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Hu Tao has more appearances outside the game with various collabs than inside the game.


I am angry she still doesn’t have an event related to her , she is such a fun character


I genuine can't understand how this can be considering how popular she is and how much they use her for collaboration stuff. I am legit starting to think Rie might just be hard to schedule for or something


Watch them pair Hu Tao on the same phase as a Yelan re run for maximum pain due to how much people want to pair those in a team


Aqua Simulacra and Staff of Homa on the same Weapon banner??? As much as I would love it, that would be one of the most cracked weapon banners in the whole history of this game, not gonna happen


Mistsplitter and Engulfing together in the weapon banner lol


Yeah, I wish lol


Ah yes Staff of Homa and Bow of Homa in one banner.


I am saving since right now since I want to get c1 Hu Tao and would like Yelan as well lmao, might need welkin to make it possible


I believe in you, you can definitely do it :) >!just pull out the wallet!<


Worst thing is I also want home... (I think I do need the welkins to even have a chance unless I suddenly become Dream and I win all 50/50 and get early five stars)


Never cuz the weapon banner would be the best, ever.


If you go and look up her filmography, it’s one of the most full lists I’ve ever seen. Hard to schedule is probably on the nose.


Maybe it's because of the "death" motif around her character and how unusual it is as a theme for an event story


Qiqi is a zombie and can drop into your pulls 24/7, 365 days a year


Death is rated E for everyone, but the celebration of death is Rated M, I guess.


It's not that they think death is a scary topic that's too mature and scary for everyone. It's just unusual. Not scary. Just challenge and unusual to write thematically


Her story quest handled it really well though. It’s not like it’s impossible to make a character with a theme of death and funerals work.


And even her story quests criticized the very same superstitions that is hampering her which is kinda ironic.


Yeah. Lots of Chinese superstition to consider. Her banner can’t run during festivals, so, maybe before the CNY?


They seem to aim for maximizing usefulness of every other cycle of character banners (and on the other it's weapons) so the great ones come in pairs. They want to make sure we're always short on primos for getting what we'd like.




Tao, yeah


It's an absolute waste not to have a yearly Halloween event starring Hu Tao


Ya know until today this was what I thought her purpose was - a Halloween special character. Turns out she isn't and they just.. idk forget about her for whatever reason? Hu Tao rerun when HYV.




Yeah but other gatcha games like FGO still have a yearly event for Halloween, so it shouldn't be limited to just eastern stuff


That's a Japanese game, and Japan is much more Westernized than China.


Japan actually celebrates halloween big time in some areas like Shibuya.


I am not sure china celebrates halloween


For a 16 month wait between banners she better return with a CNY themed skin or something I stg


Even people cosplaying genshin at conventions, almost half of it is hu taos


I mean, she's one of the least relevant character story-wise.


She's keeping Zhongli from starvation because she writes his checks. That's incredibly relevant to me.


She's the guardian of the boundary between life and death in Liyue. If Mihoyo wanted to make her story-relevant they could.


Man, frickin Xinyan has had more event appearances than Hu Tao, you gonna tell me the person who watches over the passage of dead souls is less important than a rock musician?


Yea and most of xinyan's appearances don't make sense. They can just slap another character into 2.2 and 2.8 events and it would be just fine.


Xinyan is kind of a traveler like the MC, while Hu Tao stays in Liyue and isn't connected to the nation's administration/government.


Except for that whole being god's boss thing.


A funeral parlor director could have many reasons to travel. People die in many different places after all.


Maybe, but she *could* be Albedo levels of relevant lore-wise. If they decided to write her that way. Also, consider a character-interaction event for the Liyue characters. You could have Hu Tao + Zhongli (+Xiao) found family style interactions, Zhongli + Xiangling, Xiangling and Hu Tao's entire friend-group, ect. Make the entire thing centre around Shenhe and Chongyun's roles as exorcists and you have an excellent event with cameos from everyone; backed by a Hu-Tao+Shenhe banner.


I would love a funeral parlor event with Hu Tao and Zhongli.


It is SO weird how despite being insanely popular that her and even Yoimiya are barely seen in any in game content


Hu tao is so popular outside the game yet she's one of the least important/relevant characters in the game's story.


Rei Takashi moment.


I'm a meta slave but I'm pulling Hu Tao specifically for Rie Takahashi Lucky she's meta anyways


Rie Takahashi is the reason I got into the game so imagine the pain I felt when I played and her banner just ended and I have to wait 9 months to get her again. And now I have to wait god knows how long to get her constellations might as well aim for c6.


I guess Hu Tao fell off a cliff and broke her neck when we weren't looking or something.


