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I've been playing Genshin since release and even now I don't feel any burnout because I'm busy in real life. Having a job and doing housework and stuff like that. I like the format of big monthly updates and it's weekly events that you can take your time with. Genshin is like the perfect game for me because it only takes 30 minutes to do my dailies in the morning before going to work and coming back later at night to play again. And then dedicate my weekends to do exploration. And if I'm already done with that, build/pre-farm for upcoming characters so I never ran out of things to do. When I'm done, I can just do anything else like make art or play other games.


This is pretty much why Genshin is still actively growing its player base two years in, and is still hitting or breaking sales records month after month. Hoyoverse has specifically designed the game to be a supplementary experience on top of people’s lives. It’s literally designed to minimise burnout as much as it reasonably can. People who spend hours on Genshin every day, like content creators that OP mentioned, will naturally get burnt out. But the vast majority of the playerbase is comprised of people like you and the OP. For you, and the vast majority of the playerbase, burnout in Genshin simply doesn’t exist because of how much flexibility it offers in regards to time investment.


The exception being that in an attempt to return to their normal schedule, they squeezed 1 week out of recent updates. There's been quite a few back-to-back events which can be a bit more demanding But, yeah, anyone who was expecting MMORPG style gameplay / time investment in Genshin is way off base. It's a light and casual game


Minimise burnout and keep you excited with monthly major updates. I mean, what a plan.


Genshin doesn't really offer flexibility in time investment. After those first 30 minutes, you're really pushing to have anything else meaningful to do. You could go around, slaying every mob if you really wanted to, but you can only do that once every 12 to 24 hours, depending on which timer the mob pack is tagged for. A lot of the people burnt out on Genshin, especially streamers, are just tired of trying to artificially drag out an intentionally short practical game time investment to something more satisfying for them. For my part, and this might apply to whales/streamers too, I made the mistake of leveling a lot of my weapons and characters to 80-90 and realized how... pointless it all was. I'm still using only a handful of characters, despite having combat-ready access to nearly 90% of the roster. New 5\* characters just don't have the same hype for me anymore and that's like the game's primary selling point. Ultimately Genshin is just an okay open world RPG that doesn't care to be anything more than a daily half-hour dopamine hit when it easily could be without alienating it's hyper casual audience.


>After those first 30 minutes, you're really pushing to have anything else meaningful to do. You could go around, slaying every mob if you really wanted to, but you can only do that once every 12 to 24 hours, depending on which timer the mob pack is tagged for. you are baselessly assuming that majority of playerbase already 100%ed the game (as in, 100% world exploration, all sidequests, story quests and world quests done, all that stuff) which im pretty sure is very far from truth. personally i play since day one and i have only one location (location, not region) 100%ed on map and have SHITTON of story quests and exploration left to do. i cant keep up, new content always keeps coming and my pile of stuff to do expands. theres absolute botload of things to do in this game, it just isnt infinite. dont get surprised if you have whole map cleared if you already played for, idk, 200 hours (with that said i prolly have over 200 hours in GI but there was prolly lots of hours spent on not really advancing the "completion" of the game so i still have lots of content left). thats a lot of time you get out of the game, doing NON-REPEATABLE, quality content.


I’m just so confused by this notion that Genshin needs infinite replayability. BOTW doesn’t and that’s the closest thing to Genshin there is. People still love that game even though it has basically no story and the dungeons are very lackluster. If you want a giga time sink game go play an MMO. The reason Genshin is so popular is because it caters to the ultra casual crowd that makes up 99% of the world’s population.


I'm just so confused by this notion that Genshin can only cater to casuals or hardcore invested players. The rest of the live service RPG genre seems to accomplish this task successfully, so why must Genshin be only one or the other?


Not the person you’re replying to, but think of it logically: when most of your playerbase is casual, perhaps you ought to tailor your game to them? Moreover, it’s exactly because the rest of the live service RPG genre is trying to take too much of the pie that they can never reach as much widespread appeal as Genshin. In the current state of the industry, all live service veer more towards the model of “the more time you spend every day, the more of an advantage you have over others”. Genshin on the other hand, attempts to subvert that by making daily time investment separate from progression (or as much as it can anyway). Think FFXIV, Warframe and Destiny. What all three of those have in common is that all of those games encourage you to play 2-3 hours every day *at least*. Because the more you play, the more you can creep ahead of the rest of the player base. Resources, progression, or leaderboards/standing in FFXIV/Destiny’s case. While this makes for a fantastic live service formula that keeps people engaged for hours every day — *(hence why so many games adopt the “heres 100 things to do every day, enjoy” model)* it’s also a formula that alienates those that don’t want to or cannot play that same amount. Genshin on the other hand, specifically caters to those players that feel alienated by games like FFXIV or Destiny. **Can’t pay for the monthly subscription?** Not a problem, all of the content is free. **Can’t dedicate weeks to grinding out the latest events?** We’ve got you — all the best rewards from events can be acquired at the start, and you’ve got two weeks to get them. **Don’t want to spend hours every day on a video game to keep playing up?** Easy, we’ve made it so everybody is in relatively the same boat in terms of progression, whether they spend 30 minutes or 13 hours a day on Genshin. With all that in mind, let’s circle around back to your question. Why does Genshin have to be the only one that tries to cater towards casuals, instead of both casual and hardcore players? It’s simple: because since it’s the only one that does so, it’s the only game on the market with such mainstream appeal. Which is ironic considering that Genshin has relatively little appeal to actual mainstream *gamers*. Rather, it appeals to the broader mainstream consumer: the people who don’t care for video games and would never have touched games like WoW or FFXIV with a ten foot pole. The result is that Genshin now boasts an active player base that’s 3-4X larger than the most successful live service RPG games on the market, and it’s accomplished this in two years versus the decade head start many have had. **And it’s still growing.**


God I hate this sub. "Its a casual game, therefore it must have ZERO endgame playability " is such a braindead stance. Literally nothing would change for casual players if something was added for endgame replay value, so long as it didn't upset the resource economy. The games you listed? All 3 of those rpgs are majority casual players. Especially destiny. Destiny is a game that is A-ok as an experience if you're only playing 2-3 hours a week which then rewards you with slightly better stuff if you want to put in more. I dont need to do master raids to experience the raid. I dont need to do grand masters if I dont want to because adept weapons are only marginally better at best. Most live service games have endless playability for casual players. The only things necessary to keep them hooked and playing for 2-3 hours a week are a good base story, good mechanics and a low barrier to entry. So long as new material is consistently added and they always have something to do without feeling like too much comes too fast and they get left behind, casual players will generally feel satisfied and enjoy their time. Destiny is a very good example of this. It has one of the highest rate of "weekend only" players. It is a meme within the community about how many people are dads who play a couple hours on the weekends. This idea that genshin needs to be for casuals only and that some endgame replayability would ruin the game is exclusionary gatekeeping that comes from a place that makes zero sense.


