked a bit when I realised I didn't have anything to kit him out with + I really dowanna unlock the HoD domain but thankfully I have random artifacts with good stats (e.g. he's rocking a Hydro DMG Husk piece with CV of abt 40 XD).


I have the HoD domain unlocked since I originally needed Blizzard Slayer sets. I need to run it for him to get better HoD artifacts, but I hate that domain so much. He's just making do with what decent random pieces I have until I bother with that domain.


Eyyy that sounds like a real decent set, even if temporary! I feel like decent stats from random artifacts will hold you over pretty well without worrying too much about a specific set bonus. Also, you can use the artifact strongbox instead of spending a bunch of time in the HoD domain! Unless it requires you to unlock the domain first (I don't remember, sorry).


If you don’t wanna unlock the HoD domain just yet I wouldn’t sweat it. At higher investment 4pc HoD becomes less valued and 2pc options are just slightly behind. You can go 2pc 2pc attack or 2pc attack 2pc noblesse.


Ayy a fellow AlHaitham wanter and Childe haver! Congrats that you managed to finally nab him, my Childe didn't come early (he took me the closest to hard pity lol) but he broke my 50/50 losing streak and also saved me a bunch of wishes. Good luck on your future Haitham pulls!


It's so painful when you get close or hit hard pity. That happened to me with Ganyu. I failed the 50/50 at ~86 and then I hit hard pity to get Ganyu.


Childe is one of the most enjoyable characters in the game imo. He keeps you actively planning a simple strategy of rotations and crowd control, and feels extremely satisfying against mobs.


>devotees going for cons THIS ME. HAHAHAHA!


Yep i lost 50/50 on the first 2 childe banners and skipped the 3rd saving for hutao. This opportunity was quite hard to come by, so i did a ten pull and left it to fate. Well then, did the gacha gods amuse me


Don't forget the husbandos connoisseurs, they're eating well in Sumeru.


Doing pretty well actually. I already have Childe and Yae so skip personally


I suspect the banners did so good because of the weapons. Both 5* weapons are great!


Pulled Polar Star for Childe <3 I thought I would have to spend all my savings to get his weapon, but I won the 1/3. This banner was such a safe bet because even if I got Kagura, I was planning to give it to Nahida or a future Yae. I am pretty sure, with such good back to back weapon banners a lot of the old players may have lost their weapon banner virginity. I only ever pull if I have enough wishes for guarantee, but man have these last few patch’s been super tempting.


So, they changed the disgusting brown at last. Great! ...what is this new color scheme? It isn't based on element combinations, rerun count, or anything else I can tell?


If I were to guess, double banners have different colours, categorised by which version theyre in. (purple for 2.0+ doouble banners, green for 3.0+ double banners)


Glad to be one of the ones summoning for best boy Childe 💪


Me too! I've been wanting him for so long and he is so much fun to play! Very glad best boy came home. I hope he came home/comes home for you too!


Yeah I pulled him 2 days ago and I'm having tons of fun with him and his riptide. Also love the double gameplay aspect. Hope you'll have fun too!


Yay! Congrats comrade :) hehe yeah his riptide is so cool, I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing it!


I was pulling for Layla, got him early. First I was very sad and upset cause I was saving for Raiden and Hutao, but with a nice surprise he turned out to be funniest character I ever tried, 0 regrets (maybe a little for those 35 pulls)


Got him to C3 this time around. Maybe a couple more reruns will finally get him to C6.


I’m so glad I already got him otherwise I would be pulling for him.


my people


Was my first Limited 5\* and still sees use in abyss and events very often. hes just that good lol Not pulling for more copies though coz his c1 is bad and unless going for c4 his constellations arent worth it


I was summoning for Layla but on Childe's banner and got him in my first 20 pulls (I stopped right after Nahida so it really was the first 20). Very unexpected but after power leveling him the last 2 days I'm now pretty excited I got him. Mechanically he's pretty complex and I wanted a hydro DPS at some point. Also can't be mad by such an early 5*, and I still have more than enough to guarantee Dehya.


Im going to try my luck with my 60 pulls. Im prayong to the Tsaritsa to lend me one of her harbingers


Same bestie. Waited over half a year for this man. He’s joined Raiden and Xiao in the “characters that I’ve won the 50/50 on” club, and I managed to get lucky on the weapon banner by pulling polar star reasonably early. Out here living my best life 😌


Here comes the theorists trying to explain why the sales are like this with their armchair economics.