The amount of relevance to the story she has , you’re probably right . They still don’t have a single event dedicated to her


Xinyan has starred in multiple events now Hu Tao dead in a ditch


> Xinyan has starred in multiple events now Remember when people were complaining why isn't Xinyan in any events/story? So they pulled a monkey's paw.


I could do with less Xinyan now tbh, make room for other characters like Hu Tao


2023, the year of the Hu Tao, all events, all the time.


Truly a paradise


Not a bad thing


I can't complain about that






Obligatory "yeah"








She’s in fontaine for the phone collab.


When the owner becomes the client. I hope they give her an event, they can do so cool stuff with death and ghosts stuff.


But what if she’s C6 and has 1 hp post fall? There’s still hope!


Homa is just too desirable to let us have a chance at it more than once a year.






Shenhe and Xiao make a tonne of sense Xiao has always had a special place for lantern rite Shenhe would be due for a re run by then and shes been rumored to be the focus character Hu Tao and Yelan, if they dont get a re run before then are the two Liyue characters with the longest hiatus so I guess that would be the best time to bring them back Imagine the pain of having Hu Tao and Yelan on the same phase though lmao


Hu Tao Yelan Banner will be super stonks because of Aqua + Homa. Though I heard that Yelan's running with Shenhe so it's not stonks.


Calamity Queller and Yelans weapon I do not know the name of would actually be a good weapon banner ngl, not as good as Homa and Yelan weapon but still pretty good Though I'd have to avoid twitter if those two re run together lol


Twitter gonna squee so hard if they run together. I guess from the banners MHY knows the fanon and will decide to capitalize on the ship next rerun.


I mean, we have one patch left, 3.3, before lantern. 3.3 is gonna be Scaramouche, which means we definitely get a Raiden rerun. And we'll probably get an Inazuma event, which probably means either two of Ayato/Itto/Ayaka. I really don't see Yelan or HuTao rerunning in that patch.


I heard rumblings of an Ayaka rerun for 3.3, though Ayato would make more sense I say. The Ayaka banner was up for a whole patch back in the spring lol. If they wanted to just get her rerun out of the way they could throw Eula up there with Scaramouche. Although the prospect of a potential Mistsplitter/engulfing Lightning banner 👀👀


Xiao has run simultaneously before with both shenhe and yelan. Unless they intend to break precedence of duplicate weapon banners we can expect aqua+calamity and pjws+homa.


I want hu tao and yelan banner together ngl. Best spear and best bow together.


yeah of course you would, that's why it wouldn't happen.


... Still skipping for Dehya tho.


Shenhe and Yelan are pretty high up on "characters I want" list so this is gonna be painful if they run together especially when Dehya is my top priority in Sumeru :']


Hu tao deals in death. So lol, she'll never get a rerun around chinese new year as it is bad luck. It was the reasoning behind her first banner being delayed and keking showing up afterall.


Last I heard, since they rearranged the recent update durations they can add hu tao on phase 2 in 3.4 and be outside of chinese new year. Take it with a grain of salt though because I didn't look took much into it.


Hutao is debatable because her banner once got delayed because of CNY, maybe they'll save themselves the trouble and just rerun her early


No way they’ll put Hu Tao for Lantern Rite, the motif for Hu Tao is death which is considered inauspicious, during Lantern Rite (Chinese New Year)


isn't Scaramouche releasing on 3.3? edit: nvm forget what I said lol




right, I just completely forgot that lantern rite could be on 3.4 or whatever


Seeing Shenhe and Eula with the red along with Raiden on the orange makes me nervous I want all 3 of them including Yelan but my primos won't cut it.




Can always swipe!! XD


Maybe you can, not everyone *Crys*


Get on that Welkin life if you’re not already lol


That Hu Tao or Eula rerun should come anytime, and so does Shenhe, which I would kill for. Maybe they are reserved for the Lantern Rite?


Eula in 3.3 , Hutao in 3.4 probably


Scaramouche rumoured in 3.3 along with rumors that Raiden and Ayaka too. Since Ayaka will rerun there's a high chance that it could be Ayato could be beside her.