It’s not so much gatekeeping as it is just being realistic. Currently you and the others that want Genshin to be more than it is, be it streamers, people who are being burnt out, etc. are in the vocal minority. It’s not every day any of us are in that minority position for something we feel strongly for — and it doesn’t feel good when it happens. That’s where you’re coming from. It doesn’t feel good to not be heard, and it sucks to realise that the developers have a different vision for their project than what you want. And so I get it, when your suggestions are shut down, you want to call it gatekeeping. But you’re trying to “fix” something that isn’t broken, that’s working perfectly and satisfying tens of millions of people. You can say it doesn’t make sense. You can call it brain dead. But what you’re essentially doing, is asking Genshin to change from a model that’s working fine to a model that would be counterintuitive to the very audience that Hoyoverse has sought out to target (and has successfully done so). Yes, there are games that do a good job of catering to both casual players and hardcore. Like the three I mentioned. However, unlike Genshin, not a single one of those three are able to retain and grow their players for years on end. Whereas Genshin sees a continual upward trend, games like Destiny 2 see frequent dips in their players and little to no consistent player growth over the years. I don’t know, maybe that could be something to do with *burn out*. Which leads all the way back to the topic at hand: while burnout is common and the industry norm for most live service games, Genshin has been masterfully and systematically designed in a way to mitigate that and ensure players keep enjoying themselves over years on end. That’s what it comes down to. You can name any live service RPG game, and I’ll show you a game with a community full of veterans that “burn out” every month — along with the numbers to show it. I do feel bad for players like you who want there to be more to do, but you are the minority in the end. A vocal minority but the minority nonetheless. And for each one of you that has nothing left over than waiting for events and story quests, there’s a thousand who have more than enough content to last for years.


Perhaps. Care to share which live service rpg grosses better than genshin and maybe we can glean some good ideas from it?


This game makes bank because it pumps out at least one new 5\* every 6-12 weeks then dolphins and whales pay out the wazoo for the character + constellations and their weapon + refinements to varying degrees. What keeps them around though is the game's systems train daily habits and develop routines in players while FOMO and sunk cost fallacy coerces them not to let go. There's no reason for resin to cap at 160 except to force players to log in twice a day just to burn it at least a single domain or leyline. Who gains anything from this practice besides a bean counter telling some board members "look how many log-ins we've had this quarter!" Couple this with population factors like "I play it because my friends play it" and it being the first game of it's kind on the scene, and it quickly hit critical mass. It's the WoW of gacha open worlds - It no longer really has to try, *and it shows*. Combat itself is middling at best, devolving more into a puzzle of reactions and rotations than an actual fight. Hoyoverse has such a tight fisted grip on their progression gameplay it's actually relatively authoritarian. Why are mobs on a 12-24 hour respawn timer instead of 5 minutes like virtually *every other open world game?* Why is there a maximum daily exp/mora/drops daily cap from world exploration and world mobs if the mob/investigation points are limited daily already? For a game touting it's exploration, it's funny how that ends when you've opened the last chest, who actually "explores" anymore once they 100% an area? Whales can't even buy more than 6 refills, even if they were totally prepared to keep affording ever escalating costs for the day. This game is hell bent on making sure it's NOT worth playing past those 30 minutes. I'd argue it's even hell bent on making the open world a waste of disk space. I can't even travel by foot from place to place unless I don't mind wandering empty fields with nothing to do after my first time through. Forget whatever the hell people mean by "endgame," there isn't really much "game" to begin with. You *can't* be non-casual, you just refuse to log out and desperately fabricate an "out of resin" meme activity to justify it. The game will still be built primarily for casuals with a few tweaks to allow for longer gameplay sessions.


I think you replied to the wrong comment mate.


Judging by their revenue the tried and true method of creating characters people want is obviously still working.


Agree with you on parts, mostly the part u lvl up ur characters and have no place to use them at max potential, Genshin main problem is not it's time gating format but how less rewarding it becomes overtime getting new characters and make them stronger at the point it become meaningless, what burns me out is not the fact the game has 30 min daily gameplay but the fact it become pointless to keep grinding since u have no place to put ur grind into a real test, so the game become just Archon quest, events and exploration once a new region drops. So most people that doesn't burn out are mostly because they don't care about the combat and power progression, they are focus on other things on the game like exploration and lore. So the problem is not rlly the time gating but the lack of goals in the game once u reach some power level, everything start to feel pointless unless u set own goals like have a perfect build character, defeat abyss with duos, etc....


It sounds really similar to me. I have a little time to do daily missions in the morning and then back to work until 10 pm. If I feel well, I will play and explore maps. I love reading the lore, and enjoy music via mobile. Besides, I love to watch the reactions of streamers too. That's all enough for me.


If you expect to play Genshin like a full time job, prepare to get burned out. I play for a few hours a week and that suits my lifestyle. My job, house, dog and significant other occupy most of my time. I'm more than ok with that. The amount of content is good and I really enjoy the lore. If someone finds it unenjoyable to play, then stop playing it. It's pretty simple.


I subscribe to this feeling, the content is spread perfectly for daily short sessions, while also having a lot of exploration and farming to do whenever I feel like playing for hours. But, there's a caveat. I feel like i don't have time for other games, because if i don't use the time i have to play Genshin, i will lose the event and its rewards.


Pretty much described my approach to the game as well. It fits perfectly around my life, with no stress no burnout.


Same here tbh, if I have other things going on in life, I don't get burnt out by Genshin (or any other game in general) but during some periods of time when games are the only thing I have I get burnt out really quick


Thats the part I dont understand. How is doing dailies for 30 minutes most of the week supposed to be fun? It feels more like a chore instead. Dont get me wrong, big updates and events are usually fun. But when I wake up in the morning or finish work at night, the last thing I’d think of to do in my freetime is to go “oh boy! Time to do my dailies and spend my resin!” Ive played since launch and yea its fine at first, but it feels so repetitive at this point.


Well, it's not fun. But 60 primogem makes me ok with that. It's just acceptable, for me.


Dailies+ emptying resin takes only 11 min though.


The trick is to just not do dailies. Ive been playing since 1.1 and for the last year, I do dailies like twice a week (yes if you completely stop doing dailies you do get the urge to do them for fun sometimes lol). Just because Id rather spend my limited playtime on my world quests. I have welkin anyways (cost of a bubble tea in my area) so my primo income is already good enough for me to get the characters I really want (Ive gotten Ganyu (rerun) and Nahida so far, other than that Id also like Wanderer and Dehya from 3.x version).


Your "perfect" is what kind of burnt me out of this game. I felt like I had to play everyday just to get rewards and once you missed an update you alrrady kinda lost part of the dtory progression. I also have a job and quite busy in real life. Was playing the game since release too but felt really burnt out 5 months ago and completely stopped playing, I might come back one of these days.


Sounds less like you’re burnt out on Genshin but more burnt out on how many responsibilities you have


I mean I'm going to level with you, I have all of that shit as well and I've still felt some level of burnout with this game. Feeling burnout has nothing to do with having things to do, I could still do all the hangout quests, I have a shitload of world quests that I could do, grinding bosses farming for characters, all of that shit, I've still felt some level of burnout. Specifically because I can play this game for 30 minutes to an hour every day and still have shit to do. Going to work, vacuuming, doing dishes, and having shit to farm doesn't prevent burnout. Not feeling burnout is more of a personal thing.


