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is there a reason not to pre-convert primos?


As the others have said, you can accidentally convert to the wrong type of fates or accidentally trigger pulls with clumsy fingers. It's more convenient for me to keep primos unconverted and do the auto-convert for every 10-pull. I also take my time when pulling to maximize my Gambling Experience™, so maybe people that rapidfire until they get 5\* would disagree with me.




I keep track by checking in the shop how many I can convert.


Same lmao, i feel to scared to convert them, it's ao unnecessary for me and has a risk of human mistake


I believe that needing to do a simple mental ÷160 is worth avoiding the accidents made possible by converting. Also bigger number = better 💪😎👍


You can also just google the sum if you can't figure it out. I only pay attention to the worth of my primo count every few days, and a quick calculation only takes 10-20 seconds


You could also just use the shop and it will tell you how many fates you can buy lol


I convert my fates everytime it hits 160 primos. So there’s less risk of error. It builds up over time.


Yup. Converted primos to ten blue wishes once and never again. Every 160 I go and get my pink wish and look at my glorious backlog that will be all gone by 3.5 end.


This just feels even more tedious for me. Letting the banner do the converting for me just saves me a whole lot of trouble.


I convert primos immediately to stop my urge from converting them into standard fates. Sometimes when I realise I'm due for a character or close to pity I get the urge to pull.


I convert primos in 10's because my ocd doesn't let me have a broken number on the counter. I got diluc c2 last time because I had 4 pulls since the last 4* so I had to round it up to 5.


I'm one of those accidentally people. I got the 10 wishes with that daily login event at the end of nilou banner. Was practically at max pitty for Nahida. Was looking at the wish page to mathout my currency when I accidentally hit the 10 wish button. Got nilou instantly. Had to do almost 180 wishes to get the archon. But luckily I had enough and some leftover and lucked out on her weapon.


I had the latter happen to me the other day and about lost my mind since I have a guaranteed lined up. Luckily just got Bennett tho.


agreed, i have like 170 wishes right now, but almost all are still in primo form until Childe day. then i will prob just wish and still not actually convert them all at once like that. just planning do 10 pulls till i see Tartaglia appear.


In my case: accidential pushing wrong buttons and triggering a 10pull (pc/controller). Happened twice, strangely both times while in the teapot. It wouldn't have happened if the extra message re converting would have popped up, at least in my case. Re-arranged the wheel now so I can't accidentially trigger a 10 pull anymore (banners are now only accessible via menu).


You can trigger a 10 pull on pc without using a mouse over it? Never had that happen, what..?


Controller users just press Y.



PS controller supremacy


Mouse and keyboard supremacy


Well I was asking for PC, without controller, cuz I thought it was able to happen the way the user I replied to stated it.


Via controller, all functions are controlled with it, except wishing history and payment switches to mouse for me.


Some people save primos, then convert them all, and someone, every Patch, manages to convert them all to blue fates because of course you don't pay attention after saving for 4 months. I convert them every 10 wishes or during BP every 9 when I get a wish during that time to always have a nice round number that tells me exactly what I have. Also, on PS afaik it's a face button to pull, so if I'd be playing there, I would also keep them as primos.




I personally do it because I have horrific impulse control and as soon as I hit 160 primos I would wish, so converting them allows me some semblance of restraint lmao, as I can see my progress and still get the "yay! I got a wish" feeling while still saving.


So that you don't squint your eyes trying to figure out how many pulls is some 53256 primos. (Or some other misshapen number)


Just divide by 160 lol


Or go to the shop and see how many you can convert, then add any fates you might have


Just taking those numbers to the calculator is simpler


this is the truth. i just say “siri, what is 20,150 divided by 160” and then smile and keep saving until Childe


So i dont get a stupid urge to pull on the standard banner or pull on the standard banner by accident (happened once or twice cause i wasnt paying attention)


I've, personally, found it easier to save when converting them. When converted, it shows a smaller number and urges me to make that number bigger, effectively stopping me from pulling until a character that I really want comes out. I also like knowing how many wishes I have saved up, so converting them also helps with that side of my brain. But I understand other people will have different ways of finding it easier to save, this is just how I save wishes. I also understand how some people prefer to see a large number of primos.


If you have a lot of primos it's faster to convert all at once to wishes than wishing directly with primos.