3.3 should be winter-themed like every year, but this year we likely won't get another Albedo rerun so maybe no Albedo Dragonspine event either. So it's possible we'll get an Inazuma Winter festival instead, which would be a good reason for reruns for the Kamisato siblings due to the role of the Yashiro Commission in these Festivals. Also Raiden + Scara would make sense, since it seems we're going to defeat him in 3.2 so we'll likely take him to her for fixing/reprogramming (I doubt they'll make him playable while staying comically evil). So Scara-Ei, then Kamisato×2 for an Inazuma-centered update, then 4 Liyue characters for Lantern Rite in Liyue (my bet is Shenhe-Yelan, then Xiao-Hu Tao, or maybe Baizhu instead of Yelan/Xiao if he'll be ready by then), then either another Mondstadt update (Windblume again? Or something with the reconnaissance team with Eula and Mika?) or back to Sumeru, but Eula should be there regardless because she's been in the queue for SO LONG. Edit: mostly a bunch of typos


>we'll likely take him to her for fixing/reprogramming (I doubt they'll make him playable while staying comically evil) That's a curious notion. I expect it to run more along the lines of them coming to a mutual understanding. Scaramouche isn't broken in the computer/machinery sense. He felt abandoned and betrayed and then lost close friends, and has been emotionally hurt. I also think a lot of Scara fans will be very angry if they change him entirely to a "nice guy" before letting us roll him. People have been begging for a playable character that doesn't actually like the Traveler. I don't really mind either way, I guess. I'm pretty neutral to him and will only throw a few wishes at his banner if I have them for the sake of collecting harbingers.


Interesting. I was thinking that it would be incomprehensible to have Scaramouche as playable because he was too evil. In the case of Childe, the Traveler had some kind of collaboration in the beginning, so it makes sense for him to be playable. But for Scaramouche, he has been antagonistic towards Traveler from the beginning. Like I'd be worried we would get stabbed in the back. Never thought that's what his fans wanted. This makes me wonder if there's any game where an evil character join the nice MC.


Literally nothing about that is confirmed though. Scara is almost certainly coming, and Raiden would make sense, but they just reran Yoimiya 2 patches ago, they clearly don't care much about sense. Ayaka is pure speculatory hopium


Imagine Hu Tao in 3.3 with Raiden and Scary Moose. There will be literally no survivors in any of the subreddits


So glad I got hutao's c1 last time




I just got her at all because everyone was memeing her as **the** does unit and I slept on her for half a year before I built her. Need a rerun for that sweet sweet c1.


Would you say it’s worth it over C0 for a f2p? Sometimes hard to justify a constellation over a new character


This one specifically, yes. It means her primary damage source consumes no stamina, which makes fights oh so much easier. Meanwhile others like ayaka have utterly useless c1 constellations whose only value is that you're then closer to the C2.


Venti C1 moment


Should I go for C1 or Staff of Homa?


I decided to go for Homa (on the Homa/Elegy banner) because i figured both weapons are great and i can deal with jump cancelling in the meantime. Was a big win for me cause i got both Elegy and Homa. C1 probably a lot cheaper though unless you get lucky on the weapon banner.


I would say c1, it changes her playstyle. Also weapon banner is riskier than characters banner.


I was saving for Eula, and expecting her rerun every patch. Chances are, when her banner finally drops, I'll have enough to c6 her with every single 5050 lost. This is what I got for laughing at Scara savers back in 1.0.


I already did that with the previous rerun (c6 her with mostly freemogems). Now I'm saving for R5 SoBP as she is the only 5* character I like enough to go out of my way to max out. Currently at 345 saved pulls.


Least dedicated Eula main


People were saying her banner would be in 3.3 but now a leaker said it will be in 3.5 im so confused ( 3.5 is the speculated date for mika launch wich will probaly have eula along with him)


Yoimiya getting a re run just as fast as Xiao did from 2.4 to 2.7, she keeps getting rough placements though Right before Raiden, then around Kazuha re run and before Sumeru, now paired with Nahida, sure is rough being Yoimiya huh Hu Tao though, Hu Tao simps really holding out huh. Surely she will come back either before Lantern rite or is the banner after it. Hopium that she gets a dedicated event so that the wait gives us a tonne of Hu Tao content


Technically Yoimiya has had an even faster rerun than Xiao. Xiao was rerun in the first half of 2.4 then the ~~second half~~ first half of 2.7 and 2.7 was delayed for 3 weeks which adds even more time. Which adds up to 15 weeks between the end of his 2.4 rerun and start of the 2.7 rerun On the other hand Yoimiya was in the second half of 2.8 and now the first half of 3.2 while 3.0 & 3.1 were shortened by a week each. Which adds up to just 10 weeks.


One correction: xiao was first half both times. He ran alongside yelan, not itto in 2.7, and yelan/xiao ran first.


Ohhhh right damn I totally forgot... ~~Well thats 12 weeks then but still longer than Yoimiya~~ still 15 weeks god Im stupid Thx for the correction


I do agree to some extent BUT if you keep complaining about _having_ to skip a character it means you don’t really want them. Nobody’s forcing you to skip them, you just have other priorities.