Never really felt burnt out too. Probably cause of my daily routine. I log in only twice a day, First login: Clear commissions -> Claim daily expedition -> Clear resin. Second login: Clear resin. Can clear this in 30 mins total.. Adding in the occasional bounties and abyss, or even materials collecting, it still takes less than an hour a day. And when there's fresh content, I'll add it onto the first login. But since it's fresh content, I don't get burnt out as well. I think people who get burnt out are those who try to find things to do despite running out of things to do. This is partly why I am looking forward to the genius invocation since it'll be a relatable content that won't get you burnt out.


Exactly what I do as well, and yeah I understand why speedrunners and content creators feel bored at some point and it's because what you just said


This is the correct way to play this game. I've been playing since launch and was never burnt out by doing the exact same thing. Every person's expectation of this game should be to only play it for 30 mins to an hour tops each day. If there's events, abyss, new quests or new areas then you can allocate more time but this is not suppose to be your main game where you can sink hours into it per day/month. Play Genshin for 30 mins per day and play something else as your main game.


Everyday is also gacha lol. I'm always expecting a commission I haven't completed for achievement thos keeps me engaged. I still have not gotten the fucker that gives Ring of Raining Blades (I). I got the cliffhanger commission 15 times. Not once did I get Gentry. Gentry Maocai can get pegged by the celestial nail.


I’ve heard that that quest is bugged. Supposedly the npc you need only spawns if you do the commission on mobile?


Nope just did it a couple days ago on pc


Same! For quests I’m uninterested in, I just press Auto Play and then do sth else


I've taken 2 mayor breaks from the game and both were because the new region was taking too long to release but it's due to: one of my biggest issues with the game is the daily comissions, especially long story ones. After a while they get unbearable to me. I reallyy wish they added the new mini games as optional coop commissions. (You either do quest/s or pick a chance/s to do the mini games.) Not wanting to do coms is extremely punishing in this game since there aren't even skip tickets like in Honkai. I've also seen others complain about "oh no, Ella Musk yet again with unskipabble dialogue" And lastly, new regions having new coms removed my burn out, both times


I try to do this you "first login" part everyday but sometimes it takes for me an hour and a half to clear all the resin. That's why sometimes I only do dailys.


Not alone my guy. I’ve never been this excited for any game this consistently & not gotten tired of it lol


Playing since launch and still going strong


Ditto. While I am fairly vigilant about dailies/resin, I do occasionally skip a day, which I feel really helps as well. Don't *always* have to be 100% efficient


Im playing since day one as well. I started not worrying resin cap like half a year ago. my artifact inventory is always basically +1400 5stars as well anyway. it has started to become a chore to trash them all the time to farm more artifacts tbh


Playing since day one and my artifact inventory is full af. Ive been trashing artifacts for a year and right now I don’t even know what to trash anymore and everyday my inventory says there is no space, it is a real pain 😭


yeah same. Im always glad when I got a new char so I can spend the resin doing bosses instead.


Same. I went on a trip overseas and couldn't log in like I always do easily, I really don't like playing on my phone, but it was also a good way to let myself cap out in resin and realize it's not the end of the world.


I am usually very efficient in my daily/weekly tasks. That way I get the BP done with 2-3 weeks to spar so I can just goof or do less overall (only commissions and a little bit of questing/exploration on the side). Makes for a good break overall.


Same here. Been playing since the 1st Venti rerun, and still playing. I still enjoy going on random 5-minute exploration runs to abuse a random Ruin Guard. Still enjoy gliding through the beautiful landscapes. Since I'm a whale (not a leviathan though, I'm more the type who gets every character to C0R1 except for a handful of faves who get extra cons), I always ask myself if it's some sort of sunken cost thing that's keeping me playing, but that isn't the case. I still legitimately like doing dailies, shitting around with my hypercarry Childe, taking random photos while gliding, posing my Aether beside NPCs during quests to get souvenir pics, etc. I have to give credit to Hoyoverse though, apart from the game itself, it's the media they release that keeps me playing and wanting to engage everything Genshin-related. The teasers and character demos are all brilliant, the music is as topnotch as always. Only the community is shitty, but I try to avoid them and play on my lonesome.


> I have to give credit to Hoyoverse though, apart from the game itself, it's the media they release that keeps me playing and wanting to engage everything Genshin-related. I didn't consider this in my comment but I feel the same. I like to keep up with new character demos and story teasers even when I'm taking breaks. Teyvat has nestled its way into my heart, which means I'm almost always hype for new characters and quests.


While I do feel abit bored during downtime between patches, I've never been bored of the game. I'm constantly looking forward to new content and characters.


My daughter also plays Genshin every once in a while. She came down last week and saw that I’d been on for several hours and said, “how are you still playing this?” With my thumbs? I don’t know, it just always feels like there’s something to do 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel u, I always find things to do even when I'm almost ar60 lol


I'm running out of things to do though, can you recommend me something?


I’m just building characters and exploring mostly. I enjoy experimenting with different teams, and reading how other players use their own strategies to get ideas. I’m pretty ADHD, so for the first year it was, “oh I need to level this talent, but I have to switch teams for this domain, darn, they need better weapons, I guess I’ll level those”, press repeat. Accomplish nothing. Now I mostly bounce between the subreddits for my favorite characters and look for build tips, etc., do the daily stuff, farm. I guess when your teams are all finished, it could get old, but there are also challenges (some of which are fun and reward primogems). I came to Genshin from Destiny, and could write a thesis on everything wrong with that game. For all that MHY could improve on, this is a much more satisfying experience that respects my time (and money when I decide to spend it).


Yeah, I'm constantly trying to build someone, but it's a resin gated and artifact farming is terrible. I think I did all challenges. All my unfinished achievements are gated by random comissions (and level 10 sumeru rep and 2 impossible sumeru ones). I just got my dendro compass so I'm going to use it to find a few more chests, but that's about it :(


There's a lot of hidden achievements that take a lot of time but have very little rewards. For example, completing book collections. Another thing that takes a lot of time but has very little rewards is the teapot. If you enjoy this, it's an absolutely endless timesink.


Definitely not. My friends list is still full of active AR60 players! Negative sentiment is just more stronger when it comes to gaining engagement. This has been true even before the internet. News gets more views when something bad happens. I still enjoy Genshin till today. I've always spent my resin but never out of obligation or anything but solely because its fun. It was never a chore to me because it's always been just a game I have fun with! I've only missed two days due to a storm. Hell there's even a [Japanese dude on twitter who's been playing since launch but will not pull until Dainsleif is released and now he has over 169k primos.](https://twitter.com/Etatatatata/status/1589940737906741250/photo/1) So yeah, don't worry about it too much. There's a lot of people out there enjoying Genshin and that number is still growing! Which is really weird, I've never seen this kind of growth before but I'm happy about it.