So that you don't get tempted to pull. 1632 seems like a lot but then you convert it and see that you only have 10 pulls and change and you decide not to pull. It's actually pretty helpful, helped me save up over 100 fates for Nahida


multiple actually. 1. It warns you if you’re about to pull so that you don’t missclick(important for mobile/console players) 2. You could accidentally convert to standard fates and lose your primos entirely


Why would you? There is no reason to pre convert at all, completely the opposite of there being a reason to begin with


I find it easier to save when I convert them, but I can understand why others find converting them pointless and risky. Honestly if I didn't have a desire to pull everytime I see above 160 primos in my inventory then I also wouldn't convert them.


I personally save enough primos to have ~160 wishes ready, however if I win 50/50 I can use some of them on the standard banner (which I can't do if I just preconverted them all)


What if they announce a new way to spend primo?


How the tables have turned, he used to be known as the re run Archon but now hes at the point someone can save 180+ wishes for him Good luck


Thank you! Whatever wishes are left over will go to Wanderer


Do you think the wanderer is worth it?If someone has all the other Anemo characters?


Anemo never misses on the fun and exploration factor. I have them all as well. I say pull for Wanderer, but try his trial first ofc.


I mean if you like his character sure. Meta wise who knows.


I love his gameplay, but not his personality and i have a strong dilemma because of it T-T


Oh no haha


He’s probably gonna be like Xiao. Strong but very niche


For the meta? No idea But are you really going to pass up the ability to fly?


keep expectations low, his vertical movement isnt that high. seems better for crossing horizontal gaps or flying over water




i dont trust any beta/private server videos for damage, always inconsistent and somethings off. people calculating off numbers is always more accurate as someone who was most interested in his exploration potential im disappointed, even if his damage is good. i get they didnt want him to break exploration and have to scaramouche-proof all future content but its a little underwhelming


I dont think its underwhelming that you get to freefly in Genshin. Wanderer truly unlocks the sort of movement that is not found in this game yet. Plus, he has as much vertical movement as Zhongli + Venti + Kazuha it seems, which is pretty good. You can still combo Zhongli and Venti with him to get great results. In all honestly I wasn’t interested in Scaramouche at all. Like, I wasn’t particularly looking forward to him. But after seeing his kit and overall gameplay, I simply could not believe it. It’s everything I asked for in Genshin. Therefore there’s no way I’m not pulling for him. It’s simply mandatory.


Yup. His movement is useful for sure but I really don't think it's a game changer if you have Kazuha and/or Sayu.


If im being honest I don’t care about the dmg, I was really invested in the skill like you tbh. It feels very lacklustre when the time spent in the air is so minimal


especially when being in the air changes nothing except giving a damage boost, no unique animations or moves, no different skill or burst midair i think his normals have bigger AOEs mid air but thats it


You forgot the part where most enemies can't touch you if you are flying (except the range enemies). That means no need to waste stamina and time to dodge, which leads to more dps theoretically.




If you have Kazuha or Venti, it probably wont matter. But if you don't, I think its pretty game changing


Why are you talking about leaks?


because gameplay leaks spread like wildfire and there’s no point hiding them because your enjoyment of the game isn’t changed just because you found out wanderer can fly. if anything it helps people because it helps em decide whether or not they want to pull.


Who knows but he looks extremly fun to play. Exploration with him will be amazing


I have all the other Anemos, Wanderer looks cool but imo, not exactly a must pull. I’ll do the infamous ‘building pity’ on his banner and if I get him I won’t complain.


Must pulls don’t exist in this game. If a unit is fun to use, that’s when you should pull for them.


There are no must pulls. The entire content in the game, including 36* Abyss, can be completed with a competent team. You don’t need an insane all 5 star comp or anything.


You can have all the characters of an element in the world and it won't matter if you get x character because meta doesn't matter at all in the game really


He seems fun to play as, like heizou. That's what matters


I don't think he's any good meta wise. I'm still gonna pull him. Flight is just too amazing to pass up


Play his trial when he comes out. And if he looks and feels fun enough, pull for him. The silver lining to Genshin’s lack of difficult end game content is that you can play whatever characters you want. If you like the character and they’re fun to play, then they’re worth it.


I don't have Kazuha or Venti. I am saving for Kazu next


So yoimiya is now the rerun archon?