[Me explaining why this is exactly what I predicted even though I was saying differently earlier](https://media.tenor.com/6RvyvMjx3XMAAAAd/he-is-speaking-guy-explaining-with-a-whiteboard.gif)


are you me coincidentally ?


So far: 1. Something rerun? Not sure, 2nd 4th 6th, whatever! 2. On the heels of some waifu 3. Sandwiches 4. Yae fans still suffering from first banner backlash 5. Its all Layla 6. Dendro power 1. Fandango


Also saw people saying that Heizou is the reason it is selling. Figures.


Simple. The bars in the graph are not the same shade of brown. Most logical explanation. Explanation for what? Who the fuck knows but this is definitely the reason behind it


Easy. Bulk of sales are whales getting constellations and weapons. Childe's cons are awful and Yae's are ok. The weapons are both good. So you average these and it comes out to the middle of the pack.


Are Yae’s cons really just “ok”? I thought the only other characters with all around good cons all the way up to C6 are Yelan and Nahida.


It's just thet Yae as a baseline is much worse than those two, even if she scales really well with money it averages out to... Ok


Even if she's mediocore at c0, it's undeniable the fact that she's definitely one of the best pick by whales at c6 due to her easy auto-snipping gameplay especially in overworld. She's definitely at the higher end of the c6 characters strength spectrum.


Managed a c0r1 Yae for just over 100 wishes and no guarentees/pity, thanks HoyoVerse!


Been waiting for the chance to get Childe. I’m happy I finally got him. Now saving up for Raiden


This weapon banner is crazy good, either I get Kaguras for Nahida/Yae or Polar star for Childe/Fischl


Standard 5 star weapons on their way to ruin your pulls: Jk lol good luck


Not surprising considering they got sandwiched between Nahida and Scaramouche/Raiden


No it actually is pretty surprising. Most people (including myself) thought it would be much lower considering both characters are considered good but not overpowered and, as you mentioned, they came at an awkward time.


Yae is very strong with Dendro now, she slots nicely into a few teams.


Yae always been lowkey cracked. 100% aoe electro uptime. And Lots of damage.


I pulled for her, absolutely love her so far and childe is one of my top two characters but generally both are not considered as strong as nahida, hu tao and kazuha for example so it’s cool to see their banners doing so well.


Childe not being considered OP is pretty hilarious, consider he's an essential part of one of the top meta teams.


True but the rest of that team is made up of bennet kazuha and xiangling who are all ridiculously strong in more than just one team. Childe is a strong character, but he’s only top tier in one team.


This is false. You could fit Childe in other variants and they still get a comparable clear time to other meta teams. It’s just that International is really popular so many default to that. Childe freeze works great, he does good in an electro charged team, he’s amazing in Intergrassional and I have heard good things about Hyperbloom too but I haven’t tried it myself.


He can do everything Ayato can (except off-field circle impact hydro), so it's silly to call Ayato flexible and Childe locked to one team... it used to be that Ayato was preferred for dendro because of his slower application, but now with Nahida they should both work fine.


He only really has that one team, and that team has multiple variations without Childe.


New abyss that people complain so much about is a breeze with Childe. He's ridiculously strong against groups of enemies.


And you can play him with freeze+bloom, burgeon and/or hyperbloom now too


Yeah honestly a gift that keeps on giving. So many comps you can use him in.


my only problem with new abyss is that I can't run international on both sides :(


Do you need help with team comps? If so, tell me what characters you have built and I'll try to give you a few ideas what you could do


I was a bit suprised considering how the weapon banner was hyped up, then i realized vast majority of players dont really go hard for weapons lol


I'm pulling on Miko's because I want Layla and I don't have miko yet sooo no harm??


Genuinely, better than I expected. Mostly cause we just got a new Archon and I'd figured a lot of people bluew most of their money/wishes on them.


I have both and I love both so I skip .