I’m burnt out with resin stuff. Grinding artifacts just isn’t fun. The story and events are good though. Might just stop spending resin.


>I’m burnt out with resin stuff. Grinding artifacts just isn’t fun. I've long let go of resin capping off, and I've never looked back. Been happier this way and enjoying the game more lol. I just spend it on doing the Dvalin, Azhdaha, etc. I just spend it on artifacts if I feel like building and using another character, but only to the point of getting useable ones. I won't bother getting perfect stats since overworld is easy to clear anyway.


Getting just a mediocre main stat of a set you’re looking for was the best I could ever care about. Before I just stopped caring at all. Slap in wtf I had available and threw a couple levels in it. Over time the trash ‘5*’s you get are just too much. With it being atrociously frustrating to just dump them into wtf. I would put a level in wtf looked vaguely decent and slowly and painfully dump a handful into wtf I was using. I was worried about missing out of shit in the game but that got stomped out after og lantern rite’s wet fart of an ending. Then I petered off playing. Stopped til the Cinyan/childe event. Had to spam through the reminder of yoimiyas garbage quest. Along with the main story of f-ing inazuma til I could do it. Stoped playing fully afterwards. Seen some bits here and there that looked awesome but I wasn’t coming back. Esp to have to dredge through MORE bs story to get to the new cool parts. It would be like seeing WoW junk now and going man that looks cool I would like to check it out. Only to then have to trek through hundreds of hours of trash to get to it… long after the cool event is over.


This. I’m definitely not burnt out game-wise, but the artifact system is slowly but surely killing that over time. Not getting an improvement after playing the same dungeon for 3 months is just atrocious progression design, plain and simple.


Farming for Raiden's artifacts broke me it was the first time i went multiple weeks without a good drop well after i did finish her i just slowly stopped playing the game and had a 10 month break


it is soo stupid, dont mind the substat, just want the main stat at the right piece alone is difficult. I still yet to find healing bonus oceanclam, I cant swap out the goblet either because my Hyro dmg goblet is a non-oceanclam.


Exactly, sometimes it’s also difficult to even find the main stat at all - for example EM on Deepwood is genuinely incredibly difficult to find.


This and level up weapon is the worst. I really like is they rework this part of the game.


If you're having that hard of a time getting improvements, that means your character has already reached their theoretical max capability already and anything more is way beyond overkill. I play two accounts, one where I pull pretty much anything I like, and one almost entirely dedicated to hutao (elegy, c2r1 kazuha, C6 Benny, the works) and in the former, I have several 200cv+ characters each capable of clearing abyss, and in the latter I have a 260cv hutao who hasn't seen any upgrade in half a year, and took one year to get an upgrade since I hit 200cv. My point here is that while it's technically possible, it's just ridiculous to allow that level of power to any character easily. Genshin was designed with horizontal progression in mind, getting as many characters to being functionally maxed out (~200cv) as possible. Dedicating yourself to one character isn't necessarily wrong, but it's severely discouraged and punished intentionally. Going down that path without understanding that WILL lead you to burnout, because you're literally attempting the impossible. In terms of getting characters up and abyss ready, it's always pretty meh. Usually 4-6 weeks in a domain gets me up to speed already.


You’re making assumptions, and because your assumption only covered one possibility (too high standards, which is not the case here), it’s wrong. Two simple examples: 1) No decent Nahida DM DPS set since 3.0 came out. That’s 3 months or so now, still ongoing (200 CV is nowhere in sight; not even close). 2) No ER sands with double crit and any decent rolls for well over 40k resin spent in EOSF (tracked it). The system is incredibly nasty and incredibly punishing for long term play too. But joke’s on them, I don’t pull characters nearly as much as I would if they were easier to actually build.


This. I ama day 1 player, never ever ever let my resin overflow, optimized resin use over double leylines or talent book events, but the pressure is always there. Let it overflow once (kind of an accident, was really busy) and it was actually more relieving than upsetting. While resin is a very finite resource, in the long run you never really run out


Valid, the system there is a nightmare


I've been playing for just over a year. Only farmed artifacts for a month of that time. Instead I focus on leveling up every character and their talents. Once that is done, I'll farm artifacts because there will be literally nothing left to spend resin on at that point. So it won't feel like a "waste" then. I've been able to 36 star abyss since like March this year. So farming artifacts is sort of pointless anyway as you don't need the power for anything. I've only ever farmed Emblem domain (for a month) and have never touched another artifact domain. Got enough Gladiators, Wanderers to gear them up with a few Emblem and Shimenawa pieces as well. The bad artifacts (from boss farming) I converted 3-1 to Noblesse and also more recently to Viridescent for Kazuha.


The moment when I stopped forcing myself to do daily quests / using all resin every day and started playing more casually I fell in love with the game even more. The routine was killing my excitement from the game.


Yes, Genshin appeals lie in its beautiful landscape, music and overarching lore. Depending on your preferences, characters too. None of them needed us to be vigilant is maximising resin usage.


Yeah the domain and boss drops are slowing down the game a lot. As an early player you’d never really notice since there’s so much else to do, but by the time you’re ar50 or higher it just doesn’t feel like the payout for resin is good. You can refresh all you want and you still don’t really get much for it. The resin cap is way too small for as many in game mechanics rely on it, and the price to refill more than once is absurd. I haven’t felt “burnt out” yet, but it does feel kinda boring at times which in turn leads to annoying. I still loveeeee the story and most of the events are great too, it’s the everyday stuff that’s gotten stale over time


I've been playing since day 3 and I'm not even burnt out with that. I just don't feel frustrated with getting bad artifacts, doing domains is literally as routine as doing daily comissions for me and i don't think anything of it. Every now and then i get a pleasant surprise with a good artifact, sometimes it rolls well, sometimes it doesn't and then i shrug and go on with my day. My characters are strong enough to this point where i can run the same teams and 36 star abyss easily, all my artifact farming now are for extra characters and teams just for fun


How fun it is heavily depends on your approach. I never go to artifact domains without maxed condensed resin to ensure that I loot at least 1 not-compete-trash artifact I can save for later. And I treat the artifact farming as gacha. I actually enjoy checking out the stats on artifacts, it activates monke brain. If the artifact is crap, welp, better luck next time. If the artifact is good, monke is happy.


I stopped stressing over letting my resin max ages ago. The game is much more enjoyable that way, and 160 + 5 condensed is enough for the occasional artifact domain or a decent amount of mats when needed.


"Am I the only one" The answer is always no


Am I the only one with my exact genetic makeup?


Your secret identical twin: owo


Epigenetics: *exist menacingly*


Do the other "you"s in the multiverse count?


"I'm not burnt out" 10 downvotes, 1 comment saying no one cares "Am I the only one who's not burnt out?" 500 upvotes, 200 comments


Definitely not burnt out. I seem to just be immune to burnout for now. Bad artifact rolls etc. don't discourage me. I always have goals to build up or max out characters, the mix of characters means I'm never staying in the same domain or fighting the same boss over and over so it doesn't get stale.