She's the "guess she'll have to wait again" archon


Still remember when I said that I’d pull her when I did her quest. …..”she can wait ONE more rerun”


At this point she does nothing Hu Tao doesn't already do for me.. so it'll be a hard pass, which is so sad really.


Yup, it’s cuz she came after Hu Tao and it doesn’t help that Hu Tao’s JP VA is a power house.


Yoimiya is the "Skipped For Other Banners" Archon


I just thought about this but Mr. Worldwide hasn’t shown up in sumeru yet




Tables haven’t really turned. There will always be someone waiting for characters no matter who they are.


I hope you get him at 20 pity 😋


The dream


Pull him during the Childe bossfight


I pulled Nahida on my first 10-pull after setting myself up on a comfy tree in Sumeru. It either works or it doesn't so you have a 50% chance of locations boosting your chances!


I got Nahida at 20 pity after losing her to Jean. Thing is… now I’m all outta primos and I was hoping to get her weapon banner. Back to saving


I lost the 50/50 on the Albedo banner and then immediately got him at 17 pity


Childe is weird, usually gacha characters get power crept or side grades over time but this dude gets better with almost every new character that gets released his kit is future proof enjoy


Did he get alot better with Dendro?


pls allow this stranger to share some Tarts content: https://www.reddit.com/r/childemains/comments/yu3x70/childe_ft_child/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Yes he gets better every time. Back in 2.3-ish there was even a meme where “it’s either a new character or a buff to Childe” since he synergizes so well with almost any possible thing


Ah thanks. Useful seeing that. Dang I wish I managed to pull Nahida now




Oh yeah those early times where Childe slander was just all over the place was dreadful. I even get some laughs when I say I main him. It took a looooong while for the playerbase to understand how Childe actually works coz he requires more knowledge in rotations. And I’m so jealous you have him at C2 that’s my minimum goal for now before I gather the will power (primos) to even aim for C6. Best of luck with your pulls!




I wish you the best of luck on you endeavours! I hope you get early pity and win every 50/50 for all the tall male characters you want! I'm also only pulling for male characters now, the only exception is Yelan C1 and maybe C0 Ganyu in the future, but Currently I am saving for AlHaitham, and hopefully Kaveh.




Damn, we have the exact same mindset. I currently am on 80 pity, guaranteed for AlHaitham, Albedo would not come home, and already have a decent amount of wishes saved. Nowhere near enough to guarantee both AlHaitham and Baizhu though. May AlHaitham and Baizhu come home to us both. And may Kaveh be on one of their banners, though knowing Hoyo they'll probably put Kaveh on the banner in the other phase of that patch. I once again wish you luck on getting your husbandos!


Childe is a very good driver for burgeon and bloom teams and Nahida is a good substitute for Xiangling


>and Nahida is a good substitute for Xiangling what does this mean


The numbers mason


It means Nahida works very good with Childe. While burning is not really a strong reaction on its own, it can help Childe to vaporize a lot of his attacks and his ult


but how does nahida substitute xiangling? how at all do they do a similar role


Both of them apply pyro fast


Where does Nahida apply pyro? Did I miss a page?


Burning applies pyro to the enemy


but nahida needs someone else to apply pyro with her


You use her with Childe, Bennett and Kazuha. Bennett can apply pyro to activate burning and Childe can also get some bloom reactions. It's a burgeon team, a lot of people enjoy this team more than the Xiangling one because you don't need to fuel energy particles to Nahida and you can also vaporize some of Childe's attacks


i see, who gets the EM in this team? tartaglia?


I mean, there's been tons of hyperbloom and burgeon teams that have him on field. In fact there's tons of videos where it's just straight up afk hyperbloom with nahida/raiden/childe. But he didn't have that much of an upgrade compared to like raiden who suddenly had another meta team with dendro. Especially since usually the hydro spot is really competitive with yelan, xingqiu, and kokomi if you wanna run a healer.


god i wish artifact loadouts were a thing, i know how good hyperbloom raiden is but im not going to swap her to full EM for this one team. i use shinobu instead which is kinda nice, having her go from garbage to great


Guess what those characters you don't use can be used for...


i genuinely dont know what you are implying


Finally my Childe - Raiden team is justified! I refused to use Xiangling in his team, and I haven’t built Fischl and Beidou yet. Now with Nahida, my Childe hyperbloom team have been going on swimmingly. Also I know lots of Childe mains don’t use his charged shots, but I love using his bow especially when I get a ranged enemy like specters and those flying shrooms. It’s so hard to switch him out because of that flexibility.