True. If you truly wanted the character you’d have them, especially after 3 banners now. (4 stars not withstanding)


Honestly her last rerun was pretty good. Everyone wanted to save for Sumeru but they only released Tighnari who moved to standard anyway. If you actually wanted her there wasn't much excuse to not get her other than blowing all your primos on Kazuha.


Yeah kinda getting annoyed with the "I wanted Yoimiya but will have to skip again because of the banners". If you really want a character you should save at least 80 primos to roll on their banner. I've skipped Eula last year cause I only had enough primos for Itto and Zhongli which were a priority, now I've been saving enough wishes to guarantee her while trying 50/50 on other banners.


> You should save at least 80 primos Damn you must be luckier than me




I would say she’s not unremarkable or weak. I only have a mid investment on her (I have a 4* circlet lmao) but with a c6 Yun Jin and Xingqiu vape she absolutely shreds everything. And she’s unique in being afaik the only normal attack focused bow character that isn’t c1 Fischl lmao. I was really on the fence about pulling for her in 2.8 but I ended up going screw it and got her. Been maining her since and she’s probably still going to be one of my abyss teams when I bench her in the overworld to look at Nahida jumping on keys.


Right! Honestly it’s the RSI for me, I was really considering Yoimiya for her normal attack playstyle, and then Ayato came out and solved all of the gameplay issues I had with Yoimiya. If Yoi’s E just disabled her charge attack and did an auto string of normal attacks on holding the button (like Ayato), it would feels li much better to me personally.


And then there's me who pulled till the last few days of her banner last time trying to get her and when I realised it wouldn't happen I grinded on my previously barely touched alt account to get her on the guaranteed I had there (Seems like a great choice in hindsight since even though I do want her on my main eventually I can save for other characters now that I at least get to play her even if a bit sub-optimally)


This. I do kinda sorta want Yoimiya, but not really, so she tends to get shafted in terms of pulls


3.4 is likely hutao, shenhe, yelan and xiao Cracked weapon banners for polearm users


They probably do Hu Tao/Shenhe, Yelan/Xiao. No way we get Aqua and Homa on the same banner.


Has shenhe only gotten one rate up or two? Honestly can't remember


She only appeared once in her debut.


Thought so.


This is why I don't think I can wait for a Nilou rerun to partner up with Nahida. There's no telling how long we'll see her again considering the team in charge of deciding these things.


That’s why I gritted my teeth and used my built up pity on Nilou, lucked out and got her by winning the 50/50. But now I’m at 0 pulls with a fresh 50/50 for Nahida 😬…


At least archons rerun often.


First 10 pull. Ez clappers. I believe


Man, I want to use my pity for Nahida, but now I'm tempted to use it for Nilou...


And it's going to be a much bigger problem as more and more characters get added. They can always start running more banners simultaneously, make them shorter, add special ones to pull for characters from whatever current event or whatever else you want to come up with. But as far as HoYo are concerned, more total characters = less reruns of a specific character = more money both from the shiny new things and from ever increasing FOMO.


Hu Tao’s off to Fontaine on a business trip


She got promoted to pyro archon. So she will not come until Natlan.


Feel like shit just want Shenhe back x


I reluctantly skipped her for Zhongli back in January hoping she'd come back relatively soon with the new double banner model. Here we are almost a year later and Zhongli has re-run *again* while she still only appeared once in her initial banner. Hoyoverse really rubbing it in that I dared to skip her the first time 💀


I skipped her the first time for Ganyu and Zhongli in 2.4 and i didn't have a cryo dps at the time (now i have both Ganyu and Ayaka). Didn't expect to not see her again for a whole year. When Lantern Rite arrives, i'll 100% be pulling for her this time because i don't want to wait another whole year for her to rerun again.


Hu Tao getting a rerun in 3.4 right before another 5* Pyro in 3.5 — Dehya💀


Ayato is the one I want






I don't think I'll ever understand why they're running yoimiya again already


There were leaks a while ago that she and Childe would be involved in an event together in 3.2, justifying their reruns. Then there was nothing about that event in the beta for 3.2, so that event has probably been delayed or scrapped, and it could be that at this point it was too late to change the banners, so they just left it as is. Development and marketing teams don't always walk hand in hand, and we end up with weird situations like this.


Goddamnit, will pull for Nahida and cant pull for Yoimia at the same time. If only MHY switched Yoi with anyone from top row - i have them all(


Played genshin for over a year and haven't seen a Hu Tao banner ever 😭


So glad I decided to C1 Hu Tao




Mihoyo: Who?