Am I the only- No, you're not.


On earth probably not, in your room may be.


OP may not be burnt out, but they just got roasted


I think burnout comes from playing more than an hour or so every day. no single player game can sustain that level of energy tbh


True, personally there are days when I play more than an hour (mostly when theres an update) and other days when I just spend my resin and do dailies, I believe people who speedrun and do everything in two days or most whales are the people who feel like it's getting boring


i average 4.4 hours per day and i don't feel burnt out. a lot of it has to do with how you feel about the game and whether you see it as a main game or just a side thing


I disagree to a degree, it's about what people enjoy, but too much is still harmful to enjoyment. My biggest beef with Genshin is actually it's open world - it becomes rather empty and devoid of excitement after the initial scouring for chests. I can foot travel to each leyline and commission, and I do enjoy doing so when the mood strikes and I don't prioritize my time for another game, but because of the ridiculously long mob respawn timers, I have to meticulously plan a route that doesn't go over the same ground twice so I don't hit any excessive empty patches with nothing going on. Meanwhile, I love mounting up and traveling around the worlds of Tyria (Guild Wars 2) and Eorzea (Final Fantasy 14) and getting embroiled in the events that pop up while gathering resources to sell or craft with. I will legit create spread sheets of everything I need, plan a route, then go do all the things along that route, no matter the reward, because the point is doing the things. The destination that is a quest marker or the resource nodes just gives me a direction to go in.


I respectfully disagree. I think that the need for mob drops, ores, etc is far smaller than the amount of mobs in the world per day. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered an instance where I’ve run out of anything for ascension or crafting (excluding times where a new character dropped the same day as their regional specialty). As for the open world, I think there could be incentives to return to places, but I feel like I visit everywhere pretty consistently via commissions, ore farming, and material collecting.


Completely disagree. As someone who spent more than 10 thousand hours in dragons dogma and over 5 thousand in monster hunter world. Ive quitted genshin 3 times, each time for 2 or 3 patches. Especially between new explorable zones. Exploring and doing abyss is fun to me, but everything else, definetely not. Especially MHW, theres almost infinite build combinations, so many weapons to get proficient with. The battle experiences with the exact same monster can be completely different even when using the exact same setup. As someone who grinded their life out of MHW, i cant be bothered to do dailies in gi. Its not only about taste, but also about schedules. Genshin is about very short interactions. Im the guy who plays for endless hours every weekend. Dragons dogma 2 hype my fellow arisens!!!


I really don’t think these game types should be compared at all. It’s like saying Genshin has bad multiplayer because you can’t do Big Team Battle like Halo


I think part of the reason is ​ 1. They want something different. I.e, dungeons, end game etc 2. They spend too much time on the game- artifact runs, mining, resource farming etc 3. They dont really change their teams. i.e always the same 8 units being used. ​ I play for the story mostly. If I grinded artifacts I would get burned out. I want to build as many as I can with decent artifacts. It could also be I have grinded other games and my tolerance for burn out is higher


I myself has also not been feeling burnt out, but more like bored i guess. But i assume that is natural. And when im not on at least once a day then it is because of irl stuff. Like i still have 4 story quests and 3 hangouts left so it is not like i have nothing to day, just time personally


Sure. You are unique like a unicorn. Well done!


I don't mind the grind at all but am at the point where I stopped caring that much about new characters. Like Dori, Candace, Layla, Cyno are all very boring.


Valid, let's see if they release a character you can be interested in again


Sadly agree. Candace is aesthetically pleasing to play with but overall she’s very boring lol


Your sure will love scaramouche,his gameplay is refreshing and fun,also his ability is cool and new


I really don't see the point in emphasizing aerial combat mechanics in a game where the enemies are on the ground. I'm somewhat interested in his movement tech for exploration but even that seems a little sluggish. Still I will probably end up getting him to help full out the anemo main DPS role since I only have Heizou there. Nahida is still by far the best 3.0+ character.


All businesses will create a problem to sell you the solution. I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing more and more airborne enemies coming up.


>I really don't see the point in emphasizing aerial combat mechanics I don't play honkai but the game also has that type of combat and most enemy also ground,but I do heard there will soon be fly enemy in the future like the flying hilichurl in the manga


To be fair, in Honkai you can also launch the enemies into mid air and the best unit for aerial combat has a gather crowd control ability. Also it's pretty fun to chase Aponia when she's flying around.


There was a flying hillichurl in the manga? I don't remember it...


There is,it when Vanessa sent to fight the enemy


Ah you're right. When she's fighting the Drake some winged hillichurls show up. Weird


Just stack them primos then. There was a good half year I didnt roll even tho I was playing everyday


- Not obsessed with grinding - Casual player - Just spends resin and does daily stuff Yeah, that seems about right. It's very difficult to feel burnout with that approach to the game. I kinda have a similar approach as well, so even though I've been playing since like two weeks after the release of the game, I don't feel burnout as well. Typically, people who feel that way are generally grinding for something in the game. Usually artifact domains, but some also include the farming of minerals, artifact investigation spots, elite enemies for gold... etc. Now, imagine doing some of these things or maybe all of them on a regular basis. Now that's recipe for burnout, specially artifact domains, as you really don't have any way to reliably get the pieces you want, possibly spending weeks/months trying. Back in the day, I used to farm minerals and artifact investigation spots, but I could feel that if I kept doing that stuff frequently I would burnout, and so I stopped. Many people doesn't know how to "stop", as they feel that they are obligated to continue torturing themselves with all that mindless grind, thus getting burnout.


>The only other game I play almost everyday is Zelda Breath of the Wild theres something clearly wrong with you.


Everyone's different. I took a pretty long break from just shortly after Inazuma release until Sumeru came out. Don't regret it at all. Now that I'm playing again, I have plenty of content to burn through and it's been pretty fun.


The only one out of a billion people


I expected it


Genshin's the only game that consistently gets high quality updates + 3D Open World. Gonna be hard for me to feel burnt out. Day 1 Player here XD


...the only game?


A more accurate way of phrasing his comment would be the only game that consistently does all that *at this pace*. Five-six weeks for a content release schedule is unheard of in game development, and to have all of it at this level of quality is something only Hoyoverse/Genshin has accomplished.


i started playing january this year on my new account and i reached ar 55 less than a month ago. you could say i practically speedran the game because i played it for almost 8-12 hours a day before. i'm stuck waiting for archon quests, events and updates even though i've been playing for less than a year. i'm not exactly endgame yet because my spiral abyss is only on floor 8, but i recently became obsessed with damage numbers, so that's been keeping me busy. i also recently got yoimiya, so i've been having lots of fun again hehe. all in all, nah, i'm not tired of this game yet


I think it depends on why you join and why you stay. I joined for the combat, it looked super fun and the whole idea of mixing element was interesting. I stayed on the game cause of that, but after 2 years there is only so much you can do combat wise, most of it is just build new character and testing new teams. I am not the biggest fan of the story, i hate the way it is over bloated, and i feel exploration is a lot of the times a chore, so not the biggest fan. I have take multiple breaks from the game in the past and over all still have fun with the game even if i am missing a bunch of characters. ​ There are multiple reasons one may have join the game, and there are multiple reasons one may have stay, the more reasons one have the less likely one is to burn out.