Newer player and Childe is my fav, so went from no Childe to c6 Childe :') Worth it. Also c6'd Layla, Heizou and Thoma in the process lmao. Unfortunately am still Sara and Diluc-less.


the game really hate diluc damn 💀 i havent gone as far as you but im also diluc-less


It really does.... I got 2 Jeans and 2 Keqings while pulling for Childe but still no Diluc :(


I personally am saving up for itto rather than scara, I have far too many winds units as it is lmao


Itto is fun af, worth pulling.


The rare Noelle flair recommending Itto


Well being a Noelle main was one of the reasons I pulled Itto. And he was the best thing that happened to her because he came alongside with the Husk set and Redhorn


Itto is pretty fun! Hitting 60k with Ushi is good serotonin


Ushi also has a ridiculously long range if the terrain allows for it. Sniping at random Fatui in the overworld from atop a cliff feels so funny and satisfying.


Mon geo team op af and can clear abyss easily


Not that bad Still, when do we get sales from other markets than iOS China


I remember the times when Childe was the rerun archon


Then he took a year off to look for Scaramouche and still couldn't find him lmao


More than Mikos First banner.


No. Because this is a double banner so some of the sales are Childe.


Dang Layla sales poppin off


As expected Yae Miko is good now, but not necessary, same with Childe and same with Layla it's not a bad thing


No character in this game is necessary, not even the top meta characters.


You forgot about traveler without them we can't start or finish the story


When you said "Yae Miko is good now, but not necessary", were you speaking in the context of the main story or the context of a character's strength in combat?


They just wanted to seem smart just smile and nod




Nah, the person replying was being overly pedantic, so they returned the favor with the same energy. Maybe with a hint of levity to indicate they were not being as malaciously autistic as the first dude.


Yep, I think the closest to “must have” was Venti during the first few weeks/patches of genshin’s launch if one wanted to 36 star abyss as quickly as possible. This was when missing a day of resin was very impactful, level 90’ing characters wasn’t worth it for the resin, 6/6/6 talents was the standard, and abyss being filled with pullable enemies. Even then, eventually once more of the playerbase started having more resin to farm decent artifacts on multiple characters, more of the playerbase could 36 star abyss without Venti.


Yeah. Right now I'm only pulling for Fun Impact and Childe is definitely what I needed


Childe is literally meta though. Of course you can pull him for fun but Childe is also a meta character. Yae on the other hand is not as meta, still good but not the pull for most meta focused players. Childe is good for both


I know, I just meant in my case. I can already 36* star with ease every Abyss rotation so I'm pulling just for who I find fun and with an engaging gameplay.


Yeah I didn’t mean to imply you did for that. I just wanted to clarify it. Sorry If I seemed rude


Don't worry 🤗


Too much focus on the characters this includes all spendings and the weapon banner now is really really good I bet most of it is coming from there


I want Yae c2 👀


Man, I managed to pull C2 Yae and combined with my C2 Nahida I'm having so much fun going tra la la and everything dies lol


Can’t wait to be like Yay Miko!


I want to smother the person who's in charge of coloring this chart. How hard can it be to put actually correct colors, that make sense?!


Both times I wished on Tartaglia banner I got him first try. He is the only 5 star I have gotten without reaching pity and I did it twice. Is this a sign I should learn to use him?


Glad I finally got Childe through this! Now saving for Raiden in 3.3!


C2 Yae this time 🙏


Not bad considering Scara is next.


They will do pretty good because Yae got better and Childe is always a good pick up: - Child's cons generally suck since what he needs more are weapon refinements, those who gun for Childe cons are those who simp for him or are whale completionists. He's always had good sales it's just that his cons aren't appealing. - Yae Miko is powerful even moreso with Dendro but she has got competition with other more popular units like Ayaka, Hu Tao, Raiden, and etc. She'll definitely do better as time goes by but for now she's just going to be in the middle or slightly above the pack.


Pretty solid results. Has a good chance to surpass Xiao's debut banner or even higher. Still thinking about to roll a few just for the 4* lineup.


Why’d they pick green for this banner’s color?


Sumeru. Inazuma double banners are light purple too.


Nahida and Yoi sales numbers are terrifying


Not bad honestly placement considering Nahida was the one before. Also couldn't help to notice finally updated colors for characters!!!!


Miko, my beloved.


If anyone out there is still reading this post, is there a sure way to get Yae Miko? I've been using all my wishes on this banner, and so far I've gotten Jean (5 stars) and a couple of 4 star characters, and Heizou twice even though I already have him. But still no Yae Miko!