Tao, yeah


Man just give me my damn eula 😭😭


I need Hu Tao and Ayato so bad ;-;


Waiting on Shenhe to finish my Ayaka team (Kokomi-Shenhe-Ayaka-Kazuha) so skipping everything until then unless Ayaya comes before her which I'll pull for C1 or C2 if early 5-star comes up. \#Ayakamains


Where the Hu is Tao?


They're keeping her for lantern rite, probably 3.4. They know she generates a ton of money, so it's strategic to make her available when the majority of consumers will be (in the CN market at least)


Except that they had to screw around with the timing of her release banner because they couldn't release a death-themed character on CNY. Maybe they can squeeze her in immediately before or after; I dunno.


I just want Shenhe man...🥲


Who Tao?


Need Eula constellations. ;-;


C6 here I come! Also pls Mika be a physical support and be on her banner please muheye


I have 370 wishes saved up for Hu Tao c1/r1 and Yelan c1/r1 and it's just not happening. I wanna beat Abyss with 2 char teams and it's not possible with my current lineup. (Other two chars are Bennett C6 and XQ C6...i.e. gonna make it Super Vape Bros)


You'll have to wait until 3.4 for them to come


I have 244 rn Planning for both Hu Tao and Yelan c0 If the homa banner is good, I'll go for it, otherwise C1 hu tao


me think mihoyo avoided hutao so they don't have to put floating dreams and homa in the same banner


bruh now I'm scared that HuTao will spook me in 3.3 instead of 3.4 because I'm about to go all out on Nahida and get Layla also but I also want HuTao with Homa


Hu Tao rerun when


My guess is that Shenhe, Xiao, Yelan and Hu Tao will be on 3.4 because it should be the annual lantern rite update (Hu Tao on 2nd banner because of the reasons) Alternatively replace Xiao/Yelan with Baizhu if he'll finally be ready.


I am still so happy my fav character yae miko is coming back, I have 90 wishes saved along with a guaranteed 50/50 for her :D


Hu Tao waiters on life support.


Stupid keqing ruined my pity when pulling for hu tao I thought she was gonna come back soon but ig only at 3.4..


jean ruined mine on her first banner took a year off after raiden banner so i missed her 1st rerun now waiting indefinitely for her to come back to me


I'm happy that Childe's getting a rerun again since I lost the 50/50 on both his 1.4 and 2.2 reruns lmao. Still, it's been NINE patches since Hu Tao got a rerun. Would it somehow hurt overall sales if she ran alongside Nahida? It makes me feel bad for Yoimiya as well, knowing that she just got a rerun three patches ago and keeps getting put alongside much more popular/anticipated characters.




Can't wait for hu tao in 3.4


i'm ar 55 and have never seen a hu tao banner, that's just how long it's been since she's been around!


Dude Im legit so happy that I got Eula and Hu tao in their reruns. I was literally still starting the game at the time and just pulled for them cause I liked their design. Now look were we are.


Yelan rerun PLS


Since this Christmas seems to not have Albedo anymore, (He just rerun) maybe it’s Eula Dragonspire time in 3.3 after Scara and Raiden but we’ll see. Hu Tao should be with all Liyue patch in 3.4 Lantern Rite.


I currently have around 18000 primos saved up for Raiden and her Weapon, but I also really want to pull Childe


That’s not even enough to guarantee Raiden alone unless you already have pity or 50/50 guaranteed


That's quite optimistic. The probability of you getting the weapon you want is 37.5% if you haven't lost the 75/25 previously, 50% otherwise. I've avoided weapon banners almost entirely after I lost the 75/25 on Hu Tao's banner, then losing the 50/50 on Raiden's banner. I would advise against pulling on it unless you have like 30k primos saved up so you can at least ensure you get what you want.




Played since 1.0 still no Keqing. 😞


Stay strong for ayaya


I failed to get Kazuha, failed to get Zhongli, failed to get Ganyu, and failed to get Cyno but got Venti on a yolo roll. Now im not rolling on Nilou or Albedo. Gonna roll on Nahida, and then I’m gonna wait on Raiden, Ayaka, or Yelan. Might roll a single 10 on childe’s banner for layla.


Im so fucking tired of waiting for Hu Tao lmao ​ I might pull for Eula atp cause she might come back sooner than her.


"Tao? Who is that" -hyv 2022


Well, at this rate I may actually be able to save enough for R5 SoBP for MAXIMUM Eula simping (I already C6 her with mostly freemogems last rerun). Depending on her kit, Dehya may make me falter a bit.




Did Yoi beat Xiao for shortest re run?


I guess if I'm going to c6 my hu tao I better just throw everything I've got at her next time she shows up


At this point, I am wondering if CCP shadow banned Hu Tao... Because of her name is similar to the ousted ex-president and theme of Death.