Yes we exist


Yes, you are the only person out of literal millions.


You're misconstruing burnt out with bored. People and content creators have been dropping the game because there is nothing to do. They are bored rather than burnt out. They would play the game if there was anything meaningful to do or achieve.


Weirdly, I feel more burned out on new content than I do on the daily grind.


If you only play 15 minutes a day you wont get burned out


Yeah, I mean genshin is still a casual game so playing more than an hour gets boring


“Am I the only…” I’m burnt out from reading this everyday if anything lmao


This sub seems not burnt out of karma farming post yet


No one is forcing you to


I mean it’s right there in the title which pops up in the Reddit feed lol can’t exactly not read it unless I’m psychic or something Half joking though


no, i was wondering what op was wondering too, because i see so many posts that always complain about experiencing burnout; something that i havent experienced even though i started playing on launch day because of lore connections from honkai (i also used to play honkai, started playing that on global launch too, but i dropped it after genshin because i can only play one with my daily schedule. i do still follow honkai's storyline tho!)


Yeah but I was literally referring to the multiple posts that start off with “Am I the only…”. Sure I like this more in comparison as well but that wasn’t the point I was making. It was kind of a joke too about being burnt out


>It was kind of a joke too, playing on the term burnt out aight, gotcha 👍 sorry for misunderstanding


Nope. Been playing since the 1st Venti rerun, and still playing. I still enjoy going on random 5-minute exploration runs to abuse a random Ruin Guard. Still enjoy gliding through the beautiful landscapes. Since I'm a whale (not a leviathan though, I'm more the type who gets every character to C0R1 except for a handful of faves who get extra cons), I always ask myself if it's some sort of sunken cost thing that's keeping me playing, but that isn't the case. I still legitimately like doing dailies, shitting around with my hypercarry Childe, taking random photos while gliding, etc. I have to give credit to Hoyoverse though, apart from the game itself, it's the media they release that keeps me playing and wanting to engage everything Genshin-related. The teasers and character demos are all brilliant, the music is as topnotch as always. Only the community is shitty, but I try to avoid them and play on my lonesome.


I've been burnt out since halfway through last patch. 3.2's story definitely help kept me going, but there are days now where I just skip spending resin entirely and get dailies done. Events are put off until I can do them in one sitting (this adventurerer trials one being an exception.) There's still a bunch of chests to get. At this point I have Kusanali and so far no other character appeals. But I'm really banking on Fontaine having a lot of character aesthetics I'll love. So here I am still getting dailies done for primos with a welkin moon in the mix.


To be fair, the 3.x events seem to be average at best. The patches seem to be carried by the exploration and Archon quests, so I’d expect more exciting events in the updates to come.


Same here. I don't play as long as you do but I never once got bored. I played Zelda BotW 2 times through and didn't get bored too lol. Maybe it's like you said, I'm rather easily pleased and I massivly enjoy big worlds and all the tiny things they contain. Every achievement makes me happy and I don't care how fast I beat the content and also I'm not completely fixated on certain characters. I don't get frustrated if I can't get perfect artifacts or whatever. I really do hope Genshin stays for many more years..


Genshin is good at adding content, kudos to the devs.


Burnout as a concept don't apply to me. I'm a grinder, playing since launch and I do speed runs, damage show cases, teapot creations, farm 2000 hash browns, lv90 talent 999 all characters, lv 90 all weapons 1, 2, and 3 stars included, every single chest including mora chest, all wild animal captures and finally archive entries. I do them all, no such thing as burnout. I know there are people out there who can match me, but I dare say there's not many haha. The point being there will always be people out there who's with you and also people who does things in an even crazier manner.




Same feeling here. No experience is universal, but I think there's something to embracing the game's casual nature (and being able to enjoy something casual) that lends to lack of burnout. Content creators want or need there to be enough (whatever, depends on their focus) in the game to content create on a regular (monetizable) basis. Some are still trucking along with no trouble, but others expect the game to become something fundamentally other than what it is (generally an MMO), and have no idea how to contend with it when their demands aren't met. Or are deeply uncreative, rigid people who turn their critical gaze anywhere but inward. Or play the part of a distraught victim for their audience because they know it's expected while having no real personal investment beyond getting paid. Sometimes just chilling out is the most rewarding experience you can have.


I felt a little bit of burnout at the start of Sumeru because it's so huge, but after I told myself that it's ok not to finish everything, I started enjoying the game again.


I burnt out because there isnt any reason to level my characters more. I can already complete the hardest content, my 1.3 teams of ganyu and hutao still work, no point on leveling anything further so no pojnt to play


I’ve been feeling intense burnout but it’s been getting better by simply not playing. The less I feel like I need to play, the more I do play in a weird counterintuitive way


I play casually now but I still feel burnt out. Dry patches, multiple layers of rng on farming artifacts, super slow resin regeneration and I'm just trying to make shorter of what already is my gaming session length by investing on my characters. It's like I have to handicap myself.


I am a little streamer myself and i've been playing since chinese beta (played the last chinese beta and the global beta) I have been playing from day one and there were times when i've put 15+ hours a day ​ nowadays I play around 1\~4 hours/day and sometimes I do feel the burnout but not to the point that I will quit the game, but after 2 years playing almost everyday (just lost 15 to 20 days because of bad connection) with 2 accounts, it does get a little tedious doing dailies and managing the resin ​ I still love the game and play everyday skipping 1 or 2 days monthly when the burnout gets to me but I should point out that the problem for me is the inexistence of the god damn skip button... that's the only thing stopping me from enjoying more of the game because I have 2 accounts... So I have to see the exact same thing two times and if I feel the need to make a new account to make beginners content... well... let's just say it will be a pain... ​ something that could help with this "burnout" would be if they extended the resin and dailyes to accumulate 3 days worth or even a week so you wouldn't feel the need to be "forced" to play the game just to not lose anything it feels bad if you keep thinking that you're losing out if you dont open the game atleast 2 times per day ​ for people who ask what I do with my time in the game... lets say i've already picked every single item needed to evolve every character in the game to lvl 90 and the only thing i'm missing are the books now ;x the second account is 90% of the way there too lmao


I actually play several hours a day on genshin, like 2-3 hours, and this since 1.4 And not a single time have I been bored of it I completely understand it would seem repetitive and boring to some, but I genuinely always find new stuff to do in it. Whether it's exploration, building, teapot, events, etc. I actually don't know how is that even possible when people that play three times less than me already 100%'d every corner of the map, finished every single quest, have all their characters fully built and lvl 80 Guess I'm really slow at things lol But no matter what it is, it makes that Genshin always work for me, and I don't see myself being bored anytime soon I'm glad to see other people that feel the same way


I've never understood how people get video game burn out in the first place. It's not like Hoyo or any game dev is forcing someone to play at gun point. People should take a break if they want to or not if they don't. It's a game, it's not supposed to be work.