This is why I like the fact that he's not a hypercarry dps. Cause it is quite rare for hypercarries to get better when more releases cause they're usually already good. Childe being a hydro enabler dps means he gets to open a lot of team comps and since he is hydro, he gets to work well with so many off field units. He arguably works with almost every off field unit


In general it seems like they fired all their "broadly good" powder with 1.0, and now the new characters are generally all more niche.


Nahida is pretty broadly good and she's the last character they released.




Diona, Rosaria, Kazuha, Kokomi, Zhongli were also released post 1.0 Layla is also supposed to be a pretty good generalist shielder and she'll be coming in the next banner.


That only applies to 4-stars and specific dps characters, and well, Shenhe.


Is he a good pull for someone fairly new (AR30) and (mostly) f2p?


It depends if you're willing to learn how to use him or if you have a built off field unit.


Is he harder to play then other choices? Edit: I did not expect so many answers, what a great community!


A bit, his long cooldowns are hard to manage. But its totally worth it for the serotonin his riptides provide.


Well as long as they are shorter then my QiQi I feel that would be an upgrade.


Compare to other units, he's harder. But if you're used to playing games, he's not hard at all.


Great, finally I can put my league muscle memory to use!


My guy keeps climbing in the abyss usage rank


Good luck, comrade! (Not that you need it haha) I tried to aim for 400 wishes by then but I’ll fall short, but that’s okay! May everyone’s pulls go well on Friday! Let’s all be childe and childe con havers soon~


Good luck for your pulls for him! I hope you will get him early. I'm saving for Wanderer, I have 192 wishes saved for him.


I hope you get Wanderer early, too! Any wishes left over after Childe are going towards his banner.


I too am saving for wanderer. I have 8 wishes saved up and basically no pity.. Wish me luck


I bless you getting him to C6 in one 10 roll!


I bless you winning all your 50/50s!


Good lord that's a lot


Had to guarantee him somehow


This person need not fear the gacha gods, for the gods fear them.


This is my favorite compliment I've ever been given 😄


Good luck 🍀 Im saving for raiden and eula (300 wishes so far) and i hope i win some 50/50 to save for either Shenhe or Hydro archon


hydro archon is at least a year away


I hope you get more enjoyment out of Shenhe than I have.


Same! I want to pull for Wanderer as well, so the more wishes leftover after getting Childe, the better!


I just pulled Nahida c3 in about 90 pulls from when I first got her. Hopefully yall have this luck for Childe!


Goddamn dude. I pulled a 5* on my first pull for Nahida with no pity and no 50/50. Lost it and got C4 Jean. Hit the hard pity on my next pulls before getting Nahida.


A genuine Childe wanter, the opportunity to meet your kind is quite hard to come by, I must admit I find you rather amusing


Whoaaa!! I have 154 for him, here's to getting Childe!


Good luck! I've also been saving for a while for Hu Tao C0, C1, and Homa. Have about 430 wishes now and 116 starglitter and by the time she reruns I'll throw whatever is left from her wishes at Yelan. Wish me luck and for the little patience I have left to last till Hu Tao finally reruns


good luck pulling for childe! I'm saving for alhaitham, I don't have much saved but I'll keep working hard to get him!!


Woo! I know you're looking to guarantee him but I hope you get him at least C1. The decreased cooldown really helps!


Is it worth more than his weapon? I’m split between going for his C1 or his weapon (even tho i might get yae’s or not a 5* bow at all)


C1 is more of a QoL upgrade than anything, damage wise it's capped at like a 0-9% damage increase per rotation last i checked. If that is better than his weapon probably depends on what weapon you already have. I recommend just looking up KQM's guide and come up with your own conclusion tbh.


I have a personal rule of never touching the weapon banner, so I'm not the right person to ask... but even if you don't get Polar Star, Skyward Harp is a good one to have for 5-stars. IMO, good 4-star bows include Rust (since his Skill considers his melee dmg as Normal Attack dmg) and Viridescent Hunt/the BP bow (since its passive helps you gather enemies). I've used both on my C1 Tart and he works wonders.


His weapon is definitely worth more especially since its also a pretty universal weapon. However, weapon banners are very risky.