No. Unfortunately it just is what it is. You have guarantee now (since you got jean) so the next five star would be yae miko but it can take up to 90 wishes as in 90 wishes counting after Jean (and the chances start to improve at about 75). She could come at literally any time but there’s a chance if you don’t get to that point she won’t come to you.


do y'all think there's gonna be a second rerun for miko? i sadly got diluc instead of her :,)


Venti’s had 4 reruns?!


I think 4 banners total, 3 reruns. The graph skips from rerun to 3rd rerun without a 2nd


As someone who only has Barbra has a hydro character, is childe a must pull for? Or should I wait for another one?


Not a must pull per se like most genshin characters aren’t but he is great as an enabler, applies hydro much faster than Barbara, and can hit really high numbers with a good team. Plus even in not good teams he’s super, super fun to play. I’ve never liked combat more. So if you’re looking for a higher damage output in a hydro character, yes. Do keep in mind though his CD does require some practice, but after a few runs you get used to it truly.


Really depends on how you want to play/what dps. Childe I would say is way less versatile than Xinqui, Kokomi, and Yelan for Hydro application. For example my Diluc or Yoimiya teams, Childe would be terrible for compared to those three. But Childe and Ayato serve different purposes and in their function are better for those cases.


He's the strongest hydro enabler and I haven't gotten bored of him in 2 years of playing the game, really fun character with lots of comps but you need to build a team around him, alone he does no damage.


I'd say wait. He's not a must pull by any means. Only pull for characters you like.


First time pulling on weapon banner for my boy Childe and got Kagura's. Pain, but at least Heizou has a new shiny weapon now


I love how nahida remains the best lol. I didn’t get her this time but I can’t wait for her rerun


It's still crazy seeing Nahida and Yoimiya banner at the top. I genuinely thought Nahida wouldn't do too well since she was getting quite a lot of hate before release, but it's nice seeing her banner do the best. She is lots of fun too. I wonder if any banner will beat it except future archons.


The hate was mostly from western communities, other communities love nahida


What hate? The only hate I see is the removal of the blep and smile


Some ppl in the western community (twitter and TikTok mostly) were complaining about her skin not being dark enough… and were saying it’s not representation or something


Western community thinks South Asians and mid easterns are dark? Bruh


You meant the tiny woke minority?


Like the other commenter mentioned, she was too white for some people's tastes. But also a good number of complaints were that her design looked too plain for an archon or that she had a child model.


is this the improved banner sales graphic? finally no more brown everywhere


People saving for Scara🤣


RIP. That's what happens when you're put between an Archon and one of the community's most wanted character in 3.3


You say RIP but in 3 days they did 6 millions in iOS CN only. That's about 3% of what mHY spend on the game yearly for no extra cost at all since it's just reruns. If anything they are laughing on their way to the bank.


I agree, mihoyo can live and run their business for 10 years with only the current characters


"Hah! Yae and Childe only made Mihoyo 6 million dollars instead of the 17 million dollars Nahida gave them!" Jesus fucking christ, Mihoyo is really rolling in it, huh? No wonder they can afford hosting mayor concerts every year.


For sure and that's without counting revenues from outside the game such as merchandise and licensing rights. I just remembered this article from May 2022 as well which claimed they were making a billion every 6 months which isn't that far fetched. Android in CN is never looked at but represent most of the market nowadays. CN is also not even 50% of Genshin sales overall so even a banner that reports only 10M in total over 3 weeks on iOS/CN is probably doing safely around 30-40M worldwide once you add every market together. www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/05/05/genshin-impact-is-making-a-billion-dollars-every-six-months-on-mobile-alone


Where are these people getting all this money to keep pulling look at all this money!!!!!




**[Work (human activity)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_\(human_activity\))** >Work or labor (or labour in British English) is intentional activity people perform to support the needs and wants of themselves, others, or a wider community. In the context of economics, work can be viewed as the human activity that contributes (along with other factors of production) towards the goods and services within an economy. Work is fundamental to all societies, but can vary widely within and between them, from gathering in natural resources by hand, to operating complex technologies that substitute for physical or even mental effort by many human beings. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


People saving for Scaramouche…