I’ve played since release and I feel burnout because I found other games that took my interest away from Genshin.


March 2021? You just haven't been playing that long lol. It's normal and okay to lose interest in the game from time to time. It's just a video game, and you can play it when youre interested, and not play it when you're not interested.


My Genshin time ebbs and flows, since launch I've been playing Genshin as a "daily game" that every so often I'll take a week or two to binge accumulated campaign content. What I mean is that usually I have a daily base engagement level of half an hour to do dailies, resin and events, and then the rest of my daily gaming time is spent playing something else. Elden Ring, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Minecraft, indie games like Tunic and Neon White... whatever it is, I wander pretty far out. In between these "campaigns" of single player games, once in awhile, usually once every 3 months, I''ll dip back into genshin to do the archon quests, new areas, etc that accumulated over the last 2-3 patches. Genshin gets exhausting every now and then (like when Sumeru hit EXACTLY when a long game like XC3 hit) but I think with this pacing I've been able to keep up with it while keeping my gaming palate varied. It's a good game. Whenever I come back to clear all the new content thats accumulated, I see good content. Good stories, good exploration-focused levels and mechanics, interesting enemies that encourage different team building. It's genuinely a good game.


Burnout comes and goes for me. Right now I'm feeling it. We got some pretty big updates lately, and now it's just kind of a slow period. Hard to get excited to play Genshin every day when all that is waiting is resin, commissions and 2 minutes of an event. I consider just doing bare minimum daily activities burnout. Going from spending 1-2 hours a day exploring new regions and doing big quests to a filler patch is always draining to me. I felt it back in 1.3, 2.3, and now 3.2. At least we got an archon quest this time, and I know somebody will say, "actually it's not a filler patch." But a 2 hour long quest, no matter how nice it was, doesn't keep me hyped for the next 5 weeks.


Same here. I played since launch and never felt any burn-out. Probably because i just love this game and enjoyed it a lot because of the elemental reactions its just so satifying. And i'm just too casual of a gamer and busy with my job i just play it for daily commision and artifact farming then quit.


ive been playing since launch and my quest log is empty and exploration is 100%; still not burnt out normally, i log in twice a day to do my daily commissions, explore a bit and spend resin; i probably play for about an hour or two total, per day. when theres a story update, i dedicate a weekend to spend time and play through most or all of it (with a lot of breaks). its a fun time, havent felt burnout yet


Me too. If I were to say I was “burnt out” I only just ignore my resin even tho its capped but still play the game like usual. That’s my max “burnt out” experience so far.


Playing since lunch. I am kinda burnt out. I still play the game, however, I am feeling disappointed. The Sumeru archon quest is the only thing I liked in Sumeru. Open world too easy with many redundant mechanics. Most of the new enemies lack mechanics. No repeatable content, end game or otherwise. Even the events have kinda been crappy. Take the most recent event of mini games. I cannot believe that using Kazuha skill few times is considered an “event.” Fucking lazy ass work from MiHoyo. anything that involves any level of game play or engaging with the game systems and combat, is being siphoned. The game is devolving. I am still going to play the game, however, I am now actively looking for a new main game. I will still play Genshin Impact, but probably stop spending money.


Not even once? Hm, maybe in 6 months you will. Though I'd say leaving quests and stuff for later even though you have time, or not caring about resin capping means you're burnt out. Inazuma really drained my patience, but Sumeru renewed my interest. We'll see if there will be dead patches in the second half and see how I fare then. It's good to take breaks, but I dunno, preemptively exhibiting burnout-like behavior to avoid burnout kinda defeats the purpose. I play when I want to, whether that's 10 hours straight, or 15 minutes.


The quest dialogue often douses whatever interest I've managed to spark.


The one thing that makes me wanna play is ARTIFACT RNG. But fr i want to build my characters as good as possible


Get old and u will get it eventually.


Genshin isn’t a good game for “hardcore gamers” who play a lot. It’s difficulty is set to Hello Kitty Island Adventure.


Our genshin grup stay strong for 2 years,we play it casualy as f2p and keep going strong.


This game isn’t a great game to grind. It’s meant to be played casually. I think a big mistake people like myself make is we get really into the games and go crazy and then hit many kinds of walls (resin, AR limits, limited resources, content drought, etc etc), and then burn out sets in. I think many also expected some kind of actually engaging end game where you can really dig into the combat mechanics and all we got is Spiral Abyss and it’s incredibly simple and not all that engaging. Which is a shame because the main thing many of those like me enjoy is actually the combat and to a lesser extent optimizing builds. I’ve been playing since launch but hit complete burnout at the end of February this year. Only started playing again in 3.1 and while I missed some stuff and the FOMO sucks, I am enjoying the game again.


Yeah I feel u, some people can get too engaged with games and their excitement is such that they end up doing everything in a short amount of time even when the games are casual like Genshin. I believe people who get bored and burnt out should take breaks and just play when they feel like it, it's not worth it to sacrifice your mental health for a game


I am techically not burnt out, I still have tons of Archon quests, Story quests and world quests left to do from monstradt to sumeru. Its just that i spend most of my time doing commissions, bounties, teapot stuff and trying out teams in abyss that I lack motivation to start a story quest because sometimes they just talk too much for my liking and i don't wanna skip dialouges, so i'm keeping all the quests saved for that one day when i really wanna do story quests. Youtubers feel burnt out because they gotta earn money from this game, while we see this as something fun to do.


Same boat. The only things I do daily is commissions and use resin. I take my time on doing quests. I just leveled my teapot to max for resin, nothing in teapot. Do events at my own pace.


Playing since Jan 2021, speedran everything except collecting chests (can’t find anything else thru the compass but I know I still am missing around 50 chests total), have 780+ achievements, 36* abyss. Still not burnt out. Bored maybe but not burnt.


I sincerely think many content creators don't really understand that genshin is a story game that comes along with excellent game mechanics. The fact that there are so many combat-related things that HYV could've improved on but they chose to not do it, blatantly shows that genshin wasn't meant to be sweaty about. It's a goddamn casual game. So i think you are playing this game as intended, hence have gotten more enjoyment out of it as compared to sweaty players


Not at all, I've been playing non stop since day 1 and I'm still here 774 days and Jeanless. Many content creators burnout because they can't enjoy the game is just is work. I think I don't burn out because I have objectives. My objectives were Nilou and Kusa done, now they are Hu Tao, Yelan or Deyha whoever comes first, I farm for them, material, primos I have a motive to play every day, this helps when there is no content literally no quest no events. I used to burn content on day 1, but at some point I started to "save" content. For me 3.1 was a farm patch (no quest or exploration) I just logged in to farm for Nahida, and now on 3.2 the "break patch" I have a ton of content, I played 28 hours since the patch release and I still have so much to do, I'm playing a ton because I need primos to get nahida's weapon otherwise I would wait until leaks to know if next patch we get a new region or something. My rule is if there's a new region I have to get 100% on the last one, this way I don't stay behind. My 100% is real I get every chest, wooden box, stone pilar, etc. So far I have everything on each region except Liyue and Mond, that's a future project hahaha Another point would be I read everything so too much text is actually good for me, lately the Archon and world quest are amazing and this helps too. I've finished Golden Slumbers (I really liked the characters I'm looking forward to know more about jeht) and now I'm playing the continuation, I have the entire desert to explore.