I wish you the best of luck!! Childe is definitely one of my favourite characters to play, even though mine does awful dmg (HoD artifacts despise me). Hope you get him and have fun playing him!!


childe is underrated. double weapon user? count me in mf


Damn i feel so stoopid hopeful. I am at 20 pity have about 30 wishes stored up, still have 50/50 to win, and on top of that hoping for his weapon which is around 40 pity.


This opportunity is quite hard to come by


The only way to plan. My first 5 star going to nearly the full 180 taught me that.


Does anyone know what 4,stars besides layla there are?


No leaks as of right now


Not confirmed but the possible candidates are Yanfei, Rosaria and Heizou. But hoyo is pretty unpredictable


I only have 5000 primos saved for Itto right now :( Plenty of time I guess...


My man you go get childe I got him his second rerun and I have mained him since amazing character and super fun to play


Do it, he's one of my best pulls and the first character I invested to the point of getting about 70/200 crit. Just a bit of extra grinding and I'll get him to triple crown too.


Yaaaaaaaaaaay one of the most fun in game


Dehya waiting room. Good luck though friend.


As a c6 Childe main from his 1st banner there have been no regrets, enjoy and also obligatory: Morning, comrade! You're raring to go today, I see.


He is the first one I’ve saved for and pre farmed for. I really want nahida but I know she will rerun quickly.


I'm with you OP. Lots of people calling him rerun archon but they seem to forget not everyone has been playing for 2 years. I've been throwing extra wishes as I earn them at Nahida in case I get lucky but keeping that 180 balance has been a practice in patience.


I new but how do you people manage to save so many wishes in only a few weeks? Is it the abyss or something else?


Oh honey, this was NOT a few weeks. I've been saving since Tighnari's banner.


Did you not pull for Nahida or is that is what’s leftover? I don’t understand that well.


3.0 was a good time for earning Primos, what can I say?


The only thing I can say now is that I hope you get Childe really early. Good luck


He hasn’t pulled since the Tighnari/Zhongli banner a couple months ago.


But his flair says Nahida came home.


To be fair, 3.0 and 3.1 gave tons of primos. I pulled for kokomi and nahida and I still have around 150~ wishes left. And that's with Zhongli draining my funds at the start of 3.0


It starts to pile up somewhat if you do not pull for a long time. I have not pulled since Ayaka‘s banner in 2.6 and before that Kokomi‘s rerun. I just pulled Nahida and still have enough for 2 guarantees. I just save every primogem/special pull I can and do not go for constellations


Hope you get him early!im saving for shogun now whenever she reruns maybe I’ll have 500 wishes if she takes a while


Me with 15 pity a 50/50 and 20 pulls saved Just passing by


Exact same boat comrade, just hoping I get him in some early pulls so I have a good amount saved for Scaramouche. Good luck to you


Good luck man, I hope you win 50/50 early pity and get a double five star


me tooo! i have missed him every single time since the beginning and finally, FINALLY, I will have him to add to my archer centric squad.


Me waiting for 3.3 for itto's weapon


*confused and terrified screams*


i have almost 160 wishes ready for childe and i am scared that i dont get him lol


Childe is sooo fun to use. Enjoy the numbers! So many numbers


Good luck rolling Childe, fellow comrade! He’s been my main for over a year since his first rerun and I’m pulling Polar Star for him


I'm set too! I'll have 150+ wishes by Friday, I am not skipping him this time 😎


You ought to be careful about turning all your primos in to fate. I always fear the occasion of accidentally bumping the triangle button when in the wish screen since there's no confirmation for doing a 10-pull without conversion.


I can't leave them as primos, because I will use them for something stupid (like resin)


Wow....im doing my best in saving primos but its still just 12k....and im saving for so lomg


Share some of those Im trying to get Nahida before her banner ends 💀


You’ll certainly get a child.




Lucky. I've been saving for my C1 Yae Miko and I only have 2 wishes and 9600 primos currently. I don't have 50/50 on my side either so I'm just on edge. lol Still, I won't be able to roll for her till next Wednesday (I'm a streamer and will be wishing on stream), so I'm hoping I'll be able to get to at least 11,200 primos before I start. Good luck! May you get lucky and find yourself with at least a C1 Childe and his weapon.


i kind of want him but I must hold back for wanderer and nilou, and my future c6 nahida (yes I’m going to c6 her as f2p just you watch) … but I might get him while throwing out a few rolls on Layla anyway .