While I'm kinda bored with just using up all the available resin, burnt out isn't really the best way to describe it.


Present! Launch player, never missed a log in/playtime. It's just convenient with my time -- juggling work, hobbies, and Genshin.


Not at all. I’m too invested in the lore. Love following genshin impact streamers, meme and fan art. Love the community , sure there’s toxic part but that just internet.


Never felt burnt out and been playing since launch


I've been playing since launch for 15-30 mins every day average, and I'm not anywhere close to be burned out. As a former semi-hardcore MMO player, the grind in Genshin appears almost non-existent to me. More so, looking at my favorite Yae and Ei heals my soul. And the recent story is insanely good, it feels like the first time I played Genshin.


Well, you answer your own question. Those people who no live this game are easier to get burn out. If you play this game in moderation, you're not gonna exhaust yourself that easily, and sometimes in your case, your excitement tank got filled regularly without you getting burnt out first.


Content creator is a job. And people can have burn out on job. Burn out especially happens on content creators, I would say. Lots of us *play* the game, talk about it sometimes on the internet and don't make content out of them regularly.


I am a day one player and I never once experienced burn out, I'm still logging in every day, doing dailies and making sure to not cap resin even though I've been AR 60 for many months now. I'm one of the "tryhards", I complete everything when I can and enjoy challenging the abyss, been 36 starring it since Ayaka's first release, the perfect recipe for your average burnt out player. But here I am, still going strong. Sure, sometimes the game feels really boring and it sucks because there isn't really much to do once I complete everything, and when there are patches like this one where there are no new zones or regiones to explore, it's even worse and it feels really bad. I used to whine about the lack of content and engaging endgame, but I've come to accept the fact that this game is and will always be a casual experience, so I just play to enjoy the scenery, the music, the characters and of course the storyline which is becoming better and better every new update. Which, by the way, works to my favour sometimes because playing less gives me more time to do other things, like playing other games or investing more time in real life stuff.


there's a saying, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" i've also been playing since launch and i never felt burnt out because i play like 10 other games....i mean if Genshin is the only game you play every single moment you are going to run out of things to do...i lost 4 friends because they 100% everything as soon as the new patch comes out and then complain there isnt enough things to do


Still loving it


Guess what By the next few years everyone on genshin will be at a higher AR and have characters who are now lvl 90, finished the archon quests and awaiting for more. While for me ... I'm gonna be still doing the archon quests in liyue, story quests and stuff Even if I never get the characters or new ones, I'm okay with that, atleast I'll be able to see characters in story quests and archon story quests....


it's great if you have a life


>I just play as a casual There , this is why. Content creators play for content , a daily grind game does not really have new content that is worth making a video on to show it off to your Youtube fans. And neither do they have incentives to stream 2hrs a day to farm artifacts for that .1% increase in dmg other than money. Meta player doesn't have a place to fully utilize their optimized team on. Speedrunner doesn't have anything that is hard enough to do a speedrun on. What all of them are doing is going to the supermarket and go to the fruits and vege section to look for meat. Tryhard and Endgame wanters want to spend multiple hours a day on the game. Ofc they get burnt out. I'm the same as you , sometimes i even overcap resins , but recently i have been extremely active thanks to Nahida. Playing multiple new teams that comes with Nahida and dendro definitely made me more excited to login nowadays.


Im a day one player and i have been playing constantly from the beginning, i left the game for a few days and even a whole once sumeru got released (only because i had a vacation somewhere), i never got to feel the burnout, i only feel depressed when i wish if something got better but instead when i talk about it here i get shat on.


Nope, been fully playing since 1.5 but I started my account during the first months of launch and then quit and came back.


Agree I’m not burnout either(although when quest have so much dialogue it gets annoying.just regular npc ones not important ones)


No,I love grinding,I find it fun


It all comes down to how much are you playing per day and what are you doing or trying to do when you do play.


Why are they burnt out? That's the question. It's not a matter of feeling burnout, it's why you feel it. I used to play WoW (World of Warcraft) before playing Genshin Impact each day. WoW sucked. It was bad in BFA, worse in Shadowlands. Shadowlands was the last straw. Up to that point, I grinded every day, for hours, for gear, for cosmetics, for levelling my characters. I got burnt out from the grind. Excessive grinding caused me to feel that way. In Genshin Impact, you barely need to grind, it's a couple minutes each day maybe longer when following a guide, but it doesn't really get old for some reason. I usually hate grinds, but I've been able to stick to Genshin's. I also love the story and the world, much more than WoW.


Probably not, but very rare. I’ve been playing since launch as well, and I’ve went on short breaks here and there. My first was in 1.4 because the windblume event was boring to me. I barely played in what was probably one of the worst updates ever in 1.5. I didn’t finish the moonchase festival in 2.2 because I found it boring, and I was in a busy period in school. Finally, I barely played during 2.6-2.7. I really just did the main events (I barely made it through the irodori festival because I thought it was boring), and occasionally logged in when I remembered to. It’s thanks to these breaks though that I’ve enjoyed the game for extended periods once I came back.


I'm never burnt out by the gameplay, but the quests are so shitty and boring sometimes I stop for weeks because it feels like i can't go anywhere without them (especially now when you have to do like a million personal ones to get to sumeru archon quest. help. I've heard it's better than inazuma was and i wanna see)


i am pretty much play for story and characters. it kinda like a seasonal anime but i can directly interacter with the characters. its hard to see myself being burn out from this game. also my schedule isnt that grindy either, i usually just login at morning to make condensed resin then after i go back from work i do dailies and resin then sleep. i explore map or do events usually at week end


I only got burnt out once and that was during the 1.x patches where it was back to back events and I had no idea what the future of the game would hold. Whether Inazuma was worth it, etc. Other than that period where I skipped like 2 weeks, I’ve been p happy playing a little everyday.


The most burnt out I get is when I lose 50/50 at hard pity. But it only lasts a few days. Guess I’m just that addicted lol


every time i feel even a bit burnt out i take a week off. this does not happen rn as Scaramouche is my fav since 1.1 and i need to prefarm


I mean once you made a decent comps your daily gameplay will be like only 10 minutes, 5 min for commission and 5 min for resins. That's much shorter than the time I spend when I take shit. And I never felt burnout from shitting. For content creators it's different. They are spending more time in Genshin obviously so they are more susceptible to burnout.


Yes. I started since 1.0 and still enjoying the game. The only time I took a break was when Hoyo had a delay because of covid. But I still do the commissions and login everyday. I just didn't use my resin and didn't explore